######################################## optimization function
#' @importFrom stats formula optim shapiro.test ks.test cor.test pt confint coef
#' @importFrom nortest lillie.test
rssoptim <- function(model, data, start = NULL, algo = "Nelder-Mead",
normaTest = "none", homoTest = "none",
homoCor = "spearman", verb = TRUE){
#initial parameters
if (is.null(start)) {
start <- model$init(data)
start <- start
#if outside ranges : rescaling
for (i in seq_along(start)) {
if (model$parLim[i] != "R") {
if (start[i] <= 0) { start[i] <- 0.1 }
if (model$parLim[i] == "unif") {
if (start[i] > 1) { start[i] <- .8 }
}#eo for
#starting values on the link function scale
startMod <- transLink(start,model$parLim)
names(startMod) <- model$parNames
#RSS function
rssfun <- model$rss.fun
#optimization (first result)
res1 <- tryCatch(optim(startMod, rssfun, hessian = TRUE, data = data,
method = algo, control = list(maxit = 50000)),
error = function(e){e})
#Backtransformation of parameter values; the rssfun backtransforms
#the values tried by optim for Rplus parameters before calculating rss
#and so we need to do this here to get the true value that was used to get rss.
res1$par <- backLink(res1$par,model$parLim)
#renaming the parameters vector
names(res1$par) <- model$parNames
#for asymptotic model, if a negative z is returned, just error, as this
#causes very strange fits. This will then return the model did not fit
#message to the user.
if (model$name == "Asymptotic regression"){
if (res1$par[3] < 0){
stop ("Asymp negative z")
#calculating expected richness
S.calc <- model$mod.fun(data$A,res1$par)
#residuals (changed order Nov 2020)
#residu <- as.vector(S.calc - data$S)
residu <- as.vector(data$S - S.calc)
#squared residuals
sq_residu <- residu^2
#second result
res2 <- list(startvalues=start,data=data,model=model,
#Residual tests
normaTest <- match.arg(normaTest, c("none", "shapiro", "kolmo", "lillie"))
homoTest <- match.arg(homoTest, c("none","cor.area","cor.fitted"))
l <- data[[2]]
if (length(l) < 5 & normaTest == "lillie") {
warning("The Lilliefors test cannot be performed with less than 5",
" data points, changing to no residual normality test\n")
normaTest <- "none"
}#eo if length
#normality of residuals
if (normaTest == "shapiro") {
normaTest <- list("test" = "shapiro", tryCatch(shapiro.test(residu),
error = function(e)NA))
} else if (normaTest == "lillie"){
normaTest <- list("test" = "lillie", tryCatch(lillie.test(residu),
error = function(e)NA))
} else if (normaTest == "kolmo"){
normaTest <- list("test" = "kolmo", tryCatch(ks.test(residu, "pnorm"),
error = function(e)NA))
} else{
normaTest <- list("test" = "none", "none")
#Homogeneity of variance
if (homoTest == "cor.area"){
homoTest <- list("test" = "cor.area",
method = homoCor)),
error = function(e)list(estimate=NA,p.value=NA)))
} else if (homoTest == "cor.fitted"){
homoTest <- list("test" = "cor.fitted",
method = homoCor)),
error = function(e)list(estimate=NA,p.value=NA)))
} else {
homoTest <- list("test" = "none", "none")
#common vars
n <- length(l)
P <- length(model$parLim) + 1 # + 1 for the estimated variance
#R2 (Kvaleth, 1985, Am. Statistician)
R2 <- 1 - ((res1$value) / sum((data$S - mean(data$S))^2))
#R2a (He & Legendre 1996, p724)
R2a <- 1 - (((n-1)*(res1$value)) /
((n-P)*sum((data$S - mean(data$S))^2)))
#old formulas based on rss
#AIC <- n * log(res1$value / n) + 2 * P
#AICc <- n * log(res1$value / n) + 2*P*(n / (n - P - 1))
#BIC <- n *log(res1$value / n) + log(n) * P
#using log likelihood (and AIC etc) based on nls approach
#log likelihood code from nls
val <- -n * (log(2 * pi) + 1 - log(n) + log(sum(residu^2)))/2
AIC <- (2 * P) - (2 * val)
AICc <- -2 * val + 2 * P * (n / (n - P - 1))
BIC <- (-2 * val) + (P * log(n))
res3 <- list(AIC=AIC, AICc=AICc, BIC=BIC, R2=R2, R2a=R2a)
verge <- ifelse(res1$convergence==0, TRUE, FALSE)
#Removed Nov 2020
#(Korvath - negative R2 indicates complete lack of fit)
#verge <- ifelse(R2 <= 0, FALSE, TRUE)
res <- c(res1,list(verge=verge),res2,res3)
#estimates significance and confidence interval (95%) using nls;
#but using our fitted parameter estimates rather than re-fitting a new
#model using nls (i.e. the par estimates are identical), we are simply
#using the nls framework to get se, t-values, p-values etc.
#constructing a nlsModel object
formul <- formula(paste("S ~",as.character(model$exp)))
env <- environment(formul)
if (is.null(env)){
env <- parent.frame()
environment(formul) <- env
nMod <- tryCatch(stats_nlsModel(formul,data,res1$par),
error = function(e)NA)
if (!inherits(nMod, "nlsModel")){
if (verb){
warning(model$name,": singular gradient at parameter estimates:
no parameters significance and conf. intervals.", call. = FALSE)
res$sigConf <- NA
#number of parameters
p <- length(model$parLim)
#residuals degrees of freedom
rdf <- n - p
#residuals variance
resvar <- res1$value / rdf
#calculating the inverse of the upper triangular factor
#of the gradient array at estimated parameter values
XtXinv <- chol2inv(nMod$Rmat())
dimnames(XtXinv) <- list(names(start), names(start))
#formatting the table of estimates, standard error, t value and
#significance of parameters
se <- sqrt(diag(XtXinv) * resvar)
tval <- res1$par/se
param <- cbind(res1$par, se, tval, 2 * pt(abs(tval), rdf,
lower.tail = FALSE))
dimnames(param) <- list(model$paramnames, c("Estimate", "Std. Error",
"t value", "Pr(>|t|)"))
#95% confidence interval, simply 2 * the SE: method used
#in mmSAR
conf <- matrix(c(param[,"Estimate"] - 2 * param[,"Std. Error"],
param[,"Estimate"] + 2 * param[,"Std. Error"]),p,2)
colnames(conf) <- c("2.5%","97.5%")
sigConf <- cbind(param, conf)
#If power model is fitted, properly fit the model using nls and get the par
#estimates & confidence intervals using their approach. Sometimes the model
#will fit with nls and converge, but the confint function will not work with
#the resultant object (e.g. states singular gradient), so if this happens we
#return nothing for the nls CIs
if (model$name == "Power"){
yobs <- data$S
xobs <- data$A
nls_pow <- tryCatch(nls(yobs ~ c * xobs^z,
start = list("c" = res1$par[1], "z" = res1$par[2])),
error = function(e)NA)
if (!anyNA(nls_pow)) {
coef_nls_pow <- as.vector(coef(nls_pow))
CI_nls_pow <- tryCatch(suppressMessages(confint(nls_pow)),
error = function(e)NA)
if (!anyNA(CI_nls_pow)){
sigConf <- cbind(sigConf, "nls.Est." = coef_nls_pow, CI_nls_pow)
colnames(sigConf)[8:9] <- c("nls.2.5%", "nls.97.5%")
}#eo if power
res$sigConf <- sigConf
}#eo if else is.na(nMod)
res$normaTest <- normaTest
res$homoTest <- homoTest
}#eo rssoptim
######################################## Multiple starting values optimization function
#function to work out if all values in a vector are the same
vec.equal <- function (x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
if (length(x) == 1)
x <- range(x)/mean(x)
isTRUE(all.equal(x[1], x[2], tolerance = tol))
#' @importFrom stats runif sd
grid_start_fit <- function(model, data, n, type, algo = "Nelder-Mead",
normaTest = "none", homoTest = "none",
homoCor = "spearman",
verb = TRUE) {
#if type == "partial", just sample the 500 values from the start.list
#sequence values.
# if(length(model$parNames)<4){
ns <- 100
# }else{
# ns <- 10
# }
start.list <- lapply(model$parLim,function(x){
res <- switch(x,
R = sample(seq(-500,500), ns),
Rplus = c(seq(.1,500,length.out = ns)),
unif = runif(ns)
names(start.list) <- model$parNames
grid.start <- expand.grid(start.list)
if (n > nrow(grid.start)){
n <- nrow(grid.start)
warning(paste0("grid_n larger than possible combinations for ", model$name,
": setting grid_n to max possible\n"))
grid.start <- grid.start[sample.int(dim(grid.start)[1],n),]
#add our default in as possible
def.start <- model$init(data)
names(def.start) <- colnames(grid.start)
grid.start <- rbind(grid.start, def.start)
#if type == exhaustive, then do a more expansive search of starting par
if (type == "exhaustive"){
#ensure very small values are included as useful for some models
sm_val <- lapply(model$parNames, function(x){
c(0.000001, 0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1)
sm_grid <- expand.grid(sm_val)
colnames(sm_grid) <- colnames(grid.start)
grid.start <- rbind(grid.start, sm_grid)
# the asymptote parameters are all Rplus, and when e.g. PD is used as the
# response, the asymptote can occur much higher than 500, so for Rplus,
# we tag on the 4 largest richness values on the end (and one 75% of largest).
# Values also tagged on
# if max richness < 500, but this doesn't matter (and might help as should
# be closer to true asymptote value)
if (any(model$parLim == "Rplus")){
RPM <- sort(data$S, decreasing = TRUE)[1:4]
RPM75 <- max(data$S) * 0.75
RPM <- c(RPM, RPM75)
RPM <- c(RPM)
WPM <- which(model$parLim == "Rplus")
WPM2 <- which(!model$parLim == "Rplus")
ZZ <- vector("list", length = length(model$parLim))
#iterate across model parameters, and if Rplus store the 4 largest values,
#and if not, store the relevant values. Then create a new expanded grid
#and add onto grid.start
for (i in 1:length(model$parLim)){
if (model$parLim[i] == "Rplus"){
ZZ[[i]] <- RPM
} else if(model$parLim[i] == "R"){
ZZ[[i]] <- c(-500, -250, -50, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 50, 250, 500)
} else{
ZZ[[i]] <- runif(5)
}#eo for
lar_grid <- expand.grid(ZZ)
colnames(lar_grid) <- colnames(grid.start)
grid.start <- rbind(grid.start, lar_grid)
}#eo if Rplus
#some more specific z values for Chapman and Gompertz models
if (model$name == "Chapman Richards"){
zseq <- c(0.00001, 0.00005, 0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.005,
0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5)
gs2 <- data.frame(rep(def.start[1], 10), zseq, rep(def.start[3], 10))
colnames(gs2) <- colnames(grid.start)
grid.start <- rbind(grid.start, gs2)
#Some extra c values, based on holding z and d constant
z1 <- 1 / sd(data$A)#stack forum presents this as useful z start
c1 <- seq(0.01, 25, 0.001)
c1 <- c(c1, seq(25, 100, 0.01))
gs3 <- data.frame(rep(def.start[1], length(c1)),
rep(z1, length(c1)), c1)
colnames(gs3) <- colnames(grid.start)
grid.start <- rbind(grid.start, gs3)
if (model$name == "Gompertz"){
d2 <- sort(data$S, decreasing = TRUE)[1:3]
zz2 <- c(0.00001, 0.00005, 0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.005,
0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5)
cc <- def.start[3]
cc2 <- c(cc + 5, cc + 10, cc + 50, cc + 100, cc + 200, cc + 500, cc + 800,
cc - 5, cc - 10, cc - 50, cc - 100, cc - 200, cc - 500, cc - 800)
gs2 <- expand.grid(d2, zz2, cc2)
colnames(gs2) <- colnames(grid.start)
grid.start <- rbind(grid.start, gs2)
}#eo if exhaustive
fit.list <- suppressWarnings(apply(grid.start, 1, function(x){
# if (verb) cat(".")
tryCatch(rssoptim(model, data, start = x, algo = algo,
normaTest = normaTest, homoTest = homoTest,
homoCor = homoCor),
error = function(e) list(value = NA))
fit.list <- as.list(fit.list)
values <- unlist(lapply(fit.list,function(x){x$value}))
# note this just returns one value even if there are multiple values with
# the same lowest rss - and there almost always will be as lots of starting
# par estimates will converge on same final pars, so this is fine.
#This finds the min RSS, then checks if multiple par estimates return the same
#rss. If so, it throws a warning and randomly selects a set. If not,
#it just returns the min set
min_val <- min(values, na.rm = TRUE)
w_mult <- as.vector(which(values == min_val))
if (length(w_mult) > 1){
mult_pars <- vapply(fit.list[w_mult], function(x) x$par,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(length(model$parNames)))
mult_pars <- round(mult_pars, 2)
mult_equal <- apply(mult_pars, 2, function(x) vec.equal(x))
if (any(!mult_equal) & verb){
warning(paste0(model$name, ": Multiple parameter estimates returned the ",
"same minimum rss; one set have been randomly selected"))
min <- sample(w_mult, 1)
} else{
min <- which.min(values)
if (length(min) != 0) {
} else{
list(value = NA)
}#eo grid_start_fit
######################################## optimization wrapper
get_fit <- function(model = model, data = data, start = NULL,
grid_start = "partial", grid_n = NULL, algo = "Nelder-Mead",
normaTest = "none", homoTest = "none",
homoCor = "spearman",
verb = TRUE){
if (isFALSE(is.null(start)) & (grid_start != "none")){
stop("You must choose between 'start' and 'grid_start',",
" but choose wisely\n")
##found that for some models, grid start often pushes it into weird parameter
##space (e.g. weibull 3 becomes wiggly), but not forbidden space (e.g. pars
##are all positive) so for now, for these models, just fit using our starting
##parameter estimates.
if (grid_start != "none") { #use grid_search
if (!model$name %in% c("Cumulative Weibull 3 par.",
"Cumulative Weibull 4 par.")){
#for grid_start == partial, use n of 500.
if (grid_start == "partial") grid_n <- 500
fit <- grid_start_fit(model = model, data = data, n = grid_n,
type = grid_start,
algo = algo, normaTest = normaTest,
homoTest = homoTest, homoCor = homoCor, verb = verb)
} else{
fit <- tryCatch(rssoptim(model = model, data = data, algo = algo,
normaTest = normaTest, homoTest = homoTest,
homoCor = homoCor, verb = verb),
error=function(e) list(value = NA))
} else if (!is.null(start)){#or provided start values
fit <- tryCatch(rssoptim(model = model, data = data,
start = start, algo = algo,
normaTest = normaTest, homoTest = homoTest,
homoCor = homoCor, verb = verb),
error = function(e) list(value = NA))
} else { #or if neither selected, use default start values from within sars
fit <- tryCatch(rssoptim(model = model, data = data, algo = algo,
normaTest = normaTest, homoTest = homoTest,
homoCor = homoCor, verb = verb),
error=function(e) list(value = NA))
if(is.na(fit$value) & verb){
warning("The model could not be fitted :(\n")
return(list(value = NA))
}#eo get_fit
#this is the stats:::nlsModel function. It needs to be manually included
#as CRAN does not allow :::
#' @importFrom stats start numericDeriv
stats_nlsModel <- function (form, data, start, wts, upper = NULL)
thisEnv <- environment()
env <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = environment(form))
for (i in names(data)) assign(i, data[[i]], envir = env)
ind <- as.list(start)
parLength <- 0
for (i in names(ind)) {
temp <- start[[i]]
storage.mode(temp) <- "double"
assign(i, temp, envir = env)
ind[[i]] <- parLength + seq_along(start[[i]])
parLength <- parLength + length(start[[i]])
getPars.noVarying <- function() unlist(mget(names(ind), env))
getPars <- getPars.noVarying
internalPars <- getPars()
if (!is.null(upper))
upper <- rep_len(upper, parLength)
useParams <- rep_len(TRUE, parLength)
lhs <- eval(form[[2L]], envir = env)
rhs <- eval(form[[3L]], envir = env)
.swts <- if (!missing(wts) && length(wts))
else rep_len(1, length(rhs))
assign(".swts", .swts, envir = env)
resid <- .swts * (lhs - rhs)
dev <- sum(resid^2)
if (is.null(attr(rhs, "gradient"))) {
getRHS.noVarying <- function() {
if (is.null(upper))
numericDeriv(form[[3L]], names(ind), env)
else numericDeriv(form[[3L]], names(ind), env, ifelse(internalPars <
upper, 1, -1))
getRHS <- getRHS.noVarying
rhs <- getRHS()
else {
getRHS.noVarying <- function() eval(form[[3L]], envir = env)
getRHS <- getRHS.noVarying
dimGrad <- dim(attr(rhs, "gradient"))
marg <- length(dimGrad)
if (marg > 0L) {
gradSetArgs <- vector("list", marg + 1L)
for (i in 2L:marg) gradSetArgs[[i]] <- rep_len(TRUE,
dimGrad[i - 1])
useParams <- rep_len(TRUE, dimGrad[marg])
else {
gradSetArgs <- vector("list", 2L)
useParams <- rep_len(TRUE, length(attr(rhs, "gradient")))
npar <- length(useParams)
gradSetArgs[[1L]] <- (~attr(ans, "gradient"))[[2L]]
gradCall <- switch(length(gradSetArgs) - 1L,
call("[", gradSetArgs[[1L]], gradSetArgs[[2L]], drop = FALSE),
call("[", gradSetArgs[[1L]], gradSetArgs[[2L]], gradSetArgs[[2L]],
drop = FALSE), call("[", gradSetArgs[[1L]], gradSetArgs[[2L]],
gradSetArgs[[2L]], gradSetArgs[[3L]], drop = FALSE),
call("[", gradSetArgs[[1L]], gradSetArgs[[2L]], gradSetArgs[[2L]],
gradSetArgs[[3L]], gradSetArgs[[4L]], drop = FALSE))
getRHS.varying <- function() {
ans <- getRHS.noVarying()
attr(ans, "gradient") <- eval(gradCall)
if (length(gr <- attr(rhs, "gradient")) == 1L)
attr(rhs, "gradient") <- gr <- as.vector(gr)
QR <- qr(.swts * gr)
qrDim <- min(dim(QR$qr))
if (QR$rank < qrDim)
stop("singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates")
getPars.varying <- function() unlist(mget(names(ind), env))[useParams]
setPars.noVarying <- function(newPars) {
assign("internalPars", newPars, envir = thisEnv)
for (i in names(ind)) assign(i, unname(newPars[ind[[i]]]),
envir = env)
setPars.varying <- function(newPars) {
internalPars[useParams] <- newPars
for (i in names(ind)) assign(i, unname(internalPars[ind[[i]]]),
envir = env)
setPars <- setPars.noVarying
on.exit(remove(i, data, parLength, start, temp, m))
m <- list(resid = function() resid, fitted = function() rhs,
formula = function() form, deviance = function() dev,
lhs = function() lhs, gradient = function() .swts * attr(rhs,
"gradient"), conv = function() {
if (npar == 0) return(0)
rr <- qr.qty(QR, resid)
}, incr = function() qr.coef(QR, resid),
setVarying = function(vary = rep_len(TRUE,
length(useParams))) {
assign("useParams", if (is.character(vary)) {
temp <- logical(length(useParams))
temp[unlist(ind[vary])] <- TRUE
} else if (is.logical(vary) && length(vary) != length(useParams))
stop("setVarying : 'vary' length must match",
" length of parameters") else {
}, envir = thisEnv)
gradCall[[length(gradCall) - 1L]] <<- useParams
if (all(useParams)) {
assign("setPars", setPars.noVarying, envir = thisEnv)
assign("getPars", getPars.noVarying, envir = thisEnv)
assign("getRHS", getRHS.noVarying, envir = thisEnv)
assign("npar", length(useParams), envir = thisEnv)
} else {
assign("setPars", setPars.varying, envir = thisEnv)
assign("getPars", getPars.varying, envir = thisEnv)
assign("getRHS", getRHS.varying, envir = thisEnv)
assign("npar", length(seq_along(useParams)[useParams]),
envir = thisEnv)
}, setPars = function(newPars) {
assign("resid", .swts * (lhs - assign("rhs", getRHS(),
envir = thisEnv)), envir = thisEnv)
assign("dev", sum(resid^2), envir = thisEnv)
if (length(gr <- attr(rhs, "gradient")) == 1L) gr <- c(gr)
assign("QR", qr(.swts * gr), envir = thisEnv)
(QR$rank < min(dim(QR$qr)))
}, getPars = function() getPars(),
getAllPars = function() getPars(),
getEnv = function() env, trace = function() {
cat(format(dev), ": ", format(getPars()))
}, Rmat = function() qr.R(QR),
predict = function(newdata = list(), qr = FALSE) eval(form[[3L]],
as.list(newdata), env))
class(m) <- "nlsModel"
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