#' Import data
#' `import_data()` imports data from a collection of R objects to create a `sceptre_object`. Users can create either a standard `sceptre` object or an `ondisc`-backed `sceptre` object; the latter is more appropriate for large-scale data. See \href{https://timothy-barry.github.io/sceptre-book/import-data.html#import-data-from-a-collection-of-r-objects}{Chapter 1 of the manual} for more detailed information about this function.
#' @param response_matrix a matrix of response UMI counts, with responses in rows and cells in columns. The matrix should be of type `"matrix"`, `"dgCMatrix"`, `"dgRMatrix"`, or `"dgTMatrix"`. The row names of the matrix should give the response IDs.
#' @param grna_matrix a matrix of gRNA UMI counts, with gRNAs in rows and cells in columns. The matrix should be of type `"matrix"`, `"dgCMatrix"`, `"dgRMatrix"`, or `"dgTMatrix"`. The row names of the matrix should give the gRNA IDs.
#' @param grna_target_data_frame a data frame containing columns `grna_id` and `grna_target` mapping each individual gRNA to its target. Non-targeting gRNAs should be assigned a label of "non-targeting". Optionally, `grna_target_data_frame` can contain columns `chr`, `start`, and `end`, giving the chromosome, start coordinate, and end coordiante, respectively, of each gRNA. Additionally, `grna_target_data_frame` can contain the column `vector_id` specifying the vector to which a given gRNA belongs.
#' @param moi a string indicating the MOI of the dataset, either "low" or "high".
#' @param extra_covariates (optional) a data frame containing extra covariates (e.g., batch, biological replicate) beyond those that `sceptre` can compute.
#' @param response_names (optional) a vector of human-readable response names; names with the prefix "MT-" are taken as mitochondrial genes and are used to compute the covariate `response_p_mito`.
#' @param use_ondisc (default `FALSE`) a logical value (i.e., `TRUE` or `FALSE`) indicating whether to create an `ondisc`-backed `sceptre_object` (`TRUE`) or a standard `sceptre_object` (`FALSE`).
#' @param directory_to_write (optional) a file path to a directory in which to write the backing `.odm` files for the response and gRNA expression matrices. Must be supplied if `use_ondisc` is set to `TRUE`.
#' @return an initialized `sceptre_object`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(sceptredata)
#' data("lowmoi_example_data")
#' # 1. initialize a standard sceptre_object from R objects
#' sceptre_object <- import_data(
#' response_matrix = lowmoi_example_data$response_matrix,
#' grna_matrix = lowmoi_example_data$grna_matrix,
#' grna_target_data_frame = lowmoi_example_data$grna_target_data_frame,
#' extra_covariates = lowmoi_example_data$extra_covariates,
#' moi = "low"
#' )
#' # 2. initialize an ondisc-backed sceptre_object from R objects
#' sceptre_object <- import_data(
#' response_matrix = lowmoi_example_data$response_matrix,
#' grna_matrix = lowmoi_example_data$grna_matrix,
#' grna_target_data_frame = lowmoi_example_data$grna_target_data_frame,
#' extra_covariates = lowmoi_example_data$extra_covariates,
#' moi = "low",
#' use_ondisc = TRUE,
#' directory_to_write = tempdir()
#' )
import_data <- function(response_matrix, grna_matrix, grna_target_data_frame, moi, extra_covariates = data.frame(),
response_names = NA_character_, use_ondisc = FALSE, directory_to_write = NULL) {
if (use_ondisc) { # use ondisc
response_matrix, grna_matrix, grna_target_data_frame, moi,
extra_covariates, response_names, directory_to_write
} else { # do not use ondisc
import_data_memory(response_matrix, grna_matrix, grna_target_data_frame, moi, extra_covariates, response_names)
# memory
import_data_memory <- function(response_matrix, grna_matrix, grna_target_data_frame,
moi, extra_covariates, response_names) {
# perform initial check
check_import_data_inputs(response_matrix, grna_matrix, grna_target_data_frame, moi, extra_covariates) |> invisible()
# collapse gRNA matrix (if vector_id supplied)
if ("vector_id" %in% colnames(grna_target_data_frame)) {
grna_matrix <- collapse_grna_matrix(
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame
grna_target_data_frame <- collapse_grna_target_data_frame(grna_target_data_frame)
# process covariates and matrices
processed_inputs <- process_covariates_and_matrices(
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
extra_covariates = extra_covariates,
response_names = response_names
# initialize the sceptre_object
sceptre_object <- init_sceptre_object(
response_matrix = processed_inputs$response_matrix,
grna_matrix = processed_inputs$grna_matrix,
covariate_data_frame = processed_inputs$covariate_data_frame,
moi = moi,
grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame
# 1. ondisc
import_data_use_ondisc <- function(response_matrix, grna_matrix, grna_target_data_frame, moi,
extra_covariates, response_names, directory_to_write) {
# perform initial check
check_import_data_inputs(response_matrix, grna_matrix, grna_target_data_frame, moi, extra_covariates) |> invisible()
# check directory_to_write
if (is.null(directory_to_write)) stop("`directory_to_write` cannot be `NULL`.")
# process covariates and matrices
processed_inputs <- process_covariates_and_matrices(
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
extra_covariates = extra_covariates,
response_names = response_names
response_matrix <- processed_inputs$response_matrix
grna_matrix <- processed_inputs$grna_matrix
covariate_data_frame <- processed_inputs$covariate_data_frame
# write matrices to disk
integer_id <- sample(x = seq(0L, .Machine$integer.max), size = 1L)
out <- write_matrices_to_disk(
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
directory_to_write = directory_to_write,
integer_id = integer_id
# initialize the sceptre_object
sceptre_object <- init_sceptre_object(
response_matrix = out$response_matrix,
grna_matrix = out$grna_matrix,
covariate_data_frame = covariate_data_frame,
moi = moi,
grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame
# add integer id
sceptre_object@integer_id <- integer_id
#' Import data from Cell Ranger
#' `import_data_from_cellranger()` imports data from the output of one or more calls to Cell Ranger count. Each directory supplied as an input to this function should be in feature-barcode format, containing the files `features.tsv.gz` and `matrix.mtx.gz` (and optionally `barcodes.tsv.gz`). Users can create either a standard `sceptre` object or an `ondisc`-backed `sceptre` object; the latter is more appropriate for large-scale data. See \href{https://timothy-barry.github.io/sceptre-book/sceptre.html#sec-whole_game_import_data}{the introductory chapter} or \href{https://timothy-barry.github.io/sceptre-book/import-data.html}{Chapter 1} of the manual for more information about this function.
#' @param directories a character vector of file paths to directories containing the output of one or more calls to Cell Ranger count. Each directory should contain the files `matrix.mtx.gz` and `features.tsv.gz` (and optionally `barcodes.tsv.gz`).
#' @param moi a string indicating the MOI of the dataset, either "low" or "high".
#' @param grna_target_data_frame a data frame containing columns `grna_id` and `grna_target` mapping each individual gRNA to its target. Non-targeting gRNAs should be assigned a label of "non-targeting". Optionally, `grna_target_data_frame` can contain columns `chr`, `start`, and `end`, giving the chromosome, start coordinate, and end coordiante, respectively, of each gRNA. Additionally, `grna_target_data_frame` can contain the column `vector_id` specifying the vector to which a given gRNA belongs.
#' @param extra_covariates (optional) a data frame containing extra covariates (e.g., batch, biological replicate) beyond those that `sceptre` can compute.
#' @param use_ondisc (optional; default `FALSE`) a logical indicating whether to store the expression data in a disk-backed `ondisc` matrix (`TRUE`) or an in-memory sparse matrix (`FALSE`).
#' @param directory_to_write (optional) a string indicating the directory in which to write the backing `.odm` files (must be specified if `use_ondisc` is set to `TRUE`).
#' @return an initialized `sceptre_object`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(sceptredata)
#' data(grna_target_data_frame_highmoi)
#' directories <- paste0(
#' system.file("extdata", package = "sceptredata"),
#' "/highmoi_example/gem_group_", c(1, 2)
#' )
#' # 1. create a standard sceptre_object from Cell Ranger output
#' sceptre_object <- import_data_from_cellranger(
#' directories = directories,
#' moi = "high",
#' grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame_highmoi,
#' )
#' # 2. create an ondisc-backed sceptre_object from Cell Ranger output
#' sceptre_object <- import_data_from_cellranger(
#' directories = directories,
#' moi = "high",
#' grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame_highmoi,
#' use_ondisc = TRUE,
#' directory_to_write = tempdir()
#' )
import_data_from_cellranger <- function(directories, moi, grna_target_data_frame, extra_covariates = data.frame(), use_ondisc = FALSE, directory_to_write = NULL) {
# take cases on use_ondisc
if (!use_ondisc) {
import_data_from_cellranger_memory(directories, moi, grna_target_data_frame, extra_covariates)
} else {
import_data_from_cellranger_use_ondisc(directories, moi, grna_target_data_frame, extra_covariates, directory_to_write)
# 1. memory
import_data_from_cellranger_memory <- function(directories, moi, grna_target_data_frame, extra_covariates) {
# 1. check that directories exist
for (curr_directory in directories) {
if (!dir.exists(curr_directory)) stop("The directory ", curr_directory, " does not exist.")
# 2. create the vector of matrix, features, and barcode files
input_files <- lapply(X = directories, function(curr_directory) {
fs <- list.files(curr_directory)
grep_strs <- c("*features.tsv($|.gz)", "*matrix.mtx($|.gz)")
out <- vapply(grep_strs, function(grep_str) {
file_names <- grep(pattern = grep_str, x = fs, value = TRUE)
if (length(file_names) >= 2L) {
stop("There are multiple ", grep_str, " files within the directory ", curr_directory, ".")
if (length(file_names) == 0L) {
stop("The directory ", curr_directory, " contains zero ", grep_str, " files.")
return(paste0(curr_directory, "/", file_names))
}, FUN.VALUE = character(1)) |> stats::setNames(c("features", "matrix"))
}) |> stats::setNames(NULL)
# 3. obtain the barcodes, features, and matrix fp vectors
feature_fps <- vapply(X = input_files, FUN = function(i) i[["features"]], FUN.VALUE = character(1))
matrix_fps <- vapply(X = input_files, FUN = function(i) i[["matrix"]], FUN.VALUE = character(1))
# 4. obtain the feature data frame; determine the ids of each feature
feature_df <- data.table::fread(
file = feature_fps[1],
colClasses = c("character", "character", "character"),
col.names = c("feature_id", "feature_name", "modality"), header = FALSE
if (!("CRISPR Guide Capture" %in% feature_df$modality)) {
stop("The features.tsv file should contain the modality `CRISPR Guide Capture`.")
modalities <- unique(feature_df$modality)
modalities <- modalities |> stats::setNames(modalities)
modality_idxs <- lapply(modalities, function(modality) which(feature_df$modality == modality))
# 5. loop over directories, loading the matrix corresponding to each
out_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(directories))
n_cells_per_matrix <- vector(mode = "integer", length = length(directories))
for (i in seq_along(directories)) {
cat(paste0("Processing directory ", i, "."))
# check that the features df matches
features_fp <- feature_fps[i]
curr_feature_df <- data.table::fread(
file = features_fp,
colClasses = c("character", "character", "character"),
col.names = c("feature_id", "feature_name", "modality"), header = FALSE
for (col in colnames(feature_df)) {
if (any(dplyr::pull(feature_df, dplyr::all_of(col)) !=
dplyr::pull(curr_feature_df, dplyr::all_of(col)))) {
stop("The features.tsv files must match across directories.")
# process the matrix
matrix_fp <- matrix_fps[i]
matrix_metadata <- get_mtx_metadata(matrix_fp)
n_cells_per_matrix[i] <- matrix_metadata$n_cells
dt <- data.table::fread(
file = matrix_fp, skip = matrix_metadata$n_to_skip,
col.names = c("feature_idx", "cell_idx", "x"),
colClasses = c("integer", "integer", "double"),
showProgress = FALSE, nThread = 2L
subsetted_mats <- lapply(modalities, function(modality) {
curr_feature_idxs <- modality_idxs[[modality]]
# subset
dt_sub <- dt[dt$feature_idx %in% curr_feature_idxs, ]
# offset the feature idxs such that they start at 1
increment_feature_vector_value <- -min(curr_feature_idxs)
increment_vector(dt_sub$feature_idx, increment_feature_vector_value)
increment_vector(dt_sub$cell_idx, -1L)
# create a sparse matrix in csc format
out <- create_csc_matrix(
dt = dt_sub, n_cells = matrix_metadata$n_cells,
n_features = length(curr_feature_idxs)
gc() |> invisible()
out_list[[i]] <- subsetted_mats
cat(crayon::green(" \u2713\n"))
# 6. combine the matrices via do.call cbind
cat("Combining matrices across directories.")
out_mats <- lapply(modalities, function(modality) {
l <- lapply(out_list, function(mat) mat[[modality]])
combined_mat <- do.call(what = "cbind", args = l)
gc() |> invisible()
cat(crayon::green(" \u2713\n"))
# 7. collect metadata pieces
for (modality in modalities) {
rownames(out_mats[[modality]]) <- feature_df$feature_id[modality_idxs[[modality]]]
gene_names <- feature_df$feature_name[modality_idxs[["Gene Expression"]]]
# 8. set up the extra covariates
batch <- if (length(directories) >= 2L) {
rep(paste0("b", seq_along(n_cells_per_matrix)), n_cells_per_matrix) |> factor()
} else {
if (nrow(extra_covariates) == 0L) {
extra_covariates <- data.frame(batch = batch)
} else {
extra_covariates$batch <- batch
# 9. initialize the sceptre object
cat("Creating the sceptre object.")
sceptre_object <- import_data_memory(
response_matrix = out_mats[["Gene Expression"]],
grna_matrix = out_mats[["CRISPR Guide Capture"]],
grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame,
moi = moi,
extra_covariates = extra_covariates,
response_names = gene_names
gc() |> invisible()
cat(crayon::green(" \u2713"))
# 2. disk
import_data_from_cellranger_use_ondisc <- function(directories, moi, grna_target_data_frame, extra_covariates, directory_to_write) {
# 0. check that directory_to_write has been supplied
if (is.null(directory_to_write)) stop("`directory_to_write` must be supplied.")
# 1. call the corresponding ondisc function
vector_supplied <- "vector_id" %in% colnames(grna_target_data_frame)
out <- ondisc::create_odm_from_cellranger(
directories_to_load = directories,
directory_to_write = directory_to_write,
write_cellwise_covariates = FALSE,
grna_target_data_frame = if (vector_supplied) grna_target_data_frame else NULL
# 1.5. update grna_target_data_frame, if vector supplied
if (vector_supplied) {
grna_target_data_frame <- collapse_grna_target_data_frame(grna_target_data_frame)
# 2. check data imports
check_import_data_inputs(out$gene, out$grna, grna_target_data_frame, moi, extra_covariates) |> invisible()
# 3. process the cellwise covariates
covariate_df <- out$cellwise_covariates
colnames(covariate_df) <- gsub(pattern = "gene", replacement = "response", fixed = TRUE, x = colnames(covariate_df))
if (nrow(extra_covariates) >= 1L) covariate_df <- cbind(extra_covariates, covariate_df)
# 4. initialize the sceptre_object
sceptre_object <- init_sceptre_object(
response_matrix = out$gene,
grna_matrix = out$grna,
covariate_data_frame = covariate_df,
moi = moi,
grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame
# 5. add integer id
sceptre_object@integer_id <- out$gene@integer_id
#' Import data from Parse (experimental)
#' `import_data_from_parse()` imports data from the output of the Parse count matrix generation program. See \href{https://timothy-barry.github.io/sceptre-book/import-data.html#import-from-the-parse-program-experimental}{Chapter 1 of the manual} for more information about this function.
#' `import_data_from_parse()` is experimental, and the API of this function is subject to change. We expect the API to solidify as we learn more about the Parse platform and the structure of the Parse count matrix generation program output.
#' @param gene_mat_fp file path to the gene `count_matrix.mtx` file.
#' @param grna_mat_fp file path to the gRNA `count_matrix.mtx` file.
#' @param all_genes_fp file path to the `all_genes.csv` file containing the gene IDs.
#' @param all_grnas_fp file path to the `all_guides.csv` file containing the gRNA IDs. The gRNA IDs are assumed to be in the second column (i.e., the "gene_name" column) of this file.
#' @param moi a string indicating the MOI of the dataset, either "low" or "high".
#' @param grna_target_data_frame a data frame containing columns `grna_id` and `grna_target` mapping each individual gRNA to its target. Non-targeting gRNAs should be assigned a label of "non-targeting". Optionally, `grna_target_data_frame` can contain columns `chr`, `start`, and `end`, giving the chromosome, start coordinate, and end coordiante, respectively, of each gRNA. Additionally, `grna_target_data_frame` can contain the column `vector_id` specifying the vector to which a given gRNA belongs.
#' @param extra_covariates (optional) a data frame containing extra covariates (e.g., batch, biological replicate) beyond those that `sceptre` can compute.
#' @return an initialized `sceptre_object`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' directory <- paste0(
#' system.file("extdata", package = "sceptredata"),
#' "/parse_example/"
#' )
#' gene_mat_fp <- paste0(directory, "gene_mat.mtx")
#' grna_mat_fp <- paste0(directory, "grna_mat.mtx")
#' all_genes_fp <- paste0(directory, "all_genes.csv")
#' all_grnas_fp <- paste0(directory, "all_grnas.csv")
#' grna_target_data_frame <- data.frame(
#' grna_id = c("guide_A", "guide_B", "guide_C"),
#' grna_target = c("target-A", "target-B", "non-targeting")
#' )
#' sceptre_object <- import_data_from_parse(
#' gene_mat_fp = gene_mat_fp,
#' grna_mat_fp = grna_mat_fp,
#' all_genes_fp = all_genes_fp,
#' all_grnas_fp = all_grnas_fp,
#' moi = "low",
#' grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame
#' )
import_data_from_parse <- function(gene_mat_fp, grna_mat_fp, all_genes_fp, all_grnas_fp,
moi, grna_target_data_frame, extra_covariates = data.frame()) {
# 1. check that files exist
fps <- c(
gene_mat_fp = gene_mat_fp, grna_mat_fp = grna_mat_fp,
all_genes_fp = all_genes_fp, all_grnas_fp = all_grnas_fp
for (fp_name in names(fps)) {
fp <- fps[[fp_name]]
if (!file.exists(fp)) stop("File ", fp, " does not exist. Set `", fp_name, "` to a different value.")
# 2. load the gene.mtx and grna.mtx data
load_matrix <- function(mat_fp) {
matrix_metadata <- get_mtx_metadata(mat_fp, c("n_cells", "n_features", "n_nonzero"))
dt <- data.table::fread(
file = mat_fp, skip = matrix_metadata$n_to_skip,
col.names = c("cell_idx", "feature_idx", "x"),
colClasses = c("integer", "integer", "double"),
showProgress = FALSE, nThread = 2L
# make the cell and feature idxs zero-based
increment_vector(dt$cell_idx, value = -1L)
increment_vector(dt$feature_idx, value = -1L)
# create a sparse matrix in csc format
out <- create_csc_matrix(
dt = dt, n_cells = matrix_metadata$n_cells,
n_features = matrix_metadata$n_features
gene_mat <- load_matrix(gene_mat_fp)
grna_mat <- load_matrix(grna_mat_fp)
# 3. load the gene ids; update rownames of gene mat
gene_feature_df <- data.table::fread(
file = all_genes_fp,
colClasses = c("character", "character", "character"),
col.names = c("feature_id", "feature_name", "genome"), header = TRUE
rownames(gene_mat) <- gene_feature_df$feature_id[seq(1L, nrow(gene_mat))]
gene_names <- gene_feature_df$feature_name[seq(1L, nrow(gene_mat))]
# 4. load the grna ids; update rownames of grna mat
grna_feature_df <- data.table::fread(
file = all_grnas_fp,
colClasses = c("character", "character", "character"),
col.names = c("feature_id", "feature_name", "genome"), header = TRUE
rownames(grna_mat) <- grna_feature_df$feature_name
# 5. create the sceptre_object
sceptre_object <- import_data_memory(
response_matrix = gene_mat,
grna_matrix = grna_mat,
grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame,
moi = moi,
extra_covariates = extra_covariates,
response_names = gene_names
init_sceptre_object <- function(response_matrix, grna_matrix, covariate_data_frame, moi, grna_target_data_frame) {
# create sceptre_object
sceptre_object <- methods::new("sceptre_object")
# process the covariate data frame
sceptre_object@import_grna_assignment_info <- list(
max_grna = covariate_data_frame$grna_feature_w_max_expression,
max_grna_frac_umis = covariate_data_frame$grna_frac_umis_max_feature
covariate_data_frame$grna_feature_w_max_expression <- covariate_data_frame$grna_frac_umis_max_feature <- NULL
# set data fields
sceptre_object <- set_response_matrix(sceptre_object, response_matrix)
sceptre_object <- set_grna_matrix(sceptre_object, grna_matrix)
sceptre_object@covariate_data_frame <- covariate_data_frame
sceptre_object@low_moi <- (moi == "low")
sceptre_object@covariate_names <- sort(colnames(covariate_data_frame))
sceptre_object@grna_target_data_frame <- grna_target_data_frame |> dplyr::mutate(
grna_id = as.character(grna_id),
grna_target = as.character(grna_target)
# 5. initialize flags
sceptre_object@elements_to_analyze <- NA_character_
sceptre_object@nf_pipeline <- FALSE
sceptre_object@nuclear <- FALSE
sceptre_object@last_function_called <- "import_data"
sceptre_object@functs_called <- c(
import_data = TRUE, set_analysis_parameters = FALSE,
assign_grnas = FALSE, run_qc = FALSE, run_calibration_check = FALSE,
run_power_check = FALSE, run_discovery_analysis = FALSE
create_csc_matrix <- function(dt, n_cells, n_features) {
p <- obtain_pointer_vector(i = dt$cell_idx, dim = n_cells)
out <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1, p = c(0, 1), x = 1, repr = "C")
out@i <- dt$feature_idx
out@p <- p
out@x <- dt$x
out@Dim <- c(n_features, n_cells)
get_mtx_metadata <- function(mtx_file, col_id = c("n_features", "n_cells", "n_nonzero")) {
con <- file(mtx_file, "r")
n_to_skip <- 0L
while (TRUE) {
n_to_skip <- n_to_skip + 1L
line <- readLines(con, n = 1)
if (substr(line, 0, 1) != "%") break()
metrics <- strsplit(line, split = " ", fixed = TRUE)[[1]] |> as.integer()
out <- list(metrics[1], metrics[2], metrics[3], n_to_skip)
names(out) <- c(col_id, "n_to_skip")
write_matrices_to_disk <- function(response_matrix, grna_matrix, directory_to_write, integer_id) {
response_matrix <- ondisc:::create_odm_from_r_matrix_internal(
mat = response_matrix,
file_to_write = paste0(directory_to_write, "/response.odm"),
integer_id = integer_id
grna_matrix <- ondisc:::create_odm_from_r_matrix_internal(
mat = grna_matrix,
file_to_write = paste0(directory_to_write, "/grna.odm"),
integer_id = integer_id
return(list(response_matrix = response_matrix, grna_matrix = grna_matrix))
process_covariates_and_matrices <- function(response_matrix, grna_matrix, extra_covariates, response_names) {
covariate_data_frame <- auto_compute_cell_covariates(
response_matrix = response_matrix,
grna_matrix = grna_matrix,
extra_covariates = extra_covariates,
response_names = if (identical(response_names, NA_character_)) rownames(response_matrix) else response_names
response_matrix <- set_matrix_accessibility(response_matrix, make_row_accessible = TRUE)
grna_matrix <- set_matrix_accessibility(grna_matrix, make_row_accessible = TRUE)
return(list(covariate_data_frame = covariate_data_frame, response_matrix = response_matrix, grna_matrix = grna_matrix))
collapse_grna_target_data_frame <- function(grna_target_data_frame) {
vector_nested_within_target <- (grna_target_data_frame |>
dplyr::group_by(vector_id) |>
dplyr::summarize(n_distinct_targets = length(unique(grna_target))) |>
dplyr::pull(n_distinct_targets) == 1) |> all()
if (!vector_nested_within_target) stop("`vector_id` must be nested within `grna_target`.")
grna_target_data_frame |>
dplyr::select(-grna_id) |>
dplyr::rename(grna_id = vector_id) |>
collapse_grna_matrix <- function(grna_matrix, grna_target_data_frame) {
# temporary function; we may rewrite this function to improve its
# speed and memory efficiency if multiguide vector data become more prevalent.
vector_ids <- grna_target_data_frame$vector_id |> unique()
grna_matrix <- as.matrix(grna_matrix)
n_cells <- ncol(grna_matrix)
grna_matrix_collapsed <- vapply(vector_ids, function(curr_vector_id) {
curr_grna_ids <- grna_target_data_frame |>
dplyr::filter(vector_id == curr_vector_id) |>
Matrix::colSums(grna_matrix[curr_grna_ids, , drop = FALSE])
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(n_cells)) |> t()
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