#### X-Y plotting for SparseImagingExperiment ####
## ------------------------------------------------
setMethod("plot", c(x = "SparseImagingExperiment", y = "formula"),
function(x, y, ...) plot(x, formula = y, ...))
setMethod("plot", c(x = "SparseImagingExperiment", y = "missing"),
function(x, formula,
groups = NULL,
superpose = FALSE,
strip = TRUE,
key = superpose || !is.null(groups),
fun = mean,
hline = 0,
xlab, xlim,
ylab, ylim,
layout = !add,
col = discrete.colors,
grid = FALSE,
subset = TRUE,
add = FALSE)
if ( missing(formula) ) {
xnm <- setdiff(ls(as.env(featureData(x))), names(featureData(x)))
if ( length(xnm) > 0L ) {
xnm <- xnm[1L]
} else {
if ( length(fData(x)) == 0L )
featureData(x)[["index"]] <- seq_len(nrow(x))
xnm <- names(featureData(x))[1L]
ynm <- names(imageData(x))[1L]
fm <- paste0(ynm, "~", xnm)
formula <- as.formula(fm, env=parent.frame(1))
e <- environment(formula)
elhs <- as.env(featureData(x), enclos=e)
if ( !missing(pixel) && !is.null(names(imageData(x))) ) {
xi <- as.list(imageData(x)[,pixel,drop=FALSE])
multiassign(names(xi), xi, envir=elhs)
args <- .parseFormula2(formula,
lhs.e=elhs, rhs.e=as.env(featureData(x), enclos=e),
g.e=as.env(pixelData(x), enclos=e))
if ( length(args$rhs) != 1L )
.stop("rhs of formula must include exactly 1 variables")
if ( missing(pixel.groups) ) {
pixel.groups <- NULL
} else if ( !is.null(pixel.groups) ) {
pixel.groups <- .try_eval(substitute(pixel.groups),
envir=as.env(pixelData(x), enclos=e))
if ( !is.factor(pixel.groups) ) {
pixel.groups <- factor(pixel.groups,
} else {
pixel.groups <- droplevels(pixel.groups)
if ( length(pixel.groups) < length(pixel) ) {
pixel.groups <- rep_len(pixel.groups, length(pixel))
} else if ( length(pixel.groups) > length(pixel) ) {
pixel.groups <- pixel.groups[pixel]
if ( !missing(groups) ) {
groups <- .try_eval(substitute(groups),
envir=as.env(featureData(x), enclos=e))
if ( !is.factor(groups) ) {
groups <- factor(groups, levels=unique(groups))
} else {
groups <- droplevels(groups)
if ( length(groups) %% nrow(x) != 0L )
groups <- rep_len(groups, nrow(x))
if ( !missing(subset) ) {
subset <- .try_eval(substitute(subset),
envir=as.env(featureData(x), enclos=e))
if ( !is.logical(subset) ) {
subset <- replace(logical(nrow(x)), subset, TRUE)
} else if ( length(subset) %% nrow(x) != 0L ) {
subset <- rep_len(subset, nrow(x))
if ( !missing(pixel) ) {
if ( !is.null(args$g) ) {
condition <-$g)[pixel,,drop=FALSE]
} else {
condition <- data.frame(row.names=make.names(pixel, unique=TRUE))
if ( !is.null(pixel.groups) ) {
condition$`.pixel.groups` <- pixel.groups
} else {
condition$`.pixel.groups` <- factor(1)
condition[] <- lapply(condition, function(ci) {
if ( !is.factor(ci) ) {
ci <- factor(ci, levels=unique(ci))
} else {
ci <- droplevels(ci)
if ( is.null(args$lhs) ) {
xi <- as.matrix(iData(x)[,pixel,drop=FALSE])
args$lhs <- .fastFeatureApply2(xi, fun, condition)
if ( is.null(pixel.groups) && !is.null(names(imageData(x))) ) {
names(args$lhs) <- rep_len(names(imageData(x))[1], length(args$lhs))
} else {
names(args$lhs) <- unique(condition)$`.pixel.groups`
} else {
val.groups <- factor(names(args$lhs))
args$lhs <- lapply(args$lhs, function(xi) {
if ( isTRUE(ncol(xi) == nrow(condition)) ) {
.fastFeatureApply2(xi, fun, condition)
} else {
condition <- unique(condition)
val.groups <-, lengths(args$lhs))
if ( sum(lengths(args$lhs)) > nrow(condition) ) {
condition <- lapply(lengths(args$lhs), function(l) {
if ( l != nrow(condition) ) {
condition[nrow(condition) + 1L,] # returns NA's
} else {
condition <-"rbind", condition)
condition$`.val.groups` <- val.groups
args$lhs <- unlist(args$lhs, recursive=FALSE)
names(args$lhs) <- val.groups
condition <- unique(condition)
if ( superpose ) {
if ( is.null(pixel.groups) ) {
if ( length(args$g) == 1L ) {
names(args$lhs) <- as.character(condition[[names(args$g)]])
condition[[names(args$g)]] <- NULL
} else if ( length(args$g) > 1L ) {
.stop("can't superpose multiple conditioning variables")
} else {
condition$`.val.groups` <- NULL
} else {
if ( nlevels(val.groups) > 1L ) {
names(args$lhs) <- as.character(condition$`.val.groups`)
condition$`.val.groups` <- NULL
} else {
names(args$lhs) <- as.character(condition$`.pixel.groups`)
condition$`.pixel.groups` <- NULL
if ( is.null(pixel.groups) )
condition$`.pixel.groups` <- NULL
if ( length(condition) > 0L ) {
facets <- condition
} else {
facets <- NULL
} else {
facets <- NULL
if ( !isFALSE(hline) ) {
call <- substitute(abline(h=hline, lwd=0.2))
preplot <- list(call=call, envir=NULL)
facet.plot(args, formula=formula, obj=x,
facets=facets, groups=groups,
strip=strip, key=key,
xlab=xlab, xlim=xlim,
ylab=ylab, ylim=ylim,
layout=layout, preplot=preplot,
col=col, grid=grid, subset=subset, add=add)
.fastFeatureApply2 <- function(x, fun, groups) {
all.groups <- groups
groups <- unique(groups)
glevels <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(groups)),
function(i) groups[i,,drop=FALSE])
if ( ncol(x) == 1L ) {
x <- list(drop(x))
} else if ( length(glevels) == 1L ) {
x <- list(apply(x, 1L, fun))
} else {
x <- lapply(glevels, function(g) {
i <- subset_rows(all.groups, g)
apply(x[,i,drop=FALSE], 1L, fun)
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