#' @name import_vcf
#' @title Import VCF from File
#' @author Zhangrenl
#' @usage import_vcf(file = file, ...)
#' @description import *.vcf structured text format,
#' as well as the compressed `*.vcf.gz` format.
#' @examples
#' vcfPath <- system.file("extdata", "var.vcf.gz", package = "geneHapR")
#' vcf <- import_vcf(file = vcfPath)
#' vcf
#' @importFrom vcfR read.vcfR
#' @param file file path of VCF file
#' @param ... pass to `vcfR::read.vcfR()`
#' @usage import_vcf(file = file, ...)
#' @export
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[vcfR:read.vcfR]{vcfR::read.vcfR()}}
#' @return vcfR object
import_vcf <- function(file = file, ...) {
vcf <- vcfR::read.vcfR(file, ...)
#' @title import_plink.pedmap
#' @name import_plink.pedmap
#' @description used for import regular file stored in map and ped format
#' @param root The file name without suffix. This function only support file
#' format stored in "map" and "ped" format, the file names after removed suffix
#' should be same with each other.
#' @param sep_ped a character indicate the separation of ped file
#' @param sep_map a character indicate the separation of map file
#' @param pedfile,mapfile if `root` is missing then `pedfile` and `mapfile` are needed
#' @return list, contains map information stored in data.frame and ped
#' information stored in data.frame
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @usage
#' import_plink.pedmap(root = root,
#' sep_ped = "\t", sep_map = "\t",
#' pedfile = pedfile, mapfile = mapfile)
#' @inherit plink.pedmap2hap examples
#' @export
import_plink.pedmap <- function(root = root,
sep_ped = "\t", sep_map = "\t",
pedfile = pedfile, mapfile = mapfile){
pedfile <- paste0(root, ".ped")
mapfile <- paste0(root, ".map")
ped <- read.table(file <- pedfile, sep = sep_ped, # nrows = 100,
header = FALSE)
map <- read.table(file = mapfile, header = FALSE, sep = sep_map)
if((ncol(ped) - 6) / nrow(map) != 2)
warning("ped or map file may corrupted")
return(list(map = map, ped = ped))
#' @name import_AccINFO
#' @title Import Accession Information from File
#' @usage
#' import_AccINFO(file, comment.char = "#",
#' check.names = FALSE, row.names = 1, ...)
#' @description import accession information including phenotype data,
#' accession group, location from a tab delimed table file
#' @details
#' First column should be Accessions;
#' phenos/accession information should begin from second column,
#' phenoName/group/locations should located at the first row,
#' If a dot '.' is located in pheno name, then
#' the part before the dot will be set as y axis name
#' and the latter will be set as foot when plot figures.
#' @examples
#' oldDir <- getwd()
#' temp_dir <- tempdir()
#' if(! dir.exists(temp_dir))
#' dir.create(temp_dir)
#' setwd(temp_dir)
#' data("geneHapR_test")
#' write.table(pheno, file = "test.pheno.txt", sep = "\t")
#' pheno <- import_AccINFO("test.pheno.txt")
#' pheno
#' setwd(oldDir)
#' @importFrom utils read.delim
#' @param file file path, this file should be a tab delimed table
#' @inheritParams utils::read.delim
#' @export
#' @return data.frame, Accession names were set as rownames and columns were
#' named by pheno/info names
import_AccINFO <- function(file, comment.char = "#",
check.names = FALSE, row.names = 1, ...) {
phenos <- utils::read.delim(
check.names = check.names,
row.names = row.names,
comment.char = comment.char,
#' @name import_gff
#' @title Import Annotations from GFF Format File
#' @description import genome annotations in GFF/GFF3 format
#' @usage import_gff(gffFile, format = "gff")
#' @examples
#' gff.Path <- system.file("extdata", "annotation.gff", package = "geneHapR")
#' gff <- import_gff(gff.Path, format = "gff")
#' gff
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import
#' @param gffFile the gff file path
#' @param format should be one of "gff", "gff1", "gff2", "gff3", "gvf",
#' or "gtf". Default as gff
#' @export
#' @return GRange object
import_gff <- function(gffFile, format = "gff") {
gff <- rtracklayer::import(gffFile, format = format)
gff$Parent <- lapply(gff$Parent,
function(x) if(identical(x, character(0))) "" else x)
gff$Parent <- unlist(gff$Parent)
#' @name import_bed
#' @title import annotation files in BED format
#' @description import bed files contains annotations into R as GRanges object
#' @details
#' If there is no genome annotation file in GFF format for your interest species,
#' a BED file is convenient to custom a simple annotation file for a gene.
#' Here we suggest two type of BED format: BED6 and BED4.
#' As the definition of
#' [UCSC](
#' The BED6 contains 6 columns, which are 1) chrom, 2) chromStart, 3) chromEnd,
#' 4) name, 5) score and 6) strand. The BED4 format contains the first 4 column
#' of BED6 format.
#' However, in gene haplotype statistics, we only care about the type of each site.
#' Thus we use the fourth column to definition the
#' transcripts name and "CDS" or "URTs", separated by a space, eg.:
#' \code{Chr8 678 890 HD1.1 CDS . -}
#' \code{Chr8 891 989 HD1.1 five_prime_UTR . -}
#' \code{Chr8 668 759 HD1.2 CDS . -}
#' \code{Chr8 908 989 HD1.2 CDS . -}
#' This example indicate a small gene named as HD1 have two transcripts,
#' named as HD1.1 and HD1.2, separately. HD1 has a CDS and a UTR region;
#' while HD1.2 has two CDS region.
#' @inheritParams rtracklayer::import.bed
#' @param quite whether show message
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import.bed
#' @importFrom stringr str_count
#' @usage
#' import_bed(con, quite = FALSE)
#' @examples
#' bed.Path <- system.file("extdata", "annotation.bed6", package = "geneHapR")
#' bed <- import_bed(bed.Path)
#' bed
#' @return GRange object
#' @export
import_bed <- function(con, quite = FALSE){
bed <- rtracklayer::import.bed(con)
if(length(bed) == 0) stop("the bed file seems has no annotations")
probe <- stringr::str_count(bed$name, " ") %>% unique()
m <- "the fourth column should contains transcript name and region type, seprated by a space"
if(length(probe) != 1) {
} else {
if(probe != 1) stop(m)
cat("Please note that:")
cat(" this function was only intend to import customed annotations\n")
cat(" in BED4/BED6 format for haplotype statistics")
name <- sapply(bed$name, function(x) strsplit(x, " ")[[1]][1]) %>% unlist()
type <- sapply(bed$name, function(x) strsplit(x, " ")[[1]][2]) %>% unlist()
bed$Parent <- bed$Name <- name
bed$type <- type
gff <- bed
gff$Parent <- lapply(gff$Parent,
function(x) if(identical(x, character(0))) "" else x)
gff$Parent <- unlist(gff$Parent)
#' @name import_seqs
#' @title Import Sequences
#' @description import DNA sequences in FASTA format
#' @usage import_seqs(filepath, format = "fasta")
#' @examples
#' seqPath <- system.file("extdata", "seqs.fa", package = "geneHapR")
#' geneSeqs <- import_seqs(filepath = seqPath, format = "fasta")
#' @param filepath A character vector containing the path to the DNA sequences file.
#' Reading files in gzip format (which usually have the '.gz' extension) is
#' supported.
#' *Note* that only DNA supported here.
#' @param format Either "fasta" (the default) or "fastq"
#' @return object of DNAStringSet class
#' @export
import_seqs <- function(filepath, format = "fasta") {
Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(filepath = filepath, format = format)
#' @name import_MultipleAlignment
#' @title Import MultipleAlignment Result
#' @description import sequences algned results
#' @usage import_MultipleAlignment(filepath, format = "fasta", type = "DNA")
#' @examples
#' aliSeqPath <- system.file("extdata", "seqs.fa", package = "geneHapR")
#' geneSeqs <- import_MultipleAlignment(filepath = aliSeqPath,
#' format = "fasta",
#' type = "DNA")
#' geneSeqs <- import_MultipleAlignment(filepath = aliSeqPath,
#' format = "fasta",
#' type = "Protein")
#' @param type one of "DNA" and "Protein"
#' @inheritParams Biostrings::readDNAMultipleAlignment
#' @return object of DNAMultipleAlignment
#' @export
import_MultipleAlignment <- function(filepath,
format = "fasta",
type = "DNA") {
type <- toupper(type)
if (type == "DNA") {
Biostrings::readDNAMultipleAlignment(filepath = filepath,
format = format)
} else if (type == "PROTEIN") {
Biostrings::readAAMultipleAlignment(filepath = filepath,
format = format)
} else if (type == "RNA") {
Biostrings::readRNAMultipleAlignment(filepath = filepath,
format = format)
} else
stop("type must be one of 'DNA' and 'Protein'")
#' @name import_hap
#' @title Import hapResult/hapSummary
#' @description
#' This function could be used for import hap result or hap summary result.
#' The type of returned object is decided by input file, see details.
#' @details
#' The hap result and hap summary result have common features.
#' The common features of these two types are:
#' First four rows contains extra information: CHR, POS, INFO and ALLELE
#' Hap names were in the first column.
#' The differences are:
#' Hap summary result have a freq column while hap result not.
#' Rows represent haplotypes in hap summary result, while rows represent accessions in hap result.
#' In addtion, the accessions of each haplotype in hap summary result were separated by ";".
#' @examples
#' oldDir <- getwd()
#' temp_dir <- tempdir()
#' if(! dir.exists(temp_dir))
#' dir.create(temp_dir)
#' setwd(temp_dir)
#' data("geneHapR_test")
#' write.hap(hapResult, file = "test.pheno.txt", sep = "\t")
#' hap <- import_hap("test.pheno.txt")
#' hap
#' setwd(oldDir)
#' @param file hapSummary or hapResult file path.
#' @param type file type, if not auto, should be one of hapSummary or hapResult
#' @param type the content type of imported file, should be one of c("hapResult", "hapSummary")
#' @param ... extras will pass to `read.delim()`
#' @export
#' @return hapSummary or hapResult
import_hap <- function(file, type = "auto", ...) {
hap <- read.delim(file, header = F, ...)
# check rows format
if (nrow(hap) == 5)
warning("There is only one haplotype?")
if (nrow(hap) < 5)
stop("Please check your input file.")
# set data class
if (tolower(type) == "auto"){
cfreq <- where_('freq', hap, 'c')
cAccession <- where_('Accession', hap, 'c')
if(cfreq == -1){
if(cAccession == -1){
stop("Accession and freq column wasn't found")
} else {
class(hap) <- c("hapResult", "data.frame")
hap <- hap[,seq_len(cAccession)]
} else {
if(cAccession == -1){
stop("Accession column wasn't found")
} else {
class(hap) <- c("hapSummary", "data.frame")
} else if (tolower(type == "hapsummary")){
class(hap) <- c("hapSummary", "data.frame")
} else if (tolower(type == "hapresult")){
class(hap) <- c("hapResult", "data.frame")
} else stop("type should be one of 'auto', 'hapSummary', 'hapResult'")
# get POS
POS <-
suppressWarnings(as.numeric(hap[hap[, 1] == "POS", ]))
if (length(na.omit(POS)) == 1) {
warning("There is only one loci?")
} else {
if (length(na.omit(POS)) < 1)
stop("Please check your input file")
# if([length(POS)]) &[length(POS) - 1])){
# # the last two vectors were not numeric
# # hapSummary exported by old version
# class(hap) <- c("hapSummary", "data.frame")
# } else if([length(POS)]) & ![length(POS) - 1])){
# # the last one of POS is NA and the next to last is numeric
# # hapResult
# class(hap) <- c("hapResult", "data.frame")
# } else if(![length(POS)]) &[length(POS) - 1])){
# # the last one of POS is numeric and the next to last is na
# # hapSummary exported by new version
# class(hap) <- c("hapSummary", "data.frame")
# } else {
# stop("")
# }
# set column names
POS[1] <- "Hap"
if(inherits(hap, "hapSummary")) {
POS[(length(POS) - 1) : length(POS)] <- c("Accession", "freq")
hap[1:4, ncol(hap)] <- NA
hap[1:4, ncol(hap) - 1] <- ""
if(inherits(hap, "hapResult")) {
POS[length(POS)] <- c("Accession")
hap[1:4, ncol(hap)] <- ""
# set colnames
colnames(hap) <- POS
# set attr options
if(inherits(hap, "hapResult")){
accAll <- hap$Accession
attr(hap, "AccAll") <- accAll
hap2acc <- hap$Accession[-c(1:4)]
names(hap2acc) <- hap$Hap[-c(1:4)]
attr(hap, "hap2acc") <- hap2acc
attr(hap, "freq") <- table(hap$Hap[-c(1:4)])
} else {
accAll <- c()
for(i in seq_len(nrow(hap))){
if(i <= 4) next
accAlli <- strsplit(hap$Accession[i], ";") %>% unlist()
names(accAlli) <- rep(hap$Hap[i], length(accAlli))
accAll <- c(accAll, accAlli)
attr(hap, "hap2acc") <- accAll
names(accAll) <- NULL
attr(hap, "AccRemain") <- attr(hap, "AccAll") <- accAll
attr(hap, "freq") <- hap$freq[-c(1:4)]
attr(hap, "options") <- c(Source = "Read from file")
#' @title Save Haplotype Results to Disk
#' @name write.hap
#' @description
#' This function will write hap result into a txt file.
#' @inherit import_hap details
#' @examples
#' oriDir <- getwd()
#' temp_dir <- tempdir()
#' if(! dir.exists(temp_dir))
#' dir.create(temp_dir)
#' setwd(temp_dir)
#' data("geneHapR_test")
#' write.hap(hapResult, file = "hapResult.txt")
#' setwd(oriDir)
#' @param x objec of hapResult or hapSummary class
#' @param file file path, where to save the hap result/summary
#' @param sep the field separator string. Values within each row of x are separated by this string.
#' Default as "`\t`"
#' @param pheno,phenoName the phenotype data.frame, only used for export hapResult object.
#' @return No return value
#' @export write.hap
write.hap <- function(x, file = file, sep = "\t", pheno = pheno, phenoName = phenoName) {
# add Summaries
hap2acc <- attr(x, "hap2acc")
haps <- names(hap2acc) %>% unique() %>% length()
if(inherits(x, "hapResult")){
x$Accession[1] <- paste0("Haplotypes: ", haps)
x$Accession[2] <- paste0("Individuals: ", length(hap2acc))
x$Accession[3] <- paste0("Variants: ", ncol(x) - 2)
x$Accession[4] <- "Accession"
# add phenotype
if(! missing(pheno)){
if("INFO" %in% row.names(pheno))
stop("There is a sample named as 'INFO', which is a reserved word")
if("CHR" %in% row.names(pheno))
stop("There is a sample named as 'CHR', which is a reserved word")
if("POS" %in% row.names(pheno))
stop("There is a sample named as 'POS', which is a reserved word")
if("ALLELE" %in% row.names(pheno))
stop("There is a sample named as 'ALLELE', which is a reserved word")
if(! missing(phenoName)){
if(! phenoName %in% names(pheno))
stop("'", phenoName, "' was not found in `pheno`")
x <- cbind(x, pheno[row.names(x), phenoName])
x <- cbind(x, pheno[row.names(x), ])
if(inherits(x, "hapSummary")){
x$Accession[1] <- "Haplotypes: "
x$freq[1] <- haps
x$Accession[2] <- "Individuals: "
x$freq[2] <- length(hap2acc)
x$Accession[3] <- "Variants: "
x$freq[3] <- ncol(x) - 3
x$Accession[4] <- "Accession"
x$freq[4] <- "freq"
nc <- ncol(x)
nm <- names(x)
# if ("Accession" %in% nm)
# x[1, nm == "Accession"] <- "Accession"
# if ("freq" %in% nm)
# x[1, nm == "freq"] <- "freq"
file = file,
sep = "",
append = FALSE)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
as.matrix(x[i, ]),
file = file,
sep = c(, nc - 1), "\n"),
append = TRUE
# find the position of `x` from m,
# t: r, return the row number
# t: c, return the column number
# if not found, return -1
where_ <- function(x, m, t = 'r'){
m <- as.matrix(m)
p <- x == m
p[] <- FALSE
switch (t,
'r' = which(p) %% nrow(m),
'c' = which(p) %/% nrow(m) + 1
} else {
#' @importFrom tidyr `%>%` unite pivot_wider matches chop
#' @importFrom IRanges `%over%`
`%>%` <- tidyr::`%>%`
`%over%` <- IRanges::`%over%`
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