# Helper functions for convert_animalcules
# Create biom file and mapping file
create_qiime_biom <- function(se_colData, taxonomy_table, which_annot_col,
counts_table, path_to_write) {
# Consolidate counts based on genus
counts_table_g <- counts_table %>%
dplyr::mutate(genus = taxonomy_table$genus) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$genus) %>%
dplyr::summarise(dplyr::across(.fns = sum)) %>% as.data.frame()
rownames(counts_table_g) <- counts_table_g$genus
counts_table_g <- counts_table_g %>% dplyr::select(-.data$genus)
# Match Indices
ind <- base::match(se_colData[, which_annot_col], colnames(counts_table_g))
counts_table_match <- counts_table_g[, c(ind)]
# Formatting
to_rm <- "[^[:alnum:] _.\\-+%;/:,]"
func <- function(x) stringr::str_remove_all(x, to_rm)
alt_col <- se_colData %>% dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::mutate("#SampleID" = se_colData[, which_annot_col],
# Sample Column: alphanumeric characters and periods ONLY
"#SampleID" = stringr::str_replace_all(.data$`#SampleID`, c(
"-" = "\\.", "_" = "\\.", " " = "\\.")),
"#SampleID" = stringr::str_remove_all(.data$`#SampleID`,
"[^[:alnum:].]")) %>%
# Metadata columns: Only alphanumeric and [_.-+% ;:,/] characters
apply(.data, 2, func) %>% ifelse(.data == " ", NA, .data) %>%
ifelse(.data == "<NA>", NA, .data)
# Remove unecessary columns
ind <- colnames(alt_col) == which_annot_col
alt_col2 <- alt_col[, -ind] %>% dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::mutate(BarcodeSequence = "-", LinkerPrimerSequence = "-",
Description = "-") %>% dplyr::relocate(
.data$`#SampleID`, .data$BarcodeSequence, .data$LinkerPrimerSequence)
# Write files
out_map <- paste(path_to_write, "QIIME_metadata_map.tsv", sep = "/")
message("Writing TSV mapping file to ", out_map)
utils::write.table(alt_col2, out_map, sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
# Write counts table to biom
colnames(counts_table_match) <- alt_col2$`#SampleID`
biom_obj <- biomformat::make_biom(counts_table_match)
out_biom <- paste(path_to_write, "QIIME_featuretable.biom", sep = "/")
message("Writing QIIME counts biom file to ", out_biom)
biomformat::write_biom(biom_obj, out_biom)
# Create MAE Object
create_MAE <- function(annot_path, which_annot_col,
counts_table, taxonomy_table, path_to_write,
qiime_biom_out) {
annot_dat <- readr::read_csv(annot_path, show_col_types = FALSE)
se_colData <- annot_dat %>% # Only keep present samples in annotation data
dplyr::mutate("sampcol" = unlist(annot_dat[, which_annot_col])) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$sampcol %in% colnames(counts_table)) %>%
dplyr::select(-"sampcol") %>% S4Vectors::DataFrame()
rownames(se_colData) <- se_colData[, which_annot_col]
se_mgx <- counts_table %>% base::data.matrix() %>%
S4Vectors::SimpleList() %>% magrittr::set_names("MGX")
# Reorder colData according to se_mgx
ind <- match(rownames(se_colData), colnames(se_mgx$MGX))
se_colData <- se_colData[order(ind), ]
se_rowData <- taxonomy_table %>% base::data.frame() %>%
dplyr::mutate_all(as.character) %>% S4Vectors::DataFrame()
microbe_se <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(
assays = se_mgx, colData = se_colData, rowData = se_rowData)
MAE <- MultiAssayExperiment::MultiAssayExperiment(
experiments = S4Vectors::SimpleList(MicrobeGenetics = microbe_se),
colData = se_colData
if (qiime_biom_out) create_qiime_biom(
se_colData, taxonomy_table, which_annot_col, counts_table, path_to_write)
# Read in the MetaScope_id CSVs
read_in_id <- function(path_id_counts, end_string, which_annot_col) {
name_file <- utils::tail(stringr::str_split(path_id_counts, "/")[[1]],
n = 1)
readr::read_csv(path_id_counts, show_col_types = FALSE) %>%
dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$TaxonomyID)) %>%
dplyr::select(.data$read_count, .data$TaxonomyID) %>%
dplyr::mutate(sample = stringr::str_remove(name_file, end_string)) %>%
# Get input taxon phylogeny
class_taxon <- function(taxon, NCBI_key, num_tries) {
taxon_ranks <- c("superkingdom", "kingdom", "phylum", "class", "order",
"family", "genus", "species", "strain")
na_table <- data.frame(name = "Unknown", rank = taxon_ranks, id = 0)
if (is.na(taxon)) return(na_table)
success <- FALSE
attempt <- 0
e <- "NCBI request not granted. Re-attempting request."
while (!success ) {
attempt <- attempt + 1
if (attempt <= num_tries) {
classification_table <- taxize::classification(
taxon, db = "ncbi", key = NCBI_key, max_tries = 5)[[1]]},
error = function(w) stop(e)
if (attempt > num_tries) {
message("UID ", taxon, " not found. Continuing search for next UID.")
success <- TRUE
# Function written to account for accessions that weren't identified
# in metascope_id step
fill_in_missing <- function(combined_pre, NCBI_key = NULL) {
na_ind <- combined_pre$TaxonomyID %>%
as.double() %>% is.na() %>% which() %>% suppressWarnings()
if(length(na_ind) > 0) {
acc_list <- combined_pre$TaxonomyID[na_ind]
result <- acc_list %>%
find_accessions(quiet = TRUE, NCBI_key = NCBI_key) %>%
plyr::aaply(1, function(x) x[1]) %>% unname()
combined_pre$TaxonomyID[na_ind] <- result
#' Create a multi-assay experiment from MetaScope output for usage with
#' animalcules
#' Upon completion of the MetaScope pipeline, users can analyze and visualize
#' abundances in their samples using the animalcules package. This function
#' allows interoperability of \code{metascope_id} output with both animalcules
#' and QIIME. After running this function, the user should save the returned MAE
#' to an RDS file using a function like \code{saveRDS} to upload the output into
#' the \code{animalcules} package.
#' @param meta_counts A vector of filepaths to the counts ID CSVs output by
#' \code{metascope_id()}.
#' @param annot_path The filepath to the CSV annotation file for the samples.
#' This CSV metadata/annotation file should contain at least two columns,
#' one with names of all samples WITHOUT the extension listed in \code{end_string},
#' e.g. for output file "sample_x76.metascope_id.csv", the column specified in
#' \code{which_annot_col} should contain the entry "sample_x76". Sample names
#' containing characters "_", "-", and "." are fine, however sample names
#' beginning with numbers should be renamed to have a prefix, e.g. "777897sample"
#' should be renamed to "X777897sample" for both the output file name and the
#' annotation name.
#' @param end_string The end string used at the end of the metascope_id files.
#' Default is ".metascope_id.csv".
#' @param which_annot_col The name of the column of the annotation file
#' containing the sample IDs. These should be the same as the
#' \code{meta_counts} root filenames.
#' @param qiime_biom_out Would you also like a qiime-compatible biom file
#' output? If yes, two files will be saved: one is a biom file of the counts
#' table, and the other is a specifically formatted mapping file of metadata
#' information. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param path_to_write If \code{qiime_biom_out = TRUE}, where should output QIIME
#' files be written? Should be a character string of the folder path. Default is
#' '.', i.e. the current working directory.
#' @param NCBI_key (character) NCBI Entrez API key. optional. See
#' taxize::use_entrez(). Due to the high number of requests made to NCBI, this
#' function will be less prone to errors if you obtain an NCBI key.
#' @param num_tries (numeric) Number of attempts to get UID.
#' @returns Returns a MultiAssay Experiment file of combined sample counts data
#' and/or biom file and mapping file for analysis with QIIME. The MultiAssay
#' Experiment will have a counts assay ("MGX").
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @examples
#' tempfolder <- tempfile()
#' dir.create(tempfolder)
#' # Create three different samples
#' samp_names <- c("X123", "X456", "X789")
#' all_files <- file.path(tempfolder,
#' paste0(samp_names, ".csv"))
#' create_IDcsv <- function (out_file) {
#' final_taxids <- c("273036", "418127", "11234")
#' final_genomes <- c(
#' "Staphylococcus aureus RF122, complete sequence",
#' "Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus Mu3, complete sequence",
#' "Measles virus, complete genome")
#' best_hit <- sample(seq(100, 1050), 3)
#' proportion <- best_hit/sum(best_hit) |> round(2)
#' EMreads <- best_hit + round(runif(3), 1)
#' EMprop <- proportion + 0.003
#' dplyr::tibble(TaxonomyID = final_taxids,
#' Genome = final_genomes,
#' read_count = best_hit, Proportion = proportion,
#' EMreads = EMreads, EMProportion = EMprop) |>
#' dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(.data$read_count)) |>
#' utils::write.csv(file = out_file, row.names = FALSE)
#' message("Done!")
#' return(out_file)
#' }
#' out_files <- vapply(all_files, create_IDcsv, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
#' # Create annotation data for samples
#' annot_dat <- file.path(tempfolder, "annot.csv")
#' dplyr::tibble(Sample = samp_names, RSV = c("pos", "neg", "pos"),
#' month = c("March", "July", "Aug"),
#' yrsold = c(0.5, 0.6, 0.2)) |>
#' utils::write.csv(file = annot_dat,
#' row.names = FALSE)
#' # Convert samples to MAE
#' outMAE <- convert_animalcules(meta_counts = out_files,
#' annot_path = annot_dat,
#' which_annot_col = "Sample",
#' end_string = ".metascope_id.csv",
#' qiime_biom_out = FALSE,
#' NCBI_key = NULL)
#' unlink(tempfolder, recursive = TRUE)
convert_animalcules <- function(meta_counts, annot_path, which_annot_col,
end_string = ".metascope_id.csv",
qiime_biom_out = FALSE, path_to_write = ".",
NCBI_key = NULL, num_tries = 3) {
combined_pre <- lapply(meta_counts, read_in_id, end_string = end_string,
which_annot_col = which_annot_col) %>%
data.table::rbindlist() %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% as.data.frame() %>%
dplyr::mutate(sample = stringr::str_remove_all(sample, ".csv")) %>%
dplyr::select("read_count", "TaxonomyID", "sample") %>%
id_cols = .data$TaxonomyID, names_from = .data$sample,
values_from = .data$read_count, values_fill = 0, id_expand = TRUE)
# Which entries are not numeric, and try running them through genbank2uid
combined_list <- fill_in_missing(combined_pre, NCBI_key) %>%
dplyr::mutate("TaxonomyID" = as.numeric(.data$TaxonomyID))
# Create taxonomy, counts tables
taxon_ranks <- c("superkingdom", "kingdom", "phylum", "class", "order",
"family", "genus", "species", "strain")
if (!is.null(NCBI_key)) options("ENTREZ_KEY" = NCBI_key)
message("Looking up taxon UIDs in NCBI database")
all_ncbi <- plyr::llply(combined_list$TaxonomyID, .fun = class_taxon,
NCBI_key = NCBI_key, .progress = "text",
num_tries = num_tries)
# fix unknowns
na_ind <- which(is.na(all_ncbi))
unk_tab <- data.frame(name = "unknown", rank = taxon_ranks, id = 0)
if (length(na_ind) > 0) for (i in na_ind) all_ncbi[[i]] <- unk_tab
# Create table
taxonomy_table <- plyr::llply(all_ncbi, mk_table, taxon_ranks) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows() %>% as.data.frame()
colnames(taxonomy_table) <- taxon_ranks
counts_table <- combined_list %>% dplyr::select(-.data$TaxonomyID) %>%
# Remove any brackets
taxonomy_table$species <- gsub("\\[|\\]", "", taxonomy_table$species)
# Remove duplicated species
if (sum(duplicated(taxonomy_table$species)) > 0) {
ind <- which(duplicated(taxonomy_table$species))
dup_sp <- taxonomy_table$species[ind]
for (this_sp in dup_sp) {
all_ind <- which(taxonomy_table$species == this_sp)
counts_table[all_ind[1], ] <- base::colSums(counts_table[all_ind, ])
counts_table <- counts_table %>%
taxonomy_table <- taxonomy_table %>%
na_ind <- which(is.na(taxonomy_table$species))
taxonomy_table$species[na_ind] <- paste0("g_", taxonomy_table$genus[na_ind])
rownames(taxonomy_table) <- stringr::str_replace_all(taxonomy_table$species, " ", "_")
rownames(counts_table) <- rownames(taxonomy_table)
MAE <- create_MAE(
annot_path, which_annot_col, counts_table,
taxonomy_table, path_to_write, qiime_biom_out)
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