#### TRONCO: a tool for TRanslational ONCOlogy
#### Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Marco Antoniotti, Giulio Caravagna, Luca De Sano,
#### Alex Graudenzi, Giancarlo Mauri, Bud Mishra and Daniele Ramazzotti.
#### All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
#### are made available under the terms of the GNU GPL v3.0
#### which accompanies this distribution.
#' oncoPrint : plot a genotype. For details and examples
#' regarding the visualization through oncoprints, we refer to the Vignette Section 4.4.
#' @title oncoprint
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset
#' @param excl.sort Boolean value, if TRUE sorts samples to enhance exclusivity of alterations
#' @param samples.cluster Boolean value, if TRUE clusters samples (columns). Default FALSE
#' @param genes.cluster Boolean value, if TRUE clusters genes (rows). Default FALSE
#' @param file If not NA write to \code{file} the Oncoprint, default is NA (just visualization).
#' @param ann.stage Boolean value to annotate stage classification, default depends on \code{x}
#' @param ann.hits Boolean value to annotate the number of events in each sample, default is TRUE
#' @param stage.color RColorbrewer palette to color stage annotations. Default is 'YlOrRd'
#' @param hits.color RColorbrewer palette to color hits annotations. Default is 'Purples'
#' @param null.color Color for the Oncoprint cells with 0s, default is 'lightgray'
#' @param border.color Border color for the Oncoprint, default is white' (no border)
#' @param text.cex Title and annotations cex, multiplied by font size 7
#' @param font.column If NA, half of font.row is used
#' @param font.row If NA, max(c(15 * exp(-0.02 * nrow(data)), 2)) is used, where data is the data
#' visualized in the Oncoprint
#' @param title Oncoprint title, default is as.name(x) - see \code{as.name}
#' @param sample.id If TRUE shows samples name (columns). Default is FALSE
#' @param hide.zeroes If TRUE trims data - see \code{trim} - before plot. Default is FALSE
#' @param legend If TRUE shows a legend for the types of events visualized. Defualt is TRUE
#' @param legend.cex Default 0.5; determines legend size if \code{legend = TRUE}
#' @param cellwidth Default NA, sets autoscale cell width
#' @param cellheight Default NA, sets autoscale cell height
#' @param group.by.label Sort samples (rows) by event label - usefull when multiple events per gene are
#' available
#' @param group.samples If this samples -> group map is provided, samples are grouped as of groups
#' and sorted according to the number of mutations per sample - usefull when \code{data} was clustered
#' @param group.by.stage Default FALSE; sort samples by stage.
#' @param gene.annot Genes'groups, e.g. list(RAF=c('KRAS','NRAS'), Wnt=c('APC', 'CTNNB1')). Default is NA.
#' @param gene.annot.color Either a RColorColorbrewer palette name or a set of custom colors matching names(gene.annot)
#' @param show.patterns If TRUE shows also a separate oncoprint for each pattern. Default is FALSE
#' @param annotate.consolidate.events Default is FALSE. If TRUE an annotation for events to consolidate is shown.
#' @param txt.stats By default, shows a summary statistics for shown data (n,m, |G| and |P|)
#' @param gtable If TRUE return the gtable object
#' @param ... other arguments to pass to pheatmap
#' @export oncoprint
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal brewer.pal.info
#' @importFrom gtable gtable gtable_add_grob gtable_height gtable_width
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
oncoprint <- function(x,
excl.sort = TRUE,
samples.cluster = FALSE,
genes.cluster = FALSE,
file = NA,
ann.stage = has.stages(x),
ann.hits = TRUE,
stage.color = 'YlOrRd',
hits.color = 'Purples',
null.color = 'lightgray',
border.color = 'white',
text.cex = 1.0,
font.column = NA,
font.row = NA,
title = as.description(x),
sample.id = FALSE,
hide.zeroes = FALSE,
legend = TRUE,
legend.cex = 0.5,
cellwidth = NA,
cellheight = NA,
group.by.label = FALSE,
group.by.stage = FALSE,
group.samples = NA,
gene.annot = NA,
gene.annot.color = 'Set1',
show.patterns = FALSE,
annotate.consolidate.events = FALSE,
txt.stats =
' samples\n',
' events\n',
' genes\n',
' patterns',
sep = ''),
gtable = FALSE,
...) {
font.size = text.cex * 7
## This function sorts a matrix to enhance mutual exclusivity
exclusivity.sort <- function(M) {
geneOrder <- sort(rowSums(M),
decreasing = TRUE,
index.return = TRUE)$ix
scoreCol <- function(x) {
score <- 0;
for (i in 1:length(x)) {
if(x[i]) {
score <- score + 2^(length(x)-i);
scores <- apply(M[geneOrder, , drop = FALSE ], 2, scoreCol);
sampleOrder <- sort(scores, decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE)$ix
res = list()
res$geneOrder = geneOrder
res$sampleOrder = sampleOrder
res$M = M[geneOrder, sampleOrder]
## Check input data.
cat(paste('*** Oncoprint for "',
'"\nwith attributes: stage = ',
', hits = ',
sep = ''))
is.compliant(x, 'oncoprint', stage=ann.stage)
x = enforce.numeric(x)
## If hide.zeros trim x
if (hide.zeroes) {
cat(paste('Trimming the input dataset (hide.zeroes).\n',
sep = ''))
x = trim(x)
## Reverse the heatmap under the assumption that ncol(data) << nrow(data)
data = t(x$genotypes)
nc = ncol(data)
nr = nrow(data)
## Sort data, if required. excl.sort and group.samples are not compatible
hasGroups = !any(is.na(group.samples))
if (group.by.stage && !ann.stage)
stop('Cannot group samples by stage if no stage annotation is provided.')
if (group.by.stage && excl.sort)
if (excl.sort && (hasGroups || group.by.stage))
stop('Disable sorting for mutual exclusivity (excl.sort=FALSE) or avoid using grouped samples.')
## Exclusivity sort
if (excl.sort && nevents(x) > 1) {
cat(paste('Sorting samples ordering to enhance exclusivity patterns.\n',
sep = ''))
sorted.data = exclusivity.sort(data)
data = sorted.data$M
if (group.by.stage) {
ord.stages = as.stages(x)[order(as.stages(x)[,1]), , drop = FALSE]
cat('Grouping samples by stage annotation.\n')
aux.fun <- function(samp) {
sub.data = data[, samp, drop= FALSE]
sub.data = sub.data[, order(colSums(sub.data), decreasing = FALSE), drop = FALSE]
new.data = NULL
u.stages = sort(unlist(unique(as.stages(x))), na.last = TRUE)
## print(str(ord.stages))
for (i in u.stages) {
print(ord.stages[which(ord.stages == i), , drop=FALSE])
new.data = cbind(new.data, aux.fun(rownames(ord.stages[which(ord.stages == i), , drop= FALSE])))
data = new.data
data = data[order(rowSums(data), decreasing = TRUE), , drop = FALSE ]
## Samples grouping via hasGroups
if (hasGroups) {
group.samples[, 1] = as.character(group.samples[,1])
grn = rownames(group.samples)
cat(paste('Grouping samples according to input groups (group.samples).\n', sep = ''))
if (any(is.null(grn)))
stop('"group.samples" should be matrix with sample names and group assignment.')
if (!setequal(grn, as.samples(x)))
stop(paste0('Missing group assignment for samples: ',
paste(setdiff(as.samples(x), grn),
collapse=', '),
## Order groups by label, and then data (by column)
order = order(group.samples[,1])
group.samples = group.samples[order, , drop = FALSE]
data = data[, rownames(group.samples)]
data = data[order(rowSums(data), decreasing = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
groups = unique(group.samples[,1])
for(i in 1:length(groups)) {
subdata = data[, group.samples == groups[i], drop = FALSE]
subdata = subdata[, order(colSums(subdata), decreasing = TRUE), drop = FALSE]
data[ , group.samples == groups[i]] = subdata
## If group.by.label group events involving the gene symbol
if (group.by.label) {
cat(paste('Grouping events by gene label, samples will not be sorted.\n',
sep = ''))
genes = as.genes(x)
data = data[ order(x$annotations[rownames(data), 'event']), ]
cn = colnames(data)
rn = rownames(data)
## SAMPLES annotations: hits (total 1s per sample), stage or groups
samples.annotation = data.frame(row.names = cn, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
nmut = colSums(data)
if (ann.hits) samples.annotation$hits = nmut
if (ann.stage) samples.annotation$stage = as.stages(x)[cn, 1]
if (hasGroups) samples.annotation$cluster = group.samples[cn, 1]
## Color samples annotation
annotation_colors = NULL
## Color hits
if (ann.hits) {
hits.gradient = (colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(6, hits.color))) (max(nmut))
annotation_colors = append(annotation_colors, list(hits=hits.gradient))
## Color stage
if (ann.stage) {
cat('Annotating stages with RColorBrewer color palette',
different.stages = sort(unique(samples.annotation$stage))
stage.color.attr = sample.RColorBrewer.colors(stage.color, length(different.stages))
stage.color.attr = append(stage.color.attr, "#FFFFFF")
samples.annotation[is.na(samples.annotation)] = "none"
names(stage.color.attr) = append(different.stages, "none")
annotation_colors = append(annotation_colors, list(stage=stage.color.attr))
## Color groups
if (hasGroups) {
ngroups = length(unique(group.samples[,1]))
cat('Grouping labels:', paste(unique(group.samples[,1]), collapse=', '), '\n')
group.color.attr = sample.RColorBrewer.colors('Accent', ngroups)
names(group.color.attr) = unique(group.samples[,1])
annotation_colors = append(annotation_colors, list(cluster=group.color.attr))
## GENES/EVENTS annotations: groups or indistinguishable.
genes.annotation = NA
## Annotate genes groups.
if (!all(is.na(gene.annot))) {
names = names(gene.annot)
genes.annotation = data.frame(row.names = rn, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
genes.annotation$group = rep("none", nrow(data))
for (i in 1:length(names)) {
pathway = names[i]
genes.pathway = rownames(as.events(x, genes=gene.annot[[names[i]]]))
genes.annotation[genes.pathway, 'group'] = names[i]
if (length(gene.annot.color) == 1
&& gene.annot.color %in% rownames(brewer.pal.info)) {
cat('Annotating genes with RColorBrewer color palette', gene.annot.color, '.\n')
gene.annot.color = sample.RColorBrewer.colors(gene.annot.color, length(names))
gene.annot.color = append(gene.annot.color, "#FFFFFF")
} else {
if (length(gene.annot.color) != length(names))
stop('You did not provide enough colors to annotate',
'Either set gene.annot.color to a valid RColorBrewer palette or provide the explicit correct number of colors.')
cat('Annotating pathways with custom colors:',
paste(gene.annot.color, collapse=', '),
gene.annot.color = append(gene.annot.color, "#FFFFFF")
names(gene.annot.color) = append(names, "none")
gene.annot.color = gene.annot.color[ unique(genes.annotation$group) ]
annotation_colors = append(annotation_colors, list(group=gene.annot.color))
## Annotate events to consolidate
if (annotate.consolidate.events) {
cat('Annotating events to consolidate - see consolidate.data\n')
invalid = consolidate.data(x, print = FALSE)
genes.annotation$consolidate = 'none'
if (length(invalid$indistinguishable) > 0) {
function(z) {
'consolidate'] = 'indistinguishable'
if (length(invalid$zeroes) > 0) {
genes.annotation[ unlist(invalid$zeroes), 'consolidate'] = 'missing'
if (length(invalid$ones) > 0) {
genes.annotation[ unlist(invalid$ones), 'consolidate'] = 'persistent'
consolidate.colors = c('white', 'brown1', 'darkorange4', 'firebrick4', 'deepskyblue3')
names(consolidate.colors) = c('none', 'indistinguishable', 'missing', 'persistent')
consolidate.colors = consolidate.colors[unique(genes.annotation$consolidate)]
annotation_colors =
list(consolidate = consolidate.colors)
## Augment gene names with frequencies
genes.freq = rowSums(data) / nsamples(x)
gene.names = x$annotations[rownames(data), 2]
gene.names =
paste(round(100 * genes.freq, 0),
'% ',
sep = '') # row labels
## Augment data to make type-dependent colored plots.
data.lifting <- function(obj, matrix) {
types = as.types(obj)
map.gradient = null.color
for (i in 1:ntypes(obj)) {
events = as.events(obj, types = as.types(obj)[i])
keys = rownames(events)
if (ntypes(obj) > 1) {
keys.subset =
function(obj, matrix) {
## Are you sure (obj %in% # matrix)
## is not sufficient?
if (obj %in% matrix) {
} else {
sub.data = matrix[keys.subset, , drop = FALSE]
## shift 1s to 'i', add color to the map.
idx = which(sub.data == 1)
if(length(idx) > 0) map.gradient = cbind(map.gradient, as.colors(obj)[i])
sub.data[idx] = i
matrix[keys.subset, ] = sub.data
} else {
map.gradient = cbind(map.gradient, as.colors(obj)[i])
map.gradient = c(null.color, as.colors(x))
names(map.gradient)[1] = 'none'
return(list(data=matrix, colors=map.gradient))
pheat.matrix = data.lifting(x,data)
map.gradient = pheat.matrix$colors
data = pheat.matrix$data
## Set fontisize col/row.
if (is.na(font.row)) {
font.row = max(c(15 * exp(-0.02 * nrow(data)), 2))
cat(paste('Setting automatic row font (exponential scaling): ',
round(font.row, 1),
sep = ''))
if (is.na(font.column) && sample.id) {
font.column = font.row/2
cat(paste('Setting automatic samples font half of row font: ',
round(font.column, 1),
sep = ''))
## Finalizing legends etc.
legend.labels = c('none', unique(x$annotations[, 1]))
legend.labels = legend.labels[1:(max(data) + 1)]
if (samples.cluster) cat('Clustering samples and showing dendogram.\n')
if (genes.cluster) cat('Clustering alterations and showing dendogram.\n')
if (is.null(annotation_colors)) annotation_colors = NA
if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
cat('Passing the following parameters to TRONCO pheatmap:\n')
## Real pheatmap.
if (ncol(samples.annotation) == 0) {
samples.annotation = NA
ret =
scale = "none",
color = map.gradient,
cluster_cols = samples.cluster,
cluster_rows = genes.cluster,
main = title,
fontsize = font.size,
fontsize_col = font.column,
fontsize_row = font.row,
annotation_col = samples.annotation,
annotation_row = genes.annotation,
annotation_colors = annotation_colors,
border_color = border.color,
border = TRUE,
margins = c(10,10),
cellwidth = cellwidth,
cellheight = cellheight,
legend = legend,
legend_breaks = c(0:max(data)),
legend_labels = legend.labels,
legend.cex = legend.cex,
labels_row = gene.names,
drop_levels = TRUE,
show_colnames = sample.id,
filename = file,
txt.stats = txt.stats,
## Extra patterns
patt.table =
gtable(widths = unit(c(7, 2), "null"),
heights = unit(c(2, 7), "null"))
patt.table = list()
map.gradient = map.gradient[names(map.gradient) != 'Pattern']
## print(data)
if (npatterns(x) > 0 && show.patterns) {
cat('Plotting also', npatterns(x), 'patterns\n')
patterns = as.patterns(x)
for (i in 1:length(patterns)) {
genes.patt = as.events.in.patterns(x, patterns[i])
genes.patt.genos = data[rownames(genes.patt), , drop = FALSE]
genes.patt.genos.gtable =
scale = "none",
color = map.gradient,
cluster_cols = FALSE,
cluster_rows = FALSE,
main = paste('Pattern:', patterns[i]),
fontsize = font.size * .75,
fontsize_col = font.column * .75,
fontsize_row = font.row * .75,
## annotation_row = genes.annotation,
annotation_colors = annotation_colors,
annotation_legend = FALSE,
border_color = border.color,
border = TRUE,
cellwidth = 6,
cellheight = 6,
legend = FALSE,
labels_row = genes.patt[rownames(genes.patt.genos), 'event'],
drop_levels = TRUE,
show_colnames = FALSE,
silent = TRUE,
## patt.table = gtable_add_grob(patt.table, genes.patt.genos.gtable, 2, 1)
patt.table = append(patt.table, list(genes.patt.genos.gtable))
str =
paste('grid.arrange(ret$gtable, arrangeGrob(',
paste('patt.table[[', 1:length(patt.table), ']],', collapse = ''),
'ncol = 1), ncol = 1, heights = c(4,',
paste(rep(1, length(patt.table) ), collapse=', '),
str =
paste('grid.arrange(ret$gtable, arrangeGrob(',
paste('patt.table[[', 1:length(patt.table), ']],', collapse = ''),
'ncol = 1), ncol = 1, heights = c(',
paste(rep(1, length(patt.table) + 1 ),
collapse=', '),
eval(parse(text = str))
## print(ncol(ret$gtable))
## print(ncol(patt.table))
## ret$gtable = rbind(ret$gtable, patt.table)
## ret$gtable = gtable_add_grob(ret$gtable, patt.table, 1 , 1)
## grid.newpage()
## grid.draw(ret$gtable)
if (gtable) {
##### Pathway print
#' Visualise pathways informations
#' @title pathway.visualization
#' @param x A TRONCO complian dataset
#' @param title Plot title
#' @param file To generate a PDF a filename have to be given
#' @param pathways.color A RColorBrewer color palette
#' @param aggregate.pathways Boolean parameter
#' @param pathways Pathways
#' @param ... Additional parameters
#' @return plot information
#' @export pathway.visualization
pathway.visualization <- function(x,
title =
paste(names(pathways), collapse=', ', sep='')),
file = NA,
pathways.color = 'Set2',
...) {
names = names(pathways)
if (length(pathways.color) == 1
&& pathways.color %in% rownames(brewer.pal.info)) {
cat('Annotating pathways with RColorBrewer color palette', pathways.color, '.\n')
n = length(names)
if (n < 3) {
n = 3
pathway.colors = brewer.pal(n = n, name=pathways.color)
} else {
if (length(pathways.color) != length(names))
stop('You did not provide enough colors to annotate ',
' pathways.\n',
'Either set pathways.color to a valid RColorBrewer palette or provide the explicit correct number of colors.')
cat('Annotating pathways with custom colors', paste(pathways.color, collapse=','), '.\n')
pathway.colors = pathways.color
names(pathway.colors) = names
cat(paste('*** Processing pathways: ',
paste(names, collapse = ', ', sep = ''),
sep = ''))
cat(paste('\n[PATHWAY \"', names[1],'\"] ',
paste(pathways[[1]], collapse = ', ', sep = ''),
sep = ''))
data.pathways =
pathway.genes = pathways[[1]],
pathway.name = names[1],
aggregate.pathway = aggregate.pathways)
data.pathways = change.color(data.pathways, 'Pathway', pathway.colors[1])
data.pathways = rename.type(data.pathways, 'Pathway', names[1])
if (length(names) > 1) {
for(i in 2:length(pathways)) {
cat(paste('\n\n[PATHWAY \"', names[i],'\"] ', paste(pathways[[i]], collapse=', ', sep=''), '\n', sep=''))
pathway = as.pathway(x, pathway.genes=pathways[[i]], pathway.name=names[i], aggregate.pathway = aggregate.pathways)
pathway = change.color(pathway, 'Pathway', pathway.colors[i])
pathway = rename.type(pathway, 'Pathway', names[i])
data.pathways = ebind(data.pathways, pathway)
ret = oncoprint(trim(data.pathways), title=title, file=file, ...)
#' export input for cbio visualization at http://www.cbioportal.org/public-portal/oncoprinter.jsp
#' @title oncoprint.cbio
#' @examples
#' data(crc_gistic)
#' gistic = import.GISTIC(crc_gistic)
#' oncoprint.cbio(gistic)
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param file name of the file where to save the output
#' @param hom.del type of Homozygous Deletion
#' @param het.loss type of Heterozygous Loss
#' @param gain type of Gain
#' @param amp type of Amplification
#' @return A file containing instruction for the CBio visualization Tool
#' @export oncoprint.cbio
oncoprint.cbio <- function(x,
file = 'oncoprint-cbio.txt',
hom.del = 'Homozygous Loss',
het.loss = 'Heterozygous Loss',
gain = 'Low-level Gain',
amp = 'High-level Gain') {
## r = paste(paste(rownames(x$genotypes)), x$annotations[x$annotations[,''],], 'xxx')
r = 'Sample\tGene\tAlteration\n'
for (i in 1:nrow(x$genotypes)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(x$genotypes)) {
if (x$genotypes[i,j] == 1)
s = rownames(x$genotypes)[i]
g = x$annotations[colnames(x$genotypes)[j], 'event']
t = x$annotations[colnames(x$genotypes)[j], 'type']
t.o = 'xxx'
if (t == hom.del) t.o = 'HOMDEL'
if (t == het.loss) t.o = 'HETLOSS'
if (t == gain) t.o = 'GAIN'
if (t == amp) t.o = 'AMP'
## cat(paste( s, g, t.o, '\n', sep=' ', collpase=''))
r = paste(r, s, '\t', g, '\t', t.o, '\n', sep='', collpase='')
write(r, file)
#' Generate PDF and laex tables
#' @title genes.table.report
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param name filename
#' @param dir working directory
#' @param maxrow maximum number of row per page
#' @param font document fontsize
#' @param height table height
#' @param width table width
#' @param fill fill color
#' @param silent A parameter to disable/enable verbose messages.
#' @return LaTEX code
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.table
#' @importFrom xtable xtable
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf dev.cur dev.off dev.set
#' @export genes.table.report
genes.table.report <- function(x,
dir = getwd(),
maxrow = 33,
font = 10,
height = 11,
width = 8.5,
fill = "lightblue",
silent = FALSE) {
## Print table with gridExtra and xtables.
print.table <- function(table,
dir = getwd(),
height, width,
fill) {
cat('\nPrinting PDF and Latex table to files: \n')
cat(paste('PDF \t\t', dir, '/', name, '.genes-table.pdf\n', sep=''))
cat(paste('Latex\t\t', dir, '/', name, '.genes-table.tex\n', sep=''))
## Output pdf
## require(gridExtra)
## require(xtable)
cur.dev = dev.cur()
pdf(file = paste(dir, '/', name, '.genes-table.pdf', sep = ''),
height = height,
width = width)
## Max rows per page
npages = ceiling(nrow(table)/maxrow);
#pb = txtProgressBar(1, npages, style = 3);
for (i in 1:npages) {
if (!silent) {
#setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
idx = seq(1+((i-1)*maxrow), i*maxrow);
if (max(idx) > nrow(table)) idx = idx[idx < nrow(table)]
grid.table(table[idx, ],
gpar.coretext = gpar(fontsize = font),
gpar.corefill = gpar(fill = fill, alpha=0.5, col = NA),
h.even.alpha = 0.5)
if (!silent) {
## Output latex.
print(xtable(table, digits = 0),
file = paste(dir, '/', name, '.genes-table.tex', sep = ''),
type = 'latex')
dev.set(which = cur.dev)
cat(paste('Preparing output table with ', ngenes(x), ' genes ...\n'))
genes = as.genes(x)
types = as.types(x)
data = matrix(0, nrow = ngenes(x), ncol = ntypes(x))
genes.table = data.frame(data, row.names = genes, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(genes.table) = types
x = enforce.numeric(x)
#pb = txtProgressBar(1, ngenes(x), style = 3);
for (i in 1:ngenes(x)) {
#setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if (!silent) {
g = as.gene(x, genes=genes[i])
if (ncol(g) > 0) {
gg = colSums(apply(g, 2, as.numeric))
genes.table[rownames(genes.table)[i], colnames(g)] = gg
genes.table[rownames(genes.table)[i], 'Alterations'] =
paste( round(sum(gg) / nsamples(x) * 100), '%', sep='')
genes.table[rownames(genes.table)[i], 'Frequency'] =
sum(gg) / nsamples(x)
## Close progress bar.
if (!silent) {
genes.table = genes.table[order(genes.table$Frequency, decreasing = TRUE), ]
genes.table$Frequency = NULL
print.table(table = genes.table,
name = name,
dir = getwd(),
maxrow = maxrow,
font = font,
height = height,
width = width,
fill = fill)
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
cluster.sensitivity <- function(cluster.map,
stages = NA,
file = NA) {
if (ncol(cluster.map) == 1)
stop('No clustering stability for a unique clustering map!')
if (!reference %in% colnames(cluster.map))
stop(paste0('The reference cluster specified is not any of: ',
paste(colnames(cluster.map), collapse = ', '), '.'))
ref.clust = which(reference == colnames(cluster.map))
colnames(cluster.map)[ref.clust] =
paste(colnames(cluster.map)[ref.clust],' [reference]',sep = '')
## Transpose data.
## cluster.map = t(cluster.map)
## Sort data according to reference row.
cluster.map =
cluster.map[sort(cluster.map[, ref.clust ],
decreasing = FALSE,
index.return = TRUE)$ix, ];
## Get unique clustering IDs.
id = apply(cluster.map, 2, unique)
id = unique(unlist(id))
print(apply(cluster.map, 2, unique))
## Compute the clustering score.
subdata = cluster.map[, -ref.clust]
refcol = cluster.map[, ref.clust]
urefcol = unique(refcol)
cat('Found the following cluster labels:', urefcol, '\n')
cat('Computing clustering scores ... ')
score = rep(0, nrow(cluster.map))
for (i in 1:length(urefcol)) {
tmp = as.matrix(subdata[which(refcol == i), ]);
curr.score = 0;
for (j in 1:ncol(tmp)) {
curr.cardinality = sort(table(tmp[, j]), decreasing = TRUE)[[1]];
curr.score =
curr.score + (nrow(tmp) - curr.cardinality) / nrow(tmp);
score[which(refcol == i)] = 1 - (curr.score/nrow(tmp))
## Create annotations.
cn = rownames(cluster.map)
annotation =
data.frame(sensitivity = score,
row.names = cn,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (!all(is.na(stages)))
annotation$stage = stages[cn,1]
## Create colors.
col = brewer.pal(n = length(id), name = 'Set1')
different.stages = sort(unique(annotation$stage))
num.stages = length(different.stages)
stage.color = append(brewer.pal(n = num.stages, name = 'YlOrRd'), '#FFFFFF')
names(stage.color) = append(levels(as.factor(different.stages)), NA)
score.color = brewer.pal(n = 3, name = 'Greys')
## Annotation colors.
annotation_colors = list(stage=stage.color, sensitivity=score.color)
## Settings.
main =
paste0("Clustering Sensitivity\n Reference : ",
'\nAgainst : ',
paste(colnames(subdata), collapse = ', '))
cat('Clustering rows in', nrow(cluster.map), 'clusters.\n')
order =
decreasing = FALSE,
index.return = TRUE)
scale = "none",
cluster_cols = FALSE,
cluster_rows = FALSE,
color = col,
main = main,
fontsize = 6,
fontsize_col = 8,
fontsize_row = 2,
annotation_row = annotation,
annotation_colors = annotation_colors,
border_color = 'lightgray',
border = TRUE,
margins = c(10, 10),
cellwidth = 25,
cellheight = 2.2,
## legend = TRUE,
legend_breaks = 1:4,
filename = file,
gaps_col = 1:3,
## display_numbers = T,
cutree_rows = nrow(cluster.map),
gaps_row = (match(urefcol, order$x) - 1)
## number_format = '%d',
lo <- function(rown,
cellheight = NA,
cellwidth = NA,
...) {
## Get height of colnames and length of rownames.
if (!is.null(coln[1])) {
t = c(coln, colnames(annotation_row))
longest_coln = which.max(strwidth(t, units = 'in'))
gp = list(fontsize = fontsize_col, ...)
coln_height =
rot = 90,
gp = do.call(gpar, gp))) + unit(10, "bigpts")
} else {
coln_height = unit(5, "bigpts")
if (!is.null(rown[1])) {
t = c(rown, colnames(annotation_col))
longest_rown = which.max(strwidth(t, units = 'in'))
gp = list(fontsize = fontsize_row, ...)
rown_width =
gp = do.call(gpar, gp))) + unit(10, "bigpts")
} else {
rown_width = unit(5, "bigpts")
gp = list(fontsize = fontsize, ...)
## Legend position
if (!is.na(legend[1])) {
longest_break = which.max(nchar(names(legend)))
longest_break =
textGrob(as.character(names(legend))[longest_break], gp = do.call(gpar, gp)))
title_length =
textGrob("Scale", gp = gpar(fontface = "bold", ...)))
legend_width = unit(12, "bigpts") + longest_break * 1.2
legend_width = max(title_length, legend_width)
} else {
legend_width = unit(0, "bigpts")
## Set main title height.
if (is.na(main)){
main_height = unit(0, "npc")
} else {
main_height =
textGrob(main, gp = gpar(fontsize = 1.3 * fontsize, ...)))
## Column annotations.
textheight = unit(fontsize, "bigpts")
if (!is.na(annotation_col[[1]][1])) {
## Column annotation height.
annot_col_height =
ncol(annotation_col) * (textheight + unit(2, "bigpts")) + unit(2, "bigpts")
## Width of the correponding legend.
t = c(as.vector(as.matrix(annotation_col)), colnames(annotation_col))
annot_col_legend_width =
textGrob(t[which.max(nchar(t))], gp = gpar(...))) + unit(12, "bigpts")
if (!annotation_legend) {
annot_col_legend_width = unit(0, "npc")
} else {
annot_col_height = unit(0, "bigpts")
annot_col_legend_width = unit(0, "bigpts")
## Row annotations.
if (!is.na(annotation_row[[1]][1])) {
## Row annotation width.
annot_row_width =
ncol(annotation_row) * (textheight + unit(2, "bigpts")) + unit(2, "bigpts")
## Width of the correponding legend.
t =
annot_row_legend_width =
textGrob(t[which.max(nchar(t))], gp = gpar(...))) + unit(12, "bigpts")
if (!annotation_legend) {
annot_row_legend_width = unit(0, "npc")
} else {
annot_row_width = unit(0, "bigpts")
annot_row_legend_width = unit(0, "bigpts")
annot_legend_width = max(annot_row_legend_width, annot_col_legend_width)
## Tree height.
treeheight_col = unit(treeheight_col, "bigpts") + unit(5, "bigpts")
treeheight_row = unit(treeheight_row, "bigpts") + unit(5, "bigpts")
## Set cell sizes.
if (is.na(cellwidth)) {
mat_width =
unit(1, "npc") - rown_width - legend_width - treeheight_row - annot_row_width - annot_legend_width
} else {
mat_width =
unit(cellwidth * ncol, "bigpts") + length(gaps_col) * unit(4, "bigpts")
if (is.na(cellheight)) {
mat_height = unit(1, "npc") - main_height - coln_height - treeheight_col - annot_col_height
} else {
mat_height = unit(cellheight * nrow, "bigpts") + length(gaps_row) * unit(4, "bigpts")
## Produce gtable.
gt =
gtable(widths =
heights =
vp = viewport(gp = do.call(gpar, gp)))
## print(unit.c(main_height, treeheight_col, annot_col_height, mat_height, coln_height))
cw = convertWidth(mat_width - (length(gaps_col) * unit(4, "bigpts")), "bigpts", valueOnly = TRUE) / ncol
ch = convertHeight(mat_height - (length(gaps_row) * unit(4, "bigpts")), "bigpts", valueOnly = TRUE) / nrow
## Return minimal cell dimension in bigpts to decide if borders
## are drawn.
mindim = min(cw, ch)
res = list(gt = gt, mindim = mindim)
find_coordinates <- function(n, gaps, m = 1:n) {
if (length(gaps) == 0) {
return(list(coord = unit(m / n, "npc"), size = unit(1 / n, "npc") ))
if (max(gaps) > n) {
stop("Gaps do not match with matrix size")
size = (1 / n) * (unit(1, "npc") - length(gaps) * unit("4", "bigpts"))
gaps2 = apply(sapply(gaps, function(gap, x){x > gap}, m), 1, sum)
coord = m * size + (gaps2 * unit("4", "bigpts"))
return(list(coord = coord, size = size))
draw_dendrogram <- function(hc, gaps, horizontal = TRUE) {
h = hc$height / max(hc$height) / 1.05
m = hc$merge
o = hc$order
n = length(o)
m[m > 0] = n + m[m > 0]
m[m < 0] = abs(m[m < 0])
dist = matrix(0, nrow = 2 * n - 1, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(NULL, c("x", "y")))
dist[1:n, 1] = 1 / n / 2 + (1 / n) * (match(1:n, o) - 1)
for (i in 1:nrow(m)) {
dist[n + i, 1] = (dist[m[i, 1], 1] + dist[m[i, 2], 1]) / 2
dist[n + i, 2] = h[i]
draw_connection <- function(x1, x2, y1, y2, y) {
res =
list(x = c(x1, x1, x2, x2),
y = c(y1, y, y, y2)
x = rep(NA, nrow(m) * 4)
y = rep(NA, nrow(m) * 4)
id = rep(1:nrow(m), rep(4, nrow(m)))
for (i in 1:nrow(m)) {
c = draw_connection(dist[m[i, 1], 1], dist[m[i, 2], 1], dist[m[i, 1], 2], dist[m[i, 2], 2], h[i])
k = (i - 1) * 4 + 1
x[k : (k + 3)] = c$x
y[k : (k + 3)] = c$y
x = find_coordinates(n, gaps, x * n)$coord
y = unit(y, "npc")
if (!horizontal) {
a = x
x = unit(1, "npc") - y
y = unit(1, "npc") - a
res = polylineGrob(x = x, y = y, id = id)
draw_matrix <- function(matrix,
number_color) {
n = nrow(matrix)
m = ncol(matrix)
coord_x = find_coordinates(m, gaps_cols)
coord_y = find_coordinates(n, gaps_rows)
x = coord_x$coord - 0.5 * coord_x$size
y = unit(1, "npc") - (coord_y$coord - 0.5 * coord_y$size)
coord = expand.grid(y = y, x = x)
res = gList()
res[["rect"]] =
rectGrob(x = coord$x,
y = coord$y,
width = coord_x$size,
height = coord_y$size,
gp = gpar(fill = matrix, col = border_color))
if (attr(fmat, "draw")) {
res[["text"]] =
textGrob(x = coord$x,
y = coord$y,
label = fmat,
gp = gpar(col = number_color, fontsize = fontsize_number))
res = gTree(children = res)
draw_colnames <- function(coln, gaps, ...) {
coord = find_coordinates(length(coln), gaps)
x = coord$coord - 0.5 * coord$size
res =
x = x,
y = unit(1, "npc") - unit(3, "bigpts"),
vjust = 0.5,
hjust = 0,
rot = 270,
gp = gpar(...))
draw_rownames <- function(rown, gaps, ...) {
coord = find_coordinates(length(rown), gaps)
y = unit(1, "npc") - (coord$coord - 0.5 * coord$size)
res = textGrob(rown, x = unit(3, "bigpts"), y = y, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 0, gp = gpar(...))
draw_legend <- function(color, breaks, txt.stats, legend.cex, legend, ...) {
height = min(unit(1 * legend.cex, "npc"), unit(150 * legend.cex, "bigpts"))
## print('*****')
## print(height)
## print('*****')
## print(breaks)
## print('dar_legend')
legend_pos = (legend - min(breaks)) / (max(breaks) - min(breaks))
legend_pos = height * legend_pos + (unit(1, "npc") - height)
breaks = (breaks - min(breaks)) / (max(breaks) - min(breaks))
breaks = height * breaks + (unit(1, "npc") - height)
## print(breaks)
## print(legend_pos[length(legend_pos)])
## print(breaks[-length(breaks)])
h = breaks[-1] - breaks[-length(breaks)]
## print('***** br')
## print(breaks)
## print('*****')
## print(breaks[-length(breaks)]+unit(1, "npc"))
## print('***** h')
## print(h)
## print('*****')
## h = cellheight
rect =
rectGrob(x = 0,
y = breaks[-length(breaks)],
width = unit(10, "bigpts"),
height = h,
hjust = 0,
vjust = 0,
gp = gpar(fill = color, col = "#FFFFFF00"))
text =
x = unit(14, "bigpts"),
y = legend_pos,
hjust = 0,
gp = gpar(...))
## y.stats = breaks[-length(breaks)]-unit(.1, "npc")
## stats = rectGrob(x = 0, y = y.stats, width = unit(10, "bigpts"), height = h, hjust = 0, vjust = 0, gp = gpar(fill ='black'))
if (!is.na(txt.stats)) {
## rect = rectGrob(x = 0,
## y = breaks[-length(breaks)],
## width = unit(10, "bigpts"), height = h, hjust = 0, vjust = 0, gp = gpar(fill = color, col = "red"))
crlf = strsplit(txt.stats, split = "\\n")[[1]]
h = length(crlf) / 6
stats =
x = unit(2, "bigpts"),
y = legend_pos[1] - unit(2, "cm"),
hjust = 0,
gp = gpar(fontface='bold'))
res = grobTree(rect, text, stats)
} else
res = grobTree(rect, text)
convert_annotations <- function(annotation, annotation_colors) {
new = annotation
for (i in 1:ncol(annotation)) {
a = annotation[, i]
b = annotation_colors[[colnames(annotation)[i]]]
if (is.character(a) | is.factor(a)) {
a = as.character(a)
if (length(setdiff(a, names(b))) > 0) {
stop(sprintf("Factor levels on variable %s do not match with annotation_colors",
new[, i] = b[a]
a = cut(a, breaks = 100)
new[, i] = colorRampPalette(b)(100)[a]
draw_annotations <- function(converted_annotations,
gaps, fontsize,
horizontal) {
n = ncol(converted_annotations)
m = nrow(converted_annotations)
coord_x = find_coordinates(m, gaps)
x = coord_x$coord - 0.5 * coord_x$size
## y = cumsum(rep(fontsize, n)) - 4 + cumsum(rep(2, n))
y = cumsum(rep(fontsize, n)) + cumsum(rep(2, n)) - fontsize / 2 + 1
y = unit(y, "bigpts")
if (horizontal) {
coord = expand.grid(x = x, y = y)
res =
rectGrob(x = coord$x,
y = coord$y,
width = coord_x$size,
height = unit(fontsize, "bigpts"),
gp = gpar(fill = converted_annotations, col = border_color))
} else {
a = x
x = unit(1, "npc") - y
y = unit(1, "npc") - a
coord = expand.grid(y = y, x = x)
res =
rectGrob(x = coord$x,
y = coord$y,
width = unit(fontsize, "bigpts"),
height = coord_x$size,
gp = gpar(fill = converted_annotations, col = border_color))
draw_annotation_names = function(annotations, fontsize, horizontal) {
n = ncol(annotations)
x = unit(3, "bigpts")
y = cumsum(rep(fontsize, n)) + cumsum(rep(2, n)) - fontsize / 2 + 1
y = unit(y, "bigpts")
if (horizontal) {
res = textGrob(colnames(annotations), x = x, y = y, hjust = 0, gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize, fontface = 2))
} else {
a = x
x = unit(1, "npc") - y
y = unit(1, "npc") - a
res = textGrob(colnames(annotations),
x = x,
y = y,
vjust = 0.5,
hjust = 0,
rot = 270,
gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize, fontface = 2))
draw_annotation_legend <- function(annotation,
...) {
y = unit(1, "npc")
text_height = unit(1, "grobheight", textGrob("FGH", gp = gpar(...)))
res = gList()
for (i in names(annotation)) {
res[[i]] =
x = 0,
y = y,
vjust = 1,
hjust = 0,
gp = gpar(fontface = "bold", ...))
y = y - 1.5 * text_height
if (is.character(annotation[[i]]) | is.factor(annotation[[i]])) {
n = length(annotation_colors[[i]])
yy = y - (1:n - 1) * 2 * text_height
res[[paste(i, "r")]] =
rectGrob(x = unit(0, "npc"),
y = yy,
hjust = 0,
vjust = 1,
height = 2 * text_height,
width = 2 * text_height,
gp = gpar(col = border_color, fill = annotation_colors[[i]]))
res[[paste(i, "t")]] =
x = text_height * 2.4,
y = yy - text_height,
hjust = 0,
vjust = 0.5,
gp = gpar(...))
y = y - n * 2 * text_height
} else {
yy = y - 8 * text_height + seq(0, 1, 0.25)[-1] * 8 * text_height
h = 8 * text_height * 0.25
res[[paste(i, "r")]] =
rectGrob(x = unit(0, "npc"),
y = yy,
hjust = 0,
vjust = 1,
height = h,
width = 2 * text_height,
gp =
gpar(col = NA,
fill = colorRampPalette(annotation_colors[[i]])(4)))
res[[paste(i, "r2")]] =
rectGrob(x = unit(0, "npc"),
y = y,
hjust = 0,
vjust = 1,
height = 8 * text_height,
width = 2 * text_height,
gp = gpar(col = border_color))
txt = rev(range(grid.pretty(range(annotation[[i]], na.rm = TRUE))))
yy = y - c(1, 7) * text_height
res[[paste(i, "t")]] =
x = text_height * 2.4,
y = yy,
hjust = 0,
vjust = 0.5,
gp = gpar(...))
y = y - 8 * text_height
y = y - 1.5 * text_height
res = gTree(children = res)
draw_main <- function(text, ...) {
res = textGrob(text, gp = gpar(fontface = "bold", ...))
vplayout <- function(x, y) {
return(viewport(layout.pos.row = x, layout.pos.col = y))
heatmap_motor <- function(matrix,
txt.stats, ...) {
## Set layout
lo =
lo(coln = labels_col,
rown = labels_row,
nrow = nrow(matrix),
ncol = ncol(matrix),
cellwidth = cellwidth,
cellheight = cellheight,
treeheight_col = treeheight_col,
treeheight_row = treeheight_row,
legend = legend,
annotation_col = annotation_col,
annotation_row = annotation_row,
annotation_colors = annotation_colors,
annotation_legend = annotation_legend,
main = main,
fontsize = fontsize,
fontsize_row = fontsize_row,
fontsize_col = fontsize_col,
gaps_row = gaps_row,
gaps_col = gaps_col,
res = lo$gt
mindim = lo$mindim
if (!is.na(filename)) {
if (is.na(height)) {
height = convertHeight(gtable_height(res), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE)
if (is.na(width)) {
width = convertWidth(gtable_width(res), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE)
## Get file type.
r = regexpr("\\.[a-zA-Z]*$", filename)
if (r == -1) stop("Improper filename")
ending = substr(filename, r + 1, r + attr(r, "match.length"))
f =
pdf = function(x, ...) pdf(x, ...),
png = function(x, ...) png(x, units = "in", res = 300, ...),
jpeg = function(x, ...) jpeg(x, units = "in", res = 300, ...),
jpg = function(x, ...) jpeg(x, units = "in", res = 300, ...),
tiff = function(x, ...) tiff(x, units = "in", res = 300, compression = "lzw", ...),
bmp = function(x, ...) bmp(x, units = "in", res = 300, ...),
stop("File type should be: pdf, png, bmp, jpg, tiff")
## print(sprintf("height:%f width:%f", height, width))
## gt = heatmap_motor(matrix, cellwidth = cellwidth,
## cellheight = cellheight, border_color = border_color,
## tree_col = tree_col, tree_row = tree_row, treeheight_col =
## treeheight_col, treeheight_row = treeheight_row, breaks =
## breaks, color = color, legend = legend, annotation_col =
## annotation_col, annotation_row = annotation_row,
## annotation_colors = annotation_colors, annotation_legend =
## annotation_legend, filename = NA, main = main, fontsize =
## fontsize, fontsize_row = fontsize_row, fontsize_col =
## fontsize_col, fmat = fmat, fontsize_number =
## fontsize_number, number_color = number_color, labels_row =
## labels_row, labels_col = labels_col, gaps_col = gaps_col,
## gaps_row = gaps_row, ...)
f(filename, height = height, width = width)
gt =
cellwidth = cellwidth,
cellheight = cellheight,
border_color = border_color,
tree_col = tree_col,
tree_row = tree_row,
treeheight_col = treeheight_col,
treeheight_row = treeheight_row,
breaks = breaks,
color = color,
legend = legend,
annotation_col = annotation_col,
annotation_row = annotation_row,
annotation_colors = annotation_colors,
annotation_legend = annotation_legend,
filename = NA,
main = main,
fontsize = fontsize,
fontsize_row = fontsize_row,
fontsize_col = fontsize_col,
fmat = fmat,
fontsize_number = fontsize_number,
number_color = number_color,
labels_row = labels_row,
labels_col = labels_col,
gaps_col = gaps_col,
gaps_row = gaps_row,
legend.cex = legend.cex,
txt.stats = txt.stats,
## Omit border color if cell size is too small.
if (mindim < 3) border_color = NA
## Draw title.
if (!is.na(main)) {
elem = draw_main(main, fontsize = 1.3 * fontsize, ...)
res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 1, l = 3, name = "main")
## Draw tree for the columns.
if (!is.na(tree_col[[1]][1]) & treeheight_col != 0) {
elem = draw_dendrogram(tree_col, gaps_col, horizontal = TRUE)
res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 2, l = 3, name = "col_tree")
## Draw tree for the rows.
if (!is.na(tree_row[[1]][1]) & treeheight_row != 0) {
elem = draw_dendrogram(tree_row, gaps_row, horizontal = FALSE)
res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 4, l = 1, name = "row_tree")
## Draw matrix.
elem = draw_matrix(matrix, border_color, gaps_row, gaps_col, fmat, fontsize_number, number_color)
res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 4, l = 3, clip = "off", name = "matrix")
## Draw colnames.
if (length(labels_col) != 0) {
pars = list(labels_col, gaps = gaps_col, fontsize = fontsize_col, ...)
elem = do.call(draw_colnames, pars)
res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 5, l = 3, clip = "off", name = "col_names")
## Giulio
##res = gtable_add_grob(
## res, elem, t = 6, l = 3, clip = "off", name = "giulio"
## )
## Draw rownames.
if (length(labels_row) != 0) {
pars = list(labels_row, gaps = gaps_row, fontsize = fontsize_row, ...)
elem = do.call(draw_rownames, pars)
res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 4, l = 4, clip = "off", name = "row_names")
## Draw annotation tracks on cols.
if (!is.na(annotation_col[[1]][1])) {
## Draw tracks.
converted_annotation = convert_annotations(annotation_col, annotation_colors)
elem = draw_annotations(converted_annotation, border_color, gaps_col, fontsize, horizontal = TRUE)
res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 3, l = 3, clip = "off", name = "col_annotation")
## Draw names.
elem = draw_annotation_names(annotation_col, fontsize, horizontal = TRUE)
res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 3, l = 4, clip = "off", name = "row_annotation_names")
## Draw annotation tracks on rows.
if (!is.na(annotation_row[[1]][1])) {
## Draw tracks.
converted_annotation = convert_annotations(annotation_row, annotation_colors)
elem = draw_annotations(converted_annotation, border_color, gaps_row, fontsize, horizontal = FALSE)
res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 4, l = 2, clip = "off", name = "row_annotation")
## Draw names.
elem = draw_annotation_names(annotation_row, fontsize, horizontal = FALSE)
res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 5, l = 2, clip = "off", name = "row_annotation_names")
## Draw annotation legend.
annotation = c(annotation_col[length(annotation_col):1], annotation_row[length(annotation_row):1])
annotation = annotation[unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) !is.na(x[1])))]
if (length(annotation) > 0 & annotation_legend) {
elem = draw_annotation_legend(annotation, annotation_colors, border_color, fontsize = fontsize, ...)
t = ifelse(is.null(labels_row), 4, 3)
res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = t, l = 6, b = 5, clip = "off", name = "annotation_legend")
## Draw legend.
if (!is.na(legend[1])) {
elem = draw_legend(color, breaks, txt.stats, legend, legend.cex = legend.cex, fontsize = fontsize, ...)
t = ifelse(is.null(labels_row), 4, 3)
res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = t, l = 5, b= 5, clip = "off", name = "legend")
generate_breaks <- function(x, n, center = FALSE) {
if (center) {
m = max(abs(c(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), max(x, na.rm = TRUE))))
res = seq(-m, m, length.out = n + 1)
res = seq(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), max(x, na.rm = TRUE), length.out = n + 1)
scale_vec_colours = function(x, col = rainbow(10), breaks = NA) {
return(col[as.numeric(cut(x, breaks = breaks, include.lowest = TRUE))])
scale_colours = function(mat, col = rainbow(10), breaks = NA) {
mat = as.matrix(mat)
col = col,
breaks = breaks),
dimnames =
cluster_mat <- function(mat, distance, method) {
if (!(method %in% c("ward.D2",
"centroid"))) {
stop("clustering method must be one of: 'ward', ",
"'ward.D2', 'single', 'complete', 'average', 'mcquitty', 'median' or 'centroid'.")
if (!(distance[1] %in% c("correlation",
& is(distance, "dist")) {
stop("distance has to be a dissimilarity structure as produced by dist ",
"or one measure from the list: ",
"'correlation', 'euclidean', 'maximum', 'manhattan', 'canberra', 'binary', 'minkowski'")
if (distance[1] == "correlation") {
d = as.dist(1 - cor(t(mat)))
} else {
if (is(distance, "dist")) {
d = distance
} else {
d = dist(mat, method = distance)
return(hclust(d, method = method))
scale_rows <- function(x) {
m = apply(x, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
s = apply(x, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
return((x - m) / s)
scale_mat <- function(mat, scale) {
if (!(scale %in% c("none", "row", "column"))) {
stop("scale argument shoud take values: 'none', 'row' or 'column'")
mat = switch(scale,
none = mat,
row = scale_rows(mat),
column = t(scale_rows(t(mat))))
generate_annotation_colours <- function(annotation, annotation_colors, drop) {
if (is.na(annotation_colors)[[1]][1]) {
annotation_colors = list()
count = 0
for (i in 1:length(annotation)) {
if (is.character(annotation[[i]]) | is.factor(annotation[[i]])) {
if (is.factor(annotation[[i]]) & !drop) {
count = count + length(levels(annotation[[i]]))
} else {
count = count + length(unique(annotation[[i]]))
factor_colors = dscale(factor(1:count), hue_pal(l = 75))
cont_counter = 2
for (i in 1:length(annotation)) {
if (!(names(annotation)[i] %in% names(annotation_colors))) {
if (is.character(annotation[[i]]) | is.factor(annotation[[i]])) {
n = length(unique(annotation[[i]]))
if (is.factor(annotation[[i]]) & !drop) {
n = length(levels(annotation[[i]]))
ind = sample(1:length(factor_colors), n)
annotation_colors[[names(annotation)[i]]] = factor_colors[ind]
l = levels(as.factor(annotation[[i]]))
l = l[l %in% unique(annotation[[i]])]
if (is.factor(annotation[[i]]) & !drop) {
l = levels(annotation[[i]])
names(annotation_colors[[names(annotation)[i]]]) = l
factor_colors = factor_colors[-ind]
} else {
annotation_colors[[names(annotation)[i]]] = brewer_pal("seq", cont_counter)(5)[1:4]
cont_counter = cont_counter + 1
kmeans_pheatmap <- function(mat, k = min(nrow(mat), 150), sd_limit = NA, ...) {
## Filter data.
if (!is.na(sd_limit)) {
s = apply(mat, 1, sd)
mat = mat[s > sd_limit, ]
## Cluster data.
km = kmeans(mat, k, iter.max = 100)
mat2 = km$centers
## Compose rownames.
t = table(km$cluster)
rownames(mat2) = sprintf("cl%s_size_%d", names(t), t)
## Draw heatmap.
pheatmap(mat2, ...)
find_gaps <- function(tree, cutree_n) {
v = cutree(tree, cutree_n)[tree$order]
gaps = which((v[-1] - v[-length(v)]) != 0)
#' A function to draw clustered heatmaps.
#' A function to draw clustered heatmaps where one has better control over some graphical
#' parameters such as cell size, etc.
#' The function also allows to aggregate the rows using kmeans clustering. This is
#' advisable if number of rows is so big that R cannot handle their hierarchical
#' clustering anymore, roughly more than 1000. Instead of showing all the rows
#' separately one can cluster the rows in advance and show only the cluster centers.
#' The number of clusters can be tuned with parameter kmeans_k.
#' This is a modified version of the original pheatmap
#' (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/pheatmap/index.html)
#' edited in accordance with GPL-2.
#' @param mat numeric matrix of the values to be plotted.
#' @param color vector of colors used in heatmap.
#' @param kmeans_k the number of kmeans clusters to make, if we want to agggregate the
#' rows before drawing heatmap. If NA then the rows are not aggregated.
#' @param breaks a sequence of numbers that covers the range of values in mat and is one
#' element longer than color vector. Used for mapping values to colors. Useful, if needed
#' to map certain values to certain colors, to certain values. If value is NA then the
#' breaks are calculated automatically.
#' @param border_color color of cell borders on heatmap, use NA if no border should be
#' drawn.
#' @param cellwidth individual cell width in points. If left as NA, then the values
#' depend on the size of plotting window.
#' @param cellheight individual cell height in points. If left as NA,
#' then the values depend on the size of plotting window.
#' @param scale character indicating if the values should be centered and scaled in
#' either the row direction or the column direction, or none. Corresponding values are
#' \code{"row"}, \code{"column"} and \code{"none"}
#' @param cluster_rows boolean values determining if rows should be clustered,
#' @param cluster_cols boolean values determining if columns should be clustered.
#' @param clustering_distance_rows distance measure used in clustering rows. Possible
#' values are \code{"correlation"} for Pearson correlation and all the distances
#' supported by \code{\link{dist}}, such as \code{"euclidean"}, etc. If the value is none
#' of the above it is assumed that a distance matrix is provided.
#' @param clustering_distance_cols distance measure used in clustering columns. Possible
#' values the same as for clustering_distance_rows.
#' @param clustering_method clustering method used. Accepts the same values as
#' \code{\link{hclust}}.
#' @param cutree_rows number of clusters the rows are divided into, based on the
#' hierarchical clustering (using cutree), if rows are not clustered, the
#' argument is ignored
#' @param cutree_cols similar to \code{cutree_rows}, but for columns
#' @param treeheight_row the height of a tree for rows, if these are clustered.
#' Default value 50 points.
#' @param treeheight_col the height of a tree for columns, if these are clustered.
#' Default value 50 points.
#' @param legend logical to determine if legend should be drawn or not.
#' @param legend_breaks vector of breakpoints for the legend.
#' @param legend_labels vector of labels for the \code{legend_breaks}.
#' @param annotation_row data frame that specifies the annotations shown on left
#' side of the heatmap. Each row defines the features for a specific row. The
#' rows in the data and in the annotation are matched using corresponding row
#' names. Note that color schemes takes into account if variable is continuous
#' or discrete.
#' @param annotation_col similar to annotation_row, but for columns.
#' @param annotation deprecated parameter that currently sets the annotation_col if it is missing
#' @param annotation_colors list for specifying annotation_row and
#' annotation_col track colors manually. It is possible to define the colors
#' for only some of the features. Check examples for details.
#' @param annotation_legend boolean value showing if the legend for annotation
#' tracks should be drawn.
#' @param drop_levels logical to determine if unused levels are also shown in
#' the legend
#' @param show_rownames boolean specifying if column names are be shown.
#' @param show_colnames boolean specifying if column names are be shown.
#' @param main the title of the plot
#' @param fontsize base fontsize for the plot
#' @param legend.cex Default 0.5; determines legend size if \code{legend = TRUE}
#' @param fontsize_row fontsize for rownames (Default: fontsize)
#' @param fontsize_col fontsize for colnames (Default: fontsize)
#' @param display_numbers logical determining if the numeric values are also printed to
#' the cells. If this is a matrix (with same dimensions as original matrix), the contents
#' of the matrix are shown instead of original values.
#' @param number_format format strings (C printf style) of the numbers shown in cells.
#' For example "\code{\%.2f}" shows 2 decimal places and "\code{\%.1e}" shows exponential
#' notation (see more in \code{\link{sprintf}}).
#' @param number_color color of the text
#' @param fontsize_number fontsize of the numbers displayed in cells
#' @param gaps_row vector of row indices that show shere to put gaps into
#' heatmap. Used only if the rows are not clustered. See \code{cutree_row}
#' to see how to introduce gaps to clustered rows.
#' @param gaps_col similar to gaps_row, but for columns.
#' @param labels_row custom labels for rows that are used instead of rownames.
#' @param labels_col similar to labels_row, but for columns.
#' @param filename file path where to save the picture. Filetype is decided by
#' the extension in the path. Currently following formats are supported: png, pdf, tiff,
#' bmp, jpeg. Even if the plot does not fit into the plotting window, the file size is
#' calculated so that the plot would fit there, unless specified otherwise.
#' @param width manual option for determining the output file width in inches.
#' @param height manual option for determining the output file height in inches.
#' @param silent do not draw the plot (useful when using the gtable output)
#' @param txt.stats By default, shows a summary statistics for shown data (n,m, |G| and |P|)
#' @param \dots graphical parameters for the text used in plot. Parameters passed to
#' \code{\link{grid.text}}, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @return
#' Invisibly a list of components
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{tree_row} the clustering of rows as \code{\link{hclust}} object
#' \item \code{tree_col} the clustering of columns as \code{\link{hclust}} object
#' \item \code{kmeans} the kmeans clustering of rows if parameter \code{kmeans_k} was
#' specified
#' }
#' @author Raivo Kolde <rkolde@@gmail.com>
#' @examples
#' # Create test matrix
#' test = matrix(rnorm(200), 20, 10)
#' test[1:10, seq(1, 10, 2)] = test[1:10, seq(1, 10, 2)] + 3
#' test[11:20, seq(2, 10, 2)] = test[11:20, seq(2, 10, 2)] + 2
#' test[15:20, seq(2, 10, 2)] = test[15:20, seq(2, 10, 2)] + 4
#' colnames(test) = paste("Test", 1:10, sep = "")
#' rownames(test) = paste("Gene", 1:20, sep = "")
#' # Draw heatmaps
#' pheatmap(test)
#' @export pheatmap
#' @importFrom grid unit textGrob gpar unit.c viewport convertWidth
#' @importFrom grid convertHeight gList gTree rectGrob grobTree polylineGrob
#' @importFrom grid grid.draw grid.pretty grid.newpage
#' @importFrom scales dscale hue_pal brewer_pal
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom stats as.dist cor hclust dist cutree sd kmeans sd
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette pdf png jpeg tiff bmp dev.off rainbow
#' @importFrom graphics strwidth
pheatmap <- function(mat,
color = colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "RdYlBu")))(100),
kmeans_k = NA,
breaks = NA,
border_color = "grey60",
cellwidth = NA,
cellheight = NA,
scale = "none",
cluster_rows = TRUE,
cluster_cols = TRUE,
clustering_distance_rows = "euclidean",
clustering_distance_cols = "euclidean",
clustering_method = "complete",
cutree_rows = NA,
cutree_cols = NA,
treeheight_row = ifelse(cluster_rows, 50, 0),
treeheight_col = ifelse(cluster_cols, 50, 0),
legend = TRUE,
legend_breaks = NA,
legend_labels = NA,
annotation_row = NA,
annotation_col = NA,
annotation = NA,
annotation_colors = NA,
annotation_legend = TRUE,
drop_levels = TRUE,
show_rownames = TRUE,
show_colnames = TRUE,
main = NA,
fontsize = 10,
fontsize_row = fontsize,
fontsize_col = fontsize,
display_numbers = FALSE,
number_format = "%.2f",
number_color = "grey30",
fontsize_number = 0.8 * fontsize,
gaps_row = NULL,
gaps_col = NULL,
labels_row = NULL,
labels_col = NULL,
filename = NA,
width = NA,
height = NA,
silent = FALSE,
legend.cex = 1,
txt.stats = NA,
...) {
## Set labels.
if (is.null(labels_row)) {
labels_row = rownames(mat)
if (is.null(labels_col)) {
labels_col = colnames(mat)
## Preprocess matrix.
mat = as.matrix(mat)
if (scale != "none") {
mat = scale_mat(mat, scale)
if (is.na(breaks)) {
breaks = generate_breaks(mat, length(color), center = TRUE)
## Kmeans.
if (!is.na(kmeans_k)) {
## Cluster data.
km = kmeans(mat, kmeans_k, iter.max = 100)
mat = km$centers
## Compose rownames.
t = table(km$cluster)
labels_row = sprintf("Cluster: %s Size: %d", names(t), t)
} else {
km = NA
## Format numbers to be displayed in cells.
if (is.matrix(display_numbers) | is.data.frame(display_numbers)) {
if (nrow(display_numbers) != nrow(mat) | ncol(display_numbers) != ncol(mat)) {
stop("If display_numbers provided as matrix, its dimensions have to match with mat")
display_numbers = as.matrix(display_numbers)
fmat = matrix(as.character(display_numbers), nrow = nrow(display_numbers), ncol = ncol(display_numbers))
fmat_draw = TRUE
} else {
if (display_numbers) {
fmat = matrix(sprintf(number_format, mat), nrow = nrow(mat), ncol = ncol(mat))
fmat_draw = TRUE
} else {
fmat = matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(mat), ncol = ncol(mat))
fmat_draw = FALSE
## Do clustering.
if (cluster_rows) {
tree_row = cluster_mat(mat, distance = clustering_distance_rows, method = clustering_method)
mat = mat[tree_row$order, , drop = FALSE]
fmat = fmat[tree_row$order, , drop = FALSE]
labels_row = labels_row[tree_row$order]
if (!is.na(cutree_rows)) {
gaps_row = find_gaps(tree_row, cutree_rows)
} else {
gaps_row = NULL
} else {
tree_row = NA
treeheight_row = 0
if (cluster_cols) {
tree_col = cluster_mat(t(mat), distance = clustering_distance_cols, method = clustering_method)
mat = mat[, tree_col$order, drop = FALSE]
fmat = fmat[, tree_col$order, drop = FALSE]
labels_col = labels_col[tree_col$order]
if (!is.na(cutree_cols)) {
gaps_col = find_gaps(tree_col, cutree_cols)
} else {
gaps_col = NULL
} else {
tree_col = NA
treeheight_col = 0
attr(fmat, "draw") = fmat_draw
## Colors and scales.
if (!is.na(legend_breaks[1]) & !is.na(legend_labels[1])) {
if (length(legend_breaks) != length(legend_labels)) {
stop("Lengths of legend_breaks and legend_labels must be the same")
if (is.na(breaks[1])) {
breaks = generate_breaks(as.vector(mat), length(color))
if (legend & is.na(legend_breaks[1])) {
legend = grid.pretty(range(as.vector(breaks)))
names(legend) = legend
} else if (legend & !is.na(legend_breaks[1])) {
legend = legend_breaks[legend_breaks >= min(breaks) & legend_breaks <= max(breaks)]
if (!is.na(legend_labels[1])) {
legend_labels = legend_labels[legend_breaks >= min(breaks) & legend_breaks <= max(breaks)]
names(legend) = legend_labels
} else {
names(legend) = legend
} else {
legend = NA
mat = scale_colours(mat, col = color, breaks = breaks)
## Preparing annotations.
if (is.na(annotation_col[[1]][1]) & !is.na(annotation[[1]][1])) {
annotation_col = annotation
## Select only the ones present in the matrix.
if (!is.na(annotation_col[[1]][1])) {
annotation_col = annotation_col[colnames(mat), , drop = FALSE]
if (!is.na(annotation_row[[1]][1])) {
annotation_row = annotation_row[rownames(mat), , drop = FALSE]
annotation = c(annotation_row, annotation_col)
annotation = annotation[unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) !is.na(x[1])))]
if (length(annotation) != 0) {
annotation_colors = generate_annotation_colours(annotation, annotation_colors, drop = drop_levels)
} else {
annotation_colors = NA
if (!show_rownames) {
labels_row = NULL
if (!show_colnames) {
labels_col = NULL
## Draw heatmap
gt =
border_color = border_color,
cellwidth = cellwidth,
cellheight = cellheight,
treeheight_col = treeheight_col,
treeheight_row = treeheight_row,
tree_col = tree_col,
tree_row = tree_row,
filename = filename,
width = width,
height = height,
breaks = breaks,
color = color,
legend = legend,
annotation_row = annotation_row,
annotation_col = annotation_col,
annotation_colors = annotation_colors,
annotation_legend = annotation_legend,
main = main,
fontsize = fontsize,
fontsize_row = fontsize_row,
fontsize_col = fontsize_col,
fmat = fmat,
fontsize_number = fontsize_number,
number_color = number_color,
gaps_row = gaps_row,
gaps_col = gaps_col,
labels_row = labels_row,
labels_col = labels_col,
legend.cex = legend.cex,
txt.stats = txt.stats,
if (is.na(filename) & !silent) {
invisible(list(tree_row = tree_row, tree_col = tree_col, kmeans = km, gtable = gt))
#' tronco.pattern.plot : plot a genotype
#' @title tronco.pattern.plot
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset
#' @param group A list of events (see as.events() for details)
#' @param to A target event
#' @param gap.cex cex parameter for gap
#' @param legend.cex cex parameter for legend
#' @param label.cex cex parameter for label
#' @param title title
#' @param mode can be 'circos' or 'barplot'
#' @export tronco.pattern.plot
#' @importFrom circlize circos.clear circos.par chordDiagram circos.text
#' @importFrom circlize circos.trackPlotRegion get.cell.meta.data
#' @importFrom graphics layout par barplot plot.new legend
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb col2rgb
tronco.pattern.plot <- function(x,
gap.cex = 1.0,
legend.cex = 1.0,
label.cex = 1.0,
title=paste(to[1], to[2]),
mode = 'barplot') {
## Keys.
events = as.events(x)
keys = NULL
for (i in 1:nrow(group))
keys =
genes = group[i, 'event'],
types = group[i, 'type'])))
events.names = events[keys, , drop = FALSE]
cat('Group tested against:', to[1], to[2], '\n')
## HARD exclusivity: 1 for each pattern element
## SOFT exclusivity: 1
## OTHERS: 1
matrix = matrix(0, nrow = length(keys) + 3, ncol = 1)
rownames(matrix) = c(keys, 'soft', 'co-occurrence', 'other')
## colnames(matrix) = paste(to, collapse = ':')
colnames(matrix) = to[1]
to.samples = which.samples(x, gene=to[1], type=to[2])
cat('Pattern conditioned to samples:', paste(to.samples, collapse = ', '), '\n')
pattern.samples = list()
hard.pattern.samples = list()
for (i in 1:length(keys)) {
## Samples
samples = which.samples(x, gene= events.names[i, 'event'], type= events.names[i, 'type'])
## Pattern samples
pattern.samples = append(pattern.samples, list(samples))
## Other negative samples
negative.samples = list()
for (j in 1:length(keys))
if (i != j)
negative.samples =
gene = events.names[j, 'event'],
type = events.names[j, 'type'],
neg = TRUE)))
pattern.negative = Reduce(intersect, negative.samples)
hard.pattern.samples = append(hard.pattern.samples, list(intersect(samples, pattern.negative)))
names(pattern.samples) = keys
names(hard.pattern.samples) = keys
## print(hard.pattern.samples)
## print('tutti:')
## print(unlist(pattern.samples))
pattern.co.occurrences = Reduce(intersect, pattern.samples)
co.occurrences = intersect(to.samples, pattern.co.occurrences)
matrix['co-occurrence', ] = length(co.occurrences)
cat('Co-occurrence in #samples: ', matrix['co-occurrence', ], '\n')
for (i in 1:length(keys))
matrix[keys[i], ] = length(intersect(to.samples, hard.pattern.samples[[keys[i]]]))
cat('Hard exclusivity in #samples:', matrix[keys, ], '\n')
union = unique(unlist(pattern.samples))
union = setdiff(as.samples(x), union)
matrix['other', ] = length(intersect(to.samples, union))
cat('Other observations in #samples:', matrix['other', ], '\n')
matrix['soft', ] = length(to.samples) - colSums(matrix)
cat('Soft exclusivity in #samples:', matrix['soft', ], '\n')
## Choose colors according to event type.
sector.color = rep('gray', nrow(matrix) + 1)
link.color = rep('gray', nrow(matrix))
names(sector.color) = c(rownames(matrix), colnames(matrix))
names(link.color) = rownames(matrix)
add.alpha <- function(col, alpha = 1) {
if (missing(col)) stop("Please provide a vector of colours.")
apply(sapply(col, col2rgb)/255, 2, function(x) rgb(x[1], x[2], x[3], alpha=alpha))
## Link colors - event types .
for (i in 1:length(keys))
link.color[keys[i]] = as.colors(x)[events.names[keys[i], 'type' ]]
## print(link.color)
link.color['soft'] = 'orange'
link.color['co-occurrence'] = 'darkgreen'
idx.max = which(matrix == max(matrix))
link.style = matrix(0, nrow=nrow(matrix), ncol=ncol(matrix))
rownames(link.style) = rownames(matrix)
colnames(link.style) = colnames(matrix)
link.style[idx.max, 1] = 5
## print(link.style)
## link.color[idx.max] = add.alpha(link.color[idx.max], .3)
## print(link.color)
## Sector colors - event types.
sector.color[1:length(keys)] = 'red' # XOR
sector.color['soft'] = 'orange' # OR
sector.color['co-occurrence'] = 'darkgreen' # AND
sector.color[colnames(matrix)] = as.colors(x)[as.events(x, genes = to[1], types=to[2])[, 'type' ]]
## print(link.color)
## print(sector.color)
## Informative labels
for (i in 1:length(keys)) {
## rownames(matrix)[i] = paste(paste(rep(' ', i), collapse = ''), events.names[i, 'event' ])
if (nevents(x, genes = events.names[i, 'event' ]) > 1)
rownames(matrix)[i] = paste(paste(rep(' ', i), collapse = ''), events.names[i, 'event' ])
else rownames(matrix)[i] = events.names[i, 'event' ]
names(sector.color)[i] = rownames(matrix)[i]
if ( mode == 'circos') {
cat('Circlize matrix.\n')
gaps = c(rep(2, length(keys) - 2), rep(15 * gap.cex, 4), rep(40 * gap.cex, 2))
circos.par(gap.degree = gaps)
grid.col = sector.color,
annotationTrack = "grid",
preAllocateTracks = list(track.height = 0.3),
row.col = link.color,
link.border = 'black',
link.lty = link.style,
link.lwd = 0.3,
reduce = 0
circos.trackPlotRegion(track.index = 1,
panel.fun = function(x, y) {
xlim = get.cell.meta.data("xlim")
ylim = get.cell.meta.data("ylim")
sector.name = get.cell.meta.data("sector.index")
cex = 1.0 * label.cex,
facing = "clockwise",
niceFacing = TRUE,
adj = c(0, 0.5))
bg.border = NA)
} else { # barplot
layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,3), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE), heights = c(4, 1))
par(mai=rep(0.5, 4))
basic.unit = 2
widths =
c(rep(basic.unit, length(keys)),
rep(basic.unit * 2, 3)
spaces =
c(rep(0, length(keys)),
rep(.5, 2)
## barplot(matrix[, 1], widths, space = 0)
rownames(matrix)[length(keys) + 1] = '2 or more\n(soft-exclusivity)'
rownames(matrix)[length(keys) + 2] = 'all together\n(co-occurrence)'
rownames(matrix)[nrow(matrix)] = 'none of the\nevents'
summary = matrix[ (length(keys) + 1):nrow(matrix), 1, drop = FALSE]
summary = rbind( sum(matrix[1:length(keys),]), summary)
rownames(summary) = NULL
colnames(summary) = paste(to[1], to[2])
## Plot, but suppress the labels.
midpts =
col = c('red', 'orange', 'darkgreen', 'gray'),
horiz = FALSE,
space = 1,
las = 1,
main =
paste0('Combination of group events \n in ',
' samples with ',
' ',
cex.main = .6,
cex.names = .5,
cex.axis = .5 )
exclus = matrix[1:length(keys), 1, drop = FALSE]
## print(exclus)
midpts =
barplot(exclus[, 1],
## widths,
col = link.color[1:length(keys)],
horiz = TRUE,
space = 1,
las = 2,
main = paste0('Observations supporting \n hard-exclusivity'),
cex.main = 0.6,
## xlab = 'number of observations (given KRAS)',
cex.names = 0.5,
cex.axis = 0.5 )
par(mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
events.legend.pch = rep(19, length(unique(events.names[, 'type'])))
cex = 0.6 * legend.cex,
pt.cex = 1,
title = expression(bold('Table of observations')),
legend =
c(paste(sum(matrix[1:length(keys) ,]), 'with 1 event (hard exclusivity)'),
paste(matrix[length(keys) + 1, ], 'with 2 or more events'),
paste(matrix[length(keys) + 2, ], 'with all events (co-occurrence)'),
paste(matrix[length(keys) + 3, ], 'with no events')
fill = c('red', 'orange', 'darkgreen', 'gray')
group.legend = apply(group, 1, paste, collapse = ' in ')
cex = .6 * legend.cex,
pt.cex = 1,
title = expression(bold('Input group')),
bty = 'n',
legend = group.legend
legend(x = 'topright',
legend = unique(events.names[, 'type']),
title = expression(bold('Events type')),
bty = 'n',
inset = +.05,
cex = .6 * legend.cex,
pt.cex = 1,
pch = events.legend.pch,
col = as.colors(x)[unique(events.names[, 'type'])]
## pt.bg = pt_bg
#### end of file -- visualization.R
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