# Generate input files for Himmeli. The network visualization
# is a streamlined depiction of the module enrichment in hub
# neighborhoods. For instance, only links that connect a key
# driver to another node are depicted.
# Input:
# job KDA data list as returned by kda.finish()
# Optional input:
# modules array of module names to be visualized
# ndrivers maximum number of drivers per module
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
kda2himmeli <- function(job, modules=NULL, ndrivers=5) {
# Import node values.
cat("\nImporting node data...\n")
valdata <-$nodfile)
# Set node sizes.
z <- as.double(valdata$VALUE)
z <- (z/quantile(z, 0.95) + rank(z)/length(z))
valdata$SIZE <- pmin(4.0, z)
# Select subset of genes.
valdata <- kda2himmeli.identify(valdata, "NODE", job$graph$nodes)
# Select top scoring modules.
cat("\nForwarding KDA results to Himmeli...\n")
if(is.null(modules) & (is.null(job$ssearesults) == FALSE)) {
tmp <- job$ssearesults
tmp <- tmp[order(tmp$P),]
modules <- tmp$modules
if(length(modules) > 8) modules <- modules[1:8]
# Convert module names to indices.
if(is.null(modules) == FALSE) {
modules <- match(modules, job$modules)
modules <- modules[which(modules > 0)]
if(length(modules) < 1)
stop("Unknown module names.")
# Select top key drivers from each module.
drivers <- kda2himmeli.drivers(job$results, modules, ndrivers)
mods <- unique(drivers$MODULE)
palette <- kda2himmeli.colormap(length(mods))
# Process each module separately.
edgdata <- data.frame()
noddata <- data.frame()
for(i in 1:length(mods)) {
rows <- which(drivers$MODULE == mods[i])
tmp <- kda2himmeli.exec(job, valdata, drivers[rows,], mods, palette)
edgdata <- rbind(edgdata, tmp$edat)
noddata <- rbind(noddata, tmp$vdat)
# Create work folder.
dpath <- file.path(job$folder, "himmeli")
if(file.exists(dpath) == FALSE)
dir.create(path=dpath, recursive=TRUE)
# Save data files.
edgfile <- file.path(job$folder, "kda2himmeli.edges.txt")
nodfile <- file.path(job$folder, "kda2himmeli.nodes.txt"), file=edgfile), file=nodfile)
# Configuration data.
gname <- file.path(dpath, job$label)
instr <- paste("GraphName", gname, sep="\t")
instr <- c(instr, paste("EdgeFile", edgfile, sep="\t"))
instr <- c(instr, paste("EdgeTailVariable", "TAIL", sep="\t"))
instr <- c(instr, paste("EdgeHeadVariable", "HEAD", sep="\t"))
instr <- c(instr, paste("EdgeWeightVariable", "WEIGHT", sep="\t"))
instr <- c(instr, paste("EdgeColorVariable", "COLOR", sep="\t"))
instr <- c(instr, paste("VertexFile", nodfile, sep="\t"))
instr <- c(instr, paste("VertexNameVariable", "NODE", sep="\t"))
instr <- c(instr, paste("VertexColorVariable", "COLOR", sep="\t"))
instr <- c(instr, paste("VertexLabelVariable", "LABEL", sep="\t"))
instr <- c(instr, paste("VertexShapeVariable", "SHAPE", sep="\t"))
instr <- c(instr, paste("VertexSectorVariable", "SECTOR", sep="\t"))
instr <- c(instr, paste("VertexSizeVariable", "SIZE", sep="\t"))
instr <- c(instr, paste("DistanceUnit", "1.1", sep="\t"))
instr <- c(instr, paste("ChassisMode", "on", "2.0", sep="\t"))
# Color info.
modnames <- job$modules[mods]
for(j in 1:ncol(palette)) {
c <- palette[,j]
value <- sprintf("%02d%02d%02d", c[1], c[2], c[3])
value <- paste("VertexColorInfo", modnames[j], value, sep="\t")
instr <- c(instr, value)
# Save configuration data.
fname <- file.path(job$folder, "kda2himmeli.config.txt")
write.table(x=instr, sep="\t", file=fname, na="",
row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
cat("\rSaved ", length(instr), " rows in '", fname, "'.\n", sep="")
kda2himmeli.exec <- function(job, valdata, drivers, modpool, palette) {
# Create star topology.
edgdata <- data.frame()
for(i in unique(drivers$NODE)) {
tmp <- kda2himmeli.edges(job$graph, i, job$depth, job$direction)
edgdata <- rbind(edgdata, tmp)
# Select affected nodes.
tmp <- c(edgdata$TAIL, edgdata$HEAD)
pos <- match(valdata$NODE, tmp)
valdata <- valdata[which(pos > 0),]
# Assign node shapes.
valdata$SHAPE <- "circle"
pos <- match(valdata$NODE, drivers$NODE)
valdata[which(pos > 0),"SHAPE"] <- "star"
# Trace module memberships.
noddata <- kda2himmeli.colorize(valdata, job$moddata, modpool, palette)
# Trim edge dataset.
edgdata <- edgdata[which(edgdata$TAIL != edgdata$HEAD),]
edgdata <- unique(edgdata[,c("TAIL", "HEAD", "WEIGHT")])
edgdata$COLOR <- "808080"
# Restore original identities.
edgdata$TAIL <- job$graph$nodes[edgdata$TAIL]
edgdata$HEAD <- job$graph$nodes[edgdata$HEAD]
noddata$NODE <- job$graph$nodes[noddata$NODE]
noddata$LABEL <- noddata$NODE
# Make identities unique for the current module.
modtag <- job$modules[drivers[1,"MODULE"]]
for(i in 1:nrow(noddata))
noddata[i,"NODE"] <- paste(noddata[i,"NODE"], modtag, sep="@")
for(i in 1:nrow(edgdata)) {
edgdata[i,"TAIL"] <- paste(edgdata[i,"TAIL"], modtag, sep="@")
edgdata[i,"HEAD"] <- paste(edgdata[i,"HEAD"], modtag, sep="@")
# Return results.
res <- list(edat=edgdata, vdat=noddata)
kda2himmeli.drivers <- function(data, modules, ndriv) {
nmods <- 8 # optimal number of colors
# Select modules.
if(is.null(modules) == FALSE) {
nmods <- length(unique(modules))
pos <- match(data$MODULE, modules)
data <- data[which(pos > 0),]
if(nrow(data) < 1) stop("No data on target modules.")
# Include only significant key drivers.
rows <- which(data$FDR < 0.05)
data <- data[rows,]
if(nrow(data) < 1) stop("No key drivers for target modules.")
# Separate modules.
st <- tool.aggregate(data$MODULE)
blocks <- st$blocks
# Collect top drivers.
peaks <- double()
scores <- data$P
for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
rows <- blocks[[k]]
peaks[k] <- min(scores[rows])
# Collect drivers from top modules.
ind <- integer()
mask <- order(peaks)
mask <- mask[1:min(length(mask),nmods)]
for(k in mask) {
rows <- blocks[[k]]
rows <- rows[order(scores[rows])]
rows <- rows[1:min(length(rows),ndriv)]
ind <- c(ind, rows)
kda2himmeli.edges <- function(graph, center, depth, direction) {
g <-, center, depth, direction)
if(direction >= 0) {
g$HEAD <- g$RANK
g$TAIL <- center
} else {
g$TAIL <- g$RANK
g$HEAD <- center
g$WEIGHT <- (g$STRENG)/(1.0 + g$LEVEL)
kda2himmeli.colorize <- function(noddata, moddata, modpool, palette) {
# Collect module memberships.
pos <- match(moddata$NODE, noddata$NODE)
moddata <- moddata[which(pos > 0),c("MODULE","NODE")]
moddata <- unique(moddata)
# Merge duplicate rows.
st <- tool.aggregate(moddata$NODE)
blocks <- st$blocks
colors <- rep(NA, length(blocks))
sectors <- rep("", length(blocks))
for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
rows <- blocks[[k]]
mods <- moddata[rows,"MODULE"]
mods <- intersect(mods, modpool)
mods <- sort(unique(mods))
n <- length(mods)
if(n < 1) next
if(n < 2) {
c <- palette[,which(modpool == mods[1])]
colors[k] <- sprintf("%02d%02d%02d", c[1], c[2], c[3])
for(i in 1:n) {
c <- palette[,which(modpool == mods[i])]
c <- sprintf("%02d%02d%02d", c[1], c[2], c[3])
if(i < 2) {
sectors[k] <- paste(sectors[k], "1:", c, sep="")
} else {
sectors[k] <- paste(sectors[k], ",1:", c, sep="")
# Combine results.
res <- data.frame(NODE=as.integer(st$labels), COLOR=colors,
SECTOR=sectors, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
res <- merge(noddata, res, all.x=TRUE)
# Fill in missing values.
rows <- which($COLOR))
res[rows,"COLOR"] <- "909090"
kda2himmeli.colormap <- function(ncolors) {
palette <- rainbow(n=(ncolors + 2))
palette <- (col2rgb(palette)/255)
# Dampen raw colors.
kappa <- pmax(0.25*palette[1,], 0.25*palette[2,], 0.4*palette[3,])
palette[1,] <- ((1.0 - kappa)*palette[1,] + kappa)
palette[2,] <- ((1.0 - kappa)*palette[2,] + kappa)
palette <- round(99*palette)
# Remove strongest greens (easy to confuse on screen).
while(ncol(palette) > ncolors) {
rb <- (palette[1,] + palette[3,])
palette <- palette[,order(rb)]
ind <- which.max(palette[,2])
mask <- setdiff(1:ncol(palette), ind)
palette <- palette[,mask]
# Sort by components.
x <- (10000*palette[1,] + 100*palette[2,] + palette[3,])
kda2himmeli.identify <- function(dat, varname, labels) {
if(nrow(dat) < 1) return(dat)
# Find matching identities.
pos <- match(dat[,varname], labels)
rows <- which(pos > 0)
# Select subset.
dat[,varname] <- pos
res <- dat[rows,]
# Generate input files for cytoscape. The network visualization
# is a streamlined depiction of the module enrichment in hub
# neighborhoods. Hence, only links that connect a key
# driver to another node are depicted within a particular depth.
# Input:
# job KDA data list as returned by kda.finish()
# Optional input:
# modules array of module names to be visualized
# ndrivers maximum number of drivers per module
# depth search depth of subgraphs
# Written by Zeyneb Kurt 2015
kda2cytoscape <- function(job, node.list=NULL, modules=NULL, ndrivers=5,
depth=1) {
# Select top scoring modules.
cat("\nForwarding KDA results to Cytoscape...\n")
if(is.null(modules) ) # if module names were not provided by user,
# take module names from kda results
modules <- job$modules[unique(job$results$MODULE)]
# Convert module names to indices.
if(!is.null(modules)) {
modules <- match(modules, job$modules)
modules <- modules[which(modules > 0)]
if(length(modules) < 1) stop("Unknown module names.")
# Select top key drivers from each module.
drivers <- kda2cytoscape.drivers(job$results, modules, ndrivers)
mods <- unique(drivers$MODULE)
modnames <- job$modules[mods]
modnames[which(mods == 0)] <- "NON.MODULE"
palette <- kda2cytoscape.colormap(length(mods))
palette[,which(mods == 0)] <- c(90,90,90)
if (all(, job$graph$nodes))) )
stop("These nodes are not in the provided graph")
drivers <- c()
nds <- which(!$graph$nodes, node.list)))
for(ii in 1:length(nds)){
if (length(which(job$results$NODE == nds[ii])) > 0 ){
mdls <- job$results$MODULE[which(job$results$NODE ==
drivers <- rbind(drivers, cbind(mdls, nds[ii]))
drivers <- rbind(drivers, cbind(0, nds[ii]))
drivers <-
colnames(drivers) <- c("MODULE" , "NODE")
# Create work folder.
dpath <- file.path(job$folder, "cytoscape")
if(file.exists(dpath) == FALSE)
dir.create(path=dpath, recursive=TRUE)
# Save top KDAs into file
drivers$MODNAMES <- modnames[match(drivers$MODULE, mods)]
drivers$NODNAMES <- job$graph$nodes[drivers$NODE]
for(i in 1:nrow(drivers))
drivers$COLOR[i] <- sprintf("#%02d%02d%02d",
palette[1, match(drivers$MODULE[i], mods)],
palette[2, match(drivers$MODULE[i], mods)],
palette[3, match(drivers$MODULE[i], mods)])
kdafile <- file.path(dpath, ""), file=kdafile)
# Process each module separately.
edgdata <- data.frame()
noddata <- data.frame()
for(i in 1:length(mods)) {
rows <- which(drivers$MODULE == mods[i])
if(length(rows) > 0){
tmp <- kda2cytoscape.exec(job, drivers[rows,], mods, palette,
if (!is.null(tmp)){
edgdata <- rbind(edgdata, tmp$edat)
noddata <- rbind(noddata, tmp$vdat)
noddata[which(noddata[,5] == "") , 5] <- NA
keep.list <- c()
unq.nodes <- unique(noddata$NODE)
for ( i in 1:length(unq.nodes) ) {
rws <- which(noddata[,1] == unq.nodes[i])
if (any([rws, 5])) ) {
nn <- which(as.integer(noddata[rws, 3]) == 100)
if (length(nn) >0) keep.list <- c(keep.list, rws[nn[1]])
else keep.list <- c(keep.list, rws[1])
else {
keep.list <- c(keep.list, rws[1])
lenlen <- length(strsplit(noddata[rws[1], "SECTOR"], "1:")[[1]])
noddata[rws, "COLOR"] <-
strsplit(noddata[rws[1], "SECTOR"], "1:")[[1]][lenlen]
noddata[rws, "COLOR"] <- paste0("#", noddata[rws[1], "COLOR"])
noddata <- noddata[keep.list, ]
noddata$MODULE <- NULL
# Save data files.
edgfile <- file.path(dpath, "kda2cytoscape.edges.txt")
nodfile <- file.path(dpath, "kda2cytoscape.nodes.txt")
if (!is.null(edgdata)), file=edgfile)
if (!is.null(noddata))[, c("NODE", "LABEL", "COLOR", "SIZE",
"SHAPE", "SECTOR", "URL", "LABELSIZE")], file=nodfile)
# Color info.
instr <- NULL
instr <- paste("MODULES", "COLOR", sep="\t")
for(j in 1:ncol(palette)) {
c <- palette[,j]
value <- sprintf("#%02d%02d%02d", c[1], c[2], c[3])
value <- paste(modnames[j], value, sep="\t")
instr <- c(instr, value)
fname <- file.path(dpath, "module.color.mapping.txt")
write.table(instr, sep="\t", file=fname, na="", row.names=FALSE,
quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
cat("\rInformation is stored into relevant files.\n", sep="")
kda2cytoscape.exec <- function(job, drivers, modpool, palette, graph.depth=1){
# Create star topology.
edgdata <- data.frame()
for(j in unique(drivers$NODE)) {
tmp <- kda2cytoscape.edges(job$graph, j, graph.depth, job$direction)
edgdata <- rbind(edgdata, tmp)
# Select affected nodes.
tmp <- data.frame(unique(c(edgdata$TAIL, edgdata$HEAD)),
names(tmp) <- "NODE"
# Assign node shapes.
shapes <- rep("Ellipse", length(tmp))
sizes <- rep(50, length(tmp))
tmp$SHAPE <- shapes
tmp$SIZE <- sizes
pos <- match(tmp$NODE, drivers$NODE)
tmp[which(pos > 0),"SHAPE"] <- "Diamond"
tmp[which(pos > 0),"SIZE"] <- 100
# Trace module memberships.
noddata <- kda2cytoscape.colorize(tmp, job$moddata, modpool, palette)
# Trim edge dataset.
edgdata <- edgdata[which(edgdata$TAIL != edgdata$HEAD),]
edgdata <- unique(edgdata[,c("TAIL", "HEAD", "WEIGHT")])
edgdata$COLOR <- "#808080"
# Restore original identities.
edgdata$TAIL <- job$graph$nodes[edgdata$TAIL]
edgdata$HEAD <- job$graph$nodes[edgdata$HEAD]
modtag <- job$modules[drivers[1,"MODULE"]]
if(length(modtag) == 0) modtag <- "NON.MODULE"
noddata$NODE <- job$graph$nodes[as.numeric(noddata$NODE)]
noddata$LABEL <- noddata$NODE
# Make identities unique for the current module.
noddata[1:nrow(noddata), "MODULE"] <- modtag
edgdata[1:nrow(edgdata), "MODULE"] <- modtag
# Return results.
res <- list(edat=edgdata, vdat=noddata)
else res=NULL
kda2cytoscape.drivers <- function(data, modules, ndriv) {
nmods <- length(unique(data$MODULE))
# Select modules.
if(!is.null(modules)) {
nmods <- length(unique(modules))
pos <- match(data$MODULE, modules)
data <- data[which(pos > 0),]
if(nrow(data) < 1) stop("No data on target modules.")
# Include only significant key drivers.
rows <- which(data$FDR < 0.05)
data <- data[rows,]
if(nrow(data) < 1) stop("No key drivers for target modules.")
# Separate modules.
st <- tool.aggregate(data$MODULE)
blocks <- st$blocks
# Collect top drivers.
peaks <- double()
scores <- data$P
for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
rows <- blocks[[k]]
peaks[k] <- min(scores[rows])
# Collect drivers from modules.
ind <- integer()
mask <- order(peaks)
mask <- mask[1:min(length(mask),nmods)]
for(k in mask) {
rows <- blocks[[k]]
rows <- rows[order(scores[rows])]
rows <- rows[1:min(length(rows),ndriv)]
ind <- c(ind, rows)
kda2cytoscape.edges <- function(graph, center, depth, direction) {
global.HEAD <- c()
global.TAIL <- c()
centeri <- center
for(i in 1:depth){
new.cent <- c()
for(j in centeri){
gi <-, j, depth=1, direction)
if(direction >= 0) {
global.HEAD <- c(global.HEAD, gi$RANK)
global.TAIL <- c(global.TAIL, rep(j, length(gi$RANK)) )
} else {
global.TAIL <- c(global.TAIL, gi$RANK)
global.HEAD <- c(global.HEAD, rep(j, length(gi$RANK)) )
new.cent <- unique(c(new.cent, gi$RANK))
centeri <- new.cent[which(!(new.cent %in% centeri))]
g <- unique(data.frame(cbind(HEAD=global.HEAD, TAIL=global.TAIL,
kda2cytoscape.colorize <- function(noddata, moddata, modpool, palette) {
# Google chart service.
urlbase <- ""
urlbase <- paste(urlbase, "chf=bg,s,00000000", sep="&")
# Collect module memberships.
pos <- match(moddata$NODE, noddata$NODE)
moddata <- moddata[which(pos > 0),c("MODULE","NODE")]
moddata <- unique(moddata)
# moddata <- moddata[which(!$MODULE, modpool))), ]
# Merge duplicate rows.
if(length(moddata$NODE) > 0){
st <- tool.aggregate(moddata$NODE)
blocks <- st$blocks
colors <- rep(NA, length(blocks))
sectors <- rep("", length(blocks))
urls <- rep("", length(blocks))
for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
chd <- ""
chco <- ""
rows <- blocks[[k]]
mods <- moddata[rows,"MODULE"]
mods <- intersect(mods, modpool)
mods <- sort(unique(mods))
n <- length(mods)
if(n < 1) next
for(i in 1:n) {
c <- palette[,which(modpool == mods[i])]
c <- sprintf("%02d%02d%02d", c[1], c[2], c[3])
if(i < 2) {
chd <- "chd=t:1"
chco <- paste("chco=", c, sep="")
cc <- paste("#", c, sep="")
colors[k] <- cc
sectors[k] <- paste(sectors[k], "1:", c, sep="")
} else {
chd <- paste(chd, 1, sep=",")
chco <- paste(chco, c, sep="|")
sectors[k] <- paste(sectors[k], ",1:", c, sep="")
urls[k] <- paste(urlbase, chd, chco, sep="&")
label.size <- rep(12, length(blocks))
# keep 1st clr in colors, keep all sectors in sectors
res <- data.frame(NODE=as.integer(st$labels), COLOR=colors,
SECTOR=sectors, URL=urls, LABELSIZE=label.size,
res <- merge(noddata, res, all.x=TRUE)
# Fill in missing values.
rows <- which($COLOR))
res[rows,"COLOR"] <- "#909090"
res[which(as.integer(res$SIZE) == 100), "LABELSIZE"] <- 20
else res <- NULL
return (res)
kda2cytoscape.colormap <- function(ncolors) {
palette <- rainbow(n=(ncolors + 2))
palette <- (col2rgb(palette)/255)
# Dampen raw colors.
kappa <- pmax(0.25*palette[1,], 0.25*palette[2,], 0.4*palette[3,])
palette[1,] <- ((1.0 - kappa)*palette[1,] + kappa)
palette[2,] <- ((1.0 - kappa)*palette[2,] + kappa)
palette <- round(99*palette)
# Remove strongest greens (easy to confuse on screen).
if (ncolors == 1){
rb <- (palette[1,] + palette[3,])
palette <- palette[,order(rb)]
ind <- which.max(palette[,2])
mask <- setdiff(1:ncol(palette), ind)
palette <- palette[,mask]
else {
while(ncol(palette) > ncolors) {
rb <- (palette[1,] + palette[3,])
palette <- palette[,order(rb)]
ind <- which.max(palette[,2])
mask <- setdiff(1:ncol(palette), ind)
palette <- palette[,mask]
# Sort by components.
x <- (10000*palette[1,] + 100*palette[2,] + palette[3,])
kda2cytoscape.identify <- function(dat, varname, labels) {
if(nrow(dat) < 1) return(dat)
# Find matching identities.
pos <- match(dat[,varname], labels)
rows <- which(pos > 0)
# Select subset.
dat[,varname] <- pos
res <- dat[rows,]
# Determine statistical significance of key driver genes.
# Input:
# job$graph see tool.graph()
# job$graph$hubs nodes considered hubs (indexed)
# job$graph$hubnets lists of neighboring nodes (indexed)
# job$graph$cohubsets lists of overlapping hubs (indexed)
# job$module2nodes lists of node indices for each module
# Output:
# job$results data frame of results (indexed)
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
kda.analyze <- function(job) {
cat("\nAnalyzing network...\n")
nmods <- length(job$modules)
# Analyze modules.
res <- data.frame()
hubs <- job$graph$hubs
for(i in 1:nmods) {
members <- job$module2nodes[[i]]
p <- kda.analyze.exec(members, job$graph, job$nperm)
mask <- which(p >= 0.0)
if(length(mask) < 1) next
# Find top hit.
tmp <- data.frame(MODULE=i, NODE=hubs[mask], P=p[mask])
pmin <- min(tmp$P)
hit <- which(tmp$P == pmin)
hit <- tmp$NODE[hit[1]]
# Update results.
nmemb <- length(members)
name <- job$graph$nodes[hit]
kd <- sprintf("%s, n=%d, p=%.2e", name, nmemb, pmin)
cat(job$modules[i], ": ", kd, "\n", sep="")
res <- rbind(res, tmp)
# Estimate false discovery rates.
res$FDR <- p.adjust(res$P, method="fdr")
job$results <- res
kda.analyze.exec <- function(memb, graph, nsim) {
hubs <- graph$hubs
hubnets <- graph$hubnets
nhubs <- length(hubs)
nnodes <- length(graph$nodes)
nmemb <- length(memb)
# Observed enrichment scores.
obs <- rep(NA, nhubs)
for(k in 1:nhubs) {
g <- hubnets[[hubs[k]]]
obs[k] <- kda.analyze.test(g$RANK, g$STRENG, memb, nnodes)
# Estimate P-values.
pvals <- rep(NA, nhubs)
for(k in which(obs > 0)) {
g <- hubnets[[hubs[k]]]
# First pass.
x <- kda.analyze.simulate(obs[k], g, nmemb, nnodes, 200)
# Estimate preliminary P-value.
param <- tool.normalize(x)
z <- tool.normalize(obs[k], param)
p <- pnorm(z, lower.tail=FALSE)
if(p*nhubs > 2.0) next
# Estimate final P-value.
n <- min(nsim, abs(nsim - length(x))+1) # it was: (nsim - length(x))
y <- kda.analyze.simulate(obs[k], g, nmemb, nnodes, n)
param <- tool.normalize(c(x, y))
z <- tool.normalize(obs[k], param)
p <- pnorm(z, lower.tail=FALSE)
p <- max(p, .Machine$double.xmin)
if(p*nhubs > 1.0) next
# Apply Bonferroni adjustment.
pvals[k] <- p*nhubs
kda.analyze.simulate <- function(o, g, nmemb, nnodes, nsim) {
neigh <- as.integer(g$RANK)
w <- as.double(g$STRENG)
# Simulate null distribution.
nfalse <- 0
x <- rep(NA, nsim)
for(n in 1:nsim) {
if(nfalse > 10) break
memb <-, nmemb)
x[n] <- kda.analyze.test(neigh, w, memb, nnodes)
if([n])) x[n] <- rnorm(1)
nfalse <- (nfalse + as.integer(x[n] >= o))
# Trim results.
x <- x[which(0*x == 0)]
#kda.analyze.test <- function(ind, w, members, nnodes) {
# shared <- which(match(ind, members) > 0)
# obsmass <- sum(w[shared])
# return(obsmass)
kda.analyze.test <- function(neigh, w, members, nnodes) {
# Check if enough neighbors.
nneigh <- length(neigh)
if(nneigh < 3) return(0.0)
# Find member nodes.
nmemb <- length(members)
pos <- match(neigh, members)
shared <- which(pos > 0)
# Background edge mass.
totmass <- sum(w)
# Edge mass captured by members.
obsmass <- sum(w[shared])
# Effective number of shared nodes.
rho <- (obsmass/totmass)
nobserv <- rho*nneigh
# Expected number of shared nodes.
nexpect <- (nmemb/nnodes)*nneigh
# Calculate enrichment score.
if(nobserv < 1.0)
z <- (nobserv - nexpect)/(sqrt(nexpect) + 1.0)
# Set parameters for a weighted key driver analysis
# Input:
# plan$label unique identifier for the analysis
# plan$folder parent folder for results
# plan$netfile path to network file
# plan$modfile path to module file
# columns: MODULE NODE
# Optional:
# plan$inffile path to module info file
# columns: MODULE DESCR
# plan$nodfile path to node selection file
# columns: NODE
# plan$depth search depth for subgraph search
# plan$direction use zero for undirected, negative for
# downstream and positive for upstream
# plan$maxoverlap maximum allowed overlap between two
# key driver neighborhoods
# plan$minsize minimum module size
# plan$mindegree minimum node degree to qualify as a hub
# plan$maxdegree maximum node degree to include
# plan$edgefactor influence of node strengths:
# 0.0 no influence, 1.0 full influence
# plan$seed seed for random number generator
# Output:
# job data structure for KDA
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
kda.configure <- function(plan) {
cat("\nKDA Version:12.7.2015\n")
plan$stamp <- Sys.time()
if(is.null(plan$folder)) stop("No parent folder.")
if(is.null(plan$label)) stop("No job label.")
if(is.null(plan$netfile)) stop("No network file.")
if(is.null(plan$modfile)) stop("No module file.")
if(is.null(plan$depth)) plan$depth <- 1
plan$depth <- round(plan$depth)
if(plan$depth < 1) stop("Unusable search depth.")
cat(" Search depth: ", plan$depth, "\n", sep="")
if(is.null(plan$direction)) plan$direction <- 0
plan$direction <- round(plan$direction)
if(abs(plan$direction) > 1) stop("Unusable search direction.")
cat(" Search direction: ", plan$direction, "\n", sep="")
if(is.null(plan$maxoverlap)) plan$maxoverlap <- 0.33
if(plan$maxoverlap > 1) stop("Unusable overlap limit.")
if(plan$maxoverlap < 0) stop("Unusable overlap limit.")
cat(" Maximum overlap: ", plan$maxoverlap, "\n", sep="")
if(is.null(plan$minsize)) plan$minsize <- 20
if(plan$minsize < 1) stop("Unusable size limit.")
cat(" Minimum module size: ", plan$minsize, "\n", sep="")
if(is.null(plan$mindegree)) plan$mindegree <- "automatic"
if(is.null(plan$maxdegree)) plan$maxdegree <- "automatic"
cat(" Minimum degree: ", plan$mindegree, "\n", sep="")
cat(" Maximum degree: ", plan$maxdegree, "\n", sep="")
if(is.null(plan$edgefactor)) plan$edgefactor <- 0.5
if(plan$edgefactor > 1) stop("Unusable edge factor.")
if(plan$edgefactor < 0) stop("Unusable edge factor.")
cat(" Edge factor: ", plan$edgefactor, "\n", sep="")
if(is.null(plan$nperm)) plan$nperm <- 2000
if(is.null(plan$seed)) plan$seed <- 1
cat(" Random seed: ", plan$seed, "\n", sep="")
# Organize and save results.
# Input:
# job$label unique identifier for the analysis
# job$folder output folder for results
# Results are also saved in tab-delimited text files.
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
kda.finish <- function(job) {
cat("\nFinishing results...\n")
if (nrow(job$results)==0){
cat("No Key Driver Found!!!!")
# Estimate additional measures.
res <- kda.finish.estimate(job)
# Save full results.
res <-, job)
# Create a simpler file for viewing.
res <- kda.finish.trim(res, job)
# Create a summary file of top hits.
res <- kda.finish.summarize(res, job)
kda.finish.estimate <- function(job) {
res <- job$results
# Collect module sizes.
sizes <- rep(0, nrow(res))
modnames <- res$MODULE
mod2nod <- job$module2nodes
for(i in 1:nrow(res)) {
key <- modnames[i]
sizes[i] <- length(mod2nod[[key]])
res$N.mod <- sizes
# Collect overlaps with hub neighborhoods.
nnodes <- length(job$graph$nodes)
hubnets <- job$graph$hubnets
sizes <- matrix(nrow=nrow(res), ncol=4)
nodenames <- res$NODE
for(i in 1:nrow(res)) {
key <- modnames[i]
node <- nodenames[i]
memb <- mod2nod[[key]]
g <- hubnets[[node]]
sizes[i,1] <- nrow(g)
sizes[i,2] <- length(intersect(g$RANK, memb))
sizes[i,3] <- nrow(g)*length(memb)/nnodes
sizes[i,4] <- sum(node == memb)
# Update data frame.
res$N.neigh <- sizes[,1]
res$N.obsrv <- sizes[,2]
res$N.expct <- sizes[,3]
res$MEMBER <- (sizes[,4] > 0)
res$FILL <- (res$N.obsrv)/(res$N.neigh + 1e-20)
res$FOLD <- (res$N.obsrv)/(res$N.expct + 1e-20)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- <- function(res, job) {
# Collect co-hubs.
mtx <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0)
nodes <- job$graph$nodes
masters <- unique(res$NODE)
cohubsets <- job$graph$cohubsets
for(key in masters) {
cohubs <- cohubsets[[key]]
cohubs <- unique(c(key, cohubs))
tmp <- matrix(key, nrow=length(cohubs), ncol=2)
tmp[,2] <- cohubs
if(ncol(mtx) < 2) mtx <- tmp
else mtx <- rbind(mtx, tmp)
# Convert indices to identities.
dat <- data.frame(HUB=mtx[,1], NODE=mtx[,2])
dat$NODE <- nodes[dat$NODE]
dat$HUB <- nodes[dat$HUB]
# Save co-hub information.
jdir <- file.path(job$folder, "kda")
fname <- paste(job$label, ".hubs.txt", sep=""), file=fname, directory=jdir)
# Merge with module info.
if(nrow(job$modinfo) > 0) res <- merge(res, job$modinfo, all.x=TRUE)
# Convert indices to identities.
res$MODULE <- job$modules[res$MODULE]
res$NODE <- job$graph$nodes[res$NODE]
# Sort and save results.
res <- res[order(res$P),]
fname <- paste(job$label, ".results.txt", sep=""), file=fname, directory=jdir)
kda.finish.trim <- function(res, job) {
# Select columns.
header <- c("MODULE", "NODE", "P", "FDR", "FOLD")
if(is.null(res$DESCR) == FALSE) header <- c(header, "DESCR")
res <- res[,header]
# Make numbers nicer to look at.
preals <- res$P
pvals <- rep("", nrow(res))
fdreals <- res$FDR
fdrates <- rep("", nrow(res))
ldreals <- res$FOLD
folds <- rep("", nrow(res))
for(i in 1:nrow(res)) {
pvals[i] <- sprintf("%.2e", preals[ i])
fdrates[i] <- ""
fdrates[i] <- sprintf("%.4f", fdreals[i])
folds[i] <- sprintf("%.2f", ldreals[i])
# Update results.
res$P <- pvals
res$FDR <- fdrates
res$FOLD <- folds
# Rename columns for post-processing.
trimres <- res
header[[3]] <- paste("P.", job$label, sep="")
header[[4]] <- paste("FDR.", job$label, sep="")
names(trimres) <- header
# Save P-values.
jdir <- file.path(job$folder, "kda")
fname <- paste(job$label, ".pvalues.txt", sep=""), file=fname, directory=jdir)
kda.finish.summarize <- function(res, job) {
# Determine ranking scores.
nres <- nrow(res)
rA <- rank(as.double(res$P))
rB <- (nres - rank(as.double(res$FOLD)))
scores <- (rA*nrow(res) + rB)
# Determine blocks of modules.
struct <- tool.aggregate(res$MODULE)
blocks <- struct$blocks
# Find the top node for each block.
tops <- rep(0, length(blocks))
for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
rows <- blocks[[k]]
tmp <- scores[rows]
pos <- which(tmp == min(tmp))
tops[k] <- rows[pos]
# Select top drivers.
scores <- scores[tops]
res <- res[tops,]
# Save P-values.
res <- res[order(scores),]
jdir <- file.path(job$folder, "kda")
fname <- paste(job$label, ".tophits.txt", sep=""), file=fname, directory=jdir)
# Prepare graph topology for weighted key driver analysis.
# Input:
# job$graph see tool.graph()
# job$depth search depth for subgraph search
# job$direction use zero for undirected, negative for
# downstream and positive for upstream
# job$maxoverlap maximum allowed overlap between two
# key driver neighborhoods
# job$mindegree minimum hub degree to include
# job$edgefactor influence of node strengths:
# 0.0 no influence, 1.0 full influence
# Output:
# job$graph$hubs nodes considered hubs (indexed)
# job$graph$hubnets lists of neighboring nodes (indexed)
# job$graph$cohubsets lists of overlapping hubs (indexed)
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013, Modified by Le Shu 2015
kda.prepare <- function(job) {
# Determine minimum hub degree.
nnodes <- length(job$graph$nodes)
#if(job$mindegree == "automatic") {
# dmin <- nnodes/median(job$modulesizes)
# job$mindegree <- round(0.1*dmin)
if (job$mindegree == "automatic") {
dmin <- as.numeric(quantile(job$graph$stats$DEGREE,0.75))
job$mindegree <- dmin
cat("\nMinimum degree set to", dmin,"\n")
if (job$maxdegree == "automatic") {
dmax <- as.numeric(quantile(job$graph$stats$DEGREE,1))
job$maxdegree <- dmax
cat("\nMaximum degree set to", dmax,"\n")
# Collect neighbors.
cat("\nCollecting hubs...\n")
job$graph <- kda.prepare.screen(job$graph, job$depth, job$direction,
job$edgefactor, job$mindegree, job$maxdegree)
if(length(job$graph$hubs) < 1) stop("No usable hubs detected.")
# Collect overlapping co-hubs.
job$graph <- kda.prepare.overlap(job$graph, job$direction,
# Print report.
nhubs <- length(job$graph$hubs)
nmem <- (object.size(job$graph))*(0.5^20)
cat(sprintf("%d hubs (%.2f%%)\n", nhubs, 100*nhubs/nnodes))
cat("Graph: ", nmem, " Mb\n", sep="")
kda.prepare.screen <- function(graph, depth, direction, efactor, dmin, dmax) {
stamp <- Sys.time()
hubnets <- list()
accepted <- integer()
nnodes <- length(graph$nodes)
# Determine strength cutoff.
stren <- rep(0, nnodes)
if(direction <= 0) stren <- (stren + graph$outstats$STRENG)
if(direction >= 0) stren <- (stren + graph$instats$STRENG)
slimit <- quantile(stren, 0.75)
degr <- graph$stats$DEGREE
# Select hubs.
accepted <- integer()
for(i in which(degr >= dmin & degr <= dmax)) {
g <-, i, depth, direction)
# Apply edge factor.
g$STRENG <- (g$STRENG)^efactor
# Use average strength for hub itself (by definition, the hub
# typically has huge strength within its neighborhood).
mask <- which(g$LEVEL < 1)
g[mask,"STRENG"] <- median(g$STRENG)
# Progress report.
delta <- as.double(Sys.time() - stamp)
if((delta >= 10.0) & (i > 1)) {
cat(sprintf("%d hubs (%d nodes)\n", length(accepted), i))
stamp <- Sys.time()
# Exclude extreme neighborhoods.
#if(nrow(g) > nnodes/3) next
#if(nrow(g) < dmin) next
# Store subnetwork.
hubnets[[i]] <- g[,c("RANK", "STRENG")]
accepted <- c(accepted, i)
# Return results.
graph$hubs <- accepted
graph$hubnets <- hubnets
kda.prepare.overlap <- function(graph, direction, rmax) {
hubs <- graph$hubs
nhubs <- length(hubs)
hubnets <- graph$hubnets
stamp <- Sys.time()
# Determine node strengths.
nnodes <- length(graph$nodes)
stren <- rep(0.0, nnodes)
if(direction <= 0) stren <- (stren + graph$outstats$STRENG)
if(direction >= 0) stren <- (stren + graph$instats$STRENG)
# Sort hubs according to strength.
mask <- order(stren[hubs], decreasing=TRUE)
hubs <- hubs[mask]
# Collect overlapping co-hubs.
cohubsets <- list()
for(i in 1:nhubs) {
key <- hubs[i]
# Progress report.
delta <- as.double(Sys.time() - stamp)
if((delta >= 10.0) & (i > 1)) {
cat(sprintf("%d/%d co-hub sets\n", i, nhubs))
stamp <- Sys.time()
# Neibhgorhood topology.
g <- hubnets[[key]]
neighbors <- g$RANK
locals <- intersect(neighbors, hubs)
locals <- setdiff(locals, key)
strenA <- g$STRENG
# Calculate overlaps.
cohubs <- integer()
overlaps <- double()
for(k in locals) {
w <- hubnets[[k]]
strenB <- w$STRENG
# Find overlapping nodes.
posA <- match(neighbors, w$RANK)
posB <- match(w$RANK, neighbors)
sharedA <- which(posA > 0)
sharedB <- which(posB > 0)
uniqA <- which(
uniqB <- which(
# Calculate strength sums.
wsharedA <- sum(strenA[sharedA])
wsharedB <- sum(strenB[sharedB])
wuniqA <- sum(strenA[uniqA])
wuniqB <- sum(strenB[uniqB])
# Average symmetric sum.
wshared <- 0.5*(wsharedA + wsharedB)
# Overlap ratio.
r <- wshared/(wuniqA + wuniqB + wshared)
if(r < rmax) next
# Update data structures.
cohubs <- c(cohubs, k)
# Store results.
mask <- order(stren[cohubs], decreasing=TRUE)
cohubsets[[key]] <- cohubs[mask]
# Return results.
graph$cohubsets <- cohubsets
# Import data for weighted key driver analysis.
# Input:
# job data structure for wKDA
# Output:
# job$graph indexed topology, see tool.graph()
# job$modules module identities
# job$modinfo module descriptions (indexed)
# job$moddata module data (indexed)
# columns: MODULE NODE
# job$module2nodes lists of node indices for each module
# job$modulesizes module sizes
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013, Modified by Le Shu 2015
kda.start <- function(job) {
# Import topology.
edgdata <- kda.start.edges(job)
moddata <- kda.start.modules(job, edgdata)
# Import module descriptions.
modinfo <-$inffile, c("MODULE", "DESCR"))
modinfo <- unique(modinfo)
if(nrow(modinfo) > 0) print(summary(modinfo))
# Create an indexed graph structure.
job$graph <- tool.graph(edgdata)
nmem <- (object.size(job$graph))*(0.5^20)
cat("Graph: ", nmem, " Mb\n", sep="")
# Convert identities to indices.
modules <- unique(moddata$MODULE)
modinfo <- kda.start.identify(modinfo, "MODULE", modules)
moddata <- kda.start.identify(moddata, "MODULE", modules)
moddata <- kda.start.identify(moddata, "NODE", job$graph$nodes)
# Collect module members.
st <- tool.aggregate(moddata$MODULE)
blocks <- st$blocks
members <- as.integer(moddata$NODE)
for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
mask <- blocks[[k]]
blocks[[k]] <- members[mask]
# Finish results.
job$modules <- modules
job$modinfo <- modinfo
job$moddata <- moddata
job$module2nodes <- blocks
job$modulesizes <- st$lengths
kda.start.edges <- function(job) {
# Import edge data.
cat("\nImporting edges...\n")
varnames <- c("TAIL", "HEAD", "WEIGHT")
edgdata <-$netfile, vars=varnames)
edgdata$WEIGHT <- suppressWarnings(as.double(edgdata$WEIGHT))
edgdata <- edgdata[which(edgdata$WEIGHT > 0),]
# Collect node names.
nodes <- character()
if(job$direction >= 0) nodes <- c(nodes, edgdata$TAIL)
if(job$direction <= 0) nodes <- c(nodes, edgdata$HEAD)
# Select nodes.
if(is.null(job$nodfile) == FALSE) {
cat("Selecting nodes...\n")
symdata <-$nodfile, vars=c("NODE"))
nodes <- intersect(as.character(symdata), nodes)
# Calculate node degrees.
struct <- tool.aggregate(nodes)
degrees <- struct$lengths
nodes <- struct$labels
# Automatic maximum degree.
#if(job$maxdegree == "automatic") {
# dmax <- floor(0.05*length(nodes))
# mask <- which(degrees <= dmax)
# degrees <- degrees[mask]
# nodes <- nodes[mask]
# job$maxdegree <- dmax
# Filter edges.
posT <- match(edgdata$TAIL, nodes)
posH <- match(edgdata$HEAD, nodes)
rows <- which(posT*posH > 0)
edgdata <- edgdata[rows,]
# Print report.
kda.start.modules <- function(job, edgdata) {
# Import module data.
cat("\nImporting modules...\n")
moddata <-$modfile, vars=c("MODULE", "NODE"))
moddata <- unique(moddata)
# Collect node names.
nodes <- character()
if(job$direction >= 0) nodes <- c(nodes, edgdata$TAIL)
if(job$direction <= 0) nodes <- c(nodes, edgdata$HEAD)
# Filter module members.
pos <- match(moddata$NODE, nodes)
moddata <- moddata[which(pos > 0),]
# Remove small modules.
st <- tool.aggregate(moddata$MODULE)
mask <- which(st$lengths >= job$minsize)
mods <- as.character(st$labels[mask])
pos <- match(moddata$MODULE, mods)
moddata <- moddata[which(pos > 0),]
# Print report.
kda.start.identify <- function(dat, varname, labels) {
if(nrow(dat) < 1) return(dat)
# Find matching identities.
pos <- match(dat[,varname], labels)
rows <- which(pos > 0)
# Select subset.
dat[,varname] <- pos
res <- dat[rows,]
# Generate inputs for weighted key driver analysis.
# Input:
# job MSEA data list as returned by ssea.finish().
# Optional input:
# symbols data.frame for translating gene symbols
# columns: FROM TO
# rmax maximum allowed overlap between gene sets
# Output:
# plan$label unique identifier for the analysis
# plan$parent parent folder for results
# plan$modfile path to module file
# columns: MODULE NODE
# plan$inffile path to module info file
# columns: MODULE DESCR
# plan$nodfile path to node selection file
# columns: NODE
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
ssea2kda <- function(job, symbols=NULL, rmax=NULL, min.module.count=NULL) {
cat("\nForwarding MSEA results to KDA...\n")
if(is.null(rmax)) rmax <- 0.33
# Collect genes and top markers from original files.
noddata <- ssea2kda.import(job$genfile, job$locfile)
# Select candidate modules.
res <- job$results
res <- res[order(res$P),]
rows <- which(res$FDR < 0.25)
if(length(rows) < min.module.count) rows <- (1:min.module.count)
if(length(rows) < nrow(res)) res <- res[rows,]
# Collect member genes.
moddata <- job$moddata
pos <- match(moddata$MODULE, res$MODULE)
moddata <- moddata[which(pos > 0),]
# Restore original identities.
modinfo <- job$modinfo
modinfo$MODULE <- job$modules[modinfo$MODULE]
moddata$MODULE <- job$modules[moddata$MODULE]
moddata$GENE <- job$genes[moddata$GENE]
# Merge and trim overlapping modules.
moddata$OVERLAP <- moddata$MODULE
moddata <- tool.coalesce(items=moddata$GENE, groups=moddata$MODULE,
moddata$MODULE <- moddata$CLUSTER
moddata$GENE <- moddata$ITEM
moddata$OVERLAP <- moddata$GROUPS
moddata <- moddata[,c("MODULE", "GENE", "OVERLAP")]
moddata <- unique(moddata)
# Calculate enrichment scores for merged modules.
tmp <- unique(moddata[,c("MODULE","OVERLAP")])
res <- ssea2kda.analyze(job, moddata)
res <- merge(res, tmp)
res <- merge(res, modinfo, all.x=TRUE)
# Mark modules with overlaps.
for(i in which(moddata$MODULE != moddata$OVERLAP))
moddata[i,"MODULE"] <- paste(moddata[i,"MODULE"], "..", sep=",")
for(i in which(res$MODULE != res$OVERLAP))
res[i,"MODULE"] <- paste(res[i,"MODULE"], "..", sep=",")
# Separate merged genes.
nodes <- character()
genenames <- job$genes
for(i in 1:length(genenames)) {
segm <- strsplit(genenames[i], ",", fixed=TRUE)
nodes <- c(nodes, segm[[1]])
# Expand rows with merged genes.
tmp <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
for(i in 1:nrow(moddata)) {
segm <- strsplit(moddata[i,"GENE"], ",", fixed=TRUE)
segm <- segm[[1]]
if(length(segm) < 2) next
batch <- data.frame(MODULE=moddata[i,"MODULE"], GENE=segm,
tmp <- rbind(tmp, batch)
moddata[i,] <- NA
moddata <- na.omit(moddata[,c("MODULE","GENE")])
moddata <- unique(rbind(moddata, tmp))
# Translate gene symbols.
moddata$NODE <- moddata$GENE
noddata$NODE <- noddata$GENE
if(is.null(symbols) == FALSE) {
moddata$NODE <- tool.translate(words=moddata$NODE, from=symbols$FROM,
noddata$NODE <- tool.translate(words=noddata$NODE, from=symbols$FROM,
moddata <- na.omit(moddata)
noddata <- na.omit(noddata)
# Save module info for KDA.
res <- res[order(res$P),]
names(res)[5] = "NMARKER"
inffile <- "", file=inffile, directory=job$folder)
# Save modules for KDA.
modfile <- "msea2kda.modules.txt"[,c("MODULE", "NODE", "GENE")]),
file=modfile, directory=job$folder)
# Save nodes for KDA.
nodfile <- "msea2kda.nodes.txt"
out_node = unique(noddata[,c("NODE", "GENE", "LOCUS", "VALUE")])
names(out_node)[3] = "MARKER", file=nodfile, directory=job$folder)
# Return KDA plan template.
plan <- list()
plan$label <- job$label
plan$folder <- job$folder
plan$inffile <- file.path(job$folder, inffile)
plan$modfile <- file.path(job$folder, modfile)
plan$nodfile <- file.path(job$folder, nodfile)
plan$ssearesults <- res
ssea2kda.import <- function(genfile, locfile) {
# Import marker values.
cat("\nImporting marker values...\n")
locdata <-, c("LOCUS", "VALUE"))
locdata$VALUE <- as.double(locdata$VALUE)
rows <- which(0*(locdata$VALUE) == 0)
locdata <- unique(na.omit(locdata[rows,]))
locdata_ex <- locdata
names(locdata_ex) <- c("MARKER","VALUE")
# Import mapping data.
cat("\nImporting mapping data...\n")
gendata <-, c("GENE", "LOCUS"))
gendata <- unique(na.omit(gendata))
gendata_ex <- gendata
names(gendata_ex) <- c("GENE","MARKER")
# Merge datasets.
data <- merge(gendata, locdata)
# Find top marker.
mask <- integer()
st <- tool.aggregate(data$GENE)
blocks <- st$blocks
for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
rows <- blocks[[k]]
ind <- which.max(data[rows,"VALUE"])
mask <- c(mask, rows[ind])
ssea2kda.analyze <- function(job, moddata) {
# Convert identities to indices.
moddata <- ssea.start.identify(moddata, "MODULE", job$modules)
moddata <- ssea.start.identify(moddata, "GENE", job$genes)
# Collect row indices for each module.
st <- tool.aggregate(moddata$MODULE)
keys <- as.integer(st$labels)
blocks <- st$blocks
nmods <- length(blocks)
# Prepare gene lists.
genlists <- list()
for(k in 1:nmods) genlists[[k]] <- integer()
# Collect gene sets.
modsizes <- rep(0, nmods)
genes <- as.integer(moddata$GENE)
for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
key <- keys[k]
rows <- blocks[[k]]
members <- unique(genes[rows])
genlists[[key]] <- as.integer(members)
modsizes[[key]] <- length(members)
# Determine marker set sizes.
modlengths <- rep(0, nmods)
moddensities <- rep(0.0, nmods)
loclists <- job$database$gene2loci
for(k in 1:length(genlists)) {
locset <- integer()
for(i in genlists[[k]])
locset <- c(locset, loclists[[i]])
modlengths[[k]] <- length(unique(locset))
moddensities[[k]] <- modlengths[[k]]/length(locset)
# Update database.
job$database$modulesizes <- modsizes
job$database$modulelengths <- modlengths
job$database$moduledensities <- moddensities
job$database$module2genes <- genlists
# Run enrichment analysis.
job <- ssea.analyze(job)
res <- job$results
# Restore module identities.
res$NGENES <- modsizes[res$MODULE]
res$NLOCI <- modlengths[res$MODULE]
res$DENSITY <- moddensities[res$MODULE]
res$MODULE <- job$modules[res$MODULE]
# Marker set enrichment analysis with gene-level permutations.
# Input:
# job$seed seed for random number generator
# job$permtype random permutation algorithm
# job$nperm maximum nubmer of permutations
# job$database see ssea.prepare()
# Output:
# job$results data frame:
# MODULE module identity (indexed)
# P enrichment P-values
# FREQ enrichment P-values (raw frequencies)
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013, Modified by Le Shu 2016
ssea.analyze <- function(job, trim_start=0.002, trim_end=0.998) {
cat("\nEstimating enrichment...\n")
# Observed enrichment scores.
db <- job$database
scores <- ssea.analyze.observe(db)
nmods <- length(scores)
# Simulated scores.
nperm <- job$nperm
nullsets <- ssea.analyze.simulate(db, scores, nperm, job$permtype, trim_start, trim_end)
# Estimate scores based on Gaussian distribution.
cat("\nNormalizing scores...\n")
znull <- double()
zscores <- NA*scores
for(i in which(0*scores == 0)) {
x <- nullsets[[i]]
x <- x[which(0*x == 0)]
param <- tool.normalize(x)
z <- tool.normalize(x, param)
zscores[i] <- tool.normalize(scores[i], param)
znull <- c(znull, z)
# Estimate hit frequencies.
freq <- NA*scores
nnull <- length(znull)
for(i in which(0*scores == 0))
freq[i] <- sum(zscores[i] <= znull)/nnull
# Estimate scores based on frequencies.
hscores <- NA*freq
rows <- which(freq > 5.0/nnull)
hscores[rows] <- qnorm(freq[rows], lower.tail=FALSE)
# Fill in scores for low frequencies.
if(length(rows) < length(freq)) {
omega <- which.max(zscores)
hscores[omega] <- zscores[omega]
rows <- c(rows, omega)
pt <- approx(x=zscores[rows], y=hscores[rows], xout=zscores)
hscores <- pt$y
# Estimate statistical significance.
z <- 0.5*(zscores + hscores)
pvalues <- pnorm(z, lower.tail=FALSE)
# Collect results.
res <- data.frame(MODULE=(1:nmods), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
res$P <- pvalues
res$FREQ <- freq
# Remove missing scores.
targets <- which(0*scores == 0)
job$results <- res[targets,]
ssea.analyze.simulate <- function(db, observ, nperm, permtype, trim_start, trim_end) {
#####This is an additional process to trim genes with exceptionally high value####
gene2loci <- db$gene2loci
locus2row <- db$locus2row
observed <- db$observed
#Calcuate individual gene enrichment score
trim_scores <- rep(NA, length(gene2loci))
for(k in 1:length(trim_scores)) {
genes <- k
# Collect markers.
loci <- integer()
for(i in genes)
loci <- c(loci, gene2loci[[i]])
# Determine data rows.
loci <- unique(loci)
rows <- locus2row[loci]
nloci <- length(rows)
# Calculate total counts.
e <- (nloci/length(locus2row))*colSums(observed)
o <- observed[rows,]
if(nloci > 1) o <- colSums(o)
# Estimate enrichment.
trim_scores[k] <- ssea.analyze.statistic(o, e)
# Include only non-empty modules for simulation.
nmods <- length(db$modulesizes)
targets <- which(db$modulesizes > 0)
hits <- rep(NA, nmods)
hits[targets] <- 0
# Prepare data structures to hold null samples.
keys <- rep(0, nperm)
scores <- rep(NA, nperm)
scoresets <- list()
for(i in 1:nmods)
scoresets[[i]] <- double()
# Simulate random scores.
nelem <- 0
snull <- double()
stamp <- Sys.time()
for(k in 1:nperm) {
if(permtype == "gene") snull <- ssea.analyze.randgenes(db, targets, gene_sel)
if(permtype == "locus") snull <- ssea.analyze.randloci(db, targets)
if(length(snull) < 1) stop("Unknown permutation type.")
# Check data capacity.
ntarg <- length(targets)
if((nelem + ntarg) >= length(keys)) {
keys <- c(keys, rep(0, nelem))
scores <- c(scores, rep(NA, nelem))
# Collect scores.
for(i in 1:ntarg) {
nelem <- (nelem + 1)
t <- targets[i]
keys[nelem] <- t
scores[nelem] <- snull[i]
hits[t] <- (hits[t] + (snull[i] > observ[t]))
# Drop less significant modules.
hmax <- min(sqrt(nperm/k), 10)
targets <- which(hits < hmax)
if(length(targets) < 1) break
# Progress report.
delta <- as.double(Sys.time() - stamp)
if((delta < 10.0) & (k < nperm)) next
cat(sprintf("%d/%d cycles\n", k, nperm))
stamp <- Sys.time()
# Remove missing entries.
scores <- scores[1:nelem]
keys <- keys[1:nelem]
# Organize null scores into lists.
st <- tool.aggregate(keys)
labels <- as.integer(st$labels)
blocks <- st$blocks
for(i in 1:length(blocks)) {
key <- labels[i]
rows <- blocks[[i]]
scoresets[[key]] <- scores[rows]
ssea.analyze.observe <- function(db) {
mod2gen <- db$module2genes
gene2loci <- db$gene2loci
locus2row <- db$locus2row
observed <- db$observed
expected <- db$expected
nmods <- length(mod2gen)
# Test every module.
scores <- rep(NA, nmods)
for(k in 1:nmods) {
genes <- mod2gen[[k]]
# Collect markers.
loci <- integer()
for(i in genes)
loci <- c(loci, gene2loci[[i]])
# Determine data rows.
loci <- unique(loci)
rows <- locus2row[loci]
nloci <- length(rows)
# Calculate total counts.
#e <- nloci*expected
e <- (nloci/length(locus2row))*colSums(observed)
o <- observed[rows,]
if(nloci > 1) o <- colSums(o)
# Estimate enrichment.
scores[k] <- ssea.analyze.statistic(o, e)
ssea.analyze.randgenes <- function(db, targets, gene_sel) {
mod2gen <- db$module2genes
modsizes <- db$modulesizes
modlengths <- db$modulelengths
gene2loci <- db$gene2loci
locus2row <- db$locus2row
observed <- db$observed
expected <- db$expected
# Test target modules.
scores <- double()
nrows <- length(locus2row)
#npool <- length(gene2loci)
for(k in targets) {
msize <- modsizes[[k]]
nloci <- modlengths[[k]]
# Collect pre-defined number of markers from random genes.
loci <- integer()
#genes <-, (msize + 10))
genes <- sample(gene_sel, (msize + 10))
while(length(loci) < nloci) {
for(i in genes) {
tmp <- gene2loci[[i]]
loci <- c(loci, tmp)
loci <- unique(loci)
genes <- sample(gene_sel, (msize + 10))
# Determine data rows.
loci <- loci[1:nloci]
rows <- locus2row[loci]
# Calculate total counts.
#e <- nloci*expected
e <- (nloci/length(locus2row))*colSums(observed)
o <- observed[rows,]
if(nloci > 1) o <- colSums(o)
# Estimate enrichment.
z <- ssea.analyze.statistic(o, e)
scores <- c(scores, z)
ssea.analyze.randloci <- function(db, targets) {
modlengths <- db$modulelengths
locus2row <- db$locus2row
observed <- db$observed
expected <- db$expected
# Test target modules.
scores <- double()
nrows <- length(locus2row)
for(k in targets) {
nloci <- modlengths[[k]]
# Determine data rows.
loci <-, nloci)
rows <- locus2row[loci]
# Calculate total counts.
#e <- nloci*expected
e <- (nloci/length(locus2row))*colSums(observed)
o <- observed[rows,]
if(nloci > 1) o <- colSums(o)
# Estimate enrichment.
z <- ssea.analyze.statistic(o, e)
scores <- c(scores, z)
# Return results.
ssea.analyze.statistic <- function(o, e) {
z <- (o - e)/(sqrt(e) + 1.0)
# Add internal positive control modules.
# Input:
# job$modules module identities as characters
# job$genes gene identities as characters
# job$moddata preprocessed module data (indexed identities)
# job$database see ssea.prepare()
# Output:
# job$modules augmented module names
# job$moddata augmented module data
# job$database augmented database
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
ssea.control <- function(job) {
cat("\nAdding positive controls...\n")
db <- job$database
gene2loci <- db$gene2loci
locus2row <- db$locus2row
observed <- db$observed
expected <- db$expected
# Find slots for control module.
modules <- job$modules
slotA <- which(modules == "_ctrlA")
slotB <- which(modules == "_ctrlB")
if(length(slotA) != 1) stop("No control slot A.")
if(length(slotB) != 1) stop("No control slot B.")
# Calculate gene scores.
ngens <- length(gene2loci)
scores <- rep(NA, ngens)
for(k in 1:ngens) {
loci <- gene2loci[[k]]
nloci <- length(loci)
if(nloci < 1) next
# Calculate total counts.
rows <- locus2row[loci]
e <- nloci*expected
o <- observed[rows,]
if(nloci > 1) o <- colSums(o)
# Estimate enrichment score.
scores[k] <- ssea.analyze.statistic(o, e)
# Select top genes.
sizes <- db$modulesizes
sizes <- sizes[which(sizes > 0)]
ntop <- floor(median(sizes))
genesA <- order(scores, decreasing=TRUE)
genesA <- genesA[1:ntop]
# Collect genes within modules.
members <- integer()
mod2gen <- db$module2genes
for(k in 1:length(mod2gen))
members <- c(members, mod2gen[[k]])
members <- unique(members)
# Select top genes among module members.
genesB <- order(scores[members], decreasing=TRUE)
genesB <- members[genesB[1:ntop]]
# Collect markers.
locsetA <- integer()
locsetB <- integer()
for(k in genesA)
locsetA <- c(locsetA, gene2loci[[k]])
for(k in genesB)
locsetB <- c(locsetB, gene2loci[[k]])
locsetA <- unique(locsetA)
locsetB <- unique(locsetB)
# Force matching number of markers.
modlen <- min(length(locsetA), length(locsetB))
# Create new modules.
db$genescores <- scores
db$modulesizes[[slotA]] <- ntop
db$modulesizes[[slotB]] <- ntop
db$modulelengths[[slotA]] <- modlen
db$modulelengths[[slotB]] <- modlen
db$moduledensities[[slotA]] <- length(locsetA)/sum(db$genesizes[genesA])
db$moduledensities[[slotB]] <- length(locsetB)/sum(db$genesizes[genesB])
db$module2genes[[slotA]] <- genesA
db$module2genes[[slotB]] <- genesB
# Update module data.
tmpA <- data.frame(MODULE=slotA, GENE=genesA)
tmpB <- data.frame(MODULE=slotB, GENE=genesB)
job$moddata <- rbind(job$moddata, tmpA, tmpB)
# Return results.
job$database <- db
nmem <- (object.size(job))*(0.5^20)
cat("Job: ", nmem, " Mb\n", sep="")
# Organize and save results.
# Input:
# job$label unique identifier for the analysis
# job$folder output folder for results
# job$results data frame:
# MODULE module identity (indexed)
# P enrichment P-values
# job$database see ssea.prepare()
# Output:
# job$results updated columns in data frame:
# NGENES number of distinct member genes
# NMARKER number of distinct member markers
# DENSITY ratio of distinct to non-distinct markers
# FDR false discovery rates
# job$generesults data frame:
# GENE gene identity (indexed)
# NMARKER gene size
# SCORE unadjusted enrichment score
# MARKER marker with maximum value
# VALUE marker value
# Results are also saved in tab-delimited text files.
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
ssea.finish <- function(job) {
cat("\nPostprocessing results...\n")
job <- ssea.finish.fdr(job)
job <- ssea.finish.genes(job)
job <- ssea.finish.details(job)
ssea.finish.genes <- function(job) {
db <- job$database
gen2loci <- db$gene2loci
loc2row <- db$locus2row
values <- job$locdata$VALUE
# Collect top loci within genes.
toploci <- integer()
topvals <- double()
ngenes <- length(gen2loci)
for(k in 1:ngenes) {
locset <- gen2loci[[k]]
locvals <- values[loc2row[locset]]
ind <- which.max(locvals)
toploci[k] <- locset[ind]
topvals[k] <- locvals[ind]
# Create data frame.
res <- data.frame(GENE=(1:ngenes))
res$SCORE <- db$genescores
res$NLOCI <- db$genesizes
res$LOCUS <- toploci
res$VALUE <- topvals
job$generesults <- res
# Restore original identities.
res$GENE <- job$genes[res$GENE]
res$LOCUS <- job$loci[res$LOCUS]
# Save results.
jdir <- file.path(job$folder, "msea")
fname <- paste(job$label, ".genes.txt", sep="")
names(res)[3:4] = c("NMARKER","MARKER"), file=fname, directory=jdir)
ssea.finish.fdr <- function(job) {
res <- job$results
# Add module statistics.
db <- job$database
res$NGENES <- db$modulesizes[res$MODULE]
res$NLOCI <- db$modulelengths[res$MODULE]
res$DENSITY <- db$moduledensities[res$MODULE]
# Estimate false discovery rates.
res$FDR <- tool.fdr(res$P)
job$results <- res
# Merge with module info.
res <- merge(res, job$modinfo, all.x=TRUE)
# Sort according to significance.
res <- res[order(res$P),]
# Restore module names.
res$MODULE <- job$modules[res$MODULE]
# Save full results.
jdir <- file.path(job$folder, "msea")
fname <- paste(job$label, ".results.txt", sep="")
names(res)[5] = "NMARKER", file=fname, directory=jdir)
# Prepare results for post-processing.
header <- rep("MODULE", 4)
header[[2]] <- paste("P.", job$label, sep="")
header[[3]] <- paste("FDR.", job$label, sep="")
header[[4]] <- "DESCR"
res <- res[,c("MODULE", "P", "FDR", "DESCR")]
names(res) <- header
# Make numbers nicer to look at.
pvals <- character()
fdrates <- character()
for(i in 1:nrow(res)) {
pvals[i] <- sprintf("%.2e", res[i,2])
fdrates[i] <- sprintf("%.4f", res[i,3])
res[,2] <- pvals
res[,3] <- fdrates
# Save P-values.
fname <- paste(job$label, ".pvalues.txt", sep=""), file=fname, directory=jdir)
ssea.finish.details <- function(job) {
# Find signficant modules.
res <- job$results
mask <- which(res$FDR < 0.25)
if(length(mask) < 5) {
mask <- order(res$P)
mask <- mask[1:min(5,length(mask))]
# Collect gene members of top modules.
dtl <- data.frame()
mod2genes <- job$database$module2genes
for(k in res[mask,"MODULE"]) {
genset <- mod2genes[[k]]
tmp <- data.frame(MODULE=k, GENE=genset)
dtl <- rbind(dtl, tmp)
# Merge with gene results.
dtl <- merge(dtl, job$generesults, all.x=TRUE)
# Merge with module info.
if(nrow(job$modinfo) > 0)
dtl <- merge(dtl, job$modinfo, all.x=TRUE)
dtl$DESCR = ""
# Merge with module statistics.
dtl <- merge(res[,c("MODULE", "P", "FDR")], dtl, all.y=TRUE)
# Sort according to enrichment and marker value.
scores <- 1000*rank(-(dtl$P))
gscores <- tool.unify(dtl$VALUE)
rows <- order((scores + gscores), decreasing=TRUE)
dtl <- dtl[rows,]
# Restore names and sort columns.
dtl$MODULE <- job$modules[dtl$MODULE]
dtl$GENE <- job$genes[dtl$GENE]
dtl$LOCUS <- job$loci[dtl$LOCUS]
dtl <- dtl[,c("MODULE", "FDR", "GENE", "NLOCI", "LOCUS", "VALUE",
# Make numbers look nicer.
values <- character()
fdrates <- character()
for(i in 1:nrow(dtl)) {
values[i] <- sprintf("%.2f", dtl[i,"VALUE"])
fdrates[i] <- sprintf("%.2f%%", 100*dtl[i,"FDR"])
dtl$FDR <- fdrates
dtl$VALUE <- values
# Save contents.
jdir <- file.path(job$folder, "msea")
fname <- paste(job$label, ".details.txt", sep="")
names(dtl) = c("MODULE","FDR","GENE","NMARKER","MARKER","VALUE","DESCR"), file=fname, directory=jdir)
# Merge multiple MSEA results into meta MSEA.
# Input:
# jobs MSEA list objects
# label label for meta job
# folder parent folder for meta job
# Output:
# meta MSEA list object
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013, Modified by Le Shu 2015
ssea.meta <- function(jobs, label, folder) {
# Create meta job.
#cat("\nMerging jobs...\n")
meta <- list()
meta$label <- label
meta$folder <- folder
meta$modfile <- "undefined"
meta$genfile <- "undefined"
meta$marfile <- "undefined"
meta <- ssea.start.configure(meta)
# Collect data.
meta$results <- data.frame()
meta$modinfo <- data.frame()
meta$moddata <- data.frame()
meta$gendata <- data.frame()
meta$locdata <- data.frame()
for(k in 1:length(jobs)) {
job <- jobs[[k]]
results <- job$results
modinfo <- job$modinfo
moddata <- job$moddata
gendata <- job$gendata
locdata <- job$locdata
# Restore original identities.
results$MODULE <- job$modules[results$MODULE]
modinfo$MODULE <- job$modules[modinfo$MODULE]
moddata$MODULE <- job$modules[moddata$MODULE]
moddata$GENE <- job$genes[moddata$GENE]
gendata$GENE <- job$genes[gendata$GENE]
gendata$LOCUS <- job$loci[gendata$LOCUS]
locdata$LOCUS <- job$loci[locdata$LOCUS]
# Update meta sets.
meta$results <- rbind(meta$results, results)
meta$modinfo <- rbind(meta$modinfo, modinfo)
meta$moddata <- rbind(meta$moddata, moddata)
meta$gendata <- rbind(meta$gendata, gendata)
meta$locdata <- rbind(meta$locdata, locdata)
# Remove duplicate rows (non-numeric values only).
meta$modinfo <- unique(meta$modinfo)
meta$moddata <- unique(meta$moddata)
meta$gendata <- unique(meta$gendata)
# Determine identities.
meta$modules <- unique(meta$moddata$MODULE)
meta$genes <- unique(meta$gendata$GENE)
meta$loci <- unique(meta$gendata$LOCUS)
# Convert identities to indices.
meta$results <- ssea.start.identify(meta$results, "MODULE", meta$modules)
meta$modinfo <- ssea.start.identify(meta$modinfo, "MODULE", meta$modules)
meta$moddata <- ssea.start.identify(meta$moddata, "MODULE", meta$modules)
meta$moddata <- ssea.start.identify(meta$moddata, "GENE", meta$genes)
meta$gendata <- ssea.start.identify(meta$gendata, "GENE", meta$genes)
meta$gendata <- ssea.start.identify(meta$gendata, "LOCUS", meta$loci)
meta$locdata <- ssea.start.identify(meta$locdata, "LOCUS", meta$loci)
# Convert marker values to z-scores.
values <- meta$locdata$VALUE
qvals <- tool.unify(values)
qvals <- pmax(qvals, .Machine$double.xmin)
qvals <- pmin(qvals, (1.0 - .Machine$double.eps))
zvals <- qnorm(qvals)
# Merge matching markers.
st <- tool.aggregate(meta$locdata$LOCUS)
blocks <- st$blocks
for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
rows <- blocks[[k]]
z <- sum(zvals[rows])
zvals[rows] <- z/sqrt(length(rows))
# Convert back to original data space.
meta$locdata$VALUE <- quantile(values, pnorm(zvals))
meta$locdata <- unique(meta$locdata)
# Construct hierarchical representation.
cat("\nPreparing data structures...\n")
ngens <- length(meta$genes)
nmods <- length(meta$modules)
meta$database <- ssea.prepare.structure(meta$moddata, meta$gendata,
nmods, ngens)
# Determine test cutoffs.
lengths <- meta$database$modulelengths
mu <- median(lengths[which(lengths > 0)])
meta$quantiles <- seq(0.5, (1.0 - 1.0/mu), length.out=10)
# Calculate hit counts.
nloci <- length(meta$loci)
hits <- ssea.prepare.counts(meta$locdata, nloci, meta$quantiles)
meta$database <- c(meta$database, hits)
# Check result values.
meta$results <- meta$results[,c("MODULE", "P")]
pvalues <- pmax(meta$results$P, .Machine$double.xmin)
pvalues <- pmin(pvalues, (1.0 - .Machine$double.eps))
meta$results$P <- pvalues
# Calculate meta P-values.
cat("\nPostprocessing meta results...\n")
st <- tool.aggregate(meta$results$MODULE)
blocks <- st$blocks
for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
rows <- blocks[[k]]
tmp <- meta$results[rows,]
z <- qnorm(tmp$P)
z <- sum(z)/sqrt(length(z))
meta$results[rows,"P"] <- NA
meta$results[rows[1],"P"] <- pnorm(z)
# Finish and save statistics.
meta$results <- na.omit(meta$results)
meta <- ssea.finish.fdr(meta)
#meta <- ssea.finish.details(meta)
# Prepare an indexed database for Marker set enrichment analysis.
# Input:
# job$modules module identities as characters
# job$genes gene identities as characters
# job$loci marker identities as characters
# job$moddata preprocessed module data (indexed identities)
# job$gendata preprocessed mapping data (indexed identities)
# job$locdata preprocessed marker data (indexed identities)
# job$mingenes minimum module size allowed
# job$maxgenes maximum module size allowed
# job$maxoverlap maximum module overlap allowed (use 1.0 to skip)
# Optional input:
# job$quantiles quantile points for test statistic
# Output:
# job$modules finalized module names
# job$moddata finalized module data
# job$gendata finalized mapping data
# job$locdata finalized marker data
# job$quantiles verified quantile points
# job$database$modulesizes
# gene counts for modules
# job$database$modulelengths
# distinct marker counts for modules
# job$database$moduledensities
# ratio between distinct and non-distinct markers
# job$database$genesizes
# marker count for each gene
# job$database$module2genes
# gene lists for each module
# job$database$gene2loci
# marker lists for each gene
# job$database$locus2row
# row indices in the marker data frame for each marker
# job$database$observed
# matrix of observed counts of values that exceed each
# quantile point for each marker
# job$database$expected
# 1.0 - quantile points
# The database uses indexed identities for modules, genes and marker.
# Output also includes all the other items from input list.
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
ssea.prepare <- function(job) {
cat("\nPreparing data structures...\n")
# Remove extreme modules.
st <- tool.aggregate(job$moddata$MODULE)
mask <- which((st$lengths >= job$mingenes) & (st$lengths <= job$maxgenes))
pos <- match(job$moddata$MODULE, st$labels[mask])
job$moddata <- job$moddata[which(pos > 0),]
# Construct hierarchical representation.
ngens <- length(job$genes)
nmods <- length(job$modules)
db <- ssea.prepare.structure(job$moddata, job$gendata, nmods, ngens)
# Determine test cutoffs.
if(is.null(job$quantiles)) {
lengths <- db$modulelengths
mu <- median(lengths[which(lengths > 0)])
job$quantiles <- seq(0.5, (1.0 - 1.0/mu), length.out=10)
# Calculate hit counts.
nloci <- length(job$loci)
hits <- ssea.prepare.counts(job$locdata, nloci, job$quantiles)
db <- c(db, hits)
# Return results.
job$database <- db
nmem <- (object.size(job))*(0.5^20)
cat("Job: ", nmem, " Mb\n", sep="")
ssea.prepare.structure <- function(moddata, gendata, nmods, ngens) {
# Prepare list structures.
genlists <- list()
loclists <- list()
for(k in 1:nmods) genlists[[k]] <- integer()
for(k in 1:ngens) loclists[[k]] <- integer()
modsizes <- rep(0, nmods)
modlengths <- rep(0, nmods)
moddensities <- rep(0.0, nmods)
gensizes <- rep(0, ngens)
# Collect row indices for each module.
st <- tool.aggregate(moddata$MODULE)
keys <- as.integer(st$labels)
blocks <- st$blocks
# Collect gene lists.
genes <- as.integer(moddata$GENE)
for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
key <- keys[k]
rows <- blocks[[k]]
members <- unique(genes[rows])
genlists[[key]] <- as.integer(members)
modsizes[[key]] <- length(members)
# Collect row indices for each gene.
st <- tool.aggregate(gendata$GENE)
keys <- as.integer(st$labels)
blocks <- st$blocks
# Collect marker lists.
loci <- as.integer(gendata$LOCUS)
for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
key <- keys[k]
rows <- blocks[[k]]
members <- unique(loci[rows])
loclists[[key]] <- as.integer(members)
gensizes[[key]] <- length(members)
# Count distinct markers in each module.
for(k in which(modsizes > 0)) {
locset <- integer()
genset <- genlists[[k]]
for(i in genset)
locset <- c(locset, loclists[[i]])
modlengths[[k]] <- length(unique(locset))
moddensities[[k]] <- modlengths[[k]]/length(locset)
# Check data integrity.
if(sum(gensizes == 0) > 0) stop("Incomplete locus data.")
if(length(gensizes) != ngens) stop("Inconsistent gene data.")
if(length(modsizes) != nmods) stop("Inconsistent module data.")
# Return results.
res <- list()
res$modulesizes <- modsizes
res$modulelengths <- modlengths
res$moduledensities <- moddensities
res$genesizes <- gensizes
res$module2genes <- genlists
res$gene2loci <- loclists
ssea.prepare.counts <- function(locdata, nloci, quantiles) {
# Make sure there are at least two points to prevent
# R automagic on matrices to mess things up.
if(length(quantiles) < 2) quantiles <- rep(quantiles, 2)
# Create mapping table.
nrows <- nrow(locdata)
locmap <- rep(0, nloci)
locmap[locdata$LOCUS] <- (1:nrows)
# Convert values to standardized range.
values <- tool.unify(locdata$VALUE)
# Create bit matrix of values above quantiles.
nquant <- length(quantiles)
bits <- matrix(data=FALSE, nrow=nrows, ncol=nquant)
for(i in 1:nrows)
bits[i,] <- (values[i] > quantiles)
# Return results.
res <- list()
res$locus2row <- locmap
res$observed <- bits
res$expected <- (1.0 - quantiles)
# Create a job for Marker set enrichment analysis
# Input:
# plan$label unique identifier for the analysis
# plan$folder output folder for results
# plan$modfile path to module file
# columns: MODULE GENE
# plan$marfile path to marker file
# columns: MARKER VALUE
# plan$genfile path to gene file
# columns: GENE MARKER
# Optional input:
# plan$inffile path to module info file
# columns: MODULE DESCR
# plan$seed seed for random number generator
# plan$permtype 'gene' for gene-level, 'marker' for marker-level
# plan$nperm maximum number of random permutations
# plan$mingenes minimum number of genes per module (after merging)
# plan$maxgenes maximum number of genes per module
# plan$quantiles cutoffs for test statistic
# plan$maxoverlap maximum overlap allowed between genes
# Output:
# job$modules module identities as characters
# job$genes gene identities as characters
# job$loci marker identities as characters
# job$moddata preprocessed module data (indexed identities)
# job$modinfo preprocessed module info (indexed identities)
# job$gendata preprocessed mapping data (indexed identities)
# job$locdata preprocessed marker data (indexed identities)
# job$geneclusters genes with shared markers
# Output also includes the items from input list.
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013, Modified by Le Shu 2015
ssea.start <- function(plan) {
cat("\nMSEA Version:01.04.2016\n")
# Check parameters.
job <- ssea.start.configure(plan)
# Create output folder.
dir.create(path=job$folder, recursive=FALSE, showWarnings=FALSE)
if(file.access(job$folder, 2) != 0)
stop("Cannot access '" + job$folder + "'.")
# Import gene sets.
cat("\nImporting modules...\n")
modinfo <-$inffile, c("MODULE", "DESCR"))
moddata <-$modfile, c("MODULE", "GENE"))
moddata <- unique(na.omit(moddata))
modinfo <- unique(na.omit(modinfo))
if(nrow(modinfo) > 0) print(summary(modinfo))
# Add slots for control modules.
modules <- unique(moddata$MODULE)
if((sum(modules == "_ctrlA") > 0) | (sum(modules == "_ctrlA") > 0))
stop("Module names '_ctrlA' and '_ctrlB' are reserved.")
modules <- c(modules, "_ctrlA", "_ctrlB")
tmp <- data.frame(MODULE=c("_ctrlA", "_ctrlB"),
DESCR=c("Top genes", "Top genes (module members)"))
modinfo <- rbind(modinfo, tmp)
# Import marker values.
cat("\nImporting marker values...\n")
locdata <-$locfile, c("LOCUS", "VALUE"))
locdata$VALUE <- as.double(locdata$VALUE)
rows <- which(0*(locdata$VALUE) == 0)
locdata <- unique(na.omit(locdata[rows,]))
locdata_ex <- locdata
names(locdata_ex) <- c("MARKER","VALUE")
# Import mapping data.
cat("\nImporting mapping data...\n")
gendata <-$genfile, c("GENE", "LOCUS"))
gendata <- unique(na.omit(gendata))
gendata_ex <- gendata
names(gendata_ex) <- c("GENE","MARKER")
# Remove genes with no marker values.
pos <- match(gendata$LOCUS, locdata$LOCUS)
gendata <- gendata[which(pos > 0),]
# Merge overlapping genes.
cat("\nMerging genes containing shared markers...\n")
gendata <- tool.coalesce(items=gendata$LOCUS, groups=gendata$GENE,
job$geneclusters <- gendata[,c("CLUSTER","GROUPS")]
job$geneclusters <- unique(job$geneclusters)
# Update gene symbols.
moddata <- ssea.start.relabel(moddata, gendata)
gendata <- unique(gendata[,c("GROUPS", "ITEM")])
names(gendata) <- c("GENE", "LOCUS")
# Collect identities.
job$modules <- modules
job$loci <- intersect(gendata$LOCUS, locdata$LOCUS)
pos <- match(gendata$LOCUS, job$loci)
job$genes <- gendata[which(pos > 0), "GENE"]
job$genes <- unique(job$genes)
# Exclude missing data and factorize identities.
job$modinfo <- ssea.start.identify(modinfo, "MODULE", job$modules)
job$moddata <- ssea.start.identify(moddata, "MODULE", job$modules)
job$moddata <- ssea.start.identify(job$moddata, "GENE", job$genes)
job$gendata <- ssea.start.identify(gendata, "GENE", job$genes)
job$gendata <- ssea.start.identify(job$gendata, "LOCUS", job$loci)
job$locdata <- ssea.start.identify(locdata, "LOCUS", job$loci)
# Show job size.
nmem <- (object.size(job))*(0.5^20)
cat("Job: ", nmem, " Mb\n", sep="")
# Clean-up.
ssea.start.configure <- function(plan) {
#bypass if running Meta-MSEA
if (!is.null(plan$folder) & !is.null(plan$label) &
plan$marfile == "undefined" & plan$genfile == "undefined" &
plan$modfile == "undefined"){
plan$permtype <- "gene"
plan$nperm <- 20000
plan$seed <- 1
plan$mingenes <- 10
plan$maxgenes <- 500
plan$maxoverlap <- 0.33
cat("\nRunning Meta-MSEA...\n")
plan$stamp <- Sys.time()
if(is.null(plan$folder)) stop("No output folder.")
if(is.null(plan$label)) stop("No job label.")
if(is.null(plan$modfile)) stop("No module file.")
if(is.null(plan$genfile)) stop("No gene file.")
if(is.null(plan$marfile)) stop("No marker file.")
if(is.null(plan$permtype)) plan$permtype <- "gene"
cat(" Permutation type: ", plan$permtype, "\n", sep="")
if(is.null(plan$nperm)) plan$nperm <- 20000
cat(" Permutations: ", plan$nperm, "\n", sep="")
if(is.null(plan$seed)) plan$seed <- 1
cat(" Random seed: ", plan$seed, "\n", sep="")
if(is.null(plan$mingenes)) plan$mingenes <- 10
if(is.null(plan$maxgenes)) plan$maxgenes <- 500
cat(" Minimum gene count: ", plan$mingenes, "\n", sep="")
cat(" Maximum gene count: ", plan$maxgenes, "\n", sep="")
if(is.null(plan$maxoverlap)) plan$maxoverlap <- 0.33
#if(plan$permtype == "locus") plan$maxoverlap <- 1.0 # no effect
cat(" Maximum overlap between genes: ", plan$maxoverlap, "\n",
if(is.null(plan$quantiles) == FALSE) {
cat(" Test quantiles:");
for(q in plan$quantiles)
cat(sprintf(" %.2f", 100*q), "%", sep="")
#Resolve inconsistencies
if(plan$permtype == "marker") plan$permtype = "locus"
dir.create("tmp", showWarnings = FALSE)$marfile,c("MARKER","VALUE"))$genfile,c("GENE","MARKER"))
write.table(tmploci,"tmp/loci.txt",quote = FALSE,row.names = FALSE,
sep = "\t")
write.table(tmpgene,"tmp/gene.txt",quote = FALSE,row.names = FALSE,
sep = "\t")
plan$locfile = "tmp/loci.txt"
plan$genfile = "tmp/gene.txt"
ssea.start.relabel <- function(dat, grp) {
# New gene group symbols.
oldgenes <- character()
newgenes <- character()
syms <- unique(grp[,c("CLUSTER","GROUPS")])
rows <- which(syms$CLUSTER != syms$GROUPS)
for(i in rows) {
g <- syms[i,"GROUPS"]
a <- strsplit(g, ",", fixed=TRUE)
a <- a[[1]]
b <- rep(g, length(a))
oldgenes <- c(oldgenes, a)
newgenes <- c(newgenes, b)
# Update dataset.
if(length(newgenes) < 1) return(dat)
pos <- match(dat$GENE, oldgenes)
rows <- which(pos > 0)
dat[rows,"GENE"] <- newgenes[pos[rows]]
ssea.start.identify <- function(dat, varname, labels) {
if(nrow(dat) < 1) return(dat)
# Find matching identities.
pos <- match(dat[,varname], labels)
rows <- which(pos > 0)
# Select subset.
dat[,varname] <- pos
res <- dat[rows,]
# Sort an array and find the indices of blocks with the same values.
# The second argument sets the minimum block size to be included.
# Output list:
# res$labels shared values within blocks
# res$lengths numbers of entries in blocks
# res$blocks integer arrays of entry positions within blocks
# res$ranks entry positions included in blocks
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.aggregate <- function(entries, limit=1) {
res <- list()
res$blocks <- list()
# Check input size.
nelem <- length(entries)
if(nelem < 1) stop("Unusable input.")
# Factorize entries.
entries <- as.factor(entries)
# Convert factors to integers.
elevels <- levels(entries)
entries <- as.integer(entries)
# Sort entries.
mask <- order(entries)
# Remove missing entries.
rows <- which(entries > 0)
mask <- intersect(mask, rows)
if(length(mask) < 1) stop("Unusable input.")
# Single entry.
if(length(mask) < 2) {
label <- na.omit(elevels)
res$labels <- label
res$lengths <- 1
res$blocks[[1]] <- 1
res$ranks <- 1
# Starting point.
nstack <- 1
stack <- integer(length=nelem)
stack[nstack] <- mask[1]
prev <- entries[mask[1]]
mask <- mask[2:nelem]
# Find segments of identical entries.
buffer <- list()
subsets <- list()
for(i in mask) {
if(entries[i] != prev) {
# Clear stack.
if(nstack >= limit) {
ind <- (length(buffer) + 1)
buffer[[ind]] <- stack[1:nstack]
nstack <- 0
# Buffering for speed-up.
if(length(buffer) > 120) {
subsets <- c(subsets, buffer)
buffer <- list()
# Add item to stack.
nstack <- (nstack + 1)
stack[nstack] <- i
prev <- entries[i]
# Clear last item(s).
if(nstack >= limit) {
ind <- (length(buffer) + 1)
buffer[[ind]] <- stack[1:nstack]
# Clear buffer.
if(length(buffer) > 0)
subsets <- c(subsets, buffer)
# Check if any subsets.
nuniq <- length(subsets)
if(nuniq < 1) return(NULL)
# Determine additional attributes.
loci <- rep(NA, nelem)
sizes <- integer(nuniq)
identities <- integer(nuniq)
for(k in 1:nuniq) {
mask <- as.integer(subsets[[k]])
identities[k] <- entries[mask[1]]
sizes[k] <- length(mask)
loci[mask] <- mask
# Finish.
res$labels <- elevels[identities]
res$lengths <- sizes
res$blocks <- subsets
res$ranks <- na.omit(loci)
# Use hierarchical clustering to assign nodes into clusters.
# Input:
# edges data.frame:
# A item name
# B item name
# POSa item name rank
# POSb item name rank
# R overlap between A and B
# cutoff maximum overlap not considered clustered
# Output:
# res data frame
# CLUSTER cluster rank
# NODE item name
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.cluster <- function(edges, cutoff=NULL) {
# Default output.
a <- edges$A
b <- edges$B
labels <- unique(c(a, b))
res <- data.frame(CLUSTER=labels, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
res$NODE <- labels
# Check if clustering is needed.
r <- as.double(edges$R)
posA <- as.integer(edges$POSa)
posB <- as.integer(edges$POSb)
ndim <- max(c(posA, posB))
if(sum(posA != posB) < 1) return(res)
if(max(r) <= 0.0) return(res)
# Allocate distance matrix.
mtx <- matrix(data=0.0, nrow=ndim, ncol=ndim)
labels <- rep(NA, ndim)
# Collect group labels.
for(k in 1:nrow(edges)) {
labels[posA[k]] <- a[k]
labels[posB[k]] <- b[k]
# Recreate matrix form.
for(k in 1:nrow(edges)) {
i <- posA[k]
j <- posB[k]
mtx[i,j] <- r[k]
mtx[j,i] <- r[k]
# Hierarchical clustering.
d <- as.dist(1 - mtx)
tree <- hclust(d)
# Height cutoff.
hlim <- max(tree$height)
if(is.null(cutoff) == FALSE) hlim <- (1.0 - cutoff)
# Find clusters.
clusters <- tool.cluster.static(tree, hlim)
# Enumerate clusters with singletons included.
mask <- which(clusters == 0)
clusters[mask] <- -mask
clusters <- as.factor(clusters)
clusters <- as.integer(clusters)
# Create supergroups.
res <- data.frame(CLUSTER=clusters, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
res$NODE <- labels[1:length(clusters)]
tool.cluster.static <- function(dendro, hlim) {
merged <- dendro$merge
heights <- dendro$height
ndim <- (length(heights) + 1)
# Assign clusters by static cut.
clusters <- rep(0, ndim)
for(i in which(heights <= hlim)) {
a <- as.integer(merged[i, 1])
b <- as.integer(merged[i, 2])
# Put previous cluster (if any) in A.
if(a < 0) {
tmp <- a
a <- b
b <- tmp
# De novo merging.
if(a < 0) {
clusters[-a] <- i
clusters[-b] <- i
# Merge with previous cluster.
if(b < 0) {
mask <- which(clusters == a)
mask <- c(mask, -b)
clusters[mask] <- i
# Merge two clusters.
mask <- which((clusters == a) | (clusters == b))
clusters[mask] <- i
# Calculate overlaps between groups of items.
# Input:
# items array of item identities
# groups array of group identities for items
# Optional input:
# rcutoff maximum overlap not coalesced
# ncore minimum number of items required for trimming
# Output:
# res data frame:
# CLUSTER cluster identities
# ITEM item identities
# GROUPS comma separated group identities
# Due to trimming, output may contain fewer distinct items.
# Cluster identities are a subset of group identities.
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.coalesce <- function(items, groups, rcutoff=0.0, ncore=NULL) {
# Check arguments.
if(length(items) != length(groups))
stop("Incompatible inputs.")
# Default output.
res <- data.frame(CLUSTER=groups, GROUPS=groups, ITEM=items,
if(rcutoff >= 1.0) return(res)
# Check that group names are usable.
grlabels <- unique(groups)
if(is.character(grlabels)) {
for(s in grlabels) {
segm <- strsplit(s, ",", fixed=TRUE)
if(length(segm[[1]]) < 2) next
stop("Group labels must not contain ','.")
# Determine core item set size.
nitems <- length(items)
if(is.null(ncore)) {
ncore <- nitems/length(unique(groups))
ncore <- round(ncore)
# Convert to integers.
itemlev <- as.factor(items)
grouplev <- as.factor(groups)
members <- as.integer(itemlev)
modules <- as.integer(grouplev)
itemlev <- levels(itemlev)
grouplev <- levels(grouplev)
# Determine item freguencies.
freq <- table(members)
labels <- as.integer(names(freq))
freq <- as.integer(freq)
# Limit the number of comparisons.
kappa <- 0
while(TRUE) {
kappa <- (kappa + 1)
shared <- which(freq > kappa)
shared <- labels[shared]
# Determine groups with overlaps.
pos <- match(members, shared)
rows <- which(pos > 0)
mods <- unique(modules[rows])
if(length(mods) < 2000) break
# Show warning if overlaps too extensive.
if(kappa > 1) {
cat("WARNING! Limited overlap analysis due ")
cat("to large number of groups.\n")
# Determine subset with shared items.
pos <- match(modules, mods)
incl <- which(pos > 0)
excl <- setdiff((1:nitems), incl)
# Find and trim clusters.
res <- tool.coalesce.exec(members[incl], modules[incl], rcutoff, ncore)
res <- rbind(res, tool.coalesce.exec(members[excl], modules[excl], 1.0))
# Convert identities back to original.
res$ITEM <- itemlev[res$ITEM]
res$CLUSTER <- grouplev[res$CLUSTER]
groupdat <- rep("", nrow(res))
groupsets <- as.character(res$GROUPS)
for(i in 1:nrow(res)) {
gset <- strsplit(groupsets[i], ",", fixed=TRUE)
gset <- as.integer(gset[[1]])
groupdat[i] <- paste(grouplev[gset], collapse=",")
res$GROUPS <- groupdat
tool.coalesce.exec <- function(items, groups, rcutoff, ncore) {
if(is.numeric(items) == FALSE) stop("Unusable input.")
if(is.numeric(groups) == FALSE) stop("Unusable input.")
# Default output.
res <- data.frame(CLUSTER=groups, GROUPS=groups, ITEM=items,
if(rcutoff >= 1.0) return(res)
# Iterative merging and trimming.
res$COUNT <- 0.0
while(TRUE) {
clust <- tool.coalesce.find(res, rcutoff)
if(is.null(clust)) break
res <- tool.coalesce.merge(clust, ncore)
# Select columns.
res$CLUSTER <- 0
itemdat <- res$ITEM
clustdat <- res$CLUSTER
groupdat <- res$GROUPS
# Select representative label for clusters.
st <- tool.aggregate(res$GROUP)
blocks <- st$blocks
labels <- st$labels
for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
rows <- blocks[[k]]
locals <- itemdat[rows]
nodes <- strsplit(labels[[k]], ",", fixed=TRUE)
nodes <- as.numeric(nodes[[1]])
overlaps <- rep(0, length(nodes))
for(i in 1:length(nodes)) {
mask <- which(groups == nodes[i])
shared <- intersect(items[mask], locals)
overlaps[i] <- length(shared)
mask <- order(overlaps, decreasing=TRUE)
clustdat[rows] <- nodes[mask[1]]
groupdat[rows] <- paste(nodes[mask], collapse=",")
# Finish results.
res$CLUSTER <- clustdat
res$GROUPS <- groupdat
tool.coalesce.find <- function(data, rmax) {
# Harmonize column names.
data <- data[,c("GROUPS", "ITEM", "COUNT")]
names(data) <- c("NODE", "ITEM", "COUNT")
# Find clusters.
edges <- tool.overlap(items=data$ITEM, groups=data$NODE)
clustdat <- tool.cluster(edges, cutoff=rmax)
nclust <- length(unique(clustdat$CLUSTER))
nnodes <- length(unique(clustdat$NODE))
if(nclust >= nnodes) return(NULL)
# Merge with original dataset.
res <- merge(clustdat, data)
tool.coalesce.merge <- function(data, ncore) {
# Determine item clusters.
st <- tool.aggregate(data$CLUSTER)
blocks <- st$blocks
# Trim clusters.
res <- data.frame()
for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
rows <- blocks[[k]]
batch <- data[rows,]
# Item hit counts.
st <- tool.aggregate(batch$ITEM)
counts <- as.integer(st$lengths)
labels <- as.integer(st$labels)
segm <- st$blocks
# Add hit counts from previous round.
for(j in 1:length(segm)) {
mask <- segm[[j]]
nj <- mean(batch[mask,"COUNT"])
counts[j] <- sqrt(counts[j] + nj)
# Remove rarest items.
levels <- sort(unique(counts))
for(kappa in levels) {
mask <- which(counts > kappa)
nmask <- length(mask)
if(nmask < ncore) break
counts <- counts[mask]
labels <- labels[mask]
# Collect groups.
nodeset <- unique(batch$NODE)
nodeset <- paste(nodeset, collapse=",")
# Update results.
tmp <- data.frame(GROUPS=nodeset, ITEM=labels, COUNT=counts,
res <- rbind(res, tmp)
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.fdr <- function(p, f=NULL) {
if(length(p) < 5) return(NA*p)
if(is.null(f)) return(
return(tool.fdr.empirical(p, f))
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- <- function(p) {
nelem <- length(p)
# Revert to z-scores.
pvals <- pmax(p, .Machine$double.xmin)
pvals <- pmin(pvals, (1 - .Machine$double.eps))
z <- qnorm(pvals)
# Benjamini Hochberg (1995) false discovery rate.
fdr <- p.adjust(pvals, method="fdr")
fdr <- pmax(fdr, .Machine$double.xmin)
# Sort data points.
mask <- order(z)
xcoord <- z[mask]
ycoord <- fdr[mask]
# Remove steps in FDR values.
prev <- 1
for(i in 2:nelem) {
if(ycoord[i] == ycoord[prev]) {
ycoord[i] = NA
window <- prev:(i-1)
xcoord[prev] <- mean(xcoord[window])
prev <- i
# Select distinct points.
rows <- which(0*ycoord == 0)
xcoord <- xcoord[rows]
ycoord <- ycoord[rows]
# Add sentinels.
xcoord <- c((min(z) - 1.0), xcoord, (max(z) + 1.0))
ycoord <- c(0.0, ycoord, 1.0)
# Interpolate missing points.
points <- approx(xcoord, ycoord, xout=z)
tool.fdr.empirical <- function(p, f0) {
# Estimate raw false discovery rates.
f <- rank(p)/length(p)
fdr <- pmin(pmax(f0/f, p), 1)
# Pre-defined sections for sampling the FDR curve.
p <- pmin(p, (1.0 - .Machine$double.eps))
p <- pmax(p, .Machine$double.xmin)
z <- qnorm(p, lower.tail=TRUE)
alpha <- sort(unique(floor(z)))
# Estimate pivot points.
xcoord <- (min(z) - 1.0)
ycoord <- 0.0
for(a in alpha) {
o <- (a + 1.0)
elem <- which((z >= a) & (z < o))
xcoord <- c(xcoord, mean(z[elem]))
ycoord <- c(ycoord, mean(fdr[elem]))
# Interpolate back to the original resolution.
points <- approx(xcoord, ycoord, xout=z)
# Convert an edge dataset into indexed graph representation.
# The input is a data frame with three columns TAIL, HEAD and WEIGHT
# for the edge end-points.
# Return value:
# res$nodes - N-element array of node names
# res$tails - K-element array of node indices
# res$heads - K-element array of node indices
# res$weights - K-element array of edge weights
# res$tail2edge - N-element list of adjacent edge indices
# res$head2edge - N-element list of adjacent edge indices
# res$outstats - N-row data frame of node statistics
# res$instats - N-row data frame of node statistics
# res$stats - N-row data frame of node statistics
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.graph <- function(edges) {
tails <- as.character(edges$TAIL)
heads <- as.character(edges$HEAD)
wdata <- as.double(edges$WEIGHT)
# Remove empty end-points and non-positive weights.
mask <- which((tails != "") & (heads != "") &
(tails != heads) & (wdata > 0))
tails <- tails[mask]
heads <- heads[mask]
wdata <- wdata[mask]
nedges <- length(mask)
# Create factorized representation.
labels <- as.character(c(tails, heads))
labels <- as.factor(labels)
labelsT <- as.integer(labels[1:nedges])
labelsH <- as.integer(labels[(nedges+1):(2*nedges)])
# Create edge lists.
nodnames <- levels(labels)
nnodes <- length(nodnames)
elistT <- tool.graph.list(labelsT, nnodes)
elistH <- tool.graph.list(labelsH, nnodes)
# Collect results.
res <- list()
res$nodes <- as.character(nodnames)
res$outstats <-, wdata)
res$instats <-, wdata)
res$stats <- (res$outstats + res$instats)
res$tail2edge <- elistT
res$head2edge <- elistH
res$tails <- as.integer(labelsT)
res$heads <- as.integer(labelsH)
res$weights <- wdata
tool.graph.list <- function(entries, nnodes) {
# Allocate list.
groups <- list()
for(i in 1:nnodes)
groups[[i]] <- integer()
# Find entry groups.
st <- tool.aggregate(entries)
labels <- as.integer(st$labels)
blocks <- st$blocks
# Reorganize according to node indices.
nblocks <- length(blocks)
for(k in 1:nblocks) {
ind <- labels[[k]]
groups[[ind]] <- blocks[[k]]
# Return edge lists.
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- <- function(node2edge, weights) {
nnodes <- length(node2edge)
stren <- rep(0.0, nnodes)
degrees <- rep(0, nnodes)
for(i in 1:nnodes) {
rows <- node2edge[[i]]
degrees[i] <- length(rows)
if(degrees[i] < 1) next
stren[i] <- sum(weights[rows])
res <- data.frame(DEGREE=degrees, STRENG=stren)
tool.metap <- function(datasets, idcolumn, pcolumn, weights=NULL) {
# Collect identities.
id <- character()
nsets <- length(datasets)
for(i in 1:nsets) {
dat <- datasets[[i]]
id <- as.character(dat[,idcolumn])
# Remove duplicates.
id <- unique(id[which(id != "")])
# Check weights.
if(is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1, nsets)
if(length(weights) != nsets) stop("Incompatible weights.")
if(sum(weights <= 0.0) > 0) stop("Non-positive weights.")
weights <- nsets*(weights/sum(weights))
# Calculate meta scores.
h <- rep(0, length(id))
z <- rep(0.0, length(id))
for(i in 1:nsets) {
dat <- datasets[[i]]
pos <- match(dat[,idcolumn], id)
rows <- which(pos > 0)
pos <- pos[rows]
p <- as.double(dat[rows,pcolumn])
p <- pmax(p, .Machine$double.xmin)
p <- pmin(p, (1 - .Machine$double.eps))
z[pos] <- (z[pos] + weights[i]*qnorm(p))
h[pos] <- (h[pos] + (weights[i])^2)
# Estimate meta P-values.
rows <- which(h > 0.0)
z[rows] <- z[rows]/sqrt(h[rows])
pmeta <- pnorm(z)
# Return results.
res <- data.frame(ID=id, P=pmeta)
names(res) <- c(idcolumn, pcolumn)
res <- res[order(res$P),]
# One-sided.
tool.normalize <- function(x, prm=NULL, inverse=FALSE) {
# Apply transform.
if(is.null(prm) == FALSE) {
if(inverse == TRUE) {
if($mu)) {
y <- (x*(prm$scale) + prm$offset)
z <- (x*(prm$sigma) + prm$mu)
z <- (exp(z) - 1.0)/(prm$scale)
z <- (z + prm$offset)
} else {
z <- (x - prm$offset)*(prm$scale)
if($mu)) return(z)
mask <- which(z < 0.0)
z[mask] <- z[mask]/(1.0 - z[mask])
z <- (log(z + 1.0) - prm$mu)/(prm$sigma)
# Remove unusable values.
x <- x[which(0*x == 0)]
# Default parameters.
prm$offset <- mean(x)
prm$scale <- sd(x)
prm$mu <- NA
prm$sigma <- NA
prm$quality <- 0.0
if(length(x) < 10) return(prm)
# Disable warnings.
prev <- getOption("warn")
# Ensure positivity and check size.
xmin <- min(x)
z <- (x[which(x > xmin)] - xmin)
if(length(z) < 10) return(prm)
# Scale by median.
zmed <- median(z)
z <- z/zmed
# Find the best log transform.
ctrl <- list(reltol=1e-3)
gamma <- optim(par=1.0, fn=tool.normalize.quality, gr=NULL, z,
lower=-9, upper=9, control=ctrl)
# Apply transform.
z <- log(exp(gamma$par)*z + 1.0)
# Evaluate fit quality.
mu <- mean(z)
sigma <- sd(z)
z <- (z - mu)/sigma
kappa <- ks.test(x=z, y="pnorm", exact=FALSE)
# Enable warnings.
# Collect transformation parameters.
prm$offset <- xmin
prm$scale <- exp(gamma$par)/zmed
prm$quality <- kappa$p.value
prm$mu <- mu
prm$sigma <- sigma
tool.normalize.quality <- function(g, z) {
t <- log(exp(g)*z + 1.0)
t <- (t - mean(t))/(sd(t) + 1e-20)
if(length(t) < 1) return(0)
suppressWarnings(res <- ks.test(x=t, y="pnorm", exact=FALSE))
# Calculate overlaps between groups of items.
# Input:
# items array of item identities
# groups array of group identities for items
# Optional input:
# nbackground total number of items
# Output:
# res data frame:
# A group name
# B group name
# POSa group name rank
# POSb group name rank
# Na group A size
# Nb group B size
# Nab shared items
# R overlap ratio
# F fold change to null expectation
# P overlap P-value (Fisher's test)
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.overlap <- function(items, groups, nbackground=NULL) {
# Check arguments.
if(length(items) != length(groups))
stop("Incompatible inputs.")
# Remove duplicate entries.
data <- data.frame(ITEM=items, GROUP=groups, stringAsFactors=FALSE)
data <- unique(data)
# Convert to integers.
items <- as.integer(as.factor(data$ITEM))
groups <- as.factor(data$GROUP)
grouplevs <- levels(groups)
groups <- as.integer(groups)
# Determine block structure.
modules <- tool.aggregate(groups)
labels <- modules$labels
blocks <- modules$blocks
# Convert labels to original identities.
labels <- as.integer(labels)
labels <- grouplevs[labels]
# Default background size.
nitems <- length(unique(items))
if(is.null(nbackground)) nbackground <- nitems
if(nbackground < nitems)
stop("tool.overlap: Invalid background size.")
# Number of shared items for each pair of blocks.
row <- 1
stamp <- Sys.time()
nblocks <- length(blocks)
nrows <- (nblocks + 1)*nblocks/2
mtx <- matrix(nrow=nrows, ncol=5)
for(a in 1:nblocks) {
maskA <- blocks[[a]]
setA <- items[maskA]
nA <- length(maskA)
for(b in a:nblocks) {
maskB <- blocks[[b]]
setB <- items[maskB]
nB <- length(setB)
ind <- intersect(setA, setB)
nAB <- length(ind)
mtx[row,] <- c(a, b, nA, nB, nAB)
row <- (row + 1)
# Progress report.
if(as.double(Sys.time() - stamp) < 10.0) next
cat(sprintf("\r%d/%d ", row, nrows))
stamp <- Sys.time()
cat(sprintf("\r%d comparisons\n", nrows))
# Calculate fold enrichment.
numA <- mtx[,3]
numB <- mtx[,4]
numAB <- mtx[,5]
fAB <- (sqrt(numAB)*sqrt(nbackground)/sqrt(numA)/sqrt(numB))^2
# Estimate statistical significance.
pAB <- phyper(numAB, numB, (nbackground - numB), numA, lower.tail=FALSE)
pAB <- (pAB + .Machine$double.xmin)
# Fix diagonal values.
mask <- which(mtx[,1] == mtx[,2])
fAB[mask] <- 1.0
pAB[mask] <- 1.0
# Fix P-values for small fold changes.
mask <- which(fAB < 1.0)
pAB[mask] <- 1.0
# Collect results.
res <- data.frame(A=labels[mtx[,1]], B=labels[mtx[,2]],
POSa=as.integer(mtx[,1]), POSb=as.integer(mtx[,2]),
Na=numA, Nb=numB, Nab=numAB,
R=numAB/(numA + numB - numAB),
F=fAB, P=pAB, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Read a data frame from a file. All lines with NAs are excluded.
# The second argument selects a subset of columns.
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
# <- function(file, vars=NULL) {
if(is.null(file)) return(data.frame())
if(file == "") return(data.frame())
dat <- read.delim(file=file, header=TRUE,
na.strings=c("NA", "NULL", "null", ""),
colClasses="character", comment.char="",
if(is.null(vars) == FALSE) dat <- dat[,vars]
dat <- na.omit(dat)
# Save a data frame in tab-delimited file. Compression
# only works on UNIX-family systems with gzip.
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
# <- function(frame, file, directory=NULL, verbose=TRUE,
compression=FALSE) {
if(verbose) cat("\rWriting to file... ")
# Concatenate directory prefix.
fname <- file
if(is.null(directory) == FALSE) {
if(file.exists(directory) == FALSE)
dir.create(path=directory, recursive=TRUE)
fname <- file.path(directory, file)
# Write data to file.
write.table(x=frame, sep="\t", file=fname, na="",
row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
# Compress file.
if(compression) {
if(verbose) cat("\rCompressing file... ")
system(paste("gzip -f \"", fname, "\"", sep=""))
fname <- paste(fname, ".gz", sep="")
# Print report.
n <- nrow(frame)
if(verbose) cat("\rSaved ", n, " rows in '", fname, "'.\n", sep="")
# Determine the network neighbors for a set of nodes. The first
# argument is the indexed graph structure from tool.graph().
# The second argument is the list of seed node names and the third
# indicates the maximum number of links to connect neighbors.
# The fourth input sets the directionality: use a negative value
# for dowstream, positive for upstream or zero for undirected.
# Output:
# res$RANK - indices of neighboring nodes (including seeds)
# res$LEVEL - num of edges away from seed
# res$STRENG - sum of adjacent edge weights within neighborhood
# res$DEGREE - number of adjacent edges within neighborhood
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.subgraph <- function(graph, seeds, depth=1, direction=0) {
depth <- as.integer(depth[[1]])
direction <- as.integer(direction[[1]])
# Convert seed names to indices.
nodes <- graph$nodes
ranks <- match(seeds, nodes)
ranks <- ranks[which(ranks > 0)]
ranks <- as.integer(ranks)
# Find neighbors.
res <-, ranks, depth[1], direction)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- <- function(graph, seeds, depth, direction) {
tails <- graph$tails
heads <- graph$heads
weights <- graph$weights
tail2edge <- list()
head2edge <- list()
# Downstream and upstream searches.
if(direction <= 0) tail2edge <- graph$tail2edge
if(direction >= 0) head2edge <- graph$head2edge
# Collect neighboring nodes.
visited <- seeds
levels <- 0*seeds
for(i in 1:depth) {
# Find edges to adjacent nodes.
foundT <- tool.subgraph.find(seeds, tail2edge, heads, visited)
foundH <- tool.subgraph.find(seeds, head2edge, tails, visited)
# Expand neighborhood.
seeds <- unique(c(foundT, foundH))
visited <- c(visited, seeds)
levels <- c(levels, (0*seeds + i))
if(length(seeds) < 1) break
# Calculate node degrees and strengths.
res <- data.frame(RANK=visited, LEVEL=levels, DEGREE=0,
STRENG=0.0, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
res <- tool.subgraph.stats(res, tail2edge, heads, weights)
res <- tool.subgraph.stats(res, head2edge, tails, weights)
tool.subgraph.find <- function(seeds, edgemap, heads, visited) {
if(length(edgemap) < 1) return(integer())
# Collect all neighboring nodes.
nneigh <- length(seeds)
neighbors <- seeds
for(i in seeds) {
# Edges adjacent to the seed.
mask <- edgemap[[i]]
nmask <- length(mask)
if(nmask < 1) next
# Check capacity.
if((length(neighbors) - nneigh) < nmask)
neighbors <- c(neighbors, 0*neighbors, 0*mask)
# Store node indices.
neighbors[nneigh+(1:nmask)] <- heads[mask]
nneigh <- (nneigh + nmask)
# Remove nodes already visited.
neighbors <- unique(neighbors[1:nneigh])
neighbors <- setdiff(neighbors, visited)
tool.subgraph.stats <- function(frame, edgemap, heads, weights) {
if(length(edgemap) < 1) return(frame)
nmemb <- nrow(frame)
wcounts <- frame$DEGREE
wsums <- frame$STRENG
members <- frame$RANK
for(i in members) {
edges <- edgemap[[i]]
pos <- match(heads[edges], members)
edges <- edges[which(pos > 0)]
if(length(edges) < 1) next
rows <- match(heads[edges], members)
wcounts[rows] <- (wcounts[rows] + 1)
wsums[rows] <- (wsums[rows] + weights[edges])
frame$DEGREE <- wcounts
frame$STRENG <- wsums
# Translate words.
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.translate <- function(words, from, to) {
# Check translation table.
if(length(from) != length(to)) stop("Incompatible inputs.")
rows <- which(( == FALSE) & ( == FALSE))
from <- as.character(from[rows])
to <- as.character(to[rows])
# Find words that can be translated.
pos <- match(words, from)
words[which(] <- NA
# Translate words.
rows <- which(pos > 0)
pos <- pos[rows]
words[rows] <- to[pos]
# Convert a distribution to uniform ranks ]0,1[ with respect
# to a background distribution (or self if no
# background available).
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.unify <- function(xtrait, xnull=NULL) {
if(is.null(xnull)) xnull <- xtrait
nt <- length(xtrait)
n0 <- length(xnull)
# Enforce distinct values.
xmin <- min(xnull)
sigma <- (max(xnull) - xmin)
amp <- 0.001*sd(xnull)
jitter <- seq(-amp/2, amp/2, length.out=n0)
xnull <- (xnull + jitter)
xnull <- (xnull - min(xnull))
xnull <- xnull/max(xnull)
xnull <- (xmin + xnull*sigma)
# Cumulative reference distribution.
f0 <- seq(0, 1, length.out=n0)
q0 <- quantile(xnull, f0)
q0 <- as.double(q0)
# Make sure null range contains trait values.
xmin <- min(xtrait)
xmax <- max(xtrait)
if(xmin < q0[1]) q0[1] <- xmin
if(xmax > q0[n0]) q0[n0] <- xmax
# Map observations on null cumulative axis.
out <- approx(x=q0, y=f0, xout=xtrait)
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