## functions needed in order to run LogicNEM
#' Create a random graph
#' @description Returns a model graph with randomly sampled edges.
#' Every possible edge has a probability to exist in the graph.
#' @param pathwayGenes vector of genes in the pathway
#' @param edgeProb probability of random edge
#' @export
#' @examples
#' graph <- CreateRandomGraph(c("Ikk1", "Ikk2", "RelA"))
#' @return adjacency matrix
CreateRandomGraph <- function(pathwayGenes, edgeProb=0.5) {
size <- length(pathwayGenes)
model <- diag(size)
nEdges <- size * (size - 1)
model[which(model == 0)] <-
sample(0:1, nEdges, TRUE, c(1 - edgeProb, edgeProb))
dimnames(model) <- list(pathwayGenes, pathwayGenes)
get_col <- function(i, m) ((i-1) %/% nrow(m)) + 1
get_row <- function(i, m) (i-1) %% nrow(m) + 1
#' Evaluation of graphs
#' @param Phi model to be evaluated
#' @param D1 observed data matrix
#' @param D0 complementary D1
#' @param ltype likelihood type either "marginal" or "maximum"
#' @param para false positive and false negative rates
#' @description Computes marginal log-likelihood
#' for model Phi given observed data matrix D1
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Phi <- matrix(sample(c(0,1), 9, replace = TRUE), 3, 3)
#' data <- matrix(sample(c(0,1), 3*10, replace = TRUE), 10, 3)
#' rownames(Phi) <- colnames(Phi) <- colnames(data) <- c("Ikk1", "Ikk2", "RelA")
#' score <- Mll(Phi, D1 <- data, D0 <- 1 - data)
#' @return list with likelihood poster probability, egene positions
Mll <- function(Phi, D1, D0, ltype = "marginal", para = c(0.13, 0.05)) {
## Computes marginal log-likelihood for model Phi,
## observed data matrix D1, and
## complementary data matrix D0
## Function adapted from NEM package
if (is.matrix(Phi)) {
Phi2 <- Phi
} else {
Phi2 <- as.matrix(Phi$model)
Phi2 <- Phi2[colnames(D1), ]
L <- para[1]^(D1 %*% (1 - Phi2)) *
(1 - para[1])^(D0 %*% (1 - Phi2)) *
(1 - para[2])^(D1 %*% Phi2) *
para[2]^(D0 %*% Phi2)
posterior <- L / (rowSums(L))
LLperGene <- log(rowSums(L))
mLL <- sum(LLperGene)
theta <- apply(posterior, 1, function(e) e == max(e))
mappos <- apply(theta, 1, which)
## map instead of mll
if (ltype %in% "maximum") {
mLL <- sum(apply(L, 1, max))
#' @noRd
getStarters <- function(mutants, experiments){
## get positions of doublemutants
mutantslist <- strsplit(mutants, ".", fixed=TRUE)
doublepos <- c()
for (i in 1:length(mutantslist)){
if (length(unlist(mutantslist[i])) == 2)
doublepos <- c(doublepos, i)
starters <- c()
dbvec <- c()
## create startStates for each knockout
for (i in 1:length(experiments)){
if (i %in% doublepos){
for (j in experiments){
if (j %in% unlist(mutantslist[doublepos]))
dbvec <- c(dbvec, 1)
else dbvec <- c(dbvec, 0)
starters <- c(starters, dbvec)
z1 <- i-1
z1 <- rep(0,z1)
z2 <- length(experiments)-i
z2 <- rep(0, z2)
vector <- c(z1, 1, z2)
starters <- c(starters, vector)
if (length(dbvec)==0){
for (j in experiments){
if (j %in% unlist(mutantslist[length(mutantslist)]))
dbvec <- c(dbvec, 1)
else dbvec <- c(dbvec, 0)
starters <- c(starters, dbvec)
#' Create an extended adjacency matrix
#' @description extend adjacency matrices taking cycles and logics into account.
#' For every given start state, the final state
#' is computed yu using BoolNet.
#' @param network network created by BoolNet from file
#' @param mutants vector of single knockouts
#' @param experiments vector of all knockouts
#' @importFrom BoolNet getPathToAttractor
#' @import stats
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(BoolNet)
#' data(cellcycle)
#' extModel <- CreateExtendedAdjacency(cellcycle,
#' c(cellcycle$genes, "CycD.Rb"), cellcycle$genes)
#' @return extended adjacency matrix
CreateExtendedAdjacency <- function(network, mutants, experiments){
starters <- matrix(getStarters(mutants, experiments),
length(mutants), byrow=TRUE)
rownames(starters) <- mutants
colnames(starters) <- experiments
## get steady state of each startState
getMyAttractor <- function(e, network, includeAttractorStates) {
network$fixed[which(e == 1)] <- 1
return(getPathToAttractor(network, e, includeAttractorStates))
data <- apply(starters, 1, getMyAttractor, network,
## get observed data by taking final state from all the random startStates.
extadj <- data[[1]][nrow(data[[1]]),]
for (i in 2:length(data)){
d <- data[[i]][nrow(data[[i]]),]
extadj <- rbind(extadj, d);
rownames(extadj) <- mutants
#' @noRd
includeLogic <- function(adj, experiments, mutants){
if (is.list(adj)) {
adj=matrix(unlist(adj),length(experiments), byrow=FALSE)
rownames(adj) <- experiments
colnames(adj) <- rownames(adj)
adj <- adj[order(rownames(adj)), order(colnames(adj))]
mutantslist <- strsplit(mutants, ".", fixed=TRUE)
doublepos <- c()
for (i in 1:length(mutantslist)) {
if (length(unlist(mutantslist[i])) == 2) {
doublepos <- c(doublepos, i)
## look for suitable triples and create logic vector depending
## on the relationship of the parents
notriples <- 0
logic <- c()
liste <- list()
column <- c()
for (c in 1:length(experiments)) {
singles <- c()
parents <- names(which(adj[,c]==1))
if ((length(parents) == 2) &&
##check whether double mutant is available in the data
(parents[1] %in% unlist(mutantslist[doublepos])) &&
parents[2] %in% unlist(mutantslist[doublepos])) {
for (i in 1:length(parents)) {
singles <- cbind(singles, parents[i])
notriples <- notriples+1
relation <- adj[singles, singles]
diag(relation) <- 0
NOT2 <- paste(parents[2], "masks the effect of", parents[1])
NOT1 <- paste(parents[1], "masks the effect of", parents[2])
if (sum(relation) == 0) {
logic <- c("OR", "XOR", "AND", NOT1, NOT2)
if (relation[2] == 1) {
logic <- c(NOT2)
if (relation[3] == 1) {
logic <- c(NOT1)
liste[[notriples]] <- logic
column <- cbind(column, c)
if (length(parents) == 2 &
!(all(parents %in% unlist(mutantslist[doublepos])))) {
notriples <- notriples + 1
liste[[notriples]] <- "OR"
column <- cbind(column, c)
if (length(parents) > 2) {
notriples <- notriples + 1
liste[[notriples]] <- "OR"
column <- cbind(column, c)
if (length(parents) == 1) {
notriples <- notriples + 1
liste[[notriples]] <- "OR"
column <- cbind(column, c)
if (length(liste) > 0) {
logicmatrix <- as.matrix(expand.grid(liste))
## create logics file from adjacency matrix
## using logics provided by logic vector
## ready for using BoolNet
randomnames <- sort(runif(nrow(logicmatrix)))
networks <- list()
for (modelno in 1:nrow(logicmatrix)) {
lo <- 0
network <- character()
countline <- 1
network[countline] <- "targets, factors"
for (c in experiments) {
tmp <- NULL
count <- 1
if (sum(adj[, which(colnames(adj) %in% c)]) == 0) {
tmp <- paste(tmp, paste(c, ", ", c, sep=""), sep = "")
} else {
tmp <- paste(tmp, paste(c, ", ", sep=""), sep = "")
count2 <- 0
count3 <- 0
for (r in experiments) {
if (adj[r,c]==1) {
if ((count==1) &&
(which(rownames(adj)==c) %in% column)) {
help <- r
count <- count+1
if (sum(adj[, c]) == 1) {
tmp <- paste(tmp, paste(r, sep=""), sep = "")
lo <- lo + 1
else if ((count == 2) &&
(which(rownames(adj)==c) %in% column)) {
NOT2 <- paste(r, "masks the effect of", help)
NOT1 <- paste(help, "masks the effect of", r)
if (count3 < 1) {
lo <- lo+1
if (logicmatrix[modelno, lo]=="OR" & count3 == 0) {
tmp <-
paste(tmp, paste(help, " | ", r, sep=""),
sep = "")
count3 <- count3 + 1
} else if
(logicmatrix[modelno, lo]=="OR" & count3 > 0) {
tmp <-
paste(" | ", help, " | ", r, sep=""),
sep = "")
} else if
(logicmatrix[modelno, lo]=="AND") {
tmp <-
paste("(", help, " & ", r, ")",
sep = "")
} else if
(logicmatrix[modelno, lo]=="XOR") {
tmp <-
paste("( ", help, " & ! ", r
,") | (", r, " & ! ", help, ")",
sep = ""),
sep = "")
## help refers to the first element
} else if
(logicmatrix[modelno, lo]==NOT2) {
tmp <-
paste("(", help, " & ! ", r, ")",
sep = "")
} else if
(logicmatrix[modelno, lo]==NOT1) {
tmp <-
paste("(", r, " & ! ", help, ")",
sep = "")
} else {
count2 <- count2 + 1
(count2 <
sum(adj[, which(colnames(adj) %in% c)])) {
tmp <- paste(tmp,
paste(r, " | ",
sep = "")
} else {
tmp <- paste(tmp, paste(r,
sep = "")
lo <- lo + 1
countline <- countline + 1
network[countline] <- tmp
networks[[modelno]] <- network # write(network, file = path)
test <- lapply(1:nrow(logicmatrix),
function(x) getExtendedAdjacency(x,
#' @noRd
net2bool <- function(network) {
parseBooleanFunction <- get("parseBooleanFunction",
envir = asNamespace("BoolNet"))
booln <- list()
logics <- network[-1]
booln$genes <- gsub(",.*", "", logics)
booln$fixed <- rep(-1, length(booln$genes))
names(booln$fixed) <- booln$genes
booln$interactions <- list()
for (i in 1:length(booln$genes)) {
tmp <- unlist(strsplit(gsub("\\(|\\)|\\&|!|\\|",
"", gsub(".*,", "", logics[i])), " "))
if (sum(tmp %in% "") > 0) { tmp <- tmp[-which(tmp %in% "")] }
tmp <- unique(tmp)
booln$interactions[[booln$genes[[i]]]] <- list()
booln$interactions[[booln$genes[[i]]]][["input"]] <-
which(booln$genes %in% tmp)
booln$interactions[[booln$genes[[i]]]][["expression"]] <-
gsub(".*, ", "", logics[i])
booln$interactions[[booln$genes[[i]]]][["func"]] <-
booln$genes), as.integer(3), PACKAGE="BoolNet")[[2]]
class(booln) <- "BooleanNetwork"
#' create with logics extended adjacency matrix
#' @importFrom BoolNet loadNetwork
#' @noRd
getExtendedAdjacency <-function(modelno, logicmatrix,
column, adj, mutants,
experiments, networks) {
network <- net2bool(networks[[modelno]])
extadj2 <- CreateExtendedAdjacency(network, unique(mutants), experiments)
return(list(list(origModel=adj, model=extadj2,
logics=logicmatrix[modelno,], column=column)))
#' @noRd
AttachEGenes <- function(posterior, experiments){
maxpost <-
function(x) length(which(posterior[x,]==max(posterior[x,]))))
attachedEs <- matrix()
names <- c()
attachedEsADD <- 0
namesADD <- c()
Egeneset <- matrix()
Egeneset <- NULL
EgeneADD <- 0
EgeneADD <- NULL
j <- 1
k <- 1
Epos <- c()
for (i in 1:length(maxpost)){
if (maxpost[i]==1){
Epos <- cbind(Epos, i)
attachedEs[j] <- names(which.max(posterior[i,]))
names[j] <- rownames(posterior)[i]
j <- j+1
} else {
## for (e in 1:unlist(maxpost[i])){
attachedEsADD <- attachedEsADD+1
## namesADD[k] <- rownames(posterior)[i]
## k <- k+1
## }
rownames(attachedEs) <- names
rownames(attachedEsADD) <- namesADD
for (i in experiments){
if ([i])){
} else tablt=table(attachedEs)[i]
## if ([i])){
Egeneset <- rbind(Egeneset, tablt)
## } else Egeneset <- rbind(Egeneset,
## paste(tablt, "+", table(attachedEsADD)[i], sep=""))
Egeneset <- rbind(Egeneset, attachedEsADD)
rownames(Egeneset)= c(experiments, "null")
#' Create Topology.
#' Create topology for a randomly generated pathway topology
#' @param single number of single knockouts
#' @param double number of double knockouts
#' @param force if true the random model will have a sophisticated logical gate
#' @export
#' @examples
#' model <- CreateTopology(3, 1)
#' @return adjacency matrix
CreateTopology <- function(single, double, force = TRUE) {
extendedModels <- list()
singleKOs <- LETTERS[1:single]
experiments <- singleKOs
doubleKOs <- lapply(1:double, GenerateDoubleKO, singleKOs)
doubleKOs <- unlist(unique(doubleKOs))
mutants <- sort(c(singleKOs, doubleKOs))
donotextend <- FALSE
while (length(extendedModels)==0){
startModel <- CreateRandomGraph(singleKOs)
startModel <- startModel[order(apply(startModel, 1, sum),
decreasing = TRUE),
order(apply(startModel, 1, sum),
decreasing = TRUE)]
startModel[lower.tri(startModel)] <- 0
startModel <- startModel[order(rownames(startModel)),
diag(startModel) <- 0
if (force) {
if (sum(apply(startModel, 2, sum) >= 2) > 0) {
if (sum(startModel[,which(
apply(startModel, 2, sum) >= 2)[1]] == 1) > 0) {
if (!(paste(
startModel[, which(
apply(startModel, 2, sum) >= 2)[1]]
== 1)[1:2]], collapse = ".") %in%
mutants)) {
mutants <-
sum) >= 2)[1]]
== 1)[1:2]],
collapse = ".")))
donotextend <- FALSE
} else {
donotextend <- TRUE
} else {
donotextend <- TRUE
if (!donotextend) {
extendedModels <- includeLogic(startModel, experiments, mutants)
## extendedModels <- unlist(extendedModels, recursive=FALSE)
if (length(extendedModels) == 5) {
prob <- c(0.018, 0.49, 0.49, 0.001, 0.001)
} else {
prob <- rep(1/length(extendedModels), length(extendedModels))
selectedModel <- sample(1:length(extendedModels), 1, prob = prob)
topology <- extendedModels[[selectedModel]]
#' Generate double knock-out.
#' Generate a random double mutant for artificial data
#' @param singleKOs: vector of single mutants
#' @importFrom gtools combinations
#' @noRd
GenerateDoubleKO <- function(d, singleKOs) {
allDoubles <- combinations(length(singleKOs), 2, singleKOs)
doubleKO <- allDoubles[d, ]
doubleKO <-, as.list(c(doubleKO, sep=".")))
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