# == title
# Class for a Single Annotation
# == details
# The `SingleAnnotation-class` is used for storing data for a single annotation and provides
# methods for drawing annotation graphics.
# == methods
# The `SingleAnnotation-class` provides following methods:
# - `SingleAnnotation`: constructor method
# - `draw,SingleAnnotation-method`: draw the single annotation.
# == seealso
# The `SingleAnnotation-class` is always used internally. The public `HeatmapAnnotation-class`
# contains a list of `SingleAnnotation-class` objects and is used to add annotation graphics on heatmaps.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
SingleAnnotation = setClass("SingleAnnotation",
slots = list(
name = "character",
label = "ANY",
color_mapping = "ANY", # a ColorMapping object or NULL
legend_param = "ANY", # a list or NULL, it contains parameters for color_mapping_legend
fun = "ANY",
show_legend = "logical",
which = "character",
name_to_data_vp = "logical",
name_param = "list",
is_anno_matrix = "logical",
color_is_random = "logical",
width = "ANY",
height = "ANY",
extended = "ANY",
subsettable = "logical"
prototype = list(
color_mapping = NULL,
fun = function(index) NULL,
show_legend = TRUE,
color_is_random = FALSE,
name_to_data_vp = FALSE,
extended = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "mm"),
subsettable = FALSE
# == title
# Constructor Method for SingleAnnotation Class
# == param
# -name Name for the annotation. If it is not specified, an internal name is assigned.
# -value A vector or a matrix of discrete or continuous values.
# -col Colors corresponding to ``value``. If the mapping is discrete, the value of ``col``
# should be a named vector; If the mapping is continuous, the value of ``col`` should be
# a color mapping function.
# -fun A user-defined function to add annotation graphics. The argument of this function should be at least
# a vector of index that corresponds to rows or columns. Normally the function should be
# constructed by `AnnotationFunction` if you want the annotation supports splitting.
# See **Details** for more explanation.
# -label Label for the annotation. By default is the annotation name.
# -na_col Color for ``NA`` values in the simple annotations.
# -which Whether the annotation is a row annotation or a column annotation?
# -show_legend If it is a simple annotation, whether show legend in the final heatmap?
# -gp Since simple annotation is represented as rows of grids. This argument controls graphic parameters for the simple annotation.
# The ``fill`` parameter is ignored here.
# -border border, only work for simple annotation
# -legend_param Parameters for the legend. See `color_mapping_legend,ColorMapping-method` for all possible options.
# -show_name Whether show annotation name?
# -name_gp Graphic parameters for annotation name.
# -name_offset Offset to the annotation, a `grid::unit` object.
# -name_side 'right' and 'left' for column annotations and 'top' and 'bottom' for row annotations
# -name_rot Rotation of the annotation name.
# -simple_anno_size size of the simple annotation.
# -width The width of the plotting region (the viewport) that the annotation is drawn. If it is a row annotation,
# the width must be an absolute unit.
# -height The height of the plotting region (the viewport) that the annotation is drawn. If it is a column annotation,
# the width must be an absolute unit.
# == details
# A single annotation is a basic unit of complex heatmap annotations where the heamtap annotations
# are always a list of single annotations. An annotation can be simply heatmap-like (here we call
# it simple annotation) or more complex like points, lines, boxes (for which we call it complex annotation).
# In the `SingleAnnotation` constructor, ``value``, ``col``, ``na_col`` are used to construct a `anno_simple`
# annotation funciton which is generated internally by `AnnotationFunction`. The legend of the simple annotation
# can be automatcally generated,
# For construcing a complex annotation, users need to use ``fun`` which is a user-defind function. Normally it
# is constucted by `AnnotationFunction`. One big advantage for using `AnnotationFunction` is the annotation function
# or the graphics drawn by the annotation function can be split according to row splitting or column splitting of
# the heatmap. Users can also provide a "pure" function which is a normal R function for the ``fun`` argument.
# The function only needs one argument which is a vector of index for rows or columns depending whether it is
# a row annotation or column annotation. The other two optional arguments are the current slice index and total
# number of slices. See **Examples** section for an example. If it is a normal R function, it will be constructed
# into the `AnnotationFunction-class` object internally.
# The `SingleAnnotation-class` is a simple wrapper on top of `AnnotationFunction-class` only with annotation
# name added.
# The class also stored the "extended area" relative to the area for the annotation graphics. The extended areas
# are those created by annotation names and axes.
# == seealso
# There are following built-in annotation functions that can be directly used to generate complex annotations:
# `anno_simple`, `anno_points`, `anno_lines`, `anno_barplot`, `anno_histogram`, `anno_boxplot`, `anno_density`, `anno_text`,
# `anno_joyplot`, `anno_horizon`, `anno_image`, `anno_block`, `anno_summary` and `anno_mark`.
# == value
# A `SingleAnnotation-class` object.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# ha = SingleAnnotation(value = 1:10)
# draw(ha, test = "single column annotation")
# m = cbind(1:10, 10:1)
# colnames(m) = c("a", "b")
# ha = SingleAnnotation(value = m)
# draw(ha, test = "matrix as column annotation")
# anno = anno_barplot(matrix(nc = 2, c(1:10, 10:1)))
# ha = SingleAnnotation(fun = anno)
# draw(ha, test = "anno_barplot as input")
# fun = local({
# # because there variables outside the function for use, we put it a local environment
# value = 1:10
# function(index, k = 1, n = 1) {
# pushViewport(viewport(xscale = c(0.5, length(index) + 0.5), yscale = range(value)))
# grid.points(seq_along(index), value[index])
# grid.rect()
# if(k == 1) grid.yaxis()
# popViewport()
# }
# })
# ha = SingleAnnotation(fun = fun, height = unit(4, "cm"))
# draw(ha, index = 1:10, test = "self-defined function")
SingleAnnotation = function(name, value, col, fun,
label = NULL,
na_col = "grey",
which = c("column", "row"),
show_legend = TRUE,
gp = gpar(col = NA),
border = FALSE,
legend_param = list(),
show_name = TRUE,
name_gp = gpar(fontsize = 12),
name_offset = NULL,
name_side = ifelse(which == "column", "right", "bottom"),
name_rot = NULL,
simple_anno_size = ht_opt$simple_anno_size,
width = NULL, height = NULL) {
.ENV$current_annotation_which = NULL
which = match.arg(which)[1]
.ENV$current_annotation_which = which
on.exit(.ENV$current_annotation_which <- NULL)
verbose = ht_opt$verbose
# re-define some of the argument values according to global settings
called_args = names(as.list(match.call())[-1])
if("legend_param" %in% called_args) {
for(opt_name in setdiff(c("title_gp", "title_position", "labels_gp", "grid_width", "grid_height", "border"), names(legend_param))) {
opt_name2 = paste0("legend_", opt_name)
legend_param[[opt_name]] = ht_opt(opt_name2)
} else {
for(opt_name in c("title_gp", "title_position", "labels_gp", "grid_width", "grid_height", "border")) {
opt_name2 = paste0("legend_", opt_name)
legend_param[[opt_name]] = ht_opt(opt_name2)
.Object = new("SingleAnnotation")
.Object@which = which
if(missing(name)) {
name = paste0("anno", get_annotation_index() + 1)
.Object@name = name
if(is.null(label)) {
label = name
.Object@label = label
if(verbose) qqcat("create a SingleAnnotation with name '@{name}'\n")
.Object@is_anno_matrix = FALSE
use_mat_column_names = FALSE
if(!missing(value)) {
value2 = value
if(verbose) qqcat("@{name}: annotation value is vector/matrix\n")
if(is.logical(value)) {
if(is.matrix(value)) {
oa = attributes(value)
value = as.character(value)
attributes(value) = oa
} else {
value = as.character(value)
if(verbose) qqcat("@{name}: annotation value is logical, convert to character\n")
if(is.factor(value)) {
value = as.vector(value)
if(verbose) qqcat("@{name}: annotation value is factor, convert to character\n")
if(is.matrix(value)) {
.Object@is_anno_matrix = TRUE
attr(.Object@is_anno_matrix, "column_names") = colnames(value)
attr(.Object@is_anno_matrix, "k") = ncol(value)
if(length(colnames(value))) {
use_mat_column_names = TRUE
use_mat_nc = ncol(value)
if(verbose) qqcat("@{name}: annotation value is a matrix\n")
# if SingleAnnotation is called by HeatmapAnnotation, following two variables are all TRUE
is_name_offset_called = !is.null(name_offset)
is_name_rot_called = !is.null(name_rot)
anno_fun_extend = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "mm")
if(!missing(fun)) {
if(inherits(fun, "AnnotationFunction")) {
anno_fun_extend = fun@extended
if(verbose) qqcat("@{name}: annotation is a AnnotationFunction object\n")
if(!fun@show_name) show_name = fun@show_name
} else {
fun = AnnotationFunction(fun = fun, which = which)
anno_fun_extend = fun@extended
if(verbose) qqcat("@{name}: annotation is a user-defined function\n")
if(!is.null(name_offset)) {
if(is.character(name_offset)) {
name_offset = to_unit(name_offset)
} else {
name_offset = unit(1, "mm")
if(is.null(name_rot)) name_rot = ifelse(which == "column", 0, 90)
name_rot = name_rot %% 360
anno_name = as.character(label)
if(which == "column") {
if(verbose) qqcat("@{name}: it is a column annotation\n")
if(!name_side %in% c("left", "right")) {
stop_wrap(qq("@{name}: `name_side` should be 'left' or 'right' when it is a column annotation."))
if(verbose) qqcat("@{name}: adjust positions of annotation names\n")
if(name_side == "left") {
if(unit_to_numeric(anno_fun_extend[2]) > 0) {
if(!is_name_offset_called) {
name_offset = name_offset + anno_fun_extend[2]
if(!is_name_rot_called) {
name_rot = 90
if(use_mat_column_names) {
name_x = unit(rep(0, use_mat_nc), "npc") - name_offset
name_y = unit((use_mat_nc - seq_len(use_mat_nc) + 0.5)/use_mat_nc, "npc")
anno_name = colnames(value)
} else {
name_x = unit(0, "npc") - name_offset
name_y = unit(0.5, "npc")
if(name_rot == 0) {
name_just = "right"
} else if(name_rot == 90) {
name_just = "bottom"
} else if(name_rot == 180) {
name_just = "left"
} else if(name_rot == 270) {
name_just = "top"
} else if(name_rot < 90 || name_rot > 270) {
name_just = "right"
} else if(name_rot > 90 && name_rot < 270) {
name_rot = (180 - name_rot) %% 360
name_just = "right"
} else {
name_just = "right"
} else {
if(unit_to_numeric(anno_fun_extend[4]) > 0) {
if(!is_name_offset_called) {
name_offset = name_offset + anno_fun_extend[4]
if(!is_name_rot_called) {
name_rot = 90
if(use_mat_column_names) {
name_x = unit(rep(1, use_mat_nc), "npc") + name_offset
name_y = unit((use_mat_nc - seq_len(use_mat_nc) + 0.5)/use_mat_nc, "npc")
anno_name = colnames(value)
} else {
name_x = unit(1, "npc") + name_offset
name_y = unit(0.5, "npc")
if(name_rot == 0) {
name_just = "left"
} else if(name_rot == 90) {
name_just = "top"
} else if(name_rot == 180) {
name_just = "right"
} else if(name_rot == 270) {
name_just = "bottom"
} else if(name_rot < 90 || name_rot > 270) {
name_just = "left"
} else if(name_rot > 90 && name_rot < 270) {
name_rot = (180 - name_rot) %% 360
name_just = "left"
} else {
name_just = "left"
} else if(which == "row") {
if(verbose) qqcat("@{name}: it is a row annotation\n")
if(!name_side %in% c("top", "bottom")) {
stop_wrap(qq("@{name}: `name_side` should be 'left' or 'right' when it is a column annotation."))
if(verbose) qqcat("@{name}: adjust positions of annotation names\n")
if(name_side == "top") {
if(unit_to_numeric(anno_fun_extend[3]) > 0) {
if(!is_name_offset_called) {
name_offset = name_offset + anno_fun_extend[3]
if(!is_name_rot_called) {
name_rot = 0
if(use_mat_column_names) {
name_x = unit((seq_len(use_mat_nc) - 0.5)/use_mat_nc, "npc")
name_y = unit(rep(1, use_mat_nc), "npc") + name_offset
anno_name = colnames(value)
} else {
name_x = unit(0.5, "npc")
name_y = unit(1, "npc") + name_offset
if(name_rot == 0) {
name_just = "bottom"
} else if(name_rot == 90) {
name_just = "left"
} else if(name_rot == 180) {
name_just = "top"
} else if(name_rot == 270) {
name_just = "right"
} else if(name_rot < 90) {
name_just = "left"
} else if(name_rot > 90 && name_rot < 180) {
name_rot = (90 - name_rot) %% 360
name_just = "right"
} else if(name_rot > 180 && name_rot < 270) {
name_rot = (- name_rot) %% 360
name_just = "left"
} else if(name_rot > 270) {
name_rot = (- name_rot) %% 360
name_just = "left"
} else {
name_just = "bottom"
} else {
if(unit_to_numeric(anno_fun_extend[1]) > 0) {
if(!is_name_offset_called) {
name_offset = name_offset + anno_fun_extend[1]
if(!is_name_rot_called) {
name_rot = 0
if(use_mat_column_names) {
name_x = unit((seq_len(use_mat_nc) - 0.5)/use_mat_nc, "npc")
name_y = unit(rep(0, use_mat_nc), "npc") - name_offset
anno_name = colnames(value)
} else {
name_x = unit(0.5, "npc")
name_y = unit(0, "npc") - name_offset
if(name_rot == 0) {
name_just = "top"
} else if(name_rot == 90) {
name_just = "right"
} else if(name_rot == 180) {
name_just = "bottom"
} else if(name_rot == 270) {
name_just = "left"
} else if(name_rot < 90) {
name_just = "right"
} else if(name_rot > 270) {
name_just = "left"
} else if(name_rot > 90 && name_rot < 180) {
name_rot = (- name_rot) %% 360
name_just = "left"
} else if(name_rot > 180 && name_rot < 270) {
name_rot = (- name_rot) %% 360
name_just = "right"
} else {
name_just = "left"
name_param = list(show = show_name,
label = anno_name,
x = name_x,
y = name_y,
offset = name_offset,
just = name_just,
gp = check_gp(name_gp),
rot = name_rot,
side = name_side)
# get defaults for name settings
if(verbose) qqcat("@{name}: calcualte extensions caused by annotation name\n")
extended = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "mm")
if(name_param$show) {
if(which == "column") {
if(name_param$rot %in% c(0, 180)) {
text_width = convertWidth(max_text_width(name_param$label, gp = name_gp, rot = name_param$rot) + name_param$offset, "mm")
} else if(name_param$rot %in% c(90, 270)) {
text_width = convertHeight(max_text_height(name_param$label, gp = name_gp) + name_param$offset, "mm")
} else {
text_width = convertWidth(max_text_width(name_param$label, gp = name_gp, rot = name_param$rot) + name_param$offset, "mm")
if(name_param$side == "left") {
extended[2] = text_width
} else if(name_param$side == "right") {
extended[4] = text_width
} else if(which == "row") {
if(name_param$rot %in% c(0, 180)) {
text_width = convertHeight(max_text_height(name_param$label, gp = name_gp, rot = name_param$rot) + name_param$offset, "mm")
} else if(name_param$rot %in% c(90, 270)) {
text_width = convertHeight(max_text_width(name_param$label, gp = name_gp) + name_param$offset, "mm")
} else {
text_width = convertHeight(max_text_height(name_param$label, gp = name_gp, rot = name_param$rot) + name_param$offset, "mm")
if(name_param$side == "bottom") {
extended[1] = text_width
} else if(name_param$side == "top") {
extended[3] = text_width
for(i in 1:4) {
extended[[i]] = unit(max(unit_to_numeric(anno_fun_extend[i]), unit_to_numeric(extended[i])), "mm")
.Object@extended = extended
.Object@name_param = name_param
gp = check_gp(gp)
if(!is.null(gp$fill)) {
stop_wrap(qq("@{name}: You should not set `fill`."))
if(missing(fun)) {
color_is_random = FALSE
if(missing(col)) {
col = default_col(value)
color_is_random = TRUE
if(verbose) qqcat("@{name}: use randomly generated colors\n")
cm_name = name
if(!inherits(.Object@label, "gridtext")) {
cm_name = as.character(.Object@label)
if(is.atomic(col)) {
if(is.null(names(col))) {
if(is.factor(value2)) {
names(col) = levels(value2)
if(verbose) qqcat("@{names}: add names for discrete color mapping\n")
} else if(length(col) == length(unique(value))) {
names(col) = sort(unique(value))
if(verbose) qqcat("@{names}: add names for discrete color mapping\n")
} else if(is.numeric(value)) {
col = colorRamp2(seq(min(value, na.rm = TRUE), max(value, na.rm = TRUE), length.out = length(col)), col)
if(verbose) qqcat("@{name}: assume as a continuous color mapping\n")
if(is.function(col)) {
color_mapping = ColorMapping(name = cm_name, col_fun = col, na_col = na_col)
} else {
full_col = col
if(is.factor(value2)) {
col = col[intersect(c(levels(value2), "_NA_"), names(col))]
} else {
col = col[intersect(c(sort(names(col)), "_NA_"), as.character(value))]
if("_NA_" %in% names(col)) {
na_col = col["_NA_"]
col = col[names(col) != "_NA_"]
color_mapping = ColorMapping(name = cm_name, colors = col, na_col = na_col, full_col = full_col)
} else if(is.function(col)) {
color_mapping = ColorMapping(name = cm_name, col_fun = col, na_col = na_col)
} else {
stop_wrap("The color mapping should be a named vector or a function.")
.Object@color_mapping = color_mapping
.Object@color_is_random = color_is_random
if(is.null(legend_param)) legend_param = list()
.Object@legend_param = legend_param
value = value
if(verbose) qqcat("@{name}: generate AnnotationFunction for simple annotation values by anno_simple()\n")
.Object@fun = anno_simple(value, col = color_mapping, which = which, na_col = na_col, gp = gp, border = border, simple_anno_size = simple_anno_size)
if(missing(width)) {
.Object@width = .Object@fun@width
} else {
.Object@width = width
.Object@fun@width = width
if(missing(height)) {
.Object@height = .Object@fun@height
} else {
.Object@height = height
.Object@fun@height = height
.Object@show_legend = show_legend
.Object@subsettable = TRUE
} else {
f_which = fun@which
if(!is.null(f_which)) {
fun_name = fun@fun_name
if(f_which != which) {
if(fun_name %in% c("anno_barplot", "anno_boxplot", "anno_density", "anno_histogram", "anno_points", "anno_text")) {
stop_wrap(qq("You are putting @{fun_name} as @{which} annotations, you need to set 'which' argument to '@{which}' as well, or use the helper function @{which}_@{fun_name}()."))
} else {
stop_wrap(qq("You are putting @{fun_name} as @{which} annotations, you need to set 'which' argument to '@{which}' as well."))
if(verbose) qqcat("@{name}: calcualte width/height of SingleAnnotation based on the annotation function\n")
.Object@fun = fun
.Object@show_legend = FALSE
if(is.null(width)) {
.Object@width = .Object@fun@width
} else {
.Object@width = width
.Object@fun@width = width
if(is.null(height)) {
.Object@height = .Object@fun@height
} else {
.Object@height = height
.Object@fun@height = height
.Object@subsettable = .Object@fun@subsettable
# == title
# Draw the Single Annotation
# == param
# -object A `SingleAnnotation-class` object.
# -index A vector of indices.
# -k The index of the slice.
# -n Total number of slices. ``k`` and ``n`` are used to adjust annotation names. E.g.
# if ``k`` is 2 and ``n`` is 3, the annotation names are not drawn.
# -test Is it in test mode? The value can be logical or a text which is plotted as the title of plot.
# -anno_mark_param It contains specific parameters for drawing `anno_mark`.
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
setMethod(f = "draw",
signature = "SingleAnnotation",
definition = function(object, index, k = 1, n = 1, test = FALSE,
anno_mark_param = list()) {
## make the special anno_mark when the anotation is split
if(object@fun@fun_name %in% c("anno_mark", "anno_zoom") && length(anno_mark_param) > 0) {
if(k > 1) {
} else {
## change values for .pos and .scale for anno_mark
object@fun@var_env$.pos = anno_mark_param$.pos
object@fun@var_env$.scale = anno_mark_param$.scale
pushViewport(viewport(x = anno_mark_param$vp_x, y = anno_mark_param$vp_y, width = anno_mark_param$vp_width, height = anno_mark_param$vp_height, just = anno_mark_param$vp_just))
draw(object@fun, index = anno_mark_param$index)
if(is.character(test)) {
test2 = TRUE
} else {
test2 = test
test = ""
verbose = ht_opt$verbose
## it draws annotation names, create viewports with names
if(test2) {
pushViewport(viewport(width = unit(1, "npc") - unit(4, "cm"),
height = unit(1, "npc") - unit(4, "cm")))
if(missing(index)) {
if(has_AnnotationFunction(object)) {
if(object@fun@n == 0) {
stop_wrap("Cannot infer the number of Observations in the annotation function, you need to provide `index`.")
index = seq_len(object@fun@n)
anno_height = object@height
anno_width = object@width
# names should be passed to the data viewport
if(has_AnnotationFunction(object)) {
if(object@which == "column") {
data_scale = list(x = c(0.5, length(index) + 0.5), y = object@fun@data_scale)
} else {
data_scale = list(y = c(0.5, length(index) + 0.5), x = object@fun@data_scale)
} else {
data_scale = list(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1))
pushViewport(viewport(width = anno_width, height = anno_height,
name = paste("annotation", object@name, k, sep = "_"),
xscale = data_scale$x, yscale = data_scale$y))
if(verbose) qqcat("execute annotation function\n")
draw(object@fun, index = index, k = k, n = n)
# add annotation name
draw_name = object@name_param$show
if(object@name_param$show && n > 1) {
if(object@which == "row") {
if(k == n && object@name_param$side == "bottom") {
draw_name = TRUE
} else if(k == 1 && object@name_param$side == "top") {
draw_name = TRUE
} else {
draw_name = FALSE
} else if(object@which == "column") {
if(k == 1 && object@name_param$side == "left") {
draw_name = TRUE
} else if(k == n && object@name_param$side == "right") {
draw_name = TRUE
} else {
draw_name = FALSE
if(draw_name) {
if(verbose) qqcat("draw annotation name\n")
if(is_matrix_annotation(object)) {
if(!is.null(attr(object@is_anno_matrix, "column_names"))) {
anno_mat_column_names = attr(object@is_anno_matrix, "column_names")
grid.text(anno_mat_column_names, x = object@name_param$x, y = object@name_param$y, just = object@name_param$just,
rot = object@name_param$rot, gp = object@name_param$gp)
} else {
if(object@which == "column") {
grid.text(object@label, x = object@name_param$x[1], y = unit(0.5, "npc"), just = object@name_param$just,
rot = object@name_param$rot, gp = object@name_param$gp)
} else {
grid.text(object@label, x = unit(0.5, "npc"), y = object@name_param$y[1], just = object@name_param$just,
rot = object@name_param$rot, gp = object@name_param$gp)
} else {
grid.text(object@label, x = object@name_param$x, y = object@name_param$y, just = object@name_param$just,
rot = object@name_param$rot, gp = object@name_param$gp)
if(test2) {
grid.text(test, y = unit(1, "npc") + unit(2, "mm"), just = "bottom")
grid.rect(unit(0, "npc") - object@extended[2], unit(0, "npc") - object@extended[1],
width = unit(1, "npc") + object@extended[2] + object@extended[4],
height = unit(1, "npc") + object@extended[1] + object@extended[3],
just = c("left", "bottom"), gp = gpar(fill = "transparent", col = "red", lty = 2))
if(test2) {
# == title
# Print the SingleAnnotation object
# == param
# -object A `SingleAnnotation-class` object.
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
setMethod(f = "show",
signature = "SingleAnnotation",
definition = function(object) {
if(is_fun_annotation(object)) {
if(has_AnnotationFunction(object)) {
fun_name = object@fun@fun_name
fun_name = paste0(fun_name, "()")
} else {
fun_name = "self-defined"
cat("A single annotation with", fun_name, "function\n")
cat(" name:", object@name, "\n")
cat(" position:", object@which, "\n")
cat(" no legend\n")
if(has_AnnotationFunction(object)) {
n = object@fun@n
if(!is.null(n)) cat(" items:", n, "\n")
} else {
cat("A single annotation with", object@color_mapping@type, "color mapping\n")
cat(" name:", object@name, "\n")
cat(" position:", object@which, "\n")
cat(" show legend:", object@show_legend, "\n")
cat(" items:", object@fun@n, "\n")
if(is_matrix_annotation(object)) {
cat(" a matrix with", attr(object@is_anno_matrix, "k"), "columns\n")
if(object@color_is_random) {
cat(" color is randomly generated\n")
cat(" width:", as.character(object@width), "\n")
cat(" height:", as.character(object@height), "\n")
cat(" this object is", ifelse(object@subsettable, "\b", "not"), "subsettable\n")
dirt = c("bottom", "left", "top", "right")
for(i in 1:4) {
if(!identical(unit(0, "mm"), object@extended[i])) {
cat(" ", as.character(object@extended[i]), "extension on the", dirt[i], "\n")
is_simple_annotation = function(single_anno) {
!is_fun_annotation(single_anno) && !is_matrix_annotation(single_anno)
is_matrix_annotation = function(single_anno) {
is_fun_annotation = function(single_anno) {
has_AnnotationFunction = function(single_anno) {
if(is.null(single_anno@fun)) {
} else {
inherits(single_anno@fun, "AnnotationFunction")
## subset method for .SingleAnnotation-class
## column annotation only allows column subsetting and row annotaiton only allows row subsetting
# == title
# Subset an SingleAnnotation Object
# == param
# -x An `SingleAnnotation-class` object.
# -i A vector of indices.
# == details
# The SingleAnnotation class object is subsettable only if the containing `AnnotationFunction-class`
# object is subsettable. All the ``anno_*`` functions are subsettable, so if the SingleAnnotation object
# is constructed by one of these functions, it is also subsettable.
# == example
# ha = SingleAnnotation(value = 1:10)
# ha[1:5]
# draw(ha[1:5], test = "ha[1:5]")
"[.SingleAnnotation" = function(x, i) {
# only allow subsetting for anno_* functions defined in ComplexHeatmap
if(nargs() == 2) {
x2 = x
if(inherits(x@fun, "AnnotationFunction")) {
if(x@fun@subsettable) {
x2@fun = x@fun[i]
if(x@which == "row") {
x2@width = x2@fun@width
} else {
x2@height = x2@fun@height
stop_wrap("This SingleAnnotation object is not allowed for subsetting.")
} else if(nargs() == 1) {
# == title
# Copy the SingleAnnotation object
# == param
# -object The `SingleAnnotation-class` object.
# == details
# Since the SingleAnnotation object always contains an `AnnotationFunction-class` object,
# it calls `copy_all,AnnotationFunction-method` to hard copy the variable environment.
setMethod(f = "copy_all",
signature = "SingleAnnotation",
definition = function(object) {
x2 = object
x2@fun = copy_all(object@fun)
# == title
# Number of Observations
# == param
# -object The `SingleAnnotation-class` object.
# -... Other arguments.
# == details
# It returns the ``n`` slot of the annotaton function. If it does not exist, it returns ``NA``.
nobs.SingleAnnotation = function(object, ...) {
if(is.na(object@fun@n)) {
} else {
if(object@fun@n > 0) {
} else {
names.SingleAnnotation = function(x) {
value = x@fun@var_env$value
if(!is.null(dim(value))) {
} else {
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