#' Pool cells into microclusters
#' Merges similar transcriptional profiles into representative 'pools'
#' A latent space is computed for the expression data via PCA after
#' filtering on genes (using parameters \code{filterInput} and \code{filterThreshold}).
#' Alternately, a latent space can be supplied via the \code{latentSpace} argument
#' Euclidean distance within the latent space is then used to create cell pools
#' @param exprData the expression data matrix
#' @param cellsPerPartition control over the target number of cells to put into each supercell
#' @param filterInput name of filtering method ('threshold' or 'fano') or list of
#' genes to use when computing projections.
#' @param filterThreshold Threshold to apply when using the 'threshold' or 'fano' projection genes filter.
#' If greater than 1, this specifies the number of cells in which a gene must be detected
#' for it to be used when computing PCA. If less than 1, this instead specifies the proportion of cells needed
#' @param filterNumMad Number of median absolute deviations to use when selecting highly-variable
#' genes in each mean-sorted bin of genes
#' @param latentSpace (Optional) Latent space to be used instead of PCA numeric matrix cells x components
#' @param K Number of neighbors to use for finding pools.
#' @importFrom Matrix tcrossprod
#' @importFrom Matrix rowMeans
#' @return pooled cells - named list of vectors - cells in each supercell
#' @export
applyMicroClustering <- function(
exprData, cellsPerPartition=10,
filterInput = "fano",
filterThreshold = round(ncol(exprData) * 0.05),
filterNumMad = 2,
latentSpace = NULL, K=round(sqrt(ncol(exprData)))) {
if (is.data.frame(exprData)){
exprData <- data.matrix(exprData)
if (is.null(latentSpace) || all(dim(latentSpace) == c(1, 1))) {
exprData <- matLog2(exprData)
message(" Computing a latent space for microclustering using PCA...")
if (length(filterInput) > 1){
gene_passes <- intersect(filterInput, rownames(exprData))
if (length(gene_passes) == 0){
stop("Supplied list of genes in `filterInput` does not match any rows of `exprData`")
} else {
sprintf(" Using supplied list of genes: Found %i/%i matches", length(gene_passes), length(filterInput))
} else {
message(" Determining lateng space genes...")
gene_passes <- applyFilters(exprData, filterInput, filterThreshold, filterNumMad)
if (length(gene_passes) == 0){
sprintf("Filtering with (filterInput=\"%s\", filterThreshold=%i) results in 0 genes\n Set a lower threshold and re-run", filterInput, filterThreshold)
fexpr <- exprData[gene_passes, , drop = FALSE]
# Compute wcov using matrix operations to avoid
# creating a large dense matrix
message(" Performing PCA...")
N <- ncol(fexpr)
wcov <- tcrossprod(fexpr) / N
mu <- as.matrix(rowMeans(fexpr), ncol = 1)
mumu <- tcrossprod(mu)
wcov <- as.matrix(wcov - mumu)
# SVD of wieghted correlation matrix
ncomp <- min(ncol(fexpr), nrow(fexpr), 10)
decomp <- rsvd::rsvd(wcov, k = ncomp)
evec <- t(decomp$u)
# Project down using computed eigenvectors
res <- (evec %*% fexpr) - as.vector(evec %*% mu)
res <- as.matrix(res)
res <- t(res) # avoid transposing many times below
} else {
res <- latentSpace
sprintf(" Using supplied latent space with %i components", ncol(res))
message(" Performing initial coarse-clustering...")
kn <- find_knn_parallel(res, min(K, 30))
cl <- louvainCluster(kn, res)
message(" Further partitioning coarse clusters...")
pools <- readjust_clusters(cl, res, cellsPerPartition = cellsPerPartition)
# Rename clusters
cn <- paste0("microcluster_", 1:length(pools))
names(pools) <- cn
sprintf(" Micro-pooling completed reducing %i cells into %i pools",
nrow(res), length(pools))
#' Aggregate meta-data for cells in pools
#' Used to pool a meta-data data.frame which may contain a mixture
#' of numeric and factor variables
#' For numerical variables, the pooled value is just the average of
#' the value for cells in the pool
#' For factors, the pooled factor value represents the majority level
#' across cells in the pool. If there is no simple majority (e.g. no
#' factor level > 50\%), then the level '~' is substituted.
#' Additionally, for factor variables, a new variable of the form
#' \code{<Variable>_<Level>} is created for each level in the factor with a value
#' equal to the proportion of cells in the pool with that factor level.
#' @param metaData data.frame of meta-data for cells
#' @param pools named list of character vector describing cell ids
#' in each pool
#' @return A data.frame of pooled meta-data
#' @export
poolMetaData <- function(metaData, pools) {
poolMetaData <- data.frame(row.names = names(pools))
for (sigName in colnames(metaData)) {
scores <- metaData[[sigName]]
names(scores) <- rownames(metaData)
if (is.factor(scores)){
## Need to compute majority level in each group
N_MicroClusters <- nrow(poolMetaData)
newlevels <- union("~", levels(scores))
# vector to store the final levels in
clustScores <- factor(integer(N_MicroClusters),
levels = newlevels)
names(clustScores) <- rownames(poolMetaData)
# vectors for the proportion of each cluster level
clustScoresLevels <- list()
for (level in levels(scores)) {
clustScoresL <- numeric(N_MicroClusters)
names(clustScoresL) <- rownames(poolMetaData)
clustScoresLevels[[level]] <- clustScoresL
for (clust in names(pools)){
pool <- pools[[clust]]
if (length(pool) == 0){ #TODO: This shouldn't happen
clustScores[clust] <- "~"
vals <- scores[match(pool, names(scores))]
freq <- table(vals) / length(vals)
maxval <- freq[which.max(freq)]
if (maxval >= .5){
clust_val <- names(maxval)
} else {
clust_val <- "~"
clustScores[clust] <- clust_val
for (level in names(freq)){
clustScoresLevels[[level]][clust] <- freq[level]
poolMetaData[[sigName]] <- clustScores
for (level in names(clustScoresLevels)){
newName <- paste(sigName, level, sep = "_")
poolMetaData[[newName]] <- clustScoresLevels[[level]]
} else { # Then it must be numeric, just average
## Need to compute majority level in each group
N_MicroClusters <- nrow(poolMetaData)
clustScores <- numeric(N_MicroClusters)
names(clustScores) <- rownames(poolMetaData)
for (clust in names(clustScores)){
pool <- pools[[clust]]
if (length(pool) == 0){ #TODO: This shouldn't happen
clustScores[clust] <- 0
vals <- scores[match(pool, names(scores))]
clust_val <- mean(vals)
clustScores[clust] <- clust_val
poolMetaData[[sigName]] <- clustScores
#' Applies the Louvain algorithm to generate micro-clustered data
#' @param kn List of nearest neighbor indices and euclidean distances to these
#' nearest neighbors
#' @param data Data matrix
#' @return List of clusters, each entry being a vector of indices representing
#' samples in the cluster.
louvainCluster <- function(kn, data) {
nn <- kn[[1]]
d <- kn[[2]]
sigma <- apply(d, 1, function(x) quantile(x, c(.5))[[1]])
d <- exp(-1 * (d*d) / sigma^2)
nnl <- lapply(1:nrow(nn), function(i) nn[i,])
# Create an undirected knn graph
g <- igraph::graph_from_adj_list(nnl, mode="out")
igraph::E(g)$weights <- as.vector(t(d))
g <- igraph::as.undirected(g, mode="each")
# Now apply the louvain algorithm to cluster the graph
cl <- igraph::cluster_louvain(g)
# Gather cluster vector to list of clusters
clusters <- list()
mem <- as.vector(igraph::membership(cl))
for (i in 1:length(mem)) {
n <- as.character(mem[[i]])
if (n %in% names(clusters)) {
clusters[[n]] <- c(clusters[[n]], i)
} else {
clusters[[n]] <- c(i)
clusters <- lapply(clusters, function(i) i <- rownames(data)[i])
#' Repartitions existing clusters to achieve desired granularity.
#' By default, minimum number of clusters to be generated is the squareroot of
#' the number of cells.
#' @importFrom stats kmeans
#' @param clusters List of clusters, each entry being a vector of cells in a
#' cluster.
#' @param data NUM_SAMPLES x NUM_PROTEINS data matrix that was used to generate
#' clusters
#' @param cellsPerPartition the number of cells for a single partition the
#' algorithm should aim for
#' @return Repartitioned clusters, such that a desireable number of
#' microclusters is acheived.
readjust_clusters <- function(clusters, data, cellsPerPartition=100) {
NUM_PARTITIONS = round(nrow(data) / cellsPerPartition)
currPart = length(clusters)
clusterList <- list()
while (currPart < ((1 - EPSILON)*NUM_PARTITIONS)) {
clusterList <- list()
cluster_offset = 0
for (i in 1:length(clusters)) {
# Apply kmeans clustering to existing cluster
currCl = clusters[[i]]
subData <- data[currCl,]
if (length(currCl) > cellsPerPartition) {
nCl <- kmeans(subData,
centers=round(nrow(subData) / cellsPerPartition),
} else {
nCl <- kmeans(subData, centers=1, iter.max=100)
newClust <- nCl$cluster
# Gather cluster vector to list of clusters
for (i in 1:length(newClust)) {
n <- as.character(newClust[[i]] + cluster_offset)
sample_n <- names(newClust)[[i]]
if (n %in% names(clusterList)) {
clusterList[[n]] <- c(clusterList[[n]], sample_n)
} else {
clusterList[[n]] <- c(sample_n)
# Now add to cluster offset for next re-clustering
cluster_offset <- cluster_offset + max(newClust)
currPart <- length(clusterList)
clusters <- clusterList
#' Pools columns of a numeric matrix
#' Uses the provided pools to merge columns of the supplied data matrix
#' This would typically be used on a gene expression matrix (genes X cells) to
#' pool cells.
#' The \code{pools} argument is obtained by running \code{applyMicroClustering}
#' @param data data.frame or matrix to pool
#' @param pools named list of character vector describing cell ids
#' in each pool
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @return Matrix of pooled data
#' @export
poolMatrixCols <- function(data, pools) {
n_workers <- getOption("mc.cores")
n_workers <- if (is.null(n_workers)) 2 else n_workers
cl_batches <- batchify(pools, 500, n_workers = n_workers)
pool_batches <- parallel::mclapply(cl_batches, function(cl_batch) {
pooled_batch <- poolMatrixCols_Inner(data, cl_batch)
pooled_data <- do.call(cbind, pool_batches)
#' Pools rows of a numeric matrix
#' Uses the provided pools to merge rows of the supplied data matrix
#' Same as poolMatrixCols only operates on rows.
#' The \code{pools} argument is obtained by running \code{applyMicroClustering}
#' @param data data.frame or matrix to pool
#' @param pools named list of character vector describing cell ids
#' in each pool
#' @return Matrix of pooled data
#' @export
poolMatrixRows <- function(data, pools) {
data <- t(data)
pooled_data <- poolMatrixCols(data, pools)
pooled_data <- t(pooled_data)
#' create "super-cells" by pooling together single cells
#' @param expr expression data (genes x cells matrix)
#' @param pools cluster association of each cell
#' @return a matrx of expression data for the pooled cells (genes x pools)
poolMatrixCols_Inner <- function(expr, pools) {
# Need to construct a large cells x pools matrix
cl_data <- lapply(seq(length(pools)), function(i) {
cluster <- pools[[i]]
cell_indices <- match(cluster, colnames(expr))
pool_indices <- rep(i, length(cell_indices))
return(list(cell_indices, pool_indices))
i <- unlist(lapply(cl_data, function(x) x[[1]]))
j <- unlist(lapply(cl_data, function(x) x[[2]]))
dimnames <- list(
dims <- c(ncol(expr), length(pools))
poolSparseMatrix <- sparseMatrix(i = i, j = j,
dims = dims,
dimnames = dimnames)
pool_data <- as.matrix(expr %*% poolSparseMatrix)
cl_sizes <- vapply(pools, length, FUN.VALUE = 1)
pool_data <- t(t(pool_data) / cl_sizes)
#' Performs a binary search on a depth d such that
#' if depth(LCA(u, v)) <= d then u and v are in the same cluster
#' @param tree object of class phylo
#' @param target number of clusters to attempt to generate
#' @return List of clusters, each entry being a vector of indices representing
#' samples in the cluster.
#' @export
depthBasedTreeCluster <- function(tree, target=10) {
high <- length(tree$tip.label)
low <- 0
while (T) {
if (high == low) {
d <- round((high + low) / 2)
if (d == 0) {
num_clusters <- 0
seen_ancestors <- c()
cl <- list()
for (cell in seq_len(length(tree$tip.label))) {
ancestor <- ancestor_at_depth(tree, cell, d)
cell <- tree$tip.label[cell]
if (ancestor %in% seen_ancestors) {
cl[[match(ancestor, seen_ancestors)]] <- append(cl[[match(ancestor, seen_ancestors)]], cell)
} else {
num_clusters <- num_clusters + 1
seen_ancestors <- append(seen_ancestors, ancestor)
cl[[num_clusters]] <- c(cell)
if (num_clusters >= target) {
if(low == d) {
low <- d
} else if (num_clusters < target) {
if(high == d) {
high <- d
#' Performs a breadth first search to create a specific number of clusters.
#' Clusters are split based on depth.
#' @param tree object of class phylo
#' @param target number of clusters to attempt to generate
#' @return List of clusters, each entry being a vector of indices representing
#' samples in the cluster.
#' @export
depthBasedCladewiseTreeCluster <- function(tree, target=10) {
if (target > length(tree$tip.label)) {
stop("Number of clusters is too high.")
node_depths <- node.depth(tree)
root <- find_root(tree)
cluster_parents <- c()
cluster_parents[[as.name(root)]] <- node_depths[root]
# get the top level internal nodes
while (T) {
cluster_parents <- cluster_parents[order(unlist(cluster_parents), decreasing = T)]
remove <- as.integer(names(cluster_parents)[1])
cluster_parents <- cluster_parents[-1]
children <- get_children(tree, remove)
for (child in children) {
cluster_parents[[as.name(child)]] <- node_depths[child]
if (length(cluster_parents) >= target) {
cl <- list()
for (cluster in seq_len(length(cluster_parents))) {
cellId <- as.integer(names(cluster_parents)[cluster])
all_children <- get_all_children(tree, cellId) %>% (function(x) {return(tree$tip.label[x])})
cl[[cluster]] <- all_children
#' Performs a breadth first search to create a specific number of clusters
#' Clusters are split to prioritize max cluster size
#' @param tree object of class phylo
#' @param target number of clusters to attempt to generate
#' @return List of clusters, each entry being a vector of tips representing
#' samples in the cluster.
maxSizeCladewiseTreeCluster <- function(tree, target=10) {
if (target > length(tree$tip.label)) {
stop("Number of clusters is too high.")
root <- find_root(tree)
cluster_parents <- c()
cluster_parents[[as.name(root)]] <- get_max_cluster_size(tree, root)
# get the top level internal nodes
while (T) {
cluster_parents <- cluster_parents[order(unlist(cluster_parents), decreasing = T)]
remove <- as.integer(names(cluster_parents)[1])
cluster_parents <- cluster_parents[-1]
children <- get_children(tree, remove)
for (child in children) {
cluster_parents[[as.name(child)]] <- get_max_cluster_size(tree, child)
if (length(cluster_parents) >= sqrt(length(tree$tip.label))) {
cl <- list()
for (cluster in seq_len(length(cluster_parents))) {
cellId <- as.integer(names(cluster_parents)[cluster])
all_children <- get_all_children(tree, cellId) %>% (function(x) {return(tree$tip.label[x])})
cl[[cluster]] <- all_children
while (length(cl) > target) {
cs <- c()
for (c in cl) {
cs <- append(cs, length(c))
smallest_i <- which.min(cs)
tip1 <- which(tree$tip.label == cl[[smallest_i]][1])
dists <- c()
for (i in 1:length(cl)) {
tip2 <- which(tree$tip.label == cl[[i]][1])
dists <- append(dists, trivial_dist(tree, tip1, tip2))
dists[smallest_i] <- dists[smallest_i] + max(dists)
closest_cluster_i <- which.min(dists)
cl[[min(c(closest_cluster_i, smallest_i))]] <- append(cl[[smallest_i]], cl[[closest_cluster_i]])
cl[[max(c(closest_cluster_i, smallest_i))]] <- NULL
#' Generate clade-clusters for a tree of minimum size (unless children of root)
#' @param tree object of class phylo
#' @param minSize minimum clade size for a clade to be expanded
#' @return List of clusters, each entry being a vector of tips representing
#' WARNING: This won't work well for tree's with broad multifurcations
#' @export
treeClusterMinCladeSize <- function(tree, minSize=30) {
nodeLabels <- tree$node.label
numC <- length(tree$tip.label)
# split into clusters for each one
cl <- list()
seen <- c()
i <- 1 # current cluster number
# sort groups by min cluster_size first
root <- find_root(tree)
queue <- c(root)
while (TRUE) {
# BFS on internal nodes
if (length(queue) < 1) {
internalNode <- queue[1]
queue <- queue[-1]
children <- get_children(tree, internalNode)
for (child in children) {
childMinSize <- get_min_cluster_size(tree, child)
if (childMinSize >= minSize){
# continue expanding this child
queue <- append(queue, child)
} else {
# make this child a cluster
cl[[i]] <- get_all_children(tree, child) %>% (function(x) {return(tree$tip.label[x])})
i <- i + 1
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