### Grouping neighbourhoods ###
#' Group neighbourhoods
#' This function groups overlapping and concordantly DA neighbourhoods, using the louvain
#' community detection algorithm.
#' @param x A \code{\linkS4class{Milo}} object containing single-cell gene expression
#' and neighbourhoods.
#' @param da.res A \code{data.frame} containing DA results, as expected from running
#' \code{testNhoods}.
#' @param da.fdr A numeric scalar that determines at what FDR neighbourhoods are declared
#' DA for the purposes of aggregating across concorantly DA neighbourhoods.
#' @param overlap A scalar integer that determines the number of cells that must
#' overlap between adjacent neighbourhoods for merging.
#' @param max.lfc.delta A scalar that determines the absolute difference in log fold change below
#' which neighbourhoods should not be considered adjacent. Default=NULL
#' @param merge.discord A logical scalar that overrides the default behaviour and allows
#' adjacent neighbourhoods to be merged if they have discordant log fold change signs. Using
#' this argument is generally discouraged, but may be useful for constructing an empirical null
#' group of cells, regardless of DA sign.
#' @param subset.nhoods A logical, integer or character vector indicating which neighbourhoods
#' to subset before grouping. All other neighbourhoods will be assigned NA
#' @param compute.new A logical scalar indicating whether to force computing a new neighbourhood
#' adjacency matrix if already present.
#' @param na.function A valid NA action function to apply, should be one of
#' \code{na.fail, na.omit, na.exclude, na.pass} (default='na.pass').
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of model results (as \code{da.res} input) with a new column storing the assigned
#' group label for each neighbourhood (\code{NhoodGroup} column)
#' @details Louvain clustering is applied to the neighbourhood graph. This graph is first modified
#' based on two criteria: 1) neighbourhoods share at least \code{overlap} number of cells,
#' and 2) the DA log fold change sign is concordant.
#' This behaviour can be modulated by setting \code{overlap} to be more or less stringent.
#' Additionally, a threshold on the log fold-changes can be set, such that \code{max.lfc.delta}
#' is required to retain edges between adjacent neighbourhoods. Note: adjacent neighbourhoods will
#' never be merged with opposite signs.
#' @author Emma Dann & Mike Morgan
#' @export
groupNhoods <- function(x, da.res, da.fdr=0.1,
overlap=1, max.lfc.delta=NULL,
if(!is(x, "Milo")){
stop("Unrecognised input type - must be of class Milo")
warning("NULL passed to na.function, using na.pass")
na.func <- get("na.pass")
} else{
na.func <- get(na.function)
}, warning=function(warn){
}, error=function(err){
stop("NA function ", na.function, " not recognised")
}, finally={
n.da <- sum(na.func(da.res$SpatialFDR < da.fdr))
if(!is.na(n.da) & n.da == 0){
stop("No DA neighbourhoods found")
warning("NA values found in SpatialFDR vector")
message("Found ", n.da, " DA neighbourhoods at FDR ", da.fdr*100, "%")
## Check if adjacency matrix exists, if not build
if((ncol(nhoodAdjacency(x)) == ncol(nhoods(x))) & isFALSE(compute.new)){
message("nhoodAdjacency found - using for nhood grouping")
} else {
x <- buildNhoodGraph(x, overlap = overlap)
## Make neighbourhood groups
nhs_groups <- .group_nhoods_from_adjacency(nhoods(x),
is.da=da.res$SpatialFDR < da.fdr,
## Save in DAres data.frame
da.res['NhoodGroup'] <- NA
if (!is.null(subset.nhoods)) {
da.res[subset.nhoods,"NhoodGroup"] <- as.character(nhs_groups)
} else {
da.res['NhoodGroup'] <- as.character(nhs_groups)
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_adjacency_matrix components cluster_louvain
.group_nhoods_from_adjacency <- function(nhs, nhood.adj, da.res, is.da,
warning("No names attributed to nhoods. Converting indices to names")
colnames(nhs) <- as.character(seq_len(ncol(nhs)))
# assume order of nhs is the same as nhood.adj
if(mode(subset.nhoods) %in% c("character", "logical", "numeric")){
# force use of logicals for consistency
if(mode(subset.nhoods) %in% c("character")){
sub.log <- colnames(nhs) %in% subset.nhoods
} else if (mode(subset.nhoods) %in% c("numeric")) {
sub.log <- colnames(nhs) %in% colnames(nhs)[subset.nhoods]
} else{
sub.log <- subset.nhoods
nhood.adj <- nhood.adj[sub.log, sub.log]
if(length(is.da) == ncol(nhs)){
nhs <- nhs[sub.log]
is.da <- is.da[sub.log]
da.res <- da.res[sub.log, ]
} else{
stop("Subsetting `is.da` vector length does not equal nhoods length")
} else{
stop("Incorrect subsetting vector provided:", class(subset.nhoods))
} else{
if(length(is.da) != ncol(nhood.adj)){
stop("Subsetting `is.da` vector length is not the same dimension as adjacency")
## check for concordant signs (only for significant DA) - assume order is the same as nhoods
discord.sign <- sign(da.res[is.da, 'logFC'] %*% t(da.res[is.da, 'logFC'])) < 0
nhood.adj[is.da, is.da][discord.sign] <- 0
if(overlap > 1){
nhood.adj[nhood.adj < overlap] <- 0
## Remove edges if the difference is higher than max.lfc.delta
lfc.diff <- sapply(da.res[,"logFC"], "-", da.res[,"logFC"])
nhood.adj[abs(lfc.diff) > max.lfc.delta] <- 0
# binarise
nhood.adj <- as.matrix((nhood.adj > 0) + 0)
n.dim <- ncol(nhood.adj)
stop("Overlap matrix is not symmetric")
if(nrow(nhood.adj) != ncol(nhood.adj)){
stop("Non-square distance matrix - check nhood subsetting")
g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(nhood.adj, mode="undirected", diag=FALSE)
groups <- cluster_louvain(g)$membership
names(groups) <- colnames(nhood.adj)
## The user might actually want to compare DA vs Not DA
# # only keep the groups that contain >= 1 DA neighbourhoods
# keep.groups <- intersect(unique(groups[is.da]), unique(groups))
# return(groups[groups %in% keep.groups])
## Do we still need this??
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_adjacency_matrix components
.group_nhoods_by_overlap <- function(nhs, da.res, is.da, overlap=1,
max.lfc.delta=NULL, merge.discord=FALSE,
subset.nhoods=NULL, cells=NULL){
## Build adjacency matrix for nhoods
nhood.adj <- .build_nhood_adjacency(nhs)
groups <- .group_nhoods_from_adjacency(nhs=nhs, nhood.adj=nhood.adj,
is.da=is.da, da.res=da.res,
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