#### TRONCO: a tool for TRanslational ONCOlogy
#### Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Marco Antoniotti, Giulio Caravagna, Luca De Sano,
#### Alex Graudenzi, Giancarlo Mauri, Bud Mishra and Daniele Ramazzotti.
#### All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
#### are made available under the terms of the GNU GPL v3.0
#### which accompanies this distribution.
#' Create an input file for MUTEX
#' (ref: https://code.google.com/p/mutex/ )
#' @title export,mutex
#' @examples
#' data(crc_gistic)
#' dataset = import.GISTIC(crc_gistic)
#' export.mutex(dataset)
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param filename The name of the file
#' @param filepath The path where to save the file
#' @param label.mutation The event type to use as mutation
#' @param label.amplification The event type to use as amplification (can be a list)
#' @param label.deletion The event type to use as amplification (can be a list)
#' @return A MUTEX example matrix
#' @export export.mutex
#' @importFrom utils write.table
export.mutex <- function(x,
filename = 'tronco_to_mutex',
filepath = './',
label.mutation = 'SNV',
label.amplification = list('High-level Gain'),
label.deletion = list('Homozygous Loss')) {
data = x
alteration =
## Merge amplification.
if (length(label.amplification) >= 0) {
amplification = label.amplification[[1]]
if (length(label.amplification) >= 2) {
amplification = 'amplification'
data = join.types(data, label.amplification[[1]], label.amplification[[2]], 'amplification', 'red')
if (length(label.amplification) > 2) {
for (label in label.amplification[3:length(label.amplification)]) {
data = join.types(data, label, 'amplification', 'amplification', 'red')
## Merge deletion.
if (length(label.deletion) >= 0) {
deletion = label.deletion[[1]]
if (length(label.deletion) >= 2) {
deletion = 'deletion'
data = join.types(data, label.deletion[[1]], label.deletion[[2]], 'deletion', 'blue')
if (length(label.deletion) > 2) {
for (label in label.deletion[3:length(label.deletion)]) {
data = join.types(data, label, 'deletion', 'deletion', 'blue')
## Merge mutation.
if (length(label.mutation) >= 0) {
mutation = label.mutation[[1]]
if (length(label.mutation) >= 2) {
mutation = 'mutation'
data = join.types(data, label.mutation[[1]], label.mutation[[2]], 'mutation', 'green')
if (length(label.mutation) > 2) {
for (label in label.mutation[3:length(label.mutation)]) {
data = join.types(data, label, 'mutation', 'mutation', 'green')
samples = rownames(data$genotypes)
genes = unique(data$annotation[,'event'])
mutex.matrix = matrix(0, nrow = length(genes), ncol = length(samples))
colnames(mutex.matrix) = samples
rownames(mutex.matrix) = genes
## Legend:
## 0: no alteration
## 1: mutation
## 2: amplification
## 4: deletion
## 3: 1+2 a+m
## 5: 1+4 d+m
legend = list(1, 2, 4)
names(legend) = list(mutation, amplification, deletion)
tronco.matrix = data$genotypes
for (sample in rownames(tronco.matrix)) {
for (gene in colnames(tronco.matrix)) {
type = data$annotations[[gene, 'type']]
if (type %in% alteration && tronco.matrix[sample, gene] == 1) {
to.add = legend[[data$annotations[[gene, 'type']]]]
actual.value = mutex.matrix[data$annotations[[gene, 'event']], sample]
mutex.matrix[data$annotations[[gene, 'event']], sample] = actual.value + to.add
## Reassign value according to mutex notation
## Legend:
## 0: no alteration
## 1: mutation
## 2: amplification
## 3: deletion
## 4: 1+2 a+m
## 5: 1+4 d+m
## Move a+m to 10
mutex.matrix[which(mutex.matrix == 3)] = 10
## move deletion to 3
mutex.matrix[which(mutex.matrix == 4)] = 3
## move a+m to 4
mutex.matrix[which(mutex.matrix == 10)] = 4
mutex.header = append("Symbol", samples)
filepath = if (grepl("\\/$", filepath)) filepath else paste0(filepath, "/")
con = paste0(filepath, filename)
write(mutex.header, file = con, sep = "\t", ncolumns = length(mutex.header))
write.table(mutex.matrix, con, sep="\t", append = TRUE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
#' Create a .mat file which can be used with NBS clustering
#' (ref: http://chianti.ucsd.edu/~mhofree/wordpress/?page_id=26)
#' @title export.nbs.input
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param map_hugo_entrez Hugo_Symbol-Entrez_Gene_Id map
#' @param file output file name
#' @importFrom R.matlab writeMat
#' @export export.nbs.input
export.nbs.input <-function(x,
file = 'tronco_to_nbs.mat') {
cat('*** Exporting for NBS v. 0.2\n')
cat('Preparing binary input matrix\n')
## gene_indiv_mat <- the matrix
gene_indiv_mat = as.matrix(x$genotypes)
## Remove colnames and rownames from gene_indiv_mat.
rownames(gene_indiv_mat) = NULL
colnames(gene_indiv_mat) = NULL
cat('Preparing samples IDs \n')
## sample_id <- patient id
sample_id = as.samples(x)
cat('Preparing genes list (should be Hugo_Symbol) \n')
## gene_id_symbol <- sorted name of events
gene_id_symbol = as.genes(x)
cat('Preparing genes map (should be Hugo_Symbol -> Entrez_Gene_Id) \n')
if (!('Hugo_Symbol' %in% colnames(map_hugo_entrez))) {
stop('No Hugo_Symbol column in the input map: ', colnames(map_hugo_entrez))
if (!('Entrez_Gene_Id' %in% colnames(map_hugo_entrez))) {
stop('No Entrez_Gene_Id column in the input map: ', colnames(map_hugo_entrez))
gene_id_all =
mapply(function(x) as.numeric(map_hugo_entrez[[which(map_hugo_entrez[ ,'Hugo_Symbol'] == x),
file = if (grepl("\\.mat$", file)) file else paste0(file, ".mat")
con = paste0(file)
cat('Writing Matlab file to disk:', file, ' ..... ' )
gene_indiv_mat = gene_indiv_mat,
gene_id_all = gene_id_all,
sample_id = sample_id,
gene_id_symbol = gene_id_symbol)
#' Create a list of unique Mutex groups for a given fdr cutoff
#' current Mutex version is Jan 8, 2015
#' (ref: https://code.google.com/p/mutex/ )
#' @title import.mutex.groups
#' @param file Mutex results ("ranked-groups.txt" file)
#' @param fdr cutoff for fdr
#' @param display print summary table of extracted groups
#' @export import.mutex.groups
#' @importFrom utils count.fields
import.mutex.groups <- function(file, fdr=.2, display = TRUE) {
## Found somewhere on the web - makes sense.
read.irregular <- function(filenm) {
fileID <- file(filenm,open="rt")
nFields <- count.fields(fileID)
mat <- matrix(nrow=length(nFields),ncol=max(nFields))
for (i in 1:nrow(mat) ) {
mat[i, 1:nFields[i]] = scan(fileID, what = "", nlines = 1, quiet = TRUE)
df = data.frame(mat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
x = read.irregular(file)
## Check header.
if (any(x[1,1:3] != c('Score', 'q-val', 'Members')))
warning('File header does not seem to contain \'Score\', \'q-val\' and \'Members field\'.\n',
'Are you sure this is a Mutex result file?')
## Remove header.
cat(paste('*** Groups extracted - ', (nrow(x) -1), ' total groups.\n', sep=''))
x = x[-1, , drop = FALSE] # this is c('Score', 'q-val', 'Members')
x[, 1] = as.numeric(x[,1]) # fdr
x[, 2] = as.numeric(x[,2]) # q-value
## Remove groups with low fdr.
res = x[which(x[,1] < fdr), , drop = FALSE]
## Remove duplicated groups (permutations).
res.g = res[, 3:ncol(res)]
for (i in 1:nrow(res.g))
res[i,3:ncol(res)] = sort(res.g[i,], na.last = TRUE)
res = res[!duplicated((res[ , 3:ncol(res), drop = FALSE])), ]
cat(paste('Selected ',
' unique groups with fdr < ',
sep = ''))
## Create groups.
groups <- function(g) {
g = g[3:length(g)]
g = g[!is.na(g)]
names(g) = NULL
G = list()
for (i in 1:nrow(res)) {
gr = list(groups(res[i, ]))
names(gr) = paste('MUTEX_GROUP', i, sep='')
G = append(G,gr)
rownames(res) = names(G)
colnames(res)[1:2] = c('fdr', 'score')
## Summary report.
if (display)
#' Check if there are multiple sample in x, according to TCGA barcodes naming
#' @title TCGA.multiple.samples
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' TCGA.multiple.samples(test_dataset)
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @return A list of barcodes. NA if no duplicated barcode is found
#' @export TCGA.multiple.samples
TCGA.multiple.samples <- function(x) {
samples = as.samples(x)
samples.truncated = substring(samples, 0, 12)
patients = unique(samples.truncated)
if (length(patients) != nsamples(x)) {
dup.samples.start = which(duplicated(samples.truncated))
dup.samples.last = which(duplicated(samples.truncated, fromLast = TRUE))
return(sort(samples[c(dup.samples.start, dup.samples.last)]))
} else
#' If there are multiple sample in x, according to TCGA barcodes naming, remove them
#' @title TCGA.remove.multiple.samples
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' TCGA.remove.multiple.samples(test_dataset)
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @return A TRONCO compliant dataset
#' @export TCGA.remove.multiple.samples
TCGA.remove.multiple.samples <- function(x) {
is.compliant(x, err.fun = 'Removing TCGA multiple samples (input)')
dup = TCGA.multiple.samples(x)
dup.truncated = substring(dup, 0, 12)
patients = unique(dup.truncated)
for (i in 1:length(patients)) {
patients.samples = which(dup.truncated == patients[i])
multiple.samples = dup[patients.samples]
cat('Patient', patients[i], 'with sample aliquotes\n' )
print(substring(multiple.samples, 14, 29))
keep = max(multiple.samples)
discard = multiple.samples[which(multiple.samples != keep)]
cat('Selecting', keep, '\n')
x = delete.samples(x, discard)
is.compliant(x, err.fun = 'Removing TCGA multiple samples (output)')
#' Keep only the first 12 character of samples barcode if there are no duplicates
#' @title TCGA.shorten.barcodes
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' TCGA.shorten.barcodes(test_dataset)
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @return A TRONCO compliant dataset
#' @export TCGA.shorten.barcodes
TCGA.shorten.barcodes <- function(x) {
is.compliant(x, err.fun='Shartening TCGA barcodes (input)')
## Check if it has duplicated barcodes.
if (!all(is.na(TCGA.multiple.samples(x))))
stop(paste('This dataset contains multiple samples for some patients - cannot consolidate.',
'\n Samples with barcodes indicating multiple patients: \n',
paste(TCGA.multiple.samples(x), collapse = '\n'),
sep = ''))
## Shorten sample barcodes.
rownames(x$genotypes) = substring(rownames(x$genotypes), 0, 12)
if (has.stages(x)) rownames(x$stages) = rownames(x$genotypes)
is.compliant(x, err.fun='Shartening TCGA barcodes (output)')
#' Map clinical data from the TCGA format
#' @title TCGA.map.clinical.data
#' @param file A file with the clinical data
#' @param sep file delimiter
#' @param column.samples Required columns
#' @param column.map Map to the required columns
#' @return a map
#' @export TCGA.map.clinical.data
#' @importFrom utils read.delim
TCGA.map.clinical.data <- function(file, sep='\t', column.samples, column.map) {
data =
read.delim(file = file,
sep = sep,
header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (!(column.samples %in% colnames(data)))
stop(paste('Cannot find samples column \"',
'\". Available columns: \n\t',
paste(colnames(data), collapse = '\n\t'),
sep = ''))
if (!(column.map %in% colnames(data)))
stop(paste('Cannot find required map column \"',
'\". Available columns: \n\t',
paste(colnames(data), collapse = '\n\t'),
sep = ''))
map = data.frame(data[ , column.map], row.names = data[ , column.samples])
colnames(map) = column.map
## Internal function
sample.RColorBrewer.colors <- function(palette, ncolors) {
if (!palette %in% rownames(brewer.pal.info))
stop('Invalid RColorBrewer palette.')
pmax.cols = brewer.pal.info[palette, 'maxcolors']
cols = min(pmax.cols , ncolors)
cols = ifelse(cols < 3, 3, cols)
colors = brewer.pal(n=cols, name=palette)
if (ncolors < 3) colors = colors[1:ncolors]
else colors = colorRampPalette(colors)(ncolors)
#' Create a graphML object which can be imported in cytoscape
#' This function is based on the tronco.plot fuction
#' @title export.graphml
#' @examples
#' data(test_model)
#' export.graphml(test_model, file='text.xml', scale.nodes=0.3)
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset
#' @param file Where to save the output
#' @param ... parameters for tronco.plot
#' @export export.graphml
#' @importFrom igraph write.graph V V<- set.vertex.attribute
#' @importFrom igraph set.edge.attribute set.graph.attribute
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb col2rgb
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
export.graphml <- function(x, file, ...) {
plot.output = tronco.plot(x, export.igraph = TRUE, create.new.dev = FALSE, ...)
graph = plot.output$graph
nodes = plot.output$nodes
edges = plot.output$edges
description = plot.output$description
models = plot.output$models
node.names = V(graph)$name
edge.names = names(edges$label)
## Display information about vertex name
V(graph)$name = V(graph)$label
## Prepare and save vertex label
vertex.label = sapply(node.names, function(node) {
return(gsub("\\", "", nodes$label[node], fixed = TRUE))
V(graph)$label = vertex.label
## Prepare and save vertex type
vertex.type = sapply(node.names, function(node) {
if (is.logic.node(node)) {
graph = set.vertex.attribute(graph, 'type', value=vertex.type)
## Prepare and save vertex bg color
vertex.fillcolor = sapply(node.names, function(node){
rgb(t(col2rgb(nodes$fillcolor[node])), maxColorValue = 255)
graph = set.vertex.attribute(graph, 'fillcolor', value=vertex.fillcolor)
## Prepare and save vertex font color
vertex.fontcolor = sapply(node.names, function(node){
rgb(t(col2rgb(nodes$fontcolor[node])), maxColorValue = 255)
graph = set.vertex.attribute(graph, 'fontcolor', value=vertex.fontcolor)
## Prepare and save vertex border color
vertex.bordercolor = sapply(node.names, function(node){
rgb(t(col2rgb(nodes$color[node])), maxColorValue = 255)
graph = set.vertex.attribute(graph, 'bordercolor', value=vertex.bordercolor)
## Prepare and save vertex shape
vertex.shape = sapply(node.names, function(node){
shape = nodes$shape[node]
if (shape == 'box') {
graph = set.vertex.attribute(graph, 'shape', value=vertex.shape)
## Prepare and save vertex width
vertex.width = sapply(node.names, function(node){
return(nodes$width[node] * 50)
graph = set.vertex.attribute(graph, 'width', value=vertex.width)
## Prepare and save vertex height
vertex.height = sapply(node.names, function(node){
return(nodes$height[node] * 50)
graph = set.vertex.attribute(graph, 'height', value=vertex.height)
## Prepare and save label fontsize
vertex.fontsize = sapply(node.names, function(node){
return(nodes$fontsize[node] * 1.5)
graph = set.vertex.attribute(graph, 'fontsize', value=vertex.fontsize)
## Prepare and save border width
vertex.borderwidth = sapply(node.names, function(node){
graph = set.vertex.attribute(graph, 'borderwidth', value=vertex.borderwidth)
## Prepare and save the attribute cases
vertex.cases = sapply(node.names, function(node) {
if (is.logic.node(node)) {
graph = set.vertex.attribute(graph, 'cases', value = vertex.cases)
## Prepare and save the attribute sumGenotypes
vertex.sum.genotypes = sapply(node.names, function(node) {
if (is.logic.node(node)) {
graph = set.vertex.attribute(graph, 'sum genotypes', value = vertex.sum.genotypes)
## Prepare and save vertex shape
edge.line = sapply(edge.names, function(edge){
line = edges$lty[edge]
if (line == 'dashed') {
graph = set.edge.attribute(graph, 'line', value=edge.line)
## Prepare and save arrow type
edge.arrow = sapply(edge.names, function(edge){
arrow = edges$arrowsize[edge]
if (arrow == 1) {
graph = set.edge.attribute(graph, 'arrow', value=edge.arrow)
## Prepare and save edge color
edge.color = sapply(edge.names, function(edge){
rgb(t(col2rgb(edges$color[edge])), maxColorValue = 255)
graph = set.edge.attribute(graph, 'color', value=edge.color)
## Save edge label
graph = set.edge.attribute(graph, 'edgelabel', value = edges$label)
## Prepare and save label color
edge.fontcolor = sapply(edge.names, function(edge){
rgb(t(col2rgb(edges$fontcolor[edge])), maxColorValue = 255)
graph = set.edge.attribute(graph, 'labelcolor', value = edge.fontcolor)
## Save edge width
graph = set.edge.attribute(graph, 'width', value = edges$lwd)
## Check if cofidence are given and prepare a column for each confidence
if (length(edges$confidences) > 0) {
for (c in colnames(edges$confidences)) {
graph = set.edge.attribute(graph, c, value = edges$confidences[, c])
## Prepare and save graph attributes
graph = set.graph.attribute(graph, 'name', description)
graph = set.graph.attribute(graph,
paste(x$parameters$algorithm, models, collapse=' - '))
graph = set.graph.attribute(graph,
paste0('Generated with TRONCO v', packageVersion('TRONCO')))
eloss_output = tryCatch({
eloss = as.kfold.eloss(x)
for(i in 1:nrow(eloss)) {
currmodel = paste0('eloss ', row.names(eloss)[i])
currvalue = round(eloss[i,'Mean'], digits = 4)
graph = set.graph.attribute(graph,
}, error = function(e) {})
write.graph(graph, file=file, format='graphml')
#### end of file -- external.R
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