.nameCut <- function(string) {
gsub("\n", " ",
gsub("(.*)\\s+<.*", "\\1", string),
fixed = TRUE
.emailCut <- function(string) {
gsub(" at ", "@",
gsub("(.*)<(.*)>.*", "\\2", string)
#' Obtain the location of available email templates
#' These templates are used with `biocBuildEmail` to notify maintainers
#' regarding package errors and final deprecation warning.
#' @param type character(1) Either one of "buildemail", "deprecation",
#' "deprecguide", "cranreport", or "revdepnote". See the templates in the
#' `resources` folder.
#' @export
templatePath <- function(
type = c(
"buildemail", "deprecation", "deprecguide", "cranreport", "revdepnote"
) {
type <- match.arg(type)
type <- switch(
buildemail = "BiocBuildEmail_Template.Rmd",
cranreport = "CRANReport_Template.Rmd",
deprecation = "Deprecation_Template.Rmd",
deprecguide = "Deprecation_Guidelines.Rmd",
revdepnote = "Deprecation_RevDeps.Rmd"
package = "BiocPkgTools", "resources", type,
mustWork = TRUE
.getUserInfo <- function(core.name, core.email, core.id) {
bfc <- .get_cache()
rid <- BiocFileCache::bfcquery(bfc, "user.info", "rname", exact = TRUE)$rid
if (!length(rid))
userfile <- BiocFileCache::bfcnew(bfc, "user.info", ext = ".txt")
userfile <- BiocFileCache::bfcrpath(bfc, rids = rid)
if (!file.exists(userfile)) {
if (is.null(core.name))
core.name <- readline("Provide your full name: ")
if (is.null(core.email))
core.email <- readline("What is your core-team email? ")
if (is.null(core.id))
core.id <- readline(paste("What is your employee ID",
"(e.g., AB12345, leave blank if N/A)? "))
as.character(core.name), as.character(core.email),
), con = userfile)
message("Saved data to: ", pkgToolsCache())
} else {
devinfo <- readLines(userfile)
core.name <- devinfo[[1L]]
core.email <- devinfo[[2L]]
core.id <- devinfo[[3L]]
list(core.name = core.name, core.email = core.email, core.id = core.id)
.getMailLog <- function() {
bfc <- .get_cache()
rid <- BiocFileCache::bfcquery(bfc, "email.log", "rname", exact = TRUE)$rid
if (!length(rid)) {
logpath <- BiocFileCache::bfcnew(bfc, "email.log", ext = ".rda")
metainfo <- data.frame(maintainer = character(), email = character(),
package = character(), dateSent = character(), times = integer(),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
save(metainfo, file = logpath)
} else {
logpath <- BiocFileCache::bfcrpath(bfc, rids = rid)
.checkEntry <- function(logloc, mainname, mainemail, pkg, date, dry.run) {
if (dry.run) return(FALSE)
mailinfo <- data.frame(maintainer = mainname, email = mainemail,
package = pkg, dateSent = date, times = 1L, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dataenv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
load(logloc, dataenv)
metainfo <- dataenv[["metainfo"]]
newinfo <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, list(metainfo, mailinfo))
anyDuplicated(newinfo[, names(newinfo) != "times"])
.addEntry <- function(logloc, mainname, mainemail, pkg, date, resend) {
mailinfo <- data.frame(maintainer = mainname, email = mainemail,
package = pkg, dateSent = date, times = 1L, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dataenv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
load(logloc, dataenv)
metainfo <- dataenv[["metainfo"]]
impcols <- names(metainfo)[names(metainfo) != "times"]
bound <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, list(metainfo, mailinfo))
if (resend) {
dup <- duplicated(bound[, impcols], fromLast = TRUE)
if (!any(dup))
stop("'resend' used in the wrong context")
dup <- dup[-length(dup)]
metainfo[dup, "times"] <- metainfo[dup, "times"] + 1L
} else {
metainfo <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, list(metainfo, mailinfo))
save(metainfo, file = logloc)
#' @rdname biocBuildEmail
#' @title Create and copy e-mail package notification template to clipboard
#' @description
#' The \code{biocBuildEmail} function provides a template for notifying
#' maintainers of errors in the Bioconductor Build System (BBS). This
#' convenience function returns the body of the email from a template
#' within the package and provides a copy in the clipboard.
#' @param pkg character(1) The name of the package in trouble
#' @param version character() A vector indicating which version of Bioconductor
#' the package is failing in (either 'release' or 'devel'; defaults to both)
#' @param PS character(1) Postscript, an additional note to the recipient of
#' the email (i.e., the package maintainer)
#' @param dry.run logical(1) Display the email without sending to the recipient.
#' It only works for HTML email reports and ignored when `textOnly=TRUE`
#' @param to character() A vector of email addresses serving as primary
#' recipients for the message. For secondary recipients, use the `cc` and
#' `bcc` arguments.
#' @param cc,bcc character() A vector of email addresses for sending the message
#' as a carbon copy or blind carbon copy.
#' @param emailTemplate character(1) The path to the email template Rmd file as
#' obtained by `templatePath()`. A custom template can be provided as file
#' path.
#' @param core.name character(1) The full name of the core team member
#' @param core.email character(1) The Roswell Park email of the core team
#' member
#' @param core.id character(1) The internal identifier for the Roswell employee.
#' This ID usually matches `^[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{5}` for more recent identifiers.
#' @param textOnly logical(1) Whether to return the text of the email only.
#' This avoids the use of the 'blastula' package and adds the text to the
#' system clipboard if the `clipr` package is installed (default: FALSE)
#' @param resend logical(1) Whether to force a resend of the email
#' @param verbose logical(1) Whether to output full email information from
#' 'smtp_send' (when `dry.run` is `FALSE` and 'blastula' is installed)
#' @param credFile character(1) An optional file generated by the
#' `blastula::create_smtp_creds_file` function containing email
#' authentication information (default: "~/.blastula_creds"). See
#' `?biocBuildEmail` details.
#' @details The `credFile` argument is a convenience for avoiding password entry
#' at every instance an email is sent. If the default file
#' `~/.blastula_creds` does not exist, the user will be prompted for
#' authorization information. Currently it is configured to emails for the
#' core-team:
#' \preformatted{
#' blastula::create_smtp_creds_file(
#' file = "~/.blastula_creds",
#' user = "user.email@domain.org",
#' host = "smtp.office365.com",
#' port = 587,
#' use_ssl = TRUE
#' )
#' }
#' @return A character string of the email
#' @export
biocBuildEmail <-
function(pkg, version = c("release", "devel"), PS = character(1L),
dry.run = TRUE, to = NULL, cc = NULL, bcc = NULL,
emailTemplate = templatePath(),
core.name = NULL, core.email = NULL, core.id = NULL,
textOnly = FALSE, resend = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
credFile = "~/.blastula_creds")
is.character(pkg), identical(length(pkg), 1L),
is.character(PS), identical(length(PS), 1L),
!is.na(pkg), !is.na(PS), !is.na(core.name), !is.na(core.email),
if (!file.exists(emailTemplate))
stop("'emailTemplate' file not found.")
if (!textOnly) {
if (!requireNamespace("blastula"))
stop("Install the 'blastula' package to send HTML emails or use\n",
" 'textOnly=TRUE'")
core.list <- .getUserInfo(core.name, core.email, core.id)
core.name <- core.list[["core.name"]]
core.email <- core.list[["core.email"]]
core.id <- core.list[["core.id"]]
info_version <- tail(version, 1L)
info_version <- BiocManager:::.version_bioc(info_version)
listall <- biocPkgList(version = info_version)
pkgMeta <- listall[listall[["Package"]] %in% pkg, ]
if (!nrow(pkgMeta))
stop("No pkg '",pkg,"' found on Bioconductor for ",
"version '",version,"'")
mainInfo <- pkgMeta[["Maintainer"]][[1L]]
mainName <- unname(vapply(mainInfo, .nameCut, character(1L)))
if (is.null(to))
to <- unname(vapply(mainInfo, .emailCut, character(1L)))
if (length(mainName) > 1L)
mainName <- paste0(mainName, collapse = " & ")
if (length(version) == 2L)
vers <- paste(version, collapse = " and ")
vers <- version
repolink <- vapply(version, function(vername) {
vername, pkg)
}, character(1L))
repolink <- paste0(repolink, collapse = "\n")
if (nchar(PS))
PS <- paste0("**P.S.** ", PS)
firstname <- vapply(strsplit(core.name, "\\s"), `[`, character(1L), 1L)
mail <- paste0(readLines(emailTemplate), collapse = "\n")
maildate <- format(Sys.time(), "%B %d, %Y")
send <- sprintf(mail, pkg, core.name, maildate, pkg, mainName, pkg,
vers, repolink, firstname, PS)
title <- sprintf("%s Bioconductor package", pkg)
logfile <- .getMailLog()
sent_status <- .checkEntry(
logfile, mainName, to, pkg, maildate, dry.run
sendagain <- (sent_status && resend)
if (dry.run)
message("Message not sent: Set 'dry.run=FALSE'")
if (textOnly) {
send <- strsplit(send, "---")[[1L]][[4L]]
send <- paste(to, title, send, sep = "\n")
if (requireNamespace("clipr", quietly=TRUE) &&
message("Message copied to clipboard")
} else {
tfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd")
writeLines(send, tfile)
send <- blastula::render_email(tfile)
if (!dry.run && (!sent_status || sendagain)) {
blastula::smtp_send(email = send,
from = core.email, to = to, cc = cc, bcc = bcc, subject = title,
credentials =
if (file.exists(credFile)) {
} else {
user = paste0(core.id, "@roswellpark.org"),
host = "smtp.office365.com",
port = 587,
use_ssl = TRUE
}, verbose = verbose
.addEntry(logfile, mainName, to, pkg, maildate, sendagain)
#' @name biocBuildEmail
#' @section sentHistory: Check the history of emails sent
#' @export
sentHistory <- function() {
bfc <- .get_cache()
## first build data.frame logger
rid <- BiocFileCache::bfcquery(bfc, "email.log", "rname", exact = TRUE)$rid
if (!length(rid))
stop("No log available. Send some emails.")
minienv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
load(BiocFileCache::bfcrpath(bfc, rids = rid), envir = minienv)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.