#### Write Analyze files ####
## ----------------------
writeAnalyze <- function(object, name, folder = getwd(),
intensity.type = "16-bit integer", ...)
if ( is(object, "MSImageSet") && length(sampleNames(object)) > 1 ) {
samples <- sampleNames(object)
result <- sapply(samples, function(nm) {
tmp <- object[,pData(object)$sample == nm]
name2 <- paste0(name, "-", nm)
writeAnalyze(tmp, name2, folder,
intensity.type=intensity.type, ...)
if ( is(object, "MSImagingExperiment") && length(runNames(object)) > 1 ) {
runs <- runNames(object)
result <- sapply(runs, function(id) {
tmp <- object[,run(object) == id]
name2 <- paste0(name, "-", id)
writeAnalyze(tmp, name2, folder,
intensity.type=intensity.type, ...)
# check if gridded coordinates (always true for MSImageSet)
if ( is(object, "MSImagingExperiment") && !gridded(object) )
.stop("writing Analyze format only supports gridded data")
# check for files
hdrpath <- normalizePath(file.path(folder, paste(name, ".hdr", sep="")),
if ( file.exists(hdrpath) ) .stop("file ", hdrpath, " already exists")
t2mpath <- normalizePath(file.path(folder, paste(name, ".t2m", sep="")),
if ( file.exists(t2mpath) ) .stop("file ", t2mpath, " already exists")
imgpath <- normalizePath(file.path(folder, paste(name, ".img", sep="")),
if ( file.exists(imgpath) ) .stop("file ", imgpath, " already exists")
# pixel datatype
datatype <- Ctypeof(intensity.type)
# write image file
.message("writing img file '", imgpath, "'")
img <- .writeAnalyzeIMG(object, imgpath, datatype)
# write m/z values
.message("writing t2m file '", t2mpath, "'")
t2m <- .writeAnalyzeT2M(object, t2mpath)
# write header
.message("writing header file '", hdrpath, "'")
hdr <- .writeAnalyzeHDR(object, hdrpath, datatype)
result <- TRUE
if ( result )
.writeAnalyzeHDR <- function(x, file, type) {
file <- normalizePath(file, mustWork=FALSE)
if ( !file.create(file) )
.stop(paste0("couldn't create file '", file, "'"))
warn <- getOption("matter.cast.warning")
hdr <- .makeAnalyzeHDR(file, mode="rw")
hdr$hk[] <- rep(list(0), length(hdr$hk))
hdr$hk$sizeof_hdr <- 348L # byte size of hdr
hdr$hk$extents <- 16384L # must be 16384
hdr$hk$regular <- charToRaw("r")
hdr$dime[] <- rep(list(0), length(hdr$dime))
if ( is3D(x) ) {
dim <- sapply(coord(x)[,1:3], max)
hdr$dime$dim[1:5] <- c(4L, nrow(x), dim[1], dim[2], dim[3])
} else {
dim <- sapply(coord(x)[,c(1,2)], max)
hdr$dime$dim[1:5] <- c(4L, nrow(x), dim[1], dim[2], 1L)
hdr$dime$datatype <- switch(as.character(type),
"short" = 4L,
"int" = 8L,
"float" = 16L,
"double" = 64L,
stop("unrecognized img datatype"))
hdr$dime$bitpix <- switch(as.character(type),
"short" = 2L,
"int" = 4L,
"float" = 4L,
"double" = 8L,
stop("unrecognized img datatype"))
hdr$dime$pixdim[1:4] <- rep(1L, 4)
hdr$hist[] <- rep(list(0), length(hdr$hist))
.writeAnalyzeT2M <- function(x, file) {
file <- normalizePath(file, mustWork=FALSE)
if ( !file.create(file) )
.stop(paste0("couldn't create file '", file, "'"))
warn <- getOption("matter.cast.warning")
t2m <- matter_vec(datamode="float", paths=file,
length=length(mz(x)), filemode="rw")
t2m[] <- mz(x)
.writeAnalyzeIMG <- function(x, file, type) {
file <- normalizePath(file, mustWork=FALSE)
if ( !file.create(file) )
.stop(paste0("couldn't create file '", file, "'"))
warn <- getOption("matter.cast.warning")
if ( is3D(x) ) {
dim <- sapply(coord(x)[,1:3], max)
img <- matter_mat(datamode=type, paths=file,
nrow=nrow(x), ncol=prod(dim), filemode="rw")
img[] <- 0
for ( i in seq_len(ncol(x)) ) {
row <- coord(x)[i,1]
col <- coord(x)[i,2]
dep <- coord(x)[i,3]
j <- row + dim[1] * (col - 1) + prod(dim[c(1,2)]) * (dep - 1)
img[,j] <- iData(x)[,i]
} else {
dim <- sapply(coord(x)[,c(1,2)], max)
img <- matter_mat(datamode=type, paths=file,
nrow=nrow(x), ncol=prod(dim), filemode="rw")
img[] <- 0
for ( i in seq_len(ncol(x)) ) {
row <- coord(x)[i,1]
col <- coord(x)[i,2]
j <- row + dim[1] * (col - 1)
img[,j] <- iData(x)[,i]
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