#### Image plotting for SImageSet ####
signature = c(x = "SImageSet"),
function(x, formula = ~ x * y,
groups = NULL,
superpose = FALSE,
strip = TRUE,
key = superpose,
fun = mean,
normalize.image = c("none", "linear"),
contrast.enhance = c("none", "suppression", "histogram"),
smooth.image = c("none", "gaussian", "adaptive"),
asp = 1,
col = rainbow(nlevels(groups)),
col.regions = intensity.colors(100),
colorkey = !is3d,
subset = TRUE,
lattice = FALSE)
# parse formula and set up model for plotting
model <- .parseImageFormula(formula, object=x, enclos=environment(formula))
if ( missing(feature) && is.null(model$left) )
.stop("image: either 'feature' or LHS to formula must be specified")
if ( length(model$right) >= 3 ) {
is3d <- TRUE
} else {
is3d <- FALSE
# evaluated with respect to fData
if ( is.null(model$left) ) {
feature <- tryCatch(eval(substitute(feature), envir=fData(x),
enclos=environment(formula)), error = function(e) eval(feature))
feature <- features(x)[feature]
} else {
feature <- seq_along(model$left)
# evaluated with respect to pData
groups <- tryCatch(eval(substitute(groups), envir=pData(x),
enclos=environment(formula)), error = function(e) eval(groups))
if ( !is.null(groups) ) {
groups <- as.factor(groups)
groups <- rep(groups, length.out=dim(x)[2])
subset <- tryCatch(eval(substitute(subset), envir=pData(x),
enclos=environment(formula)), error = function(e) eval(subset))
if ( !is.null(subset) )
subset <- rep(subset, length.out=dim(x)[2])
# set up feature.groups
if ( missing(feature.groups) ) {
feature.groups <- factor(rep(TRUE, length(feature)))
missing.feature.groups <- TRUE
} else {
feature.groups <- tryCatch(eval(substitute(feature.groups),
envir=fData(x), enclos=environment(formula)),
error = function(e) eval(feature.groups))
if ( is.null(feature.groups) ) {
feature.groups <- factor(rep(TRUE, length(feature)))
missing.feature.groups <- TRUE
} else {
if ( length(feature) != length(feature.groups))
feature.groups <- feature.groups[feature]
feature.groups <- as.factor(feature.groups)
missing.feature.groups <- FALSE
# calculate the plotting values and their conditioning variables
if ( is.null(model$left) ) {
values <- .calculateImageValues(x, fun=fun, feature=feature,
feature.groups=feature.groups, condition=model$condition,
if ( is.null(model$condition) ) {
condition <- data.frame(.feature.groups=feature.groups)
} else {
condition <- data.frame(.feature.groups=feature.groups,
lapply(model$condition, function(cond) cond[feature]))
} else {
values <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(model$left)),
condition <- data.frame(.value.groups=factor(seq_along(model$left),
# needed to remove missing levels and correct ordering of conditions
condition <- unique(condition)
condition <- condition[, rev(condition)),,drop=FALSE]
# shape values into matrix with 1 hyper-image per column, includes NAs
coordNames <- union(names(model$right), names(coord(x)))
subsetPositions <- positionArray(imageData(x))
subsetPositions[!subset[subsetPositions]] <- NA
subsetPositions <- aperm(subsetPositions, perm=coordNames)
values <- values[subsetPositions,,drop=FALSE]
dim(values) <- c(dim(subsetPositions), nrow(condition))
names(dim(values)) <- c(coordNames, character(1))
subset <- subset[subsetPositions]
groups <- groups[subsetPositions]
# perform image processing (contrast enhancement + spatial smoothing)
contrast.enhance <- contrast.enhance.method(contrast.enhance)
smooth.image <- smooth.image.method(smooth.image)
normalize.image <- normalize.image.method(normalize.image)
if ( is3d ) {
values <- apply(values, seq(from=4, to=length(dim(values)), by=1),
function(x) normalize.image(contrast.enhance(x)))
} else {
values <- apply(values, seq(from=3, to=length(dim(values)), by=1),
function(x) normalize.image(smooth.image(contrast.enhance(x))))
# set up plotting parameters
if ( missing(xlim) )
xlim <- range(model$right[[1]], na.rm=TRUE) + c(-0.5, 0.5)
if ( missing(xlab) )
xlab <- .format.plot.label(names(model$right)[[1]], character.only=is3d && !lattice)
if ( missing(ylim) )
ylim <- range(model$right[[2]], na.rm=TRUE) + c(-0.5, 0.5)
if ( missing(ylab) )
ylab <- .format.plot.label(names(model$right)[[2]], character.only=is3d && !lattice)
if ( missing(zlim) ) {
if ( is3d ) {
zlim <- range(model$right[[3]], na.rm=TRUE) + c(-0.5, 0.5)
} else {
zlim <- range(values, na.rm=TRUE)
if ( missing(zlab) && is3d )
zlab <- .format.plot.label(names(model$right)[[3]], character.only=is3d && !lattice)
if ( is.logical(colorkey) && colorkey )
colorkey <- list(col=col.regions)
if ( missing(layout) )
layout <- NULL
# set up the plotting data
nobs <- prod(dim(values)[-length(dim(values))])
ncond <- nrow(condition)
cond <- lapply(condition, function(var) rep(var, each=nobs))
data <- data.frame(.values=as.numeric(values), cond, row.names=NULL)
data[coordNames] <- expand.grid(lapply(coordNames, function(nm) {
if ( is.factor(coord(x)[[nm]]) ) {
} else {
# set up the groups and subset
subset <- rep(subset, ncond)
if ( superpose && is.null(groups) ) {
if ( is.null(data$.feature.groups) ) {
groups <- data$.value.groups
} else {
groups <- data$.feature.groups
groupkey <- list(text=levels(feature.groups), col=col)
} else if ( !is.null(groups) ) {
groups <- factor(rep(groups, ncond), levels=levels(groups))
groupkey <- list(text=levels(groups), col=col)
} else {
groupkey <- NULL
if ( isTRUE(key) ) {
key <- groupkey
} else if ( is.list(key) ) {
key <- key
} else {
key <- NULL
# set up the plotting formula
fm.side <- paste(".values ~", paste(names(model$right), collapse="*"))
fm.cond <- NULL
if ( !superpose && !missing.feature.groups )
fm.cond <- c(fm.cond, ".feature.groups")
if ( !is.null(model$condition) )
fm.cond <- c(fm.cond, make.names(names(model$condition)))
if ( !is.null(model$left) )
fm.cond <- c(fm.cond, ".value.groups")
if ( !all(names(coord(x)) %in% names(model$right)) )
fm.cond <- c(fm.cond, setdiff(names(coord(x)), names(model$right)))
if ( !is.null(fm.cond) ) fm.cond <- paste(fm.cond, collapse="*")
fm <- as.formula(paste(c(fm.side, fm.cond), collapse="|"))
# branch for base or lattice graphics
if ( lattice ) {
if ( is3d )
.stop("image: 3D plotting not yet implemented for lattice graphics")
# set up key
if ( !is.null(key) ) {
key <- list(text=list(key$text),
columns=min(5, length(key$text)))
colorkey <- FALSE
# remove NAs so groups and subset work
nas <-
data <- data[!nas,,drop=FALSE]
subset <- subset[!nas]
groups <- groups[!nas]
# plot it with lattice
levelplot(fm, data=data, groups=groups, subset=subset, layout=rev(layout),
xlab=xlab, xlim=xlim, ylab=ylab, ylim=rev(ylim), aspect="iso",
at=seq(from=zlim[1], to=zlim[2], length.out=length(col.regions)),
col.regions=col.regions, colorkey=colorkey, key=key, strip=strip,
panel=function(x, y, z, col.regions, subscripts, ...) {
if ( is.null(groups) ) {
panel.levelplot(x, y, z,
col.regions=col.regions, ...)
} else {
subgroups <- which(levels(groups) %in% groups[subscripts])
for ( gi in subgroups ) {
col.g <- alpha.colors(col[gi], length(col.regions))
panel.levelplot(x, y, z,
col.regions=col.g, ...)
}, ...)
} else {
# pad data and condition with any missing dimensions
if ( !all(names(coord(x)) %in% names(model$right)) ) {
# correct data, groups, and subset
neworder <- aperm(array(seq_len(nrow(data)), dim=dim(values)),
perm=c(1, length(dim(values)), 2:(length(dim(values))-1)))
data <- data[neworder,,drop=FALSE]
subset <- subset[neworder]
groups <- groups[neworder]
# correct condition
coordNeed <- setdiff(names(coord(x)), names(model$right))
coordExtra <- expand.grid(lapply(coordNeed, function(nm) {
if ( is.factor(coord(x)[[nm]]) ) {
} else {
paste0(nm, " = ", seq_len(dim(imageData(x))[[nm]]))
coordCond <-"rbind", apply(coordExtra, 1, function(extra) {
data.frame("rbind", rep(list(extra), times=nrow(condition))))
condition <- rep(list(condition), each=nrow(coordExtra))
condition <-"rbind", condition)
condition[coordNeed] <- coordCond
ncond <- nrow(condition)
# setup plotting layout
if ( !is.null(layout) ) .setup.layout(rev(layout))
# check which conditions should create new plots
if ( superpose ) {
superposed <- which(names(condition) == ".feature.groups")
if ( ncol(condition) > 1 ) {
superposed <- duplicated(condition[,-superposed,drop=FALSE])
} else {
superposed <- c(FALSE, rep(TRUE, ncond - 1))
} else {
superposed <- logical(ncond)
# set up the plotting coordinates
xs <- seq_len(max(model$right[[1]]))
ys <- seq_len(max(model$right[[2]]))
if ( is3d ) {
zs <- seq_len(max(model$right[[3]]))
} else {
zs <- integer()
# loop through conditions + dimensions
for ( ci in seq_len(ncond) ) {
add <- superposed[ci]
last <- c(!superposed[-1], TRUE)[ci]
subscripts <- seq(from=1 + (ci - 1) * nrow(data) / ncond,
by=1, length.out=nrow(data) / ncond)
vals <- data[subscripts, ".values"]
if ( is3d ) {
dim(vals) <- c(length(xs), length(ys), length(zs))
} else {
dim(vals) <- c(length(xs), length(ys))
if ( !all( ) {
if ( is.null(groups) ) {
if ( is3d ) {
image3d(xs, ys, zs, vals, xlab=xlab, xlim=xlim,
ylab=ylab, ylim=ylim, zlab=zlab, zlim=zlim,
col=col.regions, ...)
} else {
image(xs, ys, vals, xlab=xlab, xlim=xlim,
ylab=ylab, ylim=rev(ylim), zlim=zlim,
asp=asp, col=col.regions, ...)
if ( is.list(colorkey) ) {
if ( is3d ) {
col.range <- range(values, na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
col.range <- zlim
round(col.range[2], 2),
rep(NA, length(col.regions)-2),
round(col.range[1], 2)),
bg=rgb(1, 1, 1, 0.75),
} else {
subgroups <- which(levels(groups) %in% groups[subscripts])
for ( gi in subgroups ) {
vals.g <- vals
add.g <- add || gi != subgroups[1]
col.g <- alpha.colors(col[gi], length(col.regions))
not.g <- groups[subscripts] != levels(groups)[gi]
not.g[] <- TRUE
vals.g[not.g] <- NA
if ( all( )
if ( is3d ) {
image3d(xs, ys, zs, vals.g, xlab=xlab, xlim=xlim,
ylab=ylab, ylim=ylim, zlab=zlab, zlim=zlim,
col=col.g, add=add.g, ...)
} else {
image(xs, ys, vals.g, xlab=xlab, xlim=xlim,
ylab=ylab, ylim=rev(ylim), zlim=zlim,
asp=asp, col=col.g, add=add.g, ...)
if ( last && any(subset[subscripts], na.rm=TRUE) ) {
if ( strip && length(fm.cond != 0 ) ) {
labels <- names(condition)
if ( superpose || missing.feature.groups )
labels <- setdiff(labels, ".feature.groups")
strip.labels <- sapply(condition[ci,labels,drop=FALSE], as.character)
legend("top", legend=strip.labels, x.intersp=0,
bg=rgb(1, 1, 1, 0.75), cex=0.8)
if ( !is.null(key) ) {
legend("topright", legend=key$text, fill=key$col,
bg=rgb(1, 1, 1, 0.75))
signature = c(x = "SImageSet"),
function(x, formula = ~ x * y * z, ...)
image(x, formula=formula, ...)
.calculateImageValues <- function(object, fun, feature, feature.groups,
condition, missing.feature.groups)
feature <- features(object)[feature]
groups <- rep(TRUE, length(feature))
if ( !is.null(condition) ) {
condition <- lapply(condition, function(cond) cond[feature])
groups <-, c(condition, list(drop=TRUE)))
if ( !missing.feature.groups ) {
if ( length(feature.groups) != length(feature) )
feature.groups <- feature.groups[feature]
groups <- interaction(feature.groups, groups, drop=TRUE)
.fastPixelApply(object, fun=fun, feature=feature, feature.groups=groups)
.fastPixelApply <- function(object, fun, feature, feature.groups) {
x <- iData(object)[feature,,drop=FALSE]
feature.groups <- as.factor(feature.groups)
if ( length(feature) == 1 ) {
x <- t(x)
} else if ( nlevels(feature.groups) == 1 ) {
x <- as.matrix(apply(x, 2, fun))
} else {
x <- sapply(levels(feature.groups), function(g) {
apply(x[feature.groups==g,,drop=FALSE], 2, fun)
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