# Functions for formatted output.
#' View the Input Primers.
#' Creates a formatted primers table.
#' @param primer.df A \code{Primers} object.
#' @param mode.directionality The direction of the primers.
#' @param for.shiny Whether output is intended for Shiny.
#' @return A formatted primer table.
#' @keywords internal
view.input.primers <- function(primer.df, mode.directionality, for.shiny = TRUE) {
if (nrow(primer.df) == 0 || length(primer.df) == 0) {
view.df <- asS3(primer.df) # modifying columns here -> cannot guarantee object validity
# remove all columns where all values are missing
excl.idx <- which(unlist(lapply(seq_len(ncol(view.df)), function(x)
all(view.df[,x] == "" |[,x])))))
# additionally remove columns depending on run mode
excl <- NULL
if (mode.directionality == "fw") {
excl <- grep("_rev", colnames(view.df))
} else if (mode.directionality == "rev") {
excl <- grep("_fw", colnames(view.df))
excl.idx <- unique(c(excl.idx, excl))
if (length(excl.idx) != 0) {
view.df <- view.df[, -excl.idx]
excl.col <- c("Identifier", "Run")
view.df <- exclude.cols(excl.col, view.df)
view.df <- modify.col.rep(view.df, for.shiny)
#' View the Evaluated Primers.
#' Creates a formatted primers table.
#' @param primer.df A \code{Primers} object.
#' @param template.df A \code{Templates} object.
#' @param mode.directionality The direction of the primers.
#' @param view.cvg.individual Whether information on individual coverage events should be retrained.
#' @param for.shiny Whether the table is intended for Shiny (HTML) or not.
#' @return A formatted primer table.
#' @keywords internal
view.cvg.primers <- function(primer.df, template.df, mode.directionality,
view.cvg.individual = c("active", "inactive"),
for.shiny = TRUE) {
if (length(primer.df) == 0) {
} else if (nrow(primer.df) == 0) {
if (length(view.cvg.individual) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'view.cvg.individual' arg.")
view.cvg.individual <- match.arg(view.cvg.individual)
view.df <- asS3(primer.df)
# convert binding positions to range
view.df$Binding_Position_Start_fw <-$Binding_Position_Start_fw,
view.df$Binding_Position_Start_rev <-$Binding_Position_Start_rev,
view.df$Relative_Forward_Binding_Position_Start_fw <-$Relative_Forward_Binding_Position_Start_fw,
view.df$Relative_Forward_Binding_Position_Start_rev <-$Relative_Forward_Binding_Position_Start_rev,
view.df$Relative_Reverse_Binding_Position_Start_fw <-$Relative_Reverse_Binding_Position_Start_fw,
view.df$Relative_Reverse_Binding_Position_Start_rev <-$Relative_Reverse_Binding_Position_End_rev,
# reorder columns:
col.order <- c("ID", "Forward", "Reverse", "Coverage_Ratio",
"Nbr_of_mismatches_fw", "Nbr_of_mismatches_rev",
"melting_temp", "melting_temp_diff", "Self_Dimer_DeltaG",
"Cross_Dimer_DeltaG", "Structure_deltaG",
"primer_specificity", "mean_primer_efficiency",
"gc_ratio_fw", "gc_ratio_rev", "gc_clamp_fw",
"gc_clamp_rev", "no_repeats_fw", "no_repeats_rev",
"no_runs_fw", "no_runs_rev",
"Covered_Seqs", # primer coverage not used here
"Self_Dimer_Structure", "Cross_Dimer_Structure",
"Structure_fw", "Structure_rev",
"Degeneracy_fw", "Degeneracy_rev",
"primer_length_fw", "primer_length_rev",
cur.order <- col.order[col.order %in% colnames(view.df)]
other.cols <- setdiff(colnames(view.df), cur.order) # don't care about these cols in ordering
view.df <- view.df[, c(cur.order, other.cols)]
# don't order!
#view.df <- view.df[order(view.df$primer_coverage, decreasing = TRUE), ]
# remove unimportant cols from table
view.df <- view.df[, colnames(view.df) %in% col.order]
# percent format some columns:
percent.format.cols <- c("Coverage_Ratio", "gc_ratio_fw", "gc_ratio_rev",
"mean_primer_efficiency", "primer_specificity")
for (i in seq_along(percent.format.cols)) {
col <- percent.format.cols[i]
if (col %in% colnames(view.df)) {
view.df[, col] <- paste0(round(view.df[, col], 3) * 100, "%")
# convert covered template seqs to group representation
cvd <-$Covered_Seqs), template.df)
if (length(unique(template.df$Group)) >= 2 && view.cvg.individual == "inactive") {
# show gene group instead of identifiers
idx <-$Covered_Seqs), template.df)
cvd <- string.list.format(sapply(seq_along(idx), function(x) paste(template.df[idx[[x]],
"Group"], collapse = ",")))
view.df$Covered_Seqs <- unlist(cvd)
format.cols <- c("Binding_Position_Start_fw", "Binding_Position_Start_rev",
"Relative_Forward_Binding_Position_Start_fw", "Relative_Reverse_Binding_Position_Start_rev", "Nbr_of_mismatches_fw", "Nbr_of_mismatches_rev",
"Binding_Region_Allowed", "Binding_Region_Allowed_fw", "Binding_Region_Allowed_rev",
"T_EVAL_primer_efficiency", "constraints_passed_T")
if (view.cvg.individual == "inactive") {
for (i in seq_along(format.cols)) {
if (format.cols[i] %in% colnames(view.df)) {
if (format.cols[i] %in% c("Nbr_of_mismatches_fw", "Nbr_of_mismatches_rev")) {
view.df[, format.cols[i]] <- string.list.format(view.df[, format.cols[i]], order.mode = "value")
} else {
view.df[, format.cols[i]] <- string.list.format(view.df[, format.cols[i]])
mismatch.cols <- c("Mismatch_pos_fw", "Mismatch_pos_rev")
for (j in seq_along(mismatch.cols)) {
col <- mismatch.cols[j]
if (col %in% colnames(view.df)) {
view.df[, col] <- string.list.format(gsub("[()]", "",
gsub(",()", "",
gsub("(),", "", view.df[, col], fixed = TRUE),
fixed = TRUE)))
# html representation of dimer structures:
structure.cols <- c("Self_Dimer_Structure", "Cross_Dimer_Structure")
for (j in seq_along(structure.cols)) {
col <- structure.cols[j]
if (col %in% colnames(view.df)) {
view.df[, col] <- html.format.structure(as.character(view.df[, col]))
# if we don't have primers of both directions, merge fw and rev annotations
both.mode <- any(view.df$Forward != "" & view.df$Reverse != "")
fw.idx <- which(view.df$Forward != "")
rev.idx <- which(view.df$Reverse != "")
if (!both.mode) {
# merge constraint columns to single column
cols <- c("gc_ratio", "gc_clamp", "Nbr_of_mismatches",
"no_repeats", "no_runs", "primer_length",
"Structure", "Sequence", "Relative_Binding_Position",
special.cols <- list("Sequence" = c("Forward", "Reverse"),
"Relative_Binding_Position" =
for (i in seq_along(cols)) {
col <- cols[i]
if (col %in% names(special.cols)) {
col.dir <- special.cols[[col]]
} else {
col.dir <- paste0(col, c("_fw", "_rev"))
if (all(col.dir %in% colnames(view.df))) {
merge.col <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(nrow(view.df)), function(x)
if (x %in% fw.idx) {
view.df[x, col.dir[1]]
} else {
view.df[x, col.dir[2]]
view.df[, col.dir[1]] <- merge.col
# rename col
colnames(view.df)[colnames(view.df) == col.dir[1]] <- col
# remove old columns
view.df <- view.df[,-which(colnames(view.df) == col.dir[2])]
excl.col <- c("Binding_Position_End_fw", "Binding_Position_End_rev", "Relative_Forward_Binding_Position_Start_rev",
"Relative_Reverse_Binding_Position_Start_fw", "Relative_Forward_Binding_Position_End_fw",
"Relative_Reverse_Binding_Position_End_rev", "Relative_Reverse_Binding_Position_End_fw",
view.df <- exclude.cols(excl.col, view.df)
# round all numeric columns:
nums <- vapply(view.df, is.numeric, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
view.df[,nums] <- round(view.df[,nums], 2)
# rename columns for frontend (format/units)
name.change.cols <- c("melting_temp", "melting_temp_diff", "Self_Dimer_DeltaG",
"Cross_Dimer_DeltaG", "Structure_deltaG",
"gc_ratio", "gc_ratio_fw", "gc_ratio_rev",
"gc_clamp", "gc_clamp_fw", "gc_clamp_rev",
"Nbr_of_mismatches_fw", "Nbr_of_mismatches_rev",
"no_repeats", "no_repeats_fw", "no_Repeats_rev",
"no_runs", "no_runs_fw", "no_runs_rev",
"Structure", "Structure_fw", "Structure_rev",
"mean_primer_efficiency", "primer_specificity",
if (for.shiny) {
new.names <- c("T<sub>m</sub> [°C]", "ΔT<sub>m</sub> [°C]",
"Self Dimer ΔG[<sup>kcal</sup>⁄<sub>mol</sub>]",
"Cross Dimer ΔG[<sup>kcal</sup>⁄<sub>mol</sub>]",
"Structure ΔG[<sup>kcal</sup>⁄<sub>mol</sub>]",
"Coverage", "GC_ratio", "GC_ratio_fw", "GC_ratio_rev",
"GC_clamp", "GC_clamp_fw", "GC_clamp_rev",
"Mismatches", "Mismatches_fw", "Mismatches_rev",
"Repeat count", "Repeat count_fw", "Repeat count_rev",
"Run count", "Run count_fw", "Run count_rev",
"Secondary structure", "Secondary structure_fw",
"Secondary structure_rev",
"efficiency", "specificity",
"Template_Binding_Range_fw", "Template_Binding_Range_rev",
"Relative_fw_Binding_Range", "Relative_rev_Binding_Range")
} else {
new.names <- c("Tm [C]", "Delta Tm [C]",
"Self Dimer", "Cross Dimer", "Structure",
"Coverage", "GC_ratio", "GC_ratio_fw", "GC_ratio_rev",
"GC_clamp", "GC_clamp_fw", "GC_clamp_rev",
"Mismatches", "Mismatches_fw", "Mismatches_rev",
"Repeat count", "Repeat count_fw", "Repeat count_rev",
"Run count", "Run count_fw", "Run count_rev",
"Secondary structure", "Secondary structure_fw",
"Secondary structure_rev",
"efficiency", "specificity",
"Template_Binding_Range_fw", "Template_Binding_Range_rev",
"Relative_fw_Binding_Range", "Relative_rev_Binding_Range")
idx <- match(colnames(view.df), name.change.cols)
colnames(view.df)[!] <- new.names[idx[!]]
view.df <- view.input.primers(view.df, mode.directionality, for.shiny)
#' View the Evaluated Primers.
#' Creates a formatted primers table.
#' @param primer.df A \code{Primers} object.
#' @param template.df A \code{Templates} object.
#' @return A formatted primer table.
#' @keywords internal
view.primers <- function(primer.df, template.df) {
mode.directionality <- get.analysis.mode(primer.df)
# pair primers for a more compact representation
primer.df <- pair_primers(primer.df, template.df)
out.df <- view.cvg.primers(primer.df, template.df,
mode.directionality, view.cvg.individual = "inactive",
for.shiny = FALSE)
# format relative binding range: select the majority binding region
range.cols <- c("Relative Binding Range", "Relative Binding Range (fw)", "Relative Binding Range (rev)")
for (i in seq_along(range.cols)) {
col <- range.cols[i]
if (col %in% colnames(out.df)) {
out.df[, col] <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(out.df[, col], split = ","),
function(x) {
str <- ifelse(length(x) != 0, x[[1]], "")
out <- ""
if (str != "") {
# the relative binding range: e.g. 0 to 30
conv <- stringr::str_extract_all(str,"\\(?[0-9.%-]+\\)?")[[1]]
if (as.numeric(conv[2]) > 0) { # end of binding
conv[2] <- paste0("+", conv[2])
if (as.numeric(conv[1]) > 0) { # start of binding
conv[1] <- paste0("+", conv[1])
out <- paste0(paste0(conv[seq_len(2)], collapse = " to "), " ", conv[3], collapse = " ")
# abbreviate IDs:
out.df$ID <- abbreviate(out.df$ID, getOption("openPrimeR.plot_abbrev"))
#' Format a Sequence for LateX output.
#' Formats a sequence for LateX report output.
#' @param seqs Character vector of sequences.
#' @return Formatted sequences.
#' @keywords internal
format.seqs.tex <- function(seqs) {
seqs <- seqs
# italicize ambiguous bases
ambig.bases <- tolower(setdiff(names(IUPAC_CODE_MAP), DNA_BASES))
replacement <- paste0("\\\\textit{", ambig.bases, "}")
names(replacement) <- ambig.bases
seqs <- stringr::str_replace_all(seqs, replacement)
#' View the Evaluated Primers in the Report.
#' Creates a formatted primers table for the report PDF.
#' @param primer.df A \code{Primers} object.
#' @param template.df A \code{Templates} object.
#' @return A formatted primer table.
#' @keywords internal <- function(primer.df, template.df) {
out.df <- view.primers(primer.df, template.df)
# determine nbr of columns
if ("Sequence" %in% colnames(out.df)) {
# single direction: more space available
out.df <- out.df[,seq_len(6)]
} else {
# pairs of primers: less space available
out.df <- out.df[,seq_len(4)]
col.names <- colnames(out.df)
# change mismatch representation to IQR representation:
mm.values <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(primer.df)), function(x) paste0(primer.df[x, "Nbr_of_mismatches_fw"],
primer.df[x, "Nbr_of_mismatches_rev"], collapse = ","))
#print("MM values:")
mm.rep <-
if ("Sequence" %in% colnames(out.df)) {
# TODO: Integrate value columns when merging primers in 'view.primers()'
# for both, the size of the primer data frame is reduced
# .. and we haven't defined the values of the merged columns ..
# -> number of mismatches is NA at the moment, also, we don't show more than 4 columns in the report anyway.
out.df$Mismatches <- mm.rep
# tidy up the column names that are displayed only (the first couple of columns):
col.names[col.names == "Tm [C]"] <- "$\\text{T}_\\text{m} [^{\\circ}\\text{C}]$"
col.names[col.names == "Delta Tm [C]"] <- "$\\Delta\\text{T}_\\text{m} [^{\\circ}\\text{C}]$"
col.names[col.names == "Relative Binding Range"] <- "Position"
col.names[col.names == "Relative Binding Range (fw)"] <- "Position (rev)"
col.names[col.names == "Relative Binding Range (rev)"] <- "Position (fw)"
col.names[col.names == "Self Dimer"] <- "$\\text{Self Dimer} \\Delta\\text{G}$"
col.names[col.names == "Cross Dimer"] <- "$\\text{Cross Dimer } \\Delta\\text{G}$"
# nb: if only one direction was analyzed, the primer sequence resides
# in 'Sequence'. Otherwise we still have the 'Forward' and 'Reverse' columns.
out.df[col.names == "Sequence"] <- format.seqs.tex(out.df$Sequence)
out.df[col.names == "Forward"] <- format.seqs.tex(out.df$Forward)
out.df[col.names == "Reverse"] <- format.seqs.tex(out.df$Reverse)
colnames(out.df) <- col.names
#' Exclusion of Columns
#' Removes columns from a data frame.
#' @param excl.col Names of columns in \code{template.df} to be removed.
#' @param template.df Data frame for which columns in \code{excl.col} should be removed.
#' @return \code{template.df} with removed columns as specified in \code{excl.col}.
#' @keywords internal
exclude.cols <- function(excl.col, template.df) {
m <- match(excl.col, colnames(template.df))
if (any(! {
view.df <- template.df[, -m[!]]
} else {
view.df <- template.df
#' Modification of Column Names.
#' Modifies column names for frontend output.
#' @param template.df The data frame whose column names are to be modified.
#' @param for.shiny Whether formatting should be for shiny.
#' @return \code{template.df} with modified column names.
#' @keywords internal
modify.col.rep <- function(template.df, for.shiny = TRUE) {
# identicate direction of constraint with brackets:
colnames(template.df) <- gsub("_fw", " (fw)", colnames(template.df))
colnames(template.df) <- gsub("_rev", " (rev)", colnames(template.df))
# replace underscores in columns:
colnames(template.df) <- gsub("_", " ", colnames(template.df))
# upper case first letter
colnames(template.df) <- Hmisc::capitalize(colnames(template.df))
#' Format a String List.
#' Formats a string list, summarizing values with percentages.
#' @param values The string list to format.
#' @param order.mode How the result should be ordered.
#' For "percentage", the strings are ordered by their percentages, while
#' for "value", the strings are ordered by their values.
#' @return A formatted string with percentage annotations.
#' @keywords internal
string.list.format <- function(values, order.mode = c("percentage", "value")) {
# values in comma separated string will be formatted
order.mode <- match.arg(order.mode)
v <- strsplit(values, split = ",")
n.idx <- which(sapply(v, function(x) length(x)) == 0)
# for every list element determine its frequency distribution
dist <- lapply(v, function(x) table(x))
if (order.mode == "percentage") {
# order by largest percentage
dist <- lapply(dist, function(x) x[order(x, decreasing = TRUE)])
} else if (order.mode == "value") {
values <- unique(unlist(lapply(dist, function(x) as.numeric(names(x)))))
values <- as.character(values[order(values)])
dist <- lapply(dist, function(x) {
x <- x[values]
x[] <- 0
names(x) <- values
} else {
stop("Unknown order mode.")
f <- unlist(lapply(dist, function(x) paste(names(x),
" (", round((x/sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)),
2) * 100, "%)", collapse = ",", sep = "")))
if (length(n.idx) != 0) {
f[n.idx] <- ""
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