#' Drop uninformative genes
#' \code{drop_uninformative_genes} drops uninformative genes in order to reduce
#' compute time and noise in subsequent steps. It achieves this through several
#' steps, each of which are optional:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Drop non-1:1 orthologs:\cr}{Removes genes that don't have 1:1 orthologs
#' with the \code{output_species} ("human" by default).}
#' \item{Drop non-varying genes:\cr}{Removes genes that don't vary across cells
#' based on variance deciles.}
#' \item{Drop non-differentially expressed genes (DEGs):\cr}{
#' Removes genes that are not significantly differentially
#' expressed across cell-types (multiple DEG methods available).}
#' }
#' @param exp Expression matrix with gene names as rownames.
#' @param level2annot Array of cell types, with each sequentially corresponding
#' a column in the expression matrix.
#' @param mtc_method Multiple-testing correction method used by DGE step.
#' See \link[stats]{p.adjust} for more details.
#' @param return_sce Whether to return the filtered results
#' as an expression matrix or a \pkg{SingleCellExperiment}.
#' @param adj_pval_thresh Minimum differential expression significance
#' that a gene must demonstrate across \code{level2annot} (i.e. cell types).
#' @param input_species Which species the gene names in \code{exp} come from.
#' See \link[EWCE]{list_species} for all available species.
#' @param output_species Which species' genes names to convert \code{exp} to.
#' See \link[EWCE]{list_species} for all available species.
#' @param as_sparse Convert \code{exp} to sparse matrix.
#' @param as_DelayedArray Convert \code{exp} to \code{DelayedArray}
#' for scalable processing.
#' @param no_cores Number of cores to parallelise across.
#' Set to \code{NULL} to automatically optimise.
#' @param verbose Print messages.
#' #' @inheritParams orthogene::convert_orthologs
#' @inheritParams generate_celltype_data
#' @inheritDotParams orthogene::convert_orthologs
#' @return exp Expression matrix with gene names as row names.
#' @examples
#' cortex_mrna <- ewceData::cortex_mrna()
#' # Use only a subset of genes to keep the example quick
#' cortex_mrna$exp <- cortex_mrna$exp[1:300, ]
#' ## Convert orthologs at the same time
#' exp2_orth <- drop_uninformative_genes(
#' exp = cortex_mrna$exp,
#' level2annot = cortex_mrna$annot$level2class,
#' input_species = "mouse"
#' )
#' @export
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums colSums
#' @importFrom methods is as
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom DelayedArray DelayedArray
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @importFrom orthogene convert_orthologs
drop_uninformative_genes <- function(exp,
# dge_method = "limma",
# dge_test = "LRT",
mtc_method = "BH",
# min_variance_decile = NULL,
adj_pval_thresh = 0.00001,
convert_orths = FALSE,
input_species = NULL,
output_species = "human",
non121_strategy = "drop_both_species",
method = "homologene",
as_sparse = TRUE,
as_DelayedArray = FALSE,
return_sce = FALSE,
no_cores = 1,
verbose = TRUE,
...) {
##### Extra arguments to be implemented after benchmarking is done ####
# #' @param dge_method Which method to use for the Differential Gene Expression
# #' (DGE) step.\cr
# #' Options:
# #' \itemize{
# #' \item{"limma": }{Uses
# #' \href{https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/limma.html}{
# #' limma}.}
# #' \item{"deseq2": }{Uses
# #' \href{https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/DESeq2.html}{
# #' DESeq2}.}
# #' \item{"mast": }{Uses
# #' \href{https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/MAST.html}{
# #' MAST}.}
# #' }
# #' @param dge_test \code{test} argument passed to DGE function.
# #' Only used when \code{dge_method="deqseq2"}.
# #' @param min_variance_decile If \code{min_variance_decile!=NULL},
# #' calculates the variance of the mean gene expression
# #' across `level2annot` (i.e. cell types),
# #' and then removes any genes that are below \code{min_variance_decile}
# #' (on a 0-1 scale).
dge_method = "limma"
dge_test = "LRT"
min_variance_decile = NULL
#### End extra arguments ####
### Avoid confusing Biocheck
padj <- NULL
#### Check if input is an SCE or SE object ####
res_sce <- check_sce(exp)
exp <- res_sce$exp
SE_obj <- res_sce$SE_obj
metadata <- res_sce$metadata
messager("Check", dim(exp), v = verbose)
#### Check species ####
input_species <- check_species(
genelistSpecies = "NULL",
sctSpecies = input_species,
verbose = verbose
#### Check DGE method ####
dge_method <- if (is.null(dge_method)) "" else dge_method
#### Assign cores #####
core_allocation <- assign_cores(
worker_cores = no_cores,
verbose = verbose
#### convert orthologs ####
if ((input_species != output_species) && convert_orths) {
exp <- orthogene::convert_orthologs(
gene_df = exp,
input_species = input_species,
output_species = output_species,
non121_strategy = non121_strategy,
method = method,
verbose = verbose,
#### Convert to sparse matrix ####
exp <- to_sparse_matrix(
exp = exp,
as_sparse = as_sparse,
verbose = verbose
#### Convert to DelayedArray ####
exp <- to_delayed_array(
exp = exp,
as_DelayedArray = as_DelayedArray,
verbose = verbose
### Remove non-expressed genes ####
exp <- drop_nonexpressed_genes(
exp = exp,
verbose = verbose
### Remove low-quality cells ####
exp_annotLevels <- drop_nonexpressed_cells(
exp = exp,
annotLevels = list(lvl2 = level2annot),
verbose = verbose
exp <- exp_annotLevels$exp
level2annot <- exp_annotLevels$annotLevels[[1]]
#### Simple variance ####
if (!is.null(min_variance_decile)) {
# Use variance of mean gene expression across cell types
# as a fast and simple way to select genes
exp <- filter_variance_quantiles(
exp = exp,
n_quantiles = 10,
min_variance_quantile = min_variance_decile,
verbose = verbose
#### Run DGE ####
start <- Sys.time()
#### limma ####
if (any(tolower(dge_method) == "limma")) {
limma_res <- run_limma(
exp = exp,
level2annot = level2annot,
mtc_method = mtc_method,
verbose = verbose,
keep_genes <- rownames(exp)[limma_res$q < adj_pval_thresh]
exp = exp,
keep_genes = keep_genes,
adj_pval_thresh = adj_pval_thresh,
verbose = verbose
# Filter original exp
exp <- exp[keep_genes, ]
#### DESeq2 ####
if (tolower(dge_method) == "deseq2") {
deseq2_res <- run_deseq2(
exp = exp,
level2annot = level2annot,
test = dge_test,
no_cores = no_cores,
verbose = verbose,
keep_genes <- rownames(subset(deseq2_res, padj < adj_pval_thresh))
exp = exp,
keep_genes = keep_genes,
adj_pval_thresh = adj_pval_thresh,
verbose = verbose
# Filter original exp
exp <- exp[keep_genes, ]
#### MAST ####
if (tolower(dge_method) == "mast") {
mast_res <- run_mast(
exp = exp,
test = dge_test,
mtc_method = mtc_method,
no_cores = no_cores,
keep_genes <- unique(subset(mast_res, q < adj_pval_thresh)$primerid)
exp = exp,
keep_genes = keep_genes,
adj_pval_thresh = adj_pval_thresh,
verbose = verbose
# Filter original exp
exp <- exp[keep_genes, ]
end <- Sys.time()
print(end - start) ## End DGE
#### Return results ####
if (return_sce) {
new_sce <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(
list(counts = exp),
colData = metadata[colnames(exp), ]
} else {
### OG drop.uninformative.genes ####
drop.uninformative.genes <- function(exp,
...) {
exp <- drop_uninformative_genes(
exp = exp,
level2annot = level2annot,
# level2annot = as.character(level2annot)
# summed = apply(exp,1,sum)
# exp = exp[summed!=0,]
# mod = model.matrix(~level2annot)
# fit = limma::lmFit(exp,mod)
# eb = limma::eBayes(fit)
# pF = stats::p.adjust(eb$F.p.value,method="BH")
# exp = exp[pF<0.00001,]
# return(exp)
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