#' @importFrom numDeriv jacobian
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom stats rmultinom
sar_conf_int <- function(fit, n, crit, obj_all, normaTest,
if (!"multi" %in% class(fit)) stop ("class of 'fit' should be 'multi'")
if (length(fit$details$mod_names) < 2)
stop ("less than two models in the sar average object")
#observed data
dat <- fit$details$fits[[1L]]$data
#weights and model names
wei <- fit$details$weights_ics
nams <- as.vector(names(wei))
#loop over all models in sar_average fit and fill matrices of fitted values
#and, resids & transformed residuals
calculated <- residuals <- transResiduals <- matrix(nrow = length(nams),
ncol = nrow(dat))
for (i in seq_along(nams))
#original code did not account for grid_start, when this is used you can get
#different parameter values from fitting the model without this, so instead
#of re-fitting, just take the fits from the fit object
me <- fit$details$fits[nams[i]][[1]]
meF <- me$calculated
meR <- me$residuals
if (nams[i] == "linear"){
#based on code from mmSAR in Rforge
jacob <- suppressWarnings(numDeriv::jacobian(me$model$rss.fun, me$par,
data = me$data[1, ],model = me$model,
opt = FALSE))
for (k in 2:nrow(dat)) {
jacob <- rbind(jacob, suppressWarnings(numDeriv::jacobian(me$model$rss.fun,
me$par, data = me$data[k, ],
model = me$model, opt = FALSE)))
} else {
#based on code from mmSAR in Rforge
jacob <- suppressWarnings(numDeriv::jacobian(me$model$rss.fun, me$par,
data = me$data[1, ], opt = FALSE))
for (k in 2:nrow(dat)) {
jacob <- rbind(jacob, suppressWarnings(numDeriv::jacobian(me$model$rss.fun,
me$par, data = me$data[k, ],
opt = FALSE)))
}#eo if linear
##occasionally the jacobian function returns NA for certain models:
#need to remove these,
#looks like it happens when the slope parameter (e.g. z) is very close to
#0, even if still > 0 (e.g. 1.1e-17) as looking in the source code jacobian
#seems to have a zero sensitivity of 1e-4
#so just fill all NAs for this model and it will be removed below
if (anyNA(jacob)){
calculated[i, ] <- NA
residuals[i, ] <- NA
transResiduals[i, ] <- NA
jacobbis <- t(jacob) %*% jacob
##occasionally the jaccobis function returns Inf, which errors below,
#so need to removed this model
if (anyNA(jacobbis) | any(jacobbis == "Inf")){
calculated[i, ] <- NA
residuals[i, ] <- NA
transResiduals[i, ] <- NA
s <- svd(jacobbis)
jacobbismun <- s$v %*% (diag(1 / s$d)) %*% (t(s$u))
hatMat <- jacob %*% jacobbismun %*% t(jacob)
matList <- list(jacob = jacob, hatMat = hatMat)
#Residuals transformation from Davidson and Hinkley, 1997 "Bootstrap
#methods and their applications" p 259 eq (6.9)
diagHatMat <- diag(hatMat)
tr <- meR - mean(meR)
#checked and this gives same values as mmSAR
tr <- suppressWarnings(tr / sqrt(1 - diagHatMat))
#fill in the matrices for this model
calculated[i, ] <- meF
residuals[i, ] <- meR
transResiduals[i, ] <- tr
}#eo for
rownames(transResiduals) <- nams
rownames(residuals) <- rownames(transResiduals)
rownames(calculated) <- rownames(residuals)
#some models have NANs in the transResiduals calculation; so remove them
#from all the matrices (and names vectors)
if (anyNA(transResiduals)){
wna <- which(apply(transResiduals, 1, anyNA))
warning(paste("The following model(s) has been removed from the",
" confidence interval calculations as NAs/Infs are
present in the transformed residuals:",
paste(names(wna), collapse = ", ")))
calculated <- calculated[-wna, ]
residuals <- residuals[-wna, ]
transResiduals <- transResiduals[-wna, ]
wei <- wei[-wna]
nams <- nams[-wna]
# nams_short <- nams_short[-wna]
#identical only works with two objects, so use sapply to compare all objects
#in a pairwise fashion
if (!all(sapply(list(nrow(residuals),
nrow(transResiduals), length(wei),
FUN = identical, nrow(calculated))))
stop ("Problem with removed models following transResiduals checks")
#run the bootstrapping (based on code in mmSAR)
if (display) {
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n, style = 3)
z <- 1
nBoot <- n
#choosing an IC criterion (AIC or AICc or BIC): same code as within
#sar_average as needs to be identical
IC <- crit
#test variable
nGoodBoot <- 1
#matrix to put the final mmi values in
bootHat <- matrix(0, nBoot, nrow(dat))
filtModelList <- nams
while (nGoodBoot < nBoot+1) {
#create vector to fill with the bootstrapped values to use ad richness
bootVec <- vector(length = nrow(dat))
test <- 1
chousModel <- filtModelList[rmultinom(1, 1, wei)==1]
while (test != 0 ) {
for (l in seq_len(nrow(dat))) {
positives <- transResiduals[chousModel, ][transResiduals[chousModel, ] > 0]
negatives <- transResiduals[chousModel, ][transResiduals[chousModel, ] < 0]
#this line ensures that there can be no negative S values resulting from
#adding negative trans residuals to them
vtci <- negatives[abs(negatives) <= calculated[chousModel, l] ]
vtci <- c(vtci, positives)
value <- sample(vtci, 1)
bootVec[l] <- calculated[chousModel, l] + value
}#end of for
#test if one species richness is negative. Although we filter out any
#negative trans residuals that would make the calculated value < 0 when
#added to it, you can still get negative data values if the original
#calculated value is < 0 and the selected positive trans residual is <
#abs(calculated value). mmsAR originally dealt with this by only selecting
#positive trans residuals which were > abs(calculated vale), but if no
#positive trans residuals are > it just errors. This way here the while
#loop just restarts and should (eventually) select a different model.
test <- length(which(bootVec < 0))
}#end of while
#fit multiSAR
df <- data.frame("A" = dat$A, "S" = bootVec)
#in here we use for model names obj_all which means that all the models
#that the user originally tried to fit are used, even if some of them were
#removed from the original mmi curve due to failing residuals tests etc.
#It also now uses the same arguments for checks and grid_start etc that
#the user originally uses with their mmi curve
optimres <- tryCatch(suppressMessages(sar_average(obj = obj_all,
data = df,
crit = crit,
normaTest = normaTest,
homoTest = homoTest,
homoCor = homoCor,
neg_check = neg_check,
alpha_normtest = alpha_normtest,
alpha_homotest = alpha_homotest,
grid_start = grid_start,
grid_n = grid_n,
verb = FALSE,
display = FALSE)),
error = function(e) NA)
#Nov 2020: replaced lots of code that was just calculating the mmi curve,
#with the mmi curve values from sar_average. Checked and this produces
#the same results.
if (length(optimres) == 1) {
} else {
#progress bar
if (display) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, z)
z <- z + 1
bootHat[nGoodBoot,] <- optimres$mmi
nGoodBoot <- nGoodBoot + 1
}#eo while
if (display) cat("\n")#needed to drop warnings below progress bar
#sort and return the CIs
bootSort <- apply(bootHat, 2, sort)
alp <- 0.025
c1 <- ceiling(n * alp)#ceiling avoids any cases of 0
c2 <- ceiling(n * (1-alp))
CI <- data.frame("L" = bootSort[c1, ], "U" = bootSort[c2, ])
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