#### Delayed/batched pre-processing ####
## -------------------------------------
setMethod("process", "MSImagingExperiment",
function(object, ..., delay = FALSE,
outpath = NULL, imzML = FALSE)
if ( imzML && !delay ) {
if ( !is.character(outpath) )
.stop("valid outpath must be provided for imzML = TRUE")
if ( nlevels(run(object)) > 1 )
.stop("process() imzML output only possible for single-run experiments")
queue <- .pendingQueue(processingData(object))
if ( is.null(queue) ) {
.warning("no pending processing steps to apply")
if ( "feature" %in% queue$info$kind )
.stop("imzML output not allowed for feature processing: ",
paste0(queue$info$label[queue$info$kind == "feature"], collapse=", "))
if ( "global" %in% queue$info$kind )
.stop("imzML output may be unexpected for global processing: ",
paste0(queue$info$label[queue$info$kind == "global"], collapse=", "))
# make file names
path <- normalizePath(outpath, mustWork=FALSE)
name <- basename(file_path_sans_ext(path))
folder <- dirname(path)
# make imzML filename
xmlpath <- normalizePath(file.path(folder, paste(name, ".imzML", sep="")),
if ( file.exists(xmlpath) )
.stop("file ", xmlpath, " already exists")
# make ibd filename
ibdpath <- normalizePath(file.path(folder, paste(name, ".ibd", sep="")),
if ( file.exists(ibdpath) )
.stop("file ", ibdpath, " already exists")
# make uuid
id <- uuid(uppercase=FALSE)
pid <- matter_vec(length=16, paths=ibdpath, filemode="rw", datamode="raw")
pid[] <- id$bytes
# check output type
if ( "peakPick" %in% queue$info$label ) {
.message("[peakPick] detected in processing queue")
.message("assuming 'processed' imzML output")
} else {
.message("assuming 'continuous' imzML output")
fmeta <- metadata(featureData(object))
if ( "mzBin" %in% queue$info$label ) {
.message("detected [reference mz]")
mzref <- fmeta[["reference mz"]]
} else if ( "peakBin" %in% queue$info$label ) {
.message("detected [reference peaks]")
mzref <- fmeta[["reference peaks"]]
} else {
mzref <- mz(object)
if ( is.numeric(mzref) ) {
.message("writing m/z values")
} else {
.stop("problem with m/z values")
warn <- getOption("matter.cast.warning")
pmz <- matter_vec(offset=16, extent=length(mzref),
paths=ibdpath, filemode="rw", datamode="float")
pmz[] <- mzref
# process
object <- callNextMethod(object, ..., delay=delay,
# write imzML
info <- msiInfo(object, new=FALSE)
.message("writing imzML file '", xmlpath, "'")
result <- .writeImzML(info, xmlpath)
if ( result )
} else {
object <- callNextMethod(object, ..., delay=delay,
setMethod("process", "SparseImagingExperiment",
function(object, fun, ...,
kind = c("pixel", "feature", "global"),
moreargs = NULL,
prefun, preargs,
postfun, postargs,
label = "",
delay = FALSE,
plot = FALSE,
par = NULL,
outpath = NULL,
BPPARAM = getCardinalBPPARAM())
kind <- match.arg(kind)
if ( missing(label) )
label <- deparse(substitute(fun))
if ( !missing(fun) || kind == "global" ) {
# get fun
if ( kind == "global" ) {
fun <- NULL
} else {
fun <- .matchFunOrNULL(fun)
# get preproc
if ( missing(prefun) ) {
prefun <- NULL
} else {
prefun <- .matchFunOrNULL(prefun)
if ( missing(preargs) )
preargs <- NULL
# get postproc
if ( missing(postfun) ) {
postfun <- NULL
} else {
postfun <- .matchFunOrNULL(postfun)
if ( missing(postargs) )
postargs <- NULL
# get plotfun
if ( missing(plotfun) ) {
plotfun <- NULL
} else {
plotfun <- .matchFunOrNULL(plotfun)
# construct arglist
args <- c(list(...), moreargs)
# create processing list
proclist <- list(
fun=fun, args=args,
prefun=prefun, preargs=preargs,
postfun=postfun, postargs=postargs,
# create processing info
procinfo <- DataFrame(
label=label, kind=kind,
pending=TRUE, complete=FALSE,
# update object
i <- length(processingData(object)) + 1L
if ( label %in% names(processingData(object)) ) {
processingData(object)[[i]] <- proclist
} else {
processingData(object)[[label]] <- proclist
if ( is.null(mcols(processingData(object))) ) {
mcols(processingData(object)) <- procinfo
} else {
mcols(processingData(object))[i,] <- procinfo
.logProcess(label, args, fun)
if ( !delay ) {
if ( plot && !is(BPPARAM, "SerialParam") ) {
.warning("plot=TRUE only allowed for SerialParam()")
plot <- FALSE
par <- NULL
} else if ( plot && is.numeric(par$layout) ) {
par$layout <- NULL
object <- .delayedBatchProcess(object,
plot=plot, par=par, outpath=outpath,
if ( validObject(object) )
.delayedBatchProcess <- function(object, plot, par, outpath, BPPARAM)
queue <- .pendingQueue(processingData(object))
if ( is.null(queue) ) {
.warning("no pending processing steps to apply")
.Cardinal$processing <- TRUE
while ( !is.null(queue) ) {
proclist <- queue$queue
# perform preprocessing
if ( any(queue$info$has_pre) ) {
if ( getCardinalVerbose() )
.message("preprocessing [", queue$info$label[1L], "] ...")
prefun <- proclist[[1L]]$prefun
preargs <- proclist[[1L]]$preargs
prearglist <- c(list(object), preargs, list(BPPARAM=BPPARAM))
object <-, prearglist)
# apply processing to all pixels/features
procfun <- function(.x, .list, .plot, .par, ...) {
for ( i in seq_along(.list) ) {
has_plotfun <- !is.null(.list[[i]]$plotfun)
fun <- .list[[i]]$fun
arglist <- c(list(.x), .list[[i]]$args)
.xnew <-, arglist)
if ( .plot && has_plotfun ) {
plotfun <- .list[[i]]$plotfun
plotarglist <- c(list(.xnew), list(.x), .par), plotarglist)
attributes(.xnew) <- attributes(.x)
.x <- .xnew
attributes(.x) <- NULL
by_pixels <- "pixel" %in% queue$info$kind
by_features <- "feature" %in% queue$info$kind
if ( getCardinalVerbose() && (by_pixels || by_features) ) {
labels <- paste0("[", queue$info$label, "]")
.message("processing ", paste0(labels, collapse=" "), " ...")
if ( by_pixels ) {
ans <- pixelApply(object, procfun,
.list=proclist, .plot=plot, .par=par,
.simplify=FALSE, .outpath=outpath,
} else if ( by_features ) {
ans <- featureApply(object, procfun,
.list=proclist, .plot=plot, .par=par,
.simplify=FALSE, .outpath=outpath,
} else {
ans <- NULL
# perform postprocessing
if ( any(queue$info$has_post) ) {
last <- length(proclist)
if ( getCardinalVerbose() )
.message("postprocessing [", queue$info$label[last], "] ...")
postfun <- proclist[[last]]$postfun
postargs <- proclist[[last]]$postargs
postarglist <- c(list(object), list(ans),
postargs, list(BPPARAM=BPPARAM))
object <-, postarglist)
} else {
if ( by_pixels ) {
if ( is(ans, "matter_list") ) {
iData(object) <- as(ans, "matter_matc")
} else {
iData(object) <- as.matrix(simplify2array(ans))
} else if ( by_features ) {
if ( is(ans, "matter_list") ) {
iData(object) <- as(ans, "matter_matr")
} else {
iData(object) <- t(simplify2array(ans))
mcols(processingData(object))$pending[queue$index] <- FALSE
mcols(processingData(object))$complete[queue$index] <- TRUE
queue <- .pendingQueue(processingData(object))
.Cardinal$processing <- FALSE
.logProcess <- function(label, args, fun) {
method <- attr(fun, "method")
if ( is.character(method) ) {
s1 <- paste0("queued [", label, "] method = ", method)
} else {
s1 <- paste0("queued [", label, "]")
s2 <- sapply(seq_along(args), function(i) {
paste0(names(args)[i], " : ", deparse(args[[i]]))
.log(paste0(c(s1, s2), collapse="\n"))
.pendingQueue <- function(y) {
x <- y[mcols(y)$pending]
if ( length(x) == 0L )
if ( mcols(x)$kind[1L] == "global" ) {
index <- which(mcols(y)$pending)[1L]
} else {
kind_ok <- mcols(x)$kind == mcols(x)$kind[1L]
pre_ok <- !mcols(x)$has_pre
pre_ok[1L] <- TRUE
post_ok <- !mcols(x)$has_post
post_ok <- c(TRUE, post_ok[-length(post_ok)])
ok <- kind_ok & pre_ok & post_ok
index <- which(mcols(y)$pending)[ok]
list(index=index, info=mcols(y)[index,], queue=y[index])
.checkForIncompleteProcessing <- function(object, message.only = FALSE) {
anyPending <- any(mcols(processingData(object))$pending)
if ( anyPending && !.Cardinal$processing ) {
msg <- paste0("object has incomplete processing steps; ",
"run process() on it to apply them")
if ( message.only ) {
.message("Note: ", msg)
} else {
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