## These are utility functions not meant to be exposed to the user
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
.check_empty <- function(x, attribute){
# check if a Milo object slot is empty or not
x.slot <- slot(x, attribute)
if(is.list(x.slot) & names(slot(x, "graph")) == "graph"){
return(length(x.slot[[1]]) > 0)
} else if(is.list(x.slot) & is.null(names(x.slot))){
} else if(any(class(x.slot) %in% c("dgCMatrix", "dsCMatrix", "ddiMatrix", "matrix"))){
return(sum(rowSums(x.slot)) == 0)
.check_binary <- function(x){
# check if a matrix is binary or not
sum.zeros <- sum(x == 0)
sum.ones <- sum(x == 1)
n.comps <- nrow(x) * ncol(x)
return(sum(c(sum.zeros, sum.ones)) == n.comps)
#' @importFrom igraph make_graph simplify
.neighborsToKNNGraph <- function(nn, directed=FALSE) {
start <- as.vector(row(nn))
end <- as.vector(nn)
interleaved <- as.vector(rbind(start, end))
if (directed) {
g <- make_graph(interleaved, directed=TRUE)
} else {
g <- make_graph(interleaved, directed=FALSE)
g <- simplify(g, edge.attr.comb = "first")
# setting internals for replacement methods that require multiple arguments - borrowed from SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom methods slot
.set_reduced_dims <- function(x, value, slot.x=NULL, rdim=NULL){
x <- updateObject(x)
content <- slot(x, slot.x)
if(slot.x == "nhoodReducedDim"){
content[[rdim]] <- value
x@nhoodReducedDim <- content
} else{
stop("No reduced dimensionality slot provided")
stop("replacement method not implemented for ", slot)
# parse design formula
#' @export
.parse_formula <- function(in.form, design.df, vtype=c("re", "fe"), add.int=FALSE){
## parse the formula and return the X and Z matrices
# need to decide on how to handle intercept terms - i.e. FE or RE
sp.form <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(in.form),
split="+", fixed=TRUE))
if(vtype %in% c("re")){
v.terms <- unlist(lapply(sp.form, FUN=function(sp) {
return(ifelse(grepl(trimws(sp), pattern="\\|"), .rEParse(trimws(sp)), NA))
v.terms <- v.terms[!is.na(v.terms)]
d.mat <- as.matrix(design.df[, trimws(v.terms)])
if (is.character(d.mat)) {
d.mat <- matrix(unlist(lapply(data.frame(d.mat)[, , drop = FALSE],
function(x) as.integer(factor(x)))), ncol = length(v.terms))
# add the residual variance term if appropriate
d.mat <- cbind(d.mat, matrix(data=1L, nrow=nrow(d.mat), ncol=1))
colnames(d.mat) <- c(trimws(v.terms), "residual")
} else{
colnames(d.mat) <- trimws(v.terms)
} else if(vtype %in% c("fe")){
v.terms <- trimws(unlist(sp.form[!grepl(trimws(sp.form), pattern="~|\\|")]))
if(length(v.terms) > 1){
v.terms <- paste(v.terms, collapse=" + ")
# the intercept is a fixed effect in this model
d.mat <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste("~ 1 +", v.terms)), data = design.df)
d.mat <- d.mat[ ,!grepl("1*\\|", colnames(d.mat))] # drop the random terms
# drop the intercept term if required.
d.mat[, !grepl("Intercept", colnames(d.mat)), drop=FALSE]
} else{
stop("vtype ", vtype, " not recognised")
#' @export
.rEParse <- function(re.form) {
.x <- gsub(unlist(strsplit(re.form, split="|", fixed=TRUE)),
pattern="\\)", replacement="")
## neighbourhood grouping functions
#### nhood adjacency matrix function
# Build adjacency matrix of overlap between neighbourhoods
#' @importFrom gtools permutations
#' @importFrom Matrix crossprod
.build_nhood_adjacency <- function(nhoods, overlap=1){
nh_intersect_mat <- Matrix::crossprod(nhoods)
nh_intersect_mat[nh_intersect_mat < overlap] <- 0
rownames(nh_intersect_mat) <- colnames(nhoods)
colnames(nh_intersect_mat) <- colnames(nhoods)
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