pathwayMeasures <- function(graphs)
message('Topological evaluation of genes in pathways...',appendLF = FALSE)
rnd <- 10^4
adjMats <- graphs$expanded
org <- graphs$org
f <- vector(mode='list', length=3)
lex <- matrixToLexicon( adjMats=adjMats, org=org, groupMode='expand')
# Topological evaluation of genes in pathways 1 - Bridgeness
res1 <- .bridgeness(adjMats, org)
# Topological evaluation of genes in pathways 2 - Betweenness Centrality
res2 <- .betweennessCentrality(lex)
# Topological evaluation of genes in pathways 3 - Degree
res3 <- .degree(lex)
res <- matrix(,ncol=3, nrow=length(lex$genes))
colnames(res) <- c('pathness', 'BC', 'DEG')
rownames(res) <- names(lex$genes)
res[,1] <- round(normalize(res1) * rnd)/rnd
res[,2] <- round(normalize(res2) * rnd)/rnd
res[,3] <- round(normalize(res3) * rnd)/rnd
.bridgeness <- function(adjMats, org)
.pathwayGenes <- function(adjMats, org, lex)
# Create a matrix which contains the unique genes of a pathway in each
# column. Columns contain the organism's pathways.
N <- length(adjMats)
ids <- vector(mode='list', length=N)
lens <- vector(mode='numeric', length=N)
i <- 1
for (adjMat in adjMats)
if(!is.matrix(adjMat)) { i <- i+1; next() }
locIds <- c()
for (m in 1:length(rownames(adjMat)))
s <- rownames(adjMat)[m]
locIds <- c(locIds, gsub(paste(org,':',sep=''),'',s ))
# Filter genes keeping only the ones that appear in the subpaths.
if (!missing(lex))
locIds <- intersect(locIds, names(lex$genes))
ids[[i]] <- as.numeric(locIds)
lens[i] <- length(locIds)
i <- i + 1
# Turn list of uneven subpaths to matrix
M <- matrix(0, nrow=max(lens), ncol=N)
for (i in 1:N)
if (lens[i] > 0) { M[1:lens[i],i] <- ids[[i]] }
# Calculates the bridgeness of all provided genes based on
# their intersections betweeen pathways.
cat('Calculating bridgeness of pathway genes...')
modules <- .pathwayGenes(adjMats, org)
m <- ncol(modules)
nodes <- sort(unique(as.vector(modules)))
if (length(nodes) < 1) { return(NULL) }
if (nodes[1] == 0) { nodes <- nodes[2:length(nodes)] }
b <- vector(mode='numeric', length=length(nodes))
for (i in 1:(m-1))
for (j in (i+1):m)
common <- intersect(modules[,i], modules[,j])
idx <- nodes %in% common
b[idx] <- b[idx] + 1/length(common)
res <- b
names(res) <- nodes
.betweennessCentrality <- function(lexicon)
# Calculates the betweeness centrality for all provided genes based on
# their corresponding iteractions.
cat('Calculating betweeness centrality of pathway genes...')
genes <- lexicon$genes
edges <- lexicon$edges
# Create the adjacency matrix for the whole organism
N <- length(genes)
adjMat <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=N)
for (i in 1:nrow(edges))
adjMat[edges[i,3], edges[i,4]] <- 1
rownames(adjMat) <- names(genes)
colnames(adjMat) <- names(genes)
# # Create a graph based on the adjacency matrix
# g <- ugraph(as(graphAM(adjMat, 'directed'),'graphNEL'))
# # Calculate the betweeness centrality for each gene
# r <- brandes.betweenness.centrality(g)
# bc <- t(r$betweenness.centrality.vertices)
# res <- unname(as.vector(bc))
# names(res) <- names(genes)
# Brandes BC is broken in RBGL, TODO if addressed.
g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adjMat, mode="undirected")
res <- igraph::betweenness(g, directed=FALSE, normalized=FALSE)
.degree <- function(lexicon)
cat('Calculating degree of pathway genes...')
genes <- lexicon$genes
edges <- lexicon$edges
# Create the adjacency matrix for the whole organism
N <- length(genes)
adjMat <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=N)
for (i in 1:nrow(edges))
adjMat[edges[i,3], edges[i,4]] <- 1
res <- vector(mode='numeric', length=length(genes))
for (i in 1:nrow(adjMat))
res[i] <- sum(adjMat[i,]) + sum(adjMat[,i])
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