#' An S4 class to hold QC statistics
#' @slot stat a list to store qc stats
#' @return sesameQC object
setClass("sesameQC", representation(stat="list", group="list"))
setMethod("as.data.frame", signature="sesameQC",
definition = function(x, ...) as.data.frame(x@stat))
#' Convert data frame to sesameQC object
#' The function convert a data frame back to a list of sesameQC objects
#' @param df a publicQC data frame
#' @return a list sesameQC objects
#' @importFrom methods new
dataFrame2sesameQC <- function(df) {
## df <- sesameDataGet("MM285.publicQC")
## qcs <- dataFrame2sesameQC(df[1:2,])
groups <- c(
groups <- groups[vapply(groups, function(g) {
if (all(names(g) %in% colnames(df))) {
TRUE } else { FALSE }}, logical(1))]
lapply(seq_len(nrow(df)), function(i) {
new("sesameQC", group=groups, stat=df[i,])})
#' Convert a list of sesameQC to data frame
#' @param qcs sesameQCs
#' @param cols QC columns, use NULL to report all
#' @return a data frame
#' @examples
#' sdf <- sesameDataGet("EPIC.1.SigDF")
#' qcs <- sesameQC_calcStats(sdf, "detection")
#' sesameQCtoDF(qcs)
#' @export
sesameQCtoDF <- function(qcs, cols=c("frac_dt_cg","RGdistort", "RGratio")) {
if (is.list(qcs)) {
df <- bind_rows(lapply(qcs, sesameQCtoDF))
} else if (is(qcs, "sesameQC")) {
df <- as.data.frame(qcs@stat)
if (!is.null(cols) && any(colnames(df) %in% cols)) {
df <- df[, colnames(df) %in% cols, drop=FALSE]
if (!is.null(names(qcs))) {
df <- cbind(IDAT=names(qcs), df)
## ' The display method for sesameQC
## '
## ' The function outputs the number of probes in each category and the first
## ' few signal measurements.
## '
## ' @param object object to be displayed
## ' @return None
## ' @rdname show-methods
## ' @aliases show,sesameQC-method
setMethod("show", "sesameQC", function(object) {
s <- object@stat
g <- object@group
for (gname in names(g)) {
cat("|", gname,"\n")
g1 <- g[[gname]]
for (metric in names(g1)) {
s_display <- s[[metric]]
if (startsWith(metric, "frac_")) {
s_display <- sprintf("%1.1f %%", s[[metric]] * 100)
if (is.integer(s_display)) {
s_display <- sprintf("%d", s_display)
if (is.numeric(s_display)) {
s_display <- sprintf("%1.2f", s_display)
cat(g1[metric], ":", s_display, sprintf("(%s)", metric))
if (paste0("rank_", metric) %in% names(s)) {
cat(sprintf(" - Rank %1.1f%% (N=%d)",
s[[paste0("rank_", metric)]]*100, s$rankN))
#' Get stat numbers from an sesameQC object
#' @param qc a sesameQC object
#' @param stat_names which stat(s) to retrieve, default to all.
#' @param drop whether to drop to a string when stats_names has
#' only one element.
#' @return a list of named stats to be retrieved
#' @examples
#' sdf <- sesameDataGet("EPIC.1.SigDF")
#' qc <- sesameQC_calcStats(sdf, "detection")
#' sesameQC_getStats(qc, "frac_dt")
#' @export
sesameQC_getStats <- function(qc, stat_names = NULL, drop = TRUE) {
if(is.null(stat_names)) {
stat_names <- names(qc@stat)
if (length(stat_names) == 1 && drop) {
} else {
#' This function compares the input sample with public data.
#' Only overlapping metrics will be compared.
#' @param qc a sesameQC object
#' @param publicQC public QC statistics, filtered from e.g.: EPIC.publicQC,
#' MM285.publicQC and Mammal40.publicQC
#' @param platform EPIC, MM285 or Mammal40, used when publicQC is not given
#' @return a sesameQC
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @examples
#' sesameDataCache() # if not done yet
#' sdf <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.SigDF')
#' sesameQC_rankStats(sesameQC_calcStats(sdf, "intensity"))
#' @export
sesameQC_rankStats <- function(qc, publicQC=NULL, platform="EPIC") {
if (is.null(publicQC)) {
publicQC <- sesameDataGet(sprintf("%s.publicQC", platform))
s <- qc@stat; g <- qc@group
metrics <- intersect(names(qc@stat), colnames(publicQC))
if (length(metrics) == 0) { return(qc); }
ranks <- lapply(metrics, function(mt) {
names(ranks) <- paste0("rank_", metrics)
s <- c(s, ranks)
s$rankN <- nrow(publicQC)
new("sesameQC", stat=s, group=g)
#' Calculate QC statistics
#' It is a function to call one or multiple
#' sesameQC_calcStats functions
#' currently supporting: detection, intensity, numProbes, channel,
#' dyeBias, betas
#' @param sdf a SigDF object
#' @param funs a sesameQC_calcStats_* function or a list of them
#' default to all functions. One can also use a string such as
#' "detection" or c("detection", "intensity") to reduce typing
#' @return a sesameQC object
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @examples
#' sesameDataCache() # if not done yet
#' sdf <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.SigDF')
#' sesameQC_calcStats(sdf)
#' sesameQC_calcStats(sdf, "detection")
#' sesameQC_calcStats(sdf, c("detection", "channel"))
#' ## retrieve stats as a list
#' sesameQC_getStats(sesameQC_calcStats(sdf, "detection"))
#' ## or as data frames
#' as.data.frame(sesameQC_calcStats(sdf, "detection"))
#' @export
sesameQC_calcStats <- function(sdf, funs = NULL) {
if (is.null(funs)) {
funs <- c(
if (!is(funs, "list")) { funs <- c(funs) }
qc <- new("sesameQC")
for (func in funs) {
if (is.character(func)) {
func <- get(paste0("sesameQC_calcStats_",func))
stopifnot(is(func, "function"))
qc <- func(sdf, qc = qc)
.setGroup_detection <- function() {
list("Detection" = c(
num_dtna = "N. Probes w/ Missing Raw Intensity ",
frac_dtna = "% Probes w/ Missing Raw Intensity ",
num_dt = "N. Probes w/ Detection Success ",
frac_dt = "% Detection Success ",
num_dt_mk = "N. Detection Succ. (after masking) ",
frac_dt_mk = "% Detection Succ. (after masking) ",
num_dt_cg = "N. Probes w/ Detection Success (cg) ",
frac_dt_cg = "% Detection Success (cg) ",
num_dt_ch = "N. Probes w/ Detection Success (ch) ",
frac_dt_ch = "% Detection Success (ch) ",
num_dt_rs = "N. Probes w/ Detection Success (rs) ",
frac_dt_rs = "% Detection Success (rs) "))
sesameQC_calcStats_detection <- function(sdf, qc = NULL) {
g1 <- .setGroup_detection()
group_nm <- names(g1)[1]
if (is.null(qc)) { s <- list(); g <- list()
} else { s <- qc@stat; g <- qc@group }
if (group_nm %in% names(g)) { return(qc); }
g[[group_nm]] <- g1[[group_nm]]
pvals0 <- pOOBAH(sdf, return.pval = TRUE)
pvals <- na.omit(pvals0)
s$num_dtna <- sum(is.na(pvals0))
s$frac_dtna <- s$num_dtna / length(pvals0)
s$num_dt <- sum(pvals <= 0.05)
s$frac_dt <- s$num_dt / length(pvals)
idx_mk <- !is.na(pvals0) & !sdf$mask
s$num_dt_mk <- sum(pvals0[idx_mk] <= 0.05)
s$frac_dt_mk <- s$num_dt_mk / sum(idx_mk)
for (pt in c('cg','ch','rs')) {
p1 <- pvals[grep(paste0('^', pt), names(pvals))]
s[[paste0('num_dt_', pt)]] <- sum(p1 <= 0.05)
s[[paste0('frac_dt_', pt)]] <- sum(p1 <= 0.05) / length(p1)
new("sesameQC", stat=s, group=g)
.setGroup_numProbes <- function() {
list("Number of Probes" = c(
num_probes = "N. Probes ",
num_probes_II = "N. Inf.-II Probes ",
num_probes_IR = "N. Inf.-I (Red) ",
num_probes_IG = "N. Inf.-I (Grn) ",
num_probes_cg = "N. Probes (CG) ",
num_probes_ch = "N. Probes (CH) ",
num_probes_rs = "N. Probes (RS) "))
sesameQC_calcStats_numProbes <- function(sdf, qc = NULL) {
g1 <- .setGroup_numProbes()
group_nm <- names(g1)[1]
if (is.null(qc)) { s <- list(); g <- list()
} else { s <- qc@stat; g <- qc@group }
if (group_nm %in% names(g)) { return(qc); }
g[[group_nm]] <- g1[[group_nm]]
s$num_probes <- nrow(sdf)
s$num_probes_II <- nrow(InfII(sdf))
s$num_probes_IR <- nrow(InfIR(sdf))
s$num_probes_IG <- nrow(InfIG(sdf))
s$num_probes_cg <- sum(startsWith(sdf$Probe_ID,"cg"))
s$num_probes_ch <- sum(startsWith(sdf$Probe_ID,"ch"))
s$num_probes_rs <- sum(startsWith(sdf$Probe_ID,"rs"))
new("sesameQC", stat=s, group=g)
.setGroup_intensity <- function() {
list("Signal Intensity" = c(
mean_intensity = "Mean sig. intensity ",
mean_intensity_MU = "Mean sig. intensity (M+U) ",
mean_ii = "Mean sig. intensity (Inf.II)",
mean_inb_grn = "Mean sig. intens.(I.Grn IB) ",
mean_inb_red = "Mean sig. intens.(I.Red IB) ",
mean_oob_grn = "Mean sig. intens.(I.Grn OOB)",
mean_oob_red = "Mean sig. intens.(I.Red OOB)",
na_intensity_M = "N. NA in M (all probes) ",
na_intensity_U = "N. NA in U (all probes) ",
na_intensity_ig = "N. NA in raw intensity (IG) ",
na_intensity_ir = "N. NA in raw intensity (IR) ",
na_intensity_ii = "N. NA in raw intensity (II) "))
sesameQC_calcStats_intensity <- function(sdf, qc = NULL) {
g1 <- .setGroup_intensity()
group_nm <- names(g1)[1]
if (is.null(qc)) { s <- list(); g <- list()
} else { s <- qc@stat; g <- qc@group }
if (group_nm %in% names(g)) { return(qc); }
g[[group_nm]] <- g1[[group_nm]]
dG <- InfIG(sdf); dR <- InfIR(sdf); d2 <- InfII(sdf)
s$mean_intensity <- meanIntensity(sdf) # excluding type-I out-of-band
s$mean_intensity_MU <- mean(totalIntensities(sdf), na.rm=TRUE) # M + U
s$mean_ii <- mean(c(d2$UG,d2$UR), na.rm = TRUE)
s$mean_inb_grn <- mean(c(dG$MG, dG$UG), na.rm = TRUE)
s$mean_inb_red <- mean(c(dR$MR, dR$UR), na.rm = TRUE)
s$mean_oob_grn <- mean(c(dR$MG, dR$UG), na.rm = TRUE)
s$mean_oob_red <- mean(c(dG$MR, dG$UR), na.rm = TRUE)
mu <- signalMU(sdf)
s$na_intensity_M <- sum(is.na(mu$M))
s$na_intensity_U <- sum(is.na(mu$U))
s$na_intensity_ig <- sum(is.na(c(dG$MG, dG$MR, dG$UG, dG$UR)))
s$na_intensity_ir <- sum(is.na(c(dR$MG, dR$MR, dR$UG, dR$UR)))
s$na_intensity_ii <- sum(is.na(c(d2$UG, d2$UR)))
new("sesameQC", stat=s, group=g)
.setGroup_channel <- function() {
list("Color Channel" = c(
InfI_switch_R2R = "N. Inf.I Probes Red -> Red ",
InfI_switch_G2G = "N. Inf.I Probes Grn -> Grn ",
InfI_switch_R2G = "N. Inf.I Probes Red -> Grn ",
InfI_switch_G2R = "N. Inf.I Probes Grn -> Red "))
sesameQC_calcStats_channel <- function(sdf, qc = NULL) {
g1 <- .setGroup_channel()
group_nm <- names(g1)[1]
if (is.null(qc)) { s <- list(); g <- list()
} else { s <- qc@stat; g <- qc@group }
if (group_nm %in% names(g)) { return(qc); }
g[[group_nm]] <- g1[[group_nm]]
res <- inferInfiniumIChannel(sdf, summary = TRUE)
for (nm in names(res)) {
s[[paste0('InfI_switch_', nm)]] <- unname(res[nm])
new("sesameQC", stat=s, group=g)
.setGroup_dyeBias <- function() {
list("Dye Bias" = c(
medR = "Median Inf.I Intens. Red ",
medG = "Median Inf.I Intens. Grn ",
topR = "Median of Top 20 Inf.I Intens. Red ",
topG = "Median of Top 20 Inf.I Intens. Grn ",
RGratio = "Ratio of Red-to-Grn median Intens. ",
RGdistort = "Ratio of Top vs. Global R/G Ratios "))
sesameQC_calcStats_dyeBias <- function(sdf, qc = NULL) {
g1 <- .setGroup_dyeBias()
group_nm <- names(g1)[1]
if (is.null(qc)) { s <- list(); g <- list()
} else { s <- qc@stat; g <- qc@group }
if (group_nm %in% names(g)) { return(qc); }
g[[group_nm]] <- g1[[group_nm]]
t1 <- InfI(sdf)
intens <- totalIntensities(sdf)
s$medR <- median(sort(intens[t1[t1$col == "R", "Probe_ID"]]))
s$medG <- median(sort(intens[t1[t1$col == "G", "Probe_ID"]]))
s$topR <- median(tail(sort(intens[t1[t1$col == "R", "Probe_ID"]]), n=20))
s$topG <- median(tail(sort(intens[t1[t1$col == "G", "Probe_ID"]]), n=20))
s$RGratio <- s$medR / s$medG
s$RGdistort <- (s$topR / s$topG) / (s$medR / s$medG)
new("sesameQC", stat=s, group=g)
.setGroup_betas <- function() {
list("Beta Value" = c(
mean_beta = "Mean Beta ",
median_beta = "Median Beta ",
frac_unmeth = "% Beta < 0.3 ",
frac_meth = "% Beta > 0.7 ",
num_na = "N. is.na(Beta) ",
frac_na = "% is.na(Beta) ",
mean_beta_cg = "Mean Beta (CG) ",
median_beta_cg = "Median Beta (CG) ",
frac_unmeth_cg = "% Beta < 0.3 (CG) ",
frac_meth_cg = "% Beta > 0.7 (CG) ",
num_na_cg = "N. is.na(Beta) (CG) ",
frac_na_cg = "% is.na(Beta) (CG) ",
mean_beta_ch = "Mean Beta (CH) ",
median_beta_ch = "Median Beta (CH) ",
frac_unmeth_ch = "% Beta < 0.3 (CH) ",
frac_meth_ch = "% Beta > 0.7 (CH) ",
num_na_ch = "N. is.na(Beta) (CH) ",
frac_na_ch = "% is.na(Beta) (CH) ",
mean_beta_rs = "Mean Beta (RS) ",
median_beta_rs = "Median Beta (RS) ",
frac_unmeth_rs = "% Beta < 0.3 (RS) ",
frac_meth_rs = "% Beta > 0.7 (RS) ",
num_na_rs = "N. is.na(Beta) (RS) ",
frac_na_rs = "% is.na(Beta) (RS) "))
sesameQC_calcStats_betas <- function(sdf, qc = NULL) {
g1 <- .setGroup_betas()
group_nm <- names(g1)[1]
if (is.null(qc)) { s <- list(); g <- list()
} else { s <- qc@stat; g <- qc@group }
if (group_nm %in% names(g)) { return(qc); }
g[[group_nm]] <- g1[[group_nm]]
betas <- getBetas(pOOBAH(noob(dyeBiasNL(sdf))))
s$mean_beta <- mean(betas, na.rm = TRUE)
s$median_beta <- median(betas, na.rm = TRUE)
s$frac_unmeth <- sum(betas < 0.3, na.rm = TRUE)/sum(!is.na(betas))
s$frac_meth <- sum(betas > 0.7, na.rm = TRUE)/sum(!is.na(betas))
s$num_na <- sum(is.na(betas))
s$frac_na <- sum(is.na(betas)) / length(betas)
for (pt in c('cg','ch','rs')) {
b1 <- betas[grep(paste0('^', pt), names(betas))]
s[[paste0('mean_beta_', pt)]] <- mean(b1, na.rm = TRUE)
s[[paste0('median_beta_', pt)]] <- median(b1, na.rm = TRUE)
s[[paste0('frac_unmeth_', pt)]] <-
sum(b1 < 0.3, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(!is.na(b1))
s[[paste0('frac_meth_', pt)]] <-
sum(b1 > 0.7, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(!is.na(b1))
s[[paste0('num_na_', pt)]] <- sum(is.na(b1))
s[[paste0('frac_na_', pt)]] <- sum(is.na(b1)) / length(b1)
new("sesameQC", stat=s, group=g)
#' Plot red-green QQ-Plot using Infinium-I Probes
#' @param sdf a \code{SigDF}
#' @param main plot title
#' @param ... additional options to qqplot
#' @return create a qqplot
#' @import graphics
#' @examples
#' sesameDataCache() # if not done yet
#' sdf <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.SigDF')
#' sesameQC_plotRedGrnQQ(sdf)
#' @export
sesameQC_plotRedGrnQQ <- function(sdf, main="R-G QQ Plot", ...) {
dG <- InfIG(noMasked(sdf)); dR <- InfIR(noMasked(sdf))
m <- max(c(dR$MR,dR$UR,dG$MG,dG$UG), na.rm=TRUE)
c(dR$MR, dR$UR), c(dG$MG, dG$UG),
xlab = 'Infinium-I Red Signal', ylab = 'Infinium-I Grn Signal',
main = main, cex = 0.5,
xlim = c(0,m), ylim = c(0,m), ...)
graphics::abline(0,1,lty = 'dashed')
#' Plot betas distinguishing different Infinium chemistries
#' @param sdf SigDF
#' @param prep prep codes to step through
#' @param legend_pos legend position (default: top)
#' @param mar margin of layout when showing steps of prep
#' @param main main title in plots
#' @param ... additional options to plot
#' @import graphics
#' @return create a density plot
#' @examples
#' sdf <- sesameDataGet("EPIC.1.SigDF")
#' sesameQC_plotBetaByDesign(sdf, prep="DB")
#' @export
sesameQC_plotBetaByDesign <- function(
sdf, prep=NULL, legend_pos="top", mar=c(3,3,1,1), main="", ...) {
if (!is.null(prep)) {
par(mfrow=c(nchar(prep)+1,1), mar=mar)
for (n in c(0,seq_len(nchar(prep)))) {
prepSesame(sdf, substr(prep,1,n)),
prep = NULL, legend_pos = legend_pos,
main=sprintf("%s %s", main, substr(prep,1,n)), ...) }
return(invisible(NULL)) }
dA <- density(na.omit(getBetas(sdf)))
dR <- density(na.omit(getBetas(InfIR(sdf))))
dG <- density(na.omit(getBetas(InfIG(sdf))))
d2 <- density(na.omit(getBetas(InfII(sdf))))
plot(dA, main=main, ylim=c(0, max(dA$y, dR$y, dG$y, d2$y)), ...)
lines(dR, col='red')
lines(dG, col='darkgreen')
lines(d2, col='blue')
legend(legend_pos, legend=c(
"All","Infinium-I Red","Infinium-I Grn","Infinium-II"),
col=c("black","red","darkgreen","blue"), lty="solid")
#' Plot Total Signal Intensities vs Beta Values
#' This plot is helpful in revealing the extent of signal background
#' and dye bias.
#' @param sdf a \code{SigDF}
#' @param mask whether to remove probes that are masked
#' @param intens.range plot range of signal intensity
#' @param use_max to use max(M,U) or M+U
#' @param pal color palette, whiteturbo, whiteblack, whitejet
#' @param ... additional arguments to smoothScatter
#' @return create a total signal intensity vs beta value plot
#' @import graphics
#' @examples
#' sesameDataCache() # if not done yet
#' sdf <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.SigDF')
#' sesameQC_plotIntensVsBetas(sdf)
#' @export
sesameQC_plotIntensVsBetas <- function(
sdf, mask=TRUE, use_max=FALSE, intens.range=c(5,15),
pal="whiteturbo", ...) {
if (use_max) {
df <- signalMU(sdf)
intens <- setNames(pmax(df$M,df$U), df$Probe_ID)
} else {
intens <- totalIntensities(sdf, mask=mask)
smoothScatter(log2(intens), getBetas(sdf, mask=mask)[names(intens)],
xlab='Total Intensity (Log2(M+U))',
ylab=expression(paste(beta, " (DNA methylation Level)")),
colramp=palgen(pal), xlim=intens.range, ...)
graphics::abline(h=0.5, lty='dashed')
## plot envelope lines
x <- c(seq(1,100,by=1), seq(101,10000,by=100))
dG <- InfIG(sdf); dR <- InfIR(sdf)
bG <- median(c(dR$MG, dR$UG), na.rm=TRUE)
bR <- median(c(dG$MR, dG$UR), na.rm=TRUE)
if (use_max) {
lines(log2(pmax(bG, x + bR)), (0 + bG) / (0 + bG + x + bR), col='blue')
lines(log2(pmax(x + bG, bR)), (x + bG) / (x + bG + 0 + bR), col='blue')
lines(log2(pmax(bR, x + bR)), (0 + bR) / (x + bR + 0 + bR), col='red')
lines(log2(pmax(x + bR, bR)), (x + bR) / (x + bR + 0 + bR), col='red')
lines(log2(pmax(bG, x + bG)), (0 + bG) / (x + bG + 0 + bG), col='green')
lines(log2(pmax(x + bG, bG)), (x + bG) / (x + bG + 0 + bG), col='green')
} else {
lines(log2(x + bG + bR), (0 + bG) / (0 + bG + x + bR), col='blue')
lines(log2(x + bG + bR), (x + bG) / (x + bG + 0 + bR), col='blue')
lines(log2(x + bR + bR), (0 + bR) / (x + bR + 0 + bR), col='red')
lines(log2(x + bR + bR), (x + bR) / (x + bR + 0 + bR), col='red')
lines(log2(x + bG + bG), (0 + bG) / (x + bG + 0 + bG), col='green')
lines(log2(x + bG + bG), (x + bG) / (x + bG + 0 + bG), col='green')
#' Bar plots for sesameQC
#' By default, it plots median_beta_cg, median_beta_ch, RGratio,
#' RGdistort, frac_dt
#' @param qcs a list of SigDFs
#' @param keys optional, other key to plot, instead of the default
#' keys can be found in the parenthesis of the print output of each
#' sesameQC output.
#' @return a bar plot comparing different QC metrics
#' @examples
#' sesameDataCache() # if not done yet
#' sdfs <- sesameDataGet("EPIC.5.SigDF.normal")[1:2]
#' sesameQC_plotBar(lapply(sdfs, sesameQC_calcStats, "detection"))
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
sesameQC_plotBar <- function(qcs, keys = NULL) {
if (is(qcs, "sesameQC")) { qcs <- list(qcs); }
df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(qcs, function(x) as.data.frame(x@stat)))
## set display names
g <- qcs[[1]]@group
display_nms <- do.call(c, lapply(names(g), function(gn) { setNames(
sprintf("%s | %s", gn, str_trim(g[[gn]])), names(g[[gn]]))}))
if (is.null(keys)) {
keys <- c("frac_dt", "mean_intensity",
"median_beta_cg", "median_beta_ch",
"RGratio", "RGdistort")
df <- df[, keys[keys %in% colnames(df)], drop=FALSE]
if (ncol(df) == 0) { stop("There is no QC metrics to plot") }
df$sample_name <- names(qcs) # infer sample name
plt <- NULL
for (x in colnames(df)) {
if (x == "sample_name") { next; }
p <- ggplot(df) +
geom_bar(aes_string("sample_name", x), stat="identity") +
ylab("") + xlab("") + ggtitle(display_nms[x]) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=-90, vjust=0.5, hjust=0))
## customization for the most important
if (x == "frac_dt") {
p <- p + scale_y_continuous(labels=scales::percent)
} else if (x == "median_beta_cg" || x == "median_beta_ch") {
p <- p + ylim(c(0,1))
if (is.null(plt)) {
plt <- wheatmap::WGG(p)
} else {
plt <- plt + wheatmap::WGG(p, Beneath(pad=0))
#' Plot SNP heatmap
#' @param sdfs beta value matrix, row: probes; column: samples
#' @param cluster show clustered heatmap
#' @param filter.nonvariant whether to filter nonvariant (range < 0.3)
#' @return a grid graphics object
#' @examples
#' sdfs <- sesameDataGet("EPIC.5.SigDF.normal")[1:2]
#' plt <- sesameQC_plotHeatSNPs(sdfs, filter.nonvariant = FALSE)
#' @export
sesameQC_plotHeatSNPs <- function(
sdfs, cluster = TRUE, filter.nonvariant = TRUE) {
afs <- openSesame(sdfs, func = getAFs, mask = FALSE)
if (cluster) {
afs <- both.cluster(afs)$mat
if (filter.nonvariant) {
rg <- apply(afs, 1, function(x) {
max(x, na.rm=TRUE) - min(x, na.rm=TRUE)})
afs <- afs[rg > 0.3,]
stopifnot(nrow(afs) > 0)
wheatmap::WHeatmap(afs, xticklabels = TRUE,
cmp=CMPar(stop.points=c("white", "yellow", "red"), dmin=0, dmax=1)) +
## #' Retrieve stats of public data of similar nature
## #' e.g., tissue, FFPE vs non-FFPE, etc.
## #' @param platform HM450, EPIC, MM285 etc.
## #' @param tissue optional, blood, buccal, saliva, etc.
## #' @param samplePrep optional, fresh, FF, etc.
## #' @return a data frame of public data QC stats
## #'
## #' @examples
## #' publicQC <- sesameQC_publicQC()
## #'
## #' @export
## sesameQC_publicQC <- function(platform, tissue=NULL, samplePrep=NULL) {
## df <- sesame
## df <- sesameDataGet('detection.stats')
## if (!is.null(platform) && platform %in% df$Platform) {
## df <- df[df$Platform == platform,]
## }
## if (!is.null(tissue) && tissue %in% df$Tissue) {
## df <- df[df$Tissue==tissue,]
## }
## if (!is.null(samplePrep) && samplePrep %in% df$SamplePrep) {
## df <- df[df$SamplePrep==samplePrep,]
## }
## stopifnot(nrow(df) >= 5) # stop if there are too few number of samples
## df
## }
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