#' Create an empty snap object
#' This function creates an empty snap object
#' @examples
#' x.sp = newSnap();
#' @return An empty snap object
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @export
newSnap <- function () {
des = character()
file = as.character(c());
sample = as.character(c());
barcode = as.character(c());
feature = GRanges();
peak = GRanges();
metaData = data.frame();
bmat=Matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0, sparse=TRUE);
pmat=Matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0, sparse=TRUE);
gmat=Matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0, sparse=TRUE);
tsne=matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0);
umap=matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0);
res = new("snap",
#' Show bin sizes in a snap file
#' This function takes a snap-format file name as input and check the bin
#' sizes or resolutions have been generated for count matrix
#' @param file character. input snap-format file name
#' @examples
#' file.name = system.file("extdata", "demo.snap", package = "SnapATAC");
#' showBinSizes(file.name);
#' @return integer vector. A vector of integers indicating the bin sizes
#' @export
showBinSizes <- function(file) {
UseMethod("showBinSizes", file);
#' @export
showBinSizes.default <- function(file){
# this is to check what are the binSizes have been generated
if(!file.exists(file)){stop("file does not exist!")}
if(!isSnapFile(file)){stop("input file is not a snap file\n")}
binSizeList = tryCatch(binSizeList <- h5read(file, '/AM/binSizeList'), error = function(e) {print(paste("Warning @check.bin.size: '/AM/binSizeList' not found in ", file)); return(numeric())})
#' summarySnap for snap object.
#' This function takes a snap object and returns the summary statistics
#' @name summarySnap
#' @param obj snap; a snap object
#' @rdname summarySnap-methods
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @exportMethod summarySnap
#' @examples
#' file.name = system.file("extdata", "demo.snap", package = "SnapATAC");
#' x.sp = createSnap(file.name, sample="demo");
#' summarySnap(x.sp);
setGeneric("summarySnap", function(obj) standardGeneric("summarySnap"))
#' @rdname summarySnap-methods
#' @aliases summarySnap,snap-method
setMethod("summarySnap", "snap", function(obj){
if(nrow(obj@metaData) == 0){stop("metaData is empty")}
barcode = obj@metaData;
message("Total number of barcodes: ", length(obj@barcode));
message("Median number of sequencing fragments: ", median(barcode$TN));
message("Median number of uniquely mapped fragments: ", median(barcode$UQ));
message("Median number of mappability ratio: ", round(median((barcode$UM+1)/(barcode$TN+1)),2));
message("Median number of properly paired ratio: ", round(median((barcode$PP+1)/(barcode$UM+1)),2));
message("Median number of duplicate ratio: ", round(median(1 - (barcode$UQ+1)/(barcode$PP+1)),2));
message("Median number of chrM ratio: ", round(median((barcode$CM+1) / (barcode$UQ+1)),2));
message("Median number of unique molecules (UMI): ", median(barcode$UQ));
#' nrow for snap object.
#' This function takes a snap object and returns number of cells
#' @name nrow
#' @param x snap; a snap object
#' @examples
#' data(demo.sp);
#' nrow(demo.sp);
#' @rdname nrow-methods
#' @aliases nrow,snap-method
#' @exportMethod nrow
setMethod("nrow", "snap", function(x) length(x@barcode));
#' colSums for snap objects
#' This function takes a snap object and returns the column sums of its count matrix.
#' @name colSums
#' @param x A snap object
#' @param mat A charater object indicates what matrix slot to use c("bmat", "pmat", "gmat")
#' @param na.rm A logical variable indicates wether to remove NA in the matrix
#' @examples
#' data(demo.sp);
#' a = colSums(demo.sp, mat="bmat");
#' b = colSums(demo.sp, mat="pmat");
#' d = colSums(demo.sp, mat="gmat");
#' @rdname colSums-methods
#' @aliases colSums,snap-method
#' @exportMethod colSums
setMethod("colSums", "snap", function(x, mat=c("bmat", "pmat", "gmat"), na.rm=TRUE){
mat = match.arg(mat);
mat.use = methods::slot(x, mat);
stop("mat is empty")
res = Matrix::colSums(mat.use, na.rm);
#' rowSums for snap objects
#' This function takes a snap object and returns the row sums of its count matrix.
#' @name rowSums
#' @param x A snap object
#' @param mat A charater object indicates what matrix slot to use
#' @param na.rm A logical variable indicates wether to remove NA in the matrix
#' @examples
#' data(demo.sp);
#' a = rowSums(demo.sp, mat="bmat");
#' b = rowSums(demo.sp, mat="pmat");
#' d = rowSums(demo.sp, mat="gmat");
#' @rdname rowSums-methods
#' @aliases rowSums,snap-method
#' @exportMethod rowSums
setMethod("rowSums", "snap", function(x, mat=c("bmat", "pmat", "gmat"), na.rm=TRUE){
mat = match.arg(mat);
mat.use = methods::slot(x, mat);
stop("mat is empty")
res = Matrix::rowSums(mat.use, na.rm);
#' rowMeans for snap objects
#' This function takes a snap object and returns the row means of its count matrix.
#' @name rowMeans
#' @param x A snap object
#' @param mat A charater object indicates what matrix slot to use for calculation
#' @param na.rm A logical variable indicates wether to remove NA in the matrix
#' @examples
#' data(demo.sp);
#' a = rowMeans(demo.sp, mat="bmat");
#' b = rowMeans(demo.sp, mat="pmat");
#' d = rowMeans(demo.sp, mat="gmat");
#' @rdname rowMeans-methods
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @aliases rowMeans,snap-method
#' @exportMethod rowMeans
setMethod("rowMeans", "snap", function(x, mat=c("bmat", "pmat", "gmat"), na.rm=TRUE){
mat = match.arg(mat);
mat.use = methods::slot(x, mat);
stop("mat is empty")
res = Matrix::rowMeans(mat.use, na.rm);
#' colMeans for snap objects
#' This function takes a snap object and returns the column means of its count matrix.
#' @name colMeans
#' @param x A snap object
#' @param mat A charater object indicates what matrix slot to use c("bmat", "pmat", "gmat").
#' @param na.rm A logical variable indicates wether to remove NA in the matrix.
#' @examples
#' data(demo.sp);
#' a = colMeans(demo.sp, mat="bmat");
#' b = colMeans(demo.sp, mat="pmat");
#' d = colMeans(demo.sp, mat="gmat");
#' @rdname colMeans-methods
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @aliases colMeans,snap-method
#' @exportMethod colMeans
setMethod("colMeans", "snap", function(x, mat=c("bmat", "pmat", "gmat"), na.rm=TRUE){
mat = match.arg(mat);
mat.use = methods::slot(x, mat);
stop("mat is empty")
res = Matrix::colMeans(mat.use, na.rm);
#' Check snap object
#' This function takes any object as input and check if it is a snap object
#' @param obj A snap object
#' @examples
#' data(demo.sp);
#' is.snap(demo.sp);
#' @rdname is.snap-methods
#' @exportMethod is.snap
setGeneric("is.snap", function(obj) standardGeneric("is.snap"))
#' @rdname is.snap-methods
#' @aliases is.snap,snap-method
setMethod("is.snap", "snap", function(obj) return(is(obj, "snap")));
#' subsetting for snap objects
#' This function takes a snap object and returns the subset of snap object.
#' @param x snap; a snap object
#' @param i integer; selected barcode index
#' @param j integer; selected feature index
#' @param mat character; indicates the slot to subsetting
#' @param drop character;
#' @examples
#' data(demo.sp);
#' demo.sp[1:10,];
#' demo.sp[,1:10,mat="bmat"];
#' demo.sp[,1:10,mat="pmat"];
#' @export
setMethod("[", "snap",
function(x,i,j,mat=c("bmat", "pmat", "gmat"), drop="missing"){
.barcode = x@barcode;
.file = x@file;
.sample = x@sample;
.feature = x@feature;
.peak = x@peak;
.bmat = x@bmat;
.pmat = x@pmat;
.gmat = x@gmat;
.mmat = x@mmat;
.jmat = x@jmat;
.smat = x@smat;
.graph = x@graph;
.cluster = x@cluster;
.tsne = x@tsne;
.umap = x@umap;
.metaData = x@metaData;
# a single row or column
if(max(i) > nrow(x)){
stop("idx exceeds number of cells");
if(nrow(.bmat) > 0){.bmat <- .bmat[i,,drop=FALSE]}
if(nrow(.pmat) > 0){.pmat <- .pmat[i,,drop=FALSE]}
if(nrow(.gmat) > 0){.gmat <- .gmat[i,,drop=FALSE]}
if(nrow(.mmat) > 0){.mmat <- .mmat[i,,drop=FALSE]}
if(nrow(.jmat@jmat) > 0){.jmat <- .jmat[i,,drop=FALSE]}
if(nrow(.smat@dmat) > 0){.smat <- .smat[i,,drop=FALSE]}
if(nrow(.tsne) > 0){.tsne <- .tsne[i,,drop=FALSE]}
if(nrow(.umap) > 0){.umap <- .umap[i,,drop=FALSE]}
if(nrow(.graph@mat) > 0){.graph <- .graph[i,,drop=FALSE]}
if(nrow(.metaData) > 0){.metaData <- .metaData[i,,drop=FALSE]}
if(length(.cluster) > 0){.cluster <- .cluster[i,drop=FALSE]}
if(length(.barcode) > 0){.barcode <- .barcode[i,drop=FALSE]}
if(length(.file) > 0){.file <- .file[i,drop=FALSE]}
if(length(.sample) > 0){.sample <- .sample[i,drop=FALSE]}
mat = match.arg(mat);
if(mat == "bmat"){
if(ncol(.bmat) > 0){.bmat <- .bmat[,j,drop=FALSE]}
if(length(.feature) > 0){.feature <- .feature[j];}
}else if(mat == "pmat"){
if(ncol(.pmat) > 0){.pmat <- .pmat[,j,drop=FALSE]}
if(length(.peak) > 0){.peak <- .peak[j];}
}else if(mat == "gmat"){
if(ncol(.gmat) > 0){.gmat <- .gmat[,j,drop=FALSE]}
x@bmat = .bmat;
x@pmat = .pmat;
x@gmat = .gmat;
x@mmat = .mmat;
x@barcode = .barcode;
x@file = .file;
x@sample = .sample;
x@peak = .peak;
x@feature = .feature;
x@metaData = .metaData;
x@umap = .umap;
x@feature = .feature;
x@jmat = .jmat;
x@smat = .smat;
x@graph = .graph;
x@cluster = .cluster;
x@tsne = .tsne;
#' Check barcode existance in snap file
#' This function takes an array of barcodes and a snap-format file as input
#' and check whether selected barcodes exist in the snap file.
#' @param barcode An array of selected barcodes.
#' @param file A snap format file.
#' @examples
#' file.name = system.file("extdata", "demo.snap", package = "SnapATAC");
#' barcodeInSnapFile(barcodes, file.name);
#' @return Return an array of logical variable indicates whether the
#' barcode exists in snap file.
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5read
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
barcodeInSnapFile <- function(barcode, file){
UseMethod("barcodeInSnapFile", barcode);
#' @export
barcodeInSnapFile.default <- function(barcode, file){
stop("file is missing");
stop("file does not exist");
stop("file is not a snap file");
stop("barcode is missing");
if(!is(barcode, "character")){
stop("barcode is not a character object");
barcode.ref = as.character(tryCatch(barcode.ref <- h5read(file, '/BD/name'), error = function(e) {print(paste("Warning @barcodeInSnapFile: 'BD/name' not found in ",file)); return(vector(mode="character", length=0))}));
return(barcode %in% barcode.ref);
#' Create a snap object from a snap file
#' This function takes a snap-format file as input and create
#' a snap object.
#' @param file Name of a snap-format file.
#' @param sample A short sample name (i.g. "MOS.rep1").
#' @param description Description of the experiment [NULL].
#' @param do.par A logical variable indicates if run this using multiple processors [FALSE].
#' @param num.cores Number of processers to use [1].
#' @examples
#' file.name = system.file("extdata", "demo.snap", package = "SnapATAC");
#' demo.sp = createSnap(file.name, sample="demo", do.par=FALSE);
#' @return A snap object
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5read
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
createSnap <- function(file, sample, description, do.par, num.cores) {
UseMethod("createSnap", file);
#' @export
createSnap.default <- function(file, sample, description=NULL, do.par=FALSE, num.cores=1){
stop("file is missing");
if(!is(file, "character")){
stop("file is not character")
stop("file has duplicate name");
stop("num.cores is not an integer")
num.cores = round(num.cores);
fileList = as.list(file);
stop("sample is missing");
if(!is(sample, "character")){
stop("sample is not character")
stop("sample has duplicate name");
if(length(sample) != length(file)){
stop("sample has different length with file");
sampleList = as.list(sample);
if(!is(description, "character")){
stop("description must be character object")
# check if snap files exist
if(any(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){file.exists(x)})) == FALSE)){
idx = which(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){file.exists(x)})) == FALSE)
print("error: these files does not exist")
# check if files are all snap files
if(any(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){isSnapFile(x)})) == FALSE)){
idx = which(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){isSnapFile(x)})) == FALSE)
print("error: these files are not snap file")
message("Epoch: reading the barcode session ...");
obj.ls = mclapply(as.list(seq(fileList)), function(i){
createSnapSingle(file=fileList[[i]], sample=sampleList[[i]]);
}, mc.cores=num.cores);
obj.ls = lapply(as.list(seq(fileList)), function(i){
createSnapSingle(file=fileList[[i]], sample=sampleList[[i]]);
obj = Reduce(snapRbind, obj.ls);
obj@des = description;
#' Add cell-by-bin matrix
#' This function takes a snap object as input and add the cell-by-bin
#' matrix to the existing snap object.
#' @param obj A snap object to add cell-by-bin matrix.
#' @param bin.size Cell-by-bin matrix with bin size of bin.size
#' will be added to snap object.
#' @param do.par A logical variable indicates whether use multiple processors [FALSE].
#' @param num.cores Number of processors to use [1].
#' @examples
#' file.name = system.file("extdata", "demo.snap", package = "SnapATAC");
#' demo.sp = createSnap(file.name, sample="demo", do.par=FALSE);
#' showBinSizes(file.name);
#' demo.sp = addBmatToSnap(demo.sp, bin.size=100000, do.par=FALSE);
#' @return Return a snap object
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5read
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
addBmatToSnap <- function(obj, bin.size, do.par, num.cores){
UseMethod("addBmatToSnap", obj);
#' @export
addBmatToSnap.default <- function(obj, bin.size=5000, do.par=FALSE, num.cores=1){
# close the previously opened H5 file
if(exists('h5closeAll', where='package:rhdf5', mode='function')){
stop("obj is missing")
if(!is(obj, "snap")){
stop("obj is not a snap object")
stop("num.cores is not an integer")
num.cores = round(num.cores);
fileList = as.list(unique(obj@file));
# check if snap files exist
if(any(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){file.exists(x)})) == FALSE)){
idx = which(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){file.exists(x)})) == FALSE)
print("error: these files does not exist")
# check if files are all snap files
if(any(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){isSnapFile(x)})) == FALSE)){
idx = which(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){isSnapFile(x)})) == FALSE)
print("error: these files are not snap file")
# check if BM session exist
if(any(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){ "AM" %in% h5ls(x, recursive=1)$name })) == FALSE)){
idx = which(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){ "AM" %in% h5ls(x, recursive=1)$name })) == FALSE)
print("error: the following nsap files do not contain AM session")
if(any(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){(bin.size %in% showBinSizes(x))})) == FALSE)){
idx = which(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){(bin.size %in% showBinSizes(x))})) == FALSE)
print("error: chosen bin size does not exist in the following snap files")
# check if bins match
bin.list = lapply(fileList, function(x){
readBins(x, bin.size=bin.size)
if(!all(sapply(bin.list, FUN = identical, bin.list[[1]]))){
stop("bins does not match between snap files, please regenerate the cell-by-bin matrix by snaptools")
# read the snap object
message("Epoch: reading cell-bin count matrix session ...");
obj.ls = mclapply(fileList, function(file){
idx = which(obj@file == file)
addBmatToSnapSingle(obj[idx,], file, bin.size=bin.size);
}, mc.cores=num.cores);
obj.ls = lapply(fileList, function(file){
idx = which(obj@file == file)
addBmatToSnapSingle(obj[idx,], file, bin.size=bin.size);
# combine
if((x=length(obj.ls)) == 1L){
res = obj.ls[[1]]
res = Reduce(snapRbind, obj.ls);
obj@feature = res@feature;
obj@bmat = res@bmat;
rm(res, obj.ls);
#' Add cell-by-peak matrix
#' This function takes a snap object as input and add the
#' cell-by-peak matrix to the existing snap object.
#' @param obj A snap object.
#' @param do.par A logical varaible indicates whether to use multiple processors [FALSE].
#' @param num.cores Number of processors to use [1].
#' @examples
#' file.name = system.file("extdata", "demo.snap", package = "SnapATAC");
#' demo.sp = createSnap(file.name, sample="demo", do.par=FALSE);
#' showBinSizes(file.name);
#' demo.sp = addPmatToSnap(demo.sp, do.par=FALSE);
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5read
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
addPmatToSnap <- function(obj, do.par, num.cores){
UseMethod("addPmatToSnap", obj);
#' @export
addPmatToSnap.default <- function(obj, do.par=FALSE, num.cores=1){
# close the previously opened H5 file
if(exists('h5closeAll', where='package:rhdf5', mode='function')){
stop("obj is missing")
if(!is(obj, "snap")){
stop("obj is not a snap object")
stop("num.cores is not an integer")
num.cores = round(num.cores);
fileList = as.list(unique(obj@file));
# check if snap files exist
if(any(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){file.exists(x)})) == FALSE)){
idx = which(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){file.exists(x)})) == FALSE)
print("error: these files does not exist")
# check if files are all snap files
if(any(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){isSnapFile(x)})) == FALSE)){
idx = which(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){isSnapFile(x)})) == FALSE)
print("error: these files are not snap file")
# check if PM session exist
if(any(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){ "PM" %in% h5ls(x, recursive=1)$name })) == FALSE)){
idx = which(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){ "PM" %in% h5ls(x, recursive=1)$name })) == FALSE)
print("error: the following snap files do not contain PM session")
# check if bins match
peak.list = lapply(fileList, function(x){
if(!all(sapply(peak.list, FUN = identical, peak.list[[1]]))){
stop("peaks does not match between snap files, please regenerate the cell-by-peak matrix by snaptools using the same peak file")
# read the snap object
message("Epoch: reading cell-peak count matrix session ...");
obj.ls = mclapply(fileList, function(file){
idx = which(obj@file == file)
addPmatToSnapSingle(obj[idx,], file);
}, mc.cores=num.cores);
obj.ls = lapply(fileList, function(file){
idx = which(obj@file == file)
addPmatToSnapSingle(obj[idx,], file);
# combine
if((x=length(obj.ls)) == 1L){
res = obj.ls[[1]]
res = Reduce(snapRbind, obj.ls);
# re-order the matrix
o1 = paste(obj@file, obj@barcode, sep=".");
o2 = paste(res@file, res@barcode, sep=".");
obj@peak = res@peak;
obj@pmat = res@pmat[match(o1, o2),];
rm(obj.ls, res, o1, o2);
#' Add cell-by-gene matrix
#' This function takes a snap object as input and add the cell-by-gene
#' matrix to the existing snap object.
#' @param obj A snap object to add cell-by-bin matrix.
#' @param do.par A logical variable indicates whether to use multiple processors [FALSE].
#' @param num.cores Number of processors to use.
#' @examples
#' file.name = system.file("extdata", "demo.snap", package = "SnapATAC");
#' demo.sp = createSnap(file.name, sample="demo", do.par=FALSE);
#' demo.sp = addGmatToSnap(demo.sp, do.par=FALSE);
#' @return Return a snap object
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5read
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
addGmatToSnap <- function(obj, do.par, num.cores) {
UseMethod("addGmatToSnap", obj);
#' @export
addGmatToSnap.default <- function(obj, do.par=FALSE, num.cores=1){
# close the previously opened H5 file
if(exists('h5closeAll', where='package:rhdf5', mode='function')){
stop("obj is missing")
if(!is(obj, "snap")){
stop("obj is not a snap object")
stop("num.cores is not an integer")
num.cores = round(num.cores);
fileList = as.list(unique(obj@file));
# check if snap files exist
if(any(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){file.exists(x)})) == FALSE)){
idx = which(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){file.exists(x)})) == FALSE)
print("error: these files does not exist")
# check if files are all snap files
if(any(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){isSnapFile(x)})) == FALSE)){
idx = which(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){isSnapFile(x)})) == FALSE)
print("error: these files are not snap file")
# check if GM session exist
if(any(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){ "GM" %in% h5ls(x, recursive=1)$name })) == FALSE)){
idx = which(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){ "GM" %in% h5ls(x, recursive=1)$name })) == FALSE)
print("error: the following nsap files do not contain GM session")
# read the snap object
message("Epoch: reading cell-gene count matrix session ...");
obj.ls = mclapply(fileList, function(file){
idx = which(obj@file == file);
addGmatToSnapSingle(obj[idx,], file);
}, mc.cores=num.cores);
obj.ls = lapply(fileList, function(file){
idx = which(obj@file == file);
addGmatToSnapSingle(obj[idx,], file);
# combine
if((x=length(obj.ls)) == 1L){
res = obj.ls[[1]]
res = Reduce(snapRbind, obj.ls);
o1 = paste(obj@file, obj@barcode, sep=".");
o2 = paste(res@file, res@barcode, sep=".");
obj@gmat = res@gmat[match(o1, o2),];
rm(obj.ls, res, o1, o2);
#' Remove cell-by-bin matrix
#' This function takes a snap object as input and removes the cell-by-bin
#' matrix in the existing snap object. Report error when cell-by-bin matrix is empty.
#' @param obj A snap object to remove cell-by-bin matrix.
#' @examples
#' data(demo.sp)
#' rmBmatFromSnap(demo.sp)
#' @return Return a snap object without cell-by-bin matrix
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @import Matrix
#' @export
rmBmatFromSnap <- function(obj){
UseMethod("rmBmatFromSnap", obj);
#' @export
rmBmatFromSnap.default <- function(obj){
# close the previously opened H5 file
stop("obj is missing")
if(!is(obj, "snap")){
stop("obj is not a snap object")
data.use = methods::slot(obj, "bmat");
if((x=nrow(data.use)) == 0L){
stop("cell-by-bin matrix does not exist in obj");
obj@bmat = Matrix(0,0,0, sparse=TRUE);
obj@feature = GRanges();
#' Remove cell-by-peak matrix
#' This function takes a snap object as input and removes the cell-by-peak
#' matrix in the existing snap object. Report error when cell-by-peak matrix is empty.
#' @param obj A snap object to remove cell-by-peak matrix.
#' @examples
#' data(demo.sp)
#' rmPmatFromSnap(demo.sp)
#' @return Return a snap object without cell-by-peak matrix
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @import Matrix
#' @export
rmPmatFromSnap <- function(obj){
UseMethod("rmPmatFromSnap", obj);
#' @export
rmPmatFromSnap.default <- function(obj){
# close the previously opened H5 file
stop("obj is missing")
if(!is(obj, "snap")){
stop("obj is not a snap object")
data.use = methods::slot(obj, "pmat");
if((x=nrow(data.use)) == 0L){
stop("cell-by-peak matrix does not exist in obj");
obj@pmat = Matrix(0,0,0, sparse=TRUE);
obj@peak = GRanges();
#' Remove cell-by-gene matrix
#' This function takes a snap object as input and removes the cell-by-gene
#' matrix in the existing snap object. Report error when cell-by-gene matrix
#' is empty.
#' @param obj A snap object to remove cell-by-gene matrix.
#' @examples
#' data(demo.sp)
#' rmPmatFromSnap(demo.sp)
#' @return Return a snap object without cell-by-peak matrix
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @import Matrix
#' @export
rmGmatFromSnap <- function(obj){
UseMethod("rmGmatFromSnap", obj);
#' @export
rmGmatFromSnap.default <- function(obj){
# close the previously opened H5 file
stop("obj is missing")
if(!is(obj, "snap")){
stop("obj is not a snap object")
data.use = methods::slot(obj, "gmat");
if((x=nrow(data.use)) == 0L){
stop("cell-by-gene matrix does not exist in obj");
obj@gmat = Matrix(0,0,0, sparse=TRUE);
#' Create a snap object from cell-by-bin matrix
#' This function takes a cell-by-bin count matrix as input and returns a snap object.
#' @param mat A sparse matrix
#' @param barcodes Corresponding barcodes
#' @param bins A GenomicRanges object for the genomic coordinates of the bins
#' @examples
#' library("GenomicRanges");
#' mat = Matrix(sample(0:10, 100, replace=TRUE),sparse=TRUE, ncol=5);
#' barcodes = paste("barcode", seq(nrow(mat)), sep=".");
#' chroms = c("chr1", "chr1", "chr1", "chr1", "chr1");
#' pos = c(1, 5001, 10001, 15001, 20001);
#' bins = GRanges(chroms, IRanges(pos, pos+5000));
#' x.sp = createSnapFromBmat(
#' mat,
#' barcodes=barcodes,
#' bins=bins
#' );
#' @return Return a snap object
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
createSnapFromBmat <- function(mat, barcodes, bins) {
UseMethod("createSnapFromBmat", mat);
#' @export
createSnapFromBmat.default <- function(mat, barcodes, bins){
if(missing(mat) || missing(barcodes) || missing(bins)){
stop("mat or barcodes or bins is missing");
if(!(is(mat, "dsCMatrix") || is(mat, "dgCMatrix"))){
stop("'mat' is not a sparse matrix");
if(length(barcodes) != nrow(mat)){
stop("'mat' has different number of rows with number of barcodes");
if(!is(bins, "GRanges")){
stop("'bins' is not a GRanges object")
if(length(bins) != ncol(mat)){
stop("'mat' has different number of columns with number of bins");
obj = newSnap();
obj@bmat = mat;
obj@barcode = barcodes;
obj@feature = bins;
#' Create a snap object from cell-by-peak matrix
#' This function takes a cell-by-peak count matrix as input and returns a snap object.
#' @param mat A sparse matrix
#' @param barcodes Corresponding barcodes
#' @param peaks A GRanges object for the genomic coordinates of peaks
#' @examples
#' library("GenomicRanges");
#' mat = Matrix(sample(0:10, 100, replace=TRUE),sparse=TRUE, ncol=5);
#' barcodes = paste("barcode", seq(nrow(mat)), sep=".");
#' chroms = c("chr1", "chr1", "chr1", "chr1", "chr1");
#' pos = c(1, 5001, 10001, 15001, 20001);
#' peaks = GRanges(chroms, IRanges(pos, pos+100));
#' x.sp = createSnapFromPmat(
#' mat,
#' barcodes=barcodes,
#' peaks=peaks
#' );
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
createSnapFromPmat <- function(mat, barcodes, peaks) {
UseMethod("createSnapFromPmat", mat);
#' @export
createSnapFromPmat.default <- function(mat, barcodes, peaks){
if(missing(mat) || missing(barcodes) || missing(peaks)){
stop("mat or barcodes or peaks is missing");
if(!(is(mat, "dsCMatrix") || is(mat, "dgCMatrix"))){
stop("'mat' is not a sparse matrix");
if(length(barcodes) != nrow(mat)){
stop("'mat' has different number of rows with number of barcodes");
if(!is(peaks, "GRanges")){
stop("'peaks' is not a GRanges object")
if(length(peaks) != ncol(mat)){
stop("'mat' has different number of columns with number of peaks");
obj = newSnap();
obj@pmat = mat;
obj@barcode = barcodes;
obj@peak = peaks;
#' Create a snap object from cell-by-gene matrix
#' This function takes a cell-by-gene count matrix as input and returns a snap object.
#' @param mat A sparse matrix
#' @param barcodes An array of characters for barcodes
#' @param gene.names An array of characters for gene names
#' @examples
#' mat = Matrix(sample(0:10, 100, replace=TRUE),sparse=TRUE, ncol=5);
#' barcodes = paste("barcode", seq(nrow(mat)), sep=".");
#' gene.names = paste("genes", seq(ncol(mat)), sep=".");
#' x.sp = createSnapFromGmat(
#' mat,
#' barcodes=barcodes,
#' gene.names=gene.names
#' );
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
createSnapFromGmat <- function(mat, barcodes, gene.names) {
#' @export
createSnapFromGmat.default <- function(mat, barcodes, gene.names){
if(missing(mat) || missing(barcodes) || missing(gene.names)){
stop("mat or barcodes or gene.names is missing");
if(!(is(mat, "dsCMatrix") || is(mat, "dgCMatrix"))){
stop("'mat' is not a sparse matrix");
if(length(barcodes) != nrow(mat)){
stop("'mat' has different number of rows with number of barcodes");
if(!is(gene.names, "character")){
stop("'gene.names' is not a character object")
if(length(gene.names) != ncol(mat)){
stop("'mat' has different number of columns with number of gene.names");
obj = newSnap();
obj@gmat = mat;
obj@barcode = barcodes;
colnames(obj@gmat) = gene.names;
#' Read meta data from a snap file
#' Take a snap file as input and read the barcode session only.
#' @param file character for the snap-format file name which the data are to be read from.
#' @examples
#' file.name = system.file("extdata", "demo.snap", package = "SnapATAC");
#' md = readMetaData(file.name);
#' @return A data frame contains barcodes and its attributes
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5read
#' @export
readMetaData <- function(file) {
UseMethod("readMetaData", file);
#' @export
readMetaData.default <- function(file){
if(!file.exists(file)){stop(paste("Error @readMetaData: ", file, " does not exist!", sep=""))};
if(!isSnapFile(file)){stop(paste("Error @readMetaData: ", file, " is not a snap-format file!", sep=""))};
# close the previously opened H5 file
if(exists('h5closeAll', where='package:rhdf5', mode='function')){
barcode = as.character(tryCatch(barcode <- h5read(file, '/BD/name'), error = function(e) {print(paste("Warning @readSnap: 'BD/name' not found in ",file)); return(vector(mode="character", length=0))}));
TN = as.numeric(tryCatch(TN <- h5read(file, '/BD/TN'), error = function(e) {print(paste("Warning @readMetaData: 'BD/TN' not found in ",file)); return(c())}));
UM = as.numeric(tryCatch(UM <- h5read(file, '/BD/UM'), error = function(e) {print(paste("Warning @readMetaData: 'BD/UM' not found in ",file)); return(c())}));
PP = as.numeric(tryCatch(PP <- h5read(file, '/BD/PP'), error = function(e) {print(paste("Warning @readMetaData: 'BD/PP' not found in ",file)); return(c())}));
UQ = as.numeric(tryCatch(UQ <- h5read(file, '/BD/UQ'), error = function(e) {print(paste("Warning @readMetaData: 'BD/UQ' not found in ",file)); return(c())}));
CM = as.numeric(tryCatch(CM <- h5read(file, '/BD/CM'), error = function(e) {print(paste("Warning @readMetaData: 'BD/CM' not found in ",file)); return(c())}));
data.frame(barcode, TN, UM, PP, UQ, CM)
#' Export barcode meta data
#' This function takes a snap object as input and export its barcode and corresponding attributes
#' @param obj A snap object
#' @param file Output file name
#' @param slot.names Name of slots to be exported c('barcode', 'tsne', 'umap', 'cluster', 'metaData')
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @examples
#' data(demo.sp);
#' exportMetaData(demo.sp, file="demo.metadata.txt", slot.names=c("barcode", "tsne"));
#' @export
exportMetaData <- function(obj, file, slot.names){
UseMethod("exportMetaData", obj);
#' @export
exportMetaData.default <- function(obj, file, slot.names=c('barcode', 'cluster', 'tsne', 'umap', 'metaData')){
subset.names.ref = c('barcode', 'cluster', 'tsne', 'umap', 'metaData');
stop("obj is missing")
if(!is(obj, "snap")){
stop("'obj' is not a snap object")
stop("obj is empty");
stop("file already exists, remove it first")
stop("slot.names is missing")
if(!all(slot.names %in% subset.names.ref)){
stop("'slot.names' must be subset of c('barcode', 'cluster', 'tsne', 'umap', 'metaData')");
metaData.ls = lapply(as.list(slot.names), function(x){
if(x == "barcode"){
y = data.frame(slot(obj, x));
colnames(y) = "barcode"
}else if(x == "tsne"){
y = data.frame(slot(obj, x));
colnames(y) = c("tsne1", "tsne2");
}else if(x == "umap"){
y = data.frame(slot(obj, x));
colnames(y) = c("umap1", "umap2");
}else if(x == "cluster"){
y = data.frame(slot(obj, x));
colnames(y) = "cluster"
y = data.frame(slot(obj, x));
if(!all(sapply(lapply(metaData.ls, nrow), FUN = identical, nrow(metaData.ls[[1]])))){
stop("slot in subset.names have different length")
metaData.df = do.call(cbind, metaData.ls);
write.table(metaData.df, file = file, append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
col.names = TRUE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
fileEncoding = "")
#' Check correlation of cell-by-bin matrix
#' This function takes one or two snap object as input and calculate
#' the correlation between cell-by-bin matrix between replicates. If
#' obj2 is NULL, obj1 will be randomly split into two pseudo replicates
#' and the correlaion between these two pseudo-replicates will be
#' calcualted and returned. For obj1, the cell-by-bin matrix
#' cannot be empty. This function helps check whether the current
#' cell-by-bin matrix is sufficient for downstream analysis. If the
#' pearson correlation is less than 0.95 recommend to use a bigger bin.size.
#' @param obj1 A snap object for replicate 1
#' @param obj2 A snap object for replicate 2 [NULL].
#' @examples
#' data(demo.sp);
#' calBmatCor(demo.sp)
#' @return Return pearson correlation between replicates.
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
calBmatCor <- function(obj1, obj2) {
UseMethod("calBmatCor", obj1);
#' @export
calBmatCor.default <- function(obj1, obj2=NULL){
stop("obj1 is missing.")
if(!is(obj1, "snap")){
stop("obj1 is not a snap object")
if((x=nrow(obj1@bmat)) == 0){
stop("cell-by-bin matrix is empty")
if((x=max(obj1@bmat)) > 1){
obj1 = makeBinary(obj1, mat="bmat");
# check if obj2 is a snap object
if(!is(obj2, "snap")){
stop("obj2 is not a snap object")
# check if obj2 has the same features
if(any(obj1@feature$name != obj2@feature$name)){
stop("'obj1' and 'obj2' have different features")
if(max(obj2@bmat) > 1){
obj2 = makeBinary(obj2, mat="bmat");
cov1 = log(Matrix::colSums(obj1@bmat) + 1, 10);
cov2 = log(Matrix::colSums(obj2@bmat) + 1, 10);
ncell = nrow(obj1);
idx1 = sort(sample(seq(ncell), ncell/2));
idx2 = setdiff(seq(ncell), idx1);
cov1 = log(Matrix::colSums(obj1@bmat[idx1,]) + 1, 10);
cov2 = log(Matrix::colSums(obj1@bmat[idx2,]) + 1, 10);
return(cor(cov1, cov2, method="pearson"));
#' Combine snap objects
#' Takes two snap objects and combines them.
#' @param obj1 a snap object
#' @param obj2 a snap object
#' @return a combined snap object
#' @export
snapRbind <- function(obj1, obj2){
if(!is.snap(obj1)){stop(paste("Error @snapRbind: obj1 is not a snap object!", sep=""))};
if(!is.snap(obj2)){stop(paste("Error @snapRbind: obj2 is not a snap object!", sep=""))};
# barcode from obj1 and obj2
barcode1 = paste(obj1@file, obj1@barcode, sep=".");
barcode2 = paste(obj2@file, obj2@barcode, sep=".");
# check barcode name, if there exists duplicate barcode raise error and exist
if(length(unique(c(barcode1, barcode2))) < length(barcode1) + length(barcode2)){
stop("Error: @snapRbind: identifcal barcodes found in obj1 and obj2!")
rm(barcode1, barcode2)
# check meta data
if(nrow(obj1@metaData) > 0 && nrow(obj2@metaData) > 0){
metaData = rbind(obj1@metaData, obj2@metaData);
metaData = data.frame();
# check feature
feature1 = obj1@feature;
feature2 = obj2@feature;
if((length(feature1) == 0) != (length(feature2) == 0)){
stop("different feature found in obj1 and obj2!")
if(length(feature1) > 0){
if(FALSE %in% (feature1$name == feature2$name)){
stop("Error: @snapRbind: different feature found in obj1 and obj2!")
feature = feature1;
feature = feature1;
# check peak
peak1 = obj1@peak;
peak2 = obj2@peak;
if((length(peak1) == 0) != (length(peak2) == 0)){
stop("different peak found in obj1 and obj2!")
if(length(peak1) > 0){
if(FALSE %in% (peak1$name == peak2$name)){
stop("Error: @snapRbind: different feature found in obj1 and obj2!")
peak = peak1;
peak = peak1;
rm(peak1, peak2)
# check bmat
bmat1 = obj1@bmat;
bmat2 = obj2@bmat;
if((length(bmat1) == 0) != (length(bmat2) == 0)){
stop("bmat has different dimentions in obj1 and obj2!")
bmat = Matrix::rBind(bmat1, bmat2);
rm(bmat1, bmat2)
# check gmat
gmat1 = obj1@gmat;
gmat2 = obj2@gmat;
if((length(gmat1) == 0) != (length(gmat2) == 0)){
stop("gmat has different dimentions in obj1 and obj2!")
gmat = Matrix::rBind(gmat1, gmat2);
rm(gmat1, gmat2)
# check pmat
pmat1 = obj1@pmat;
pmat2 = obj2@pmat;
if((length(pmat1) == 0) != (length(pmat2) == 0)){
stop("pmat has different dimentions in obj1 and obj2!")
pmat = Matrix::rBind(pmat1, pmat2);
rm(pmat1, pmat2)
# check gmat
dmat1 = obj1@smat@dmat;
dmat2 = obj2@smat@dmat;
if((length(dmat1) == 0) != (length(dmat2) == 0)){
stop("dmat has different dimentions in obj1 and obj2!")
dmat = Matrix::rBind(dmat1, dmat2);
rm(dmat1, dmat2)
res = newSnap();
res@feature = feature;
res@barcode = c(obj1@barcode, obj2@barcode);
res@file = c(obj1@file, obj2@file);
res@sample = c(obj1@sample, obj2@sample);
res@metaData = metaData;
res@bmat = bmat;
res@pmat = pmat;
res@peak = peak;
res@gmat = gmat;
res@smat@dmat = dmat;
res@smat@sdev = obj1@smat@sdev;
#' Cell filtration
#' This function takes a snap object as input and filter cells based on given cutoffs.
#' We next identify the high-quality barcode based on the following metrices:
#' 1) fragment.num - total number of fragments per barcode;
#' 2) UMI - unique molecular identifier;
#' 3) mito.ratio - mitochondrial ratio;
#' 4) dup.ratio - PCR duplicate ratio;
#' 5) pair.ratio - properly paired ratio;
#' 6) umap.ratio - uniquely mapped ratio;
#' Note we no longer use reads in peak ratio as a metric for cell selection mainly for two reasons.
#' Reads-in-peak ration is highly cell type specific. For instance, according to published single
#' cell ATAC-seq, human fibroblast (BJ) cells have significantly higher reads in peak ratio (40-60%)
#' versus 20-40% for GM12878 cells. Similarly, in mammalian brain, glia cells overall have very
#' different reads in peak ratio distribution compared to neuronal cells. We suspect this may reflect
#' the nucleus size or global chromatin accessibility. Second, pre-defined set of accessibility peaks
#' are incomplete and biased to the dominant populations.
#' @param obj A snap object.
#' @param subset.names Attributes used to filter cells c('fragment.num', 'UMI', 'mito.ratio', 'umap.ratio', 'dup.ratio', 'pair.ratio').
#' @param low.thresholds Low cutoffs for the parameters (default is -Inf)
#' @param high.thresholds High cutoffs for the parameters (default is Inf)
#' @examples
#' data(demo.sp);
#' filterCells(
#' obj=demo.sp,
#' subset.names=c("UMI"),
#' low.thresholds=c(10),
#' high.thresholds=c(Inf)
#' );
#' @return Returns a snap object containing only the relevant subset of cells
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
filterCells <- function(obj, subset.names, low.thresholds, high.thresholds) {
UseMethod("filterCells", obj);
#' @export
filterCells.default <- function(
stop("obj is missing");
if(!is(obj, "snap")){
stop("obj is not a snap object");
metaData = obj@metaData;
stop("metaData is empty")
if (missing(x = low.thresholds)){
low.thresholds <- replicate(n = length(x = subset.names), expr = -Inf);
if (missing(x = high.thresholds)) {
high.thresholds <- replicate(n = length(x = subset.names), expr = Inf);
if(!all(subset.names %in% c('fragment.num', 'mito.ratio', 'umap.ratio', 'dup.ratio', 'pair.ratio', 'UMI'))){
stop("'subset.names' must be subset of c('UMI', 'fragment.num', 'mito.ratio', 'umap.ratio', 'dup.ratio', 'pair.ratio')");
length.check <- sapply(
X = list(subset.names, low.thresholds, high.thresholds),
FUN = length
if (length(x = unique(x = length.check)) != 1L) {
stop("'subset.names', 'low.thresholds', and 'high.thresholds' must all have the same length");
data.subsets <- data.frame(name=subset.names, lw=low.thresholds, hg=high.thresholds);
metaData$UMI = metaData$UQ;
metaData$fragment.num = metaData$TN;
metaData$mito.ratio = (metaData$CM)/(metaData$UQ);
metaData$umap.ratio = (metaData$UM)/(metaData$TN);
metaData$dup.ratio = 1 - (metaData$UQ)/(metaData$PP);
metaData$pair.ratio = (metaData$PP)/(metaData$UM);
for(i in seq(nrow(data.subsets))){
f = as.character(data.subsets$name[i]);
names.use <- which(colnames(metaData) %in% f);
idx = which((metaData[,names.use] >= data.subsets$lw[i]) & (metaData[,names.use] <= data.subsets$hg[i]));
obj = obj[idx,];
metaData = metaData[idx,]
extractReadsFromOneCell <- function(
stop("file is missing");
stop(paste0(file, " is not a snap file"));
# read the reference barcode list
barcode.list = as.character(tryCatch(barcode.list <- h5read(file, '/BD/name'), error = function(e) {print(paste("Warning @extractReadsFromOneCell: 'BD/name' not found in ",file)); return(vector(mode="character", length=0))}));
stop("barcode is missing");
if(class(barcode) != "character"){
stop(paste0("barocde ", barcode, " is not character object"));
if(!(barcode %in% barcode.list)){
stop(paste0("barocde ", barcode, " does not exist in snape file", file));
pos.list = as.numeric(tryCatch(pos.list <- h5read(file, "FM/barcodePos"), error = function(e) {print(paste("Warning @readMetaData: 'FM/barcodePos' not found in ",file)); return(c())}));
len.list = as.numeric(tryCatch(len.list <- h5read(file, "FM/barcodeLen"), error = function(e) {print(paste("Warning @readMetaData: 'FM/barcodeLen' not found in ",file)); return(c())}));
if((x=length(pos.list)) != (y=length(len.list))){
stop("FM/barcodeLen has different length with FM/barcodePos")
pos = pos.list[match(barcode, barcode.list)];
len = len.list[match(barcode, barcode.list)];
idx.arr = seq(pos, pos + len - 1);
chroms = h5read(file, "FM/fragChrom", index=list(idx.arr))
starts = h5read(file, "FM/fragStart", index=list(idx.arr))
lens = h5read(file, "FM/fragLen", index=list(idx.arr))
frags.gr = GRanges(chroms,
IRanges(starts, starts + lens - 1),
barcode=rep(barcode, length(chroms)),
file=rep(file, length(chroms))
#' Extract Reads By Barcodes
#' This function takes a barcode list and snap file as input and quickly extract reads belonging to the given barcodes.
#' @param barcodes A vector contains the selected barcodes.
#' @param files A vector contains the snap file that barcodes belong to.
#' @param do.par A logic variable indicates weather to run this in parallel with multiple processors.
#' @param num.cores Number of processors to use.
#' @return Returns A GenomicRanges object that contains the reads
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster detectCores
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @export
extractReads <- function(
stop("barcodes is missing")
if(class(barcodes) != "character"){
stop("barcodes must be character");
stop("files is missing")
if(class(files) != "character"){
stop("files must be character");
ncell = length(barcodes);
nfile = length(files);
fileList = as.list(unique(files));
if(ncell != nfile){
stop("barcodes have different length with barcodes");
# check if snap files exist
if(any(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){file.exists(x)})) == FALSE)){
idx = which(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){file.exists(x)})) == FALSE)
print("error: these files does not exist")
# check if files are all snap files
if(any(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){isSnapFile(x)})) == FALSE)){
idx = which(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){isSnapFile(x)})) == FALSE)
print("error: these files are not snap file")
# check if FM session exist
if(any(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){ "FM" %in% h5ls(x, recursive=1)$name })) == FALSE)){
idx = which(do.call(c, lapply(fileList, function(x){ "FM" %in% h5ls(x, recursive=1)$name })) == FALSE)
print("error: the following nsap files do not contain FM session")
# input checking for parallel options
if(num.cores > 1){
if (num.cores == 1) {
num.cores = 1
} else if (num.cores > detectCores()) {
num.cores <- detectCores() - 1
warning(paste0("num.cores set greater than number of available cores(", parallel::detectCores(), "). Setting num.cores to ", num.cores, "."))
} else if (num.cores != 1) {
num.cores <- 1
read.ls = mclapply(as.list(seq(barcodes)), function(i){
barcode = barcodes[i],
file = files[i]
}, mc.cores=num.cores);
read.gr = Reduce(c, read.ls);
#' Feature filtration
#' This function takes a snap obj as input and perform feature selection in the following manner:
#' 1) calculate coverage of each genomic bin/feature;
#' 2) log scale the coverage by log10(count + 1);
#' 3) the log-nromal distribution is then converted into zscore;
#' 4) bins with zscore beyond [low.threshold, high.threshold] are filtered;
#' @param obj A snap obj
#' @param low.threshold Low cutoffs for the parameters (default is -2)
#' @param high.threshold High cutoffs for the parameters (default is 2)
#' @param mat Matrix to filter c("bmat", "pmat")
#' @examples
#' data(demo.sp);
#' filterBins(
#' obj=demo.sp,
#' low.threshold=-2,
#' high.threshold=2
#' );
#' @return Returns a snap obj
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importFrom methods slot is
#' @export
filterBins <- function(obj, low.threshold, high.threshold, mat) {
UseMethod("filterBins", obj);
#' @export
filterBins.default <- function(obj, low.threshold=-2, high.threshold=2, mat=c("bmat", "pmat")){
stop("obj is missing")
if(!is(obj, "snap")){
stop("'obj' is not a snap obj")
mat = match.arg(mat);
data.use = methods::slot(obj, mat);
if((x=nrow(data.use)) == 0L){
stop("count matrix is empty")
idy = which(Matrix::colSums(data.use) > 0);
cov = log(Matrix::colSums(data.use)[idy] + 1, 10);
zcov = (cov - mean(cov)) / stats::sd(cov);
idy2 = which(zcov >= low.threshold & zcov <= high.threshold);
idy = idy[idy2];
methods::slot(obj, mat) = data.use[,idy,drop=FALSE];
obj@feature = obj@feature[idy];
}else if(mat=="pmat"){
obj@peak = obj@peak[idy];
#' Check a snap-format file
#' This function takes a file name as input and check if the file is a snap-formated file
#' @param file A file name.
#' @examples
#' file.name = system.file("extdata", "demo.snap", package = "SnapATAC");
#' isSnapFile(file.name);
#' @return Return a logical variable indicates whether file is a snap file.
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5read h5ls
#' @export
isSnapFile <- function(file) {
UseMethod("isSnapFile", file);
#' @export
isSnapFile.default <- function(file){
stop("file does not exist!")
monals = tryCatch(
monals <- h5ls(file),
error = function(e) {
if(length(monals) != 0){
magicString = as.character(tryCatch(magicString <- h5read(file, '/HD/MG'), error = function(e) {print(paste("Warning @isSnapFile: 'HD/MG' not found in ", file)); return(character())}))
if(magicString == "SNAP" || magicString == "MONA"){
readBins <- function(file, bin.size=5000){
if(exists('h5closeAll', where='package:rhdf5', mode='function')){
if(!file.exists(file)){stop(paste("Error @addBmat: ", file, " does not exist!", sep=""))};
if(!isSnapFile(file)){stop(paste("Error @addBmat: ", file, " is not a snap-format file!", sep=""))};
if(!(bin.size %in% showBinSizes(file))){stop(paste("Error @addBmat: bin.size ", bin.size, " does not exist in ", file, "\n", sep=""))};
binChrom = tryCatch(binChrom <- h5read(file, paste("AM", bin.size, "binChrom", sep="/")), error = function(e) {stop(paste("Warning @readaddBmatSnap: 'AM/bin.size/binChrom' not found in ",file))})
binStart = tryCatch(binStart <- h5read(file, paste("AM", bin.size, "binStart", sep="/")), error = function(e) {stop(paste("Warning @addBmat: 'AM/bin.size/binStart' not found in ",file))})
if(bin.size == 0){
binEnd = tryCatch(binEnd <- h5read(file, paste("AM", bin.size, "binEnd", sep="/")), error = function(e) {stop(paste("Warning @addBmat: 'AM/bin.size/binStart' not found in ",file))})
binEnd = binStart + as.numeric(bin.size) -1;
if((length(binChrom) == 0) || (length(binStart) == 0)){stop("Error @addBmat: bin is empty! Does not support empty snap file")}
if(length(binChrom) != length(binStart)){
stop(paste("Error @addBmat: ", "binChrom and binStart has different length!", sep=""))
nBin = length(binChrom);
bins = GRanges(binChrom, IRanges(as.numeric(binStart),binEnd), name=paste(paste(binChrom, binStart, sep=":"), binEnd, sep="-"));
rm(binChrom, binStart);
readPeaks <- function(file){
if(exists('h5closeAll', where='package:rhdf5', mode='function')){
if(!file.exists(file)){stop(paste("Error @addBmat: ", file, " does not exist!", sep=""))};
if(!isSnapFile(file)){stop(paste("Error @addBmat: ", file, " is not a snap-format file!", sep=""))};
binChrom = tryCatch(binChrom <- h5read(file, "PM/peakChrom"), error = function(e) {stop(paste("Warning @addPmat: 'PM/peakChrom' not found in ",file))})
binStart = tryCatch(binStart <- h5read(file, "PM/peakStart"), error = function(e) {stop(paste("Warning @addPmat: 'PM/peakStart' not found in ",file))})
binEnd = tryCatch(binEnd <- h5read(file, "PM/peakEnd"), error = function(e) {stop(paste("Warning @addPmat: 'PM/peakEnd' not found in ",file))})
if((length(binChrom) == 0) || (length(binStart) == 0)){stop("Error @readSnap: bin is empty! Does not support empty snap file")}
if(length(binChrom) != length(binStart)){
stop(paste("Error @addPmat: ", "binChrom and binStart has different length!", sep=""))
nBin = length(binChrom);
bins = GRanges(binChrom, IRanges(as.numeric(binStart),binEnd), name=paste(paste(binChrom, binStart, sep=":"), binEnd, sep="-"));
rm(binChrom, binStart);
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @import Matrix
addBmatToSnapSingle <- function(obj, file, bin.size=5000){
# close the previously opened H5 file
if(exists('h5closeAll', where='package:rhdf5', mode='function')){
stop("obj is missing")
if(!is(obj, "snap")){
stop("obj is not a snap object")
if(!file.exists(file)){stop(paste("Error @addBmat: ", file, " does not exist!", sep=""))};
if(!isSnapFile(file)){stop(paste("Error @addBmat: ", file, " is not a snap-format file!", sep=""))};
if(!(bin.size %in% showBinSizes(file))){stop(paste("Error @addBmat: bin.size ", bin.size, " does not exist in ", file, "\n", sep=""))};
obj@bmat = Matrix(0,0,0);
barcode = as.character(tryCatch(barcode <- h5read(file, '/BD/name'), error = function(e) {print(paste("Warning @addBmat: 'BD/name' not found in ",file)); return(vector(mode="character", length=0))}));
bin.sizeList = showBinSizes(file);
if(length(bin.sizeList) == 0){stop("Error @addBmat: bin.sizeList is empty! Does not support reading empty snap file")}
if(!(bin.size %in% bin.sizeList)){stop(paste("Error @addBmat: ", bin.size, " does not exist in bin.sizeList, valid bin.size includes ", toString(bin.sizeList), "\n", sep=""))}
bins = readBins(file, bin.size);
obj@feature = bins;
idx = as.numeric(tryCatch(idx <- h5read(file, paste("AM", bin.size, "idx", sep="/")), error = function(e) {stop(paste("Warning @addBmat: 'AM/bin.size/idx' not found in ",file))}));
idy = as.numeric(tryCatch(idy <- h5read(file, paste("AM", bin.size, "idy", sep="/")), error = function(e) {stop(paste("Warning @addBmat: 'AM/bin.size/idy' not found in ",file))}));
count = as.numeric(tryCatch(count <- h5read(file, paste("AM", bin.size, "count", sep="/")), error = function(e) {stop(paste("Warning @addBmat: 'AM/bin.size/count' not found in ",file))}));
if(!all(sapply(list(length(idx),length(idy),length(count)), function(x) x == length(count)))){stop("Error: idx, idy and count has different length in the snap file")}
nBarcode = length(barcode);
nBin = length(obj@feature);
M = sparseMatrix(i=idx, j =idy, x=count, dims=c(nBarcode, nBin));
rownames(M) = barcode;
obj@bmat = M[match(obj@barcode, rownames(M)),]
rm(idx, idy, count, M);
if(exists('h5closeAll', where='package:rhdf5', mode='function')){
#' @importFrom methods is
addGmatToSnapSingle <- function(obj, file){
# close the previously opened H5 file
if(exists('h5closeAll', where='package:rhdf5', mode='function')){
# check the input
if(!is(obj, "snap")){stop(paste("Error @addGmat: ", file, " does not exist!", sep=""))}
if(!file.exists(file)){stop(paste("Error @addGmat: ", file, " does not exist!", sep=""))};
if(!isSnapFile(file)){stop(paste("Error @addGmat: ", file, " is not a snap-format file!", sep=""))};
barcode = as.character(tryCatch(barcode <- h5read(file, '/BD/name'), error = function(e) {print(paste("Warning @addBmat: 'BD/name' not found in ",file)); return(vector(mode="character", length=0))}));
geneName = tryCatch(geneName <- h5read(file, "GM/name"), error = function(e) {stop(paste("Warning @addGmat: 'GM/name' not found in ",file))})
if(length(geneName) == 0){
stop("Error @addGmat: GM is empty")
idx = as.numeric(tryCatch(idx <- h5read(file, "GM/idx"), error = function(e) {stop(paste("Warning @addGmat: 'GM/idx' not found in ",file))}))
idy = as.numeric(tryCatch(idy <- h5read(file, "GM/idy"), error = function(e) {stop(paste("Warning @addGmat: 'GM/idy' not found in ",file))}))
count = as.numeric(tryCatch(count <- h5read(file, "GM/count"), error = function(e) {stop(paste("Warning @addGmat: 'GM/count' not found in ",file))}))
if(!all(sapply(list(length(idx),length(idy),length(count)), function(x) x == length(count)))){stop("Error: idx, idy and count has different length in the snap GM session")}
nBarcode = length(barcode);
nGene = length(geneName);
M = sparseMatrix(i=idx, j =idy, x=count, dims=c(nBarcode, nGene));
rownames(M) = barcode;
obj@gmat = M[match(obj@barcode, rownames(M)),]
colnames(obj@gmat) = geneName;
rm(idx, idy, count, M);
if(exists('h5closeAll', where='package:rhdf5', mode='function')){
#' @importFrom methods is
addPmatToSnapSingle <- function(obj, file){
# close the previously opened H5 file
if(exists('h5closeAll', where='package:rhdf5', mode='function')){
# check the input
if(!is(obj, "snap")){stop(paste("Error @addPmat: ", file, " does not exist!", sep=""))}
if(!file.exists(file)){stop(paste("Error @addPmat: ", file, " does not exist!", sep=""))};
if(!isSnapFile(file)){stop(paste("Error @addPmat: ", file, " is not a snap-format file!", sep=""))};
barcode = as.character(tryCatch(barcode <- h5read(file, '/BD/name'), error = function(e) {print(paste("Warning @addBmat: 'BD/name' not found in ",file)); return(vector(mode="character", length=0))}));
binChrom = tryCatch(binChrom <- h5read(file, "PM/peakChrom"), error = function(e) {stop(paste("Warning @addPmat: 'PM/peakChrom' not found in ",file))})
binStart = tryCatch(binStart <- h5read(file, "PM/peakStart"), error = function(e) {stop(paste("Warning @addPmat: 'PM/peakStart' not found in ",file))})
binEnd = tryCatch(binEnd <- h5read(file, "PM/peakEnd"), error = function(e) {stop(paste("Warning @addPmat: 'PM/peakEnd' not found in ",file))})
if((length(binChrom) == 0) || (length(binStart) == 0)){stop("Error @readSnap: bin is empty! Does not support empty snap file")}
if(length(binChrom) != length(binStart)){
stop(paste("Error @addPmat: ", "binChrom and binStart has different length!", sep=""))
nBin = length(binChrom);
bins = GRanges(binChrom, IRanges(as.numeric(binStart),binEnd), name=paste(paste(binChrom, binStart, sep=":"), binEnd, sep="-"));
rm(binChrom, binStart);
obj@peak = bins;
idx = as.numeric(tryCatch(idx <- h5read(file, "PM/idx"), error = function(e) {stop(paste("Warning @readSnap: 'PM/idx' not found in ",file))}))
idy = as.numeric(tryCatch(idy <- h5read(file, "PM/idy"), error = function(e) {stop(paste("Warning @readSnap: 'PM/idy' not found in ",file))}))
count = as.numeric(tryCatch(count <- h5read(file, "PM/count"), error = function(e) {stop(paste("Warning @readSnap: 'PM/count' not found in ",file))}))
if(!all(sapply(list(length(idx),length(idy),length(count)), function(x) x == length(count)))){stop("Error: idx, idy and count has different length in the snap file")}
nBarcode = length(barcode);
nPeak = length(obj@peak);
M = sparseMatrix(i=idx, j =idy, x=count, dims=c(nBarcode, nPeak));
rownames(M) = barcode;
obj@pmat = M[match(obj@barcode, rownames(M)),]
rm(idx, idy, count, M);
if(exists('h5closeAll', where='package:rhdf5', mode='function')){
#' @importFrom methods is
createSnapSingle <- function(file, sample, metaData=TRUE, description=NULL){
# close the previously opened H5 file
if(exists('h5closeAll', where='package:rhdf5', mode='function')){
# check the input
if(!file.exists(file)){stop(paste(file, " does not exist!", sep=""))};
if(!isSnapFile(file)){stop(paste(file, " is not a snap-format file!", sep=""))};
if(!(is.logical(metaData))){stop(paste("metaData is not a logical variable!", sep=""))};
if(!is(description, "character")){
stop("description must be character object")
# create an empty snap object
res = newSnap();
barcode = as.character(tryCatch(barcode <- h5read(file, '/BD/name'), error = function(e) {print(paste("Warning @readSnap: 'BD/name' not found in ",file)); return(vector(mode="character", length=0))}));
metaData = readMetaData(file);
if(any((metaData$barcode == barcode) == FALSE)){stop(paste("Error @readSnap: meta data does not match with barcode name!", sep=""))};
res@metaData = metaData;
metaData = data.frame(barcode=barcode, TN=0, UM=0, PP=0, UQ=0, CM=0);
res@metaData = metaData;
nBarcode = length(barcode);
if((x=nBarcode) == 0L){
stop("barcode is empty! Does not support reading an empty snap file")
res@barcode = barcode;
res@des = description;
res@sample = rep(sample, length(barcode));
res@file = rep(normalizePath(file), length(res@barcode));
if(exists('h5closeAll', where='package:rhdf5', mode='function')){
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