guess_chrmorder <- function(chrms) {
chrms1 <- chrms[!(chrms %in% c("chrX","chrY","chrM"))]
sort(unique(chrms1)), "chr", "")), na.rm=TRUE))), c("X","Y","M")))
#' Build manifest GRanges from tsv
#' manifest tsv files can be downloaded from
#' @param tsv a file path, a platform (e.g., EPIC), or
#' a tibble/data.frame object
#' @param genome a genome string, e.g., hg38, mm10
#' @param decoy consider decoy sequence in chromosome order
#' @param columns the columns to include in the GRanges
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment metadata<-
#' @importFrom BiocFileCache BiocFileCache
#' @importFrom BiocFileCache bfcrpath
#' @importFrom readr read_tsv
#' @importFrom readr cols
#' @importFrom readr col_integer
#' @importFrom readr col_character
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb Seqinfo
#' @return GRanges
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tsv = sesameAnno_download("HM450.hg38.manifest.tsv.gz")
#' gr <- sesameAnno_buildManifestGRanges(tsv)
#' ## direct access
#' gr <- sesameAnno_buildManifestGRanges("HM450.hg38.manifest")
#' }
#' @export
sesameAnno_buildManifestGRanges <- function(
tsv, genome = NULL, decoy = FALSE, columns = NULL) {
if (is.character(tsv)) {
tsv <- sesameAnno_readManifestTSV(tsv)
chrms <- tsv$CpG_chrm
chrms <- chrms[!]
if (!is.null(genome) && genome %in% c("mm10","mm39","hg19","hg38")) {
if (decoy) { chrms <- c(
guess_chrmorder(chrms[!grepl("_", chrms)]),
sort(unique(chrms[grepl("_", chrms)])))
} else {
chrms <- guess_chrmorder(chrms[!grepl("_", chrms)])
} else {
chrms <- sort(unique(chrms))
chrms <- c(chrms, "*")
idx <-$CpG_chrm) | !(tsv$CpG_chrm %in% chrms)
tsv$CpG_chrm[idx] <- "*"
tsv$CpG_beg[idx] <- -1
tsv$CpG_end[idx] <- 0
gr <- GRanges(tsv$CpG_chrm, IRanges::IRanges(tsv$CpG_beg+1, tsv$CpG_end),
strand = ifelse($mapFlag_A), "*", ifelse(tsv$mapFlag_A=="0", "+", "-")),
seqinfo = Seqinfo(chrms))
if (length(columns) > 0) {
SummarizedExperiment::mcols(gr) <- tsv[,columns] }
names(gr) <- tsv$Probe_ID
metadata(gr)[["genome"]] <- genome
message(sprintf("%d probes in GRanges.", length(gr)))
message(sprintf("%d probes belong to chr*.", sum(seqnames(gr)=="*")))
message(sprintf("%d probes on decoy chr.", sum(grepl("_", seqnames(gr)))))
sort(gr, ignore.strand = TRUE)
create_default_mask <- function(df) {
unmapped <- ($mapAS_A) | df$mapAS_A < 35 |
(!$mapAS_B) & df$mapAS_B < 35))
masks <- data.frame(
Probe_ID = df$Probe_ID,
nonunique = (
(!unmapped) &
(df$mapQ_A == 0 | (!$mapQ_B) & df$mapQ_B == 0))),
missing_target = (
(!unmapped) &
($target) | (df$target != "CG")) &
grepl("^cg", df$Probe_ID)))
masks$control <- grepl("^ctl", df$Probe_ID)
masks$design_issue <- grepl("^uk", df$Probe_ID)
masks$unmapped <- (unmapped & masks$control != 1 & masks$design_issue != 1)
masks$low_mapq <- (
(!$mapQ_A)) &
(df$mapQ_A < 30 | (!$mapQ_B) & df$mapQ_B < 30)))
masks$ref_issue <- (unmapped | masks$missing_target)
valid_url <- function(url_in,t=2){
con <- url(url_in)
check <- suppressWarnings(try(open.connection(
#' Read manifest file to a tsv format
#' @param tsv_fn tsv file path
#' @return a manifest as a tibble
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tsv = sesameAnno_download("HM450.hg38.manifest.tsv.gz")
#' mft <- sesameAnno_readManifestTSV(tsv)
#' ## direct access
#' mft <- sesameAnno_readManifestTSV("HM450.hg38.manifest")
#' }
#' @export
sesameAnno_readManifestTSV <- function(tsv_fn) {
if (is.character(tsv_fn) && !file.exists(tsv_fn)) {
## if file doesn't exist, try remote
tsv_fn <- expand_url(tsv_fn)
if (!valid_url(tsv_fn)) {
stop(sprintf("File %s cannot be found.", tsv_fn))
tsv_fn, col_types=cols(
CpG_chrm = col_character(),
CpG_beg = col_integer(),
CpG_end = col_integer(),
address_A = col_integer(), address_B = col_integer(),
target = col_character(), nextBase = col_character(),
channel = col_character(),
Probe_ID = col_character(), mapFlag_A = col_integer(),
mapChrm_A = col_character(),
mapPos_A = col_integer(), mapQ_A = col_integer(),
mapCigar_A = col_character(),
AlleleA_ProbeSeq = col_character(),
mapNM_A = col_character(), mapAS_A = col_integer(),
mapYD_A = col_character(),
mapFlag_B = col_integer(),
mapChrm_B = col_character(), mapPos_B = col_integer(),
mapQ_B = col_integer(), mapCigar_B = col_character(),
AlleleB_ProbeSeq = col_character(),
mapNM_B = col_character(), mapAS_B = col_integer(),
mapYD_B = col_character(), type = col_character()))
#' Build sesame ordering address file from tsv
#' @param tsv a platform name, a file path or a tibble/data.frame manifest file
#' @return a list of ordering and controls
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tsv = sesameAnno_download("HM450.hg38.manifest.tsv.gz")
#' addr <- sesameAnno_buildAddressFile(tsv)
#' }
#' @export
sesameAnno_buildAddressFile <- function(tsv) {
if (is.character(tsv)) {
tsv <- sesameAnno_readManifestTSV(tsv)
ordering <- data.frame(
Probe_ID = tsv$Probe_ID,
M=tsv$address_B, U=tsv$address_A,
col=factor(tsv$channel, levels=c("G","R")), mask=FALSE)
ordering$mask <- create_default_mask(tsv)$ref_issue
message(sprintf("%d probes masked", sum(ordering$mask)))
message(sprintf("%d probes/rows in ordering", nrow(ordering)))
message(sprintf("%d probes masked", sum(ordering$mask)))
message(sprintf("%d red probes", sum(na.omit(ordering$col=="R"))))
message(sprintf("%d grn probes", sum(na.omit(ordering$col=="G"))))
#' Annotate a data.frame using manifest
#' @param df input data frame with Probe_ID as a column
#' @param probe_id the Probe_ID column name, default to "Probe_ID" or
#' rownames
#' @param platform which array platform, guess from probe ID if not given
#' @param genome the genome build, use default if not given
#' @return a new data.frame with manifest attached
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' df <- data.frame(Probe_ID = c("cg00101675_BC21", "cg00116289_BC21"))
#' sesameAnno_attachManifest(df)
#' }
#' @export
sesameAnno_attachManifest <- function(
df, probe_id="Probe_ID", platform=NULL, genome=NULL) {
df <-
stopifnot(is(df, "data.frame"))
stopifnot(probe_id %in% colnames(df))
if (is.null(platform)) {
platform <- inferPlatformFromProbeIDs(df[[probe_id]]) }
genome <- sesameData_check_genome(genome, platform)
mft <- sesameAnno_readManifestTSV(
sprintf("%s.%s.manifest", platform, genome))
if (platform %in% c("HM27","HM450")) {
mft_probeid <- "probeID"
} else {
mft_probeid <- "Probe_ID"
cbind(df,[match(df[[probe_id]], mft[[mft_probeid]]),])
expand_url <- function(url,
base = "") {
## input can be :
## EPIC.hg38.manifest.tsv.gz
## /Test/3999492009_R01C01_Grn.idat
if (!any(endsWith(url, c("rds","tsv.gz")))) {
url <- sprintf("%s.tsv.gz", url)
if (!grepl("http", url)) {
if (!grepl("/", url)) {
url <- sprintf("Anno/%s/%s",
strsplit(url, "\\.")[[1]][1], url)
url <- sprintf("%s/%s", base, url)
#' Download SeSAMe annotation files
#' see also
#' This function acts similarly as sesameAnno_get except that it directly
#' download files without invoking BiocFileCache. This is needed in some
#' situation because BiocFileCache may change the file name and downstream
#' program may depend on the correct file names. It also lets you download
#' files in a cleaner way without routing through BiocFileCache
#' @param url url or title of the annotation file
#' @param destfile download to this file, a temp file if unspecified
#' @return the path to downloaded file
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## avoid testing as this function uses external host
#' sesameAnno_download("Test/3999492009_R01C01_Grn.idat")
#' sesameAnno_download("EPIC.hg38.manifest.tsv.gz")
#' sesameAnno_download("EPIC.hg38.snp.tsv.gz")
#' }
#' @export
sesameAnno_download <- function(
url, destfile = tempfile(basename(url))) {
url <- expand_url(url)
download.file(url, destfile=destfile)
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