
Defines functions sar_pred sar_average sar_multi display_sars_models sars_models

Documented in display_sars_models sar_average sar_multi sar_pred sars_models

#' Display the 21 SAR model names
#' @description Display the 21 SAR model names as a vector. See
#'   \code{\link{sar_multi}} for further information.
#' @usage sars_models()
#' @note sar_mmf is included here for now but has been deprecated (see News)
#' @return A vector of model names.
#' @export
sars_models <- function() {

#NB - Table1 is stored in sysdata.rda
#' Display the model information table
#' @description Display Table 1 of Matthews et al. (2019). See
#'   \code{\link{sar_multi}} for further information.
#' @usage display_sars_models()
#' @return A table of model information for 21 SAR models, including the model
#'   function, number of parameters and general model shape. This includes the
#'   20 models in Matthews et al. (2019); however, note that the mmf model has
#'   now been deprecated, and the standard logistic model listed in Tjorve
#'   (2003) added instead. Note also, an error in the Chapman Richards model
#'   equation has now been corrected, and the shape of some of the models have
#'   been updated from sigmoid to convex/sigmoid.
#' @references Matthews et al. (2019) sars: an R package for fitting, evaluating
#'   and comparing species–area relationship models. Ecography,  42, 1446-1455.
#'   Tjørve, E. (2003) Shapes and functions of species–area curves: a review of
#'   possible models. Journal of Biogeography, 30, 827-835.
#' @export
display_sars_models <- function() {
  # display table 1 of the manuscript

#' Create a Collection of SAR Model Fits
#' @description Creates a fit collection of SAR model fits, which can then be
#'   plotted using \code{\link{plot.sars}}.
#' @usage sar_multi(data, obj = c("power",
#'   "powerR","epm1","epm2","p1","p2","loga","koba",
#'   "monod","negexpo","chapman","weibull3","asymp",
#'   "ratio","gompertz","weibull4","betap","logistic","heleg","linear"),
#'   normaTest = "none", homoTest = "none", homoCor = "spearman", grid_start =
#'   "partial", grid_n = NULL, verb = TRUE, display = TRUE)
#' @param data A dataset in the form of a dataframe with two columns: the first
#'   with island/site areas, and the second with the species richness of each
#'   island/site.
#' @param obj A vector of model names.
#' @param normaTest The test used to test the normality of the residuals of each
#'   model. Can be any of "lillie" (Lilliefors Kolmogorov-Smirnov test),
#'   "shapiro" (Shapiro-Wilk test of normality), "kolmo" (Kolmogorov-Smirnov
#'   test), or "none" (no residuals normality test is undertaken; the default).
#' @param homoTest The test used to check for homogeneity of the residuals of
#'   each model. Can be any of "cor.fitted" (a correlation of the squared
#'   residuals with the model fitted values), "cor.area" (a correlation of the
#'   squared residuals with the area values), or "none" (no residuals
#'   homogeneity test is undertaken; the default).
#' @param homoCor The correlation test to be used when \code{homoTest !=
#'   "none"}. Can be any of "spearman" (the default), "pearson", or "kendall".
#' @param grid_start Should a grid search procedure be implemented to test
#'   multiple starting parameter values. Can be one of 'none', 'partial' or
#'   'exhaustive' The default is set to 'partial'.
#' @param grid_n If \code{grid_start = exhaustive}, the number of points sampled
#'   in the starting parameter space (see details).
#' @param verb verbose - Whether or not to print certain warnings 
#'   (default: \code{verb == TRUE}).
#' @param display Show the model fitting output and related messages.
#'   (default: \code{display == TRUE}).
#' @details The \code{sar_models()} function can be used to bring up a list of
#'   the 20 model names. \code{display_sars_models()} generates a table of the
#'   20 models with model information.
#' @return A list of class 'sars' with n elements, corresponding to the n
#'   individual SAR model fits.
#' @importFrom cli rule symbol
#' @importFrom crayon bold col_align cyan green red yellow
#' @examples
#' data(galap)
#' # construct a fit_collection object of 3 SAR model fits
#' fit2 <- sar_multi(galap, obj = c("power", "loga", "linear"))
#' plot(fit2)
#' # construct a fit_collection object of all 20 SAR model fits
#' # using no grid_start for speed
#' fit3 <- sar_multi(galap, grid_start = "none")
#' @export

sar_multi <- function(data,
                      obj = c("power", "powerR","epm1","epm2","p1","p2",
                              "gompertz", "weibull4","betap","logistic","heleg",
                      normaTest = "none",
                      homoTest = "none",
                      homoCor = "spearman",
                      grid_start = "partial",
                      grid_n = NULL,
                      verb = TRUE,
                      display = TRUE){
  if ("mmf" %in% obj){
    warning("mmf has been deprecated, see News")
  if (!((is.character(obj))  | (inherits(obj, "sars"))))
    stop("obj must be of class character or sars")
  if (nrow(data) < 4)
    stop("Multi SAR needs at least four data points")
  if (nrow(data) == 4 & normaTest == "lillie")
    stop("The Lilliefors test cannot be performed with less than 5 data",
         " points")
  if (is.character(obj) & is.null(data))
    stop("if obj is character then data should be provided")
  if (is.character(obj)) {
    if (any(!(obj %in% c("linear","power","powerR","epm1","epm2","p1",
      stop("provided model names do not match with model functions")
  if (!(grid_start %in% c("none", "partial", "exhaustive"))){
    stop("grid_start should be one of 'none', 'partial' or 'exhaustive'")
  if (grid_start == "exhaustive"){
    if (!is.numeric(grid_n)) 
      stop("grid_n should be numeric if grid_start == exhaustive")
  if (!is.logical(verb) | !is.logical(display)){
    stop('verb / display should be logical')
  if (length(obj) < 2)
    stop("more than 1 fit is required to use sar_multi")
  normaTest <- match.arg(normaTest, c("none", "shapiro",
                                      "kolmo", "lillie"))
  homoTest <- match.arg(homoTest, c("none","cor.area",
  if (homoTest != "none"){
    homoCor <- match.arg(homoCor, c("spearman","pearson",
  #if (verb) cat_line(rule(left = paste0(cyan(symbol$bullet),
  #bold(" multi_sars")),right="multi-model SAR"))
  if (display & is.character(obj)) {
    cat("\n", paste("Now attempting to fit the",
                    length(obj), "SAR models:"), "\n\n")
    cat_line(rule(left = bold(" multi_sars"),
                  right="multi-model SAR"))
  #if (verb) cat_line(magenta(symbol$arrow_right)," Data set is: ")
  #if (verb) cat_line(rule(left = paste0(magenta(symbol$bullet))))
  #if (verb) bullet("O | S : model", bullet = blue_arrow())
  #if not yet fitted, fit the models to the datasquare_small_filled
  if (!is.character(obj))
    stop("obj should be a character vector of model names")
  mods <- paste0("sar_",obj)
  names(mods) <- obj
  fits <- lapply(obj, function(x){
    #have to do separately because linear does not have grid_start
    if (x == "linear"){
      f <- eval(parse(text = paste0(mods[x],
                                    "(data", ", normaTest = ",
                                    paste0("'", normaTest, "'"),
                                    ", homoTest = ", paste0("'", homoTest,
                                    ", homoCor = ", paste0("'", homoCor,
                                    ", verb = ", paste0(verb),")")))
    } else{ #if grid_start provided, implement it (for non-linear models)
      f <- eval(parse(text = paste0(mods[x],
                                    "(data", ", normaTest = ",
                                    paste0("'", normaTest, "'"),
                                    ", homoTest = ", paste0("'", homoTest,
                                    ", homoCor = ", paste0("'", homoCor,
                                    ", grid_start = ", 
                                    paste0("'",grid_start,"'"), ", grid_n = ",
                                    ", verb = ",paste0(verb),")")))
    if (display) {
      if(is.na(f$value)) {
        cat_line(paste0(red(symbol$arrow_right)," ",
                        col_align(x,max(nchar(obj)))," : ",
        if (!is.matrix(f$sigConf)){
          cat_line( paste0(yellow(symbol$arrow_right)," ",
                           " : Warning: could not compute parameters statistics"))
          cat_line( paste0(cyan(symbol$arrow_right)," ",
                           col_align(x,max(nchar(obj)))," : ",
  })#eo suppressWarnings(lapply)
  names(fits) <- obj
  class(fits) <- "sars"
  attr(fits, "type") <- "fit_collection"
}#end of multi_sars

#' Fit a multimodel averaged SAR curve
#' @description Construct a multimodel averaged species-area relationship curve
#'   using information criterion weights and up to twenty SAR models.
#' @usage sar_average(obj = c("power",
#'   "powerR","epm1","epm2","p1","p2","loga","koba",
#'   "monod","negexpo","chapman","weibull3","asymp",
#'   "ratio","gompertz","weibull4","betap","logistic", "heleg", "linear"), data =
#'   NULL, crit = "Info", normaTest = "none", homoTest = "none", homoCor =
#'   "spearman", neg_check = FALSE, alpha_normtest = 0.05, alpha_homotest =
#'   0.05, grid_start = "partial", grid_n = NULL, confInt = FALSE, ciN = 100,
#'   verb = TRUE, display = TRUE)
#' @param obj Either a vector of model names or a fit_collection object created
#'   using \code{\link{sar_multi}}. If a vector of names is provided,
#'   \code{sar_average} first calls \code{sar_multi} before generating the
#'   averaged multimodel curve.
#' @param data A dataset in the form of a dataframe with two columns: the first
#'   with island/site areas, and the second with the species richness of each
#'   island/site. If \code{obj} is a fit_collection object, \code{data} should
#'   be NULL.
#' @param crit The criterion used to compare models and compute the model
#'   weights. The default \code{crit = "Info"} switches to AIC or AICc depending
#'   on the number of data points in the dataset. AIC (\code{crit = "AIC"}) or
#'   AICc (\code{crit = "AICc"}) can be chosen regardless of the sample size. For
#'   BIC, use \code{crit ="Bayes"}.
#' @param normaTest The test used to test the normality of the residuals of each
#'   model. Can be any of "lillie" (Lilliefors Kolmogorov-Smirnov test),
#'   "shapiro" (Shapiro-Wilk test of normality), "kolmo" (Kolmogorov-Smirnov
#'   test), or "none" (no residuals normality test is undertaken; the default).
#' @param homoTest The test used to check for homogeneity of the residuals of
#'   each model. Can be any of "cor.fitted" (a correlation of the squared
#'   residuals with the model fitted values), "cor.area" (a correlation of the
#'   squared residuals with the area values), or "none" (no residuals
#'   homogeneity test is undertaken; the default).
#' @param homoCor The correlation test to be used when \code{homoTest !=
#'   "none"}. Can be any of "spearman" (the default), "pearson", or "kendall".
#' @param neg_check Whether or not a check should be undertaken to flag any
#'   models that predict negative richness values.
#' @param alpha_normtest The alpha value used in the residual normality test
#'   (default = 0.05, i.e. any test with a P value < 0.05 is flagged as failing
#'   the test).
#' @param alpha_homotest The alpha value used in the residual homogeneity test
#'   (default = 0.05, i.e. any test with a P value < 0.05 is flagged as failing
#'   the test).
#' @param grid_start Should a grid search procedure be implemented to test
#'   multiple starting parameter values. Can be one of 'none', 'partial' or
#'   'exhaustive' The default is set to 'partial'.
#' @param grid_n If \code{grid_start = exhaustive}, the number of points sampled
#'   in the starting parameter space (see details).
#' @param confInt A logical argument specifying whether confidence intervals
#'   should be calculated for the multimodel curve using bootstrapping.
#' @param ciN The number of bootstrap samples to be drawn to calculate the
#'   confidence intervals (if \code{confInt == TRUE}).
#' @param verb verbose - Whether or not to print certain warnings 
#'   (default: \code{verb == TRUE})
#' @param display Show the model fitting output and related messages.
#'  (default: \code{display == TRUE}).
#' @details The multimodel SAR curve is constructed using information criterion
#'   weights (see Burnham & Anderson, 2002; Guilhaumon et al. 2010). If
#'   \code{obj} is a vector of n model names the function fits the n models to
#'   the dataset provided using the \code{sar_multi} function. A dataset must
#'   have four or more datapoints to fit the multimodel curve. If any models
#'   cannot be fitted they are removed from the multimodel SAR. If \code{obj} is
#'   a fit_collection object (created using the \code{sar_multi} function), any
#'   model fits in the collection which are NA are removed. In addition, if any
#'   other model checks have been selected (i.e. residual normality and
#'   heterogeneity tests, and checks for negative predicted richness values),
#'   these are undertaken and any model that fails the selected test(s) is
#'   removed from the multimodel SAR. The order of the additional checks inside
#'   the function is (if all are turned on): normality of residuals, homogeneity
#'   of residuals, and a check for negative fitted values. Once a model fails
#'   one test it is removed and thus is not available for further tests. Thus, a
#'   model may fail multiple tests but the returned warning will only provide
#'   information on a single test. We have now changed the defaults so that
#'   no checks are undertaken, so it is up to the user to select any checks if
#'   appropriate.
#'   The resultant models are then used to construct the multimodel SAR curve.
#'   For each model in turn, the model fitted values are multiplied by the
#'   information criterion weight of that model, and the resultant values are
#'   summed across all models (Burnham & Anderson, 2002). Confidence intervals
#'   can be calculated (using \code{confInt}) around the multimodel averaged
#'   curve using the bootstrap procedure outlined in Guilhaumon et al (2010).The
#'   procedure transforms the residuals from the individual model fits and
#'   occasionally NAs / Inf values can be produced - in these cases, the model
#'   is removed from the confidence interval calculation (but not the multimodel
#'   curve itself). There is also a constraint within the procedure to remove
#'   any transformed residuals that result in negative richness values. When
#'   several SAR models are used, when grid_start is turned on and when the
#'   number of bootstraps (\code{ciN}) is large, generating the confidence
#'   intervals can take a (very) long time. Parallel processing will be added to
#'   future versions.
#'   Choosing starting parameter values for non-linear regression optimisation
#'   algorithms is not always straight forward, depending on the data at hand.
#'   In the package, we use various approaches to choose default starting
#'   parameters. However, we also use a grid search process which creates a
#'   large array of different possible starting parameter values (within certain
#'   bounds) and then randomly selects a proportion of these to test. There are
#'   three options for the \code{grid_start} argument to control this process.
#'   The default (\code{grid_start = "partial"}) randomly samples 500 different
#'   sets of starting parameter values for each model, adds these to the model's
#'   default starting values and tests all of these. A more comprehensive set of
#'   starting parameter estimates can be used (\code{grid_start = "exhaustive"})
#'   - this option allows the user to choose the number of starting parameter
#'   sets to be tested (using the \code{grid_n} argument) and includes a range
#'   of additional starting parameter estimates, e.g. very small values and
#'   particular values we have found to be useful for individual models. Using
#'   \code{grid_start = "exhaustive"} in combination with a large \code{grid_n}
#'   can be very time consuming; however, we would recommend it as it makes it
#'   more likely that the optimal model fit will be found, particularly for the
#'   more complex models. This is particularly true if any of the model fits
#'   does not converge, returns a singular gradient at parameter estimates, or
#'   the plot of the model fit does not look optimum. The grid start procedure
#'   can also be turned off (\code{grid_start = "none"}), meaning just the
#'   default starting parameter estimates are used. Note that \code{grid_start}
#'   has been disabled for a small number of models (e.g. Weibull 3 par.). See
#'   the vignette for more information. Remember that, as grid_start has a
#'   random component, when \code{grid_start != "none"}, you can get slightly
#'   different results each time you fit a model or run \code{sar_average}.
#'   Even with grid_start, occasionally a model fit will be able to be fitted
#'   and pass the model fitting checks (e.g. residual normality) but the
#'   resulting fit is nonsensical (e.g. a horizontal line with intercept at
#'   zero). Thus, it can be useful to plot the resultant 'multi' object to check
#'   the individual model fits. To re-run the \code{sar_average} function
#'   without a particular model, simply remove it from the \code{obj} argument.
#'   The \code{sar_models()} function can be used to bring up a list of the 20
#'   model names. \code{display_sars_models()} generates a table of the 20
#'   models with model information.
#' @return If no models have been successfully fitted and passed the model
#'   checks, an error is returned. If only a single model is successfully
#'   fitted, this individual model fit object (of class 'sars') is returned,
#'   given no model averaging can be undertaken. If more than two models have
#'   been successfully fitted and passed the model checks, a list of class
#'   "multi" and class "sars" with two elements. The first element ('mmi')
#'   contains the fitted values of the multimodel sar curve. The second element
#'   ('details') is a list with the following components:
#'   \itemize{ 
#'    \item \strong{mod_names}   Names of the models that were successfully
#'   fitted and passed any model check 
#'   \item \strong{fits}   A fit_collection object containing the successful model fits 
#'   \item \strong{ic}   The information criterion selected 
#'   \item \strong{norm_test}   The residual normality test selected
#'   \item \strong{homo_test}   The residual homogeneity test selected
#'   \item \strong{alpha_norm_test}   The alpha value used in the residual normality test 
#'   \item \strong{alpha_homo_test}  The alpha value used in the residual homogeneity test 
#'   \item \strong{ics}   The information criterion values (e.g. AIC values) of the model fits 
#'   \item \strong{delta_ics}   The delta information criterion values 
#'   \item \strong{weights_ics}   The information criterion weights of each model fit 
#'   \item \strong{n_points}   Number of data points 
#'   \item \strong{n_mods}   The number of successfully fitted models 
#'   \item \strong{no_fit}   Names of the models which could not be fitted or did not pass model checks
#'   \item \strong{convergence}   Logical value indicating whether \code{\link{optim}}
#'   model convergence code = 0, for each model}
#'   The \code{\link{summary.sars}} function returns a more useful summary of
#'   the model fit results, and the \code{\link{plot.multi}} plots the
#'   multimodel curve.
#' @note There are different types of non-convergence and these are dealt with
#'   differently in the package. If the optimisation algorithm fails to return
#'   any solution, the model fit is defined as NA and is then removed, and so
#'   does not appear in the model summary table or multi-model curve etc.
#'   However, the optimisation algorithm (e.g. Nelder-Mead) can also return
#'   non-NA model fits but where the solution is potentially non-optimal (e.g.
#'   degeneracy of the Nelder–Mead simplex) - these cases are identified by any
#'   \code{\link{optim}} convergence code that is not zero. We have decided not
#'   to remove these fits (i.e. they are kept in the model summary table and
#'   multimodel curve) - as arguably a non-optimal fit is still better than no
#'   fit - but any instances can be checked using the returned
#'   \code{details$converged} vector and then the model fitting re-run without
#'   these models, if preferred. Increasing the starting parameters grid search
#'   (see above) may also help avoid this issue.
#'   The generation of confidence intervals around the multimodel curve (using
#'   \code{confInt == TRUE}), may throw up errors that we have yet to come
#'   across. Please report any issues to the package maintainer.
#'   There are different formulas for calculating the various information
#'   criteria (IC) used for model comparison (e.g. AIC, BIC). For example, some
#'   formulas use the residual sum of squares (rss) and others the
#'   log-likelihood (ll). Both are valid approaches and will give the same
#'   parameter estimates, but it is important to only compare IC values that
#'   have been calculated using the same approach. For example, the 'sars'
#'   package used to use formulas based on the rss, while the \link[stats]{nls}
#'   function function in the stats package uses formulas based on the ll. To
#'   increase the compatibility between nls and sars, we have changed our
#'   formulas such that now our IC formulas are the same as those used in the
#'   \link[stats]{nls} function. See the "On the calculation of information
#'   criteria" section in the package vignette for more information.
#'   The mmf model was found to be equivalent to the He & Legendre logistic, and
#'   so the former has been deprecated (as of Feb 2021). We have removed it from
#'   the default models in \code{sar_average}, although it is still available to
#'   be used for the time being (using the \code{obj} argument). The standard
#'   logistic model has been added in its place, and is now used as default
#'   within \code{sar_average}.
#' @references Burnham, K. P., & Anderson, D. R. (2002). Model selection and
#'   multi-model inference: a practical information-theoretic approach (2nd
#'   ed.). New-York: Springer.
#'   Guilhaumon, F., Mouillot, D., & Gimenez, O. (2010). mmSAR: an R-package for
#'   multimodel species-area relationship inference. Ecography, 33, 420-424.
#'   Matthews, T. J., K. A. Triantis, R. J. Whittaker, & F. Guilhaumon. (2019).
#'   sars: an R package for fitting, evaluating and comparing species–area
#'   relationship models. Ecography, 42, 1446–55.
#' @examples
#' data(galap)
#' #attempt to construct a multimodel SAR curve using all twenty sar models
#' #using no grid_start just for speed here (not recommended generally)
#' fit <- sar_average(data = galap, grid_start = "none")
#' summary(fit)
#' plot(fit)
#' # construct a multimodel SAR curve using a fit_collection object
#' ff <- sar_multi(galap, obj = c("power", "loga", "monod", "weibull3"))
#' fit2 <- sar_average(obj = ff, data = NULL)
#' summary(fit2)
#' \dontrun{ 
#' # construct a multimodel SAR curve using a more exhaustive set of starting 
#' # parameter values 
#' fit3 <- sar_average(data = galap, grid_start = "exhaustive", grid_n = 1000) 
#' }
#' @export

sar_average <- function(obj = c("power", "powerR","epm1","epm2","p1","p2",
                                "gompertz", "weibull4","betap","logistic", 
                                "heleg", "linear"), data = NULL,
                        crit = "Info",
                        normaTest = "none",
                        homoTest = "none",
                        homoCor = "spearman",
                        neg_check = FALSE,
                        alpha_normtest = 0.05,
                        alpha_homotest = 0.05,
                        grid_start = "partial",
                        grid_n = NULL,
                        confInt = FALSE,
                        ciN = 100,
                        verb = TRUE,
                        display = TRUE){
  if ("mmf" %in% obj){
    warning("mmf has been deprecated, see News")
  if (!((is.character(obj))  | (inherits(obj, "sars"))))
    stop("obj must be of class character or sars")
  if (is.character(obj) & is.null(data))
    stop("if obj is character then data should be provided")
  if (is.character(obj)) {
    if (any(!(obj %in% c("linear","power","powerR","epm1","epm2","p1",
      stop("provided model names do not match with model functions")
  if (!(grid_start %in% c("none", "partial", "exhaustive"))){
    stop("grid_start should be one of 'none', 'partial' or 'exhaustive'")
  if (grid_start == "exhaustive"){
    if (!is.numeric(grid_n)) 
      stop("grid_n should be numeric if grid_start == exhaustive")
  if (!is.logical(verb) | !is.logical(display)){
    stop('verb / display should be logical')
  if (length(obj) < 2)
    stop("more than 1 fit is required to construct a sar_multi")
  if (display & grid_start != "none"){
    cat("\nModels to be fitted using a grid start approach: \n")
  #if a vector of names is provided, then call sar_multi first
  if (is.character(obj)){
    fits <- sar_multi(data = data, obj = obj,
                      normaTest = normaTest,
                      homoTest = homoTest,
                      homoCor = homoCor,
                      grid_start = grid_start,
                      grid_n = grid_n,
                      verb = verb,
                      display = display)
  } else{
    fits <- obj

  #save the full list of models that the user wants to fit for use with
  #the CI function
  if (confInt) obj_all <- obj
  #####BAD MODEL CHECKS#######################

  normaTest <- match.arg(normaTest, c("none", "shapiro",
                                      "kolmo", "lillie"))
  homoTest <- match.arg(homoTest, c("none","cor.area",
  if (homoTest != "none"){
    homoCor <- match.arg(homoCor, c("spearman","pearson",
  #if obj = character vector, check the test names match up with
  #those provide here. Doesn't actually matter but can be brought to
  #attention of user
  if (!is.character(obj)){
    wn <- obj[[1]]$normaTest[[1]]
    wh <- obj[[1]]$homoTest[[1]]
    if (wn != normaTest) {
    if (verb){
    warning("normaTest argument does not match the
                                 normaTest stored in the fit collection
                                 object. The multi SAR curve will proceed
                                 with the test used in the fit collection
      normaTest <- wn
    if (wh != homoTest){
      if (verb){
    warning("homoTest argument does not match the
                                 homoTest stored in the fit collection
                                 object. The multi SAR curve will proceed
                                 with the test used in the fit collection
      homoTest <- wh

  if (normaTest == "none") alpha_normtest <- "none"
  if (homoTest == "none") alpha_homotest <- "none"

  f_nas <- unlist(lapply(fits,function(b)b$value))

    stop("No model could be fitted, aborting multi_sars\n")

  badMods <- vector(length = 0, mode = "character")

    badNames <- is.na(f_nas)
    if (verb){
    message("\n", paste(sum(is.na(f_nas)),
                        "models could not be fitted and have been excluded",
                        " from the multi SAR"),
    badMods <- obj[badNames] #extract the bad model names from the obj
    fits <- fits[!is.na(f_nas)]

  bml <- length(badMods)

  if ((normaTest != "none" | homoTest != "none" | neg_check) & display){
    if (is.character(obj)){
      if (any(is.na(f_nas))){
        cat("\nModel fitting completed. Now undertaking model validation",
            " checks. Additional models will be excluded if necessary:\n\n")
      } else {
        cat("\nModel fitting completed - all models succesfully fitted.",
            "Now undertaking model validation checks. Additional models",
            " will be excluded if necessary:\n\n")
    } else {
      cat("\nNow undertaking model validation checks. Additional models",
          " will\nbe excluded if necessary\n\n")

  #if checks for normality and / or homoscedasticity enabled, then check
  #and remove bad fits from fits

  if (normaTest != "none") {
    np <- vapply(fits, function(x) x$normaTest[[2]]$p.value,
                 FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
    #sometimes bad models produce calculated values with all same
    #richness values and no correlation can be done. Remove these
    if (anyNA(np)){
      wnn <- is.na(np)
      mn <- vapply(fits, function(x) x$model$name, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
      if (verb){
      message("\n", paste(sum(is.na(np)),"models returned NAs in the",
                          " residuals normality test and have been excluded",
                          " from the multi SAR:"),
              paste(mn[wnn], collapse = ", "), "\n")
      badMods <- c(badMods, mn[wnn])#select the model names with NAs
      fits <- fits[!wnn]
      np <- np[!wnn]
    whp <- np < alpha_normtest
    if (any(whp)){
      mn2 <- vapply(fits, function(x) x$model$name, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
      if (verb){
      message("\n", paste(sum(np < alpha_normtest),
                          "models failed the residuals normality test and",
                          " have been excluded",
                          " from the multi SAR:"), "\n",
              paste(mn2[whp], collapse = ", "), "\n")
      badMods <- c(badMods, mn2[whp])
      fits <- fits[!whp]#then remove these models from the fit collection
  if (homoTest != "none") {
    hp <- vapply(fits, function(x) x$homoTest[[2]]$p.value,
                 FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))

    #sometimes bad models produce calculated values with all same richness
    #values and no correlation can be done. Remove these
    if (anyNA(hp)){
      whn <- is.na(hp)
      mn3 <- vapply(fits, function(x) x$model$name, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
      if (verb){
      message("\n", paste(sum(is.na(hp)),
                    "returned NAs in the residuals homogeneity test and have",
                          " been excluded from the multi SAR:"), "\n",
              paste(mn3[whn], collapse = ", "), "\n")
      badMods <- c(badMods, mn3[whn])#select the model names with NAs
      fits <- fits[!whn]
      hp <- hp[!whn]
    whh <- hp < alpha_homotest
    if (any(whh)) {
      mn4 <- vapply(fits, function(x) x$model$name, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
      if (verb){
      message("\n", paste(sum(hp < alpha_homotest),
                  "models failed the residuals homogeneity test and have been",
                          " excluded from the multi SAR:"), "\n",
              paste(mn4[whh], collapse = ", "), "\n")
      badMods <- c(badMods, mn4[whh])
      fits <- fits[!whh]
  #negative values
  if (neg_check){
    nc <- vapply(fits, function(x) any(x$calculated < 0),
                 FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
    if (any(nc)) {
      mn5 <- vapply(fits, function(x) x$model$name, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
      if (verb){
      message("\n", paste(sum(nc), "models have negative fitted values and",
                          " have been excluded from the multi SAR:"), "\n",
              paste(mn5[nc], collapse = ", "), "\n")
      badMods <- c(badMods, mn5[nc])
      fits <- fits[!nc]

  if (length(badMods) == bml & display){
    if((normaTest == "none" & homoTest == "none" & !(neg_check))){
      cat("\nNo model validation checks selected\n\n")
    } else{
      cat("\nAll models passed the model",
          "validation checks\n\n")

  if (length(badMods) == 0) badMods <- 0
  if (length(fits) == 1){
    message("Only one model could be fitted and / or passed the",
        " model checks and thus no model averaging can be done",
        " - returning this individual model fit object of class 'sars'\n")
  if (length(fits) == 0) stop("No models could be fitted and /",
                             " or passed the model checks")

  sf <- vapply(fits, function(x) x$model$name, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
  if (display) cat(length(sf), "remaining models used to construct the multi",
                paste(sf, collapse = ", "), "\n")


  #setting variables
  nPoints <- length(fits[[1]]$data$A)
  nMods <- length(fits)

  modNames <- vapply(fits, FUN = function(x){x$model$name},
                     FUN.VALUE = character(1))

  #choosing an IC criterion (AIC or AICc or BIC)
  IC <- switch(crit,
               Info= if ((nPoints / 3) < 40 ) { "AICc" } else { "AIC" },
               AIC = "AIC",
               AICc = "AICc",
               Bayes = "BIC")

  #get ICs
  ICs <- vapply(X = fits, FUN = function(x){x[[IC]]}, FUN.VALUE = double(1))

  #get delta ICs
  delta_ICs <- ICs - min(ICs)

  #get akaike weights
  akaikesum <- sum(exp(-0.5*(delta_ICs)))
  weights_ICs <- exp(-0.5*delta_ICs) / akaikesum

  #ERROR: produce weight averaged diversity measures
  # mmi <- vapply(fits,FUN=function(x){x$calculated},FUN.VALUE=double(nPoints))
  # mmi <- apply((mmi * weights_ICs), 1 , sum)

  #produce weight averaged diversity measures
  mmi <- vapply(fits,FUN=function(x){x$calculated},FUN.VALUE=double(nPoints))
  wm <- matrix(nrow = nPoints, ncol = length(fits))
  for (i in seq_along(weights_ICs)) {wm[ ,i] <- mmi[ ,i] * weights_ICs[i]}
  mmi <- apply(wm, 1 , sum)

  res <- mmi
  #get convergence info (of models that have passed checks)
  conv <- vapply(fits, FUN=function(x){x$verge}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
  details <- list(
    mod_names = modNames,
    fits = fits,
    crit = crit,
    ic = IC,
    norm_test = normaTest,
    homo_test = homoTest,
    alpha_norm_test = alpha_normtest,
    alpha_homo_test = alpha_homotest,
    ics = ICs,
    delta_ics = delta_ICs,
    weights_ics = weights_ICs,
    n_points = nPoints,
    n_mods = nMods,
    no_fit = as.vector(badMods),
    convergence = conv

  res <- list(mmi = mmi, details = details)

  class(res) <- c("multi", "sars")
  attr(res, "type") <- "multi"

  #if (verb) cat_line(rule(left = cyan(symbol$bullet)))
  if (display) cat_line(rule())

  if (confInt){
    cat("\nCalculating sar_multi confidence intervals - this may take",
        " some time:\n")
    cis <- sar_conf_int(fit = res, n = ciN, crit = IC, obj_all = obj_all,
                        normaTest = normaTest,
                        homoTest = homoTest,
                        homoCor = homoCor,
                        neg_check = neg_check,
                        alpha_normtest = alpha_normtest,
                        alpha_homotest = alpha_homotest, 
                        grid_start = grid_start,
                        grid_n = grid_n,
                        verb = verb,
                        display = display)
    res$details$confInt <- cis
  } else {
    res$details$confInt <- NA


}#end of sar_average

#' Use SAR model fits to predict richness on islands of a given size
#' @description Predict the richness on an island of a given size using either
#'   individual SAR model fits, a fit_collection of model fits, or a multi-model
#'   SAR curve.
#' @usage sar_pred(fit, area)
#' @param fit Either a model fit object, a fit_collection object (generated
#'   using \code{\link{sar_multi}}), or a sar_multi object (generated using
#'   \code{\link{sar_average}}).
#' @param area A numeric vector of area values (length >= 1).
#' @details Extrapolation (e.g. predicting the richness of areas too large to be
#'   sampled) is one of the primary uses of the SAR. The \code{sar_pred}
#'   function provides an easy method for undertaking such an exercise. The
#'   function works by taking an already fitted SAR model, extacting the
#'   parameter values and then using these values and the model function to
#'   predict the richness for any value of area provided.
#'   If a multi-model SAR curve is used for prediction (i.e. using
#'   \code{\link{sar_average}}), the model information criterion weight (i.e.
#'   the conditional probabilities for each of the n models) for each of the
#'   individual model fits that were used to generate the curve are stored. The
#'   n models are then each used to predict the richness of a larger area and
#'   these predictions are multiplied by the respective model weights and summed
#'   to provide a multi-model averaged prediction.
#' @return A data.frame of class 'sars' with three columns: 1) the name of the
#'   model, 2) the area value for which a prediction has been generated, and 3)
#'   the prediction from the model extrapolation.
#' @note This function is used in the ISAR extrapolation paper of Matthews &
#'   Aspin (2019).
#'   Code to calculate confidence intervals around the predictions using
#'   bootstrapping will be added in a later version of the package.
#'   As grid_start has a random component, when \code{grid_start != "none"} in
#'   your model fitting, you can get slightly different results each time you
#'   fit a model or run \code{sar_average} and then run \code{sar_pred} on it.
#'   We would recommend using \code{grid_start = "exhaustive"} as this is more
#'   likely to find the optimum fit for a given model.
#' @references Matthews, T.J. & Aspin, T.W.H. (2019) Model averaging fails to
#'   improve the extrapolation capability of the island species–area
#'   relationship. Journal of Biogeography, 46, 1558-1568.
#' @examples
#' data(galap)
#' #fit the power model and predict richness on an island of area = 5000
#' fit <- sar_power(data = galap)
#' p <- sar_pred(fit, area = 5000)
#' #fit three SAR models and predict richness on islands of area = 5000 & 10000
#' #using no grid_start for speed
#' fit2 <- sar_multi(galap, obj = c("power", "loga", "koba"), grid_start = "none")
#' p2 <- sar_pred(fit2, area = c(5000, 10000))
#' #calculate a multi-model curve and predict richness on islands of area = 5000 & 10000
#' #using no grid_start for speed
#' fit3 <- sar_average(data = galap, grid_start = "none")
#' p3 <- sar_pred(fit3, area = c(5000, 10000))
#' @export

#test with known dataset from results that uses AICc

sar_pred <- function(fit, area){
  if (!any(class(fit) %in% c("multi", "sars")))
    stop("fit must be of class multi or sars")
  if (!(is.numeric(area) & is.vector(area)))
    stop("area should be a numeric vector")

  if (attributes(fit)$type == "multi"){ #if a sar_multi object
    wei <- fit$details$weights_ics#weights
    #get predicted values for area from each of the model fits
    #works whether area is single value or vector of values with length > 1
      pred0 <- vapply(area, function(a){
        predVec <- vector(length = length(fit$details$mod_names))
        for (i in seq_along(fit$details$mod_names)){
          fi <- fit$details$fits[[i]]
          nam <- fit$details$mod_names[i]
          pPars <- fi$par
          if (nam == "Linear model"){
            predVec[i] <- as.vector(pPars[1] + (pPars[2] * a))
            } else {
              predVec[i] <- as.vector(fi$model$mod.fun(a, pPars))
              }#eo if linear model
          }#eo for i
        if (!identical(names(wei), names(fit$details$mod_names))){ 
          stop ("Model names do not match.")
        pred <- sum(predVec * wei) #multiply each model's fitted values by its weight
        }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(length = 1))
      pred <- data.frame("Model" = "Multi", "Area" = area, "Prediction" = pred0)
      } else if (attributes(fit)$type == "fit"){ #if a standard fit object
        if (fit$model$name == "Linear model"){
          pPars <- fit$par
          pred0 <- as.vector((pPars[1] + (pPars[2] * area)))
          pred <- data.frame("Model" = "Linear", "Area" = area, 
                             "Prediction" = pred0)
          } else {
            pPars <- fit$par
            pred0 <- as.vector(fit$model$mod.fun(area, pPars))
            pred <- data.frame("Model" = fit$model$name,"Area" = area, 
                               "Prediction" = pred0)
            }#eo if linear model
        } else if (attributes(fit)$type == "fit_collection"){ #if a fit collection 
          pred0 <- vapply(fit, function(f){
            if (f$model$name == "Linear model"){
              pPars <- f$par
              pred2 <- as.vector((pPars[1] + (pPars[2] * area)))
              } else {
                pPars <- f$par
                pred2 <- as.vector(f$model$mod.fun(area, pPars))
                }#eo if linear model
            }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(length = length(area)))
           #get model names in fit_collection
           mns <-  vapply(fit, function(x) x$model$name, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
           #build data.frame depending on whether one area value provided or multiple
           if (length(area) == 1){
            pred <- data.frame("Model" = mns, "Area" = rep(area, length(pred0)),
                               "Prediction" = pred0)
           } else{
             #have to unpack the results properly to build data.frame in correct order
             mns2 <- as.vector(vapply(mns, function(x) rep(x, nrow(pred0)), 
                                      FUN.VALUE = character(nrow(pred0))))
             p2 <- as.vector(unlist(pred0))
             pred <- data.frame("Model" = mns2, "Area" = area, "Prediction" = p2)
            rownames(pred) <- NULL
        } else{
    stop("Incorrect fit object provided")
  class(pred) <- c("sars", "data.frame")
  attr(pred, "type") <- "pred"
txm676/mmSAR2 documentation built on Feb. 15, 2025, 4:53 a.m.