# R4.0.2
## 1) read the published data matrix of 96 genes ##
## 2) reduce dimention and visualization ##
## 3) defining cell identity by the expression levels of known lineage-marker ##
# here we used the published consensus clusters
## 4) trajectory analysis ##
# class: SingleCellExperiment
# dim: 96 1896
# 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# 77 107 130 299 157 64 70 81 67 77 161 86 86 80 37 173 95 49
tmp <- subset(colData(sce), CollectionTime=='Day3' )
int <- which(colData(sce)$CollectionTime %in% c('Day0', 'Day1', 'Day1.5', 'Day2', 'Day2.5') |
(colData(sce)$CollectionTime =='Day3' & colData(sce)$Consensus.Cluster ==10))
length(int) #[1] 929
sce <- sce[,int]
sce$Consensus.Cluster <- factor(as.vector(sce$Consensus.Cluster))
# 1 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# 77 107 161 86 86 80 15 173 95 49
# pseudo counts
#counts(sce) = 2^(logcounts(sce))
by.cluster <- aggregateAcrossCells(sce, ids=sce$Consensus.Cluster, use.assay.type='logcounts')
centroids <- reducedDim(by.cluster, "PCA")
dmat <- dist(centroids)
dmat <- as.matrix(dmat)
g <- igraph::graph.adjacency(dmat, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE)
mst <- igraph::minimum.spanning.tree(g)
pairs <- Matrix::which(mst[] > 0, arr.ind=TRUE)
coords <- reducedDim(by.cluster, "TSNE")
group <- rep(seq_len(nrow(pairs)), 2)
stuff <- data.frame(rbind(coords[pairs[,1],], coords[pairs[,2],]), group)
plotTSNE(sce, colour_by="Consensus.Cluster",
text_by="Consensus.Cluster", text_size = 8)
plotTSNE(sce, colour_by="Consensus.Cluster",
text_by="Consensus.Cluster", text_size = 8) +
geom_line(data=stuff, mapping=aes(x=X1, y=X2, group=group))
## 4) BioTIP application ##
packageVersion('BioTIP') # '1.5.0'
# Ic, we generated time point-specific Log2Ex matrices taht were downloaded from teh publication
# For each of them (days 0, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3/M-only mesoderm-specific cells)
tmp <- subset(colData(sce), CollectionTime=='Day3' )
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
# 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 106 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
int <- which(colData(sce)$CollectionTime %in% c('Day0', 'Day1', 'Day1.5', 'Day2', 'Day2.5') |
(colData(sce)$CollectionTime =='Day3' & colData(sce)$Consensus.Cluster ==10))
length(int) #[1] 929
# Day0 Day1 Day1.5 Day2 Day2.5 Day3 Day4 Day5
# 231 166 93 211 122 106 0 0
sce <- sce[,int]
# class: SingleCellExperiment
# dim: 96 929
# metadata(0):
# assays(1): logcounts
# rownames(96): ACVR1B ACVR2A ... WNT5A WNT5B
# rowData names(0):
# colnames(929): Cell1 Cell109 ... Cell1421 Cell1429
# colData names(3): CollectionTime Consensus.Cluster Phenotype.FACS
# reducedDimNames(3): PCA TSNE UMAP
# altExpNames(0):
# Note that BioTIP further ignores 15 Day2-2.5 cells that are Endodern cluster 6 because its population size is <20!!
# 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# Day0 74 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 154 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
# Day1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 75 85 1 0 0 0 0
# Day1.5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 1 79 0 0 0 0
# Day2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 131 42 31
# Day2.5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 42 53 18
# Day3 0 106 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# Day4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# Day5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#now convert year to a character and type to a factor
df <- table(sce$CollectionTime,sce$Consensus.Cluster)
df2 <- NULL
for(i in 1:ncol(df)) {
tmp <- data.frame(Freq=df[,i],
Cluster= paste0('C',rep(colnames(df)[i], nrow(df))),
df2 <- rbind(df2, tmp)
df2 <- subset(df2, Freq>0)
# Freq Cluster Time
# Day0 74 C1 Day0
# Day1 2 C1 Day1
# Day1.5 1 C1 Day1.5
# Day2.51 1 C10 Day2.5
# Day31 106 C10 Day3
df2$Time <- factor(df2$Time, levels=c("Day0", "Day1", "Day1.5","Day2", "Day2.5", "Day3"))
# Calculate the cumulative sum of len for each dose
df_cumsum <- ddply(df2, "Time",
transform, label_ypos=cumsum(Freq))
# Freq Cluster Time label_ypos
# 1 74 C1 Day0 74
# 2 154 C2 Day0 228
# 3 3 C3 Day0 231
# 4 2 C1 Day1 2
ggplot(data=df_cumsum, aes(x=Time, y=Freq, fill=Cluster)) +
geom_text(aes(y=label_ypos, label=Cluster), vjust=1.6,
color="white", size=3.5)
int <- which(colData(sce)$Consensus.Cluster !=6) # because it has only 15 cells
length(int) #[1] 914
# Day0 Day1 Day1.5 Day2 Day2.5 Day3 Day4 Day5
# 231 166 93 204 114 106 0 0
sce <- sce[,int]
# 1) module construction
# Pre-selection Transcript
cut.preselect = 0.8 # out of 96 genes
cut.fdr = 0.2
cut.minsize = 10
samplesL <- split(rownames(colData(sce)),f = colData(sce)$Consensus.Cluster) #!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# 77 107 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 86 86 80 0 173 95 49
samplesL <- samplesL[-which(lengths(samplesL)<10)]
# 1 10 2 3 4 5 7 8 9
# 77 107 161 86 86 80 173 95 49
logmat <- as.matrix(logcounts(sce))
dim(logmat) # [1] 96 914
#this optimizes sd selection
testres <- optimize.sd_selection(logmat, samplesL, B=100, cutoff=cut.preselect,
times=.75, percent=0.8)
class(testres) #[1] "list"
class(testres[[1]]) #[1] "matrix" "array"
lapply(testres, dim)
# Network Partition
igraphL <- getNetwork(testres, fdr = cut.fdr)
# 1:63 nodes
# 10:76 nodes
# 2:72 nodes
# 3:74 nodes
# 4:70 nodes
# 5:72 nodes
# 7:73 nodes
# 8:75 nodes
# 9:69 nodes
cluster <- getCluster_methods(igraphL)
##### plot network #################
#[1] "1" "10" "2" "3" "4" "5" "7" "8" "9"
pdf(file='Network.view_C9_C10.pdf', width=10)
tmp = igraphL[["9"]]
E(tmp)$width <- E(tmp)$weight*3
V(tmp)$community= cluster[["9"]]$membership
mark.groups = table(cluster[["9"]]$membership)
#mark.groups = mark.groups[which(mark.groups>=10)]
colrs = rainbow(length(mark.groups), alpha = 0.3)
V(tmp)$label <- NA
plot(tmp, vertex.color=colrs[V(tmp)$community], vertex.size = 5,
legend(1,1, paste0(names(mark.groups),sep=":",mark.groups), text.col=rainbow(length(mark.groups)))
tmp = igraphL[["10"]]
E(tmp)$width <- E(tmp)$weight*3
V(tmp)$community= cluster[["10"]]$membership
mark.groups = table(cluster[["10"]]$membership)
colrs = rainbow(length(mark.groups), alpha = 0.3)
V(tmp)$label <- NA
plot(tmp, vertex.color=colrs[V(tmp)$community], vertex.size = 5,
legend(1,1, paste0(names(mark.groups),sep=":",mark.groups), text.col=rainbow(length(mark.groups)))
# 2.1) Identifying CTS, new MCI score #########
membersL <- getMCI(cluster,testres, adjust.size = FALSE, fun='BioTIP')
#[1] "members" "MCI" "sd" "PCC" "PCCo"
save(membersL, file="membersL.RData")
pdf(file=paste0("MCIBar_", cut.preselect,
width=10, height=5)
plotBar_MCI(membersL, ylim=c(0,10), minsize = 30)
plotBar_MCI(membersL, ylim=c(0,10), minsize = 20)
plotBar_MCI(membersL, ylim=c(0,10), minsize = cut.minsize)
plotBar_MCI(membersL, ylim=c(0,10), minsize = 5)
#the numbers in the parenthesis: they are total number of clusters, no control of the cell (sample) size per cluster
# get the statistics using the MCI system
n.state.candidate = 7
topMCI = getTopMCI(membersL[["members"]], membersL[["MCI"]], membersL[["MCI"]],
min=cut.minsize, n=n.state.candidate)
#[1] "9" "10" "7" "1" "4" "8" "5"
# get the state ID and MCI statistics for the two leading MCI scores per state
maxMCIms <- getMaxMCImember(membersL[["members"]],
membersL[["MCI"]],min =cut.minsize, n=2)
#[1] "idx" "members" "2topest.members"
maxMCI = getMaxStats(membersL[['MCI']], maxMCIms[['idx']])
# 1 10 2 3 4 5 7 8 9
# 4.151014 5.276104 3.423058 3.002783 3.751412 3.583947 4.649539 3.640540 5.779724
CTS = getCTS(maxMCI[names(topMCI)], maxMCIms[["members"]][names(topMCI)])
# Length: 18
# Length: 19
# Length: 10
# Length: 19
# Length: 23
# Length: 16
# Length: 27
## tmp calculates the number of bars within each named state
(tmp = unlist(lapply(maxMCIms[['idx']][names(topMCI)], length)))
# 9 10 7 1 4 8 5
# 2 2 2 2 1 2 2
## here returns all the groups with exactly 2 bars
(whoistop2nd = names(tmp[tmp==2]))
#[1] "9" "10" "7" "1" "8" "5"
## add the gene members of the 2nd toppest biomodue in the states with exactly 2 bars
if(length(whoistop2nd)>0) CTS = append(CTS, maxMCIms[["2topest.members"]][whoistop2nd])
#[1][1] "9" "10" "7" "1" "4" "8" "5" "9" "10" "7" "1" "8" "5"
# ## add the gene members of the 2nd toppest biomodue in the states with exactly 3 bars
# if(length(whoistop3rd)>0) CTS = append(CTS, maxMCIms[["2topest.members"]][whoistop3rd])
# names(CTS)
# #[1] "Day2.5" "Day2" "Day1.5" "Day1" "Day2" "Day1" "Day2.5" "Day1.5"
# ## add the gene members of the 3rd toppest biomodue in the states with exactly 3 bars
# if(length(whoistop3rd)>0) CTS = append(CTS, maxMCIms[["3topest.members"]][whoistop3rd])
# names(CTS)
# #[1] "Day2.5" "Day2" "Day1.5" "Day1" "Day2" "Day1" "Day2.5" "Day1.5" "Day2.5" "Day1.5"
'EOMES' %in% unlist(CTS)
#[1] FALSE
'SOX17' %in% unlist(CTS)
#[1] TRUE
'HAND1' %in% unlist(CTS)
#[1] TRUE
#### extract CTS scores for each biomodule candidate in the following steps: ####
## first to record the max MCI for the n.state.candidate
maxMCI <- maxMCI[names(CTS)[1:n.state.candidate]]
# 9 10 7 1 4 8 5
# 5.779724 5.276104 4.649539 4.151014 3.751412 3.640540 3.583947
## then applendix the 2nd highest MCI score (if existing) for the states with exactly 2 bars
if(length(whoistop2nd)>0) maxMCI <- c(maxMCI, getNextMaxStats(membersL[['MCI']], idL=maxMCIms[['idx']], whoistop2nd))
#[1] "9" "10" "7" "1" "4" "8" "5" "9" "10" "7" "1" "8" "5"
# ## applendix the 2nd highest MCI score (if existing) for the states with exactly 3 bars
# if(length(whoistop3rd)>0) maxMCI <- c(maxMCI, getNextMaxStats(membersL[['MCI']], idL=maxMCIms[['idx']], whoistop3rd))
# names(maxMCI)
# # [1] "Day2.5" "Day2" "Day1.5" "Day1" "Day2" "Day1" "Day2.5" "Day1.5"
# ## then applendix the 3rd highest MCI score (if existing) for the states with exactly 3 bars
# if(length(whoistop3rd)>0) maxMCI <- c(maxMCI, getNextMaxStats(membersL[['MCI']], idL=maxMCIms[['idx']], whoistop3rd, which.next=3))
# maxMCI
# # Day2.5 Day2 Day1.5 Day1 Day2 Day1 Day2.5 Day1.5 Day2.5 Day1.5
# # 4.2294562 3.9979599 3.6935297 3.6688229 1.9068669 0.7693816 3.5453475 3.0876365 3.4842829 1.0100347
## to ensure the same order between maxMCI and CTS
all(names(CTS) == names(maxMCI)) # TRUE
save(CTS, maxMCI, whoistop2nd, file=paste0("CTS_maxMCI.RData")) # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
## estimate significance NOT repeat (takes a while)
C = 1000
simuMCI <- list()
for(i in 1:length(CTS) ){
n <- length(CTS[[i]])
simuMCI[[i]] <- simulationMCI(n, samplesL, logmat, B=C, fun="BioTIP")
names(simuMCI) <- names(CTS)
## the sig CTS candidates were c(1:4,7,9)
pdf(file=paste0("MCI_GenePermutation_1000_CTS_timepoint", cut.preselect, "_fdr",cut.fdr,"_minsize",cut.minsize,".pdf"),
P <- maxMCI * 0
for(i in 1:length(CTS) ){
n <- length(CTS[[i]])
P[i] <- length(which(maxMCI[i] <= simuMCI[[i]][names(CTS)[i],]))/C
plot_MCI_Simulation(maxMCI[i], simuMCI[[i]], las=2, ylim=c(0,6),
main=paste(names(CTS)[i], n, "genes",
"\n","vs. ",C, "times of gene-permutation"), which2point=names(CTS)[i])
# 9 10 7 1 4 8 5 9 10 7 1 8 5
# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(sig <- which(P<0.01) )
#9 10 7 1 4 8 5 9 10 7 1 8 5
#1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
save(simuMCI,P, file=paste0("GenePermutation_",C,"CTS_timepoint", cut.preselect, "_fdr",cut.fdr,"_minsize",cut.minsize,".RData"))
####### Verifying Tipping Point using IC* (or old Ic) score #################
###### BioTIP score, permutating genes ##############
C= 1000
file=paste0("GenePermutation_",C,"CTS_timepoint", cut.preselect, "_fdr",cut.fdr,"_minsize",cut.minsize,".RData")
IC_new <- simuBioTIP_g <- list()
for(i in 1:length(sig)){
n <- length(CTS[sig][[i]])
IC_new[[i]] <- getIc(logmat, samplesL, CTS[sig][[i]], fun="BioTIP", shrink=TRUE)
simuBioTIP_g[[i]] <- simulation_Ic(n, samplesL, logmat, B=C,
fun="BioTIP", shrink=TRUE)
names(simuBioTIP_g) <- paste0(names(CTS)[sig],'_',lengths(CTS)[sig],'g')
names(IC_new) <- paste0(names(CTS)[sig],'_',lengths(CTS)[sig],'g')
#[1] "9" "10" "7" "1" "4" "8" "5" "9" "10" "7" "1" "8" "5"
pdf(file="BioTIP_vsSimulation_13CTS.pdf", width = 10)
for(i in 1:length(sig)){
plot_Ic_Simulation(IC_new[[i]], simuBioTIP_g[[i]], las = 2, ylab="Ic*",
main= names(IC_new)[i],
fun="boxplot", which2point= names(CTS)[sig][i],
ylim=c(0,0.4)) # matplot
P.g_simu <- array()
for(i in 1:length(sig)){
P.g_simu[i] <- plot_SS_Simulation(IC_new[[i]], simuBioTIP_g[[i]],
main = paste("Delta Ic*"),
#[1] 0.000 0.000 0.011 0.165 0.423 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.179 0.831 0.558 0.252 0.257
(sig <- which(P.g_simu<0.05))
#[1] 1 2 3 6 7 8
save(IC_new, simuBioTIP_g, P.g_simu, file="simuBioTIP_g.RData", compress=TRUE)
unlist(lapply(IC_new, max))
# 9_18g 10_19g 7_10g 1_19g 4_23g 8_16g 5_27g 9_23g
# 0.3435304 0.3681858 0.3023271 0.1814797 0.2615350 0.2583500 0.2907017 0.2984304
# 10_14g 7_23g 1_14g 8_38g 5_29g
# 0.1743083 0.1917179 0.2076771 0.1939648 0.1699749
# ###### old IC score, shulffing genes ##############
# set.seed(2021)
# IC_old <- simuIc_g <- list()
# for(i in 1:length(sig)){
# n <- length(CTS[sig][[i]])
# IC_old[[i]] <- getIc(logmat, samplesL, CTS[sig][[i]], fun="cor", shrink=TRUE)
# simuIc_g[[i]] <- simulation_Ic(n, samplesL, logmat, B=C,
# fun="cor", shrink=TRUE)
# }
# names(simuIc_g) <- paste0(names(CTS)[sig],'_',lengths(CTS)[sig],'g')
# names(IC_old) <- paste0(names(CTS)[sig],'_',lengths(CTS)[sig],'g')
# save(IC_old, simuIc_g, file="simuIC_g.RData", compress=TRUE)
# names(CTS)[sig]
# #[1] "Day2.5" "Day2" "Day1.5" "Day1" "Day2.5" "Day2.5"
# pdf(file="IC_vsSimulation_6CTS.pdf", height=10)
# par(mfrow=c(3,4))
# for(i in 1:length(IC_old)){
# plot_Ic_Simulation(IC_old[[i]], simuIc_g[[i]], las = 2, ylab="old Ic",
# main= names(IC_new)[i],
# fun="boxplot", which2point= names(CTS)[sig][i]) # matplot
# plot_SS_Simulation(IC_old[[i]], simuIc_g[[i]],
# main = paste("Delta Ic"),
# ylab=NULL)
# }
# dev.off()
####### Verifying Tipping Point and using IC* (or old Ic) score #################
###### BioTIP score, Shuffling label ##############
C= 1000
# 1 10 2 3 4 5 7 8 9
# 77 107 161 86 86 80 173 95 49
simuBioTIP_s <- list()
for(i in 1:length(sig)){
# IC_new[[i]] <- getIc(logmat, samplesL, CTS[sig][[i]], fun="BioTIP", shrink=TRUE)
simuBioTIP_s[[i]] <- matrix(nrow=length(samplesL), ncol=C)
# rownames(simuBioTIP_s[[i]]) = names(CTS)[sig][i]
rownames(simuBioTIP_s[[i]]) = names(samplesL)
for(j in 1:length(samplesL)) {
#ns <- length(samplesL[names(CTS[sig])][[i]]) # for this state only
ns <- length(samplesL[[j]]) # for each state rewpectively
simuBioTIP_s[[i]][j,] <- simulation_Ic_sample(logmat, ns, Ic=IC_new[[i]],
genes=CTS[sig][[i]], B=C,
fun="BioTIP", shrink=TRUE)
names(simuBioTIP_s) <- paste0(names(CTS)[sig],'_',lengths(CTS)[sig],'g')
#names(IC_new) <- paste0(names(CTS)[sig],'_',lengths(CTS)[sig],'g')
#[1] "Day2.5" "Day2" "Day1.5" "Day1" "Day2.5" "Day2.5"
P.s_simu <- array(dim=length(sig))
pdf(file=paste0("BioTIP_vs_Shufflinglabel_",length(sig), "CTS.pdf"), width=10)
for(i in 1:length(sig)){
plot_Ic_Simulation(IC_new[sig][[i]], simuBioTIP_s[[i]], las = 2, ylab="Ic*",
main= names(IC_new)[i],
fun="boxplot", which2point= names(CTS)[sig][i]) # matplot
P.s_simu[i] <- plot_SS_Simulation(IC_new[sig][[i]], simuBioTIP_s[[i]],
main = paste("Delta Ic*"),
#[1] 0.001 0.000 0.093 0.005 0.011 0.000
save(simuBioTIP_s, P.s_simu, file="simuBioTIP_s.RData", compress=TRUE)
# $`9`
# [1] "DKK1" "DLL3" "FGF8" "FOXH1" "FZD4" "FZD7" "GATA6" "GSC" "HRT2"
# [10] "KDR" "KIT" "MESP1" "MESP2" "MIXL1" "NKX2.5" "T" "TBX5" "SHH"
# $`10`
# [1] "BMP2" "DLL1" "DLL3" "EVX1" "FGF12" "FGF8" "FOXC1" "FZD7" "GATA4" "HAND2" "HRT2"
# [12] "ISL1" "MESP1" "MESP2" "MIXL1" "SFRP1" "TBX2" "WNT4" "WNT5A"
# $`7`
# [1] "BMP4" "DLL1" "DLL3" "FOXC1" "FZD2" "HAND1" "HRT2" "MESP2" "TBX1" "WNT5A"
# $`8`
# [1] "BAMBI" "DKK1" "EVX1" "HEY1" "HNFA4" "HRT2" "MESP1" "MESP2" "MSX1"
# [10] "MSX2" "MYL4" "PDGFRA" "PDGFRB" "SERCA" "T" "WNT4"
# $`5`
# [1] "BMP2" "CXCR4" "DKK1" "DLL3" "EVX1" "FGF10" "FGF12" "FGF8" "FZD2" "GAS1" "GATA4"
# [12] "GATA6" "GSC" "HNFA4" "INHBA" "KIT" "MIXL1" "MSX1" "PTX2" "SFRP1" "T" "SOX17"
# [23] "WNT3A" "WNT5B" "TBX1" "MYL3" "TNNT2"
# $`9`
# [1] "ACVR1B" "ACVR2A" "BMP2" "BMP4" "BMPR1A" "EMILIN2" "FGF12" "FSTL1"
# [9] "FZD2" "FZD6" "GATA4" "LTBP1" "MSX1" "MYOCD" "NUMB" "PARD3"
###### old IC score, shulffing labels ##############
# set.seed(2021)
# IC_old <- simuIc_s <- list()
# for(i in 1:length(sig)){
# IC_old[[i]] <- getIc(logmat, samplesL, CTS[sig][[i]], fun="cor", shrink=TRUE)
# simuIc_s[[i]] <- matrix(nrow=length(samplesL), ncol=C)
# rownames(simuIc_s[[i]]) = names(samplesL)
# for(j in 1:length(samplesL)) {
# ns <- length(samplesL[[j]]) # for each state rewpectively
# simuIc_s[[i]][j,] <- simulation_Ic_sample(logmat, ns, Ic=IC_new[[i]],
# genes=CTS[sig][[i]], B=C,
# fun="cor", shrink=TRUE)
# }
# }
# names(simuIc_s) <- paste0(names(CTS)[sig],'_',lengths(CTS)[sig],'g')
# names(IC_old) <- paste0(names(CTS)[sig],'_',lengths(CTS)[sig],'g')
# save(IC_old, simuIc_s, file="simuIc_s.RData", compress=TRUE)
# names(CTS)[sig]
# #[1] "Day2.5" "Day2" "Day1.5" "Day1" "Day2.5" "Day2.5"
# pdf(file="IC_vs_Shufflinglabel_6CTS.pdf", height=10)
# par(mfrow=c(3,4))
# for(i in 1:length(IC_old)){
# plot_Ic_Simulation(IC_old[[i]], simuIc_s[[i]], las = 2, ylab="old Ic",
# main= names(IC_new)[i],
# fun="boxplot", which2point= names(CTS)[sig][i]) # matplot
# plot_SS_Simulation(IC_old[[i]], simuIc_s[[i]],
# main = paste("Delta Ic"),
# ylab=NULL)
# }
# dev.off()
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