# == title
# Class for Heatmap Annotations
# == details
# A complex heatmap contains a list of annotations which are represented as graphics
# placed on rows and columns. The `HeatmapAnnotation-class` contains a list of single annotations which are
# represented as a list of `SingleAnnotation-class` objects.
# == methods
# The `HeatmapAnnotation-class` provides following methods:
# - `HeatmapAnnotation`: constructor method.
# - `draw,HeatmapAnnotation-method`: draw the annotations.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
HeatmapAnnotation = setClass("HeatmapAnnotation",
slots = list(
name = "character",
anno_list = "list", # a list of `SingleAnnotation` objects
anno_size = "ANY",
which = "character",
width = "ANY",
height = "ANY",
gap = "ANY",
subsettable = "logical",
extended = "ANY",
param = "list"
prototype = list(
anno_list = list(),
which = "column",
gap = unit(0, "mm"),
subsettable = FALSE,
extended = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "mm"),
param = list()
contains = "AdditiveUnit"
# == title
# Constructor Method for HeatmapAnnotation class
# == param
# -... Name-value pairs where the names correspond to annotation names and values can be a vector, a matrix and an
# annotation function. Each pair is sent to `SingleAnnotation` to contruct a single annotation.
# -df A data frame. Each column will be treated as a simple annotation. The data frame must have column names.
# -name Name of the heatmap annotation, optional.
# -col A list of colors which contain color mapping to ``df`` or simple annotations defined in ``...``.
# See `SingleAnnotation` for how to set colors.
# -na_col Color for ``NA`` values in simple annotations.
# -annotation_legend_param A list which contains parameters for annotation legends. See `color_mapping_legend,ColorMapping-method` for all possible options.
# -show_legend Whether show annotation legends. The value can be one single value or a vector.
# -which Are these row annotations or column annotations?
# -gp Graphic parameters for simple annotations (with ``fill`` parameter ignored).
# -border border of single annotations.
# -gap Gap between annotations. It can be a single value or a vector of `grid::unit` objects.
# -show_annotation_name Whether show annotation names? For column annotation, annotation names are drawn either on the left
# or the right, and for row annotations, names are draw either on top or at the bottom. The value can be a vector.
# -annotation_label Labels for the annotations. By default it is the same as individual annotation names.
# -annotation_name_gp Graphic parameters for anntation names. Graphic paramters can be vectors.
# -annotation_name_offset Offset to the annotation names, a `grid::unit` object. The value can be a vector.
# -annotation_name_side Side of the annotation names.
# -annotation_name_rot Rotation of the annotation names. The value can be a vector.
# -annotation_name_align Whether to align the annotation names.
# -annotation_height Height of each annotation if annotations are column annotations.
# -annotation_width Width of each annotation if annotations are row annotations.
# -height Height of the whole column annotations.
# -width Width of the whole heatmap annotations.
# -simple_anno_size Size of the simple annotation.
# -simple_anno_size_adjust Whether also adjust the size of simple annotations when adjusting the whole heatmap annotation.
# == details
# For arguments ``show_legend``, ``border``, ``annotation_name_offset``, ``annotation_name_side``, ``annotation_name_rot``,
# ``show_annotation_name``, they can be set as named vectors to modify values for some of the annotations,
# e.g. assuming you have an annotation with name ``foo``, you can specify ``border = c(foo = TRUE)`` in `HeatmapAnnotation`.
# There are three ways to specify heatmap annotations:
# 1. If the annotation is simply a vector or a matrix, it can be specified like ``HeatmapAnnotation(foo = 1:10)``.
# 2. If the annotations are already stored as a data frame, it can be specified like ``HeatmapAnnotation(df = df)``.
# 3. For complex annotations, users can use the pre-defined annotation functions such as `anno_points`: ``HeatmapAnnotation(foo = anno_points(1:10))``.
# For more details and examples, please check https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/heatmap-annotations.html.
# == value
# A `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# == seealso
# There are two helper functions: `rowAnnotation` and `columnAnnotation`.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
HeatmapAnnotation = function(...,
df = NULL, name, col, na_col = "grey",
annotation_legend_param = list(),
show_legend = TRUE,
which = c("column", "row"),
gp = gpar(col = NA),
border = FALSE,
gap = unit(1, "points"),
show_annotation_name = TRUE,
annotation_label = NULL,
annotation_name_gp = gpar(),
annotation_name_offset = NULL,
annotation_name_side = ifelse(which == "column", "right", "bottom"),
annotation_name_rot = NULL,
annotation_name_align = FALSE,
annotation_height = NULL,
annotation_width = NULL,
height = NULL,
width = NULL,
simple_anno_size = ht_opt$simple_anno_size,
simple_anno_size_adjust = FALSE
) {
is_height_set = !missing(height)
is_width_set = !missing(width)
is_annotation_height_set = !missing(annotation_height)
is_annotation_width_set = !missing(annotation_width)
.ENV$current_annotation_which = NULL
which = match.arg(which)[1]
.ENV$current_annotation_which = which
.ENV$current_annotation_which <- NULL
fun_args = names(as.list(environment()))
verbose = ht_opt$verbose
.Object = new("HeatmapAnnotation")
anno_list = list()
if(missing(name)) {
name = paste0("heatmap_annotation_", get_row_annotation_index())
.Object@name = name
n_anno = 0
##### pull all annotation to `anno_value_list`####
if(!is.null(df)) {
if(is.matrix(df)) {
warning_wrap("`df` should be a data frame while not a matrix. Convert it to data frame.")
df = as.data.frame(df)
} else if(!is.data.frame(df)) {
oe = try(df <- as.data.frame(df), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(oe, "try-errir")) {
stop_wrap("`df` should be a data frame.")
} else {
df = as.data.frame(df)
anno_arg_list = list(...)
anno_arg_names = names(anno_arg_list)
if(any(anno_arg_names == "")) {
stop_wrap("Annotations should have names.")
if(is.null(anno_arg_names)) {
if(length(anno_arg_list) == 1) {
stop_wrap("The annotation should be specified as name-value pairs or via argument `df` with a data frame.")
if(length(anno_arg_list) > 1) {
stop_wrap("Annotations should have names.")
if(!is.null(df) && length(anno_arg_list)) {
if(any(duplicated(c(names(df), anno_arg_names)))) {
stop_wrap("Annotation names are duplicated to those in `df`. Check the column names of `df`.")
anno_value_list = list()
for(nm in anno_arg_names) {
anno_value_list[[nm]] = anno_arg_list[[nm]]
if(!is.null(df)) {
for(nm2 in colnames(df)) {
if(is.null(rownames(df))) {
anno_value_list[[nm2]] = df[, nm2]
} else {
anno_value_list[[nm2]] = structure(df[, nm2], names = rownames(df))
l_simple_anno = sapply(anno_value_list, is.atomic)
n_simple_anno = sum(l_simple_anno)
simple_anno_name = names(anno_value_list[l_simple_anno])
if("anno_simple_size" %in% names(anno_value_list)) {
stop_wrap("Please use `simple_anno_size` as the argument.")
if(verbose) qqcat("in total there are @{length(anno_value_list)} annotations (@{n_simple_anno} simple annotations)\n")
# normalize `show_legend`
if(length(show_legend) == 1) {
show_legend = recycle_param(show_legend, simple_anno_name, TRUE)
if(length(show_legend) < length(anno_value_list) && length(show_legend) > 1) {
show_legend = recycle_param(show_legend, simple_anno_name, TRUE)
# check length of show_legend
if(length(show_legend) == length(anno_value_list) && !all(l_simple_anno)) {
show_legend = show_legend[l_simple_anno]
###### normalize `heatmap_legend_param` #######
if(length(annotation_legend_param) == 0) {
annotation_legend_param = rep.list(NULL, n_simple_anno)
} else if(inherits(annotation_legend_param, "list")) {
if(all(sapply(annotation_legend_param, inherits, "list"))) { # if it is a list of lists
nl = length(annotation_legend_param)
if(nl > n_simple_anno) {
stop_wrap("Amount of legend params is larger than the number of simple annotations.")
if(is.null(names(annotation_legend_param))) {
names(annotation_legend_param) = simple_anno_name[seq_len(nl)]
} else if(length(setdiff(names(annotation_legend_param), simple_anno_name))) {
stop_wrap("Some names in 'annotation_legend_param' are not in names of simple annotations.")
} else {
annotation_legend_param = annotation_legend_param[ intersect(simple_anno_name, names(annotation_legend_param)) ]
lp = rep.list(NULL, n_simple_anno)
names(lp) = simple_anno_name
for(i in seq_along(lp)) {
if(names(lp)[i] %in% names(annotation_legend_param)) {
lp[[i]] = annotation_legend_param[[names(lp)[i]]]
annotation_legend_param = lp
} else {
annotation_legend_param = rep.list(annotation_legend_param, n_simple_anno)
is_name_offset_called = !missing(annotation_name_offset)
is_name_rot_called = !missing(annotation_name_rot)
n_total_anno = length(anno_value_list)
an = names(anno_value_list)
show_annotation_name = recycle_param(show_annotation_name, an, TRUE)
annotation_name_side = recycle_param(annotation_name_side, an, ifelse(which == "column", "right", "bottom"))
if(inherits(annotation_name_offset, "unit")) annotation_name_offset = to_unit_str(annotation_name_offset)
annotation_name_offset = recycle_param(annotation_name_offset, an, NULL, as.list = TRUE)
annotation_name_rot = recycle_param(annotation_name_rot, an, NULL, as.list = TRUE)
if(missing(border)) {
if(!is.null(ht_opt$annotation_border)) border = ht_opt$annotation_border
border = recycle_param(border, an, FALSE)
annotation_name_gp = recycle_gp(annotation_name_gp, n_total_anno)
if(length(annotation_label)) {
if(inherits(annotation_label, "gridtext")) {
annotation_label = lapply(seq_along(annotation_label), function(i) annotation_label[i])
names(annotation_label) = an
annotation_label = recycle_list(annotation_label, an, NULL)
# if(length(annotation_label) > 0) {
# annotation_label = lapply(seq_along(annotation_label), function(i) annotation_label[i])
# names(annotation_label) == an
# }
if(!missing(col)) {
if(length(col) >= 1) {
if(is.null(names(col))) {
stop_wrap("`col` should be a named list.")
if(any(is.na(names(col)))) {
stop_wrap("`col` should be a named list.")
col = col[intersect(simple_anno_name, names(col))]
if(any(sapply(col, function(x) if(is.function(x)) FALSE else is.null(names(x))))) {
stop_wrap("elements in `col` should be named vectors.")
if(any(sapply(col, function(x) if(is.function(x)) FALSE else any(is.na(names(x)))))) {
stop_wrap("elements in `col` should be named vectors.")
### check the length of annotations
len = sapply(anno_value_list, function(x) {
if(is.matrix(x)) {
} else if(inherits(x, "AnnotationFunction")) {
} else if(is.atomic(x)) {
} else {
len = len[!is.na(len)]
len = len[len > 0]
if(length(len)) {
if(length(unique(len)) > 1) {
stop_wrap(paste0("Length of annotations differs. ", paste(qq("@{names(len)}: @{len}", collapse = FALSE), collapse = ", ")))
i_simple = 0
i_anno = 0
simple_length = NULL
col_name_defined = NULL
for(ag in names(anno_value_list)) {
i_anno = i_anno + 1
arg_list = list(name = ag, which = which,
label = annotation_label[[i_anno]],
show_name = show_annotation_name[[i_anno]],
name_gp = subset_gp(annotation_name_gp, i_anno),
name_offset = annotation_name_offset[[i_anno]],
name_side = annotation_name_side[i_anno],
name_rot = annotation_name_rot[[i_anno]],
border = border[i_anno])
if(inherits(anno_value_list[[ag]], c("function", "AnnotationFunction"))) {
arg_list$fun = anno_value_list[[ag]]
if(inherits(anno_value_list[[ag]], "function")) {
if(which == "row") {
arg_list$width = unit(1, "cm")
} else {
arg_list$height = unit(1, "cm")
anno_list[[ag]] = do.call(SingleAnnotation, arg_list)
} else if(is.atomic(anno_value_list[[ag]])) {
arg_list$show_legend = show_legend[i_simple + 1]
arg_list$gp = gp
arg_list$legend_param = annotation_legend_param[[i_simple + 1]]
arg_list$value = anno_value_list[[ag]]
arg_list$na_col = na_col
arg_list$simple_anno_size = simple_anno_size
if(missing(col)) {
anno_list[[ag]] = do.call(SingleAnnotation, arg_list)
} else {
if(is.null(col[[ ag ]])) { # if the color is not provided
anno_list[[ag]] = do.call(SingleAnnotation, arg_list)
} else {
arg_list$col = col[[ ag ]]
anno_list[[ag]] = do.call(SingleAnnotation, arg_list)
col_name_defined = c(col_name_defined, ag)
i_simple = i_simple + 1
} else {
stop_wrap(paste0(ag, ": annotations should be vector/data frame (only `df`)/matrix/functions."))
if(!missing(col)) {
unused_col_name = setdiff(names(col), col_name_defined)
if(length(unused_col_name)) {
# warning(paste0("Following are defined in `col` while have no corresponding annotations:\n", paste(unused_col_name, collapse = ", ")))
n_total_anno = length(anno_list)
## check whether anno_list contains zoomed anno_empty
if(n_total_anno > 1) {
for(i in seq_len(n_total_anno)) {
anno = anno_list[[i]]@fun
if(identical(anno@fun_name, "anno_empty")) {
if(anno@var_env$zoom) {
stop_wrap("You set `zoom = TRUE` in `anno_empty()` for the empty annotation. The HeatmapAnnotation object only allows to contain one single annotation if it is a zoomed empty annotation.")
if(is.null(gap)) gap = unit(0, "mm")
if(identical(gap, 0)) gap = unit(0, "mm")
if(!inherits(gap, "unit")) stop_wrap("`gap` needs to be a unit object.")
# the nth gap does not really matter
if(length(gap) == 1) {
gap = rep(gap, n_total_anno)
} else if(length(gap) == n_total_anno - 1) {
gap = unit.c(gap, unit(0, "mm"))
} else if(length(gap) < n_total_anno - 1) {
stop_wrap("Length of `gap` is wrong.")
.Object@gap = gap
### calualte the width/heigit of annotations
global_height = NULL
global_width = NULL
if(which == "column") {
anno_size = do.call("unit.c", lapply(anno_list, height))
if(is.null(height)) {
height = sum(anno_size) + sum(gap) - gap[n_total_anno]
# for width, only look at `width`
if(is.null(width)) {
width = unit(1, "npc")
for(i in 1:n_total_anno) {
width(anno_list[[i]]) = width
} else if(which == "row") {
anno_size = do.call("unit.c", lapply(anno_list, width))
if(is.null(width)) {
width = sum(anno_size) + sum(gap) - gap[n_total_anno]
if(is.null(height)) {
height = unit(1, "npc")
for(i in 1:n_total_anno) {
height(anno_list[[i]]) = height
if(is_abs_unit(width)) {
width = convertWidth(width, "mm")
if(is_abs_unit(height)) {
height = convertWidth(height, "mm")
anno_size = convertWidth(anno_size, "mm")
names(anno_list) = sapply(anno_list, function(x) x@name)
if(annotation_name_align) {
# adjust x, y, offset slot in SingleAnnotation objects
l_bottom = sapply(anno_list, function(x) x@name_param$side == "bottom" & x@name_param$show & x@fun@fun_name != "anno_simple")
if(sum(l_bottom) > 1) {
max_offset = unit(max(sapply(anno_list[l_bottom], function(anno) {
})), "mm")
for(i in which(l_bottom)) {
anno_list[[i]]@name_param$offset = max_offset
anno_list[[i]]@name_param$y = unit(0, "npc") - max_offset
l_top = sapply(anno_list, function(x) x@name_param$side == "top" & x@name_param$show & x@fun@fun_name != "anno_simple")
if(sum(l_top) > 1) {
max_offset = unit(max(sapply(anno_list[l_top], function(anno) {
})), "mm")
for(i in which(l_bottom)) {
anno_list[[i]]@name_param$offset = max_offset
anno_list[[i]]@name_param$y = unit(1, "npc") + max_offset
l_left = sapply(anno_list, function(x) x@name_param$side == "left" & x@name_param$show & x@fun@fun_name != "anno_simple")
if(sum(l_left) > 1) {
max_offset = unit(max(sapply(anno_list[l_left], function(anno) {
})), "mm")
for(i in which(l_left)) {
anno_list[[i]]@name_param$offset = max_offset
anno_list[[i]]@name_param$x = unit(0, "npc") - max_offset
l_right = sapply(anno_list, function(x) x@name_param$side == "right" & x@name_param$show & x@fun@fun_name != "anno_simple")
if(sum(l_right) > 1) {
max_offset = unit(max(sapply(anno_list[l_right], function(anno) {
})), "mm")
for(i in which(l_right)) {
anno_list[[i]]@name_param$offset = max_offset
anno_list[[i]]@name_param$x = unit(1, "npc") + max_offset
.Object@anno_list = anno_list
.Object@anno_size = anno_size
.Object@which = which
.Object@width = width
.Object@height = height
.Object@subsettable = all(sapply(anno_list, function(x) x@subsettable))
extended = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "mm")
for(i in 1:4) {
extended[i] = unit(max(sapply(anno_list, function(anno) {
})), "mm")
.Object@extended = extended
.Object@param = list(
simple_anno_size = simple_anno_size,
simple_anno_size_adjust = simple_anno_size_adjust,
is_height_set = is_height_set,
is_width_set = is_width_set,
is_annotation_height_set = is_annotation_height_set,
is_annotation_width_set = is_annotation_width_set
## adjust height/width if `width`/`annotation_width` is set
if(which == "column") {
.Object = re_size(.Object, height = height, annotation_height = annotation_height)
} else {
.Object = re_size(.Object, width = width, annotation_width = annotation_width)
# == title
# Construct Row Annotations
# == param
# -... Pass to `HeatmapAnnotation`.
# == details
# The function is identical to
# HeatmapAnnotation(..., which = "row")
# == value
# A `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
rowAnnotation = function(...) {
HeatmapAnnotation(..., which = "row")
# == title
# Construct Column Annotations
# == param
# -... Pass to `HeatmapAnnotation`.
# == details
# The function is identical to
# HeatmapAnnotation(..., which = "column")
# == value
# A `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
columnAnnotation = function(...) {
HeatmapAnnotation(..., which = "column")
# == title
# Get a List of ColorMapping objects
# == param
# -object A `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# == details
# Color mappings for visible simple annotations are only returned.
# This function is only for internal use.
# == values
# A list of `ColorMapping-class` objects or an empty list.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
setMethod(f = "get_color_mapping_list",
signature = "HeatmapAnnotation",
definition = function(object) {
color_mapping_list = list()
for(i in seq_along(object@anno_list)) {
if(object@anno_list[[i]]@show_legend) {
color_mapping_list = c.list(color_mapping_list, object@anno_list[[i]]@color_mapping)
# == title
# Get a List of Annotation Legend Parameters
# == param
# -object A `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# == details
# The annotation legend parameters for visible simple annotations are only returned.
# This function is only for internal use.
# == values
# A list.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
setMethod(f = "get_legend_param_list",
signature = "HeatmapAnnotation",
definition = function(object) {
color_mapping_param_list = list()
for(i in seq_along(object@anno_list)) {
if(object@anno_list[[i]]@show_legend) {
color_mapping_param_list = c.list(color_mapping_param_list, object@anno_list[[i]]@legend_param)
# == title
# Draw the Heatmap Annotations
# == param
# -object A `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# -index A vector of indices.
# -k The current slice index for the annotation if it is split.
# -n Total number of slices.
# -... Pass to `grid::viewport` which contains all the annotations.
# -test Is it in test mode? The value can be logical or a text which is plotted as the title of plot.
# -anno_mark_param It contains specific parameters for drawing `anno_mark` and pass to the
# `draw,SingleAnnotation-method`.
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
setMethod(f = "draw",
signature = "HeatmapAnnotation",
definition = function(object, index, k = 1, n = 1, ...,
test = FALSE, anno_mark_param = list()) {
which = object@which
n_anno = length(object@anno_list)
anno_size = object@anno_size
gap = object@gap
vp_param = list(...)
if(is.character(test)) {
test2 = TRUE
} else {
test2 = test
test = ""
if(test2) {
if(which == "column") pushViewport(viewport(width = unit(1, "npc") - unit(3, "cm") - sum(object@extended[c(2,4)]), height = object@height))
if(which == "row") pushViewport(viewport(height = unit(1, "npc") - unit(3, "cm") - sum(object@extended[c(1,3)]), width = object@width))
} else {
pushViewport(do.call(viewport, vp_param))
if(missing(index)) {
n_anno = length(object@anno_list)
len = sapply(seq_len(n_anno), function(i) {
if(inherits(object@anno_list[[i]]@fun, "AnnotationFunction")) {
} else {
len = len[!is.na(len)]
if(length(len)) {
index = seq_len(len[1])
if(!length(index)) {
stop_wrap("Cannot infer the number of observations of the annotation.")
if(which == "column") {
# start from the last annoation which is put on bottom
for(i in seq_len(n_anno)) {
pushViewport(viewport(y = sum(anno_size[seq(i, n_anno)]) + sum(gap[seq(i, n_anno)]) - gap[n_anno],
height = anno_size[i], just = c("center", "top")))
draw(object@anno_list[[i]], index, k, n, anno_mark_param = anno_mark_param)
# oe = try(draw(object@anno_list[[i]], index, k, n))
# if(inherits(oe, "try-error")) {
# cat("Error when drawing annotation '", object@anno_list[[i]]@name, "'\n", sep = "")
# stop_wrap(oe)
# }
} else if(which == "row") {
for(i in seq_len(n_anno)) {
pushViewport(viewport(x = sum(anno_size[seq_len(i)]) + sum(gap[seq_len(i)]) - gap[i], width = anno_size[i], just = c("right", "center")))
draw(object@anno_list[[i]], index, k, n, anno_mark_param = anno_mark_param)
# oe = try(draw(object@anno_list[[i]], index, k, n))
# if(inherits(oe, "try-error")) {
# cat("Error when drawing annotation '", object@anno_list[[i]]@name, "'\n", sep = "")
# stop_wrap(oe)
# }
if(test2) {
grid.text(test, y = unit(1, "npc") + unit(2, "mm"), just = "bottom")
# grid.rect(unit(0, "npc") - object@extended[2], unit(0, "npc") - object@extended[1],
# width = unit(1, "npc") + object@extended[2] + object@extended[4],
# height = unit(1, "npc") + object@extended[1] + object@extended[3],
# just = c("left", "bottom"), gp = gpar(fill = "transparent", col = "red", lty = 2))
# == title
# Print the HeatmapAnnotation object
# == param
# -object A `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
setMethod(f = "show",
signature = "HeatmapAnnotation",
definition = function(object) {
n = length(object@anno_list)
if(n == 1) {
cat("A HeatmapAnnotation object with 1 annotation\n")
} else {
cat("A HeatmapAnnotation object with", length(object@anno_list), "annotations\n")
cat(" name:", object@name, "\n")
cat(" position:", object@which, "\n")
n_anno = length(object@anno_list)
len = sapply(seq_len(n_anno), function(i) {
if(inherits(object@anno_list[[i]]@fun, "AnnotationFunction")) {
} else {
len = len[!is.na(len)]
len = len[len > 0]
cat(" items:", ifelse(length(len), len[1], "unknown"), "\n")
cat(" width:", as.character(object@width), "\n")
cat(" height:", as.character(object@height), "\n")
cat(" this object is ", ifelse(object@subsettable, "", "not "), "subsettable\n", sep = "")
dirt = c("bottom", "left", "top", "right")
for(i in 1:4) {
if(!identical(unit(0, "mm"), object@extended[i])) {
cat(" ", as.character(object@extended[i]), "extension on the", dirt[i], "\n")
lt = list()
lt$name = names(object@anno_list)
lt$annotation_type = sapply(seq_len(n_anno), function(i) {
if(!is.null(object@anno_list[[i]]@color_mapping)) {
if(object@anno_list[[i]]@is_anno_matrix) {
paste0(object@anno_list[[i]]@color_mapping@type, " matrix")
} else {
paste0(object@anno_list[[i]]@color_mapping@type, " vector")
} else if(inherits(object@anno_list[[i]]@fun, "AnnotationFunction")) {
if(object@anno_list[[i]]@fun@fun_name != "") {
paste0(object@anno_list[[i]]@fun@fun_name, "()")
} else {
} else if(inherits(object@anno_list[[i]]@fun, "function")) {
} else {
lt$color_mapping = sapply(seq_len(n_anno), function(i) {
ifelse(object@anno_list[[i]]@color_is_random, "random",
ifelse(is.null(object@anno_list[[i]]@color_mapping), "", "user-defined"))
size_name = ifelse(object@which == "column", "height", "width")
lt[[size_name]] = sapply(seq_len(n_anno), function(i) {
if(size_name == "height") {
u = object@anno_list[[i]]@height
if(is_abs_unit(u)) {
as.character(convertHeight(u, "mm"))
} else {
} else if(size_name == "width") {
u = object@anno_list[[i]]@width
if(is_abs_unit(u)) {
as.character(convertWidth(u, "mm"))
} else {
df = as.data.frame(lt)
print(df, row.names = FALSE)
# == title
# Number of Observations
# == param
# -object The `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# -... other arguments.
# == value
# If there is no ``nobs`` information for any of its `SingleAnnotation-class` object,
# it returns ``NA``.
nobs.HeatmapAnnotation = function(object, ...) {
n_anno = length(object@anno_list)
len = sapply(seq_len(n_anno), function(i) {
if(inherits(object@anno_list[[i]]@fun, "AnnotationFunction")) {
} else {
len = len[!is.na(len)]
len = len[len > 0]
if(length(len)) {
} else {
# == title
# Add Annotations or Heatmaps as a Heatmap List
# == param
# -object A `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# -x A `Heatmap-class` object, a `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object or a `HeatmapList-class` object.
# -direction Whether it is horizontal list or a vertical list?
# == details
# Normally we directly use ``+`` for horizontal concatenation and `\%v\%` for vertical concatenation.
# == value
# A `HeatmapList-class` object.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
setMethod(f = "add_heatmap",
signature = "HeatmapAnnotation",
definition = function(object, x, direction = c("horizontal", "vertical")) {
direction = match.arg(direction)[1]
ht_list = new("HeatmapList")
ht_list@direction = direction
ht_list = add_heatmap(ht_list, object, direction = direction)
ht_list = add_heatmap(ht_list, x, direction = direction)
# == title
# Concatenate Heatmap Annotations
# == param
# -... `HeatmapAnnotation-class` objects.
# -gap Gap between the groups of annotations.
# == details
# The heatmap annotations should have same number of observations.
# == example
# ha1 = HeatmapAnnotation(foo = 1:10)
# ha2 = HeatmapAnnotation(bar = anno_points(10:1))
# ha = c(ha1, ha2)
# ha
# ha3 = HeatmapAnnotation(sth = cbind(1:10, 10:1))
# ha = c(ha1, ha2, ha3, gap = unit(c(1, 4), "mm"))
# ha
c.HeatmapAnnotation = function(..., gap = unit(1, "points")) {
anno_list = list(...)
if(length(anno_list) == 1) {
# remove NULL
anno_list = anno_list[ !sapply(anno_list, is.null) ]
if(length(anno_list) == 1) {
n = length(anno_list)
if(length(unique(sapply(anno_list, function(x) x@which))) != 1) {
stop_wrap("All annotations should be all row annotation or all column annotation.")
if(length(gap) == 1) gap = rep(gap, n)
if(length(gap) == n - 1) gap = unit.c(gap, unit(0, "mm"))
x = anno_list[[1]]
if(n > 1) {
x@gap[length(x@gap)] = gap[1]
for(i in seq_along(anno_list)[-1]) {
y = anno_list[[i]]
y@gap[length(y@gap)] = gap[i]
x@anno_list = c(x@anno_list, y@anno_list)
x@anno_size = unit.c(x@anno_size, y@anno_size)
x@gap = unit.c(x@gap, y@gap)
x@gap[length(x@gap)] = unit(0, "mm")
if(x@which == "column") {
x@height = convertHeight(sum(x@anno_size) + sum(x@gap) - x@gap[length(x@gap)], "mm")
} else {
x@width = convertWidth(sum(x@anno_size) + sum(x@gap) - x@gap[length(x@gap)], "mm")
nm = names(x)
ld = duplicated(nm)
if(any(ld)) {
dup = unique(nm[ld])
warning_wrap(paste0("Following annotation names are duplicated:\n ", paste(dup, collapse = ", ")))
nm2 = nm
nm2[unlist(split(seq_along(nm), nm))] = unlist(lapply(split(nm, nm), seq_along))
l = nm %in% dup
nm[l] = paste0(nm[l], "_", nm2[l])
names(x) = nm
extended = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "mm")
for(i in 1:4) {
extended[i] = unit(max(sapply(x@anno_list, function(anno) {
})), "mm")
x@extended = extended
# == title
# Annotation Names
# == param
# -x A `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# == example
# ha = HeatmapAnnotation(foo = 1:10, bar = anno_points(10:1))
# names(ha)
names.HeatmapAnnotation = function(x) {
# == title
# Assign Annotation Names
# == param
# -x A `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# -value A vector of new names.
# == example
# ha = HeatmapAnnotation(foo = 1:10, bar = anno_points(10:1))
# names(ha) = c("A", "B")
# names(ha)
"names<-.HeatmapAnnotation" = function(x, value) {
if(length(value) != length(x@anno_list)) {
stop_wrap("Length of `value` should be same as number of annotations.")
if(any(duplicated(value))) {
stop_wrap("Annotation names should be unique.")
names(x@anno_list) = value
for(i in seq_along(value)) {
x@anno_list[[i]]@name = value[i]
if(!is.null(x@anno_list[[i]]@color_mapping)) {
x@anno_list[[i]]@color_mapping@name = value[i]
anno_type = function(ha) {
sapply(ha@anno_list, function(x) x@fun@fun_name)
# == title
# Subset the HeatmapAnnotation object
# == param
# -x A `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# -i Index of observations.
# -j Index of annotations.
# == example
# ha = HeatmapAnnotation(foo = 1:10, bar = anno_points(10:1),
# sth = cbind(1:10, 10:1))
# ha[1:5, ]
# ha[, c("foo", "bar")]
# ha[, 1:2]
# ha[1:5, c("foo", "sth")]
"[.HeatmapAnnotation" = function(x, i, j) {
if(!missing(j)) {
if(is.character(j)) {
j = which(names(x@anno_list) %in% j)
if(nargs() == 1) { # ha[]
} else if(nargs() == 3 && missing(i)) { # ha[, "foo"]
x2 = x
x2@anno_list = x@anno_list[j]
for(nm in names(x2@anno_list)) {
x2@anno_list[[nm]] = copy_all(x2@anno_list[[nm]])
x2@anno_size = x@anno_size[j]
x2@gap = x@gap[j]
x2@gap[length(x2@gap)] = unit(0, "mm")
size(x2) = sum(x2@anno_size) + sum(x2@gap) - x2@gap[length(x2@gap)]
} else if(nargs() == 3 && missing(j)) { # ha[1:4, ]
x2 = x
for(nm in names(x2@anno_list)) {
x2@anno_list[[nm]] = x2@anno_list[[nm]][i]
x2@anno_size = do.call(unit.c, lapply(x2@anno_list, size))
size(x2) = sum(x2@anno_size) + sum(x2@gap) - x2@gap[length(x2@gap)]
} else if(nargs() == 2) { # ha[1:4]
if(is.character(i) && all(i %in% names(x2@anno_list))) {
warning_wrap("It seems you want to obtain a subset of annotations. You should set in a form of `anno[, names]`.")
x2 = x
for(nm in names(x2@anno_list)) {
x2@anno_list[[nm]] = x2@anno_list[[nm]][i]
x2@anno_size = do.call(unit.c, lapply(x2@anno_list, size))
size(x2) = sum(x2@anno_size) + sum(x2@gap) - x2@gap[length(x2@gap)]
} else if (!missing(i) && !missing(j)) { # ha[1:4, "foo"]
x2 = x
x2@anno_list = x@anno_list[j]
for(nm in names(x2@anno_list)) {
x2@anno_list[[nm]] = x2@anno_list[[nm]][i]
x2@anno_size = x@anno_size[j]
x2@gap = x@gap[j]
x2@gap[length(x2@gap)] = unit(0, "mm")
x2@anno_size = do.call(unit.c, lapply(x2@anno_list, size))
size(x2) = sum(x2@anno_size) + sum(x2@gap) - x2@gap[length(x2@gap)]
extended = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "mm")
for(i in 1:4) {
extended[[i]] = unit(max(sapply(x2@anno_list, function(anno) {
})), "mm")
x2@extended = extended
# == title
# Number of Annotations
# == param
# -x A `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
length.HeatmapAnnotation = function(x) {
# == title
# Resize the Width or Height of Heatmap Annotations
# == param
# -object A `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# -annotation_height A vector of of annotation heights in `grid::unit` class.
# -annotation_width A vector of of annotation widths in `grid::unit` class.
# -height The height of the complete heatmap annotation.
# -width The width of the complete heatmap annotation.
# -simple_anno_size The size of one line of the simple annotation.
# -simple_anno_size_adjust Whether adjust the size of the simple annotation?
# == details
# The function only adjust height for column annotations and width for row annotations.
# The basic rules are (take ``height`` and ``annotation_height`` for example:
# 1. If ``annotation_height`` is set and all
# ``annotation_height`` are absolute units, ``height`` is ignored.
# 2. If ``annotation_height`` contains non-absolute units, ``height`` also need to be set and the
# non-absolute units should be set in a simple form such as 1:10 or ``unit(1, "null")``.
# 3. ``simple_anno_size`` is only used when ``annotation_height`` is NULL.
# 4. If only ``height`` is set, non-simple annotation is adjusted while keeps simple anntation unchanged.
# 5. If only ``height`` is set and all annotations are simple annotations, all anntations are adjusted,
# and ``simple_anno_size`` is disabled.
# 6. If ``simple_anno_size_adjust`` is ``FALSE``, the size of the simple annotations will not change.
setMethod(f = "re_size",
signature = "HeatmapAnnotation",
definition = function(object,
annotation_height = NULL,
annotation_width = NULL,
height = NULL,
width = NULL,
simple_anno_size = object@param$simple_anno_size,
simple_anno_size_adjust = object@param$simple_anno_size_adjust) {
if(object@which == "column") {
if(!missing(width) || !missing(annotation_width)) {
stop_wrap("You cannot set the width of the column annotations.")
if(object@which == "colrowumn") {
if(!missing(height) || !missing(annotation_height)) {
stop_wrap("You cannot set the height of the row annotations.")
all_simple_annotation = all(sapply(object@anno_list, function(x) is_simple_annotation(x) || is_matrix_annotation(x)))
if(is.null(simple_anno_size_adjust)) {
if(all_simple_annotation) {
simple_anno_size_adjust = TRUE
} else {
simple_anno_size_adjust = FALSE
which = object@which
if(!simple_anno_size_adjust) {
if(all_simple_annotation) {
if(which == "column") {
height = sum(object@anno_size) + sum(object@gap) - object@gap[length(object@gap)]
object@height = convertHeight(height, "mm")
} else {
width = sum(object@anno_size) + sum(object@gap) - object@gap[length(object@gap)]
object@width = convertWidth(width, "mm")
if(ht_opt$verbose) {
message_wrap("`simple_anno_size_adjust` is set to FALSE and all annotations are simple annotations or matrix annotations, the heights of all annotations are not adjusted.")
if(which == "column") {
if(is.null(height)) {
is_size_set = FALSE
} else {
if(!inherits(height, "unit")) {
stop_wrap("`height` should be a `unit` object")
if(!is_abs_unit(height)) {
stop_wrap("`height` should be an absolute unit.")
is_size_set = TRUE
if(is.null(annotation_height)) {
is_annotation_size_set = FALSE
} else {
if(length(annotation_height) == 1) {
if(!inherits(annotation_height, "unit")) {
annotation_height = rep(annotation_height, length(object@anno_list))
if(length(annotation_height) == 1) {
if(length(object@anno_list) > 1) {
warning_wrap("`annotation_height` is set with length of one while with multiple annotations, `annotation_height` is treated as `height`.")
if(length(object@anno_list) == 1 && !inherits(annotation_height, "unit")) {
stop_wrap("When there is only one annotation, `annotation_height` should be set as a unit object.")
if(!inherits(height, "unit") || !object@param$is_height_set) {
height = annotation_height[1]
if(!inherits(height, "unit")) {
stop_wrap("`height` should be a `unit` object")
if(!is_abs_unit(height)) {
stop_wrap("`height` should be an absolute unit.")
is_size_set = TRUE
is_annotation_size_set = FALSE
} else {
is_annotation_size_set = TRUE
annotation_size_adjusted = annotation_height
size_adjusted = height
size_name = "height"
} else if(which == "row") {
if(is.null(width)) {
is_size_set = FALSE
} else {
if(!inherits(width, "unit")) {
stop_wrap("`width` should be a `unit` object")
if(!is_abs_unit(width)) {
stop_wrap("`width` should be an absolute unit.")
is_size_set = TRUE
if(is.null(annotation_width)) {
is_annotation_size_set = FALSE
} else {
if(length(annotation_width) == 1) {
if(!inherits(annotation_width, "unit")) {
annotation_width = rep(annotation_width, length(object@anno_list))
if(length(annotation_width) == 1) {
if(length(object@anno_list) > 1) {
warning_wrap("`annotation_width` is set with length of one while with multiple annotations, `annotation_width` is treated as `width`.")
if(length(object@anno_list) == 1 && !inherits(annotation_width, "unit")) {
stop_wrap("When there is only one annotation, `annotation_width` should be set as a unit object.")
if(!inherits(width, "unit") || !object@param$is_width_set) {
width = annotation_width[1]
if(!inherits(width, "unit")) {
stop_wrap("`width` should be a `unit` object")
if(!is_abs_unit(width)) {
stop_wrap("`width` should be an absolute unit.")
is_size_set = TRUE
is_annotation_size_set = FALSE
} else {
is_annotation_size_set = TRUE
annotation_size_adjusted = annotation_width
size_adjusted = width
size_name = "width"
if(which == "column") {
convertUnitFun = convertHeight
} else if(which == "row") {
convertUnitFun = convertWidth
anno_size = object@anno_size
size = slot(object, size_name)
gap = object@gap
if(length(gap) == 1) {
gap = unit(0, "mm")
} else {
gap = gap[-length(gap)]
n = length(object@anno_list)
# the basic rule is
# 1. if annotation_height is set, it needs to be a vector and height is disabled. If all
# annotation_height are absolute units, height is ignored
# 2. if annotation height contains non-absolute units, height also need to be set and the
# non-absolute unit should be set in a simple form such as 1:10 or unit(1, "null")
# 3. line_size is only used when annotation_height is NULL
# 4. if only height is set, non-simple annotation is adjusted while keep simple anntation unchanged
# 5. if only height is set and all annotations are simple annotations, all anntations are adjusted.
# and line_size is disabled.
if(is_annotation_size_set) {
if(length(annotation_size_adjusted) == 1) {
annotation_size_adjusted = rep(1, n)
if(length(annotation_size_adjusted) != n) {
stop_wrap(paste0("Length of annotation_", size_name, " should be same as number of annotations.", sep = ""))
if(!inherits(annotation_size_adjusted, "unit")) {
annotation_size_adjusted = unit(annotation_size_adjusted, "null")
l_rel_unit = !sapply(1:n, function(i) is_abs_unit(annotation_size_adjusted[i]))
if(any(l_rel_unit)) { # height/width must be set as an absolute unit
# height/width must be set
if(is_size_set) {
if(is_abs_unit(size_adjusted)) {
rel_num = sapply(which(l_rel_unit), function(i) {
if(inherits(annotation_size_adjusted[i], "unit")) {
if(unitType(annotation_size_adjusted[i]) != "null") {
stop_wrap("relative unit should be defined as `unit(..., 'null')")
} else {
stop_wrap("relative unit should be defined as `unit(..., 'null')")
rel_num = rel_num/sum(rel_num)
if(any(!l_rel_unit)) {
ts = size_adjusted - sum(gap) - sum(annotation_size_adjusted[!l_rel_unit])
} else {
ts = size_adjusted - sum(gap)
if(convertUnitFun(ts, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE) <= 0) {
stop_wrap(paste0(size_name, "is too small."))
ind = which(l_rel_unit)
for(i in seq_along(ind)) {
annotation_size_adjusted[ ind[i] ] = ts*rel_num[i]
} else {
stop_wrap(paste0("Since annotation_", size_name, " contains relative units, ", size_name, " must be set as an absolute unit."))
} else {
stop_wrap(paste0("Since annotation_", size_name, " contains relative units, ", size_name, " must be set."))
# from here `annotation_size_adjusted` contains absolute units if it is called.
gap = convertUnitFun(gap, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
if(is_size_set) {
size_adjusted = convertUnitFun(size_adjusted, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
if(is_annotation_size_set) {
annotation_size_adjusted = convertUnitFun(annotation_size_adjusted, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
if(is_annotation_size_set) {
# since annotation_size_adjusted has been recalculated, here we simply
# update the corresponding slots
slot(object, size_name) = unit(sum(annotation_size_adjusted) + sum(gap), "mm")
object@anno_size = unit(annotation_size_adjusted, "mm")
} else {
size = convertUnitFun(size, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
anno_size = convertUnitFun(anno_size, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
if(simple_anno_size_adjust) {
l_simple_anno = rep(FALSE, n)
} else {
l_simple_anno = sapply(seq_len(n), function(i) {
if(all(l_simple_anno)) {
anno_size2 = anno_size/sum(anno_size) * (size_adjusted - sum(gap))
size_adjusted = unit(size_adjusted, "mm")
anno_size2 = unit(anno_size2, "mm")
} else {
anno_size2 = anno_size
# size_adjusted = convertUnitFun(size_adjusted, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
if(is.null(simple_anno_size)) {
simple_anno_size = 5
} else {
simple_anno_size = convertUnitFun(simple_anno_size, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
if(size_adjusted <= sum(gap)) {
stop_wrap(paste0(size_name, " you set is smaller than sum of gaps."))
## fix the size of simple annotation and zoom function annotations
ts = size_adjusted - sum(gap) - sum(anno_size[l_simple_anno]) # total size excluding simple annotations and gap
if(ts < 0) {
stop_wrap(paste0(size_name, " you set is too small."))
anno_size2[!l_simple_anno] = anno_size[!l_simple_anno]/sum(anno_size[!l_simple_anno]) * ts
size_adjusted = unit(size_adjusted, "mm")
anno_size2 = unit(anno_size2, "mm")
slot(object, size_name) = size_adjusted
object@anno_size = anno_size2
for(i in seq_along(object@anno_list)) {
if(size_name == "width") {
width(object@anno_list[[i]]) = object@anno_size[i]
} else {
height(object@anno_list[[i]]) = object@anno_size[i]
has_zoomed_anno_empty = function(ha) {
if(length(ha@anno_list) == 1) {
anno = ha@anno_list[[1]]@fun
if(identical(anno@fun_name, "anno_empty")) {
if(anno@var_env$zoom) {
# == title
# Attach heatmap annotations to the heatmap
# == param
# -object A `Heatmap-class` object.
# -ha A `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# -side Which side of the heatmap. Value should be in "top", "bottom", "left", "right".
# -gap Space between the two heatmap annotations.
# == example
# m = matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
# ht = Heatmap(m)
# ha = HeatmapAnnotation(foo = 1:10)
# ht = attach_annotation(ht, ha)
# ht
# ha2 = HeatmapAnnotation(bar = letters[1:10])
# ht = attach_annotation(ht, ha2)
# ht
setMethod(f = "attach_annotation",
signature = "Heatmap",
definition = function(object, ha, side = c("top", "bottom", "left", "right"),
gap = unit(1, "points")) {
if(missing(side)) {
side = ifelse(ha@which == "column", "top", "left")
} else {
side = match.arg(side)[1]
ha_which = ha@which
if(ha_which == "column" && side %in% c("left", "right")) {
stop_wrap("Column annotations can only be attached to the top/bottom side of the heatmap.")
} else if(ha_which == "row" && side %in% c("top", "bottom")) {
stop_wrap("Row annotations can only be attached to the left/right side of the heatmap.")
if(side == "top") {
if(is.null(object@top_annotation)) {
object@top_annotation = ha
h = height(ha) + ht_opt$COLUMN_ANNO_PADDING
h = convertHeight(h, "mm")
object@top_annotation_param = list(height = h)
} else {
object@top_annotation = c(object@top_annotation, ha, gap = gap)
h = height(object@top_annotation) + height(ha) + gap
h = convertHeight(h, "mm")
object@top_annotation_param = list(height = h)
} else if(side == "bottom") {
if(is.null(object@bottom_annotation)) {
object@bottom_annotation = ha
h = height(ha) + ht_opt$COLUMN_ANNO_PADDING
h = convertHeight(h, "mm")
object@bottom_annotation_param = list(height = h)
} else {
object@bottom_annotation = c(object@bottom_annotation, ha, gap = gap)
h = height(object@bottom_annotation) + height(ha) + gap
h = convertHeight(h, "mm")
object@bottom_annotation_param = list(height = h)
} else if(side == "left") {
if(is.null(object@left_annotation)) {
object@left_annotation = ha
w = width(ha) + ht_opt$ROW_ANNO_PADDING
w = convertWidth(w, "mm")
object@left_annotation_param = list(width = w)
} else {
object@left_annotation = c(object@left_annotation, ha, gap = gap)
w = width(object@left_annotation) + width(ha) + gap
w = convertWidth(w, "mm")
object@left_annotation_param = list(width = w)
} else if(side == "right") {
if(is.null(object@right_annotation)) {
object@right_annotation = ha
w = width(ha) + ht_opt$ROW_ANNO_PADDING
w = convertWidth(w, "mm")
object@right_annotation_param = list(width = w)
} else {
object@right_annotation = c(object@right_annotation, ha, gap = gap)
w = width(object@right_annotation) + width(ha) + gap
w = convertWidth(w, "mm")
object@right_annotation_param = list(height = w)
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.