# Fold Change Interactivity (FCI) Score
scoreFCI <- function(expr, edgeList, fci.C, fci.K, fci.T)
# Captures pairs of nodes with similar high positive, negative,
# or strongly opposed fold change values .
if (missing(fci.C)) { fci.C <- 1 }
if (missing(fci.K)) { fci.K <- 5 }
if (missing(fci.T)) { fci.T <- 0.3 }
fciScore <- array(0, dim=c(nrow(edgeList), ncol(expr)))
for (e in 1:nrow(edgeList))
for (t in 1:ncol(expr))
i <- expr[edgeList[e,1], t] # Indexing by integer
j <- expr[edgeList[e,2], t]
s <- 1
if (i*j < 0)
i <- abs(i)
j <- abs(j)
s <- -1;
s1 <- 1 + fci.C*(exp(-fci.K*(i-fci.T)) + exp(-fci.K*(j-fci.T)))
s2 <- 1 + fci.C*(exp(-fci.K*(-i-fci.T)) + exp(-fci.K*(-j-fci.T)))
fscore <- s * abs(s1^(-1) - s2^(-1))
fciScore[e,t] <- fscore
# Time Varying Interactivity (TVI) Score
scoreTVI <- function(expressions, edgeList)
# Analyzes the interactivity dynamics among nodes by
# considering the dynamics of their expression changes.
wRange <- 1
weights <- seq(-wRange,wRange)
w <- length(weights)
expressNrm <- expressions
nE <- nrow(edgeList)
prob_W <- array(rep(0,w*1*nE), dim=c(w,1,nE))
for (iq in 1:nrow(edgeList))
a1 <- expressNrm[edgeList[iq,1], 1]
a2 <- expressNrm[edgeList[iq,2], 1]
a <- a1 * a2
prob_W[, 1, iq] <- exp(weights*a) / sum(exp(weights*a))
tv <- .markov(expressNrm, edgeList, weights, prob_W)
.markov <- function(X, edges_mat, W, prob_w)
# This function computes the Forward Backward iterates for the
# specified edge, E=(i,j), given observed data, X, and estimate for
# transition probability
nE <- nrow(edges_mat)
nW <- length(W)
var_T <- ncol(X)
# memory allocation
var_O <- array(rep(0,nW*var_T*nE), dim=c(nW,var_T,nE))
var_F <- array(rep(0,nW*var_T*nE), dim=c(nW,var_T,nE))
# pre-compute
W <- t(as.matrix(W))
for (i in 1:var_T)
Xmult <- as.matrix(X[edges_mat[,1],i] * X[edges_mat[,2], i])
Xmult <- as.matrix(apply(Xmult, 1, function(x) sum(x) ))
Wmult <- exp(t(W) %*% t(Xmult)) ## -t?
xx <- t(as.matrix(apply(Wmult, 2, function(x) sum(x) )))
Wmult <- Wmult/kronecker(matrix(1,nW,1), xx)
var_O[,i,] <- matrix(as.vector(Wmult), nrow=nW, ncol=nE)
# initialization
var_F[,1,] <- prob_w
for (t in 2:var_T)
for (e in 1:nE)
var_F[, t, e] <- var_O[, t, e] * var_F[, t-1, e]
var_F[, t, e] <- var_F[, t, e] / sum( var_F[, t, e] )
pW <- var_F
cW <- matrix(0, nE, var_T)
for (i in 1:var_T)
r <- apply(pW[,i,] , 2, function(x) which.max(x))
cW[,i] <- W[r]
# Evaluate miRNA-mRNA interactions
.getMiScores <- function(geneExpr, mirExpr, edges, lex, mode, fci.C, fci.K,
# Create joint expression matrix
expressions <- rbind(geneExpr, mirExpr)
edgeList <- edges[,1:2]
k <- 1
if (nrow(edgeList) > 3000)
k <- floor(nrow(edgeList)/3000)
S <- splitWork(N=nrow(edgeList), k)
i <- 0
export <- c('scoreTVI', 'scoreFCI')
IS <- foreach (i = 1:S$k, .export=export, .combine='rbind') %do%
# Calculate TVI score
tvr <- scoreTVI(expressions, edgeList[S$jobs[[i]], , drop=FALSE])
# Calculate FCI score
fci <- scoreFCI(expressions, edgeList[S$jobs[[i]], , drop=FALSE],
fci.C=fci.C, fci.K=fci.K, fci.T=fci.T)
# Calculate mir-gene interactions final score
# len <- nrow(edgeList[S$jobs[[i]], , drop=FALSE])
idx <- matrix(sign(fci*tvr)>0, nrow=length(S$jobs[[i]]))
score <- (0.8*abs(fci) + 0.2*abs(tvr))*idx
.filterMiScores <- function(subpaths, mlex, mirnaScoreThres, type, lex)
scoreThr <- mirnaScoreThres
if (is.null(subpaths) || nrow(subpaths) < 1) { return(subpaths) }
# Keep interaction with at least one good score in any time point
E <- mlex$edges
miScore <- E[, 5:ncol(E)]
t <- ncol(miScore)
idx <- which(miScore > scoreThr)
M <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(miScore), ncol=ncol(miScore))
M[idx] <- 1
midx <- which(rowSums(M) > 0)
names(midx) <- midx
E <- E[midx, 3:ncol(E)]
# Find miRNA-gene interactions relevant to subpathway genes.
genes <- getSubpathwayGenes(subpaths, type)
E <- E[which(E[,2] %in% genes), ]
Ns <- getLengths(subpaths)
# Find unique genes in each subpathway
subGenes <- vector(mode='list', length=nrow(subpaths))
for (i in 1:nrow(subpaths))
subGenes[[i]] <- getSubpathwayGenes(subpaths[i,, drop=FALSE], type)
# Find miRNAs targeting each gene
uGenes <- unique(E[,2])
R <- vector(mode='list', length=length(uGenes))
for (i in 1:length(R))
idx <- which(E[,2] %in% uGenes[i])
R[[i]] <- idx
names(R) <- uGenes
# Find gene targets for each miRNA
uniqueMiRNAs <- unique(E[,1])
miRNATargets <- vector(mode='list', length=length(uniqueMiRNAs))
for (i in 1:length(uniqueMiRNAs))
miRNATargets[[i]] <- E[which(E[,1] == uniqueMiRNAs[i]), 2]
names(miRNATargets) <- uniqueMiRNAs
k <- 1
if (nrow(subpaths) > 5)
k <- floor(nrow(subpaths)/5)
jobs <- splitWork(N=nrow(subpaths), k)$jobs
subIds <- 1:nrow(subpaths)
# Extract compact linear subpaths
export <- c('getSubpathwayGenes', 'phyper', 'na.omit')
cores <- ifelse( nrow(subpaths) > detectCores()*1000, 'default', 1 )
r <- .doSafeParallel(
funcName=miRNAsubScoring, export=export,
combine='c', N=k, cores=cores,
subpaths, E, R, genes, Ns, scoreThr, type, subIds, miRNATargets,
# Unlist first level of results
subMirs <-'c', r[seq(1, length(r), 3)])
mirScores <-'rbind', r[seq(2, length(r), 3)])
edgeList <-'rbind', r[seq(3, length(r), 3)])
subMirs <- matrix(subMirs, ncol=1)
rownames(subMirs) <- 1:nrow(subMirs)
colnames(subMirs) <- 'miRNAsOverSubpathway'
rownames(edgeList) <- 1:nrow(edgeList)
# Filter multiple edges
idx <- which(duplicated(edgeList[, 1:2]))
if ( length(idx) > 0 )
edgeList <- edgeList[-idx, ]
# Sort edgeList according to miRNA
idx <- order(as.numeric(gsub("\\D", "", edgeList[, 1])))
edgeList <- edgeList[idx, ]
rownames(edgeList) <- 1:nrow(edgeList)
# Remove unused rows
mirScores <- mirScores[rowSums( != ncol(mirScores), ]
colnames(mirScores) <- c('miRNA', 'Entrez', paste0('T', 1:t))
res <- list(miRNAsOverSubpathway=subMirs, mirScores=mirScores,
miRNAsubScoring <- function(i, ...)
# ------- Unpacking arguments -------
args <- list(...)
subpaths <- args[[1]]
E <- args[[2]]
R <- args[[3]]
genes <- args[[4]]
Ns <- args[[5]]
scoreThr <- args[[6]]
type <- args[[7]]
subIds <- args[[8]]
miRNATargets <- args[[9]]
jobs <- args[[10]]
# ----------------------------------
idx <- jobs[[i]]
subpaths <- subpaths[idx, ,drop=FALSE]
Ns <- Ns[idx]
subIds <- subIds[idx]
# ----------------------------------
t <- ncol(E) - 2
subMirs <- rep('', nrow(subpaths))
mx <- nrow(subpaths)*length(unique(E[,1]))
mirScores <- matrix(, ncol=(2+t), nrow=mx)
finalInteractions <- c()
cRow <- 1
for (si in 1:nrow(subpaths))
# Collapse the miRNA-gene scoring matrix to miRNAs targeting the sub.
locGenes <- getSubpathwayGenes(subpaths[si,], type)
map <- E[unique(unname(unlist(R[as.character(locGenes)]))), ]
# Find the miRNAs that target any of the subpathway
miOverSub <- unique(map[,1])
if (length(miOverSub) == 0) { next() }
# Find statistical significance of each miRNA targeting the sub.
sigMiOverSub <- miOverSub
for (j in 1:length(miOverSub))
# Genes in subpath targeted by the miRNA.
A <- length(unique(map[, 2]))
# User genes
B <- length(genes)
# Number of gene targets of miRNA in miRecords.
C <- length(unlist(miRNATargets[miOverSub[j]]))
# Subpath length
D <- Ns[si]
if ( (1 - phyper(A, C, B-C, D)) > 0.05) { sigMiOverSub[j] <- NA }
sigMiOverSub <- na.omit(sigMiOverSub)
attributes(sigMiOverSub)$'na.action' <- NULL
# Calculate miRNA-subpathway scores
subMsg <- NULL
mirScore <- matrix(, nrow=length(sigMiOverSub), ncol=(2+t))
colnames(mirScore) <- c('miRNA', 'sub', paste('T', 1:t, sep=''))
for (j in 1:length(sigMiOverSub))
mir <- sigMiOverSub[j]
e <- map[which(map[,1] == mir), , drop=FALSE]
if (nrow(e) > 0)
fScores <- e[,-c(1,2), drop=FALSE]
colnames(fScores) <- paste('T', 1:ncol(fScores), sep='')
r <- colMeans(e[-c(1,2)],)
idx <- unname(which(r >= scoreThr))
if (length(idx) > 0)
tP <- paste(paste('t', idx, sep=''), collapse=',')
msg <- sprintf('%s(%s)',mir, tP)
subMsg <- c(subMsg, msg)
mirScore[j, 1] <- sigMiOverSub[j]
mirScore[j, 2] <- subIds[si]
mirScore[j, 3:(2 + t)] <- round(r*10^4)/10^4
# Save edgelist indexes that pass the bar
if ( nrow(e) > 0 )
for ( z in 1:nrow(e) )
idx <- unname(which(e[z, , drop=FALSE] >= scoreThr))
if (length(idx) > 0)
rname <- rownames(e[, z, drop=FALSE])
finalInteractions <- c(finalInteractions, rname)
if (nrow(mirScore) > 0)
idx <- cRow : (cRow + nrow(mirScore) - 1)
mirScores[idx, ] <- mirScore
cRow <- cRow + nrow(mirScore)
subMirs[si] <- paste(subMsg, collapse=' ')
# Return edgeList containing only strong miRNA-mRNA interactions
edgeList <- E
idx <- which(rownames(E) %in% unique(finalInteractions))
if ( length(idx) > 0 )
edgeList <- E[idx, , drop=FALSE]
return(list(subMirs=subMirs, mirScores=mirScores, edgeList=edgeList))
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