#' Example data: simulation results
#' Contains simulation results. How they were
#' aquired is explained in the vignette.
#' The data conists of a list of data matrices holding
#' sensitivity and specificity
#' (spec, sens) of network edges for the variious methods compared to
#' the ground truth, sensitivity and specificity (sens2, spec2)
#' of the expected data for epiNEM and Boolean NEMs and accuracy
#' of the inferred logics for both. The different methods are in the
#' rows and the columns denote the different independent simulation runs.
#' @docType data
#' @examples
#' data(sim)
#' @name sim
#' Example data: epiNEM results for
#' the Sameith et al., 2015 knock-out screen
#' The result of the epiNEM analysis of the data from
#' "
#' sv/signaling_redundancy/downloads/DataS1.txt".
#' The data consists of a list of matrices with the likelihoods (ll)
#' for each analysed triple of signalling genes and the inferred logic
#' (logic) for each triple. The signalling genes or modulators C are the
#' rows and the signalling genes from the double knock-downs are in the columns.
#' For details see the vignette.
#' @docType data
#' @examples
#' data(samscreen)
#' @name samscreen
#' Example data: epiNEM results for
#' the Wageningen et al., 2010 knock-out screen
#' "
#' downloads/del_mutants_limma.txt"
#' The data consists of a list of matrices with the likelihoods (ll)
#' for each analysed triple of signalling genes and the inferred logic
#' (logic) for each triple. The signalling genes or modulators C are the
#' rows and the signalling genes from the double knock-downs are in the columns.
#' For details see the vignette.
#' @docType data
#' @examples
#' data(wagscreen)
#' @name wagscreen
#' sig. of string interaction scores
#' for Sameith et al., 2015 data
#' The data consists of a list including a vectors of pairs (for interactions)
#' and a corresponding list of interaction scores derived form the
#' string database.
#' For details see the vignette.
#' @docType data
#' @examples
#' data(sameith_string)
#' @name sameith_string
#' sig. of string interaction scores
#' for van Wageningen et al., 2010 data
#' The data consists of a list including a vectors of pairs (for interactions)
#' and a corresponding list of interaction scores derived form the
#' string database.
#' For details see the vignette.
#' @docType data
#' @examples
#' data(wageningen_string)
#' @name wageningen_string
#' graph-based GO similarity scores, string GO annotations
#' for Sameith et al., 2015 data
#' The data consists of lists including epiNEM identified and
#' general similarity scores and GO annotations for each triple.
#' For details see the vignette.
#' @docType data
#' @examples
#' data(sameith_GO)
#' @name sameith_GO
#' graph-based GO similarity scores, string GO annotations
#' for van Wageningen et al., 2015 data
#' The data consists of lists including epiNEM identified and
#' general similarity scores and GO annotations for each triple.
#' For details see the vignette.
#' @docType data
#' @examples
#' data(wageningen_GO)
#' @name wageningen_GO
###--- MAIN SCRIPT ---###
#' Epistatic NEMs - main function.
#' This function contains the inference
#' algorithm to learn logical networks from knock-down data including
#' double knock-downs.
#' @param filename A binary, tab-delimited matrix.
#' Columns: single and double knockdowns.
#' Rows: genes showing effect or not?
#' Default: random; artificial data is
#' generated to 'random' specifications
#' @param method greedy or exhaustive search.
#' Default: greedy
#' @param nIterations number of iterations.
#' Default: 10
#' @param nModels number of Models. Default: 0
#' @param random list specifying how the
#' data should be generated:
#' no. of single mutants, no. of
#' double mutants, no. of reporterGenes,
#' FP-rate, FN-rate, no. of replicates
#' @param ltype likelihood either
#' "marginal" or "maximum"
#' @param para false positive and
#' false negative rates
#' @param init adjacency matrix to initialise the greedy search
#' @author Madeline Diekmann
#' @seealso nem
#' @export
#' @import
#' stats
#' e1071
#' utils
#' @importFrom mnem mnem
#' @return List object with an adjacency matrix denoting the network,
#' the model of the silencing scheme (rows are knock-downs, columns
#' are signalling genes), a string with the inferred logial gates,
#' a column indices denoting position of logical gates, the log transformed
#' likelihood and the effect reporter distribution (rows are the signalling
#' genes including the null node).
#' @examples
#' data <- matrix(sample(c(0,1), 100*4, replace = TRUE), 100, 4)
#' colnames(data) <- c("A", "A.B", "B", "C")
#' rownames(data) <- paste("E", 1:100, sep = "_")
#' res <- epiNEM(data, method = "exhaustive")
#' plot(res)
epiNEM <- function(filename="random",
ltype = "marginal",
para = c(0.13, 0.05),
init = NULL) {
##--- Sanity checks ---#
methods <- c("greedy", "exhaustive")
if (!method %in% methods)
stop("Please enter a valid method: 'greedy' or 'exhaustive'.\n")
if ((method == "greedy") && (nIterations < 1))
stop("Please enter a positive number of iterations\n")
##--- Process input ---#
if (is.character(filename)){
if (filename == "random") {
## Generate artificial data
topology <- CreateTopology(random$single, random$double)
topology <- unlist(topology, recursive=FALSE)
extTopology <- ExtendTopology(topology$model, random$reporters)
sortedData <-
GenerateData(topology$model, extTopology, random$FPrate,
random$FNrate, random$replicates)
mutants <- rownames(topology$model)
singleKOs <- sort(colnames(topology$model))
experiments <- singleKOs
doubleKOs <- mutants[!mutants %in% singleKOs]
} else {
## Use data from file
## data <- read.table(filename)
## sortedData <- data[, order(unlist(sortedKOs))]
} else sortedData = filename
mutants <- colnames(sortedData)
singleKOs <- sort(unique(unlist(strsplit(mutants, '[.]'))))
experiments <- singleKOs
doubleKOs <- mutants[!mutants %in% singleKOs]
##-- Initialize data matrices (this takes care of replicate experiments) --
D1 <- sapply(mutants, function(s)
rowSums(sortedData[, colnames(sortedData) == s, drop=FALSE]))
D0 <- sapply(mutants, function(s) sum(colnames(sortedData) == s)) - D1
##--- Optimize models ---#
if (method == "exhaustive" & length(singleKOs) > 5) {
cat("\nSorry, too many nodes for exhaustive search,\n")
cat("doing greedy hill climbing instead.\n")
method = "greedy"
} else if (method == "exhaustive" & length(singleKOs) == 5) {
cat("\nThis is going to take a while...\n")
if (length(doubleKOs) == 0) {
print("No double perturbations available --> computing NEM")
return(mnem::mnem(sortedData, search=inference, fpfn=para, k=1))
} else {
if (method == "greedy") {
print(paste("Progress (of ", nIterations, " iterations):",
sep = ''))
iterations <- sapply(1:nIterations, GreedyHillClimber,
experiments, D1, D0, mutants, init)
index <- which.max(iterations["maxLlh",])
reconstruct <- includeLogic(iterations[,index]$model,
experiments, mutants)
reconstruct <- unlist(reconstruct, recursive=FALSE)
score <- sapply(reconstruct, Mll, D1, D0, ltype, para)
mll <- unlist(score["mLL",])
index <- which.max(mll)
posterior <- score[,index]$posterior
results <- unlist(reconstruct[index], recursive=FALSE)
results$score <- mll[index]
if (ltype %in% "maximum") {
names(results$score) <- "max"
} else {
names(results$score) <- "mLL"
results$EGeneset <- AttachEGenes(posterior, experiments)
results$PostScore <- score[,which.max(mll)]$posterior
} else if (method == "exhaustive") {
basicModels <- EnumerateModels(length(singleKOs), singleKOs)
extendedModels <- lapply(basicModels, includeLogic,
experiments, unique(mutants))
extendedModels <- unlist(unlist(extendedModels, recursive=FALSE),
recursive = FALSE)
uniqueModels <- unique(lapply(extendedModels, function(e)
uniqueModels <- uniqueModels#[1:length(uniqueModels)-1]
score <- sapply(uniqueModels, Mll, D1, D0, ltype, para)
mll <- unlist(score["mLL",])
bestModel <- uniqueModels[[which.max(mll)]]$model
allModels <- lapply(1:length(extendedModels), function(i)
isBest <- lapply(allModels, IsBestModel, bestModel)
results <- extendedModels[isBest == TRUE]
results <- lapply(results, utils::modifyList,
results <- results[[1]]
if (ltype %in% "maximum") {
names(results$score) <- "max"
} else {
names(results$score) <- "mLL"
savescore <- score[,which.max(mll)]$posterior
posterior <- AttachEGenes(score[,which.max(mll)]$posterior,
results$EGeneset <- posterior
results$PostScore <- savescore
class(results) <- "epiNEM"
###--- HELPER FUNCTIONS ---###
#' Extending topology of normal "nem"
#' @param topology model of a topology from CreateTopology
#' @param nReporters number of effects reporters
#' @author Madeline Diekmann
#' @seealso CreateTopology
#' @export
#' @examples
#' topology <- CreateTopology(3, 1, force = TRUE)
#' topology <- unlist(unique(topology), recursive = FALSE)
#' extTopology <- ExtendTopology(topology$model, 100)
#' @return extended topology in which reporters
#' are linked to pathway genes
ExtendTopology <- function(topology, nReporters) {
reporters <- unlist(lapply(1:nReporters,
function(n) paste("reporter", n, sep="-")))
linkedEffects <- sample(1:ncol(topology), nReporters, replace=TRUE)
extTopology <-
function(e) lapply(1:ncol(topology),
function(c) ifelse(e == c, 1, 0)))
extTopology <-
matrix(unlist(extTopology), ncol=ncol(topology), byrow=TRUE)
dimnames(extTopology) <- list(reporters, colnames(topology))
#' Generate data from extended model.
#' Given a model created from
#' CreateTopology and ExtendTopology, this function creeates acorresponding
#' artificial data matrix, which is used as a ground truth for simulation
#' studies.
#' @param model model of a topology
#' from CreateTopology
#' @param extTopology extended topology
#' @param FPrate false positive rate
#' @param FNrate false negative rate
#' @param replicates number of replicates
#' @author Madeline Diekmann
#' @seealso CreateTopology
#' @export
#' @examples
#' topology <-
#' CreateTopology(3, 1, force = TRUE)
#' topology <-
#' unlist(unique(topology), recursive = FALSE)
#' extTopology <-
#' ExtendTopology(topology$model, 100)
#' sortedData <-
#' GenerateData(topology$model, extTopology, 0.05, 0.13, 3)
#' @return data matrix with effect reporters as rows and knock-downs
#' (including double kock-downs) as columns.
GenerateData <- function(model, extTopology, FPrate, FNrate, replicates) {
perfectData <- extTopology %*% t(model)
perfectData <- perfectData[, rep(seq_len(ncol(perfectData)), replicates)]
fps <- sample(which(perfectData == 0), floor(sum(perfectData == 0)*FPrate))
fns <- sample(which(perfectData == 1), floor(sum(perfectData == 1)*FNrate))
noisyData <- perfectData
noisyData[c(fps, fns)] <- 1 - noisyData[c(fps, fns)]
#' @noRd
IsBestModel <- function(thisModel, bestModel) {
if (any(dim(thisModel) != dim(bestModel))) return(FALSE)
else if (any(thisModel != bestModel)) return(FALSE)
#' Compare algorithms.
#' Compares different network reconstruction algorithm on
#' simulated data.
#' @param runs number simulation runs
#' @param do string vector of algorithms to
#' compare: e (epiNEM), n (Nested Effects Models),
#' b (B-NEM), p (PC algorithm), a (Aracne), e.g. c("e", "n", "p")
#' @param random list of false poitive rate FPrate, false negative rates
#' FNrate, number of single knock-downs single, number of double
#' knock-downs double, number of effect reporters reporters and number
#' of replicates replicates
#' @param maxTime TRUE if the algorithms are bound to a maximum running
#' time in respect to epiNEM
#' @param forcelogic if TRUE the randomly sampled ground truth network
#' includes a complex logic with probability 1
#' @param epinemsearch greedy or exhaustive search for epiNEM
#' @param bnemsearch genetic or greedy search for B-NEM
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @return returns list of specificity and sensitivity of inferred edges
#' (spec, sens) and inferred expected data (spec2, sens2) and accuracy
#' of logics (logics) and running time (time)
#' @export
#' @import
#' pcalg
#' minet
#' @importFrom mnem mnem transitive.reduction
#' @importFrom graph adj
#' @examples
#' res <- SimEpiNEM(runs = 1)
SimEpiNEM <- function(runs = 10, do = c("n", "e"),
random = list(FPrate = 0.1,
FNrate = c(0.1, 0.5),
single = 3, double = 1,
reporters = 10,
replicates = 2),
maxTime = FALSE,
forcelogic = TRUE,
epinemsearch = "greedy",
bnemsearch = "genetic", ...) {
noiselvls <- random$FNrate
spec <- sens <- logics <- array(0, dim = c(2, runs, length(noiselvls)))
sens2 <- spec2 <- time <- array(0, dim = c(5, runs, length(noiselvls)))
logicgate <- matrix("", runs, length(noiselvls))
edgenr <- matrix(0, runs, length(noiselvls))
for (i in 1:runs) {
print(paste("run ", i, sep = ""))
for (j in 1:length(noiselvls)) {
print(paste("noiselvl ", j, sep = ""))
topology <- CreateTopology(random$single, random$double,
force = forcelogic)
topology <- unlist(unique(topology), recursive = FALSE)
extTopology <- ExtendTopology(topology$model, random$reporters)
sortedData <- GenerateData(topology$model, extTopology,
random$FPrate, random$FNrate[j],
logicgate[i, j] <- paste(topology$logics, collapse = "_")
edgenr[i, j] <- sum(topology$origModel == 1)
if ("e" %in% do) {
start <- Sys.time()
TriplModel <- epiNEM(filename = sortedData,
method = epinemsearch,
time[1, i, j] <- difftime(Sys.time(), start, units = "secs")
print(time[1, i, j])
tp <- sum(topology$model == 1 & TriplModel$model == 1)
tn <- sum(topology$model == 0 & TriplModel$model == 0)
fp <- sum(topology$model == 0 & TriplModel$model == 1)
fn <- sum(topology$model == 1 & TriplModel$model == 0)
sens[1, i, j] <- tp/(tp+fn)
spec[1, i, j] <- tn/(tn+fp)
tp <- sum(topology$origModel == 1 & TriplModel$origModel == 1)
tn <- sum(topology$origModel == 0 & TriplModel$origModel == 0)
fp <- sum(topology$origModel == 0 & TriplModel$origModel == 1)
fn <- sum(topology$origModel == 1 & TriplModel$origModel == 0)
sens2[1, i, j] <- tp/(tp+fn)
spec2[1, i, j] <- tn/(tn+fp)
tp <- 0
for (k in 1:length(topology$column)) {
for (l in 1:length(TriplModel$column)) {
if (topology$column[k] == TriplModel$column[l]) {
if (topology$logics[k] %in% TriplModel$logics[l]) {
tp <- tp + 1
logics[1, i, j] <- tp/(length(topology$logics) +
length(TriplModel$logics) - tp)
print(sens[1, i, j])
print(spec[1, i, j])
print(sens2[1, i, j])
print(spec2[1, i, j])
print(logics[1, i, j])
if ("b" %in% do) {
gtn <- epiNEM2Bg(topology)
fc <- cbind(Ctrl_vs_S = -1, epiNEM2Bg(sortedData))*(-1)
bnemnoise <-
sample(1:nrow(fc), floor(nrow(fc)*random$FNrate[j]))
fc[bnemnoise, 1] <- 0
ers <- t(topology$model)*(-1)
colnames(ers) <-
paste("S_vs_S_", gsub("\\.", "_", colnames(ers)), sep = "")
ers <- cbind(Ctrl_vs_S = 1, ers)
ers <- ers[, order(colnames(ers))]
CNOlist <- dummyCNOlist(stimuli = "S",
inhibitors = LETTERS[1:random$single],
maxStim = 1, maxInhibit = 2,
signals = LETTERS[1:random$single])
parents <-
grep("\\.", colnames(sortedData))], "\\.")))
nodes <-
-grep("\\.", colnames(sortedData))])
child <- nodes[-which(nodes %in% parents)]
sifMatrix <- NULL
for (k in LETTERS[1:random$single]) {
sifMatrix <- rbind(sifMatrix, c("S", "1", k))
##, c("S", "-1", k))
for (l in LETTERS[1:random$single]) {
if (k %in% l) { next() }
if (k %in% parents) {
sifMatrix <-
rbind(sifMatrix, c(k, "1", l), c(k, "-1", l))
} else {
sifMatrix <- rbind(sifMatrix, c(k, "1", l))
randfile <- paste("pkn_", as.numeric(Sys.time()), sep = "")
write.table(sifMatrix, file = randfile, sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
PKN <- readSIF(randfile)
model <- preprocessing(CNOlist, PKN)
initBstring <- absorption(rep(1, length(model$reacID)), model)
if (maxTime) {
maxTime2 <- time[1, i, j]
} else { maxTime2 <- Inf }
start <- Sys.time()
bga <- bnem(search = bnemsearch,
draw = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
popSize = popSize,
maxTime = maxTime2,
parallel = parallel
time[2, i, j] <- difftime(Sys.time(), start, units = "secs")
print(time[2, i, j])
ers2 <-
model, bga$bString)))
ers2 <- ers2[, unique(colnames(fc))]
ers2 <- ers2[, order(colnames(ers2))]
tp <- sum(ers == -1 & ers2 == -1)
tn <- sum(ers == 0 & ers2 == 0)
fn <- sum(ers == -1 & ers2 == 0)
fp <- sum(ers == 0 & ers2 == -1)
sens[2, i, j] <- tp/(tp+fn)
spec[2, i, j] <- tn/(tn+fp)
gtn2 <- abs(dnf2adj(gtn))
if (length(grep("S", rownames(gtn2))) > 0) {
gtn2 <-
gtn2[-grep("S", rownames(gtn2)),
-grep("S", colnames(gtn2))]
gtn2 <- gtn2[order(rownames(gtn2)), order(colnames(gtn2))]
res <- abs(dnf2adj(bga$graph))
if (length(grep("S", rownames(res))) > 0) {
res <- as.matrix(res[-grep("S", rownames(res)),
-grep("S", colnames(res))])
if (dim(res)[1] == 1) {
colnames(res) <- rownames(res) <- gsub(".*=", "", bga$graph)
} else {
res <- res[order(rownames(res)), order(colnames(res))]
if (nrow(res) < nrow(gtn2)) {
res2 <-
matrix(0, nrow(res),
nrow(gtn2) - nrow(res))),
matrix(0, nrow(gtn2) - nrow(res), ncol(gtn2)))
colnames(res2)[(ncol(res)+1):ncol(res2)] <-
%in% colnames(res)))]
rownames(res2)[(nrow(res)+1):nrow(res2)] <-
%in% rownames(res)))]
res2 <- res2[order(rownames(res2)), order(colnames(res2))]
res <- res2
diag(gtn2) <- diag(res) <- 0
tp <- sum(gtn2 == 1 & res == 1)
tn <- sum(gtn2 == 0 & res == 0)
fn <- sum(gtn2 == 1 & res == 0)
fp <- sum(gtn2 == 0 & res == 1)
sens2[2, i, j] <- tp/(tp+fn)
spec2[2, i, j] <- tn/(tn+fp)
tp <- sum(bga$graph %in% gtn)
logics[2, i, j] <- tp/(length(gtn) + length(bga$graph) - tp)
print(sens[2, i, j])
print(spec[2, i, j])
print(sens2[2, i, j])
print(spec2[2, i, j])
print(logics[2, i, j])
if (any(c("n", "p", "a") %in% do)) {
reddata <- sortedData[, -grep("\\.", colnames(sortedData))]
gtnadj <- topology$origModel
gtnadj <-
gtnadj[order(apply(gtnadj, 1, sum), decreasing = TRUE),
order(apply(gtnadj, 2, sum), decreasing = FALSE)]
gtnadj[lower.tri(gtnadj)] <- gtnadj[upper.tri(gtnadj)]
gtnadj <- gtnadj[order(rownames(gtnadj)),
eadj <- topology$origModel
eadj <- eadj[order(rownames(eadj)), order(colnames(eadj))]
reddata2 <- matrix(0, nrow(reddata)*random$replicates,
for (k in 1:length(unique(colnames(reddata)))) {
reddata2[, k] <-
which(colnames(reddata) %in%
colnames(reddata2) <- unique(colnames(reddata))
if ("n" %in% do) {
start <- Sys.time()
if (epinemsearch %in% "greedy") {
nemres <- mnem::mnem(reddata, k = 1)
} else {
nemres <- mnem::mnem(reddata, k = 1, search = "exhaustive")
nadj <- mnem::transitive.reduction(nemres$comp[[1]]$phi)
time[3, i, j] <- difftime(Sys.time(), start, units = "secs")
print(time[3, i, j])
tp <- sum(eadj == 1 & nadj == 1)
tn <- sum(eadj == 0 & nadj == 0)
fp <- sum(eadj == 0 & nadj == 1)
fn <- sum(eadj == 1 & nadj == 0)
sens2[3, i, j] <- tp/(tp+fn)
spec2[3, i, j] <- tn/(tn+fp)
print(sens2[3, i, j])
print(spec2[3, i, j])
if ("p" %in% do) {
start <- Sys.time() <- pc(suffStat = list(C = cor(reddata2),
n = nrow(reddata2)),
indepTest = gaussCItest,
## indep.test: partial correlations
alpha=0.05, labels = colnames(reddata2),
verbose = FALSE)
graph2adj <- function(gR) {
adj.matrix <- matrix(0,
rownames(adj.matrix) <- graph::nodes(gR)
colnames(adj.matrix) <- graph::nodes(gR)
for (i in 1:length(nodes(gR))) {
adj(gR,graph::nodes(gR)[i])[[1]]] <- 1
pcadj <- graph2adj(
time[4, i, j] <- difftime(Sys.time(), start, units = "secs")
print(time[4, i, j])
tp <- sum(gtnadj == 1 & pcadj == 1)
tn <- sum(gtnadj == 0 & pcadj == 0)
fp <- sum(gtnadj == 0 & pcadj == 1)
fn <- sum(gtnadj == 1 & pcadj == 0)
sens2[4, i, j] <- tp/(tp+fn)
spec2[4, i, j] <- tn/(tn+fp)
print(sens2[4, i, j])
print(spec2[4, i, j])
if ("a" %in% do) {
start <- Sys.time()
ares <- build.mim(reddata2)
ares <- aracne(ares)
ares[which(ares > 0)] <- 1
ares[which(ares < 0)] <- -1
ares <- ares[order(rownames(ares)), order(colnames(ares))]
nas <- which( == TRUE)
ares[nas] <- 0
diag(ares) <- 0
time[5, i, j] <- difftime(Sys.time(), start, units = "secs")
print(time[5, i, j])
tp <- sum(gtnadj == 1 & ares == 1)
tn <- sum(gtnadj == 0 & ares == 0)
fp <- sum(gtnadj == 0 & ares == 1)
fn <- sum(gtnadj == 1 & ares == 0)
sens2[5, i, j] <- tp/(tp+fn)
spec2[5, i, j] <- tn/(tn+fp)
print(sens2[5, i, j])
print(spec2[5, i, j])
result <- list(sens = sens, spec = spec, sens2 = sens2,
spec2 = spec2, logics = logics, time = time)
class(result) <- "epiSim"
#' Heatmap.
#' Heatmap function based on the lattice package
#' more information: ?xyplot
#' @param x Matrix.
#' @param col Color. See for all available
#' color schemes.
#' @param colNA color for NAs; defaul is grey
#' @param coln Number of colors.
#' @param bordercol Border color.
#' @param borderwidth Border width.
#' @param breaks Defines the breaks in the color range. "sym"
#' makes the breaks symmetric around 0.
#' @param main Main title.
#' @param sub Subtitle.
#' @param dendrogram Draw dendrogram with "both", "col" or
#' "row", or do not draw with "none".
#' @param colorkey Draw colorkey list(space="left") or
#' list(space="right").
#' @param Colv Cluster columns (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
#' @param Rowv Cluster rows (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
#' @param xrot Rotate the column names by degree.
#' @param yrot Rotate the row names by degree.
#' @param shrink c(x,y) defines a range of size for the data
#' boxes from low to high.
#' @param cexCol Font size of column names.
#' @param cexRow Font size of row names.
#' @param cexMain Font size of main title.
#' @param cexSub Font size of subtitle.
#' @param colSideColors Defines a numeric vector to annotate
#' columns with different colors.
#' @param aspect "iso" for quadratic boxes or "fill" for
#' streched boxes.
#' @param contour TRUE adds a contour plot.
#' @param useRaster TRUE to add raster visuals
#' @param xlab Label for the x-axis.
#' @param ylab Label for the y-axis.
#' @param colSideColorsPos Place colSideColors at the "top" or "bottom".
#' @param clust p, s, or k for correlation clustering
#' @param clusterx Optional data matrix y with the same dimensions
#' as x. x is columns or rows are sorted by the cluster information of y.
#' @param \dots Optional arguments.
#' @author Martin Pirkl & Oscar Perpinan
#' at
#' @return lattice object/matrix
#' @export
#' @import
#' lattice
#' latticeExtra
#' RColorBrewer
#' grDevices
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(50), 10, 5)
#' HeatmapOP(x, dendrogram = "both", aspect = "iso", xrot = 45)
HeatmapOP <-
function(x, col = "RdYlGn", colNA = "grey", coln = 11, bordercol = "grey",
borderwidth = 0.1, breaks = "sym",
main = "",
sub = "",
dendrogram = "none", colorkey = list(space = "right"), Colv = TRUE,
Rowv = TRUE, xrot = 90, yrot = 0, shrink = c(1,1), cexCol = 1,
cexRow = 1, cexMain = 1, cexSub = 1,
colSideColors = NULL, aspect = "fill",
contour = FALSE, useRaster = FALSE, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
colSideColorsPos = "top", clust = NULL, clusterx = NULL, ...) {
if (nrow(x)==1) {
Rowv <- FALSE
if (ncol(x)==1) {
Colv <- FALSE
if (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) == min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) {
x <- matrix(rnorm(100), 10, 10)
main <- "max value equals min value"
sub <- "random matrix plotted"
if (is.null(breaks)) {
breaks <- seq(min(x, na.rm = TRUE),max(x, na.rm = TRUE),
(max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))/45)
if ("sym" %in% breaks) {
breaks <- max(abs(x), na.rm = TRUE)
breaks2 <- breaks/45
breaks <- seq(-breaks,breaks,breaks2)
if (length(breaks) == 1) {
at <- seq(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), max(x, na.rm = TRUE),
(max(x, na.rm = TRUE)-min(x, na.rm = TRUE))/breaks)
} else {
at <- breaks
x[x < breaks[1]] <- breaks[1]
x[x > breaks[length(breaks)]] <- breaks[length(breaks)]
na.idx <- NULL
if ((Colv | Rowv) & any( == TRUE)) {
na.idx <- which( == TRUE)
x[na.idx] <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
dd.col <- NULL
if (dendrogram == "row" | dendrogram == "both" & !is.null(colorkey)) {
colorkey = list(space = "left")
if (Colv) {
if (is.null(clust)) {
if (is.null(clusterx)) {
dd.col <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(t(x))))
} else {
dd.col <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(t(clusterx))))
} else {
if (is.null(clusterx)) {
cor.tmp <- cor(x, method = clust)
} else {
cor.tmp <- cor(clusterx, method = clust)
cor.tmp[which( == TRUE)] <- 0
dd.col <- as.dendrogram(hclust(as.dist(1-abs(cor.tmp))))
col.ord <- order.dendrogram(dd.col)
} else {
if (dendrogram %in% "both") {
dendrogram <- "row"
if (dendrogram %in% "col") {
dendrogram <- "none"
col.ord <- 1:ncol(x)
legend = NULL
if (Rowv) {
if (is.null(clust)) {
if (is.null(clusterx)) {
dd.row <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(x)))
} else {
dd.row <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(clusterx)))
} else {
if (is.null(clusterx)) {
cor.tmp <- cor(t(x), method = clust)
} else {
cor.tmp <- cor(t(clusterx), method = clust)
cor.tmp[which( == TRUE)] <- 0
dd.row <- as.dendrogram(hclust(as.dist(1-abs(cor.tmp))))
row.ord <- rev(order.dendrogram(dd.row))
} else {
if (dendrogram %in% "both") {
dendrogram <- "col"
if (dendrogram %in% "row") {
dendrogram <- "none"
row.ord <- 1:nrow(x)
legend = NULL
if (!is.null(na.idx)) x[na.idx] <- NA
add <- list(rect = list(col = "transparent",
fill = colSideColors[sort(col.ord)]))
myTheme <- custom.theme(region=RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n=coln, col))
if (dendrogram != "none") {
if (dendrogram == "both") {
if (colSideColorsPos %in% "bottom") {
if (!is.null(colSideColors)) {
size <- 2
} else {
size <- 10
legend <- list(bottom =
list(fun = dendrogramGrob,
args =
list(x = dd.col, ord = col.ord,
side = "top",
size = size,
add = add,
type = "rectangle")),
right =
list(fun = dendrogramGrob,
args =
list(x = dd.row,
side = "right",
size = 10)))
if (colSideColorsPos %in% "top") {
legend <- list(top =
list(fun = dendrogramGrob,
args =
list(x = dd.col, ord = col.ord,
side = "top",
size = 10,
add = add,
type = "rectangle")),
right =
list(fun = dendrogramGrob,
args =
list(x = dd.row,
side = "right",
size = 10)))
if (dendrogram == "row") {
if (!is.null(colSideColors)) {
if (is.null(dd.col)) {
col.ord <- 1:length(colSideColors)
if (is.null(clusterx)) {
dd.col <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(t(x))*0))
} else {
dd.col <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(t(clusterx))*0))
if (colSideColorsPos %in% "bottom") {
legend <-
list(right =
list(fun = dendrogramGrob,
args =
list(x = dd.row,
side = "right",
size = 10,
size.add= 0.5)),
bottom =
list(fun = dendrogramGrob,
args = list(x = dd.col, ord = col.ord,
side = "top", size = 1,
size.add= 1,
add = add,
type = "rectangle")))
if (colSideColorsPos %in% "top") {
legend <-
list(right =
list(fun = dendrogramGrob,
args =
list(x = dd.row,
side = "right",
size = 10, size.add= 0.5)),
top =
list(fun = dendrogramGrob,
args = list(x = dd.col, ord = col.ord,
side = "top", size = 1,
size.add= 1,
add = add,
type = "rectangle")))
} else {
legend <-
list(right =
list(fun = dendrogramGrob,
args =
list(x = dd.row,
side = "right",
size = 10, size.add= 0.5)))
if (dendrogram == "col") {
if (colSideColorsPos %in% "bottom") {
if (!is.null(colSideColors)) {
size <- 2
} else {
size <- 10
legend <-
list(bottom =
list(fun = dendrogramGrob,
args = list(x = dd.col, ord = col.ord,
side = "top", size = size,
size.add= 0.5,
add = add,
type = "rectangle")))
if (colSideColorsPos %in% "top") {
legend <-
list(top =
list(fun = dendrogramGrob,
args = list(x = dd.col, ord = col.ord,
side = "top", size = 10,
size.add= 0.5,
add = add,
type = "rectangle")))
} else {
if (!is.null(colSideColors)) {
if (is.null(dd.col)) {
col.ord <- 1:length(colSideColors)
if (is.null(clusterx)) {
dtx <- dist(t(x))
dtx[] <- 0
dd.col <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dtx*0))
} else {
dtcx[] <- 0
dd.col <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dtcx*0))
if (colSideColorsPos %in% "bottom") {
legend <-
list(bottom =
list(fun = dendrogramGrob,
args = list(x = dd.col, ord = col.ord,
side = "top", size = 1,
size.add= 1,
add = add,
type = "rectangle"))
if (colSideColorsPos %in% "top") {
legend <-
list(top =
list(fun = dendrogramGrob,
args = list(x = dd.col, ord = col.ord,
side = "top", size = 1,
size.add= 1,
add = add,
type = "rectangle"))
} else {
legend <- NULL
d <- t(x[row.ord, col.ord,drop=FALSE])
d <- d[, ncol(d):1, drop=FALSE]
if (contour) {
region <- TRUE
col.regions <- terrain.colors(100)
## print(p, position=c(0,ypct-0.05,1,1), more=TRUE)
## print(p2, position=c(0,0,1,ypct+0.05))
if (is.null(rownames(x))) {
ytck <- list(cex = 0, rot = 0, at = NULL)
} else {
ytck <- list(cex = cexRow, rot = yrot)
if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
xtck <- list(cex = 0, rot = 0, at = NULL)
} else {
xtck <- list(cex = cexCol, rot = xrot)
main = list(label = main, cex = cexMain),
sub = list(label = sub, cex = cexSub),
aspect = aspect,
scales = list(x = xtck, y = ytck, tck = c(1,0)),
legend = legend,
at = at,
colorkey = colorkey,
contour = contour,
panel = if (useRaster) {
function(...) {
panel.fill(col = colNA)
} else {
function(...) {
panel.fill(col = colNA)
#' Analyse large double knock-out screen.
#' This function is used to analyse knock-out screens with multiple
#' double and single knock-outs combined in one data set.
#' @param data data matrix containing multiple single and double kock-downs
#' in columns and effect reporters in the rows
#' @param ... additional parameters, e.g. for the main epiNEM function
#' @export
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @return list object with vectors of double knock-downs, single knock-downs
#' and two matrices with doubles in the columns and singles in the rows. The
#' first matrix denotes the respective logical gate for the triple and the
#' second matrix the log-likelihood
#' @examples
#' data <- matrix(sample(c(0,1), 100*9, replace = TRUE), 100, 9)
#' colnames(data) <- c("A.B", "A.C", "B.C", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "G")
#' rownames(data) <- paste("E", 1:100, sep = "_")
#' res <- epiScreen(data)
epiScreen <- function(data, ...) {
dataBin <- data
doubles <- colnames(dataBin)[grep("\\.", colnames(dataBin))]
if (length(grep("vs", doubles)) > 0) {
doubles <- sort(doubles[-grep("vs", doubles)])
} else { doubles <- sort(doubles) }
doubles.genes <- unique(unlist(strsplit(doubles, "\\.")))
if (length(grep("\\.", colnames(dataBin))) > 0) {
singles <- colnames(dataBin)[-grep("\\.", colnames(dataBin))]
} else { singles <- sort(singles) }
singles <- unique(sort(singles))
llmat <- logicmat <- matrix(0, length(singles), length(doubles))
rownames(llmat) <- rownames(logicmat) <- singles
colnames(llmat) <- colnames(logicmat) <- doubles
globalgenes <- which(apply(dataBin, 1, max) == 1)
targets <- list()
for (i in doubles) {
targets[[i]] <- list()
print(i) <- unlist(strsplit(i, "\\."))
egenes <-
which(apply(dataBin[, which(colnames(dataBin) %in%
c(i,], 1, max) == 1)
for (j in singles) {
if (j %in% { next() }
dataTmp <- dataBin[, grep(paste(
paste("^", c(i, j,, "$", sep = ""),
collapse = "|"),
dataTmp <- dataTmp[egenes, ]
i1 <- which(singles %in% j)
i2 <- which(doubles %in% i)
if (!(is.null(dim(dataTmp)))) {
if (any(dataTmp[, j] != 0)) {
epires <- epiNEM(dataTmp, method = "exhaustive")
targets[[i]][[j]] <-
rownames(dataTmp)[which(apply(epires$PostScore, 1,
which.max) ==
%in% j))]
tmp <- epires$logics
if ("OR" %in% tmp) {
if (sum(epires$origModel[, j]) != 2) {
tmp <- "NOEPI"
} else {
if (all(tmp %in% "OR")) {
tmp <- "OR"
} else {
tmp <- tmp[which(!(tmp %in% "OR"))]
logicmat[i1, i2] <- tmp
llmat[i1, i2] <- epires$score
} else {
logicmat[i1, i2] <- "UNCON"
llmat[i1, i2] <- -Inf
} else {
logicmat[i1, i2] <- "UNCON"
llmat[i1, i2] <- -Inf
results <- list(doubles = doubles, singles = singles,
logic = logicmat, ll = llmat, targets = targets)
class(results) <- "epiScreen"
#' Gate visualisation.
#' Plots logical gate data annotation. The 8 heatmaps visualize what perfect
#' data would look like in respective to each logical gate. Perfect data is
#' equivalent to Boolean truth tables.
#' @references \url{}
#' @export
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @return plot of heatmaps showing the silencing scheme (=expected data,
#' truth tables)
#' @examples
#' epiAnno()
epiAnno <- function() {
oldw <- getOption("warn")
a1 <- HeatmapOP(matrix(c(1,-1,1,-1,1,1, 1, 1, 1), 3, 3,
dimnames = list(c("A", "B", "A.B"), LETTERS[1:3])),
Colv = FALSE, Rowv = FALSE,
main = "OR", col = "Greys", sub = "", colorkey = NULL)
a2 <- HeatmapOP(matrix(c(1,-1,1,-1,1,1, -1, -1, 1), 3, 3,
dimnames = list(c("A", "B", "A.B"), LETTERS[1:3])),
Colv = FALSE, Rowv = FALSE,
main = "AND", col = "Greys", sub = "", colorkey = NULL)
a3 <- HeatmapOP(matrix(c(1,-1,1,-1,1,1, 1, -1, -1), 3, 3,
dimnames = list(c("A", "B", "A.B"), LETTERS[1:3])),
Colv = FALSE, Rowv = FALSE,
main = "B masks effect of A", col = "Greys", sub = "",
colorkey = NULL)
a4 <- HeatmapOP(matrix(c(1,-1,1,-1,1,1, -1, 1, -1), 3, 3,
dimnames = list(c("A", "B", "A.B"), LETTERS[1:3])),
Colv = FALSE, Rowv = FALSE,
main = "A masks effect of B", col = "Greys", sub = "",
colorkey = NULL)
a5 <- HeatmapOP(matrix(c(1,-1,1,-1,1,1, 1, 1, -1), 3, 3,
dimnames = list(c("A", "B", "A.B"), LETTERS[1:3])),
Colv = FALSE, Rowv = FALSE,
main = "XOR", col = "Greys", sub = "", colorkey = NULL)
a6 <- HeatmapOP(matrix(c(1,-1,1,-1,1,1, -1, 1, 1), 3, 3,
dimnames = list(c("A", "B", "A.B"), LETTERS[1:3])),
Colv = FALSE, Rowv = FALSE,
main = "No epistasis", col = "Greys", sub = "",
colorkey = NULL)
a7 <- HeatmapOP(matrix(c(1,-1,1,-1,1,1, 1, -1, 1), 3, 3,
dimnames = list(c("A", "B", "A.B"), LETTERS[1:3])),
Colv = FALSE, Rowv = FALSE,
main = "No epistasis", col = "Greys", sub = "",
colorkey = NULL)
a8 <- HeatmapOP(matrix(c(1,-1,1,-1,1,1, -1, -1, -1), 3, 3,
dimnames = list(c("A", "B", "A.B"), LETTERS[1:3])),
Colv = FALSE, Rowv = FALSE,
main = "No epistasis (unconnected)", col = "Greys",
sub = "", colorkey = NULL)
print(a5, position = c(0,0, .25, .5), more = TRUE)
print(a6, position = c(.25,0, .5, .5), more = TRUE)
print(a7, position = c(.5,0, .75, .5), more = TRUE)
print(a8, position = c(.75,0, 1, .5), more = TRUE)
print(a1, position = c(0,.5, .25, 1), more = TRUE)
print(a2, position = c(.25,.5, .5, 1), more = TRUE)
print(a3, position = c(.5,.5, .75, 1), more = TRUE)
print(a4, position = c(.75,.5, 1, 1))
col = "RdYlGn"; colNA = "grey"; coln = 11; bordercol = "grey";
borderwidth = 0.1; breaks = "sym";
main = "";
sub = "";
dendrogram = "none"; colorkey = list(space = "right"); Colv = TRUE;
Rowv = TRUE; xrot = 90; yrot = 0; shrink = c(1,1); cexCol = 1;
cexRow = 1; cexMain = 1; cexSub = 1;
colSideColors = NULL; aspect = "fill";
contour = FALSE; useRaster = FALSE; xlab = NULL; ylab = NULL;
colSideColorsPos = "top"; clust = NULL; clusterx = NULL;
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