### SIAMCAT - Statistical Inference of Associations between
### Microbial Communities And host phenoTypes R flavor EMBL
### Heidelberg 2012-2018 GNU GPL 3.0
#' @title Evaluate prediction results
#' @description This function compares the predictions (from
#' [make.predictions]) and true labels for all samples and evaluates
#' the results.
#' @param siamcat object of class \link{siamcat-class}
#' @param verbose integer, control output: \code{0} for no output at all,
#' \code{1} for only information about progress and success, \code{2} for
#' normal level of information and \code{3} for full debug information,
#' defaults to \code{1}
#' @keywords SIAMCAT evaluate.predictions
#' @section Binary classification problems:
#' This function calculates several metrics for the predictions in
#' the \code{pred_matrix}-slot of the \link{siamcat-class}-object.
#' The Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve (AU-ROC)
#' and the Precision-Recall Curve will be evaluated and the results will be
#' saved in the \code{eval_data}-slot of the supplied \link{siamcat-class}-
#' object. The \code{eval_data}-slot contains a list with several entries:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{$roc} - average ROC-curve across repeats or a single ROC-curve
#' on complete dataset (see \link[pROC]{roc});
#' \item \code{$auroc} - AUC value for the average ROC-curve;
#' \item \code{$prc} - list containing the positive predictive value
#' (precision) and true positive rate (recall) values used to plot the mean
#' PR curve;
#' \item \code{$auprc} - AUC value for the mean PR curve;
#' \item \code{$ev} - list containing for different decision thresholds the
#' number of false positives, false negatives, true negatives, and true
#' positives.}
#' For the case of repeated cross-validation, the function will additionally
#' return \itemize{
#' \item \code{$roc.all} - list of roc objects (see \link[pROC]{roc})
#' for every repeat;
#' \item \code{$auroc.all} - vector of AUC values for the ROC curves
#' for every repeat;
#' \item \code{$prc.all} - list of PR curves for every repeat;
#' \item \code{$auprc.all} - vector of AUC values for the PR curves
#' for every repeat;
#' \item \code{$ev.all} - list of \code{ev} lists (see above)
#' for every repeat.}
#' @section Regression problems:
#' This function calculates several metrics for the evaluation of predictions
#' and will store the results in the \code{eval_data}-slot of the supplied
#' \link{siamcat-class} objects. The \code{eval_data}-slot will contain:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{r2} - the mean R squared value across repeats or a single
#' R-squared value on the complete dataset;
#' \item \code{mae} - them mean absolute error of the predictions;
#' \item \code{mse} - the mean squared error of the predictions.}
#' For the case of repeated cross-validation, the function will additionally
#' compute all three of these measures for the individual cross-validation
#' repeats and will store the results in the \code{eval_data} slot as
#' \code{r2.all}, \code{mae.all}, and \code{mse.all}.
#' @export
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @return object of class \link{siamcat-class} with the slot
#' \code{eval_data} filled
#' @examples
#' data(siamcat_example)
#' siamcat_evaluated <- evaluate.predictions(siamcat_example)
evaluate.predictions <- function(siamcat, verbose = 1) {
if (verbose > 1)
message("+ starting evaluate.predictions")
s.time <- proc.time()[3]
# check that predictions are present
if (is.null(pred_matrix(siamcat, verbose=0))){
stop('SIAMCAT object does not contain predictions. Exiting\n')
label <- label(siamcat)
if (label$type == 'TEST'){
stop('SIAMCAT can not evaluate the predictions on a TEST',
' label. Exiting...')
if (label$type == 'BINARY'){
r.object <- eval.binary(siamcat, s.time, verbose)
} else if (label$type == 'CONTINUOUS'){
r.object <- eval.regr(siamcat, s.time, verbose)
#' @keywords internal
eval.regr <- function(siamcat, s.time, verbose=0){
label <- label(siamcat)
m <- match(names(label$label), rownames(pred_matrix(siamcat)))
pred <- pred_matrix(siamcat)[m, , drop = FALSE]
stopifnot(all(names(label$label) == rownames(pred)))
if (ncol(pred) > 1){
if (verbose > 2)
message("+ evaluating multiple predictions")
# mean predictions
pred.mean <- rowMeans(pred)
ess <- sum((label$label - mean(label$label))^2)
rss <- sum((pred.mean - label$label)^2)
r2.mean <- 1 - rss/ess
mae.mean <- mean(abs(pred.mean - label$label))
mse.mean <- mean((abs(pred.mean - label$label))^2)
# each repetition individually
r2.all <- list()
mae.all <- list()
mse.all <- list()
for (i in seq_len(ncol(pred))){
rss <- sum((abs(pred[,i]) - label$label)^2)
r2.all[[i]] <- 1 - rss/ess
mae.all[[i]] <- mean(abs(pred[,i] - label$label))
mse.all[[i]] <- mean((abs(pred[,i] - label$label))^2)
eval_data(siamcat) <- list(
r2 = r2.mean, r2.all = r2.all,
mae = mae.mean, mae.all = mae.all,
mse = mse.mean, mse.all = mse.all)
} else {
if (verbose > 2)
message("+ evaluating single prediction")
rss <- sum((abs(pred[,1]) - label$label)^2)
ess <- sum((label$label - mean(label$label))^2)
r2 <- 1 - rss/ess
mae <- mean(abs(pred[,1] - label$label))
mse <- mean((abs(pred[,1] - label$label))^2)
eval_data(siamcat) <- list(r2=r2, mae=mae, mse=mse)
e.time <- proc.time()[3]
if (verbose > 1){
msg <- paste(
"+ finished evaluate.predictions in",
formatC(e.time - s.time, digits = 3),
if (verbose == 1)
message("Evaluated predictions successfully.")
#' @keywords internal
eval.binary <- function(siamcat, s.time, verbose=0){
label <- label(siamcat)
summ.stat <- "mean" # TODO make this a possible parameter?
# TODO compare header to label make sure that label and prediction are in
# the same order
m <- match(names(label$label), rownames(pred_matrix(siamcat)))
pred <- pred_matrix(siamcat)[m, , drop = FALSE]
stopifnot(all(names(label$label) == rownames(pred)))
# ##########################################################################
# ROC curve
if (verbose > 2)
message("+ calculating ROC")
auroc <- 0
if (ncol(pred) > 1) {
roc.all <- list()
auroc.all <- vector("numeric", ncol(pred))
for (c in seq_len(ncol(pred))) {
roc.all[[c]] <- roc(response = label$label, predictor = pred[, c],
direction = '<', levels = label$info, ci = FALSE)
auroc.all[c] <- roc.all[[c]]$auc
l.vec <- rep(label$label, ncol(pred))
} else {
l.vec <- label$label
# average data for plotting one mean prediction curve
roc.mean <- roc(response = label$label,
predictor = apply(pred, 1, summ.stat),
ci = TRUE, of = "se",
sp = seq(0, 1, 0.05), direction = '<', levels = label$info)
auroc <- roc.mean$auc
# ##########################################################################
# PR curve
prc <- list()
ev <- list()
auprc <- 0
if (ncol(pred) > 1) {
auprc.all <- vector("numeric", ncol(pred))
prc.all <- list()
ev.all <- list()
for (c in seq_len(ncol(pred))) {
ev.all[[c]] <- evaluate.classifier(pred[, c], label$label, label,
verbose = verbose)
prc.all[[c]] <- evaluate.get.pr(ev.all[[c]], verbose = verbose)
auprc.all[c] <- evaluate.calc.aupr(ev.all[[c]], verbose = verbose)
ev <- evaluate.classifier(apply(pred, 1, summ.stat), label$label, label)
} else {
ev <- evaluate.classifier(as.vector(pred), label$label, label,
verbose = verbose)
prc <- evaluate.get.pr(ev, verbose = verbose)
auprc <- c(evaluate.calc.aupr(ev, verbose = verbose))
if (ncol(pred) > 1) {
if (verbose > 2)
message("+ evaluating multiple predictions")
eval_data(siamcat) <- list(
roc= roc.mean, roc.all = roc.all,
auroc = auroc, auroc.all = auroc.all,
prc = prc, prc.all = prc.all,
auprc = auprc, auprc.all = auprc.all,
ev = ev, ev.all = ev.all
} else {
if (verbose > 2)
message("+ evaluating single prediction")
eval_data(siamcat) <- list(
roc=roc.mean, auroc=auroc, prc=prc, auprc=auprc, ev=ev
e.time <- proc.time()[3]
if (verbose > 1){
msg <- paste(
"+ finished evaluate.predictions in",
formatC(e.time - s.time, digits = 3),
if (verbose == 1)
message("Evaluated predictions successfully.")
# evaluates the predictive performance of a classifier on a labeled data sets
# returns a list with vectors containing TP, FP, TN, FN for each threshold
# value on the predictions (where TP = true positives, FP = false positives,
# TN = true negatives, FN = false negatives)
#' @keywords internal
evaluate.classifier <-
function(predictions, test.label, label, verbose = 0) {
if (verbose > 2)
message("+ starting evaluate.classifier")
stopifnot(length(unique(test.label)) == 2)
# calculate thresholds, one between each subsequent pair of sorted
#prediction values this is ignorant to whether
# predictions is in matrix or vector format (see below)
thr <- predictions
dim(thr) <- NULL
thr <- sort(unique(thr))
thr <-
rev(c(min(thr) - 1, (thr[-1] + thr[-length(thr)]) / 2,
max(thr) + 1))
if (is.null(dim(predictions))) {
# assuming that a single model was applied to predict the data set
stopifnot(length(test.label) == length(predictions))
# actual evaluations per threshold value
tp <- vapply(
FUN = function(x) {
sum(test.label == max(label$info)
& predictions > x)
FUN.VALUE = integer(1)
fp <- vapply(
FUN = function(x) {
sum(test.label == min(label$info)
& predictions > x)
FUN.VALUE = integer(1)
tn <- vapply(
FUN = function(x) {
sum(test.label == min(label$info)
& predictions < x)
FUN.VALUE = integer(1)
fn <- vapply(
FUN = function(x) {
sum(test.label == max(label$info)
& predictions < x)
FUN.VALUE = integer(1)
} else {
# assuming that several models were applied to predict the same data
# and predictions of each model occupy one
# column
stopifnot(length(test.label) == nrow(predictions))
tp <- t(vapply(
FUN = function(x) {
FUN = function(y) {
sum(test.label == max(label$info) & y > x)
FUN.VALUE = integer(2)
fp <- t(vapply(
FUN = function(x) {
FUN = function(y) {
sum(test.label == min(label$info) & y > x)
FUN.VALUE = integer(2)
tn <- t(vapply(
FUN = function(x) {
FUN = function(y) {
sum(test.label == min(label$info) & y < x)
FUN.VALUE = integer(2)
fn <- t(vapply(
FUN = function(x) {
FUN = function(y) {
sum(test.label == max(label$info) & y < x)
FUN.VALUE = integer(2)
if (verbose > 2)
message("+ finished evaluate.classifier")
tp = tp,
tn = tn,
fp = fp,
fn = fn,
thresholds = thr
# calculates the area under a curve using a trapezoid approximation
#' @keywords internal
evaluate.area.trapez <- function(x, y, verbose = 0) {
if (verbose > 2)
message("+ starting evaluate.area.trapez")
if (x[1] > x[length(x)]) {
x <- rev(x)
y <- rev(y)
xd <- x[-1] - x[-length(x)]
ym <- 0.5 * (y[-1] + y[-length(y)])
if (verbose > 2)
message("+ finished evaluate.area.trapez")
return(xd %*% ym)
# returns a vector of x and y values for plotting a precision-recall curve
#' @keywords internal
evaluate.get.pr <- function(eval, verbose = 0) {
if (verbose > 2)
message("+ starting evaluate.get.pr")
tpr <- eval$tp / (eval$tp + eval$fn)
ppv <- eval$tp / (eval$tp + eval$fp)
# at thresholds where the classifier makes no positive predictions at all,
# we (somewhat arbitrarily) set its
# precision to 1
ppv[is.na(ppv)] <- 1
if (verbose > 2)
message("+ finished evaluate.get.pr")
return(list(recall = tpr, precision = ppv))
# calculates the area under the precision-recall curve (over the interval
# [0, max.tpr], if specified)
#' @keywords internal
evaluate.calc.aupr <- function(eval,
max.tpr = 1,
verbose = 0) {
if (verbose > 2)
message("+ starting evaluate.calc.aupr")
pr <- evaluate.get.pr(eval, verbose = verbose)
idx <- pr$recall <= max.tpr
if (verbose > 2)
message("+ finished evaluate.calc.aupr")
return(evaluate.area.trapez(pr$recall[idx], pr$precision[idx]))
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