mid_interval <- function(x, inerval = 100){
x_mid <- as.integer((start(x) + end(x)) / 2)
start(x) <- x_mid - inerval
end(x) <- x_mid + inerval
setClass(Class = "RMotifScanPair",
contains = "ATACProc"
f = "init",
signature = "RMotifScanPair",
definition = function(.Object,prevSteps = list(),...){
allparam <- list(...)
peak1 <- allparam[["peak1"]]
peak2 <- allparam[["peak2"]]
background <- allparam[["background"]]
genome <- allparam[["genome"]]
motifs <- allparam[["motifs"]]
p.cutoff <- allparam[["p.cutoff"]]
prefix <- allparam[["prefix"]]
atacProc <- NULL
atacProc <- prevSteps[[1]]
input(.Object)[["peak1"]] <- getParam(atacProc, "bedOutput1")
input(.Object)[["peak2"]] <- getParam(atacProc, "bedOutput2")
input(.Object)[["background"]] <- getParam(atacProc, "bedOutput")
input(.Object)[["peak1"]] <- peak1
input(.Object)[["peak2"]] <- peak2
input(.Object)[["background"]] <- background
param(.Object)[["genome"]] <- genome
param(.Object)[["genome"]] <- getRefRc("bsgenome")
param(.Object)[["motifs"]] <- motifs
param(.Object)[["motifs.len"]] <- lapply(X = param(.Object)[["motifs"]], FUN = ncol)
param(.Object)[["p.cutoff"]] <- p.cutoff
output(.Object)[["rdsOutput.peak1"]] <-
getAutoPath(.Object, input(.Object)[["peak1"]],
"peak1.bed", "peak1.RMotifScanPair.rds")
output(.Object)[["rdsOutput.peak2"]] <-
getAutoPath(.Object, input(.Object)[["peak2"]],
"peak1.bed", "peak2.RMotifScanPair.rds")
output(.Object)[["rdsOutput.background"]] <-
getAutoPath(.Object, input(.Object)[["background"]],
"overlap.bed", "background.RMotifScanPair.rds")
peak1.prefix <- getAutoPath(.Object, input(.Object)[["peak1"]], "peak1.bed", "peak1" )
peak2.prefix <- getAutoPath(.Object, input(.Object)[["peak2"]], "peak2.bed", "peak2" )
background.prefix <- getAutoPath(.Object, input(.Object)[["background"]], "overlap.bed", "background" )
output(.Object)[["prefix"]] <- c(peak1.prefix, peak2.prefix, background.prefix)
output(.Object)[["prefix"]] <- prefix
f = "processing",
signature = "RMotifScanPair",
definition = function(.Object,...){
# original peak
case.peak <- rtracklayer::import(input(.Object)[["peak1"]], format = "bed")
ctrl.peak <- rtracklayer::import(input(.Object)[["peak2"]], format = "bed")
backg.peak <- rtracklayer::import(input(.Object)[["background"]], format = "bed")
# middle interval peak
case_mid.peak <- mid_interval(x = case.peak)
ctrl_mid.peak <- mid_interval(x = ctrl.peak)
backg_mid.peak <- mid_interval(x = backg.peak)
# number of peak
case_peak.num <- length(case_mid.peak)
ctrl_peak.num <- length(ctrl_mid.peak)
backg_peak.num <- length(backg_mid.peak)
# save info
case_save_info <- data.frame()
ctrl_save_info <- data.frame()
backg_save_info <- data.frame()
# start finding motif occurence
# for case
SiteSetList.case <- motifmatchr::matchMotifs(pwms = param(.Object)[["motifs"]],
subject = case.peak,
genome = param(.Object)[["genome"]],
out = "positions",
p.cutoff = param(.Object)[["p.cutoff"]])
# for ctrl
SiteSetList.ctrl <- motifmatchr::matchMotifs(pwms = param(.Object)[["motifs"]],
subject = ctrl.peak,
genome = param(.Object)[["genome"]],
out = "positions",
p.cutoff = param(.Object)[["p.cutoff"]])
# for background
SiteSetList.bg <- motifmatchr::matchMotifs(pwms = param(.Object)[["motifs"]],
subject = backg.peak,
genome = param(.Object)[["genome"]],
out = "positions",
p.cutoff = param(.Object)[["p.cutoff"]])
# length check
Motif.caselen <- length(SiteSetList.case)
Motif.ctrllen <- length(SiteSetList.ctrl)
Motif.bglen <- length(SiteSetList.bg)
if(!(Motif.caselen == Motif.ctrllen & Motif.ctrllen == Motif.bglen & Motif.caselen == Motif.bglen)){
stop("An unexpected error occured!")
# save info
case_save_info <- data.frame()
ctrl_save_info <- data.frame()
backg_save_info <- data.frame()
WriteMotifOrder <- 1
# save files and compute motif enrichment
for(i in seq(Motif.caselen)){
motif.name <- names(SiteSetList.case[i])
motif.len <- param(.Object)[["motifs.len"]][[motif.name]]
# for case
motif.case <- SiteSetList.case[[motif.name]]
motif.case <- sort.GenomicRanges(x = motif.case, ignore.strand = TRUE)
motif.case <- as.data.frame(motif.case)
motif.case <- within(motif.case, rm(width))
output.case <- file.path(output(.Object)[["prefix"]][1],
case_save_info[WriteMotifOrder, 1] <- motif.name
case_save_info[WriteMotifOrder, 2] <- R.utils::getAbsolutePath(output.case)
case_save_info[WriteMotifOrder, 3] <- motif.len
write.table(x = motif.case, file = output.case, row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", append = FALSE)
# for ctrl
motif.ctrl <- SiteSetList.ctrl[[motif.name]]
motif.ctrl <- sort.GenomicRanges(x = motif.ctrl, ignore.strand = TRUE)
motif.ctrl <- as.data.frame(motif.ctrl)
motif.ctrl <- within(motif.ctrl, rm(width))
output.ctrl <- file.path(output(.Object)[["prefix"]][2],
ctrl_save_info[WriteMotifOrder, 1] <- motif.name
ctrl_save_info[WriteMotifOrder, 2] <- R.utils::getAbsolutePath(output.ctrl)
ctrl_save_info[WriteMotifOrder, 3] <- motif.len
write.table(x = motif.ctrl, file = output.ctrl, row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", append = FALSE)
# for background
motif.bg <- SiteSetList.bg[[motif.name]]
motif.bg <- sort.GenomicRanges(x = motif.bg, ignore.strand = TRUE)
motif.bg <- as.data.frame(motif.bg)
motif.bg <- within(motif.bg, rm(width))
output.bg <- file.path(output(.Object)[["prefix"]][3],
backg_save_info[WriteMotifOrder, 1] <- motif.name
backg_save_info[WriteMotifOrder, 2] <- R.utils::getAbsolutePath(output.bg)
backg_save_info[WriteMotifOrder, 3] <- motif.len
write.table(x = motif.bg, file = output.bg, row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", append = FALSE)
# processing motif enrichment
case_overlap <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = case_mid.peak,
subject = SiteSetList.case[[motif.name]],
ignore.strand = TRUE)
ctrl_overlap <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = ctrl_mid.peak,
subject = SiteSetList.ctrl[[motif.name]],
ignore.strand = TRUE)
backg_overlap <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = backg_mid.peak,
subject = SiteSetList.bg[[motif.name]],
ignore.strand = TRUE)
case.occur <- length(unique(S4Vectors::queryHits(case_overlap)))
ctrl.occur <- length(unique(S4Vectors::queryHits(ctrl_overlap)))
backg.occur <- length(unique(S4Vectors::queryHits(backg_overlap)))
case.btest <- binom.test(x = case.occur, n = case_peak.num, p = backg.occur / backg_peak.num)
ctrl.btest <- binom.test(x = ctrl.occur, n = ctrl_peak.num, p = backg.occur / backg_peak.num)
case_save_info[WriteMotifOrder ,4] <- case.btest$p.value
ctrl_save_info[WriteMotifOrder, 4] <- ctrl.btest$p.value
WriteMotifOrder <- WriteMotifOrder + 1
saveRDS(object = case_save_info, file = output(.Object)[["rdsOutput.peak1"]])
saveRDS(object = ctrl_save_info, file = output(.Object)[["rdsOutput.peak2"]])
saveRDS(object = backg_save_info, file = output(.Object)[["rdsOutput.background"]])
f = "genReport",
signature = "RMotifScanPair",
definition = function(.Object, ...){
report(.Object)$rdsOutput.peak1 <- readRDS(output(.Object)[["rdsOutput.peak1"]])
report(.Object)$rdsOutput.peak2 <- readRDS(output(.Object)[["rdsOutput.peak2"]])
report(.Object)$rdsOutput.background <- readRDS(output(.Object)[["rdsOutput.background"]])
#' @name RMotifScanPair
#' @title Search Motif Position in Given Regions
#' @description
#' Search motif position in genome according thr given motif and peak information.
#' @param atacProc \code{\link{ATACProc-class}} object scalar.
#' It has to be the return value of upstream process:
#' \code{\link{atacPeakComp}}.
#' @param peak1 peak file path.
#' @param peak2 peak file path.
#' @param background background peak file path.
#' @param genome BSgenome object, Default: from \code{\link{getRefRc}}.
#' @param motifs either\code{\link{PFMatrix}}, \code{\link{PFMatrixList}},
#' \code{\link{PWMatrix}}, \code{\link{PWMatrixList}}.
#' @param p.cutoff p-value cutoff for returning motifs.
#' @param scanO.dir \code{Character} scalar.
#' the output file directory. This function will use the name in motifs as
#' the file name to save the motif position information in separate files.
#' @param prefix prefix for Output file. Order: peak1, peak2, backgroud.
#' @param ... Additional arguments, currently unused.
#' @details This function scan motif position in a given genome regions.
#' @return An invisible \code{\link{ATACProc-class}} object scalar for
#' downstream analysis.
#' @author Wei Zhang
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(R.utils)
#' library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
#' p1bz <- system.file("extdata", "Example_peak1.bed.bz2", package="esATAC")
#' p2bz <- system.file("extdata", "Example_peak2.bed.bz2", package="esATAC")
#' peak1_path <- as.vector(bunzip2(filename = p1bz,
#' destname = file.path(getwd(), "Example_peak1.bed"),
#' ext="bz2", FUN=bzfile, overwrite=TRUE , remove = FALSE))
#' peak2_path <- as.vector(bunzip2(filename = p2bz,
#' destname = file.path(getwd(), "Example_peak2.bed"),
#' ext="bz2", FUN=bzfile, overwrite=TRUE, remove = FALSE))
#' peakcom.output <- peakcomp(bedInput1 = peak1_path, bedInput2 = peak2_path,
#' olap.rate = 0.1)
#' motif <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "MotifPFM.rds", package="esATAC"))
#' output <- atacMotifScanPair(atacProc = peakcom.output,
#' genome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19, motifs = motif)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{atacPeakComp}}
#' @importFrom motifmatchr matchMotifs
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges sort.GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import
#' @importFrom IRanges subsetByOverlaps
function(atacProc, peak1 = NULL, peak2 = NULL,
background = NULL, genome = NULL, motifs = NULL,
p.cutoff = 0.0001, scanO.dir = NULL, prefix = NULL, ...) standardGeneric("atacMotifScanPair"))
#' @rdname RMotifScanPair
#' @aliases atacMotifScanPair
#' @export
f = "atacMotifScanPair",
signature = "ATACProc",
definition = function(atacProc, peak1 = NULL, peak2 = NULL,
background = NULL, genome = NULL, motifs = NULL,
p.cutoff = 0.0001, scanO.dir = NULL, prefix = NULL, ...){
allpara <- c(list(Class = "RMotifScanPair", prevSteps = list(atacProc)),as.list(environment()),list(...))
step <- do.call(new,allpara)
#' @rdname RMotifScanPair
#' @aliases motifscanpair
#' @export
motifscanpair <- function(peak1 = NULL, peak2 = NULL,
background = NULL, genome = NULL, motifs = NULL,
p.cutoff = 0.0001, scanO.dir = NULL, prefix = NULL, ...){
allpara <- c(list(Class = "RMotifScanPair", prevSteps = list()),as.list(environment()),list(...))
step <- do.call(new,allpara)
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