# ascend_methods.R
# description: Methods related to the updating and operation of EMSets
#' addGeneLabel
#' Labels cells if they express gene(s) as a condition.
#' @examples
#' em_set <- ascend::raw_set
#' em_set <- addGeneLabel(em_set, gene = c("MALAT1"))
#' @param x \linkS4class{EMSet}
#' @param gene List of gene markers
#' @return An EMSet with the expression of the specified genes noted in colInfo
#' @include ascend_objects.R
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment normcounts counts
#' @importClassesFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @export
setGeneric("addGeneLabel", function(x, gene)
#' @rdname addGeneLabel
setMethod("addGeneLabel", signature(x = "EMSet"), function(x, gene = c()){
if (any(!(gene %in% rownames(x)))){
stop("Please ensure all listed genes/transcripts are present in the matrix.")
# Use normcounts, otherwise use counts
if ("normcounts" %in% names(SummarizedExperiment::assays(x))){
counts <- SingleCellExperiment::normcounts(x)
} else(
counts <- SingleCellExperiment::counts(x)
# Retrieve boolean of whether genes are present
col_info <- colInfo(x)
expressor_df <- as.matrix(counts[rownames(counts) %in% gene, ] > 0)
# Flip it around if it's a vector of genes
if (ncol(expressor_df) > 1){
expressor_df <- t(expressor_df)
# Polish it to store in the colInfo slot
expressor_df <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(expressor_df)
colnames(expressor_df) <- gene
# Add to col_info
col_info <- cbind(col_info, expressor_df)
colInfo(x) <- col_info
calculateControlMetrics <- function(x, expression_matrix = NULL, gene_info = NULL, qc_cell_df = NULL){
control_name <- x
control_gene_info <- subset(gene_info, gene_info[, "control_group"] == control_name)
control_counts <- expression_matrix[rownames(expression_matrix) %in% control_gene_info[ , 1], ]
control_ntotal <- Matrix::colSums(control_counts)
control_pct <- (control_ntotal / qc_cell_df$qc_libsize) * 100
output <- list(control_ntotal = control_ntotal, control_pct = control_pct)
calcControlQC <- function(x, gene_info = NULL, qc_cell_df = NULL){
# Group together - hopefully user hasn't annotated anything else in that column
control_groups <- unique(gene_info[, "control_group"])
control_groups <- control_groups[!is.na(control_groups)]
qc_controls <- BiocParallel::bplapply(control_groups,
expression_matrix = x,
gene_info = gene_info,
qc_cell_df = qc_cell_df)
names(qc_controls) <- control_groups
# Add controls to data frame
for (control in control_groups){
control_ntotal_name <- sprintf("qc_%s_ncounts", control)
control_pct_name <- sprintf("qc_%s_pct_counts", control)
ntotal <- qc_controls[[control]]$control_ntotal
pct_total <- qc_controls[[control]]$control_pct
qc_cell_df[[control_ntotal_name]] <- as.vector(ntotal)
qc_cell_df[[control_pct_name]] <- as.vector(pct_total)
# Calculate proportion of non-control genes
feature_matrix <- x[is.na(gene_info[,"control_group"]), ]
n_featurecounts_per_cell <- Matrix::colSums(feature_matrix)
pct_featurecounts_per_cell <- 100*(n_featurecounts_per_cell/Matrix::colSums(x))
qc_cell_df$qc_nfeaturecounts <- n_featurecounts_per_cell
qc_cell_df$qc_pctfeatures <- pct_featurecounts_per_cell
#' calculateQC
#' Calculates the following values for quality control:
#' \describe{
#' \item{qc_libsize:}{Total number of counts per cell}
#' \item{qc_ngenes}{Number of genes expressed by a cell}
#' \item{qc_ncounts}{Total counts per gene}
#' \item{qc_ncells}{Number of cells expressing gene}
#' \item{qc_meancounts}{Mean expression of the gene}
#' \item{qc_topgeneranking}{Rank in most abundant gene expression}
#' \item{qc_pct_total_expression}{Proportion of gene expression to total expression}
#' }
#' If users have defined controls, the following metrics are also calculated:
#' \describe{
#' \item{qc_nfeaturecounts}{Number of reads from non-control genes (feature) for each cell}
#' \item{qc_pctfeatures}{Percentage of features to total expression}
#' }
#' This function is called when changes are made to the count matrix.
#' @examples
#' # Load example dataset
#' object <- ascend::raw_set
#' # Recalculate quality control metrics
#' object <- calculateQC(object)
#' @param object An \linkS4class{EMSet}
#' @return QC values stored in an EMSet's rowData and colData slots
#' @include ascend_objects.R
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame merge
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment counts
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData colData
#' @export
setGeneric("calculateQC", function(object) standardGeneric("calculateQC"))
#' @rdname calculateQC
setMethod("calculateQC", signature(object = "EMSet"), function(object){
# Metrics - save trouble of retrieving object over and over
expression_matrix <- SingleCellExperiment::counts(object)
# Get old metadata
old_rowData <- SummarizedExperiment::rowData(object)
old_colData <- SummarizedExperiment::colData(object)
old_colInfo <- colInfo(object)
old_rowInfo <- rowInfo(object)
gene_id_name <- colnames(old_rowInfo)[1]
# Total expression for entire dataset
qc_totalexpression <- sum(expression_matrix)
# QC for cells
# 1. qc_libsize: Total transcripts for each cell
# 2. qc_ngenes: Number of genes expressed by each cell
qc_libsize <- Matrix::colSums(expression_matrix)
qc_ngenes <- Matrix::colSums(expression_matrix != 0)
qc_cell_df <- data.frame(qc_libsize = qc_libsize, qc_ngenes = qc_ngenes)
qc_cell_df$cell_barcode <- rownames(qc_cell_df)
qc_cell_df <- qc_cell_df[match(colnames(expression_matrix), qc_cell_df$cell_barcode), c("cell_barcode", "qc_libsize", "qc_ngenes")]
# QC for genes
# 1. qc_genecounts: Total transcripts for each gene
# 2. qc_cellspergene: Number of cells expressing each gene
# 3. qc_meangenecounts: Average expression of each gene
qc_genecounts <- Matrix::rowSums(expression_matrix)
qc_cellspergene <- Matrix::rowSums(expression_matrix > 0)
qc_meangenecounts <- Matrix::rowMeans(expression_matrix)
qc_sortedcountspergene <- sort(qc_genecounts, decreasing = TRUE)
qc_genecounts <- qc_genecounts[rownames(expression_matrix)]
qc_cellspergene <- qc_cellspergene[rownames(expression_matrix)]
qc_meangenecounts <- qc_meangenecounts[rownames(expression_matrix)]
qc_generankings <- rank(-qc_genecounts, ties.method = "first")
names(qc_generankings) <- rownames(expression_matrix)
qc_pct_total_expression <- (qc_genecounts / qc_totalexpression) * 100
qc_gene_df <- data.frame(qc_ncounts = qc_genecounts,
qc_ncells = qc_cellspergene,
qc_meancounts = qc_meangenecounts,
qc_topgeneranking = qc_generankings,
qc_pct_total_expression = qc_pct_total_expression)
qc_gene_df[, gene_id_name] <- rownames(qc_gene_df)
qc_gene_df <- qc_gene_df[match(rownames(expression_matrix),
qc_gene_df[ , gene_id_name]),
c(gene_id_name, "qc_ncounts", "qc_ncells",
"qc_meancounts", "qc_topgeneranking",
# For control-related metrics
if ("control_group" %in% colnames(old_rowInfo) && any(!is.na(old_rowInfo["control_group"]))){
qc_cell_df <- calcControlQC(expression_matrix, gene_info = old_rowInfo, qc_cell_df = qc_cell_df)
# Sort again
qc_cell_df <- qc_cell_df[match(colnames(expression_matrix), qc_cell_df$cell_barcode), ]
qc_gene_df <- qc_gene_df[match(rownames(expression_matrix), as.vector(qc_gene_df[, gene_id_name])), ]
# Convert to DataFrame
qc_cell_df <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(qc_cell_df)
qc_gene_df <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(qc_gene_df)
# Merge with old data
if (any(colnames(qc_cell_df)[2:length(qc_cell_df)] %in% colnames(old_colData))){
new_colData <- mergeDF(old_colData, qc_cell_df, "cell_barcode")
} else{
new_colData <- S4Vectors::merge(old_colData, qc_cell_df, by = "cell_barcode")
if (any(colnames(qc_gene_df)[2:length(qc_gene_df)] %in% colnames(old_rowData))){
new_rowData <- mergeDF(old_rowData, qc_gene_df, gene_id_name)
} else{
new_rowData <- S4Vectors::merge(old_rowData, qc_gene_df, by = gene_id_name)
# Re-order
new_colData <- new_colData[match(colnames(expression_matrix), new_colData$cell_barcode), ]
BiocGenerics::rownames(new_colData) <- new_colData[,1]
new_rowData <- new_rowData[match(rownames(expression_matrix), as.vector(new_rowData[, gene_id_name])), ]
BiocGenerics::rownames(new_rowData) <- new_rowData[ , gene_id_name]
# Replace information
SummarizedExperiment::colData(object) <- new_colData
SummarizedExperiment::rowData(object) <- new_rowData
#' convertGeneID
#' Switches gene identifiers used in the EMSet to the identifiers stored in a
#' column of rowInfo.
#' @examples
#' # Load data
#' x <- ascend::raw_set
#' # Switch identifiers
#' x <- convertGeneID(x, new.annotation = "ensembl_gene_id")
#' @param object \linkS4class{EMSet}
#' @param new.annotation Name of the column where the new set of identifiers
#' are stored in rowInfo
#' @return An EMSet with genes swapped to identifiers stored in specified column
#' of colInfo.
#' @include ascend_objects.R
#' @include ascend_getters.R
#' @include ascend_setters.R
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @export
setGeneric("convertGeneID", function(object, new.annotation)
#' @rdname convertGeneID
setMethod("convertGeneID", signature(object = "EMSet"), function(object,
new.annotation = NULL){
# Get old information
row_info <- rowInfo(object)
row_data <- rowData(object)
row_info_names <- colnames(row_info)
row_data_names <- colnames(row_data)
old.annotation <- row_info_names[1]
# Check if the new annotation exists
if(!new.annotation %in% row_info_names){
stop("Your selected gene annotation is not present in the rowInfo dataframe.")
} else{
if (identical(old.annotation, new.annotation)){
stop("Your selected gene annotation is already in use.")
# Identify non-identifier columns
other_columns_info <- row_info_names[which(!(row_info_names %in%
c(old.annotation, new.annotation)))]
other_columns_data <- row_data_names[which(!(row_data_names %in%
c(old.annotation, new.annotation)))]
# New order for rowInfo
reordered_columns_info <- c(new.annotation, old.annotation, other_columns_info)
reordered_rowInfo <- row_info[ , reordered_columns_info]
new_annotations <- reordered_rowInfo[, 1]
rownames(reordered_rowInfo) <- new_annotations
# Replace annotation in rowData
reordered_rowData <- row_data
colnames(reordered_rowData)[1] <- new.annotation
reordered_rowData[ ,1] <- new_annotations
rownames(reordered_rowData) <- new_annotations
# New identifiers
renamed_set <- object
# Check if any controls are defined
# If there are controls, convert them to the new convention
log <- progressLog(object)
if (log$controls){
control_list <- log$set_controls
converted_controls <- lapply(names(control_list), function(x){
old_gene_ids <- control_list[[x]]
new_gene_ids <- reordered_rowInfo[which(reordered_rowInfo[ , old.annotation]
%in% old_gene_ids), new.annotation]
names(converted_controls) <- names(control_list)
log$set_controls <- converted_controls
# Replace slots
progressLog(renamed_set) <- log
BiocGenerics::rownames(renamed_set) <- new_annotations
rowData(renamed_set) <- DataFrame(reordered_rowData)
rowInfo(renamed_set) <- DataFrame(reordered_rowInfo)
# Recalculate QC
renamed_set <- calculateQC(renamed_set)
#' calculateCV
#' Calculates the Coefficient of Variation (CV) for each gene using normalised
#' values. Results are stored in the rowData slot.
#' @examples
#' # Load example dataset
#' x <- ascend::analyzed_set
#' # Calculate CV
#' x <- calculateCV(x)
#' # Show CV results
#' rowData(x)
#' @param object An \linkS4class{EMSet}
#' @return An EMSet with calculated CV values.
#' @include ascend_objects.R
#' @include ascend_getters.R
#' @include ascend_setters.R
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData
#' @export
setGeneric("calculateCV", function(object) standardGeneric("calculateCV"))
#' @rdname calculateCV
setMethod("calculateCV", signature(object = "EMSet"), function(object){
# Check if data has been normalised
if (!("normcounts" %in% SummarizedExperiment::assayNames(object))){
stop("Please normalise your data before using this function.")
# Calculate CV
expression_matrix <- SingleCellExperiment::normcounts(object)
metrics <- as.data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::rowData(object))
# Calculate standard deviation of gene
sd_genes <- apply(expression_matrix, 1, stats::sd)
# Coefficient of variation
cv_genes <- (sd_genes/metrics$qc_meancounts)
# Add information to rowData
metrics$ascend_cv <- as.vector(unlist(cv_genes))
metrics$ascend_cv_rank <- rank(-metrics$ascend_cv, ties.method = "first")
metrics$ascend_sd <- sd_genes
# Update rowData and return information
SummarizedExperiment::rowData(object) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(metrics)
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