.pkgsLinks <- function(pkgs, version, md = TRUE) {
db <- available.packages(repos = BiocManager::repositories())
pkgsdb <- db[rownames(db) %in% pkgs, , drop = FALSE]
isbioc <- grepl("bioconductor", pkgsdb[, "Repository"], fixed = TRUE)
.biocPkgsLinks(pkgs[isbioc], version = version, md = md),
.CRANpkgsLinks(pkgs[!isbioc], md = md)
.biocPkgsLinks <- function(pkgs, version, md = TRUE) {
if (!length(pkgs))
buildrepURL <- paste0(
"https://bioconductor.org/checkResults/", version, "/bioc-LATEST/", pkgs
if (md)
paste0("[", pkgs, "]", "(", buildrepURL, ")")
.CRANpkgsLinks <- function(pkgs, md = TRUE) {
if (!length(pkgs))
cranrepURL <- paste0(
.CRAN_WEB_URL, "package=", pkgs
if (md)
paste0("[", pkgs, "]", "(", cranrepURL, ")")
#' Notify downstream maintainers of changes in upstream packages
#' @description
#' The `biocRevDepEmail` function collects all the emails of the reverse
#' dependencies and sends a notification that upstream package(s) have been
#' deprecated or removed. It uses a template found in `inst/resources` with the
#' `templatePath()` function.
#' @param packages `character()` A vector of CRAN and/or Bioconductor packages
#' for whose reverse dependencies are to be checked and notified.
#' @param cc character() A vector of email addresses for sending the message
#' as a carbon copy.
#' @param pkg `character(1)` DEPRECATED. The name of a single package whose
#' reverse dependencies are to be checked and notified.
#' @param \ldots Additional inputs to internal functions (not used).
#' @inheritParams biocBuildEmail
#' @inheritParams tools::package_dependencies
#' @examples
#' biocRevDepEmail(
#' "FindMyFriends", version = "3.13", dry.run = TRUE, textOnly = TRUE
#' )
#' @export
biocRevDepEmail <-
function(packages, which = c("strong", "most", "all"),
PS = character(1L), version = BiocManager::version(),
dry.run = TRUE, cc = NULL, emailTemplate = templatePath("revdepnote"),
core.name = NULL, core.email = NULL, core.id = NULL,
textOnly = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, credFile = "~/.blastula_creds",
..., pkg)
is.character(PS), identical(length(PS), 1L),
!is.na(packages), !is.na(PS), !is.na(core.name), !is.na(core.email),
if (!file.exists(emailTemplate))
stop("'emailTemplate' file not found.")
which <- match.arg(which)
core.list <- .getUserInfo(core.name, core.email, core.id)
core.name <- core.list[["core.name"]]
core.email <- core.list[["core.email"]]
core.id <- core.list[["core.id"]]
if (!missing(pkg)) {
.Deprecated(msg = "'pkg' argument is deprecated. Use 'packages'.")
packages <- pkg
db <- available.packages(
repos = BiocManager:::.repositories_bioc(version)["BioCsoft"]
revdeps <- tools::package_dependencies(
packages, db, reverse = TRUE, which = which
revdeps <- Filter(length, revdeps)
revdeps <- unlist(revdeps, use.names = FALSE)
if (!length(revdeps))
stop("No reverse dependencies on ", packages)
listall <- biocPkgList(version = version)
pkgMeta <- listall[listall[["Package"]] %in% revdeps, "Maintainer"]
mainInfo <- vapply(
unlist(pkgMeta, use.names = FALSE), .emailCut, character(1L)
mainEmails <- unname(vapply(mainInfo, .emailCut, character(1L)))
repolinks <- .pkgsLinks(packages, version = version, md = TRUE)
bioclinks <- .biocPkgsLinks(revdeps, version = version)
if (nchar(PS))
PS <- paste0("**P.S.** ", PS)
revdeps <- paste(bioclinks, collapse = "\n\n")
mail <- paste0(readLines(emailTemplate), collapse = "\n")
maildate <- format(Sys.time(), "%B %d, %Y")
firstname <- vapply(strsplit(core.name, "\\s"), `[`, character(1L), 1L)
cpackages <- paste(packages, collapse = ", ")
crepolinks <- paste(repolinks, collapse = ", ")
send <- sprintf(
mail, core.name, maildate, cpackages, crepolinks,
revdeps, PS, firstname
title <- "Package(s) Deprecation Notification"
if (dry.run)
message("Message not sent: Set 'dry.run=FALSE'")
if (textOnly) {
send <- strsplit(send, "---")[[1L]][[4L]]
mainEmails <- paste(mainEmails, collapse = ", ")
send <- paste(mainEmails, title, send, sep = "\n")
if (requireNamespace("clipr", quietly=TRUE) &&
message("Message copied to clipboard")
} else {
tfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd")
writeLines(send, tfile)
send <- blastula::render_email(tfile)
if (!dry.run) {
blastula::smtp_send(email = send,
from = core.email, to = core.email, bcc = mainEmails, cc = cc,
subject = title,
credentials =
if (file.exists(credFile)) {
} else {
user = paste0(core.id, "@roswellpark.org"),
host = "smtp.office365.com",
port = 587,
use_ssl = TRUE
}, verbose = verbose
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.