DMLpredict: Predict new data from DML

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DMLpredictR Documentation

Predict new data from DML


This function is also important for investigating factor interactions.


DMLpredict(betas, fm, pred = NULL, meta = NULL, BPPARAM = SerialParam())



beta values, matrix or SummarizedExperiment rows are probes and columns are samples.




new data for prediction, useful for studying effect size. This argument is a data.frame to specify new data. If the argument is NULL, all combinations of all contrasts will be used as input. It might not work if there is a continuous variable input. One may need to explicitly provide the input in a data frame.


data frame for sample information, column names are predictor variables (e.g., sex, age, treatment, tumor/normal etc) and are referenced in formula. Rows are samples. When the betas argument is a SummarizedExperiment object, this is ignored. colData(betas) will be used instead.


number of cores for parallel processing, default to SerialParam() Use MulticoreParam(mc.cores) for parallel processing. For Windows, try DoparParam or SnowParam.


a SummarizedExperiment of predictions. The colData describes the input of the prediction.


data <- sesameDataGet('HM450.76.TCGA.matched')

## use all contrasts as new input
res <- DMLpredict(data$betas[1:10,], ~type, meta=data$sampleInfo)

## specify new input
res <- DMLpredict(data$betas[1:10,], ~type, meta=data$sampleInfo,
  pred = data.frame(type=c("Normal","Tumour")))

## note that the prediction needs to be a factor of the same
## level structure as the original training data.
pred = data.frame(type=factor(c("Normal"), levels=c("Normal","Tumour")))
res <- DMLpredict(data$betas[1:10,], ~type,
  meta=data$sampleInfo, pred = pred)

zwdzwd/sesame documentation built on Jan. 8, 2025, 4:50 a.m.