
Defines functions as.table.referenceComparison convertToTable mergeDatasets findIntersectingCompounds getCompoundIntersectingKeyList compareDatasetIds filterKeys rankAgainstReference rankColumns prepareGeneInput compareWithAllMethods compareChunk messageComparisonStats comparePerMethod prepareRankedResults prepareGSEAresults performGSEAagainstReference prepareGSEAgenesets prepareCorrelationResults correlateAgainstReference processByChunks processChunk chunkColumns

Documented in as.table.referenceComparison chunkColumns compareWithAllMethods findIntersectingCompounds prepareGSEAgenesets processByChunks rankAgainstReference rankColumns

# Process a function by chunks of loaded CMap z-scores -------------------------

#' Assign columns into chunks
#' @param x Vector of elements
#' @param nrows Numeric: number of rows
#' @inheritParams processByChunks
#' @return List of chunks with equally distributed columns
#' @keywords internal
chunkColumns <- function(x, nrows, chunkGiB) {
    ncolsPerChunk <- ceiling( 1024^3 / (nrows * 8) )
    nchunks <- ceiling( length(x) / ncolsPerChunk )
    return( split(x, factor(sort(rank(x) %% nchunks))) )

processChunk <- function(chunk, data, FUN, ..., progress, verbose=FALSE) {
    if (verbose) message(Sys.time(), " - starting to load data chunk")
    if (is(data, "perturbationChanges")) {
        loaded <- loadCMapZscores(data[ , chunk], verbose=FALSE)
    } else if (is(data, "expressionDrugSensitivityAssociation")) {
        loaded <- readExpressionDrugSensitivityCorHDF5(
            data, cols=chunk, loadValues=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)
    if (verbose) message(Sys.time(), " - loaded data chunk")
    res <- FUN(loaded, chunk, ..., progress=progress)

#' Process data by chunks
#' @note All rows from file are currently loaded when processing chunks.
#' @param data Character containing a HDF5 file path (allowing partial loading)
#'   or data matrix (processed as single chunk if data matrix)
#' @param FUN Function: function to run for each chunk
#' @param num Numeric: numbers of methods to run per chunk
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{FUN}
#' @inheritParams compareWithAllMethods
#' @return Results of running \code{FUN}
#' @keywords internal
processByChunks <- function(data, FUN, num, ..., threads=1, chunkGiB=1,
                            verbose=FALSE) {
    loadFromFile <- is.character(data)
    if (loadFromFile && !file.exists(data)) {
        if (is(data, "perturbationChanges")) {
            type <- "z-scores"
        } else if (is(data, "expressionDrugSensitivityAssociation")) {
            type <- "gene expression and drug sensitivity association"
        source <- attr(data, "source")
        msg <- "%s not found: has the %s %s file been moved or deleted?"
        stop(sprintf(msg, data, source, type))

    # Display progress per chunk (if multi-threaded and on-demand file loading)
    # or per perturbation (if single-threaded)
    pb <- NULL
    if (threads == 1) pb <- startpb(max=ncol(data) * num)

    if (loadFromFile) {
        chunks <- chunkColumns(colnames(data), nrow(data), chunkGiB)
        if (threads > 1) pb <- startpb(max=length(chunks))
        resTmp <- lapply(chunks, processChunk, data, FUN, ..., threads=threads,
                         progress=pb, verbose=verbose)
        names(resTmp) <- NULL

        # Organise lists by the results of each method
        unlisted        <- unlist(resTmp, recursive=FALSE)
        len             <- sapply(unlisted, length)
        methods         <- names(unlisted)
        names(unlisted) <- NULL
        groups          <- factor(rep(methods, len), unique(methods))
        res             <- split(unlist(unlisted, recursive=FALSE), groups)
    } else {
        res <- FUN(data, colnames(data), ..., threads=threads, progress=pb)
    if (!is.null(pb)) closepb(pb)

# Compare similarity of data against reference ---------------------------------

#' @importFrom stats cor.test
correlateAgainstReference <- function(k, data, diffExprGenes, method,
                                      progress) {
    res <- cor.test(data[ , k], diffExprGenes, method=method)
    if (!is.null(progress)) setpb(progress, getpb(progress) + 1)

#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
prepareCorrelationResults <- function(cors, method, pAdjust="BH") {
    cor  <- sapply(cors, "[[", "estimate")
    pval <- sapply(cors, "[[", "p.value")
    qval <- p.adjust(pval, pAdjust)
    names(cor) <- names(pval) <- names(qval) <- names(cors)

    res  <- data.table(names(cor), cor, pval, qval)
    cols <- sprintf("%s_%s", method, c("coef", "pvalue", "qvalue"))
    names(res) <- c("identifier", cols)
    attr(res, "colsToRank") <- cols[[1]]

#' Prepare GSEA gene sets
#' @inheritParams compareWithAllMethods
#' @return List of gene sets
#' @keywords internal
prepareGSEAgenesets <- function(input, geneSize) {
    input <- prepareGeneInput(input)
    isGeneset <- isTRUE(attr(input, "isGeneset"))
    if(isGeneset) {
        geneset <- list("custom"=input)
        geneSize <- c(length(input), 0)
    } else {
        # Check if length of input is too small for geneSize
        genes <- names(input)
        if (length(geneSize) == 1) {
            isGeneNumberLow <- floor(length(genes)/2) < geneSize
        } else if (length(geneSize) == 2) {
            isGeneNumberLow <- length(genes) < sum(geneSize)

        if (isGeneNumberLow) {
            geneSize <- floor(length(genes)/2)
            msg <- paste(
                "'input' contains a smaller number of genes than available for",
                "'geneSize'; 'geneSize' parameter was reduced to", geneSize)
            warning(msg, immediate.=TRUE)
        if (length(geneSize) == 1) geneSize <- rep(geneSize, 2)

        ordered  <- order(input, decreasing=TRUE)
        topGenes <- genes[head(ordered, geneSize[[1]])]
        if (geneSize[[1]] <= 0) topGenes <- NULL

        bottomGenes <- genes[tail(ordered, geneSize[[2]])]
        if (geneSize[[2]] <= 0) bottomGenes <- NULL

        geneset <- list("top"=topGenes, "bottom"=bottomGenes)
    attr(geneset, "geneSize") <- unique(geneSize)

#' @importFrom fastmatch fmatch
performGSEAagainstReference <- function(k, data, geneset, progress) {
    signature        <- data[ , k]
    names(signature) <- rownames(data)
    gseaParam        <- 1
    signature        <- sort(signature, decreasing=TRUE) ^ gseaParam

    filterPathways  <- function(p, stats) na.omit(fmatch(p, names(stats)))
    genesetFiltered <- lapply(geneset, filterPathways, signature)
    score <- sapply(genesetFiltered, calcGseaStat, stats=signature)
    if (!is.null(progress)) setpb(progress, getpb(progress) + 1)

prepareGSEAresults <- function(gsa) {
    gsaRes <- do.call(rbind, gsa)
    calcWTCS <- all(sort(unique(colnames(gsaRes))) == c("bottom", "top"))
    if (calcWTCS) {
        # Weighted connectivity score (WTCS) as per CMap paper (page e8)
        isTop  <- colnames(gsaRes) == "top"
        top    <- gsaRes[ , which(isTop)]
        bottom <- gsaRes[ , which(!isTop)]
        wtcs   <- ifelse(sign(top) != sign(bottom), (top - bottom) / 2, 0)
        score  <- wtcs
    } else {
        score  <- gsaRes[[1]]
    if (length(score) == 0) score <- NA
    results <- data.table("identifier"=rownames(gsaRes), "GSEA"=score)
    attr(results, "colsToRank") <- "GSEA"

prepareRankedResults <- function(rankedRef, cellLineMean, cellLines, reference,
                                 rankPerCellLine, geneset) {
    colsToRank <- attr(rankedRef, "colsToRank")

    # Set whether to calculate the mean value across cell lines
    if (cellLineMean == "auto") cellLineMean <- cellLines > 1

    # Retrieve ranking information
    if (is(reference, "perturbationChanges")) {
        cellLine <- parseCMapID(rankedRef[["identifier"]], cellLine=TRUE)
        names(cellLine) <- rankedRef[["identifier"]]
    } else {
        cellLine <- rankedRef[["identifier"]]
        names(cellLine) <- cellLine

    metadata <- attr(reference, "metadata")
    if (cellLineMean) {
        aggregated  <- calculateCellLineMean(rankedRef, cellLine, metadata,
        rankedRef   <- aggregated$reference
        rankingInfo <- aggregated$rankingInfo
        metadata    <- aggregated$metadata
    } else {
        rankingInfo <- data.table(names(cellLine), TRUE)
    names(rankingInfo) <- c("cTRAP_id", colsToRank)

    # Inherit information of interest
    attr(rankedRef, "rankingInfo") <- rankingInfo
    attr(rankedRef, "metadata")    <- metadata
    attr(rankedRef, "geneset")     <- geneset

#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
comparePerMethod <- function(m, cols, reference, geneset, referenceSubset,
                             diffExprGenes, progress, threads=1) {
    if (any(m %in% c("spearman", "pearson"))) {
        cmp <- suppressWarnings(mclapply(cols, correlateAgainstReference,
                                         referenceSubset, progress=progress,
                                         diffExprGenes=diffExprGenes, method=m,
    } else if (m %in% "gsea") {
        cmp          <- NULL
        nulls        <- sapply(geneset, is.null) # Genesets with size of 0
        validGeneset <- geneset[!nulls]
        if (length(validGeneset) > 0) {
            cmp <- mclapply(cols, performGSEAagainstReference, reference,
                            validGeneset, progress=progress, mc.cores=threads)

        if (any(nulls)) {
            ns   <- names(geneset)[nulls]
            gsea <- rep(NA, length(ns))
            names(gsea) <- ns

            if (!is.null(cmp)) {
                cmp <- lapply(cmp, c, gsea)
            } else {
                cmp <- rep(list(gsea), length(cols))
                names(cmp) <- cols

messageComparisonStats <- function(reference, method, cellLines, geneSize) {
    type <- attr(reference, "type")
    if (is.null(type)) type <- "comparisons"
    compareMsg <- paste(c(ncol(reference), attr(reference, "source"), type),
                        collapse=" ")

    if (is.null(cellLines) || cellLines == 0) {
        msg <- compareMsg
    } else {
        cellLinesMsg <- sprintf("(%s cell line%s)", cellLines,
                                ifelse(cellLines == 1, "", "s"))
        msg <- paste(compareMsg, cellLinesMsg)
    geneSizeMsg <- ifelse("gsea" %in% method,
                          sprintf(" (gene size of %s)", geneSize), "")
    msg <- sprintf("Comparing against %s using '%s'%s...", msg,
                   paste(method, collapse=", "), geneSizeMsg)

compareChunk <- function(reference, cols, method, diffExprGenes, genes, geneset,
                         progress, threads=1) {
    names(cols) <- cols
    reference   <- unclass(reference)
    if (any(c("spearman", "pearson") %in% method)) {
        referenceSubset <- reference[genes, ]
    names(method) <- method
    res <- lapply(method, comparePerMethod, cols, reference, geneset,
                  referenceSubset, diffExprGenes, progress, threads=threads)
    if (threads > 1 && !is.null(progress)) setpb(progress, getpb(progress) + 1)

#' Compare reference using all methods
#' @param input \code{Named numeric vector} of differentially expressed genes
#'   whose names are gene identifiers and respective values are a statistic that
#'   represents significance and magnitude of differentially expressed genes
#'   (e.g. t-statistics); or \code{character} of gene symbols composing a gene
#'   set that is tested for enrichment in reference data (only used if
#'   \code{method} includes \code{gsea})
#' @param geneSize Numeric: number of top up-/down-regulated genes to use as
#'   gene sets to test for enrichment in reference data; if a 2-length numeric
#'   vector, the first index is the number of top up-regulated genes and the
#'   second index is the number of down-regulated genes used to create gene
#'   sets; only used if \code{method} includes \code{gsea} and if \code{input}
#'   is not a gene set
#' @param method Character: comparison method (\code{spearman}, \code{pearson}
#'   or \code{gsea}; multiple methods may be selected at once)
#' @param reference Data matrix or \code{character} object with file path to
#'   CMap perturbations (see \code{\link{prepareCMapPerturbations}()}) or gene
#'   expression and drug sensitivity association (see
#'   \code{\link{loadExpressionDrugSensitivityAssociation}()})
#' @param cellLines Integer: number of unique cell lines
#' @param cellLineMean Boolean: add rows with the mean of \code{method} across
#'   cell lines? If \code{cellLineMean = "auto"} (default), rows will be added
#'   when data for more than one cell line is available.
#' @param rankByAscending Boolean: rank values based on their ascending
#'   (\code{TRUE}) or descending (\code{FALSE}) order?
#' @param rankPerCellLine Boolean: rank results based on both individual cell
#'   lines and mean scores across cell lines (\code{TRUE}) or based on mean
#'   scores alone (\code{FALSE})? If \code{cellLineMean = FALSE}, individual
#'   cell line conditions are always ranked.
#' @param threads Integer: number of parallel threads
#' @param verbose Boolean: print additional details?
#' @param chunkGiB Numeric: size (in gibibytes) of chunks to load
#'   \code{reference} file; only if argument \code{reference} is a file path
#' @section GSEA score:
#'   When \code{method = "gsea"}, weighted connectivity scores (WTCS) are
#'   calculated (\url{https://clue.io/connectopedia/cmap_algorithms}).
#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @importFrom R.utils capitalize
#' @importFrom pbapply startpb getpb setpb closepb
#' @return List of data tables with correlation and/or GSEA score results
#' @keywords internal
compareWithAllMethods <- function(method, input, reference, geneSize=150,
                                  cellLines=NULL, cellLineMean="auto",
                                  rankPerCellLine=FALSE, threads=1, chunkGiB=1,
                                  verbose=FALSE) {
    startTime <- Sys.time()
    geneset <- NULL
    if ("gsea" %in% method) {
        # Check if there is something wrong with the geneset(s)
        geneset  <- prepareGSEAgenesets(input, geneSize)
        geneSize <- attr(geneset, "geneSize")
    genes   <- NULL
    if (any(c("spearman", "pearson") %in% method)) {
        # Subset based on intersecting genes
        genes <- intersect(names(input), rownames(reference))
        input <- input[genes]
    messageComparisonStats(reference, method, cellLines, geneSize)

    rankedRef <- processByChunks(
        reference, compareChunk, length(method), method=method, verbose=verbose,
        diffExprGenes=input, genes=genes, geneset=geneset, threads=threads,
    for (m in method) {
        if (m == "gsea") {
            rankedRef[[m]] <- prepareGSEAresults(rankedRef[[m]])
        } else {
            rankedRef[[m]] <- prepareCorrelationResults(rankedRef[[m]], m)
    rankedRef <- lapply(rankedRef, prepareRankedResults, cellLineMean,
                        cellLines, reference, rankPerCellLine, geneset)
    # Report run settings and time
    diffTime <- format(round(Sys.time() - startTime, 2))
    message(sprintf("Comparison performed in %s\n", diffTime))

prepareGeneInput <- function(input) {
    if (is.null(names(input)) && is.character(input)) {
        isGeneset   <- TRUE
        geneSymbols <- input
    } else if (!is.null(names(input)) && is.numeric(input)) {
        isGeneset   <- FALSE
        geneSymbols <- names(input)
    } else {
        stop("argument 'input' must be a named numeric vector or a character",
             " vector with gene symbols.")
    attr(input, "isGeneset")   <- isGeneset
    attr(input, "geneSymbols") <- geneSymbols

#' Rank columns in a dataset
#' @details The rank product's rank is calculated if more than one method is
#'   ranked.
#' @note The first column of \code{data} and \code{rankingInfo} must contain
#'   common identifiers.
#' @param table Data table: data; first column must be identifiers
#' @param rankingInfo Data table: boolean values of which rows to rank based on
#'   columns (column names to be ranked must exactly match those available in
#'   argument \code{table}); first column must be identifiers
#' @param sort Boolean: sort data based on rank product's rank (if multiple
#'   methods are available) or by available ranks
#' @inheritParams rankAgainstReference
#' @importFrom data.table setkeyv
#' @return Data table with the contents of \code{table} and extra columns with
#'   respective rankings
#' @keywords internal
rankColumns <- function(table, rankingInfo, rankByAscending=TRUE, sort=FALSE) {
    setkeyv(table, colnames(table)[[1]])
    colsToRank <- colnames(rankingInfo)[-1]
    rankedCols <- NULL
    for(col in colsToRank) {
        toRank     <- rankingInfo[[col]]
        rowsToRank <- rankingInfo[[1]][toRank]
        dataToRank <- table[rowsToRank][[col]]
        if (rankByAscending) dataToRank <- -dataToRank
        ranked     <- rank(dataToRank, na.last="keep")
        newCol     <- paste0(gsub("(.*)_.*$", "\\1", col), "_rank")
        table[rowsToRank, newCol] <- ranked
        rankedCols <- c(rankedCols, newCol)
    if (length(rankedCols) > 1) {
        # Calculate rank product's rank
        ranks    <- table[rowsToRank, rankedCols, with=FALSE]
        rankProd <- apply(ranks, 1, prod) ^ (1 / ncol(ranks))
        table[rowsToRank, "rankProduct_rank"] <- rank(rankProd, na.last="keep")
        sortingCol <- "rankProduct_rank"
    } else {
        sortingCol <- rankedCols
    if (sort) table <- table[order(table[[sortingCol]])]

#' Compare multiple methods and rank against reference accordingly
#' @inherit compareWithAllMethods
#' @param chunkGiB Numeric: if second argument is a path to an HDF5 file
#'   (\code{.h5} extension), that file is loaded and processed in chunks of a
#'   given size in gibibytes (GiB); lower values decrease peak RAM usage (see
#'   details below)
#' @section Process data by chunks:
#'   If a file path to a valid HDF5 (\code{.h5}) file is provided instead of a
#'   data matrix, that file can be loaded and processed in chunks of size
#'   \code{chunkGiB}, resulting in decreased peak memory usage.
#'   The default value of 1 GiB (1 GiB = 1024^3 bytes) allows loading chunks of ~10000 columns and
#'   14000 rows (\code{10000 * 14000 * 8 bytes / 1024^3 = 1.04 GiB}).
#' @importFrom data.table :=
#' @return Data table with correlation and/or GSEA score results
#' @keywords internal
rankAgainstReference <- function(input, reference,
                                 method=c("spearman", "pearson", "gsea"),
                                 geneSize=150, cellLines=NULL,
                                 cellLineMean="auto", rankByAscending=TRUE,
                                 rankPerCellLine=FALSE, threads=1, chunkGiB=1,
                                 verbose=FALSE) {
    startTime <- Sys.time()
    # Check if any of supplied methods are supported
    supported <- c("spearman", "pearson", "gsea")
    method <- unique(method)
    method <- method[method %in% supported]
    if (length(method) == 0) {
            "Argument 'method' must contain one of the following supported",
            "comparison methods:", paste(supported, collapse=", ")))
    input <- prepareGeneInput(input)
    if (attr(input, "isGeneset")) {
        if (!"gsea" %in% method) {
            msg <- paste("Method 'gsea' is automatically performed if argument",
                         "'input' is a gene set.")
        method <- "gsea"

    # Summary of intersecting genes
    genes       <- intersect(attr(input, "geneSymbols"), rownames(reference))
    intersected <- length(genes)
    total       <- length(input)
        "Subsetting data based on %s intersecting genes",
        "(%s%% of the %s input genes)..."),
        intersected, round(intersected / total * 100, 0), total))
    if (intersected == 0) {
        stop("No intersecting genes found. Check if argument 'input' is a",
             " named numeric vector or a character vector with gene symbols.")

    names(method) <- method
    res <- compareWithAllMethods(
        method=method, input=input, reference=reference, geneSize=geneSize,
        cellLines=cellLines, cellLineMean=cellLineMean,
        rankPerCellLine=rankPerCellLine, threads=threads, chunkGiB=chunkGiB,

    # Rank columns
    rankingInfo <- Reduce(merge, lapply(res, attr, "rankingInfo"))
    replaceNAsWithFALSE <- function(DT) {
        for (i in names(DT)) DT[is.na(get(i)), (i):=FALSE]
    rankingInfo <- replaceNAsWithFALSE(rankingInfo)
    merged <- Reduce(merge, res)
    ranked <- rankColumns(merged, rankingInfo, rankByAscending=rankByAscending,

    # Inherit metadata
    attr(ranked, "metadata") <- Reduce(merge, lapply(res, attr, "metadata"))
    attr(ranked, "geneInfo")        <- attr(reference, "geneInfo")
    attr(ranked, "compoundInfo")    <- attr(reference, "compoundInfo")
    attr(ranked, "zscoresFilename") <- attr(reference, "zscoresFilename")

    # Inherit from input
    attr(ranked, "input")         <- input
    attr(ranked, "rankingInfo")   <- rankingInfo
    attr(ranked, "geneset")       <- c(attr(res[["gsea"]], "pathways"), # legacy
                                       attr(res[["gsea"]], "geneset"))
    attr(ranked, "runtime")       <- Sys.time() - startTime

    class(ranked) <- c("referenceComparison", class(ranked))

# Match compound identifiers between datasets ----------------------------------

filterKeys <- function(keys, cols, keyList) {
    if (is.null(keys)) keys <- keyList[keyList %in% cols]
    if (length(keys) == 0) keys <- cols[[1]]
    names(keys) <- keys

compareDatasetIds <- function(data1, data2, key1, key2) {
    values1 <- stripStr(tolower(data1[[key1]]))
    values2 <- stripStr(tolower(data2[[key2]]))
    matches <- which(values1 %in% na.omit(values2)) # Avoid matching NAs

getCompoundIntersectingKeyList <- function() {
    keyList       <- list()
    keyList$cmap  <- c("compound_perturbation", "pert_iname", "pert_id",
                       "smiles", "InChIKey", "pubchem_cid")
    keyList$nci60 <- c("compound", "PubChem SID", "PubChem CID", "SMILES")
    keyList$ctrp  <- c("compound", "name", "broad id", "SMILES")
    keyList$gdsc  <- c("compound", "name")
    keyList       <- unique(unlist(keyList))

#' Check for intersecting compounds across specific columns on both datasets
#' @return List containing three elements: matching compounds
#'   \code{commonCompounds} between column \code{key 1} and \code{key 2} from
#'   the first and second datasets, respectively
#' @keywords internal
findIntersectingCompounds <- function(data1, data2, keys1=NULL, keys2=NULL) {
    showSelectedCols <- is.null(keys1) || is.null(keys2)

    # Filter keys based on dataset columns
    keyList <- getCompoundIntersectingKeyList()
    keys1 <- filterKeys(keys1, colnames(data1), keyList)
    keys2 <- filterKeys(keys2, colnames(data2), keyList)

    # Compare dataset key columns
    res <- list(key1=NULL, key2=NULL, commonCompounds=NULL)
    for (col1 in keys1) {
        for (col2 in keys2) {
            cmp <- compareDatasetIds(data1, data2, col1, col2)
            if (length(cmp) >= length(res$commonCompounds)) {
                # Save params if number of matching compounds is same or larger
                res$key1 <- col1
                res$key2 <- col2
                res$commonCompounds <- cmp

    if (showSelectedCols) {
            "Columns '%s' and '%s' were matched based on %s common values; to",
            "manually select columns to compare, please set arguments starting",
            "with 'keyCol'"),
            res$key1, res$key2, length(res$commonCompounds)))

mergeDatasets <- function(data2, data1, key2=NULL, key1=NULL,
                          suffixes=paste0(".", 1:2), ...,
                          removeKey2ColNAs=FALSE) {
    keys <- findIntersectingCompounds(data1, data2, key1, key2)
    key1 <- keys$key1
    key2 <- keys$key2

    # Convert key columns to same class if needed
    key1val <- data1[[key1]]
    key2val <- data2[[key2]]
    areNotClass <- function(key1val, key2val, cmp) cmp(key1val) && !cmp(key2val)

    FUN <- NULL
    if (length(keys$commonCompounds) > 0) {
        if (areNotClass(key1val, key2val, is.character)) {
            FUN <- as.character
        } else if (areNotClass(key1val, key2val, is.integer)) {
            FUN <- as.integer
        } else if (areNotClass(key1val, key2val, is.numeric)) {
            FUN <- as.numeric
        } else if (areNotClass(key1val, key2val, is.factor)) {
            FUN <- as.factor
        } else if (areNotClass(key1val, key2val, is.logical)) {
            FUN <- as.logical
    if (!is.null(FUN)) data2[[key2]] <- FUN(data2[[key2]])

    # Avoid matching NAs from key2 column of data2
    if (removeKey2ColNAs) data2 <- data2[!is.na(data2[[key2]]), ]

    # Merge data based on intersecting compounds
    data1[["matched_terms"]] <- stripStr(tolower(data1[[key1]]))
    data2[["matched_terms"]] <- stripStr(tolower(data2[[key2]]))
    df <- merge(data2, data1, by="matched_terms", suffixes=rev(suffixes), ...)
    id <- key1
    if (!key1 %in% colnames(df)) id <- paste0(key1, suffixes[[2]])
    df[["matched_terms"]] <- df[[id]]
    attr(df, "keys") <- keys

# referenceComparison object ---------------------------------------------------

convertToTable <- function(x, clean=TRUE) {
    metadata <- attr(x, "metadata")
    isMetadataUseful <- !is.null(metadata) && nrow(metadata) > 0
    if (isMetadataUseful) {
        nonCellID <- "non_cell_id"

        summaryID <- parseCMapID(metadata$sig_id, cellLine=FALSE)
        metadata[[nonCellID]] <- summaryID
        metadataSubset <- metadata[unique(match(summaryID, summaryID)), ]
        metadataSubset[ , c("sig_id", "distil_id")] <- NULL

        x[[nonCellID]] <- parseCMapID(x[[1]], cellLine=FALSE)
        res <- merge(x, metadataSubset, all.x=TRUE, by=nonCellID)
        res[[nonCellID]] <- NULL
    } else {
        res <- x

    geneInfo <- attr(x, "geneInfo")
    isGeneInfoUseful <- !is.null(geneInfo) && any(
        res[["pert_iname"]] %in% geneInfo[["pr_gene_symbol"]])
    if (isGeneInfoUseful) {
        res <- merge(res, geneInfo, by.x="pert_iname",
                     by.y="pr_gene_symbol", all.x=TRUE)
        # Place "pert_iname" column after "pert_id" one
        m <- match("pert_id", colnames(res))
        res <- res[ , c(2:m, 1, (m+1):(ncol(res))), with=FALSE]

    compoundInfo <- attr(x, "compoundInfo")
    if (is(x, "similarPerturbations")) {
        compoundCol1 <- compoundCol2 <- "pert_iname"
    } else {
        compoundCol1 <- "compound"
        compoundCol2 <- names(compoundInfo)[[1]]
    isCompoundInfoUseful <- !is.null(compoundInfo) && any(
        res[[compoundCol1]] %in% compoundInfo[[compoundCol2]])
    if (isCompoundInfoUseful) {
        res[[compoundCol1]] <- as.character(res[[compoundCol1]])
        compoundInfo[[compoundCol2]] <- as.character(
        res <- merge(res, compoundInfo, by.x=compoundCol1, by.y=compoundCol2,
        pos <- match("pert_id", colnames(res))
        if (!is.na(pos)) {
            # Place "pert_iname" column after "pert_id"
            res <- res[ , c(2:pos, 1, (pos + 1):(ncol(res))), with=FALSE]
    if (clean) {
        hideCols <- c(colnames(res)[endsWith(colnames(res), "value") |
                                        endsWith(colnames(res), "value_rank")],
                      "pert_dose", "pert_dose_unit",
                      "pert_time", "pert_time_unit")
        hideCols <- hideCols[hideCols %in% colnames(res)]
        if (length(hideCols) > 0) res <- res[ , -hideCols, with=FALSE]
    res <- data.table(res)

    # Reorder table based on original ordering
    if (all(x[[1]] %in% res[[1]])) {
        res <- res[match(x[[1]], res[[1]]), , drop=FALSE]

#' Cross Tabulation and Table Creation
#' @param x \code{referenceComparison} object
#' @param ... Extra parameters not currently used
#' @param clean Boolean: only show certain columns (to avoid redundancy)?
#' @family functions related with the ranking of CMap perturbations
#' @family functions related with the prediction of targeting drugs
#' @return Complete table with metadata based on a \code{targetingDrugs} object
#' @export
as.table.referenceComparison <- function(x, ..., clean=TRUE) {
    return(convertToTable(x, clean=clean))
nuno-agostinho/cTRAP documentation built on Jan. 2, 2025, 12:11 a.m.