githubDetails: Get package details from GitHub

View source: R/githubUtils.R

githubDetailsR Documentation

Get package details from GitHub


For packages that live on GitHub, we can mine further details. This function returns the GitHub details for the listed packages.


githubDetails(pkgs, sleep = 0)



a character() vector of username/repo for one or more GitHub repos, such as seandavi/GEOquery.


numeric() denoting the number of seconds to sleep between GitHub API calls. Since GitHub rate limits its APIs, it might be necessary to either use small chunks of packages iteratively or to supply a non-zero argument here. See the details section for a better solution using GitHub tokens.


The gh function is used to do the fetching. If the number of packages supplied to this function is large (>40 or so), it is possible to run into problems with API rate limits. The gh package uses the environment variable "GITHUB_PAT" (for personal access token) to authenticate and then provide higher rate limits. If you run into problems with rate limits, set sleep to some small positive number to slow queries. Alternatively, create a Personal Access Token on GitHub and register it. See the gh package for details.


pkglist = biocPkgList()

# example of "pkgs" format.

gh_list = githubURLParts(pkglist$URL)
gh_list = gh_list[!is.null(gh_list$user_repo),]


ghd = githubDetails(gh_list$user_repo[1:5])
lapply(ghd, '[[', "stargazers")

seandavi/BiocPkgTools documentation built on March 1, 2025, 6:31 p.m.