# Class to represent letterPolygons. A Letter consists of a x and a y vector
Letter = function(x,y) {
if(length(x) != length(y)) {
stop("The length of vector x is different from length of vector y")
pts = list(x=x,y=y);
class(pts) = "Letter";
##' builts an object of class Alphabet from the given set of symbols and colors
##' @title built alphabet
##' @param chars set of symbols
##' @param cols set of colors; one for each symbol
##' @param supportReverseComplement boolean whether the alphabet supports reverse complementation (like DNA/RNA) or not (like ASN)
##' @return the Alphabet object
##' @export
##' @exportClass Alphabet
##' @author Martin Nettling
##' @examples
##' DNA = Alphabet(c("A","C","G","T"),c("green4","blue","orange","red"),TRUE)
Alphabet = function(chars, cols, supportReverseComplement) {
obj = list(chars=chars,cols=cols,size=length(chars),supportReverseComplement = supportReverseComplement);
#################### Letter Polygons must be created
############## A
letterPolygons$A = Letter(
c(0, 4, 6, 10, 8, 5, 2, 0, NA,2.2,2.6,7.4,7.8,2.2) * 0.1,
c(0, 10, 10, 0, 0,7.5, 0, 0, NA, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3) * 0.1
############## P
tmpx.1=sin(seq(0, 1*pi, length = 80))*5 +5.0
tmpy.1=cos(seq(0, 1*pi, length = 80))*2.875 +7.125
tmpx.2=rev(sin(seq(0, 1*pi, length = 80))*3 +5.0)
tmpy.2=rev(cos(seq(0, 1*pi, length = 80))*1.375 +7.125)
letterPolygons$P = Letter(
c(0, 2, 2,0,NA,1, 5, tmpx.1,5,1,1,5,tmpx.2,5,1)*0.1,
############## B
letterPolygons$B = Letter(
c(0, 2, 2,0,NA,1, 5, 5, 1, NA,1, 5, 5, 1, NA,1,5,5, 1, NA,tmpx.1,tmpx.2,NA,tmpx.1,tmpx.2)*0.1,
############## R
letterPolygons$R = Letter(
c(0, 2, 2,0,NA,1, 5, 5, 1, NA,1, 5, 5, 1, NA,5, 10, 8, 3,NA,tmpx.1,tmpx.2)*0.1,
c(10,10,0,0,NA,10,10,8.5,8.5,NA,5.75,5.75,4.25,4.25,NA,5, 0 , 0, 5,NA,tmpy.1,tmpy.2)*0.1
############## C is copied from SeqLogo
angle1 = seq(0.3 + pi/2, pi, length = 40)
angle2 = seq(pi, 1.5 * pi, length = 40)
x.l1 = 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(angle1)
y.l1 = 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(angle1)
x.l2 = 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(angle2)
y.l2 = 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(angle2)
x.l = c(x.l1, x.l2)
y.l = c(y.l1, y.l2)
x = c(x.l, rev(x.l))
y = c(y.l, 1 - rev(y.l))
x.i1 = 0.5 + 0.35 * sin(angle1)
y.i1 = 0.5 + 0.35 * cos(angle1)
x.i1 = x.i1[y.i1 <= max(y.l1)]
y.i1 = y.i1[y.i1 <= max(y.l1)]
y.i1[1] = max(y.l1)
x.i2 = 0.5 + 0.35 * sin(angle2)
y.i2 = 0.5 + 0.35 * cos(angle2)
x.i = c(x.i1, x.i2)
y.i = c(y.i1, y.i2)
letterPolygons$C = Letter(
c(x, rev(c(x.i, rev(x.i))))/max(x),
c(y, rev(c(y.i, 1 - rev(y.i))))
############## G is copied from SeqLogo
letterPolygons$G = Letter(
c(letterPolygons$C$x, NA, 1, 0.5,0.5,0.8,0.8,1,1),
c(letterPolygons$C$y, NA, 0.4,0.4,0.3,0.3,0, 0,0.4)
############## D
tmpx.1=sin(seq(0, 1*pi, length = 80))*5 +5.0
tmpy.1=cos(seq(0, 1*pi, length = 80))*5 +5
tmpx.2=rev(sin(seq(0, 1*pi, length = 40))*3.5 +5.0)
tmpy.2=rev(cos(seq(0, 1*pi, length = 40))*3.5 +5.0)
letterPolygons$D = Letter(
c(0, 2, 2,0,NA,1, 5, 5, 1, NA,1,5,5, 1, NA,tmpx.1,tmpx.2)*0.1,
############## E
letterPolygons$E = Letter(
c(0, 10, 10, 2, 2, 0, 0, NA, 1, 9, 9, 1, NA, 1,10,10 ,1 ) * 0.1,
c(10, 10, 8.5, 8.5, 0, 0, 10, NA, 4, 4, 5.5, 5.5, NA, 0,0,1.5,1.5) * 0.1
############## F
letterPolygons$F = Letter(
c(0, 10, 10, 2, 2, 0, 0, NA, 1, 8, 8, 1 ) * 0.1,
c(10, 10, 8.5, 8.5, 0, 0, 10, NA, 4, 4, 5.5, 5.5 ) * 0.1
############## H
letterPolygons$H = Letter(
c(0, 2, 2, 0, NA, 8, 10, 10, 8, NA,1,9,9,1) * 0.1,
c(10, 10, 0, 0, NA, 10, 10, 0, 0, NA,4,4,6,6) * 0.1
############## H
letterPolygons$I = Letter(
c(3, 7, 7, 3) * 0.1,
c(10, 10, 0, 0) * 0.1
############## J
tmpx.1=sin(seq(0.5*pi, 1.5*pi, length = 40))*3 +5
tmpy.1=cos(seq(0.5*pi, 1.5*pi, length = 40))*2.5 +2.5
tmpx.2=rev(sin(seq(.5*pi, 1.5*pi, length = 40))*1 +5)
tmpy.2=rev(cos(seq(.5*pi, 1.5*pi, length = 40))*1 +2.5)
letterPolygons$J = Letter(
c(6, 8 , 8, 6,NA,tmpx.1,tmpx.2) * 0.1,
c(10, 10, 2.5, 2.5,NA,tmpy.1,tmpy.2) * 0.1
############## K
letterPolygons$K = Letter(
c(0, 2, 2, 0, NA, 0.2,8, 10, 0.2, NA, 5, 10, 8, 3) * 0.1,
c(10, 10, 0, 0, NA, 4,10,10,2, NA, 6, 0 , 0, 6) * 0.1
############## L
letterPolygons$L = Letter(
c(0, 2, 2, 10, 10, 0) * 0.1,
c(10, 10, 1.5, 1.5, 0, 0 ) * 0.1
############## M
letterPolygons$M = Letter(
c(0, 2, 2, 0, NA, 8, 10, 10, 8, NA, 1.5,4,6.0,3.5 , NA, 8.5,6,4.,6.5) * 0.1,
c(10, 10, 0, 0, NA, 10, 10, 0, 0, NA, 10 ,1,1, 10, NA, 10, 1, 1,10) * 0.1
############## N
letterPolygons$N = Letter(
c(0, 2, 2, 0, NA, 8, 10, 10, 8, NA, .5,2.5, 9.5,7.5 ) * 0.1,
c(10, 10, 0, 0, NA, 10, 10, 0, 0, NA, 10, 10, 0, 0) * 0.1
############## O
tmpx=sin(seq(0, 2*pi, length = 80))/2+0.5
tmpy=cos(seq(0, 2*pi, length = 80))/2+0.5
letterPolygons$O = Letter(
############## Q
letterPolygons$Q = Letter(
############## S
tmpx.1=(sin(seq(0.0*pi, 1.5*pi, length = 100))*5 +5)
tmpy.1=cos(seq(0.0*pi, 1.5*pi, length = 100))*2.825 +2.825
tmpx.2=rev(sin(seq(.0*pi, 1.5*pi, length = 100)))*3 +5
tmpy.2=rev(cos(seq(.0*pi, 1.5*pi, length = 100))*1.5 +2.825)
letterPolygons$S = Letter(
c(tmpx.1,tmpx.2,NA,-tmpx.1+10,-tmpx.2+10) * 0.1,
c(tmpy.1,tmpy.2,NA,-tmpy.1+10,-tmpy.2+10) * 0.1
############## T
letterPolygons$T = Letter(
c(0, 10, 10, 6, 6, 4, 4, 0) * 0.1,
c(10, 10, 9, 9, 0, 0, 9, 9) * 0.1
############## U
tmpx.1=rev(sin(seq(0.5*pi, 1.5*pi, length = 80))*5 +5)
tmpy.1=cos(seq(0.5*pi, 1.5*pi, length = 80))*3 +3
tmpx.2=(sin(seq(.5*pi, 1.5*pi, length = 80))*3 +5)
tmpy.2=rev(cos(seq(.5*pi, 1.5*pi, length = 80))*1.75 +3)
letterPolygons$U = Letter(
c(0, 0,tmpx.1,10, 10,8 ,8,tmpx.2,2,2 ) * 0.1,
c(10, 3,tmpy.1,3, 10,10,3,tmpy.2,3,10) * 0.1
############## V
letterPolygons$V = Letter(
c(0,4,6,10,8,5,2) * 0.1,
c(10,0,0,10,10,2,10) * 0.1
############## W
letterPolygons$W = Letter(
c(0, 2,4,5.5, 4, 3.0,1.5, NA,4.5, 6,8,10, 8.5,7,6) * 0.1,
c(10,0,0,10, 10, 2, 10, NA,10,0,0,10,10,2,10) * 0.1
############## X
letterPolygons$X = Letter(
c(0,2,10,8,NA,0,2,10,8) * 0.1,
c(10,10,0,0,NA,0,0,10,10) * 0.1
############## Y
letterPolygons$Y = Letter(
c(0,2,6,4,NA,4,6,10,8,NA,4,6,6,4) * 0.1,
c(10,10,4.5,4.5,NA,4.5,4.5,10,10,NA,5,5,0,0) * 0.1
############## Z
letterPolygons$Z = Letter(
c(0,2.5,10,7.5,NA,0,10,10,0,NA,0,10,10,0) * 0.1,
c(1.5,1.5,8.5,8.5,NA,10,10,8.5,8.5,NA,0,0,1.5,1.5) * 0.1
## plot the letters for testing
for(a in c("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y")) {
##' the DNA alphabet, i.e. A, C, G, T
##' @title DNA alphabet
##' @export
##' @author Martin Nettling
##' @examples
##' DNA
DNA = Alphabet(
##' the RNA alphabet, i.e. A, C, G, U
##' @title RNA alphabet
##' @export
##' @author Martin Nettling
##' @examples
##' RNA
RNA = Alphabet(
c1="Light green"; c2="Green"; c3="Dark green"; c4="Blue"; c5="violet"; c6="DarkBlue"; c7="Orange"; c8="Pink"; c9="Red";
##' the amino acid alphabet (20 symbols), i.e. A, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, Y
##' @title ASN alphabet
##' @export
##' @author Martin Nettling
##' @examples
##' ASN
ASN = Alphabet(
c(c1, c2 ,c3, c3, c5, c1, c6, c4, c7, c4, c4, c3, c8, c3, c7, c9, c9, c4, c5, c5),
##' the alphabet of all 26 characters
##' @title Complete character alphabet
##' @export
##' @author Hendrik Treutler
##' @examples
c(c1, c2 ,c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c1, c2),
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