biocBuildStatusDB: Download and parse the build status information for...

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biocBuildStatusDBR Documentation

Download and parse the build status information for Bioconductor packages


This function downloads and parses the build status information for Bioconductor packages. The build status information is available for the current release and the previous release. Other versions may be available.


  version = BiocManager::version(),
  pkgType = c("software", "data-experiment", "data-annotation", "workflows")



character(1) The numeric version of Bioconductor to use, e.g., "3.19". Keywords "release" and "devel" are also accepted.


character(1) The type of packages for which to get build status information for. Valid values are:

  • software: Software packages

  • data-experiment: Experiment data packages

  • data-annotation: Annotation data packages

  • workflows: Workflow packages


A data.frame with the following columns:

  • pkg: The name of the package

  • node: The builder on which the package was built

  • stage: The stage of the build, e.g., 'install', 'buildsrc', 'checksrc', etc.

  • result: The status of the build, e.g., 'OK', 'ERROR', 'WARNINGS', etc.

seandavi/BiocPkgTools documentation built on March 1, 2025, 6:31 p.m.