gdm: Fit the General Dynamic Model of Island Biogeography

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gdmR Documentation

Fit the General Dynamic Model of Island Biogeography


Fit the general dynamic model (GDM) of island biogeography using a variety of non-linear and linear SAR models. Functions are provided to compare the GDM fitted using different SAR models, and also, for a given SAR model, to compare the GDM with alternative nested candidate models (e.g. S ~ Area + Time).


gdm(data, model = "linear", mod_sel = FALSE, AST = c(1, 2, 3),
  start_vals = NULL)



A dataframe or matrix with at least three columns, where one column should include island area values, one island richness values and one island age values.


Name of the SAR model to be used to fit the GDM. Can be any of 'loga', 'linear', 'power_area', 'power_area_time', 'all', or 'ATT2'.


Logical argument specifying whether, for a given SAR model, a model comparison of the GDM with other nested candidate models should be undertaken.


The column locations in data for the area, richness and time values (in that order).


An optional dataframe with starting parameter values for the non-linear regression models (same format as in nls). Default is set to NULL.


The GDM models island species richness as a function of island area and island age, and takes the general form: S ~ A + T + T^2, where S = richness, A =area, and T = island age. The T^2 term is included as the GDM predicts a hump-shaped relationship between island richness and island age. However, a variety of different SAR models have been used to fit the GDM and five options are available here: four using non-linear regression and one using linear regression.

Non-linear models

Four SAR models can be used here to fit the GDM: the logarithmic (model = "loga"), linear (model = "linear") and power (model = "power_area") SAR models. Another variant of the GDM includes power functions of both area and time (model = "power_area_time"). Model fitting follows the procedure in Cardoso et al. (2015). For example, when the linear SAR model is used, the GDM can be fitted using the expression: S ~ Int + A*Area + Ti*T + Ti2*T^2, where Int, A, Ti and Ti2 are free parameters to be estimated. When the power model is used just for area, the equivalent expression is: S ~ exp(Int + A*log(Area) + Ti*T + Ti2*T^2). For all four models, the GDM is fitted using non-linear regression and the nls function. It should be noted that the two power models are fitted using S ~ exp(...) to ensure the same response variable (i.e. S and not log(S)) is used in all GDM models and thus AIC etc can be used to compare them.

For each model fit, the residual standard error (RSE), R2 and AIC and AICc values are reported. However, as the model fit object is returned, it is possible to calculate or extract various other measures of goodness of fit (see nls).

If mod_sel = TRUE, the GDM (using a particular SAR model) is fitted and compared with three other (nested) candidate models: area and time (i.e. no time^2 term), just area, and an intercept only model. The intercept only model is fitted using lm rather than nls. If model = "all", the GDM is fitted four times (using the power_area, power_area_time, loga and linear SAR models), and the fits compared using AIC and AICc.

Non-linear regression models are sensitive to the starting parameter values selected. The defaults used here have been chosen as they provide a sensible general choice, but they will not work in all circumstances. As such, alternative starting values can be provided using the start_vals argument - this is done in the same way as for nls. The four parameter names are: Int (intercept), A (area), Ti (Time), Ti2 (Time^2) (see the example below). This only works for the full GDM non-linear models, and not for the nested models that are fitted when mod_sel = TRUE or for the linear models (where they are not needed). If used with model = "all", the same starting parameter values will be provided to each of the four GDM models (power_area, power_area_time, logarithmic and linear).

Linear ATT2 Model

As an alternative to fitting the GDM using non-linear regression, the model can be fitted in various ways using linear regression. This can also be useful if you are having problems with the non-linear regression algorithms not converging. If model = "ATT2" is used, the GDM is fitted using the semi-log logarithmic SAR model using linear regression (with untransformed richness and time, and log(area)); this is the original GDM model fitted by Whittaker et al. (2008) and we have used their chosen name (ATT2) to represent it. Steinbauer et al. (2013) fitted variants of this model using linear regression by log-transforming richness and / or time. While we do not provide functionality for fitting these variants, this is easily done by simply providing the log-transformed variable values to the function rather than the untransformed values. Using model = "ATT2" is basically a wrapper for the lm function. If mod_sel == TRUE, the GDM is fitted and compared with three other (nested) candidate models: log(area) and time (i.e. no time^2 term), just log(area), and an intercept only model.


Different objects are returned depending on whether the non-linear or linear regression models are fitted.

Non-linear models

An object of class 'gdm'. If model is one of "loga", "linear", "power_area" or "power_area_time" the returned object is a nls model fit object. If model == "all", the returned object is a list with four elements; each element being a nls fit object. If mod_sel == TRUE and model != "all", a list with four elements is returned; each element being a lm or nls fit object. When model == "all", a list with four elements is returned; each element being a list of the four model fits for a particular SAR model.

Linear ATT2 Model

If model = "ATT2" is used, the returned object is of class 'gdm' and 'lm' and all of the method functions associated with standard 'lm' objects (e.g. plot and summary) can be used. If mod_sel = TRUE a list with four elements is returned; each element being a lm object.


The intercept (Int) parameter that is returned in the power models fits (model = "power_area" | "power_area_time") is on the log scale.


Whittaker, R. J., Triantis, K. A., & Ladle, R. J. (2008). A general dynamic theory of oceanic island biogeography. Journal of Biogeography, 35, 977-994.

Borregaard, M. K. et al. (2017). Oceanic island biogeography through the lens of the general dynamic model: assessment and prospect. Biological Reviews, 92, 830-853.

Cardoso, P., Rigal, F., & Carvalho, J. C. (2015). BAT–Biodiversity Assessment Tools, an R package for the measurement and estimation of alpha and beta taxon, phylogenetic and functional diversity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6, 232-236.

Steinbauer, M.J., Dolos, K., Field, R., Reineking, B. & Beierkuhnlein, C. (2013) Re-evaluating the general dynamic theory of oceanic island biogeography. Frontiers of Biogeography, 5.

Carey, M., Boland, J., Weigelt, P. & Keppel, G. (2020) Towards an extended framework for the general dynamic theory of biogeography. Journal of Biogeography, 47, 2554-2566.


#create an example dataset and fit the GDM using the logarithmic SAR model
galap$t <- c(4, 1, 13, 16, 15, 2, 6, 4, 5, 11, 3, 9, 8, 10, 12, 7)
g <- gdm(galap, model = "loga", mod_sel = FALSE)

#Compare the GDM (using the logarithmic model) with other nested candidate
g2 <- gdm(galap, model = "loga", mod_sel = TRUE)

#compare the GDM fitted using the linear, logarithmic and both power models
g3 <- gdm(galap, model = "all", mod_sel = FALSE)

#fit the GDM using the original ATT2 model of Whittaker et al. 2008 using lm,
#and compare it with other nested models
g4 <- gdm(galap, model = "ATT2", mod_sel = TRUE)

#provide different starting parameter values when fitting the non-linear
#power model GDM
g5 <- gdm(galap, model = "power_area",
start_vals = data.frame("Int" = 0, "A" = 1, Ti = 1, Ti2 = 0))

txm676/mmSAR2 documentation built on March 1, 2025, 5:34 p.m.