# ascend_dimreduction.R
# description: Functions related to the analysis of differential expression
minMax <- function(data, min, max) {
data2 <- data
data2[data2 > max] <- max
data2[data2 < min] <- min
bimodLikData_FixNoVar <- function(x, xmin = 0) {
x1 <- x[x <= xmin]
x2 <- x[x > xmin]
xal <- minMax(
data = length(x = x2) / length(x = x),
min = 1e-5,
max = (1 - 1e-5)
likA <- length(x = x1) * log(x = 1 - xal)
#likelihood of positive cells
likB <- length(x = x2) *
log(x = xal)
return(likA + likB)
bimodLikData <- function(x, xmin = 0) {
#x1 and x2 are 2 vectors representing 2 modes
#x1 for 0 values -> on/off distribution model
#x2 for positive values -> normal, continuous distribution
x1 <- x[x <= xmin]
x2 <- x[x > xmin]
#estimate proportion of positive cells
#use 1e-5 as min and 1-1e-5 as max (i.e. if there is only 1 nonzero among 100K cells)
xal <- minMax(
data = length(x = x2) / length(x = x),
min = 1e-5,
max = (1 - 1e-5)
#likelihood for observing x1, 1-xal is expected ratio of 0 values
likA <- length(x = x1) * log(x = 1 - xal)
#calculate variabce for x2, to be used in dnorm to calculate prob distr
if (length(x = x2) < 2) {
mysd <- 1
} else {
mysd <- stats::sd(x = x2)
#likelihood for observing x2
likB <- length(x = x2) *
log(x = xal) +
sum(stats::dnorm(x = x2, mean = mean(x = x2), sd = mysd, log = TRUE))
return(likA + likB)
differentialLRT <- function(x, y, xmin = 0) {
lrtX <- bimodLikData(x = x)
lrtY <- bimodLikData(x = y)
lrtZ <- bimodLikData(x = c(x, y))
lrt_diff <- 2 * (lrtX + lrtY - lrtZ)
# Check to account for results that do not conform to expected model
if (is.infinite(lrt_diff) || (lrt_diff < 0) || is.nan(lrt_diff) || is.na(lrt_diff)){
lrtX <- bimodLikData_FixNoVar(x = x)
lrtY <- bimodLikData_FixNoVar(x = y)
lrtZ <- bimodLikData_FixNoVar(x = c(x, y))
lrt_diff <- 2 * (lrtX + lrtY - lrtZ)
return(stats::pchisq(q = lrt_diff, df = 3, lower.tail = FALSE))
runGeneLRT <- function(gene, test_matrix = NULL, control_matrix = NULL){
# Retrieve counts
test_counts <- as.numeric(unlist(test_matrix[gene, ]))
control_counts <- as.numeric(unlist(control_matrix[gene, ]))
# Perform Combined LRT
de_result <- differentialLRT(test_counts, control_counts)
worker_LRT <- function(x, test_matrix = NULL, control_matrix = NULL){
lrt_results <- sapply(x, runGeneLRT, test_matrix = test_matrix, control_matrix = control_matrix)
#' runDiffExpression
#' This function uses a combined Likelihood-Ratio Test (LRT) for
#' discrete/continuous models to examine differentially expressed genes, on a
#' gene-gene level. This method was adapted from the method published by [McDavid
#' et al. 2013](https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bts714).
#' @param object An \linkS4class{EMSet} that has undergone filtering and
#' normalisation
#' @param group A column in colInfo that contains a vector of conditions
#' @param condition.a Condition(s) of first group of cells
#' @param condition.b Condition(s) of second group of cells
#' @param subsampling TRUE or FALSE (Default). Whether or not to subsample
#' from larger group of cells if cell populations are uneven
#' @param ngenes Test this number of the most variable genes in the dataset
#' @examples
#' # Load example EMSet
#' em_set <- ascend::analyzed_set
#' # Compare cluster 1 vs cluster 2
#' cluster1_vs_cluster2 <- runDiffExpression(em_set, group = "cluster",
#' condition.a = 1, condition.b = 2, subsampling = FALSE, ngenes = 1500)
#' @return A data frame with DE analysis results
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment normcounts
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpvec
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @export
runDiffExpression <- function(object,
group = NULL,
condition.a = NULL,
condition.b = NULL,
subsampling = FALSE,
ngenes = NULL){
# Check if EMSet
if (!(is(object, "EMSet"))){
stop("Please supply an EMSet.")
} else{
if(!("normcounts" %in% SummarizedExperiment::assayNames(object))){
stop("Please normalise your dataset.")
if (is.null(ngenes)){
ngenes <- nrow(object)
# Retrieve information from EMSet
col_info <- colInfo(object)
# Check if group exists in col_info
if (group %in% colnames(col_info)){
if (!all(c(condition.a, condition.b) %in% col_info[, group])){
stop(sprintf("Not all conditions are present in %s. Please check the data in
colInfo and try again.", group))
} else{
print(sprintf("%s not found in colInfo. Please choose another group.", group))
# Retrieve data for each condition
condition_df <- col_info[, c("cell_barcode", group)]
# Group data into conditions
a_cells <- condition_df[which(condition_df[, group] %in% condition.a), "cell_barcode"]
b_cells <- condition_df[which(condition_df[, group] %in% condition.b), "cell_barcode"]
# Get expression matrix
expression_matrix <- SingleCellExperiment::normcounts(object)
# If user wishes to subsample data, randomly select barcodes from larger list
if (subsampling){
if (length(a_cells) > length(b_cells)){
a_cells <- sample(a_cells, length(b_cells), replace = FALSE)
else if (length(b_cells) > length(a_cells)){
b_cells <- sample(b_cells, length(a_cells), replace = FALSE)
# If user has specified a number of genes, select top n most variable genes
if (ngenes != nrow(expression_matrix)){
print("Identifying genes to retain...")
nonzero_genes <- rownames(expression_matrix)[which(Matrix::rowMeans(expression_matrix) > 0)]
variable_genes <- rownames(expression_matrix)[which(apply(expression_matrix, 1, stats::sd) > 0)]
top_genes <- SummarizedExperiment::rowData(object)[order(SummarizedExperiment::rowData(object)$qc_topgeneranking),1][1:ngenes]
gene_list <- dplyr::intersect(dplyr::intersect(top_genes, nonzero_genes), variable_genes)
} else{
gene_list <- rownames(expression_matrix)
# Separate the matrices
a_matrix <- expression_matrix[gene_list , a_cells]
b_matrix <- expression_matrix[gene_list, b_cells]
print("Running LRT...")
lrt_results <- BiocParallel::bpvec(rownames(a_matrix), worker_LRT, test_matrix = a_matrix, control_matrix = b_matrix)
# Format output
# Create a row of results with the following information:
# 1. Raw LRT Pvalue (unadjusted, generated by LRT)
# 2. Mean Test Expression (mean expression of genes in guide-assigned cells)
# 3. Mean Control Expression (mean expression of genes in control-assigned cells)
print("LRT complete! Returning results...")
de_result <- data.frame(a_mean = Matrix::rowMeans(a_matrix),
b_mean = Matrix::rowMeans(b_matrix),
pval = lrt_results,
padj = stats::p.adjust(lrt_results, method = "BH"),
foldChange = Matrix::rowMeans(a_matrix)/Matrix::rowMeans(b_matrix),
log2FoldChange = log2(Matrix::rowMeans(a_matrix)/Matrix::rowMeans(b_matrix)))
de_result$id <- rownames(de_result)
de_result <- de_result[ , c("id", "a_mean", "b_mean",
"pval", "padj",
"foldChange", "log2FoldChange")]
de_result <- de_result[order(abs(de_result$foldChange), decreasing = TRUE), ]
rownames(de_result) <- NULL
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