#' @importFrom NMF nmf
#' Discovers signatures and weights from a table of counts using NMF
#' @param bagel A bagel object or counts table
#' @param table_name Name of table used for signature discovery
#' @param num_signatures Number of signatures to discover, k
#' @param method Discovery of new signatures using either LDA or NMF
#' @param seed Seed for reproducible signature discovery
#' @param nstart Number of independent runs with optimal chosen (lda only)
#' @param par_cores Number of parallel cores to use (NMF only)
#' @return Returns a result object with results and input object (if bagel)
#' @examples
#' bay <- readRDS(system.file("testdata", "bagel.rds", package = "BAGEL"))
#' g <- select_genome("19")
#' build_standard_table(bay, g, "SBS96", overwrite = TRUE)
#' discover_signatures(bagel = bay, table_name = "SBS96",
#' num_signatures = 3, method = "nmf", seed = 12345, nstart = 1)
#' @export
discover_signatures <- function(bagel, table_name = NULL, num_signatures,
method="lda", seed = 1, nstart = 1,
par_cores = FALSE) {
#if (!methods::is(input, "bagel")) {
# if (!methods::is(input, "matrix")) {
# stop("Input to discover_signatures must be a bagel object or a matrix")
# }
# bagel <- methods::new("bagel")
# bagel@count_tables@table_list[[1]] <- input
# bagel@count_tables@table_name[1] <- table_name
# input <- bagel
counts_table <- .extract_count_table(bagel, table_name)
present_samples <- which(colSums(counts_table) > 0)
counts_table <- counts_table[, present_samples]
if (method == "lda") {
lda_counts_table <- t(counts_table)
if (is.null(seed)) {
control <- list(nstart = nstart)
} else {
control <- list(seed = (seq_len(nstart) - 1) + seed, nstart = nstart)
lda_out <- topicmodels::LDA(lda_counts_table, num_signatures,
control = control)
lda_sigs <- exp(t(lda_out@beta))
rownames(lda_sigs) <- colnames(lda_counts_table)
colnames(lda_sigs) <- paste0("Signature", seq_len(num_signatures))
weights <- t(lda_out@gamma)
rownames(weights) <- paste0("Signature", seq_len(num_signatures))
colnames(weights) <- rownames(lda_counts_table)
result <- methods::new("Result", signatures = lda_sigs,
tables = table_name,
exposures = weights, type = "LDA", bagel = bagel,
log_lik = stats::median(lda_out@loglikelihood),
perplexity = topicmodels::perplexity(lda_out))
result@exposures <- sweep(result@exposures, 2, colSums(result@exposures),
FUN = "/")
} else if (method == "nmf") {
#Needed to prevent error with entirely zero rows
epsilon <- 0.00000001
if (par_cores) {
decomp <- NMF::nmf(counts_table + epsilon, num_signatures, seed = seed,
nrun = nstart, .options = paste("p", par_cores,
sep = ""))
} else {
decomp <- NMF::nmf(counts_table + epsilon, num_signatures, seed = seed,
nrun = nstart)
rownames(decomp@fit@H) <- paste("Signature", seq_len(num_signatures),
sep = "")
colnames(decomp@fit@W) <- paste("Signature", seq_len(num_signatures),
sep = "")
result <- methods::new("Result", signatures = decomp@fit@W,
tables = table_name,
exposures = decomp@fit@H, type = "NMF",
bagel = bagel, log_lik = decomp@residuals)
result@signatures <- sweep(result@signatures, 2, colSums(result@signatures),
FUN = "/")
result@exposures <- sweep(result@exposures, 2, colSums(result@exposures),
FUN = "/")
} else{
stop("That method is not supported. Please select 'lda' or 'nmf' ",
"to generate signatures.")
# Multiply Weights by sample counts
sample_counts <- colSums(counts_table)
matched <- match(colnames(counts_table), names(sample_counts))
result@exposures <- sweep(result@exposures, 2, sample_counts[matched],
FUN = "*")
kld <- function(a, b) {
return(sum(a * log2(a / b)))
#' Compare two vectors similarity based on Jensen-Shannon Divergence
#' @param p First vector
#' @param q Second vector
#' @return Returns Jensen-Shannon Divergence of the two vectors
#' @examples
#' p <- c(0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6)
#' q <- c(0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2)
#' jsd(p, q)
#' @export
jsd <- function(p, q) {
epsilon <- 0.0000001
p <- p + epsilon
q <- q + epsilon
m <- (p + q) / 2
jsd <- 0.5 * kld(p, m) + 0.5 * kld(q, m)
sig_compare <- function(sig1, sig2, threshold=0.9) {
sig1_names <- colnames(sig1)
sig2_names <- colnames(sig2)
if (nrow(sig1) != nrow(sig2)) {
stop("Signatures must have the same motifs")
matches <- matrix(nrow = ncol(sig1), ncol = ncol(sig2))
for (i in seq_len(ncol(sig1))) {
for (j in seq_len(ncol(sig2))) {
matches[i, j] <- 1 - jsd(sig1[, i], sig2[, j])
comparison <- NULL
for (row in seq_len(nrow(matches))) {
line <- which(matches[row, ] > threshold)
if (length(line) > 0) {
for (match in line) {
comparison <- rbind(comparison, c(matches[row, match], row, match,
sig1_names[row], sig2_names[match]))
if (is.null(comparison)) {
stop("No matches found, try lowering threshold.")
comparison <- data.frame(comparison, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(comparison) <- c("cor", "xindex", "yindex", "xcol", "ycol")
comparison$cor <- as.numeric(comparison$cor)
comparison$xindex <- as.numeric(comparison$xindex)
comparison$yindex <- as.numeric(comparison$yindex)
#' Compare two result files to find similar signatures
#' @param result Result to compare
#' @param other_result Second result
#' @param threshold threshold for similarity
#' @param result_name title for plot of first result signatures
#' @param other_result_name title for plot of second result signatures
#' @return Returns the comparisons
#' @examples
#' res <- readRDS(system.file("testdata", "res.rds", package = "BAGEL"))
#' compare_results(res, res, threshold = 0.8)
#' @export
compare_results <- function(result, other_result,
threshold = 0.9, result_name =
deparse(substitute(result)), other_result_name =
deparse(substitute(other_result))) {
signatures <- result@signatures
comparison <- sig_compare(signatures, other_result@signatures, threshold)
result_subset <- methods::new("Result",
signatures = result@signatures[, comparison$xindex,
drop = FALSE], exposures =
matrix(), type = "NMF", bagel = result@bagel,
tables = result@tables)
other_subset <- methods::new("Result",
signatures = other_result@signatures[, comparison$yindex,
drop = FALSE],
exposures = matrix(), type = "NMF",
bagel = other_result@bagel, tables = other_result@tables)
result_plot <- BAGEL::plot_signatures(result_subset)
result_plot <- result_plot + ggplot2::ggtitle(result_name)
cosmic_plot <- BAGEL::plot_signatures(other_subset)
cosmic_plot <- cosmic_plot + ggplot2::ggtitle(other_result_name)
gridExtra::grid.arrange(result_plot, cosmic_plot, ncol = 2)
#' Compare a result object to COSMIC V3 Signatures; Select exome or genome for
#' SBS and only genome for DBS or Indel classes
#' @param result Result to compare
#' @param variant_class Compare to SBS, DBS, or Indel
#' @param sample_type exome (SBS only) or genome
#' @param threshold threshold for similarity
#' @param result_name title for plot user result signatures
#' @return Returns the comparisons
#' @examples
#' res <- readRDS(system.file("testdata", "res.rds", package = "BAGEL"))
#' compare_cosmic_v3(res, "SBS", "genome", threshold = 0.8)
#' @export
compare_cosmic_v3 <- function(result, variant_class, sample_type,
threshold = 0.9, result_name =
deparse(substitute(result))) {
if (sample_type == "exome") {
if (variant_class %in% c("snv", "SNV", "SNV96", "SBS", "SBS96")) {
cosmic_res <- cosmic_v3_sbs_sigs_exome
} else {
stop(paste("Only SBS class is available for whole-exome, please choose",
" `genome` for DBS or Indel", sep = ""))
} else if (sample_type == "genome") {
if (variant_class %in% c("snv", "SNV", "SNV96", "SBS")) {
cosmic_res <- cosmic_v3_sbs_sigs
} else if (variant_class %in% c("DBS", "dbs", "doublet")) {
cosmic_res <- cosmic_v3_dbs_sigs
} else if (variant_class %in% c("INDEL", "Indel", "indel", "ind", "IND",
"ID")) {
cosmic_res <- cosmic_v3_indel_sigs
} else {
stop("Only SBS, DBS, and Indel classes are supported")
} else {
stop("Sample type must be exome or genome")
signatures <- result@signatures
comparison <- sig_compare(signatures, cosmic_res@signatures, threshold)
result_subset <- methods::new(
"Result", signatures = result@signatures[, comparison$xindex, drop = FALSE],
exposures = matrix(), type = "NMF", tables = result@tables,
bagel = result@bagel)
other_subset <- methods::new("Result", signatures =
cosmic_res@signatures[, comparison$yindex,
drop = FALSE],
exposures = matrix(), type = "NMF", tables = cosmic_res@tables,
bagel = cosmic_res@bagel)
result_plot <- BAGEL::plot_signatures(result_subset)
result_plot <- result_plot + ggplot2::ggtitle(result_name)
cosmic_plot <- BAGEL::plot_signatures(other_subset)
cosmic_plot <- cosmic_plot + ggplot2::ggtitle(paste("COSMIC Signatures v3",
variant_class, " ",
sample_type, sep = ""))
gridExtra::grid.arrange(result_plot, cosmic_plot, ncol = 2)
#' Compare a result object to COSMIC V2 SBS Signatures (combination whole-exome
#' and whole-genome)
#' @param result Result to compare
#' @param threshold threshold for similarity
#' @param result_name title for plot user result signatures
#' @return Returns the comparisons
#' @examples
#' res <- readRDS(system.file("testdata", "res.rds", package = "BAGEL"))
#' compare_cosmic_v2(res, threshold = 0.8)
#' @export
compare_cosmic_v2 <- function(result, threshold = 0.9, result_name =
deparse(substitute(result))) {
signatures <- result@signatures
comparison <- sig_compare(signatures, cosmic_v2_sigs@signatures, threshold)
result_subset <- methods::new("Result",
signatures =
result@signatures[, comparison$xindex, drop =
FALSE], exposures =
matrix(), type = result@type, bagel = result@bagel,
tables = result@tables)
other_subset <- methods::new("Result",
signatures =
cosmic_v2_sigs@signatures[, comparison$yindex,
drop = FALSE],
exposures = matrix(), type = "NMF",
bagel = cosmic_v2_sigs@bagel,
tables = cosmic_v2_sigs@tables)
result_plot <- BAGEL::plot_signatures(result_subset)
legend <- cowplot::get_legend(result_plot)
result_plot <- result_plot + ggplot2::ggtitle(result_name) +
theme(legend.position = "none")
cosmic_plot <- BAGEL::plot_signatures(other_subset)
cosmic_plot <- cosmic_plot + ggplot2::ggtitle("COSMIC Signatures v2") +
theme(legend.position = "none")
gridExtra::grid.arrange(result_plot, cosmic_plot, legend, ncol = 3,
widths = c(0.4, 0.4, 0.2))
#' Input a cancer subtype to return a list of related COSMIC signatures
#' @param tumor_type Cancer subtype to view related signatures
#' @return Returns signatures related to a partial string match
#' @examples cosmic_v2_subtype_map ("lung")
#' @export
cosmic_v2_subtype_map <- function(tumor_type) {
subtypes <- c("adrenocortical carcinoma", "all", "aml", "bladder", "breast",
"cervix", "chondrosarcoma", "cll", "colorectum", "glioblastoma",
"glioma low grade", "head and neck", "kidney chromophobe",
"kidney clear cell", "kidney papillary", "liver", "lung adeno",
"lung small cell", "lung squamous", "lymphoma b-cell",
"lymphoma hodgkin", "medulloblastoma", "melanoma", "myeloma",
"nasopharyngeal carcinoma", "neuroblastoma", "oesophagus",
"oral gingivo-buccal squamous", "osteosarcoma", "ovary",
"pancreas", "paraganglioma", "pilocytic astrocytoma", "prostate",
"stomach", "thyroid", "urothelial carcinoma", "uterine carcinoma"
, "uterine carcinosarcoma", "uveal melanoma")
present_sig <- list(
c(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 13, 18), c(1, 2, 5, 13), c(1, 5), c(1, 2, 5, 10, 13),
c(1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, 17, 18, 20, 26, 30), c(1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 13, 26),
c(1, 5), c(1, 2, 5, 9, 13), c(1, 5, 6, 10), c(1, 5, 11), c(1, 5, 6, 14),
c(1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 13), c(1, 5, 6), c(1, 5, 6, 27), c(1, 2, 5, 13),
c(1, 4, 5, 6, 12, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24), c(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 13, 17),
c(1, 4, 5, 15), c(1, 2, 4, 5, 13), c(1, 2, 5, 9, 13, 17), c(1, 5, 25),
c(1, 5, 8), c(1, 5, 7, 11, 17), c(1, 2, 5, 13), c(1, 2, 5, 6, 13),
c(1, 5, 18), c(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 13, 17), c(1, 2, 5, 7, 13, 29),
c(1, 2, 5, 6, 13, 30), c(1, 5), c(1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 13), c(1, 5), c(1, 5, 19),
c(1, 5, 6), c(1, 2, 5, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 26, 28), c(1, 2, 5, 13),
c(1, 2, 5, 13, 22), c(1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 13, 14, 26), c(1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 13),
c(1, 5, 6)
partial <- grep(tumor_type, subtypes)
for (i in seq_len(length(partial))) {
#' LDA prediction of samples based on existing signatures
#' @param bagel Input samples to predit signature weights
#' @param g A \linkS4class{BSgenome} object indicating which genome
#' reference the variants and their coordinates were derived from.
#' @param table_name Name of table used for posterior prediction.
#' Must match the table type used to generate the prediction signatures
#' @param signature_res Signatures to use for prediction
#' @param algorithm Algorithm to use for prediction. Choose from
#' "lda_posterior", decompTumor2Sig, and deconstructSigs
#' @param signatures_to_use Which signatures in set to use (default all)
#' @param seed Seed to use for reproducible results, set to null to disable
#' @param verbose Whether to show intermediate results
#' @return Results a result object containing signatures and sample weights
#' @examples
#' bay <- readRDS(system.file("testdata", "bagel.rds", package = "BAGEL"))
#' g <- select_genome("19")
#' build_standard_table(bay, g, "SBS96", overwrite = TRUE)
#' predict_exposure(bagel = bay, table_name = "SBS96",
#' signature_res = BAGEL::cosmic_v2_sigs, algorithm = "lda")
#' @export
predict_exposure <- function(bagel, g, table_name, signature_res, algorithm,
signatures_to_use = seq_len(ncol(
signature_res@signatures)), seed = 1,
verbose = FALSE) {
signature <- signature_res@signatures[, signatures_to_use]
counts_table <- .extract_count_table(bagel, table_name)
present_samples <- which(colSums(counts_table) > 0)
counts_table <- counts_table[, present_samples]
if (algorithm %in% c("lda_posterior", "lda", "lda_post")) {
lda_res <- lda_posterior(counts_table = counts_table,
signature = signature, max.iter = 100,
verbose = verbose),
lda_res <- withr::with_seed(1, lda_posterior(
counts_table = counts_table, signature = signature,
max.iter = 100, verbose = verbose)))
exposures <- t(lda_res$samp_sig_prob_mat)
type_name <- "posterior_LDA"
}else if (algorithm %in% c("decomp", "decompTumor2Sig")) {
decomp_res <- predict_decompTumor2Sig(counts_table, signature),
decomp_res <- withr::with_seed(seed, predict_decompTumor2Sig(
counts_table, signature)))
exposures <- t(do.call(rbind, decomp_res))
colnames(exposures) <- colnames(counts_table)
rownames(exposures) <- colnames(signature)
type_name <- "decompTumor2Sig"
}else if (algorithm %in% c("ds", "deconstruct", "deconstructSigs")) {
sigs.input <- deconstructSigs::mut.to.sigs.input(mut.ref =
sample.id = "sample",
chr = "chr",
pos = "start",
ref = "ref",
alt = "alt",
bsg = g),
sigs.input <- withr::with_seed(seed,
deconstructSigs::mut.to.sigs.input(mut.ref = bagel@variants,
sample.id = "sample",
chr = "chr",
pos = "start",
ref = "ref",
alt = "alt",
bsg = g)))
sig_all <- t(signature)
middle <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(colnames(sig_all), "_"), "[", 1))
context <- lapply(strsplit(colnames(sig_all), "_"), "[", 2)
first <- unlist(lapply(context, substr, 1, 1))
last <- unlist(lapply(context, substr, 3, 3))
new_cols <- paste(first, "[", middle, "]", last, sep = "")
colnames(sig_all) <- new_cols
ds_res <- sapply(rownames(sigs.input), function(x) {
ds_result <- whichSignatures(tumor_ref = sigs.input,
contexts_needed = TRUE,
signatures_limit = ncol(signature),
tri_counts_method = "default",
sample_id = x, signatures_ref = sig_all)
exposures <- ds_res
colnames(exposures) <- colnames(counts_table)
rownames(exposures) <- colnames(signature)
type_name <- "deconstructSigs"
} else {
stop("Type must be lda or decomp")
result <- methods::new("Result", signatures = signature,
exposures = exposures,
type = type_name, bagel = bagel,
tables = table_name)
# Multiply Weights by sample counts
sample_counts <- colSums(counts_table)
matched <- match(colnames(counts_table), names(sample_counts))
result@exposures <- sweep(result@exposures, 2, sample_counts[matched],
FUN = "*")
lda_posterior <- function(counts_table, signature, max.iter = 100,
theta = 0.1, verbose) {
k <- ncol(signature) # number of signatures/topics
num_samples <- ncol(counts_table) # number of samples
if (length(theta) == 1) {
theta <- rep(theta, k) # symmetric singular value converted to vector
sample_count_sums <- colSums(counts_table)
# Initialize signature proportion matrix
samp_sig_prob_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = num_samples, ncol = k)
sig_mut_counts <- matrix(NA, nrow = num_samples, ncol = k)
rownames(samp_sig_prob_mat) <-
rownames(sig_mut_counts) <- colnames(counts_table)
colnames(samp_sig_prob_mat) <-
colnames(sig_mut_counts) <- colnames(signature)
for (s in seq_len(num_samples)) {
sig_mut_counts[s, ] <- base::tabulate(sample(x = seq_len(k), size =
replace = TRUE), k)
# Update signature proportion matrix
if (verbose) {
print("Calculating Signature Proportions")
for (i in seq_len(max.iter)) {
for (s in seq_len(num_samples)) {
#updating each mutation probability to reassign to a signature
log_prob_mut_reassignment <-
digamma(sig_mut_counts[s, ] + theta) -
digamma(sample_count_sums[s] + sum(theta))
#updating present sample topic probability
sig_sample_weights <- t(signature + 1e-20) *
exp(log_prob_mut_reassignment) # avoid 0 in norm
sig_sample_weights <- sweep(sig_sample_weights, MARGIN = 2, STATS =
colSums(sig_sample_weights), FUN = "/")
#assigned counts for a topic for a sample
updated_topic_motifs <- counts_table[, s] * t(sig_sample_weights)
# Update nN.SbyT[s, ] sample counts assigned to signature
sig_mut_counts[s, ] <- colSums(updated_topic_motifs)
# Update p.SbyT[s, ]
samp_sig_prob_mat[s, ] <- (sig_mut_counts[s, ]) / (sample_count_sums[s])
# Update theta
theta <- MCMCprecision::fit_dirichlet(x = samp_sig_prob_mat)$alpha
if (verbose) {
return(list(samp_sig_prob_mat = samp_sig_prob_mat, theta.poster = theta))
predict_decompTumor2Sig <- function(sample_mat, signature_mat) {
#Alexandrov-type prediction
input_signatures_normalized <- apply(signature_mat, 2,
function(x) {x / sum(x)})
signatures <- split(input_signatures_normalized,
#signatures_ref <- decompTumor2Sig::readAlexandrovSignatures()
ns <- as.matrix(row.names(signature_mat))
ns <- apply(ns, 1, function(x) {
stringr::str_c(substr(x, 5, 5), "[", substr(x, 1, 3), "]",
substr(x, 7, 7))})
signatures <- lapply(signatures, setNames, ns)
input_samples_normalized <- apply(sample_mat, 2, function(x) {x / sum(x)})
input_samples1 <- split(input_samples_normalized,
genomes <- lapply(input_samples1, setNames, ns)
sample_weight_mat <- decompTumor2Sig::decomposeTumorGenomes(genomes,
verbose = FALSE)
.multi_modal_discovery <- function(bay, num_signatures, motif96_name,
rflank_name, lflank_name, max.iter=125,
seed=123) {
motif96 <- .extract_count_table(bay, motif96_name)
rflank <- .extract_count_table(bay, rflank_name)
lflank <- .extract_count_table(bay, lflank_name)
whichSignatures <- function(tumor_ref = NA,
associated = c(),
signatures_limit = NA,
signature_cutoff = 0.06,
contexts_needed = FALSE,
tri_counts_method = "default") {
if (is(tumor_ref, 'matrix')) {
stop(paste("Input tumor.ref needs to be a data frame or location of input text file", sep = ""))
if (exists("tumor.ref", mode = "list") | is(tumor_ref, "data.frame")) {
tumor <- tumor_ref
if(contexts_needed == TRUE) {
tumor <- deconstructSigs::getTriContextFraction(mut.counts.ref = tumor,
trimer.counts.method =
} else {
if (file.exists(tumor_ref)) {
tumor <- utils::read.table(tumor_ref, sep = "\t", header = TRUE,
as.is = TRUE, check.names = FALSE)
if (contexts_needed == TRUE) {
tumor <- deconstructSigs::getTriContextFraction(tumor,
trimer.counts.method =
} else {
print("tumor.ref is neither a file nor a loaded data frame")
if (missing(sample_id) && nrow(tumor) == 1) {
sample_id <- rownames(tumor)[1]
# Take patient id given
tumor <- as.matrix(tumor)
if (!sample_id %in% rownames(tumor)) {
stop(paste(sample_id, " not found in rownames of tumor.ref", sep = ""))
tumor <- subset(tumor, rownames(tumor) == sample_id)
if (round(rowSums(tumor), digits = 1) != 1) {
stop(paste("Sample: ", sample_id, " is not normalized\n", 'Consider using "contexts.needed = TRUE"', sep = " "))
signatures <- signatures_ref
signatures <- as.matrix(signatures)
original_sigs <- signatures
# Check column names are formatted correctly
if (length(colnames(tumor)[colnames(tumor) %in% colnames(signatures)]) < length(colnames(signatures))) {
colnames(tumor) <- deconstructSigs::changeColumnNames(colnames(tumor))
if (length(colnames(tumor)[colnames(tumor) %in% colnames(signatures)]) < length(colnames(signatures))) {
stop("Check column names on input file")
# Ensure that columns in tumor match the order of those in signatures
tumor <- tumor[, colnames(signatures), drop = FALSE]
#Take a subset of the signatures
if (!is.null(associated)) {
signatures <- signatures[rownames(signatures) %in% associated, ]
if (is.na(signatures_limit)) {
signatures_limit <- nrow(signatures)
#Set the weights matrix to 0
weights <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(tumor), ncol = nrow(signatures),
dimnames = list(rownames(tumor),
seed <- deconstructSigs::findSeed(tumor, signatures)
weights[seed] <- 1
w <- weights * 10
error_diff <- Inf
error_threshold <- 1e-3
num <- 0
while (error_diff > error_threshold) {
num <- num + 1
error_pre <- deconstructSigs::getError(tumor, signatures, w)
if (error_pre == 0) {
w <- deconstructSigs::updateW_GR(tumor, signatures, w,
signatures.limit =
error_post <- deconstructSigs::getError(tumor, signatures, w)
error_diff <- (error_pre - error_post) / error_pre
weights <- w / sum(w)
unknown <- 0
## filtering on a given threshold value (0.06 default)
weights[weights < signature_cutoff] <- 0
unknown <- 1 - sum(weights)
product <- weights %*% signatures
diff <- tumor - product
x <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = 1, ncol = nrow(original_sigs),
dimnames = list(rownames(weights), rownames(original_sigs)))
x <- data.frame(x)
x[colnames(weights)] <- weights
weights <- x
out <- list(weights, tumor, product, diff, unknown)
names(out) <- c("weights", "tumor", "product", "diff", "unknown")
#' Generate result_grid from bagel based on annotation and range of k
#' @param bagel Input bagel to generate grid from
#' @param table_name Name of table used for signature discovery
#' @param discovery_type Algorithm for signature discovery
#' @param annotation Sample annotation to split results into
#' @param k_start Lower range of number of signatures for discovery
#' @param k_end Upper range of number of signatures for discovery
#' @param n_start Number of times to discover signatures and compare based on
#' posterior loglikihood
#' @param seed Seed to use for reproducible results, set to null to disable
#' @param par_cores Number of parallel cores to use (NMF only)
#' @param verbose Whether to output loop iterations
#' @return Results a result object containing signatures and sample weights
#' @examples
#' bay <- readRDS(system.file("testdata", "bagel_sbs96.rds", package = "BAGEL"))
#' grid <- generate_result_grid(bay, "SBS96", "nmf", k_start = 2, k_end = 5)
#' @export
generate_result_grid <- function(bagel, table_name, discovery_type = "lda",
annotation = NA, k_start, k_end, n_start = 1,
seed = NULL, par_cores = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE) {
result_grid <- methods::new("Result_Grid")
#Set Parameters
params <- data.table::data.table("discovery_type" = discovery_type,
"annotation_used" = annotation, "k_start" =
k_start, "k_end" = k_end,
"total_num_samples" =
"nstart" = n_start, seed = seed)
result_grid@grid_params <- params
#Initialize grid_table and result_list
grid_table <- data.table::data.table(annotation = character(), k =
numeric(), num_samples = numeric(),
reconstruction_error = numeric())
result_list <- list()
list_elem <- 1
#Generate and set result_list
if (!is.na(annotation)) {
annot_samples <- bagel@sample_annotations$Samples
annot <- bagel@sample_annotations$Tumor_Type
annot_names <- unique(annot)
num_annotation <- length(annot_names)
} else {
annot_names <- NA
num_annotation <- 1
#Define new bagels
for (i in 1:num_annotation) {
if (!is.na(annotation)) {
if (verbose) {
cat(paste("Current Annotation: ", annot_names[i], "\n", sep = ""))
cur_ind <- which(annot == annot_names[i])
cur_annot_samples <- annot_samples[cur_ind]
cur_annot_variants <- bagel@variants[which(
bagel@variants$sample %in% cur_annot_samples), ]
cur_bagel <- methods::new("bagel", variants = cur_annot_variants,
sample_annotations =
bagel@sample_annotations[cur_ind, ],
count_tables = subset_count_tables(bagel,
} else {
cur_bagel <- bagel
cur_annot_samples <- unique(bagel@variants$sample)
#Used for reconstruction error
cur_counts <- .extract_count_table(cur_bagel, table_name)
#Define new results
for (cur_k in k_start:k_end) {
cur_result <- discover_signatures(bagel = cur_bagel, table_name =
table_name, num_signatures = cur_k,
method = discovery_type, nstart =
n_start, seed = seed, par_cores =
result_list[[list_elem]] <- cur_result
list_elem <- list_elem + 1
recon_error <- mean(sapply(seq_len(ncol(cur_counts)), function(x)
mean((cur_counts[, x, drop = FALSE] -
reconstruct_sample(cur_result, x))^2))^2)
grid_table <- rbind(grid_table, data.table::data.table(
annotation = annot_names[i], k = cur_k, num_samples =
length(cur_annot_samples), reconstruction_error = recon_error))
result_grid@result_list <- result_list
result_grid@grid_table <- grid_table
reconstruct_sample <- function(result, sample_number) {
reconstruction <- matrix(apply(sweep(result@signatures, 2,
result@exposures[, sample_number,
drop = FALSE], FUN = "*"),
1, sum), dimnames =
list(rownames(result@signatures), "Reconstructed"))
#' Automatic filtering of signatures for exposure prediction gridded across
#' specific annotation
#' @param bagel Input samples to predit signature weights
#' @param table_name Name of table used for posterior prediction (e.g. SBS96)
#' @param signature_res Signatures to automatically subset from for prediction
#' @param algorithm Algorithm to use for prediction. Choose from
#' "lda_posterior", decompTumor2Sig, and deconstructSigs
#' @param sample_annotation Annotation to grid across, if none given,
#' prediction subsetting on all samples together
#' @param min_exists Threshold to consider a signature active in a sample
#' @param proportion_samples Threshold of samples to consider a signature
#' active in the cohort
#' @param rare_exposure A sample will be considered active in the cohort if at
#' least one sample has more than this threshold proportion
#' @param verbose Print current annotation value being predicted on
#' @param combine_res Automatically combines a list of annotation results
#' into a single result object with zero exposure values for signatures not
#' found in a given annotation's set of samples
#' @param seed Seed to use for reproducible results, set to null to disable
#' @return Results a list of results, one per unique annotation value, if no
#' annotation value is given, returns a single result for all samples, or
#' combines into a single result if combines_res = TRUE
#' @examples
#' bay <- readRDS(system.file("testdata", "bagel_annot.rds", package = "BAGEL"))
#' auto_predict_grid(bagel = bay, table_name = "SBS96",
#' signature_res = cosmic_v2_sigs, algorithm = "lda",
#' sample_annotation = "Tumor_Subtypes")
#' auto_predict_grid(bay, "SBS96", BAGEL::cosmic_v2_sigs, "lda")
#' @export
auto_predict_grid <- function(bagel, table_name, signature_res, algorithm,
sample_annotation = NULL, min_exists = 0.05,
proportion_samples = 0.25, rare_exposure = 0.4,
verbose = TRUE, combine_res = TRUE, seed = 1) {
if (is.null(sample_annotation)) {
combine_res <- FALSE
result <- auto_subset_sigs(bagel = bagel, table_name =
table_name, signature_res =
signature_res, algorithm = algorithm,
min_exists = min_exists, proportion_samples =
proportion_samples, rare_exposure =
rare_exposure, seed = seed)
} else {
available_annotations <- setdiff(colnames(bagel@sample_annotations),
if (!sample_annotation %in% available_annotations) {
stop(paste0("Sample annotation ", sample_annotation, " not found, ",
"available annotations: ", available_annotations))
annot <- unique(bagel@sample_annotations[[sample_annotation]])
result <- list()
for (i in seq_along(annot)) {
if (verbose) {
current_bagel <- subset_bagel_by_annotation(bay = bagel, annot_col =
annot_names = annot[i])
current_predicted <- auto_subset_sigs(bagel = current_bagel, table_name =
table_name, signature_res =
signature_res, min_exists =
min_exists, proportion_samples =
rare_exposure = rare_exposure,
algorithm = algorithm, seed = seed)
result[[as.character(annot[i])]] <- current_predicted
if (combine_res) {
result <- combine_predict_grid(result, bagel, signature_res)
#' Automatic filtering of inactive signatures
#' @param bagel Input samples to predit signature weights
#' @param table_name Name of table used for posterior prediction (e.g. SBS96)
#' @param signature_res Signatures to automatically subset from for prediction
#' @param algorithm Algorithm to use for prediction. Choose from
#' "lda_posterior", decompTumor2Sig, and deconstructSigs
#' @param min_exists Threshold to consider a signature active in a sample
#' @param proportion_samples Threshold of samples to consider a signature
#' active in the cohort
#' @param rare_exposure A sample will be considered active in the cohort if at
#' least one sample has more than this threshold proportion
#' @param seed Seed to use for reproducible results, set to null to disable
#' @return Results a result object containing automatically subset signatures
#' and corresponding sample weights
auto_subset_sigs <- function(bagel, table_name, signature_res, algorithm,
min_exists = 0.05, proportion_samples = 0.25,
rare_exposure = 0.4, seed = 1) {
test_predicted <- predict_exposure(bagel = bagel, table_name = table_name,
signature_res = signature_res,
algorithm = algorithm)
exposures <- test_predicted@exposures
num_samples <- ncol(exposures)
exposures <- sweep(exposures, 2, colSums(exposures), "/")
to_use <- as.numeric(which(apply(exposures, 1, function(x)
sum(x > min_exists) / num_samples) > proportion_samples |
apply(exposures, 1, max) > rare_exposure))
final_inferred <- predict_exposure(bagel = bagel, table_name = table_name,
signature_res = signature_res,
signatures_to_use = to_use,
algorithm = algorithm, seed = seed)
#' Combine prediction grid list into a result object. Exposure values are zero
#' for samples in an annotation where that signature was not predicted
#' @param grid_list A list of result objects from the prediction grid to
#' combine into a single result
#' @param bagel Input samples to predit signature weights
#' @param signature_res Signatures to automatically subset from for prediction
#' @return A result object combining all samples and signatures from a
#' prediction grid. Samples have zero exposure value for signatures not found
#' in that annotation type.
#' @examples
#' bay <- readRDS(system.file("testdata", "bagel_annot.rds", package = "BAGEL"))
#' grid <- auto_predict_grid(bay, "SBS96", BAGEL::cosmic_v2_sigs, "lda",
#' "Tumor_Subtypes", combine_res = FALSE)
#' combined <- combine_predict_grid(grid, bay, BAGEL::cosmic_v2_sigs)
#' plot_exposures_by_annotation(combined, "Tumor_Subtypes")
#' @export
combine_predict_grid <- function(grid_list, bagel, signature_res) {
sig_names <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(length(grid_list))) {
sig_names <- c(sig_names, rownames(grid_list[[i]]@exposures))
sig_names <- unique(sig_names)
sig_names <- sig_names[order(sig_names)]
comb <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(length(grid_list))) {
samp <- grid_list[[i]]@exposures
missing <- sig_names[!sig_names %in% rownames(samp)]
missing_mat <- matrix(0, length(missing), ncol(samp))
rownames(missing_mat) <- missing
samp <- rbind(samp, missing_mat)
samp <- samp[order(rownames(samp)), ]
comb <- cbind(comb, samp)
grid_res <- new("Result", bagel = bagel, exposures = comb,
signatures = signature_res@signatures[, sig_names])
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