#' @title Download the binary of the `yq` tool (version 3.4.1).
#' @description This function has side-effects by default, see the `set_as_default` argument.
#' @param url A character scalar: URL from which binary will be downloaded.
#' If `NULL`, it will be created from `os`, `arch`, and `yq_version`.
#' @param os A character scalar: specifies the current OS (`"linux"`, `"windows"`, or `"darwin"` for macOS).
#' If `NULL`, it will be determined from `.Platform$OS.type`.
#' @param arch A character scalar: specifies the current CPU architecture (`32`, `64`, or `"arm64"`).
#' If `NULL`, it will be determined from `.Machine$sizeof.pointer` (`4 -> 32`, `8 -> 64`) or from [R.version] for
#' `"arm64"` (which is identified as `"aarch64"` for Apple's M1 chipsets).
#' @param yq_version A character scalar: `yq` tool version.
#' @param destfile A character scalar: destination file.
#' @param set_as_default A logical scalar: if `TRUE`, set `options(scdrake_yq_binary = destfile)`.
#' @param do_check A logical scalar: if `TRUE`, functionality of the downloaded (or present) `yq` binary will be checked.
#' @param ask A logical scalar: if `TRUE`, ask before `yq` binary is downloaded.
#' @param dry A logical scalar: if `TRUE`, do not download the `yq` binary and just return its URL.
#' @param overwrite A logical scalar: if `TRUE`, overwrite the existing `yq` binary if exists.
#' @inheritParams verbose1_param
#' @return A character scalar of length two: `destfile` and URL to `yq` binary.
#' Note that on Windows platform, if `destfile` doesn't contain the `.exe` extension,
#' it will be automatically added.
#' If `!overwrite && fs::file_exists(destfile)`, then `NULL` invisibly.
#' @concept yq_tool
#' @export
download_yq <- function(url = NULL,
os = NULL,
arch = NULL,
yq_version = "3.4.1",
destfile = get_yq_default_path(),
set_as_default = TRUE,
do_check = TRUE,
ask = TRUE,
overwrite = FALSE,
dry = FALSE,
verbose = getOption("scdrake_verbose")) {
if (!overwrite && fs::file_exists(destfile)) {
cli_alert_info("{.file {destfile}} exists and {.code overwrite = FALSE} -> skipping the download")
if (do_check) {
check_yq(yq_binary = destfile, repair_executable = TRUE, verbose = verbose)
if (set_as_default) {
options(scdrake_yq_binary = destfile)
os <- os %||% .get_os()
if (os == "windows" && fs::path_ext(destfile) != "exe") {
cli::cli_alert_warning("Extension of {.var destfile} is not {.val .exe}, setting.")
fs::path_ext(destfile) <- "exe"
if (is_null(url)) {
if (R.version$arch == "aarch64") {
os <- "linux"
arch <- "arm64"
cli_alert_info("Apple arm64 architecture detected, setting {.var os} to {.val linux} and {.var arch} to {.val arm64}.")
} else {
valid_os <- c("linux", "windows", "darwin")
os %in% valid_os,
msg = "Unsupported os: '{os}'. The valid ones are {str_comma(valid_os)}"
valid_arch <- c(32L, 64L)
if (is_null(arch)) {
pointer_size <- .Machine$sizeof.pointer
arch <- dplyr::case_when(
pointer_size == 4 ~ 32L,
pointer_size == 8 ~ 64L,
TRUE ~ NA_integer_
msg = "Cannot determine the arch based on the pointer size ({.code .Machine$sizeof.pointer}): {.val {pointer_size}}"
arch %in% valid_arch,
msg = "Unsupported CPU architecture: {.val {arch}}. The valid ones are {.val {str_comma(valid_arch)}}"
if (os == "darwin") {
assert_that_(arch != "386", msg = "the yq tool is not available for {.val darwin} OS with {.val 386} architecture.")
arch <- dplyr::if_else(arch == 32L, "386", "amd64")
url <- glue(
exe = dplyr::if_else(os == "windows", ".exe", "")
"{.code yq} v{yq_version} binary for OS {.val {os}} and arch {.val {arch}} is going to be downloaded as {.file {destfile}}",
"from {.url {url}}"
} else {
cli_alert_info("{.code yq} binary from {.url {url}} is going to be downloaded as {.file {destfile}}")
url <- as.character(url)
if (!dry) {
cli_alert_info("Also, directory {.file {fs::path_dir(destfile)}} will be created if it does not exist.")
if (ask && !.confirm_menu()) {
cli_abort("Interrupting the download.")
fs::dir_create(fs::path_dir(destfile), recurse = TRUE)
utils::download.file(url, destfile, mode = "wb")
if (set_as_default) {
options(scdrake_yq_binary = destfile)
if (do_check) {
check_yq(yq_binary = destfile, repair_executable = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
} else {
cli_alert_info("Dry mode, nothing will be actually downloaded.")
return(c(destfile, url))
#' @title Return a default download path for the `yq` tool's binary.
#' @description The difference between platforms is that on Windows the `.exe` extension is added.
#' @return A character scalar.
#' @concept yq_tool
#' @export
get_yq_default_path <- function() {
if (.get_os() == "windows") {
fs::path(fs::path_home(), ".local/bin/yq.exe")
} else {
fs::path(fs::path_home(), ".local/bin/yq")
.set_perm <- function(file) {
if (.get_os() == "windows") {
fs::file_chmod(file, "rwx")
} else {
fs::file_chmod(file, "+x")
#' @title Check the availability and version of the `yq` tool.
#' @param yq_binary A character scalar: path to the `yq` tool's binary.
#' @param repair_executable A logical scalar: if `TRUE`, make the binary executable.
#' @inheritParams verbose1_param
#' @return `TRUE` if checks pass.
#' @details When R is run from the command line, the `PATH` environment variable is inherited from the current shell
#' session. But when R is run within the RStudio Server, user's `PATH` is not used. To modify the environment in which
#' R is run within your project, place `.Renviron` file to the root of your project, e.g.:
#' ```bash
#' echo 'PATH=${PATH}:"/path/to/dir/with/yq"' >> .Renviron
#' ```
#' Environment variables defined in `.Renviron` will be available in the R session run within the RStudio project.
#' Alternatively in R after `scdrake` package is loaded, you can set a path to the `yq` tool's binary with
#' `options(scdrake_yq_binary = "/path/to/yq/binary")`.
#' @concept yq_tool
#' @export
check_yq <- function(yq_binary = getOption("scdrake_yq_binary"),
repair_executable = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE) {
err_message <- c(
"The {.code yq} tool was not found. You can:",
i = str_space(
"Automatically download its binary with {.code download_yq()}.",
"This will also automatically set {.code options(scdrake_yq_binary = ...)}."
i = str_space(
"If the binary is already downloaded, set its path with {.code options(scdrake_yq_binary = ...)}",
"or put it to the {.envvar PATH} environment variable, such as {.code yq} will be available in shell",
"(this is expected by default)."
i = str_space(
"Download the latest v3.4.1 version manually here: {.url https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/releases/tag/3.4.1}",
"and follow the point above."
yq_link <- "You can download the latest v3.4.1 version here: https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/releases/tag/3.4.1"
yq_binary <- fs::path_expand(yq_binary)
yq_exists <- fs::file_exists(yq_binary)
msg = err_message
if (!fs::file_access(yq_binary, mode = "execute")) {
if (repair_executable) {
} else {
"The yq tool's binary is not executable.",
"You can run this function again with {.code repair_executable = TRUE}"
yq_version <- system2(yq_binary, "-V", stdout = TRUE)
stringr::str_detect(yq_version, stringr::fixed("yq version 3")),
msg = cli({
cli_alert_danger("The yq tool's version is not 3 ('{yq_version}'). You can:")
verbose %&&% cli_alert_success("The yq tool v3 is ready to use.")
#' @title Merge two YAML files using the `yq` tool.
#' @param f1,f2 A character scalar: path to YAML file. `f2` is the file whose parameters will overwrite those in `f1`.
#' @param stdout A character or logical scalar, or `NULL`: passed to [base::system2()].
#' - For character scalar: path to file into which the resulting merged YAML file will be written.
#' If empty string (`""`), the result will be written to R console.
#' - For logical scalar `TRUE`: return the stdout as a character scalar.
#' - For logical scalar `FALSE`, or `NULL`: discard the stdout.
#' @param check_yq A logical scalar: if `TRUE`, check `yq` tool presence with [check_yq()] prior to merging.
#' @param check_exit A logical scalar: if `TRUE` and `stdout` is `FALSE`,
#' check exit code of shell command used for merging.
#' @param yq_binary A character scalar: path to `yq` tool's binary.
#' @return An output from [base::system2()] - depends on the `stdout` argument.
#' @concept yq_tool
#' @export
yq_merge_cmd <- function(f1,
stdout = TRUE,
check_yq = TRUE,
check_exit = TRUE,
yq_binary = getOption("scdrake_yq_binary")) {
f1 <- fs::path_expand(f1)
f2 <- fs::path_expand(f2)
assert_that_(fs::file_exists(f1), msg = "File {.file {f1}} not found.")
assert_that_(fs::file_exists(f2), msg = "File {.file {f2}} not found.")
if (is_scalar_character(stdout) && stdout != "") {
stdout <- fs::path_expand(stdout)
if (check_yq) {
check_yq(yq_binary, verbose = FALSE)
yq_params <- c("merge", "-a", "overwrite", "-x", f1, f2)
res <- system2(
stdout = stdout
if (check_exit && !is_true(stdout)) {
assert_that_(res == 0, msg = "Error in shell command: {.code {yq_binary} {str_space(yq_params)}}")
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