# a_diversity==========
#' Calculate a_diversity of otutab
#' @param ... add
#' @param otutab otutab
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(otutab, package = "pcutils")
#' a_diversity(otutab) -> a_res
#' plot(a_res, "Group", metadata)
a_diversity <- function(otutab, ...) {
#' @param otutab an otutab data.frame, samples are columns, taxs are rows.
#' @param method one of "all","richness","chao1","ace","gc","shannon","simpson","pd","pielou","abundance"
#' @param tree a iphylo object match the rownames of otutab
#' @param digits maintance how many digits
#' @rdname a_diversity
#' @return a a_res object
#' @exportS3Method
#' @method a_diversity data.frame <- function(otutab, method = c("richness", "shannon"), tree = NULL, digits = 4, ...) {
all <- c("all", "richness", "chao1", "ace", "gc", "shannon", "simpson", "pd", "pielou", "abundance")
if (!all(method %in% all)) stop(paste0("methods should be some of ", paste0(all, collapse = ",")))
if ("all" %in% method) method <- all[-1]
x <- t(otutab)
a_res <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(otutab))
if ("richness" %in% method) {
Richness <- rowSums(x > 0)
a_res <- cbind(a_res, Richness)
if ("abundance" %in% method) {
Abundance <- rowSums(x)
a_res <- cbind(a_res, Abundance)
if ("chao1" %in% method) {
Chao1 <- vegan::estimateR(x)[2, ]
a_res <- cbind(a_res, Chao1)
if ("ace" %in% method) {
ACE <- vegan::estimateR(x)[4, ]
a_res <- cbind(a_res, ACE)
if ("gc" %in% method) {
Goods_Coverage <- 1 - rowSums(x <= 1) / rowSums(x)
a_res <- cbind(a_res, Goods_Coverage)
if ("shannon" %in% method) {
Shannon <- vegan::diversity(x, index = "shannon", ...)
a_res <- cbind(a_res, Shannon)
# 注意,这里是Gini-Simpson 指数
if ("simpson" %in% method) {
Simpson <- vegan::diversity(x, index = "simpson", ...)
a_res <- cbind(a_res, Simpson)
if ("pielou" %in% method) {
Pielou_evenness <- vegan::diversity(x, index = "shannon") / log(rowSums(x > 0))
a_res <- cbind(a_res, Pielou_evenness)
if ("pd" %in% method) {
if (is.null(tree)) {
warning("pd need tree!")
} else {
lib_ps("picante", library = FALSE)
picante::match.phylo.comm(tree, x) -> match_p
pds <- picante::pd(match_p$comm, match_p$phy, include.root = FALSE)
PD <- pds[, 1]
a_res <- cbind(a_res, PD)
# 净相关指数
# NRI=-ses.mpd(x,cophenetic(spe_nwk),null.model="taxa.labels")[6]
# names(NRI) <- 'NRI'
# 最近邻体指数
# NTI=-ses.mntd(x,cophenetic(spe_nwk),null.model="taxa.labels")[6]
# names(NTI) <- 'NTI'
# result <- cbind(result, PD_whole_tree,NRI,NTI)
a_res <- round(a_res, digits)
class(a_res) <- c("a_res", "data.frame")
#' @param otutab a pc_otu
#' @param method one of "all","richness","chao1","ace","gc","shannon","simpson","pd","pielou"
#' @param tbl which table
#' @exportS3Method
#' @rdname a_diversity
#' @method a_diversity pc_otu
a_diversity.pc_otu <- function(otutab, method = "all", tbl = "otutab", ...) {
pc <- otutab
otutab <- pc$tbls[[tbl]]
pc$metas$a_res <-, method = method)
#' @param otutab numeric
#' @param ... pass to ``
#' @exportS3Method
#' @rdname a_diversity
#' @method a_diversity numeric
a_diversity.numeric <- function(otutab, ...) {
x <- otutab
return( = x), ...))
#' Plot a_res object
#' @param x a a_res object
#' @param metadata metadata
#' @param group one of colname of metadata
#' @param ... addditional parameters for \code{\link{group_box}} or \code{\link{my_lm}}
#' @return patchwork object,you can change theme with &
#' @exportS3Method
#' @method plot a_res
#' @seealso \code{\link{a_diversity}}
plot.a_res <- function(x, group, metadata, ...) {
a_res <- x
a_res <- a_res[rownames(metadata), , drop = FALSE]
group1 <- metadata[, group]
if (is.numeric(group1) & !is.factor(group1)) {
p <- pcutils::my_lm(a_res, group, metadata, ...)
} else {
p <- pcutils::group_box(a_res, group, metadata, ...)
# test phylogenetic diversity
# if(FALSE){
# lib_ps("picante")
# data("phylocom")
# View(phylocom$sample)
# ggtree(phylocom$phylo)+geom_tiplab()+theme_tree2()
# samp=data.frame(a=1:3,b=2:4,c=c(1,2,0),d=c(0,0,3),e=0,row.names = paste0("plot",1:3))
# read.tree(text = "(c:2,(a:1,b:1):2,d:1,f:1):1;",)->test
# ggtree(test)+geom_tiplab()+theme_tree2()
# #prune.sample(samp,test)->test_prune
# match.phylo.comm(test,samp)->match_p
# match_p$phy->test;match_p$comm->samp
# test_prune%>%ggtree(.)+geom_tiplab()+theme_tree2()
# pd(samp,test,include.root = FALSE)
# pd(samp,test_prune,include.root = FALSE)
# #picante::ses.pd(samp,test)
# #tree noedes distance
# cophenetic(test)
# #每个样方有的物种对的平均谱系距离mpd
# mpd(samp,cophenetic(test))
# #随机化mpd
# mpd(samp,taxaShuffle(cophenetic(test)))
# #ses.mpd直接计算了
# ses.mpd(samp,cophenetic(test))->mpd_ses
# #净相关指数nri,>0聚集,<0发散
# mpd_ses%>%mutate(nri=-1*(mpd.obs-mpd.rand.mean)/>%select(nri)
# #nti类似nri
# #mnpd最近谱系距离均值
# mntd(samp,cophenetic(test))
# ses.mntd(samp,cophenetic(test))->mnpd_ses
# mnpd_ses%>%mutate(nti=-1*(mntd.obs-mntd.rand.mean)/>%select(nti)
# #beta-mpd
# comdist(samp,cophenetic(test))
# #beta-mntd
# comdistnt(samp,cophenetic(test))
# #pcd
# picante::pcd(samp,test)
# #phylosor
# picante::phylosor(samp,test)
# picante::psd(samp,test)
# picante::raoD(samp,test)
# picante::unifrac(samp,test)
# }
# z_diversity==========
#' Calculate Zeta Diversity with Distance
#' This function calculates Zeta diversity for each group in the provided otutab.
#' @param otutab A matrix or data frame containing OTU (Operational Taxonomic Unit) counts.
#' @param group_df A data frame containing group information.
#' @param zetadiv_params Additional parameters to be passed to the Zeta.ddecay function from the zetadiv package.
#' @param xy_df Site coordinates.
#' @return zeta_decay
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("zetadiv")) {
#' data(otutab, package = "pcutils")
#' zeta_decay_result <- z_diversity_decay(otutab, metadata[, c("lat", "long")],
#' metadata["Group"],
#' zetadiv_params = list(sam = 10)
#' )
#' plot(zeta_decay_result)
#' }
z_diversity_decay <- function(otutab, xy_df, group_df = NULL, zetadiv_params = list()) {
lib_ps("zetadiv", library = FALSE)
if (is.null(group_df)) {
group_df <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(otutab), Group = rep("all", ncol(otutab)), check.names = FALSE)
zeta_decay <- list()
for (i in unique(group_df[, 1, drop = TRUE])) {
tmp_df <- pcutils::trans(pcutils::t2(otutab[, rownames(group_df)[group_df[, 1, drop = TRUE] == i]]), "pa")
tmp_xy_df <- xy_df[rownames(group_df)[group_df[, 1, drop = TRUE] == i], ]
tmp_zeta <-
xy = tmp_xy_df, data.spec = tmp_df, sam = 100, order = 3,
method.glm = "glm.fit2", confint.level = 0.95,
normalize = "Jaccard", plot = FALSE
), zetadiv_params)
zeta_decay[[i]] <- tmp_zeta
class(zeta_decay) <- "zeta_decay"
#' Plot Zeta Diversity with Distance Results
#' @param x Zeta diversity results obtained from z_diversity_decay function.
#' @param ribbon Logical, whether to add a ribbon to the plot for standard deviation.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to ggplot2 functions.
#' @return A ggplot object.
#' @exportS3Method
#' @method plot zeta_decay
#' @rdname z_diversity_decay
plot.zeta_decay <- function(x, ribbon = TRUE, ...) {
zeta_decay <- x
plot_df <- data.frame()
distance <- zeta_val <- Group <- fit <- NULL
for (i in names(zeta_decay)) {
zeta.bird2 <- zeta_decay[[i]]
# Predictions
preds <- stats::predict(zeta.bird2$reg,
newdata = data.frame(distance.reg = sort(zeta.bird2$distance)),
type = "link", = TRUE
critval <- 1.96
# Create a data frame for ggplot
plot_data <- data.frame(
Group = i,
distance = sort(zeta.bird2$distance),
zeta_val = zeta.bird2$zeta.val,
fit = preds$fit,
sd = (critval * preds$
plot_df <- rbind(plot_df, plot_data)
# Plot with ggplot2
p <- ggplot(plot_df, aes(x = distance, y = zeta_val, color = Group)) +
geom_point(shape = 16) +
geom_line(aes(y = fit)) +
labs(x = "Distance", y = paste0("Zeta diversity (Order ", zeta_decay[[1]]$order, ")"))
if (ribbon) {
p <- p +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = fit - sd, ymax = fit + sd, group = Group),
color = NA, fill = "grey", alpha = 0.5
#' Calculate Zeta Diversity
#' This function calculates Zeta diversity for each group in the provided otutab.
#' @param otutab A matrix or data frame containing OTU (Operational Taxonomic Unit) counts.
#' @param group_df A data frame containing group information.
#' @param zetadiv_params Additional parameters to be passed to the function from the zetadiv package.
#' @return zeta_res
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("zetadiv")) {
#' data(otutab, package = "pcutils")
#' zeta_result <- z_diversity(otutab, metadata["Group"], zetadiv_params = list(sam = 10))
#' plot(zeta_result, lm_model = "exp", text = TRUE)
#' }
z_diversity <- function(otutab, group_df = NULL, zetadiv_params = list()) {
lib_ps("zetadiv", library = FALSE)
if (is.null(group_df)) {
group_df <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(otutab), Group = rep("all", ncol(otutab)), check.names = FALSE)
zeta_res <- list()
for (i in unique(group_df[, 1, drop = TRUE])) {
tmp_df <- pcutils::trans(pcutils::t2(otutab[, rownames(group_df)[group_df[, 1, drop = TRUE] == i]]), "pa")
tmp_zeta <-,
data.spec = tmp_df, orders = 1:5,
sam = 100, normalize = "Jaccard", plot = FALSE, silent = TRUE
), zetadiv_params)
zeta_res[[i]] <- tmp_zeta
class(zeta_res) <- "zeta_res"
#' Plot Zeta Diversity Results
#' This function plots the Zeta diversity results obtained from the z_diversity function.
#' @param x Zeta diversity results obtained from z_diversity function.
#' @param lm_model The linear model to be used for fitting ('exp' or 'pl').
#' @param ribbon Logical, whether to add a ribbon to the plot for standard deviation.
#' @param text Logical, whether to add R-squared and p-value text annotations.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to ggplot2 functions.
#' @return A ggplot object.
#' @exportS3Method
#' @method plot zeta_res
#' @rdname z_diversity
plot.zeta_res <- function(x, lm_model = c("exp", "pl")[1], ribbon = FALSE, text = TRUE, ...) {
zeta_res <- x
plot_df <- data.frame()
p_df <- data.frame()
`Zeta order` <- `Zeta diversity` <- Group <- V1 <- V2 <- r2 <- NULL
for (i in names(zeta_res)) {
zeta.bird2 <- zeta_res[[i]]
plot_df <- rbind(plot_df, data.frame(
"Group" = i, "Zeta order" = zeta.bird2$zeta.order,
"Zeta diversity" = zeta.bird2$zeta.val,
"sd" = zeta.bird2$,
check.names = FALSE
if (lm_model == "exp") {
tmp_lm <- (zeta.bird2$zeta.exp)
} else {
tmp_lm <- (zeta.bird2$
p_df <- rbind(p_df, data.frame(
"Group" = i,
r2 = round(summary(tmp_lm)$r.squared, 4),
p = round(anova(tmp_lm)$`Pr(>F)`[1], 4)
p <- ggplot(plot_df, aes(x = `Zeta order`, y = `Zeta diversity`, col = Group)) +
geom_point() +
if (ribbon) {
p <- p + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = `Zeta diversity` - sd, ymax = `Zeta diversity` + sd, group = Group),
color = NA, fill = "grey", alpha = 0.5
lims <- pcutils::ggplot_lim(p)
p_coor <- pcutils::generate_labels(names(zeta_res), input = c(0.8 * lims$x[2], lims$y[2]), ncols = 1, y_offset = diff(lims$y) * 0.1) %>%
p_df <- cbind(p_df, p_coor)
if (text) {
p <- p +
geom_text(data = p_df, aes(x = V1, y = V2, label = paste0("R2= ", r2, "; p= ", p)), show.legend = FALSE)
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