
Defines functions print.gdsn.class print.gds.class .crayon system.gds lasterr.gds exist.gdsn is.sparse.gdsn summarize.gdsn digest.gdsn is.element.gdsn copyto.gdsn moveto.gdsn cache.gdsn assign.gdsn write.gdsn clusterApply.gdsn apply.gdsn readex.gdsn read.gdsn append.gdsn permdim.gdsn setdim.gdsn readmode.gdsn compression.gdsn delete.attr.gdsn get.attr.gdsn put.attr.gdsn unload.gdsn delete.gdsn getfile.gdsn addfile.gdsn addfolder.gdsn add.gdsn objdesp.gdsn getfolder.gdsn index.gdsn ls.gdsn rename.gdsn name.gdsn cnt.gdsn diagnosis.gds showfile.gds cleanup.gds sync.gds closefn.gds openfn.gds createfn.gds

Documented in addfile.gdsn addfolder.gdsn add.gdsn append.gdsn apply.gdsn assign.gdsn cache.gdsn cleanup.gds closefn.gds clusterApply.gdsn cnt.gdsn compression.gdsn copyto.gdsn createfn.gds delete.attr.gdsn delete.gdsn diagnosis.gds digest.gdsn exist.gdsn get.attr.gdsn getfile.gdsn getfolder.gdsn index.gdsn is.element.gdsn is.sparse.gdsn lasterr.gds ls.gdsn moveto.gdsn name.gdsn objdesp.gdsn openfn.gds permdim.gdsn print.gds.class print.gdsn.class put.attr.gdsn readex.gdsn read.gdsn readmode.gdsn rename.gdsn setdim.gdsn showfile.gds summarize.gdsn sync.gds system.gds unload.gdsn write.gdsn

# ===========================================================================
# gdsfmt-main.r: R Interface to CoreArray Genomic Data Structure (GDS) Files
# Copyright (C) 2011-2023    Xiuwen Zheng
# This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# gdsfmt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with gdsfmt.
# If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# File Operations

# Create a new CoreArray Genomic Data Structure (GDS) file
createfn.gds <- function(filename, allow.duplicate=FALSE, use.abspath=TRUE)
    stopifnot(is.character(filename), length(filename)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(allow.duplicate), length(allow.duplicate)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(use.abspath), length(use.abspath)==1L)

    # 'normalizePath' does not work if the file does not exist
    tmpf <- file(filename, "wb")

    fullfn <- normalizePath(filename, mustWork=FALSE)
    ans <- .Call(gdsCreateGDS, fullfn, allow.duplicate)
    names(ans) <- c("filename", "id", "ptr", "root", "readonly")
    if (!isTRUE(use.abspath)) ans$filename <- filename
    class(ans) <- "gds.class"

# Open an existing file
openfn.gds <- function(filename, readonly=TRUE, allow.duplicate=FALSE,
    allow.fork=FALSE, allow.error=FALSE, use.abspath=TRUE)
    stopifnot(is.character(filename), length(filename)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(use.abspath), length(use.abspath)==1L)

    fullfn <- normalizePath(filename, mustWork=FALSE)
    ans <- .Call(gdsOpenGDS, fullfn, readonly, allow.duplicate,
        allow.fork, allow.error)
    names(ans) <- c("filename", "id", "ptr", "root", "readonly")
    if (!isTRUE(use.abspath)) ans$filename <- filename
    class(ans) <- "gds.class"

# Close an open CoreArray Genomic Data Structure (GDS) file
closefn.gds <- function(gdsfile)
    stopifnot(inherits(gdsfile, "gds.class"))
    .Call(gdsCloseGDS, gdsfile)

# Write the data cached in memory to disk
sync.gds <- function(gdsfile)
    stopifnot(inherits(gdsfile, "gds.class"))
    .Call(gdsSyncGDS, gdsfile)

# Clean up fragments of a GDS file
cleanup.gds <- function(filename, verbose=TRUE)
    stopifnot(is.character(filename), length(filename)==1L)
    .Call(gdsTidyUp, filename, verbose)

# show information for all opened GDS files
showfile.gds <- function(closeall=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
    rv <- .Call(gdsShowFile, closeall)
    if (length(rv[[1L]]))
        names(rv) <- c("FileName", "ReadOnly", "State")
        rv <- as.data.frame(rv)
        if (isTRUE(verbose)) print(rv)
    } else

# Diagnose the GDS file
diagnosis.gds <- function(gds, log.only=FALSE)
    stopifnot(inherits(gds, "gds.class") | inherits(gds, "gdsn.class"))
    stopifnot(is.logical(log.only), length(log.only)==1L)

    if (inherits(gds, "gds.class"))
        # a gds file
        rv <- .Call(gdsDiagInfo, gds, log.only)
        if (!isTRUE(log.only))
            names(rv) <- c("stream", "log")
            rv$stream <- as.data.frame(rv$stream, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
            colnames(rv$stream) <- c("id", "size", "capacity", "num_chunk", "path")
    } else {
        # a gds node
        rv <- .Call(gdsDiagInfo2, gds)

# File Structure Operations

# Get the number of variables in a specified folder
cnt.gdsn <- function(node, include.hidden=FALSE)
    if (inherits(node, "gds.class"))
        node <- node$root
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))

    .Call(gdsNodeChildCnt, node, include.hidden)

# Get the variable name of a node
name.gdsn <- function(node, fullname=FALSE)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    .Call(gdsNodeName, node, fullname)

# Rename a GDS node
rename.gdsn <- function(node, newname)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    stopifnot(is.character(newname), length(newname)==1L)

    .Call(gdsRenameNode, node, newname)

# Get a list of names for the child nodes
ls.gdsn <- function(node, include.hidden=FALSE, recursive=FALSE,
    if (inherits(node, "gds.class"))
        node <- node$root
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))

    .Call(gdsNodeEnumName, node, include.hidden, recursive, include.dirs)

# Get a specified node
index.gdsn <- function(node, path=NULL, index=NULL, silent=FALSE)
    # check
    if (inherits(node, "gds.class"))
        node <- node$root
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    .Call(gdsNodeIndex, node, path, index, silent)

# Get the folder node which contains the specified node
getfolder.gdsn <- function(node)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    .Call(gdsGetFolder, node)

# Get the descritpion of a specified node
objdesp.gdsn <- function(node)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    ans <- .Call(gdsNodeObjDesp, node)
    names(ans) <- c("name", "fullname", "storage", "trait", "type",
        "is.array", "is.sparse", "dim", "encoder", "compress",
        "cpratio", "size", "good", "hidden", "message", "param")
    attr(ans$type, "levels") <- c("Label", "Folder", "VFolder", "Raw",
        "Integer", "Factor", "Logical", "Real", "String", "Unknown")
    attr(ans$type, "class") <- "factor"

# Add a GDS node
add.gdsn <- function(node, name, val=NULL, storage=storage.mode(val),
    valdim=NULL, compress=c("", "ZIP", "ZIP_RA", "LZMA", "LZMA_RA", "LZ4", "LZ4_RA"),
    closezip=FALSE, check=TRUE, replace=FALSE, visible=TRUE, ...)
    if (inherits(node, "gds.class"))
        node <- node$root
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))

    if (missing(name))
        nmlist <- ls.gdsn(node)
        repeat {
            name <- sprintf("tmp_%06x", round(runif(1, 0, 2^24-1)))
            if (!is.element(name, nmlist))
    stopifnot(is.character(name), length(name)==1L)

    dots <- list(...)
    if (inherits(storage, "gdsn.class"))
        dp <- objdesp.gdsn(storage)
        storage <- dp$storage
        if (is.null(valdim))
            valdim <- dp$dim
            if (is.numeric(valdim))
                valdim[length(valdim)] <- 0L
        if (identical(compress, c("", "ZIP", "ZIP_RA", "LZMA", "LZMA_RA", "LZ4", "LZ4_RA")))
            compress <- dp$compress
        if (!is.null(dp$param))
            for (nm in names(dp$param))
                if (is.null(dots[[nm]])) dots[[nm]] <- dp$param[[nm]]

    stopifnot(is.character(storage), length(storage)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.character(compress), length(compress)>0L)
    compress <- compress[1L]


    # call C function
    ans <- .Call(gdsAddNode, node, name, val, storage, valdim, compress,
        closezip, check, replace, visible, dots)

    if (storage == "list")
        nm <- class(val)
        if (!identical(nm, "data.frame") & !("list" %in% nm))
            nm <- c(nm, "list")
        put.attr.gdsn(ans, "R.class", nm)

        nm <- names(val)
        for (i in seq_along(nm))
            add.gdsn(ans, nm[i], val[[i]], compress=compress,
                closezip=closezip, check=check)
    } else if (storage == "logical")
        put.attr.gdsn(ans, "R.logical")
    } else if (is.factor(val))
        put.attr.gdsn(ans, "R.class", "factor")
        put.attr.gdsn(ans, "R.levels", levels(val))


# Add a (virtual) folder
addfolder.gdsn <- function(node, name, type=c("directory", "virtual"),
    gds.fn="", replace=FALSE, visible=TRUE)
    if (inherits(node, "gds.class"))
        node <- node$root
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))

    if (missing(name))
        nmlist <- ls.gdsn(node)
        repeat {
            name <- sprintf("tmp_%06x", round(runif(1, 0, 2^24-1)))
            if (!is.element(name, nmlist))
    stopifnot(is.character(name), length(name)==1L)

    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (type == "virtual")
        stopifnot(is.character(gds.fn), length(gds.fn)==1L)
        stopifnot(gds.fn != "")


    # call C function
    ans <- .Call(gdsAddFolder, node, name, type, gds.fn, replace, visible)


# Add a GDS node with a file
addfile.gdsn <- function(node, name, filename,
    compress=c("ZIP", "ZIP_RA", "LZMA", "LZMA_RA", "LZ4", "LZ4_RA"),
    replace=FALSE, visible=TRUE)
    if (inherits(node, "gds.class"))
        node <- node$root
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))

    if (missing(name))
        nmlist <- ls.gdsn(node)
        repeat {
            name <- sprintf("tmp_%06x", round(runif(1, 0, 2^24-1)))
            if (!is.element(name, nmlist))
    stopifnot(is.character(name), length(name)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.character(filename), length(filename)==1L)

    stopifnot(is.character(compress), length(compress)>0L)
    compress <- compress[1L]


    # call C function
    ans <- .Call(gdsAddFile, node, name, filename, compress, replace, visible)


# Get a file from a stream container
getfile.gdsn <- function(node, out.filename)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    stopifnot(is.character(out.filename), length(out.filename)==1L)
    .Call(gdsGetFile, node, out.filename)

# Delete a specified node
delete.gdsn <- function(node, force=FALSE)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    .Call(gdsDeleteNode, node, force)

# Unload a specified node to reduce memory usage
unload.gdsn <- function(node)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    .Call(gdsUnloadNode, node)

# Attribute

# Add an attribute to a GDS node
put.attr.gdsn <- function(node, name, val=NULL)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))

    if (inherits(val, "gdsn.class"))
        .Call(gdsPutAttr2, node, val)
    } else {
        stopifnot(is.character(name), length(name)==1L)
        .Call(gdsPutAttr, node, name, val)

# Get the attributes of a GDS node
get.attr.gdsn <- function(node)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    .Call(gdsGetAttr, node)

# Remove an attribute from a GDS node
delete.attr.gdsn <- function(node, name)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    stopifnot(is.character(name), length(name)>0L)
    .Call(gdsDeleteAttr, node, name)

# Data Operations

# Modify the data compression mode of data field
compression.gdsn <- function(node,
    compress=c("", "ZIP", "ZIP_RA", "LZMA", "LZMA_RA", "LZ4", "LZ4_RA"))
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    stopifnot(is.character(compress), length(compress)>0L)
    .Call(gdsObjCompress, node, compress[1L])

# Get into read mode of compression
readmode.gdsn <- function(node)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    .Call(gdsObjCompressClose, node)

# Set the new dimension of the data field for a GDS node
setdim.gdsn <- function(node, valdim, permute=FALSE)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    stopifnot(is.numeric(valdim) & is.vector(valdim))
    .Call(gdsObjSetDim, node, valdim, permute)

# Transpose an array by permuting its dimensions
permdim.gdsn <- function(node, dimidx, target=NULL)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    stopifnot(is.numeric(dimidx) & is.vector(dimidx))
    stopifnot(is.null(target) | inherits(target, "gdsn.class"))

    # check dimidx
    dm <- objdesp.gdsn(node)$dim
    if (length(dm) != length(dimidx))
        stop("'dimidx' should have ", length(dm), " element(s).")
    flag <- rep(TRUE, length(dm))
    flag[dimidx] <- FALSE
    if (sum(flag) > 0L)
        stop("'dimidx' should be a permutation of 1..", length(dm), ".")

    if (all(dimidx == seq_along(dm)))
        if (!is.null(target))
            assign.gdsn(target, node, append=FALSE)
            target.node <- target
        } else
            target.node <- node
    } else {
        if (is.null(target))
            target.node <- add.gdsn(getfolder.gdsn(node), storage=node)
            put.attr.gdsn(target.node, val=node)
        } else
            target.node <- target

        vdim <- dm[dimidx]
        vdim[length(vdim)] <- 0L
        setdim.gdsn(target.node, vdim, permute=FALSE)

        if (length(dm) == 2L)
            # tranpose a matrix
            apply.gdsn(node, margin=1L, FUN=`c`,
                as.is="gdsnode", target.node=target.node, .useraw=TRUE)
        } else {
            i <- dimidx[length(dimidx)]
            dimidx <- dimidx[-length(dimidx)]
            dimidx[dimidx > i] <- dimidx[dimidx > i] - 1L

            apply.gdsn(node, margin=i, FUN=aperm,
                as.is="gdsnode", target.node=target.node, .useraw=TRUE,
                perm = dimidx)

        if (is.null(target))
            moveto.gdsn(target.node, node, relpos="replace+rename")


# Append data to a specified variable
append.gdsn <- function(node, val, check=TRUE)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))

    if (inherits(val, "gdsn.class"))
        .Call(gdsObjAppend2, node, val)
        .Call(gdsObjAppend, node, val, check)


# Read data field of a GDS node
read.gdsn <- function(node, start=NULL, count=NULL,
    simplify=c("auto", "none", "force"), .useraw=FALSE, .value=NULL,
    .substitute=NULL, .sparse=TRUE)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    simplify <- match.arg(simplify)

    if (is.null(start) & is.null(count))
        rvattr <- get.attr.gdsn(node)
        rvclass <- rvattr$R.class
        if (!is.null(rvclass))
            if (identical(rvclass, "data.frame") | ("list" %in% rvclass))
                nm <- ls.gdsn(node, include.hidden=FALSE)
                r <- vector("list", length(nm))
                names(r) <- nm
                for (i in seq_along(nm))
                    n <- index.gdsn(node, nm[i])
                    r[[i]] <- read.gdsn(n, .useraw=.useraw,
                        .value=.value, .substitute=.substitute)

                if (identical(rvclass, "data.frame"))
                    r <- as.data.frame(r, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
                } else {
                    rvclass <- setdiff(rvclass, "list")
                    if (length(rvclass) > 0L)
                        class(r) <- rvclass


    .Call(gdsObjReadData, node, start, count, simplify, .useraw,
        list(.value, .substitute), .sparse)

# Read data field of a GDS node
readex.gdsn <- function(node, sel=NULL, simplify=c("auto", "none", "force"),
    .useraw=FALSE, .value=NULL, .substitute=NULL, .sparse=TRUE)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    simplify <- match.arg(simplify)

    if (!is.null(sel))
        stopifnot(is.logical(sel) | is.numeric(sel) | is.list(sel))
        if (is.logical(sel)) sel <- list(sel)
        if (is.numeric(sel)) sel <- list(sel)

        # read
        idx <- list(NULL)
        dat <- .Call(gdsObjReadExData, node, sel, .useraw, idx, .sparse)
        if (!is.null(idx[[1L]]))
            dat <- do.call(`[`, idx[[1L]])
        .Call(gdsDataFmt, dat, simplify, list(.value, .substitute))
    } else {
        # output

# Apply functions over array margins of a GDS node
apply.gdsn <- function(node, margin, FUN, selection=NULL,
    as.is=c("list", "none", "integer", "double", "character", "logical",
    "raw", "gdsnode"), var.index=c("none", "relative", "absolute"),
    target.node=NULL, .useraw=FALSE, .value=NULL, .substitute=NULL, ...)
    # check
    if (inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
        stopifnot(is.numeric(margin), length(margin)==1L)
        stopifnot(is.null(selection) | is.list(selection))

        node <- list(node)
        if (!is.null(selection))
            selection <- list(selection)
    } else {
        if (!is.list(node))
            "'node' should be 'gdsn.class' or a list of 'gdsn.class' objects.")
        for (i in seq_along(node))
            if (!inherits(node[[i]], "gdsn.class"))
                    "node[[%d]] should be an object of 'gdsn' class.", i))
        stopifnot(length(margin) == length(node))
        stopifnot(is.null(selection) | is.list(selection))
        if (!is.null(selection))
            stopifnot(length(selection) == length(node))

    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
    as.is <- match.arg(as.is)
    var.index <- match.arg(var.index)

    if (as.is == "gdsnode")
        if (inherits(target.node, "gdsn.class"))
            target.node <- list(target.node)
        if (is.list(target.node))
            for (i in seq_along(target.node))
                stopifnot(inherits(target.node[[i]], "gdsn.class"))
        } else {
            "'target.node' should be 'gdsn.class' or a list of 'gdsn.class'.")
    } else {
        if (!is.null(target.node))
            stop("'target.node' should be NULL.")

    # call C function -- set starting index
    .Call(gdsApplySetStart, 1L)

    # call C function -- apply calling
    ans <- .Call(gdsApplyCall, node, as.integer(margin), FUN,
        selection, as.is, var.index, target.node, new.env(),
        .useraw, list(.value, .substitute))

    if (is.null(ans))

# Apply functions over array margins of a list of GDS nodes in parallel
clusterApply.gdsn <- function(cl, gds.fn, node.name, margin,
    FUN, selection=NULL, as.is=c("list", "none", "integer", "double",
    "character", "logical", "raw"),
    var.index=c("none", "relative", "absolute"), .useraw=FALSE,
    .value=NULL, .substitute=NULL, ...)
    # library
    if (!requireNamespace("parallel"))
        stop("The 'parallel' package should be installed.")

    # check
    stopifnot(inherits(cl, "cluster"))
    stopifnot(is.character(gds.fn), length(gds.fn)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(margin), length(margin)==length(node.name))
    margin <- as.integer(margin)

    if (!is.null(selection))
        if (!is.list(selection[[1L]]))
            selection <- list(selection)

    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
    as.is <- match.arg(as.is)
    var.index <- match.arg(var.index)

    # new selection

    gfile <- openfn.gds(gds.fn, allow.duplicate=TRUE)
    on.exit({ closefn.gds(gfile) })

    nd_nodes <- vector("list", length(node.name))
    names(nd_nodes) <- names(node.name)
    for (i in seq_along(nd_nodes))
        v <- index.gdsn(gfile, path=node.name[i], silent=TRUE)
        nd_nodes[[i]] <- v
        if (is.null(v))
            stop(sprintf("There is no node \"%s\" in the specified gds file.",

    new.selection <- .Call(gdsApplyCreateSelection, nd_nodes,
        margin, selection)

    # the count of elements
    MarginCount <- sum(new.selection[[1L]][[ margin[1L] ]], na.rm=TRUE)
    if (MarginCount <= 0L)

    # run

    if (length(cl) > 1L)
        # close the GDS file

        clseq <- parallel::splitIndices(MarginCount, length(cl))
        sel.list <- vector("list", length(cl))
        start <- 1L

        # for - loop: multi processes
        for (i in seq_along(cl))
            n <- length(clseq[[i]])
            if (n > 0L)
                tmp <- new.selection

                # for - loop: multiple variables
                for (j in seq_along(tmp))
                    sel <- tmp[[j]]
                    idx <- which(sel[[ margin[j] ]])
                    flag <- rep(FALSE, length(sel[[ margin[j] ]]))
                    flag[ idx[ clseq[[i]] ] ] <- TRUE
                    sel[[ margin[j] ]] <- flag
                    tmp[[j]] <- sel

                sel.list[[i]] <- list(start=start, n=n, sel=tmp)
                start <- start + n
            } else {
                sel.list[[i]] <- list(start=start, n=0L, sel=NULL)

        # enumerate
        ans <- parallel::clusterApply(cl, sel.list, fun =
                function(item, gds.fn, node.name, margin, FUN,
                    as.is, var.index, ...)
                if (item$n <= 0L) return(NULL)

                # load the package

                # open the file
                gfile <- openfn.gds(gds.fn, allow.duplicate=TRUE)
                on.exit({ closefn.gds(gfile) })

                nd_nodes <- vector("list", length(node.name))
                names(nd_nodes) <- names(node.name)
                for (i in seq_along(nd_nodes))
                    nd_nodes[[i]] <- index.gdsn(gfile, path=node.name[i])

                # call C function -- set starting index
                .Call(gdsApplySetStart, item$start)

                # call C function -- apply calling
                .Call(gdsApplyCall, nd_nodes, margin, FUN, item$sel, as.is,
                    var.index, NULL, new.env(), .useraw,
                    list(.value, .substitute))

            }, gds.fn=gds.fn, node.name=node.name, margin=margin,
                FUN=FUN, as.is=as.is, var.index=var.index, ...

        if (as.is != "none")
            unlist(ans, recursive=FALSE)

    } else {
        apply.gdsn(nd_nodes, margin, FUN, selection, as.is,
            var.index, .useraw, ...)

# Write data to a GDS node
write.gdsn <- function(node, val, start=NULL, count=NULL, check=TRUE)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))

    if (is.null(start) & is.null(count))
        .Call(gdsObjWriteAll, node, val, check)
    } else {
        .Call(gdsObjWriteData, node, val, start, count, check)

# Assign a GDS variable from another variable
assign.gdsn <- function(node, src.node=NULL, resize=TRUE, seldim=NULL,
    append=FALSE, .value=NULL, .substitute=NULL)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    stopifnot(is.null(src.node) | inherits(src.node, "gdsn.class"))
    stopifnot(is.logical(resize), length(resize)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(append), length(append)==1L)

    if (is.null(seldim))
        if (is.null(src.node))
            # no need to resize
            if (!is.null(.value) | !is.null(.substitute))
                src.node <- add.gdsn(getfolder.gdsn(node), storage=node)
                put.attr.gdsn(src.node, val=node)

                dm <- objdesp.gdsn(node)$dim
                dm[length(dm)] <- 0L
                setdim.gdsn(src.node, dm, permute=FALSE)

                apply.gdsn(node, margin=length(dm), FUN=`c`, as.is="gdsnode",
                    .value=.value, .substitute=.substitute)
                if (!append) readmode.gdsn(src.node)

                moveto.gdsn(src.node, node, relpos="replace+rename")
            } else {
                if (!append) readmode.gdsn(src.node)
        } else {
            if (resize)
                if (is.null(.value) & is.null(.substitute))
                    # call C function
                    .Call(gdsAssign, node, src.node)
                } else {
                    dm <- objdesp.gdsn(src.node)$dim
                    dm[length(dm)] <- 0L
                    setdim.gdsn(node, dm, permute=FALSE)
            } else {
                if (is.null(.value) & is.null(.substitute))
                    append.gdsn(node, src.node)

            apply.gdsn(src.node, margin=length(dm), FUN=`c`,
                as.is="gdsnode", target.node=node, .value, .substitute)
            if (!append) readmode.gdsn(node)

    } else {
        if (!is.list(seldim))
            seldim <- list(seldim)
        if (is.null(src.node))
            src <- node
            dst <- add.gdsn(getfolder.gdsn(node), storage=node)
            put.attr.gdsn(dst, val=src)
        } else {
            src <- src.node
            dst <- node

        if (any(sapply(seldim, FUN=is.numeric)))
            dm <- objdesp.gdsn(src)$dim
            if (length(dm) != length(seldim))
                stop("Invalid 'seldim': incorrect number of dimensions.")

            newdm <- integer(length(dm))
            for (i in seq_along(dm))
                if (is.null(seldim[[i]]))
                    newdm[i] <- dm[i]
                else if (is.numeric(seldim[[i]]))
                    newdm[i] <- length(seldim[[i]])
                else if (is.logical(seldim[[i]]))
                    newdm[i] <- sum(seldim[[i]], na.rm=TRUE)
                else if (is.raw(seldim[[i]]))
                    newdm[i] <- sum(seldim[[i]] != 0L)
                    stop("Invalid 'seldim[[", i, "]]'.")

            sel1 <- seldim[[length(seldim)]]
            if (is.null(sel1))
                sel1 <- seq_len(dm[length(dm)])
            else if (is.logical(sel1))
                sel1 <- which(sel1)
            else if (is.raw(sel1))
                sel1 <- which(sel1 != 0L)

            MB_use <- 1024*1024*500    # 500MB
            if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
                m <- memory.size(TRUE) %/% 2
                if (MB_use > m) MB_use <- m

            subcnt <- prod(newdm[-length(newdm)])
            inccnt <- MB_use %/% subcnt
            if (inccnt <= 1L) inccnt <- 1L

            if (resize)
                newdm[length(newdm)] <- 0L
                setdim.gdsn(dst, newdm, permute=FALSE)

            # for-loop
            st <- 1L
            n <- length(sel1); n1 <- n + 1L
            while (st <= n)
                if ((st + inccnt) <= n1)
                    cnt <- inccnt
                    cnt <- n1 - st
                seldim[[length(seldim)]] <- sel1[seq.int(st, length.out=cnt)]
                dat <- readex.gdsn(src, sel=seldim, simplify="none",
                    .value=.value, .substitute=.substitute)
                append.gdsn(dst, dat, check=!append)
                st <- st + inccnt
            if (!append) readmode.gdsn(dst)

        } else {
            dm <- objdesp.gdsn(src)$dim
            if (resize)
                for (i in seq_along(dm))
                    if (is.logical(seldim[[i]]))
                        dm[i] <- sum(seldim[[i]], na.rm=TRUE)
                    } else if (is.raw(seldim[[i]]))
                        dm[i] <- sum(seldim[[i]]!=0L, na.rm=TRUE)
                    } else if (!is.null(seldim[[i]]))
                        stop("Invalid 'seldim'.")
                dm[length(dm)] <- 0L
                setdim.gdsn(dst, dm, permute=FALSE)

            .useraw <- is.null(.value) & is.null(.substitute)
            apply.gdsn(src, margin=length(dm), FUN=`c`, selection=seldim,
                as.is="gdsnode", target.node=dst, .useraw=.useraw,
                .value=.value, .substitute=.substitute)
            if (!append) readmode.gdsn(dst)

        if (is.null(src.node))
            moveto.gdsn(dst, node, relpos="replace+rename")


# Cache the data associated with a GDS variable
cache.gdsn <- function(node)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))

    .Call(gdsCache, node)

# Move to a new location
moveto.gdsn <- function(node, loc.node,
    relpos = c("after", "before", "replace", "replace+rename"))
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    stopifnot(inherits(loc.node, "gdsn.class"))
    relpos <- match.arg(relpos)

    .Call(gdsMoveTo, node, loc.node, relpos)

# Copy to a new GDS node
copyto.gdsn <- function(node, source, name=NULL)
    if (inherits(node, "gds.class")) node <- node$root
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))

    if (inherits(source, "gds.class")) source <- source$root
    stopifnot(inherits(source, "gdsn.class"))

    if (is.null(name))
        name <- name.gdsn(source, fullname=FALSE)
    stopifnot(is.character(name), length(name)==1L)

    .Call(gdsCopyTo, node, name, source)

# Get whether elements in node
is.element.gdsn <- function(node, set)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    stopifnot(is.numeric(set) | is.character(set))
    .Call(gdsIsElement, node, set)

# Create hash function digests
digest.gdsn <- function(node,
    algo=c("md5", "sha1", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512"),
    action=c("none", "Robject", "add", "add.Robj", "clear", "verify", "return"))
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    algo <- match.arg(algo)
    action <- match.arg(action)

    algolist <- c("md5", "sha1", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512")
    algoname <- c(algolist, paste0(algolist, "_r"))
    algolist <- c(algolist, algolist)

    if (action == "clear")
        at <- get.attr.gdsn(node)
        nm <- intersect(names(at), algoname)
        if (length(nm) > 0L)
            delete.attr.gdsn(node, nm)
    } else {
        if (!requireNamespace("digest", quietly=TRUE))
            stop("The 'digest' package should be installed.")
        if (action %in% c("verify", "return"))
            at <- get.attr.gdsn(node)
            ans <- rep(NA, length(algoname))
            names(ans) <- algoname
            for (i in seq_along(ans))
                h1 <- at[[algoname[i]]]
                if (is.character(h1) & !anyNA(h1))
                    h2 <- unname(digest.gdsn(node, algo=algolist[i],
                        action=ifelse(i < 6L, "none", "Robject")))
                    ans[i] <- identical(h1, h2)
            if (action == "verify")
                v <- !ans
                v[is.na(v)] <- FALSE
                if (sum(v) > 0L)
                    s <- algoname[v]
                    if (length(s) > 1L)
                        stop(paste(s, collapse=", "), " verification fail.")
                        stop(s, " verification fails.")
        } else {
            flag <- action %in% c("Robject", "add.Robj")
            ans <- .Call(gdsDigest, node, algo, flag)
            if (flag) algo <- paste0(algo, "_r")
            if (action %in% c("add", "add.Robj"))
                if (is.na(ans))
                    warning("No valid hash code to add.")
                put.attr.gdsn(node, algo, ans)
            names(ans) <- algo

# Summary of GDS data
summarize.gdsn <- function(node)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    .Call(gdsSummary, node)

# Get whether it is a sparse array or not
is.sparse.gdsn <- function(node)
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    .Call(gdsIsSparse, node)

# Whether a path exists or not
exist.gdsn <- function(node, path)
    if (inherits(node, "gds.class"))
        node <- node$root
    stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
    .Call(gdsExistPath, node, path)

# Error function

# Return the last error
lasterr.gds <- function()

# Return the parameters in the GDS system
system.gds <- function()
    rv <- .Call(gdsSystem)

    s <- rv$compression.encoder
    rv$compression.encoder <- data.frame(
        encoder = rv$compression.encoder[seq.int(1L, length(s), 4L)],
        description = rv$compression.encoder[seq.int(2L, length(s), 4L)],
        option = rv$compression.encoder[seq.int(3L, length(s), 4L)],
        ext = rv$compression.encoder[seq.int(4L, length(s), 4L)],
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    rv$class.list <- data.frame(rv$class.list, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    colnames(rv$class.list) <- c("name", "description")

    rv$options <- list(
        gds.crayon = getOption("gds.crayon", NULL),
        gds.parallel = getOption("gds.parallel", NULL),
        gds.verbose = getOption("gds.verbose", FALSE)


# R Generic functions

.crayon <- function()
    isTRUE(getOption("gds.crayon", TRUE)) &&
        requireNamespace("crayon", quietly=TRUE)

print.gds.class <- function(x, path="", show=TRUE, ...)
    # check
    stopifnot(inherits(x, "gds.class"))
    stopifnot(is.logical(show), length(show)==1L)

    # show file name
    size <- .Call(gdsFileSize, x)
    if (.crayon())
        s <- paste0(crayon::inverse("File:"), " ", x$filename, " ",
            crayon::silver(paste0("(", .pretty_dsize(size), ")")), "\n")
    } else {
        s <- paste0("File: ", x$filename, " (", .pretty_dsize(size), ")\n")

    # show structure
    for (nm in path)
        if (!is.na(nm))
            if (nm == "")
                print(x$root, ...)
            } else {
                nd <- index.gdsn(x, nm)
                if (isTRUE(show) && objdesp.gdsn(nd)$is.array)
                    print(nd, ...)

print.gdsn.class <- function(x, expand=TRUE, all=FALSE, nmax=Inf, depth=Inf,
    attribute=FALSE, attribute.trim=FALSE, ...)
    # check
    stopifnot(inherits(x, "gdsn.class"))
    stopifnot(is.logical(expand), length(expand)==1L, !is.na(expand))
    stopifnot(is.logical(all), length(all)==1L, !is.na(all))
    stopifnot(is.numeric(nmax), length(nmax)==1L, !is.na(nmax))
    stopifnot(is.numeric(depth), length(depth)==1L, !is.na(depth))
    stopifnot(is.logical(attribute), length(attribute)==1L, !is.na(attribute))
    stopifnot(is.logical(attribute.trim), length(attribute.trim)==1L,
    .Call(gdsNodeValid, x)

    if (.crayon())
        BOLD <- identity
        UNDERLINE <- crayon::silver
        GRAY <- crayon::silver
        WARN <- crayon::magenta
    } else {
        BOLD <- UNDERLINE <- GRAY <- WARN <- identity

    enum <- function(node, prefix, fullname, last)
        d <- nchar(prefix) %/% 3L
        if (d > depth)
            { cat(prefix, "...\n"); return(FALSE) }
        nn <<- nn + 1L
        if (nn > nmax)
            if (nn == nmax+1L) cat("...\n")

        n <- objdesp.gdsn(node)

        if (n$type == "Label")
            lText <- " "; rText <- " "
        } else if (n$type == "VFolder")
            if (n$good)
                lText <- "[ -->"; rText <- "]"
            } else {
                lText <- WARN("[ -X-"); rText <- WARN("]")
                expand <- FALSE
        } else if (n$type == "Folder")
            lText <- "["; rText <- "]"
        } else if (n$type == "Unknown")
            lText <- WARN("--X--"); rText <- WARN("")
            expand <- FALSE
        } else {
            lText <- GRAY("{"); rText <- GRAY("}")
        s <- paste0(prefix, "+ ", BOLD(name.gdsn(node, fullname)), "   ",
            lText, " ", UNDERLINE(n$trait))

        # if logical, factor, list, or data.frame
        at <- get.attr.gdsn(node)
        if (n$type == "Logical")
            s <- paste0(s, GRAY(",logical"))
        } else if (n$type == "Factor")
            s <- paste0(s, GRAY(",factor"))
        } else if ("R.class" %in% names(at))
            if (n$trait != "")
                s <- paste0(s, GRAY(","))
            if (!is.null(at$R.class))
                s <- paste0(s, GRAY(paste(at$R.class, collapse=",")))

        # show the dimension
        if (!is.null(n$dim))
            s <- paste0(s, " ")
            s <- paste0(s, UNDERLINE(paste(n$dim, collapse="x")))

        # show compression
        if (is.character(n$encoder))
            if (n$encoder != "")
                if (attribute)
                    s <- paste(s, GRAY(n$compress))
                    s <- paste(s, GRAY(n$encoder))
        if (is.numeric(n$cpratio))
            if (is.finite(n$cpratio))
                if (n$cpratio >= 0.10)
                    s <- paste0(s, GRAY(sprintf("(%0.1f%%)", 100*n$cpratio)))
                    s <- paste0(s, GRAY(sprintf("(%0.2f%%)", 100*n$cpratio)))

        if (is.finite(n$size))
            s <- paste0(s, GRAY(", "), GRAY(.pretty_dsize(n$size)))

        if (length(at) > 0L)
            s <- paste(s, rText, "*")
            s <- paste0(s, " ", rText)

        if (attribute & ((length(at)>0L) | !is.null(n$param)))
            if (!is.null(n$param))
                b <- paste(names(n$param), format(n$param, justify="none"),
                    sep=": ")
                b <- paste(b, collapse="; ")
                b <- paste0("[", b, "] ")
            } else
                b <- ""

            if (length(at) > 0L)
                a <- paste(names(at), format(at, justify="none"), sep=": ")
                if (attribute.trim)
                    for (i in which(nchar(a) > 32L))
                        a[i] <- paste(substr(a[i], 1L, 32L), "...")
                a <- paste(a, collapse="; ")
                if (attribute.trim)
                    if (nchar(a) > 64L)
                        a <- paste(substr(a, 1L, 64L), "...")
            } else
                a <- ""

            s <- paste0(s, "< ", GRAY(paste0(b, a)))

        s <- paste0(s, "\n")

        if (expand)
            nm <- ls.gdsn(node, include.hidden=all)
            for (i in seq_along(nm))
                n <- nchar(prefix)
                if (i < length(nm))
                    if (n >= 3L)
                        if (last)
                            s <- paste0(substr(prefix, 1L, n-3L), "   |--")
                            s <- paste0(substr(prefix, 1L, n-3L), "|  |--")
                    } else
                        s <- "|--"
                } else {
                    if (n >= 3L)
                        if (last)
                            s <- paste0(substr(prefix, 1L, n-3L), "   \\--")
                            s <- paste0(substr(prefix, 1L, n-3L), "|  \\--")
                    } else
                        s <- "\\--"
                v <- enum(index.gdsn(node, nm[i]), s, FALSE, i>=length(nm))
                if (isFALSE(v)) break

    # list
    nn <- 0L
    enum(x, "", TRUE, TRUE)
zhengxwen/gdsfmt documentation built on Dec. 27, 2024, 7:47 p.m.