# File Checked
#' @name filterLargeVCF
#' @title Pre-process of Large VCF File(s)
#' @description
#' Filter/extract one or multiple gene(s)/range(s) from a large
#' `*.vcf/*.vcf.gz` file.
#' @usage
#' filterLargeVCF(VCFin = VCFin, VCFout = VCFout,
#' Chr = Chr,
#' POS = NULL,
#' start = start,
#' end = end,
#' override = TRUE)
#' @param VCFin Path of input `*.vcf/*.vcf.gz` file.
#' @param VCFout Path(s) of output `*.vcf/*.vcf.gz` file.
#' @param Chr a single CHROM name or CHROM names vector.
#' @param POS,start,end provide the range should be extract from orignal vcf.
#' `POS`: a vector consist with start and end position or a list
#' with length equal to `Chr`, eg.: `list(c(1,200), c(300,500), c(300,400))`
#' indicates 3 ranges (1~200, 300~500 and 300~400).
#' if `POS` is `NULL`, `start` and `end` are needed, eg.:
#' `start = c(1, 30)` and `end = c(200, 150)` indicates 2 ranges
#' (1~200 and 30~150)
#' @param override whether override existed file or not, default as `TRUE`.
#' @details
#' This package import VCF files with 'vcfR' which is more efficient to
#' import/manipulate VCF files in 'R'. However, import a large VCF file is time and
#' memory consuming. It's suggested that filter/extract variants in target
#' range with `filterLargeVCF()`.
#' When filter/extract multi genes/ranges, the parameter of `Chr` and `POS`
#' must have equal length. Results will save to a single file if the user
#' provide a single file path or save to multiple VCF file(s) when a equal length
#' vector consist with file paths is provided.
#' However, if you have hundreds gene/ranges need to extract from very
#' large VCF file(s), it's prefer to process with other linux tools in a script
#' on server, such as: 'vcftools' and 'bcftools'.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # The filteration of small vcf should be done with `filter_vcf()`.
#' # however, here, we use a mini vcf instead just for example and test.
#' vcfPath <- system.file("extdata", "var.vcf.gz", package = "geneHapR")
#' oldDir <- getwd()
#' temp_dir <- tempdir()
#' if(! dir.exists(temp_dir))
#' dir.create(temp_dir)
#' setwd(temp_dir)
#' # extract a single gene/range from large vcf
#' filterLargeVCF(VCFin = vcfPath, VCFout = "filtered.vcf.gz",
#' Chr = "scaffold_1", POS = c(4300,5000), override = TRUE)
#' # extract multi genes/ranges from large vcf
#' filterLargeVCF(VCFin = vcfPath,
#' VCFout = c("filtered1.vcf.gz",
#' "filtered2.vcf.gz",
#' "filtered3.vcf.gz"),
#' Chr = rep("scaffold_1", 3),
#' POS = list(c(4300, 5000),
#' c(5000, 6000),
#' c(5000, 7000)),
#' override = TRUE)
#' setwd(oldDir)
#' }
#' @return No return value
#' @export
filterLargeVCF <- function(VCFin = VCFin,
VCFout = VCFout,
Chr = Chr,
start = start,
end = end,
override = TRUE)
if (missing(Chr))
stop("Chr is missing")
if (is.null(POS) && (missing(start) | missing(end)))
stop("POS is null, please provide start(s) and end(s)")
if (!file.exists(VCFin))
stop("Can't find ", VCFin, ", please check input")
if (!override)
if (TRUE %in% file.exists(VCFout))
stop(paste(VCFout[file.exists(VCFout)], collapse = " "),
" existed, please check 'VCFout'")
if(length(start) != length(end) | length(start) != length(POS))
stop("length of 'POS', 'start', 'end' should be equal")
if(!is.numeric(start) | !is.numeric(end))
stop("'start' and 'end' should be numeric")
if(length(Chr) == 1) POS <- c(start, end) else{
POS <- list()
for(i in seq_len(length(start))) POS <- c(POS, c(start[i], end[i]))
} else {
if (length(Chr) == 1)
if (length(POS) != 2 | !is.numeric(POS)) {
stop("'POS' should be interger vector consist with start and end position")
if (!is.numeric(POS))
stop("'POS' should be a numeric vector")
if (length(Chr) > 1)
if (length(POS) != length(Chr) | ! inherits(POS,"list"))
stop("'POS' should be a list have length equal with 'Chr'")
# number of conditions and file paths
nCond <- length(Chr)
if (nCond == 1) {
VCFin = VCFin,
VCFout = VCFout,
Chr = Chr,
override = override
} else if (nCond > 1) {
if (length(VCFout) != nCond)
stop("length of 'VCFout' should be equal with 'Chr' and 'POS'")
VCFin = VCFin,
VCFout = VCFout,
Chr = Chr,
override = override
filterLargeVCF_One <- function(VCFin = VCFin,
VCFout = VCFout,
Chr = Chr,
override = override) {
start <- min(POS)
end <- max(POS)
t0 <- proc.time()
# set gz
if (endsWith(VCFin, "gz"))
iz <- gzcon(file(VCFin, "rb"))
if (endsWith(VCFin, "vcf"))
iz <- file(VCFin, "rb")
stop("Input should with surfix 'vcf' or '.vcf.gz'")
if (endsWith(VCFout, "gz"))
oz <- gzcon(file(VCFout, "wb"))
if (endsWith(VCFout, "vcf"))
oz <- file(VCFout, "wb")
stop("Output should with surfix 'vcf' or '.vcf.gz'")
on.exit(close(oz), add = TRUE)
nl <- 0
# process meta information
message("Processing meta information")
while (TRUE) {
l <- readLines(iz, n = 1)
if (substr(l, 1, 1) != "#")
writeLines(l, con = oz)
nl <- nl + 1
# process variant information
subn <- nchar(Chr) + nchar(max(POS)) + 3
total <- 0
while (TRUE) {
if (length(l) == 0)
if (nl %% 1e4 == 0)
message("Processed ", nl, " lines,", " used ", proc.time() - t0, )
lc <- unlist(strsplit(substr(l, 1, subn), split = "\t"))
Chrl <- lc[1]
POSl <- as.numeric(lc[2])
if (Chrl == Chr & POSl >= start & POSl <= end){
writeLines(l, con = oz)
total <- total + 1
l <- readLines(iz, n = 1)
nl <- nl + 1
message("Processed ", nl, " lines. \n",
total, " variants remained.\nExit")
filterLargeVCF_Multi <- function(VCFin = VCFin,
VCFout = VCFout,
Chr = Chr,
override = override) {
nC <- length(Chr)
nF <- length(VCFout)
if (nC != nF)
stop("Length of 'Chr'is not equal to 'VCFout'")
# set conditions
for (i in seq_len(nC)) {
assign(paste0("start", i), min(POS[[i]]))
assign(paste0("end", i), max(POS[[i]]))
assign(paste0("Chr", i), min(Chr[i]))
t0 <- proc.time()
# set gzcon
if (endsWith(VCFin, "gz"))
iz <- gzcon(file(VCFin, "rb"))
if (endsWith(VCFin, "vcf"))
iz <- file(VCFin, "rb")
stop("Input should with surfix 'vcf' or '.vcf.gz'")
for (i in seq_len(nF)) {
if (endsWith(VCFout[i], ".gz")) {
assign(paste0("oz", i), gzcon(file(VCFout[i], "wb")))
} else if (endsWith(VCFout[i], ".vcf")) {
assign(paste0("oz", i), file(VCFout[i], "wb"))
} else {
stop("Output should with surfix 'vcf' or '.vcf.gz'")
on.exit(expr = for (i in seq_len(nF)) close(get(paste0("oz", i))),
add = TRUE)
# init number of rows
nl <- 0
# process meta information
message("Processing meta information")
while (TRUE) {
l <- readLines(iz, n = 1)
if (substr(l, 1, 1) != "#")
# save lines
for (i in seq_len(nF))
writeLines(l, con = get(paste0("oz", i)))
nl <- nl + 1
# process variant information
subn <- nchar(Chr) + nchar(max(unlist(POS))) + 3
total <- rep(0, nC)
while (TRUE) {
if (length(l) == 0)
if (nl %% 1e4 == 0)
message("Processed ", nl, " lines,", " used ", proc.time() - t0)
lc <- unlist(strsplit(substr(l, 1, subn), split = "\t"))
Chrl <- lc[1]
POSl <- as.numeric(lc[2])
# save lines
for (i in seq_len(nF)) {
if (Chrl == get(paste0("Chr", i)) &
POSl >= get(paste0("start", i)) &
POSl <= get(paste0("end", i))){
writeLines(l, con = get(paste0("oz", i)))
total[i] <- total[i] + 1
l <- readLines(iz, n = 1)
nl <- nl + 1
# close con
message("Processed ", nl, " lines.")
for (i in seq_len(nF)) {
message(total[i], " variants remained in ", VCFout[i])
# File Checked
#' @name
#' @title Pre-process of Large VCF File(s)
#' @description
#' Filter/extract one or multiple gene(s)/range(s) from a large
#' `` file.
#' @param root The file name without suffix. This function only support file
#' format stored in "map" and "ped" format, the file names after removed suffix
#' should be same with each other.
#' @param rootOut Path(s) of output `` file stored in "ped&map" format.
#' @param Chr a single CHROM name or CHROM names vector.
#' @param POS,start,end provide the chromosome name should be extract from orignal dataset.
#' `POS`: a vector consist with start and end position, eg.: `c(1,200)`
#' indicates 3 ranges (1~200, 300~500 and 300~400).
#' if `POS` is `NULL`, `start` and `end` are needed.
#' @param override whether override existed file or not, default as `TRUE`.
#' @param sep a character indicate the separation of map and ped file, default is `\t`.
#' @details
#' This package import files. However, import a large file is time and
#' memory consuming. It's suggested that extract variants in target
#' range with `` before identification of haplotype.
#' When filter/extract multi genes/ranges, the parameter of `Chr` and `POS`
#' must have equal length. Results will save to a single file if the user
#' provide a single file path or save to multiple file(s) when a equal length
#' vector consist with file paths is provided.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # The filteration of of regular size should be done with `filter_plink.pedmap()`.
#' # however, here, we use a mini vcf instead just for example and test
#' pedfile <- system.file("extdata",
#' "snp3kvars-CHR8-25947258-25951166-plink.ped",
#' package = "geneHapR")
#' mapfile <- system.file("extdata",
#' "",
#' package = "geneHapR")
#' oldDir <- getwd()
#' temp_dir <- tempdir()
#' if(! dir.exists(temp_dir))
#' dir.create(temp_dir)
#' setwd(temp_dir)
#' file.copy(pedfile, "test.ped")
#' file.copy(mapfile, "")
#' # extract a single gene/range from large vcf
#' = "test",
#' rootOut = "filtered_test",
#' Chr = "scaffold_1", POS = c(4300,5000), override = TRUE)
#' setwd(oldDir)
#' # delete temp_dir
#' unlink(temp_dir, recursive = TRUE)
#' }
#' @return No return value
#' @export <- function(root, rootOut = rootOut,
Chr = Chr,
start = start,
end = end,
override = TRUE,
sep = "\t")
if (missing(Chr))
stop("Chr is missing")
if (is.null(POS) && (missing(start) | missing(end)))
stop("POS is null, please provide start(s) and end(s)")
if (!file.exists(paste0(root, ".ped")))
stop("Can't find '", root, ".ped', please check input")
if (!file.exists(paste0(root, ".map")))
stop("Can't find '", root, ".map', please check input")
if (!override)
if (TRUE %in% file.exists(rootOut))
stop("One of '",
paste(rootOut[file.exists(rootOut)], collapse = "', '"),
"' existed, please check 'rootOut'")
if(length(start) != length(end) | length(start) != length(POS))
stop("length of 'POS', 'start', 'end' should be equal")
if(!is.numeric(start) | !is.numeric(end))
stop("'start' and 'end' should be numeric")
if(length(Chr) == 1) POS <- c(start, end) else{
POS <- list()
for(i in seq_len(length(start))) POS <- c(POS, c(start[i], end[i]))
} else {
if (length(Chr) == 1)
if (length(POS) != 2 | !is.numeric(POS)) {
stop("'POS' should be interger vector consist with start and end position")
if (!is.numeric(POS))
stop("'POS' should be a numeric vector")
if (length(Chr) > 1)
if (length(POS) != length(Chr) | ! inherits(POS,"list"))
stop("'POS' should be a list have length equal with 'Chr'")
# set input file name
# map file name
if (file.exists(paste0(root, ".map"))){
mapFile <- paste0(root, ".map")
} else if (file.exists(paste0(root, ".Map"))){
mapFile <- paste0(root, ".Map")
} else if (file.exists(paste0(root, ".MAP"))) {
mapFile <- paste0(root, ".MAP")
} else stop("Input should with surfix 'map'")
# ped file name
if (file.exists(paste0(root, ".ped"))) {
pedFile <- paste0(root, ".ped")
} else
if (file.exists(paste0(root, ".Ped"))) {
pedFile <- paste0(root, ".Ped")
} else
if (file.exists(paste0(root, ".PED"))) {
pedFile <- paste0(root, ".PED")
} else
stop("Input should with surfix 'PED'")
# number of conditions and file paths
nCond <- length(Chr)
if (nCond == 1) {
mapFile = mapFile,
pedFile = pedFile,
rootOut = rootOut,
Chr = Chr,
override = override,
sep = sep
# else if (nCond > 1) {
# if (length(VCFout) != nCond)
# stop("length of 'VCFout' should be equal with 'Chr' and 'POS'")
# filterLargeVCF_Multi(
# mapFile = mapFile,
# pedFile = pedFile,
# rootOut = rootOut,
# Chr = Chr,
# POS = POS,
# override = override,
# sep = sep
# )
# }
filterLargeP.link_One <- function(mapFile = mapFile,
pedFile = pedFile,
rootOut = rootOut,
Chr = Chr,
override = override,
sep = sep)
start <- min(POS)
end <- max(POS)
t0 <- Sys.time() <- file(mapFile, "rb")
iz.ped <- file(pedFile, "rb")
on.exit(close(, add = TRUE)
on.exit(close(iz.ped), add = TRUE)
oz.ped <- file(paste0(rootOut, ".ped"), "wb")
on.exit(close(oz.ped), add = TRUE)
# process map
map <- read.table(file = mapFile, header = FALSE, sep = sep)
probe <- rep(TRUE, nrow(map))
probe <- probe & map[,1] %in% Chr
probe <- probe & map[,4] >= start
probe <- probe & map[,4] <= end
probe <- which(probe)
map <- map[probe, ]
write.table(map, file = paste0(rootOut, ".map"), sep = sep,
col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
# process variant information (ped file)
nl <- 0
probe_ped <- c(1:6, probe * 2 + 6, probe * 2 + 5)
probe_ped <- probe_ped[order(probe_ped)]
l <- readLines(iz.ped, n = 1)
while (TRUE) {
if (length(l) == 0)
if (nl %% 1e4 == 0)
message("Processed ", nl, " lines,", " used ", Sys.time() - t0)
lc <- unlist(strsplit(l, split = sep))
lc <- lc[probe_ped]
writeLines(l, con = oz.ped)
l <- readLines(iz.ped, n = 1)
nl <- nl + 1
cat("Processed ", nl, " lines. \nExit")
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