Defines functions est.norm.med.search bin.data read.AlignedRead read.BED read.MCS NCIS.internal NCIS

#NCIS (Normalization for ChIP-Seq) estimates normalizing factor between a ChIP sample and a control/input sample
#input parameters:
#chip.data	 ChIP data.
#input.data	 control data.
#data.type	 "MCS", "AlignedRead" or "BED".
#frag.len	 average fragment length. Default 200 bp.
#min.binsize	 minimum of binsize to search.
#max.binsize	 maximum of binsize to search.
#binsize.shift	 the threshold of binsize after which the normalization factor is computed as the average of two estimates, one on regular bins and the other on bins shifed half binsize.
#min.stop.binsize	 minimum of binsize to use (stop).
#chr.vec	 vector of chromosomes in the data. Only reads in chr.vec are considered for normalization purpose.
#chr.len.vec	 vector of chromosome lengths corresponding to chr.vec
#contact: kliang@stat.wisc.edu
#last modified: 2011.10.22

NCIS <- function(chip.data, input.data, data.type=c("MCS", "BED", "AlignedRead"), frag.len=200, min.binsize=100, max.binsize=20000, 
    binsize.shift=100, min.stop.binsize=100, chr.vec=NULL, chr.len.vec=NULL){
        chip <- read.MCS(chip.data)
        input <- read.MCS(input.data)
            chip <- read.AlignedRead(chip.data)
            input <- read.AlignedRead(input.data)
                chip <- read.BED(chip.data)
                input <- read.BED(input.data)
                stop("Unknown data format: type can only be 'NCIS', 'BED' or 'AlignedRead'")
    shift.size <- round(frag.len/2)
    NCIS.internal(chip, input, shift.size=shift.size, min.binsize=min.binsize, max.binsize=max.binsize, 
    binsize.shift=binsize.shift, min.stop.binsize=min.stop.binsize, chr.vec=chr.vec, chr.len.vec=chr.len.vec)

#NCIS takes chip.pos and input.pos
NCIS.internal <- function(chip.pos, input.pos, shift.size=100, min.binsize=100, max.binsize=20000, 
    binsize.shift=100, min.stop.binsize=100, chr.vec=NULL, chr.len.vec=NULL){

        chip.name <- names(chip.pos)
        input.name <- names(input.pos)
        chr.vec <- intersect(chip.name, input.name)
            cat("Control sample doesn't have chromosome", setdiff(chip.name, chr.vec), "which are in ChIP sample. These chromosomes are ignored.\n")
            cat("ChIP sample doesn't have chromosome", setdiff(chip.name, chr.vec), "which are in control sample. These chromosomes are ignored.\n")
    nchip <- sum(sapply(chr.vec, function(x) sapply(chip.pos[[x]], length)))
    ninput <- sum(sapply(chr.vec, function(x) sapply(input.pos[[x]], length)))
    r.seq.depth <- nchip/ninput
    sizevec <- rep(c(1,2,5), times=3)*10^rep(2:4, each=3)
    sizevec <- sizevec[sizevec <= max.binsize]
    sizevec <- sizevec[sizevec >= min.binsize]
    norm.est <- rep(1000, length(sizevec))
    #names(norm.est) <- sizevec

    if(!is.null(chr.len.vec) & length(setdiff(chr.vec, names(chr.len.vec)))==0){
        chr.end.max <- chr.len.vec[chr.vec]
        chr.end.max <- sapply(chr.vec, function(chr) max( c(max(chip.pos[[chr]][["+"]]), max(chip.pos[[chr]][["-"]]), 
                max(input.pos[[chr]][["+"]]), max(input.pos[[chr]][["-"]])) ))
        #names(chr.end.max) <- chr.vec
    binsize.est <- -1
    for(si in 1:length(sizevec)){
        binsize <- sizevec[si]
        bindata <- bin.data(chip.pos, input.pos, binsize, shift.size=shift.size, chr.vec=chr.vec, chr.end.max=chr.end.max)
        res <- est.norm.med.search(bindata$chip, bindata$input)
        if(binsize < binsize.shift){
            norm.est[si] <- res
            #run it twice, 2nd time shift half binsize
            bindata <- bin.data(chip.pos, input.pos, binsize, shift.size=shift.size, shift.half.size=TRUE, chr.vec=chr.vec, chr.end.max=chr.end.max)
            res2 <- est.norm.med.search(bindata$chip, bindata$input)

            norm.est[si] <- (res+res2)/2
        }#end else
        #stopping criteria
        if(si>1 & binsize.est<0){
                est <- norm.est[si-1]
                binsize.est <- sizevec[si-1]
            if(si==length(sizevec) & binsize.est<0){ #the end of binsize, no converge yet
                est <- norm.est[si]
                binsize.est <- sizevec[si]
        } #end if(si>1 & binsize.est<0)
        if(binsize.est>0 & binsize>=min.stop.binsize){
    } #end for(si in 1:length(sizevec))

    return(list(est=est, binsize.est=binsize.est,
                r.seq.depth=r.seq.depth, pi0=est/r.seq.depth))

#data is dataframe with fields: chr(factor), pos(integer) and strand(factor, "+" and "-")
#pos is 5' location; this is different from eland default which use 3' location for reverse strand.
read.MCS <- function(data){
        #check data has required field
        if(!setequal(intersect(c("chr", "pos", "strand"), colnames(data)), c("chr", "pos", "strand"))) stop("MCS format need to be a data.frame with fields: chr, pos and strand")
        res <- split(data[, c("pos", "strand")], data$chr, drop = TRUE)
        res <- lapply(res, function(x) split(x[, "pos"], x$strand, drop = TRUE))
        if(!setequal(names(data[[1]]), c("+", "-"))) stop("MCS list format need to be a list of chromosomes, each of which is a list of two strands.")

#BED file should have at least first 6 fields (chrom, start, end, name, score and strand), see
#http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format1 for more details
#chip <- read.BED("BED.file")
read.BED <- function(bed.file){
    temp <- read.delim(bed.file, 
            header=FALSE, row.names=NULL)
    if(ncol(temp)<6) stop("BED file should has at least 6 fields!")
    colnames(temp)[1:6] <- c("chr", "pos", "posEnd", "t1", "t2", "strand")
    index <- (1:nrow(temp))[temp$strand=="-"]
    tt <- temp[index[1],]
    if(tt$pos < tt$posEnd){
        temp$pos[index] <- temp$posEnd[index]
    res <- split(temp[, c("pos", "strand")], temp$chr, drop = TRUE)
    res <- lapply(res, function(x) split(x[, "pos"], x$strand, drop = TRUE))

#chip <- read.AlignedRead("AlignedRead.object")
read.AlignedRead <-
    if(is(aln, "AlignedRead")){
        res <- split(data.frame(pos=position(aln)+(strand(aln)=="-")*(width(aln)-1), strand=factor(strand(aln))), chromosome(aln), drop = TRUE)
        res <- res[names(res)!=""]
        res <- lapply(res, function(x) split(x[, "pos"], x$strand, drop = TRUE))
        stop("Need an AlignedRead object.")

bin.data <- function(chip.pos, input.pos, binsize,
    chr.vec=NULL, chr.end.max=NULL,

        chip.name <- names(chip.pos)
        input.name <- names(input.pos)
        chr.vec <- intersect(chip.name, input.name)
            cat("Control sample doesn't have chromosome", setdiff(chip.name, chr.vec), "which are in ChIP sample. These chromosomes are ignored.\n")
            cat("ChIP sample doesn't have chromosome", setdiff(input.name, chr.vec), "which are in control sample. These chromosomes are ignored.\n")
        chr.end.max <- sapply(chr.vec, function(chr) max( c(max(chip.pos[[chr]][["+"]]), max(chip.pos[[chr]][["-"]]), 
                max(input.pos[[chr]][["+"]]), max(input.pos[[chr]][["-"]])) ))
    chr.len <- ceiling((chr.end.max+shift.size)/binsize)

    chip.f <- list()
    chip.r <- list()
    input.f <- list()
    input.r <- list()
        chip <- list()
        input <- list()

    for(chr in chr.vec){
            bk <- c(0, seq(from=round(binsize/2), by=binsize, length.out=chr.len[[chr]]+1))
            bk <- seq(from=0, by=binsize, length.out=chr.len[[chr]]+1)
        bk.f <- bk-shift.size
        bk.r <- c(0, bk+shift.size)
        chip.f[[chr]] <- hist(chip.pos[[chr]][["+"]], breaks=bk.f, plot = FALSE)$counts
        chip.r[[chr]] <- hist(chip.pos[[chr]][["-"]], breaks=bk.r, plot = FALSE)$counts[-1]
        input.f[[chr]] <- hist(input.pos[[chr]][["+"]], breaks=bk.f, plot = FALSE)$counts
        input.r[[chr]] <- hist(input.pos[[chr]][["-"]], breaks=bk.r, plot = FALSE)$counts[-1]
            ind <- chip.f[[chr]]+chip.r[[chr]]+input.f[[chr]]+input.r[[chr]]>0
            chip.f[[chr]] <- chip.f[[chr]][ind]
            chip.r[[chr]] <- chip.r[[chr]][ind]
            input.f[[chr]] <- input.f[[chr]][ind]
            input.r[[chr]] <- input.r[[chr]][ind]
            chip[[chr]] <- chip.f[[chr]]+chip.r[[chr]]
            input[[chr]] <- input.f[[chr]]+input.r[[chr]]
            return(list(chip.f=chip.f, chip.r=chip.r, input.f=input.f, input.r=input.r))
            return(list(chip.f=unlist(chip.f, use.names = FALSE), chip.r=unlist(chip.r, use.names = FALSE), 
                input.f=unlist(input.f, use.names = FALSE), input.r=unlist(input.r, use.names = FALSE)))
            return(list(chip=chip, input=input))
            return(list(chip=unlist(chip, use.names = FALSE), input=unlist(input, use.names = FALSE)))

est.norm.med.search <- function(chip, input){
    total <- chip+input
    tbl <- table(total)
    total.count <- as.integer(names(tbl))
    cum.bc <- cumsum(tbl)
    cum.prop <- cum.bc/length(total)

    if(cum.prop[1] > 0.5){
        threshold <- 1
        #largest total before median
        threshold <- max(total.count[cum.prop < 0.5])
    ind <- total <= threshold
    chip.sum.low <- sum(chip[ind])
    input.sum.low <- sum(input[ind])
    bin.count.low <- cum.bc[which(total.count==threshold)]

    chip <- chip[!ind]
    input <- input[!ind]
    od <- order(chip+input)
    chip <- chip[od]
    input <- input[od]

    #start after threshold
    cum.bc.high <- cum.bc[total.count>threshold]-bin.count.low
    all.cum.chip <- cumsum(chip)
    all.cum.input <- cumsum(input)
    cum.chip <- c(0, all.cum.chip[cum.bc.high])
    cum.input <- c(0, all.cum.input[cum.bc.high])
    cum.ratio <- (chip.sum.low+cum.chip)/(input.sum.low+cum.input)

    if(sum(diff(cum.ratio) >= 0) ==0) stop("No increase in cum.ratio, binding signal missing!")
    index <- min((2:length(cum.ratio))[diff(cum.ratio) >= 0])


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