# Make sure nested parallel calls don't overload sockets
.protectNestedBPPARAM <- function(BPPARAM) {
if ( !is.list(BPPARAM) ) {
BPPARAM <- list(BPPARAM, SerialParam())
} else {
# Apply that returns a 'list' instead of array
.apply <- function(x, margin, fun, ...) {
fun <-
if ( margin == 1L ) {
lapply(seq_len(nrow(x)), function(i) fun(x[i,,drop=TRUE]))
} else if ( margin == 2L ) {
lapply(seq_len(ncol(x)), function(j) fun(x[,j,drop=TRUE]))
} else {
stop("internal 'apply' error")
# Tabulate-apply that returns a 'list' instead of array
.tapply <- function(x, index, fun, ...) {
index <- as.factor(index)
ans <- lapply(levels(index), function(i) {
i2 <- which(index == i)
if ( length(i2) > 0L ) {
fun(x[i2], ...)
} else {
setNames(ans, levels(index))
# Apply an expression or function to an object '.'
.do_dot_expr <- function(x, what, env) {
assign(".", x, env)
y <- eval(what, envir=env)
if ( is.function(y) ) {
} else {
# Unlist (once)
.unlist_once <- function(ans) {
unlist(ans, recursive=FALSE)
# Unlist (once) and re-order output of spatialApply
.unlist_and_reorder <- function(ans) {
unlist(ans, recursive=FALSE)[order(unlist(attr(ans, "idx")))]
# Combine by column and re-order output of spatialApply
.cbind_and_reorder <- function(ans) {
ans2 <-"cbind", ans)
ans2[,order(unlist(attr(ans, "idx"))),drop=FALSE]
# Combine by row and re-order output of spatialApply
.rbind_and_reorder <- function(ans) {
ans2 <-"rbind", ans)
ans2[order(unlist(attr(ans, "idx"))),,drop=FALSE]
# Try eval in specified envir, otherwise try in current envir
.try_eval <- function(expr, envir) {
p <- parent.frame()
tryCatch(eval(expr, envir),
error=function(e) eval(expr, envir=p))
# Transform a factor into a matrix of indicator variables
.factor_matrix <- function(fc) {
fc <- as.factor(fc)
ret <- vapply(levels(fc), function(l) fc == l,
colnames(ret) <- levels(fc)
# Create a virtual copy of the object with no data
.virtual.image <- function(x) {
imageData(x) <- new(class(imageData(x)))
if ( validObject(x) )
# Generate a function for (parallel) writing output to a file
.remote_writer <- function(pid, path) {
fun <- function(x) {
eof <- file.size(path)
eof <- ifelse(, 0, eof)
if ( !is.numeric(x) )
stop("non-numeric output not allowed for remote writing")
res <- matter_vec(x, datamode=typeof(x),
filemode="rw", offset=eof, paths=path)
c(mode=datamode(res), offset=eof, length=length(res))
# Collect the metadata from (parallel) file output
.remote_collect <- function(ans, path, simplify) {
ans <-, ans)
mode <- make_datamode(ans[,1], type="R")
mode <- as.character(mode)
offset <- ans[,2]
extent <- ans[,3]
if ( simplify && all(extent == 1L) ) {
if ( !is.unsorted(offset) ) {
offset <- 0
extent <- nrow(ans)
mode <- mode[1L]
x <- matter_vec(datamode=mode, filemode="rw",
offset=offset, extent=extent, paths=path)
} else if ( simplify && length(unique(extent)) == 1L ) {
x <- matter_mat(datamode=mode, filemode="rw",
offset=offset, extent=extent, paths=path)
} else {
x <- matter_list(datamode=mode, filemode="rw",
offset=offset, extent=extent, paths=path)
# If processing flattens key-value pairs, expand and collect them
.collect_keyval_pairs <- function(ans) {
if ( is(ans, "matter_list") ) {
len <- floor(lengths(ans) / 2)
adata <- as.list(atomdata(ans))
mode <- as.character(adata$datamode)
keyData <- matter_list(datamode=mode,
offset=adata$offset, extent=len,
valueData <- matter_list(datamode=mode,
offset=adata$offset + sizeof(mode) * len,
extent=len, paths=paths(ans))
} else {
keyData <- lapply(ans, function(x)
x[1:floor(length(x) / 2)])
valueData <- lapply(ans, function(x)
x[floor(1 + (length(x) / 2)):length(x)])
list(keys=keyData, values=valueData)
# Combine many lists/dataframes into a single result
.bind_dfs_as_list <- function(data, guess = 100L) {
dhead <- lapply(head(data, n=guess),,
check.names=FALSE, fix.empty.names=FALSE,
check.rows=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
coltypes <- sapply(, dhead), typeof)
ans <- lapply(coltypes, function(col_t)
vector(length(data), mode=col_t))
for ( i in seq_len(length(data)) )
for ( j in seq_along(ans) )
ans[[j]][i] <- data[[i]][[j]]
# Match a function or NULL
.matchFunOrNULL <- function(f) {
if ( is.null(f) ) {
} else {
# Select and concatenate metadata for show() method
.scat <- function(x, vals=character(), collapse=" ", exdent=4, prefix="", ...)
cat(.spaste(x, vals=vals, collapse=collapse,
exdent=exdent, prefix=prefix, ...), sep="\n")
# Select values for show() method (without printing)
.spaste <- function(x, vals=character(), collapse=" ", exdent=4, prefix="", ...)
if ( is.null(vals) ) vals <- character()
vals <- ifelse(nzchar(vals), vals, "''")
labels <- paste(selectSome(vals), collapse=collapse)
txt <- sprintf(x, length(vals), labels)
strwrap(txt, exdent=exdent, prefix=prefix, ...)
# Setup plotting layout
.setup.layout <- function(layout, byrow = TRUE, ...,
bottom = 0, left = 0, top = 0, right = 0, par = list())
layout <- as.integer(layout)
if ( length(layout) <= 1L ) {
layout <- rep_len(c(layout, 1L), 2)
} else if ( length(layout) > 2L ) {
byrow <- as.logical(layout[3L])
layout <- layout[c(1,2)]
par <- par[c("mar", "mgp", "cex.axis", "cex.lab")]
par <- par[!sapply(par, is.null)]
par <- c(par, list(...))
if ( is.null(par$mar) )
par$mar <- c(2.5 + bottom, 2.5 + left, 2 + top, 1 + right) + 0.1
if ( is.null(par$mgp) )
par$mgp <- c(1.4, 0.6, 0)
if ( is.null(par$cex.axis) )
par$cex.axis <- 0.8
if ( is.null(par$cex.lab) )
par$cex.lab <- 0.8"par", par)
if ( byrow ) {
} else {
list(layout=layout, byrow=byrow)
# Auto plotting layout
.auto.layout <- function(x, byrow = TRUE, ...) {
if ( is.atomic(x) || is.null(x$dpages) ) {
nd <- 0
} else {
nd <- length(x$dpages) > 1L
if ( is.atomic(x) || is.null(x$facets) ) {
nf <- 0
} else {
nf <- all(sapply(x$fids, nlevels) > 1L) + (length(x$fids) > 1L)
if ( !is.atomic(x) && (nd + nf) > 1L ) {
if ( length(x$dpages) > 1L ) {
n1 <- nlevels(interaction(x$fids))
n2 <- length(x$dpages)
} else {
n1 <- length(unique(x$fids[[1]]))
n2 <- length(unique(x$fids[[2]]))
if ( byrow ) {
.setup.layout(c(n2, n1), byrow=byrow, ...)
} else {
.setup.layout(c(n1, n2), byrow=byrow, ...)
} else {
if ( is.numeric(x) ) {
n <- x
} else {
n <- .num.panels(x)
nc <- ceiling(sqrt(n))
nr <- ceiling(n / nc)
.setup.layout(c(nr, nc), byrow=byrow, ...)
# Number of panels in a facet plot
.num.panels <- function(x) {
x <- lapply(x$facets,
function(l1) lapply(l1,
function(l2) l2$add))
# Update a plotting object's par
.update.par <- function(obj, ...) {
dots <- list(...)
if ( length(dots) > 0L ) {
rm <- sapply(dots, is.null)
if ( any(rm) )
dots[rm] <- NULL
if ( !is.null(dots$add) ) {
obj$add <- dots$add
dots$add <- NULL
if ( !is.null(dots$layout) || !is.null(dots$byrow) ) {
layout <- obj$layout$layout
byrow <- obj$layout$byrow
layout <- list(layout=layout, byrow=byrow)
if ( !is.null(dots$layout) ) {
layout$layout <- dots$layout
dots$layout <- NULL
if ( !is.null(dots$byrow) ) {
layout$byrow <- dots$byrow
dots$byrow <- NULL
obj$layout <- layout
nms <- names(dots)
update <- nms %in% names(obj$par)
if ( any(update) ) {
obj$par[nms[update]] <- dots[nms[update]]
dots[nms[update]] <- NULL
obj$par <- c(obj$par, dots)
# Draw strip labels
.draw.strip.labels <- function(strip, text) {
args <- switch(class(strip),
stop("invalid 'strip' argument"))
if ( is.character(strip) || is.list(strip) )
strip <- TRUE
if ( "oldstyle" %in% names(args) && args$oldstyle ) {
args$oldstyle <- NULL
if ( !"x" %in% names(args) )
args$x <- "top"
if ( !"legend" %in% names(args) )
args$legend <- text
if ( !"x.intersp" %in% names(args) )
args$x.intersp <- 0
if ( !"bg" %in% names(args) ) {
col <- as.numeric(col2rgb(par()$bg) / 255)
args$bg <- rgb(col[1], col[2], col[3], 0.75)
if ( !"cex" %in% names(args) )
args$cex <- 0.8
if ( isTRUE(strip) && length(args$legend) != 0 )"legend", args)
} else {
if ( !"text" %in% names(args) )
args$text <- paste0(text, collapse="\n")
if ( !"cex" %in% names(args) )
args$cex <- par()$cex
if ( "legend" %in% names(args) )
args$legend <- NULL
if ( isTRUE(strip) )"mtext", args)
# Draw keys
.draw.key <- function(key, text, fill) {
par <- par()$xpd
args <- switch(class(key),
stop("invalid 'key' argument"))
if ( is.character(key) || is.list(key) )
key <- TRUE
if ( !"x" %in% names(args) )
args$x <- "topright"
if ( !"legend" %in% names(args) )
args$legend <- text
if ( !"fill" %in% names(args) )
args$fill <- fill
if ( !"bg" %in% names(args) ) {
col <- as.numeric(col2rgb(par()$bg) / 255)
args$bg <- rgb(col[1], col[2], col[3], 0.75)
if ( isTRUE(key) && length(args$legend) != 0 ) {"legend", args)
# Draw colorkeys
.draw.colorkey <- function(colorkey, text, col, layout = NULL) {
args <- switch(class(colorkey),
stop("invalid 'colorkey' argument"))
if ( is.character(colorkey) || is.list(colorkey) )
colorkey <- TRUE
if ( "oldstyle" %in% names(args) && args$oldstyle ) {
args$oldstyle <- NULL
if ( !"x" %in% names(args) )
args$x <- "topright"
if ( !"legend" %in% names(args) )
args$legend <- c(text[2], rep(NA, length(col) - 2L), text[1])
if ( !"col" %in% names(args) )
args$col <- rev(col)
if ( !"y.intersp" %in% names(args) )
args$y.intersp <- 0.1
if ( !"bg" %in% names(args) ) {
col <- as.numeric(col2rgb(par()$bg) / 255)
args$bg <- rgb(col[1], col[2], col[3], 0.75)
if ( !"cex" %in% names(args) )
args$cex <- 0.6
if ( !"lwd" %in% names(args) )
args$lwd <- 2
if ( isTRUE(colorkey) )"legend", args)
} else {
old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
plt <- par()$plt
o <- 1 - plt[2]
plt <- c(plt[2] + 0.1 * o, plt[2] + 0.3 * o, 0.2, 0.8)
range <- as.numeric(text)
vals <- seq(from=range[1], to=range[2], length.out=100)
if ( !"new" %in% names(args) )
args$new <- TRUE
if ( !"pty" %in% names(args) )
args$pty <- "m"
if ( !"plt" %in% names(args) )
args$plt <- plt
if ( "x" %in% names(args) )
args$x <- NULL
if ( "cex.axis" %in% names(args) ) {
cex.axis <- args$cex.axis
} else {
cex.axis <- par()$cex.axis
if ( isTRUE(colorkey) ) {
image(1, vals, t(as.matrix(vals)), col=col,
xaxt='n', yaxt='n', xlab="", ylab="")
axis(side=4, las=2, cex.axis=0.75 * cex.axis)
mfg <- par()$mfg
if ( !is.numeric(layout$layout) ) {
par(mfg=mfg, new=FALSE)
} else {
if ( isFALSE(layout$byrow) ) {
mfg=mfg, new=FALSE)
} else {
mfg=mfg, new=FALSE)
.next.figure <- function(layout, byrow = TRUE, last = FALSE) {
if ( missing(layout) || !is.numeric(layout$layout) ) {
if ( !missing(layout) && is.logical(layout$byrow) )
byrow <- layout$byrow
if ( byrow ) {
layout <- par()$mfrow
} else {
layout <- par()$mfcol
} else {
byrow <- layout$byrow
layout <- layout$layout
mfg <- par()$mfg
if ( !last ) {
mat <- matrix(1:prod(layout), byrow=byrow,
nrow=layout[1], ncol=layout[2])
cur <- mfg[c(1,2)]
cur <- mat[cur[1], cur[2]]
nxt <- (cur %% prod(layout)) + 1
nxt <- which(mat == nxt, arr.ind=TRUE)
mfg[c(1,2)] <- nxt
} else {
mfg[c(1,2)] <- c(layout[1], layout[2])
## Format numbered labels
.format.numbered <- function(label, n, sep="") {
if ( n == 1L )
nums <- as.character(seq_len(n))
nums <- paste0(sep, nums)
nums[1L] <- ""
paste0(label, nums)
## Format a data.frame of labels <- function(data, sym = " = ", append = "") {
data <-
apply(data, 1, function(a) {
a <- paste0(names(a), sym, a)
a <- paste0(a, append)
paste0(a, collapse=", ")
## Format plotting labels
.format.plot.label <- function(label, character.only=FALSE) {
if ( character.only ) {
if ( label == "mz" ) {
} else {
} else {
if ( label == "mz" ) {
} else {
parse(text=paste0("italic(", label, ")"))
## Format m/z values <- function(mz, digits=4) {
diffmz <- diff(mz)
if ( length(diffmz) > 0 ) {
mindiff <- signif(min(diffmz), 1)
dplaces <- strsplit(paste(mindiff), "[.]")[[1]]
if ( length(dplaces) > 1 ) {
dplaces <- nchar(strsplit(paste(mindiff), "[.]")[[1]][2])
} else {
dplaces <- 0
} else {
dplaces <- 0
digits <- max(dplaces, digits)
if ( length(mz) > 0 ) {
paste0("m/z", " = ", round(mz, digits=digits))
} else {
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