## Author: Zhezhen Wang; Andrew Goldstein; Yuxi Sun; Xinan H Yang
## Email: zhezhen@uchicago.edu;andrewgoldstein@uchicago.edu; ysun11@uchicago.edu; xyang2@uchicago.edu
## Last update: 04/20/2022
## Acknowledgement: National Institutes of Health R21LM012619
## 1/15/2022 update optimize.sd_selection() to track system running progress with the packae utils, suppress the warnning in the function getMCI() by Holly Yang
## 1/04/2021 updated getIc: allowing NA values in the countC matrix to be calculated for PCCs
## 12/02/2020 updated the following:
## Allow direct calculation of the average of PCCs which equals to an average of PCCs matrix shrunk toward 'average',
## thus saving the computation time,
## by adding 'none' into the characteristic arguments of PCC_sample.target.
## Note that we have the two following reasons to shut off the parameter target='average' in the function cor.shrink():
## --Theoretically, the 'TARGET D' outlined by Schafer and Strimmer (2005) can't be fed by the estimated average.
## --Practically, the shrinkage towards average generates an estimated matrix,
## --whose average value remains the same as that of its observation matrix.
## Allow a numeric argument of 'target' or 'PCC_sample.target' to shrink towards any number between [0,1].
## Update the examples code for avg.cor.shrink() and cor.shrink()
## Update the function cor.shrink() for the cases when Y exists. Now the same results as that only feeding a combined (X,Y).
## 11/2020 updated the folowing:
## Add function getNextMaxStats()
## Revise the example code for the function getMaxStats()
## 10/08/2020 Allowe user to chose the shrinking target for PCC_s between ('zero,'half', and 'ave')
## 10/05/2020 Update optimize.sd_selection()
## 9/29/2020 Updates are the following:
## Fix bugs in the function cor.shrink() to shrink PCC_s (towards average by modifying the theory of the the Schafer-Strimmer method)
## plot_SS_Simulation() allows the parameer xlim
## 8/28/2020 Updates are the following:
## Clean the bugs when calling optimize.sd_selection() with parameters method = 'previous',method = 'reference' or cuttoff = 1
## Customalize the font size of title in the function plotBar_MCI()
## 06/19/2020 Updates are the following:
## Add the parameter for the function getMaxMCImember()
## Add new functions to estimate pairwise-correlation matric which is the key statistics for tipping-point identificaion.
## Simplified the parameter using for the function getIc(); correct typo in exampling codes.
## Correct error in the function getNetwork().
## Allowing getMCI to do local estimation of a correlation matrix, which runs faster than global estimation.
#' @import utils
#' @import MASS
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @import monocle3
#' @title Assigning Transcript Biotypes
#' @description
#' The purpose of the \code{getBiotypes}() function is to class both coding and noncoding
#' transcripts into biotypes using the most recent GENCODE annotations. This
#' tool can also be used to define potential lncRNAs, given an available genome
#' transcriptome assembly (a gtf file) or any genomic loci of interest.
#' @param full_gr A GRanges object which contains either coding or noncoding
#' transcripts. Each GRanges objects' columns requires a unique
#' identifications. For further details refer to the GRanges package.
#' @param gencode_gr A GRanges object containing a human Chr21 GENCODE reference
#' annotation. A metadata column, "biotype", describes the transcript type.
#' @param intron_gr A GRanges object containing the coordinates of non-coding
#' transcripts.
#' @param minoverlap An IRanges argument which detects minimum overlap between
#' two IRanges objects. For more information about minoverlap argument refer to the
#' IRanges package.
#' @details For details of findOverlaps, type.partialOverlap, type.50Overlap
#' type.toPlot, queryhits, and subjecthits see
#' GenomicRanges \url{https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/GenomicRanges.html},
#' IRanges \url{https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/IRanges.html},
#' and BiocManager \url{http://bioconductor.org/install/index.html}.
#' @return A GRanges object that returns classified transcriptome biotypes.
#' @source Reference GRCh37 genome \url{https://www.gencodegenes.org/human/release_25lift37.html}
#' for details on gtf format visit ensemble \url{https://useast.ensembl.org/info/website/upload/gff.html}
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges findOverlaps pintersect mcols width
#' @references
#' Wang, Z.Z., J. M. Cunningham and X. H. Yang (2018).
#' 'CisPi: a transcriptomic score for disclosing cis-acting disease-associated lincRNAs.'
#' Bioinformatics 34(17): 664-670', PMID: 30423099'
#' @examples
#' # Input datasets from our package's data folder
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' data("gencode")
#' data("intron")
#' data("ILEF")
#' # Converting datasets to GRanges object
#' gencode_gr = GRanges(gencode)
#' ILEF_gr = GRanges(ILEF)
#' cod_gr = GRanges(cod)
#' intron_gr = GRanges(intron)
#' # Filtering non-coding transcripts
#' getBiotypes(ILEF_gr, gencode_gr, intron_gr)
#' \dontrun{getBiotypes(intron_gr)}
#' @note
#' Replace the PATH_FILE when loading your data locally.
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges findOverlaps pintersect mcols width countOverlaps GRanges
#' @export
#' @author Zhezhen Wang and Biniam Feleke
getBiotypes <- function(full_gr, gencode_gr, intron_gr = NULL, minoverlap = 1L)
# require(GenomicRanges)
if (all(is(full_gr) != "GRanges"))
stop("please give full_gr as a \"GRanges\" object")
if (all(is(gencode_gr) != "GRanges"))
stop("pealse give gencode_gr as a \"GRanges\" object")
if (all(is(intron_gr) != "GRanges" & !is.null(intron_gr)))
stop("please give intron_gr as a \"GRanges\" object")
hits = findOverlaps(full_gr, gencode_gr, type = "within", minoverlap = minoverlap)
full = as.data.frame(full_gr)
full$type.fullOverlap = "de novo"
idx = as.data.frame(mcols(full_gr[queryHits(hits)]))
if (nrow(idx) != 0) {
idx$biotype = as.data.frame(mcols(gencode_gr[subjectHits(hits)]))[, 1]
idx_collapse = aggregate(as.list(idx["biotype"]), idx["Row.names"],
FUN = function(X) paste(unique(X), collapse = ", "))
idx_full = match(idx_collapse$Row.names, full$Row.names)
full[idx_full, ]$type.fullOverlap = idx_collapse$biotype
hits = findOverlaps(full_gr, gencode_gr, minoverlap = minoverlap)
overlaps <- pintersect(full_gr[queryHits(hits)], gencode_gr[subjectHits(hits)])
percentOverlap <- width(overlaps)/width(gencode_gr[subjectHits(hits)])
idx = as.data.frame(mcols(full_gr[queryHits(hits)]))
idx$biotype = as.data.frame(mcols(gencode_gr[subjectHits(hits)]))
idx_collapse = aggregate(as.list(idx["biotype"]), idx["Row.names"],
FUN = function(X) paste(unique(X), collapse = ", "))
full$type.partialOverlap = "de novo"
idx_partial = match(idx_collapse$Row.names, full$Row.names)
full[idx_partial, ]$type.partialOverlap = idx_collapse$biotype
idx$percentOverlap = percentOverlap
idx_50 = subset(idx, percentOverlap >= 0.5)
idx_50collapse = aggregate(as.list(idx_50["biotype"]), idx_50["Row.names"],
FUN = function(X) paste(unique(X), collapse = ", "))
full$type.50Overlap = "de novo"
idx_50 = match(idx_50collapse$Row.names, full$Row.names)
full[idx_50, ]$type.50Overlap = idx_50collapse$biotype
if (!is.null(intron_gr)) {
hits = findOverlaps(full_gr, intron_gr)
idx = unique(as.data.frame(mcols(full_gr[queryHits(hits)])))
full$hasIntron = "no"
idx_intron = match(idx$Row.names, full$Row.names)
if (length(idx_intron) != 0)
full[idx_intron, ]$hasIntron = "yes"
} else (full$hasIntron = NA)
full$type.toPlot = ifelse(full$hasIntron == "yes" & full$type.50Overlap == "protein_coding",
full$type.toPlot = sapply(full$type.toPlot,
function(x) ifelse(grepl("protein_coding", x) & grepl("antisense", x),
"protein_coding_antisense", x))
full$type.toPlot = sapply(full$type.toPlot,
function(x) ifelse(grepl("protein_coding, ", x), "protein_coding_mixed",
full$type.toPlot = sapply(full$type.toPlot,
function(x) ifelse(grepl(", protein_coding", x), "protein_coding_mixed", x))
full$type.toPlot = sapply(full$type.toPlot,
function(x) ifelse(grepl("lincRNA", x), "lincRNA", x))
full$type.toPlot = sapply(full$type.toPlot,
function(x) ifelse(grepl("antisense, ", x), "antisense", x))
full$type.toPlot = sapply(full$type.toPlot,
function(x) ifelse(grepl(", antisense", x), "antisense", x))
label = c("protein_coding", "protein_coding_mixed", "lincRNA",
"antisense", "pseudogene, processed_pseudogene",
"pseudogene, unprocessed_pseudogene", "de novo",
"protein_coding_antisense", "protein_coding_intron",
full$type.toPlot = sapply(full$type.toPlot,
function(x) ifelse(!x %in% label, "other_noncoding", x))
#' @title Overlapping Coding Regions
#' @description
#' The \code{getReadthrough}() function is used to find long transcripts that cover more
#' than two coding regions for gene regions of interest.
#' @param gr A GRanges object that shows the start and end loci on the genome.
#' @param cod_gr A GRanges object containing coding regions.
#' @details For details of findOverlaps, type.partialOverlap, type.50Overlap
#' type.toPlot, queryhits, readthrough and subjecthits see,
#' GenomicRanges \url{https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/GenomicRanges.html},
#' IRanges \url{https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/IRanges.html},
#' and BiocManager \url{http://bioconductor.org/install/index.html}.
#' @return A GRanges object that returns overlapping regions of the classified transcript biotypes.
#' @source Reference GRCh37 genome \url{https://www.gencodegenes.org/human/release_25lift37.html}.
#' For details on gtf format visit ensemble \url{https://useast.ensembl.org/info/website/upload/gff.html}.
#' @references
#' Wang, Z. Z., J. M. Cunningham and X. H. Yang (2018).'CisPi: a transcriptomic
#' score for disclosing cis-acting disease-associated lincRNAs.'
#' Bioinformatics34(17): 664-670'
#' @examples
#' #First Load datasets and libraries
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' data("gencode")
#' data("ILEF")
#' data("cod")
#' # Assigning datasets a GRanges object
#' gencode_gr = GRanges(gencode)
#' ILEF_gr = GRanges(ILEF)
#' cod_gr = GRanges(cod)
#' getReadthrough(ILEF_gr, cod_gr)
#' \dontrun{getReadthrough(cod_gr)}
#' @note
#' Replace the path_file when loading data locally to the data directory.
#' @export
#' @author Zhezhen Wang and Biniam Feleke
getReadthrough = function(gr, cod_gr)
# require(GenomicRanges)
full_table = data.frame(gr)
overlapcount = countOverlaps(gr, cod_gr)
completeoverlap = unique(subjectHits(findOverlaps(cod_gr, GRanges(full_table$ID), type = 'within')))
if(length(completeoverlap) == 0){
full_table$readthrough = ifelse(overlapcount>2, 1, 0)
full_table$readthrough = ifelse(overlapcount>2 & row.names(completeoverlap) %in% completeoverlap, 1, 0)
gr = GRanges(subset(full_table, readthrough == 1))
idx = subset(full_table, readthrough == 1)$ID
overlaps = as.data.frame(findOverlaps(gr, cod_gr))
splitoverlaps = split(overlaps, f = overlaps$queryHits)
table(sapply(splitoverlaps, nrow)>1)
cod_grL = sapply(splitoverlaps, function(x) cod_gr[x$subjectHits])
overlapL = sapply(cod_grL, function(x) findOverlaps(x))
notoverlap = sapply(overlapL, function(x) identical(queryHits(x), subjectHits(x)))
tmp = rep(TRUE, nrow(full_table))
tmp[full_table$readthrough == 1] = notoverlap
full_table$readthrough = ifelse(full_table$readthrough == 1 & !tmp, 1, 0)
#' @title Selecting Highly Oscillating Transcripts
#' @description \code{sd_selection} pre-selects highly oscillating transcripts
#' from the input dataset \code{df}. The dataset must contain multiple samples
#' groups (or 'states'). For each state, the function filters the dataset using
#' a cutoff value for standard deviation. The default cutoff value is 0.01
#' (i.e., higher than the top 1\% standard deviation).
#' @param df A numeric matrix or data frame. The rows and columns represent
#' unique transcript IDs (geneID) and sample names, respectively.
#' @param samplesL A list of vectors, whose length is the number of states. Each
#' vector gives the sample names in a state. Note that the vectors (sample names) must
#' be among the column names of the R object 'df'.
#' @param cutoff A positive numeric value. Default is 0.01. If <= 1,
#' automatically selects top x transcripts using a selecting
#' method (which is either the \code{reference}, \code{other} stages or \code{previous}
#' stage), e.g. by default it will select the top 1 percentage of the transcripts.
#' @param method Selection of methods from \code{reference},\code{other}, \code{previous},
#' default uses \code{other}. Partial match enabled.
#' * \code{itself}, or \code{longitudinal reference}. Some specific requirements for each
#' option:
#' * \code{reference}, the reference has to be the first.
#' * \code{previous}, make sure \code{sampleL} is in the right order from benign to malign.
#' * \code{itself}, make sure the cutoff is smaller than 1.
#' * \code{longitudinal reference} make sure \code{control_df} and \code{control_samplesL} are not NULL.
#' The row number of control_df is the same as df and all transcripts in df are also in control_df.
#' @param control_df A count matrix with unique loci as row names and samples names
#' of control samples as column names, only used for method \code{longitudinal reference}
#' @param control_samplesL A list of characters with stages as names of control
#' samples, required for method 'longitudinal reference'
#' @return \code{sd_selection()} A list of data frames, whose length is the number
#' of states. The rows in each data frame are the filtered transcripts with
#' highest standard deviation selected from \code{df} and based on an assigned cutoff
#' value. Each resulting data frame represents a subset of the raw
#' input \code{df}, with the sample ID of the same state in the column.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{optimize.sd_selection}}
#' @import psych
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}
sd_selection = function(df, samplesL, cutoff = 0.01,
method = c('other', 'reference', 'previous', 'itself', 'longitudinal reference'),
control_df = NULL, control_samplesL = NULL)
# require(psych)
method = match.arg(method)
if(is.null(names(samplesL))) stop('please provide name to samplesL')
if(any(!do.call(c, lapply(samplesL, as.character)) %in% colnames(df)))
stop('please check if all sample names provided in "samplesL" are in colnames of "df"')
if(any(lengths(samplesL)<2)) stop('please make sure there are at least one sample in every state')
tmp = names(samplesL)
samplesL = lapply(samplesL, as.character)
test2 = sapply(tmp, function(x) apply(df[, as.character(samplesL[[x]])], 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE))
if(method == 'reference'){
ref = as.character(samplesL[[1]])
sdref = apply(df[, ref], 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
#sds = lapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x]/sdref)
sds = sapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x]/sdref) # corrected on 8/28/2020
names(sds) = tmp
}else if(method == 'other'){
othersample = lapply(1: length(samplesL), function(x) do.call(c, samplesL[-x]))
names(othersample) = tmp
sdother = sapply(tmp,
function(x) apply(df[, as.character(othersample[[x]])], 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE))
sds = lapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x]/sdother[, x])
names(sds) = tmp
}else if(method == 'previous'){
warning('Using method "previous", make sure sampleL is in the right order')
sds = lapply(2:ncol(test2), function(x) test2[, x]/test2[, x-1])
tmp = tmp[-1]
names(sds) = tmp
}else if(method == 'itself'){
if(cutoff>1) stop('Using method "itself", cutoff must be smaller or equal to 1')
sds = lapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x])
names(sds) = tmp
}else if(method == 'longitudinal reference'){
if(is.null(control_df) | is.null(control_samplesL))
stop('Using method "longitudinal reference",
make sure "control_df" and "sampleL" are assigned')
if(nrow(df) != nrow(control_df) | !all(row.names(df) %in% row.names(control_df)))
stop('please make sure the row numbers of "control_df"
is the same as "df" and all transcripts in "df" are also in "control_df".')
control = sapply(tmp,
function(x) apply(control_df[, as.character(control_samplesL[[x]])],
1, sd, na.rm = TRUE))
sds = lapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x]/control[, x])
names(sds) = tmp
stop("method need to be selected from 'reference', 'other', 'previous', 'itself',
or 'longitudinal reference' ")
if(cutoff<= 1){ # add = 8/28/2020
topdf = nrow(df)*cutoff
sdtop = lapply(tmp, function(x) names(sds[[x]][order(sds[[x]], decreasing = TRUE)[1:topdf]]))
sdtop = lapply(tmp, function(x) names(sds[[x]][sds[[x]]>cutoff]))
names(sdtop) = tmp
subdf = lapply(tmp, function(x) df[, as.character(samplesL[[x]])])
names(subdf) = tmp
subm = lapply(names(subdf), function(x) subset(subdf[[x]], row.names(subdf[[x]]) %in% sdtop[[x]]))
names(subm) = tmp
if(any(is.na(subm))) { ## added on 2/28/2020
a <- apply(subm[[i]], 1, function(x) sum(x,na.rm = TRUE))
tmp <- which(is.na(a))
if(length(tmp)>0) subm[[i]] <- subm[[i]][-a,]
b <- apply(subm[[i]], 2, function(x) sum(x,na.rm = TRUE))
tmp <- which(is.na(b))
if(length(tmp)>0) subm[[i]] <- subm[[i]][,-b]
#' @title Optimization of sd selection
#' @description The \code{optimize.sd_selection} filters a multi-state dataset
#' based on a cutoff value for standard deviation per state and optimizes.
#' By default, a cutoff value of 0.01 is used. Suggested if each state contains more than 10 samples.
#' @param df A dataframe of numerics. The rows and columns
#' represent unique transcript IDs (geneID) and sample names, respectively.
#' @param samplesL A list of n vectors, where n is the number of
#' states. Each vector gives the sample names in a state. Note that the vectors
#' (sample names) has to be among the column names of the R object 'df'.
#' @param B An integer indicating the number of times to run this optimization, default 1000.
#' @param percent A numeric value indicating the percentage of samples will
#' be selected in each round of simulation.
#' @param times A numeric value indicating the percentage of \code{B} times a transcript
#' need to be selected in order to be considered a stable signature.
#' @param cutoff A positive numeric value. Default is 0.01. If <= 1, automatically
#' goes to select top x# transcripts using a selecting method (which is
#' either the \code{reference}, \code{other} or \code{previous} stage), e.g. by
#' default it will select the top 1 percentage of the transcripts.
#' @param method Selection of methods from \code{reference}, \code{other}, \code{previous},
#' default uses \code{other}. Partial match enabled.
#' * \code{itself}, or \code{longitudinal reference}. Some specific requirements for each
#' option:
#' * \code{reference}, the reference has to be the first.
#' * \code{previous}, make sure \code{sampleL} is in the right order from benign to malign.
#' * \code{itself}, make sure the cutoff is smaller than 1.
#' * \code{longitudinal reference} make sure control_df and control_samplesL are not NULL.
#' The row numbers of control_df is the same as df and all transcript in df are also in control_df.
#' @param control_df A count matrix with unique loci as row names and samples names
#' of control samples as column names, only used for method \code{longitudinal reference}.
#' @param control_samplesL A list of characters with stages as names of control
#' samples, required for method 'longitudinal reference'.
#' @return A list of dataframe of filtered transcripts with the highest standard
#' deviation are selected from \code{df} based on a cutoff value assigned. The
#' resulting dataframe represents a subset of the raw input \code{df}.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{sd_selection}}
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}
optimize.sd_selection = function(df, samplesL, B = 100, percent = 0.8,
times = 0.8, cutoff = 0.01,
method = c('other', 'reference', 'previous', 'itself', 'longitudinal reference'),
control_df = NULL, control_samplesL = NULL)
# require(utils)
method = match.arg(method)
if(is.null(names(samplesL))) stop('please provide name to samplesL')
if(any(!do.call(c, lapply(samplesL, as.character)) %in% colnames(df)))
stop('please check if all sample names provided in "samplesL" are in colnames of "df"')
if(any(lengths(samplesL)<2)) stop('please make sure there are at least one sample in every state')
N.random = lapply(seq_along(samplesL), function(x) matrix(0, nrow = nrow(df), ncol = B))
for(i in seq_along(N.random)){
row.names(N.random[[i]]) = row.names(df)
N = lengths(samplesL)
k = round(N*percent)
# X <- nrow(counts)*top
# Y <- sapply(lociL, nrow)
for(i in c(1:B)) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
random_sample_id = lapply(seq_along(k),
function(x) sample(1:N[[x]], k[[x]])) # replace = FALSE by default
names(random_sample_id) = names(samplesL)
selected_matrix = lapply(names(samplesL),
function(x) df[, samplesL[[x]][random_sample_id[[x]]]]) ## update 10/05/2020
test2 = sapply(selected_matrix,
function(x) apply(x, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)) # a matrix of gene_sd in row and class in column
tmp = names(samplesL)
colnames(test2) = tmp
if(method == 'reference'){
#ref = selected_counts[[1]]
#sdref = apply(ref, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
sdref = test2[,1] ## simplified on 8/28/2020
#sds = lapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x]/sdref[, x])
sds = sapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x]/sdref) ## correct on 8/28/2020
names(sds) = tmp
}else if(method == 'other'){
samplesL = lapply(samplesL, as.character)
othersample = lapply(seq_along(tmp),
function(x) do.call(c, samplesL[-x]))
names(othersample) = tmp
selecteddf = do.call(cbind, selected_matrix)
#selecteds = lapply(tmp, function(x) othersample[[x]][othersample[[x]] %in% colnames(selecteddf)])
sdother = sapply(tmp,
function(x) apply(df[, othersample[[x]]], 1,
function(y) sd(y, na.rm = TRUE)))
sds = lapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x]/sdother[, x])
names(sds) = tmp
}else if(method == 'previous'){
cat('Using method "previous", make sure sampleL is in the right order')
sds = lapply(2:ncol(test2), function(x) test2[, x]/test2[, x-1])
tmp <- tmp[-1] ## corrected 08/28/2020
names(sds) = tmp
}else if(method == 'itself'){
if(cutoff>1) stop('Using method "itself", cutoff must be smaller or equal to 1')
sds = lapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x])
names(sds) = tmp
}else if(method == 'longitudinal reference'){
if(is.null(control_df) | is.null(control_samplesL))
stop('Using method "longitudinal reference",
make sure "control_df" and "sampleL" are assigned')
if(nrow(df) != nrow(control_df) | !all(row.names(df) %in% row.names(control_df)))
stop('please make sure the row numbers of "control_df"
is the same as "df" and all transcripts in "df" are also in "control_df".')
control = sapply(tmp, function(x)
apply(control_df[, as.character(control_samplesL[[x]])], 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE))
sds = lapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x]/control[, x])
names(sds) = tmp
stop("method need to be selected from 'reference',
'other', 'previous', 'itself', 'longitudinal reference'")
if(cutoff<= 1){
topdf = nrow(selected_matrix[[1]])*cutoff # each selected_counts[[i]] has the same rownames as the input df
## topdf = nrow(selected_matrix[[i]])*cutoff # error-causing when (i in 1:B) larger than the lengths of samplesL
sdtop = lapply(tmp,
function(x) names(sds[[x]][order(sds[[x]], decreasing = TRUE)[1:topdf]]))
sdtop = lapply(tmp, function(x) names(sds[[x]][sds[[x]]>cutoff]))
# cat(i, '\t')
names(sdtop) = tmp
names(N.random) = tmp
for(j in tmp){
N.random[[j]][sdtop[[j]], i] = 1 # mark the selection
times = times*B
stable = lapply(N.random, function(x) row.names(x[rowSums(x)>times, ]))
names(stable) = tmp
subdf = lapply(tmp, function(x) df[, as.character(samplesL[[x]])])
names(subdf) = tmp
subm = lapply(names(subdf),
function(x) subset(subdf[[x]], row.names(subdf[[x]]) %in% stable[[x]]))
names(subm) = tmp
getCluster = function(igraphL, steps = 4)
# require(igraph)
if(length(steps) == 1 & steps %% 1 == 0){ ##grepl("^[1-9]{1, }$", step) only works for 1 digit
steps = rep(steps, length(igraphL))
}else if(length(steps) != 1 | length(steps) != length(igraphL)){
stop('check step: must be postive integer(s) of length 1 or length of igraphL')
groups = list()
for(i in seq_along(igraphL)){
if(nrow(as_data_frame(igraphL[[i]])) != 0){
groups[[i]] = cluster_walktrap(igraphL[[i]],
weight = abs(E(igraphL[[i]])$weight),
steps = steps[i])
groups[[i]] = NA
#groups = lapply(seq_along(igraphL),
# function(x) cluster_walktrap(igraphL[[x]], weight = abs(E(igraphL[[x]])$weight), steps = steps[x]))
# changed weight to abs(PCC) 12/18/2018
names(groups) = names(igraphL)
#' @title Clustering Network Nodes
#' @description This function runs over all states which are grouped samples.
#' For each state, this function splits the correlation network generated from
#' the function \code{\link{getNetwork}} into several sub-networks (which we
#' called 'module'). The network nodes will be defined by the end-user. For
#' transcriptome analysis, network nodes can be the expressed transcripts. The
#' outputs of this function include the module IDs and node IDs per module.
#' @param igraphL A list of numerical matrices or a list of igraph objects. The
#' list of igraph objects can be the output from the getNetwork function.
#' @param method A mathematical clustering model for analyzing network nodes.
#' Default is a random walk ('rw'). A method could be 'rw', 'hcm', 'km',
#' 'pam', or 'natural', where:
#' * rw: random walk using cluster_walktrap function in igraph package.
#' 'igraphL' has to be a list of igraph.
#' * hcm: hierarchical clustering using function \link[stats]{hclust})
#' and \link[stats]{dist}, using method
#' 'complete'.
#' * km and pam: k-medoids or PAM algorithm using \link[TSdist]{KMedoids}.
#' * natural: if nodes are disconnected, they may naturally cluster and form
#' sub-networks.
#' @param cutoff A numeric value, default is NULL. For each method it means:
#' * rw: the number of steps needed, see \link[igraph]{cluster_walktrap}
#' for more detail. If "cutoff" is not assigned, default of 4 will be used.
#' * hcm, km and pam: number of clusters wanted. No default assigned.
#' * natural: does not use this parameter.
#' @return When method = rw: A list of \code{\link[igraph]{communities}} objects of R package
#' igraph, whose length is the length of the input object \code{igraphL}.
#' These \code{\link[igraph]{communities}} objects can be used for
#' visualization when being assigned to the 'mark.groups' parameter of the
#' \code{\link[igraph]{plot.igraph}} function of the igraph package. Otherwise this
#' function returns a list of vectors, whose length is the length of the input
#' object \code{igraphL}. The names of each vector are the pre-selected
#' transcript IDs by th function \code{\link{sd_selection}}. Each vector,
#' whose length is the number of pre-selected transcript in a state, contains
#' the module IDs.
#' @examples
#' test = list('state1' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 3, 3), 'state2' =
#' matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 3, 3), 'state3' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 3, 3))
#' #assign colnames and rownames to the matrix
#' for(i in names(test)){
#' colnames(test[[i]]) = 1:3
#' row.names(test[[i]]) = 1:3}
#' #using 'rw' or 'natural' method
#' igraphL <- getNetwork(test, fdr = 1)
#' #[1] "state1:3 nodes"
#' #[1] "state2:3 nodes"
#' #[1] "state3:3 nodes"
#' cl <- getCluster_methods(igraphL)
#' #using 'km', 'pam' or 'hcm'
#' cl <- getCluster_methods(test, method = 'pam', cutoff = 2)
#' @export
#' @import igraph cluster TSdist
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}
getCluster_methods = function(igraphL, method = c('rw', 'hcm', 'km', 'pam', 'natural'), cutoff = NULL)
# require(igraph)
# require(TSdist)
# require(psych)
method <- match.arg(method)
if(method == 'rw'){
if(all(sapply(igraphL, class) != 'igraph'))
stop('random walk clustering needs a list of igraph object
which can be obtained using getNetwork')
if(!is.null(cutoff)) if(cutoff%%1 != 0)
warning('Please provide a integer as "cutoff" for the cluster method random walk')
if(is.null(cutoff)) cutoff = 4
groups = getCluster(igraphL, cutoff)
} else if(method == 'hcm'){
if(all(!sapply(igraphL, class) %in% c('matrix', 'data.frame')))
stop('hierarchical clustering needs a list of matrix or data.frame as the 1st argument')
if(is.null(cutoff)) stop('hierarchical clustering needs "cutoff"
to be assigned as the number of clusters wanted')
testL = lapply(igraphL, function(x) corr.test(t(x), adjust = 'fdr', ci = FALSE)$r)
groupsL = lapply(seq_along(testL), function(x) hclust(dist(testL[[x]]), method = "complete"))
par(mfrow = c(1, length(groupsL)))
sapply(groupsL, function(x) plot(x))
groups = lapply(groupsL, function(x) cutree(x, cutoff))
} else if(method %in% c('km', 'pam')){
if(all(!sapply(igraphL, class) %in% c('matrix', 'data.frame')))
stop('k-mediods or PAM clustering needs a list of matrix or data.frame as the 1st argument')
if(is.null(cutoff)) stop('hierarchical clustering needs "cutoff"
to be assigned as the number of clusters wanted')
testL = lapply(igraphL, function(x) corr.test(t(x), adjust = 'fdr', ci = FALSE)$r)
groups = lapply(seq_along(testL),
function(x) pam(testL[[x]], cutoff, metric = 'euclidean')$clustering)
}else if(method == 'natrual'){
warning('selecting "natural" which will not use "cutoff" parameter')
if(all(sapply(igraphL, class) != 'igraph'))
stop('selecting "natural" which needs a list of igraph object
as the 1st argument which can be obtained using getNetwork')
groups = lapply(seq_along(igraphL), function(x) components(igraphL[[x]])$membership)
}else(stop('please select from "rw", "hcm", "km", "pam", "natrual" as method'))
#' @title plot MCI barplots
#' @description A barplot of MCI for all clusters in all states.
#' @param MCIl A list can be obtained through getMCI.
#' @param ylim A vector needed if the output barplots need to be on the same y scale.
#' @param nr The number of rows to plot.
#' @param nc The number of columns to plot, default length(groups).
#' @param order A character vector of the order of the barplot.
#' Default is NULL which uses the input list order.
#' @param minsize A non-negative numeric value of minimum size allowed for a cluster.
#' @param states A character of the state names to be shown on the plot. Default is NULL,
#' assign this if you want to show all states including states without nodes.
#' @param title.size Integer; the point size of the title.
#' This paramter is past to the graphical parameter \code{ps} to graphical function \code{title}.
#' What is meant by 'point size' is device-specific, but most devices mean a multiple of 1bp, that is 1/72 of an inch.
#' @export
#' @return Return a barplot of MCI scores across states.
#' @references Chen L, Liu R, Liu Z, Li M & Aihara K (2012)
#' Detecting early-warning signals for sudden deterioration of complex diseases by dynamical network biomarkers
#' Scientific Reports 2:342
#' @examples
#' test = list('state1' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3),
#' 'state2' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3),
#' 'state3' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3))
#' # assign colnames and rownames to the matrix
#' for(i in names(test)){
#' colnames(test[[i]]) = 1:3
#' row.names(test[[i]]) = c('g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4')
#' }
#' cluster = list(c(1, 2, 2, 1), c(1, 2, 3, 1), c(2, 2, 1, 1))
#' names(cluster) = names(test)
#' for(i in names(cluster)){
#' names(cluster[[i]]) = c('g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4')
#' }
#' membersL <- getMCI(cluster, test)
#' plotBar_MCI(membersL)
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}
plotBar_MCI = function(MCIl, ylim = NULL, nr = 1, nc = NULL,
order = NULL, minsize = 3, states = NULL,
title.size = 30) ## update 08/28/2020
membersL = MCIl[[1]]
MCI = MCIl[[2]]
loop = names(membersL)
if(any(!order %in% names(membersL)))
stop('make sure all names provided in "order" is included in names of "countsL"')
loop = order
if(!is.null(states)) loop = states
if(is.null(nc)) nc = length(loop)
par(mfrow = c(nr, nc))
for(i in loop){
if(! i %in% names(MCI)){
mci = m = 0
mci = MCI[[i]]
m = membersL[[i]]
tmp = names(mci[is.na(mci)])
if(length(tmp) != 0) m = m[!m %in% tmp] # added in 10/27/2019
nmembers = sapply(names(table(m)), function(x) length(m[m == x]))
#cex = ifelse(length(m)>20, 0.7, 1)
mci = mci[!is.na(mci)]
if(!minsize<0 & minsize != 1){
mci = mci[!nmembers<minsize]
nmembers = nmembers[!nmembers<minsize]
warning('"minisize" need to be a non')
if(length(mci) == 0) mci = 0
mci[is.na(mci)] = 0
bar = barplot(mci, col = rainbow(length(mci), alpha = 0.3),
#legend = paste0('#', names(m), ' = ', sapply(m, nrow)),
#main = paste0(i, ' (n = ', max(m), ')'),
main = '', ## update 08/28/2020
ylab = 'DNB score',
xlab = 'modules', #args.legend = list(cex = cex)
ylim = ylim,
cex.axis = 1.5,
cex.names = 1.5,
cex.main = 1.5,
cex.lab = 1.5)
title(main = paste0(i, '\n', max(m), ' modules'), ps = title.size) ## update 08/28/2020
if(all(mci != 0)) text(bar, mci, nmembers, cex = 1.5)
#' @title Identifying the 'Biomodule'
#' @description This function reports the 'biomodule', which is the module with
#' the maximum Module Critical Index (MCI) scores for each state. Each state
#' can have multiple modules (groups of subnetworks derived from the function
#' \code{\link{getCluster_methods}}). This function runs over all states.
#' @param membersL A list of vectors with unique sample ids as cluster names. The length
#' of this list is equal to the number of states in the study. This can be the
#' first element of the output from function \code{getMCI} or the output from
#' \code{getCluster_methods}, see Examples for more detail.
#' @param MCIl A list of numeric vectors with unique cluster numbers as names.
#' Each vector represents the MCI scores of that module. This can be the
#' second element of the output from function \code{getMCI}.
#' @param minsize A numerical value of the minimum module size (the number of
#' transcripts in a cluster) to output for downstream analysis.
#' @return A nested list whose length is the length of the input object
#' \code{membersL}. Each internal list contains two objects: one object is
#' the vector of biomodule IDs across states, and the other object is a list of
#' transcript IDs (each defines the biomodule per state) across states.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #1st option: get the input directly from getMCI function
#' test = list('state1' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3),
#' 'state2' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3),
#' 'state3' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3))
#' # assign colnames and rownames to the matrix
#' for(i in names(test)){
#' colnames(test[[i]]) = 1:3
#' row.names(test[[i]]) = c('g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4')}
#' cluster = list(c(1, 2, 2, 1), c(1, 2, 3, 1), c(2, 2, 1, 1))
#' names(cluster) = names(test)
#' for(i in names(cluster)){
#' names(cluster[[i]]) = c('g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4')}
#' membersL <- getMCI(cluster, test)
#' maxMCIms <- getMaxMCImember(membersL[[1]], membersL[[2]], min = 3)
#' #The same as
#' maxMCIms <- getMaxMCImember(cluster, membersL[[2]], min = 2)
#'## case1: using 'rw' method by default
#'igraphL <- getNetwork(test, fdr = 1)
#'cl <- getCluster_methods(igraphL)
#'## make sure every element in list cl is a \code{communities} object
#'sapply(cl, class)
#'## state1 state2 state3
#'##"communities" "communities" "communities"
#'## If there is(are) state(s) that is(are) empty which will not be a communities object(s),
#'## please manually remove that state(s).
#'cl = cl[which(sapply(cl, class) == 'communities')]
#'## and then run
#'cluster = lapply(cl, membership)
#'maxCIms <- getMaxMCImember(cluster, membersL[[2]], min = 2)
#'## or run function 'getMCI' and use the 1st option
#'membersL <- getMCI(cl, test)
#'## case2: using methods other than the default
#'cl <- getCluster_methods(test, method = "pam", cutoff = 2)
#'## check to make sure membersL[[2]] has values and run
#'maxCIms <- getMaxMCImember(cl, membersL[[2]], min = 2)
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}, Xinan Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}
getMaxMCImember = function(membersL, MCIl, minsize = 1, n = 1)
if(n<1 | class(n) != "numeric") stop('please provide a >= 1 numeric for n')
if(is.null(names(membersL))) names(membersL) <- 1:length(membersL)
n <- round(n)
listn = names(membersL)
if(minsize >= 1){
minsize = minsize-1
CIl = lapply(seq_along(membersL), function(x)
ifelse(table(membersL[[x]])>minsize, MCIl[[x]], NA))
module_keep = lapply(seq_along(membersL), function(x)
names(table(membersL[[x]])[table(membersL[[x]])>(minsize)])) # corrected by xy from minsize-1 on 6/25/2020!
membersL = lapply(seq_along(membersL), function(x)
membersL[[x]][membersL[[x]] %in% module_keep[[x]]])
} else {
stop('please provide a minimum number of the cluster of interest,
which should be an integer that is larger than 0')
if(n>= 1) {
idx = lapply(CIl, which.max) # corrected on 8/28/2020
maxCI = lapply(seq_along(idx), function(x) names(membersL[[x]][membersL[[x]] == idx[x]]))
names(maxCI) = listn
names(idx) = listn
results <- list(idx = idx, members = maxCI)
names(CIl) = listn
for(j in 2:n){
x <- unlist(lapply(idx, length))
x <- names(x)[x>0]
for (i in x){
CIl[[i]][idx[[i]]] <- NA # mask the topest MCI score
idx[[i]] = c(idx[[i]], which.max( CIl[[i]])) # looking for the next maximum
results[[j+1]] <- lapply(seq_along(idx), function(x) unlist(names(membersL[[x]][membersL[[x]] == idx[[x]][j]])))
names(results[[j+1]]) = listn
names(results)[j+1] <- paste0(j,'topest.members')
results[['idx']] <- idx
#' @title Get the cluster index and network nodes of biomodule
#' @description This function retrieves the cluster index and network-node ids
#' for the identified biomodule (that shows the maximum MCI score) at each state in the study.
#' @param membersL A two-layer nested list of character or numeric values,
#' any one out of the five elements output by the function \code{\link{getMCI}}.
#' @param idx A vector of integers that are cluster ids of the biomodule
#' (the module with the highest MCI score) per state.
#' This is the first element of the result from \code{\link{getMaxMCImember}}.
#' @return A list describing the biomodule of each state, corresponding to one of the five elements
#' (members, MCI, Sd, PCC, and PCCo) outputted by the function \code{\link{getMCI}}.
#' The class of the vector depends on the class of the input parameter \code{membersL}.
#' @export
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{getMCI}}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2020)
#' test = list('state1' = matrix(rnorm(50,0,1), 10, 5),
#' 'state2' = matrix(rnorm(30,0,3), 10, 3),
#' 'state3' = matrix(rnorm(40,0,1), 10, 4))
#' ## Assign colnames and rownames to the matrix
#' for(i in 1:length(test)){
#' colnames(test[[i]]) = paste0('Cell_',i,1:ncol(test[[i]]))
#' row.names(test[[i]]) = paste0('g',1:10)
#' }
#' gene.cluster = list(rep(1:2, 5), c(rep(1:3,3),2), rep(1:5,2))
#' names(gene.cluster) = names(test)
#' for(i in names(gene.cluster)){
#' names(gene.cluster[[i]]) = paste0('g',1:10)
#' }
#' membersL <- getMCI(gene.cluster, test)
#' names(membersL)
#' # [1] "members" "MCI" "sd" "PCC" "PCCo"
#' ## A list of index of interested gene.cluster IDs per state
#' idx = c(which.max(membersL[['MCI']][[1]]),
#' which.max(membersL[['MCI']][[2]]),
#' which.max(membersL[['MCI']][[3]]))
#' names(idx) = names(membersL[['sd']])
#' getMaxStats(membersL[['sd']], idx)
#' getMaxStats(membersL[['MCI']], idx)
getMaxStats = function(membersL, idx)
if(any(is.null(names(idx)))| any(!names(idx) %in% names(membersL)))
stop('please make sure "idx" has names and all of its names is included in names of "membersL"')
member_max = lapply(names(idx), function(x) membersL[[x]][idx[[x]]])
names(member_max) = names(idx)
member_max = member_max[lengths(member_max)>0]
member_max = sapply(member_max, function(x) mean(x[[1]]))
#' @title Get the transcript ID and statistics for the n top MCI scores
#' @description This function generates a list of the n top MCI scores.
#' @param min A numerical value of the minimum number of transcripts in a cluster. A cutoff that determines
#' the smallest cluster in transcripts numbers in downstream analysis.
#' @param n An integer determines how many modules are evaluated (the top n MCI scores would be evaluated
#' for downstream analysis).
#' @param modulesL A list of integer named vectors.
#' The length of this list is equal to the number of states in the study.
#' The names of a vector are the ids of modules (gene clusters) per state.
#' This can be the first element of the output from the functions getMCI() or getCluster_methods(),
#' see Examples for more detail.
#' @param membersL A two-layer nested list of characters or numbers, being any one out of the five outputting elements
#' by the function getMCI(). This parameter is used to extract the stats (MCI, standard deviation, etc.),
#' which is used to calculate the top MCI's.
#' @param MCI1 A list of numeric vectors with unique cluster numbers as names. Each vector represents the
#' MCI scores of that module. This can be the second element of the outputting of the function getMCI().
#' @return Returns a numeric vector of the n top MCI scores
#' @export
#' @author Yuxi Sun \email{ysun11@@uchicago.edu}
#' @examples
#' #' test = list('state1' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3),
#' 'state2' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3),
#' 'state3' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3))
#' # assign colnames and rownames to the matrix
#' for(i in names(test)){
#' colnames(test[[i]]) = 1:3
#' row.names(test[[i]]) = c('g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4')}
#' cluster = list(c(1, 2, 2, 1), c(1, 2, 3, 1), c(2, 2, 1, 1))
#' names(cluster) = names(test)
#' for(i in names(cluster)){
#' names(cluster[[i]]) = c('g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4')}
#' membersL <- getMCI(cluster, test)
#' topMCI <- getTopMCI(membersL[[1]], membersL[[2]], membersL[[2]],
#' min = 3, n = 1)
getTopMCI = function(modulesL, MCI1, membersL, min, n = 1)
maxMCIms <- getMaxMCImember(modulesL, MCI1, min)
topMCI = getMaxStats(membersL,maxMCIms[[1]])
topMCI = topMCI[order(topMCI, decreasing = TRUE)]
topMCI = topMCI[1:n]
#' @title Plot the Maximized MCI per State
#' @description This function generates a line plot over multiple states with the maximum MCI score per state.
#' The module size (i.e., number of network nodes) is specified at each state in parentheses.
#' @param maxMCIms A list of 2 elements. The 1st element is an integer vector of module ids whose names are the state names.
#' The 2nd element is a list of character vectors per state. The vectors are network nodes (e.g. transcript ids).
#' This parameter can be obtained by running function \code{\link{getMaxMCImember}}.
#' @param MCIl A list of numeric vectors whose names are unique cluster ids.
#' Each vector represents the MCI scores of modules in a state.
#' This can be the second element of the output from the function \code{\link{getMCI}}.
#' @param las Numeric in {0, 1, 2, 3}; the style of axis labels. Default is 0, meaning labels are parallel.
#' See \code{\link{getMCI}} for more detail.
#' @param order A vector of state names in the customized order to be plotted, setting to NULL by default.
#' @param states A character vector of state names that will be shown on the plot, setting to NULL by default.
#' Assign this if you want to show all states, including states with no resulted modules.
#' This parameter will overwrite the parameter 'order'.
#' @return Returns a line plot of maximum MCI scores across the states
#' @export
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}
#' @examples
#' maxMCIms = list(c(state1 = 1, state2 = 2, state3 = 1),
#' c(list(state1 = c('g1', 'g2', 'g3'),
#' state2 = c('g3', 'g5'),
#' state3 = c('g2', 'g6'))))
#' MCIl = list(state1 = c('1' = 8.84, '2' = 6.4),
#' state2 = c('1' = NA, '2' = 9.5, '3' = NA),
#' state3 = c('1' = 2.3, '2' = 1.4))
#' plotMaxMCI(maxMCIms, MCIl)
plotMaxMCI = function(maxMCIms, MCIl, las = 0, order = NULL, states = NULL)
if(any(is.null(names(maxMCIms[[1]]))) | any(is.null(names(maxMCIms[[2]]))))
stop('Please give names for the 1st and 2nd element of the "maxMCIms" as well as "MCIl"')
CI = sapply(names(maxMCIms[[1]]), function(x) MCIl[[x]][maxMCIms[[1]][[x]]])
ln = names(maxMCIms[[1]])
names(CI) = ln
if(any(!order %in% names(maxMCIms[[2]])))
stop('make sure all names in "order" are in names of the 2nd element of "maxMCIms"')
if(any(!names(maxMCIms[[2]]) %in% order))
warning('not every state in "simulation" is plotted, make sure "order" is complete')
CI = sapply(order, function(x) MCIl[[x]][maxMCIms[[1]][[x]]])
ln = order
if(any(is(CI) == 'list')){
warning('changing NA CI score(s) to 0')
idx = sapply(CI, function(x) length(x) == 0)
CI[idx] = 0
CI = do.call(c, CI)
names(CI) = ln
CI = CI[states]
CI[is.na(CI)] = 0
ln = names(CI) = states
matplot(CI, type = 'l', ylab = 'DNB score', axes = FALSE)
len = sapply(ln, function(x) length(maxMCIms[[2]][[x]]))
len[is.na(len)] = 0
names(len) = ln
text(seq_along(CI), CI+0.01, paste0('(', len, ')'))
axis(side = 1, at = seq_along(CI), labels = ln, las = las)
#' Obtain the identified BioTiP and its length
#' @description Obtain the identified CTS transcripts.
#' @param maxMCI A list of numeric vectors, whose lengths are the numbers of system's states.
#' This gives the maximum MCI score of each state, and it can be obtained from the output of \code{\link{getMaxStats}}.
#' Names of the list need to be included in names of \code{maxMCIms}.
#' @param maxMCIms A list of character vectors whose length is the system's states studied.
#' The vectors records constructed gene-gene coexpression network nodes (e.g. transcript ids).
#' This parameter is the second element of the output of the function \code{\link{getMaxMCImember}}.
#' @return A list of character vectors, in which the elements are the unique IDs of the network nodes of the BioTiP.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' maxMCI <- c(a = 2.56, b = 8.52, c = 2.36, d = 4.81, e = 5.26)
#' maxMCIms <- list(a = c("A100", "A293", "C403"),
#' b = c("B853", "D826", "A406"),
#' c = c("J198", "D103", "B105"),
#' d = c("K529", "D385", "E358"),
#' e = c("J019", "U926", "N824"))
#' identical(names(maxMCI), names(maxMCIms))
#' # TRUE
#' getCTS(maxMCI, maxMCIms)
#' # "Length: 3"
#' # "B853" "D826" "A406"
#' @author Antonio Feliciano y Pleyto, Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu},
#' Yuxi Sun \email{ysun11@@uchicago.edu}
getCTS <- function(maxMCI, maxMCIms)
if (is.null(names(maxMCI))) {
stop("No names for maxMCI. Please provide names.")
if (is.null(names(maxMCIms))) {
stop("No names for maxMCIms. Please provide names.")
if (!all(names(maxMCI) %in% names(maxMCIms))) {
stop("Names of maxMCI has to be in maxMCIms.")
CTS_list = vector(mode = "list", length = length(maxMCI))
for (i in 1:length(maxMCI)) {
CTS_list[[i]] <- maxMCIms[[names(maxMCI)[i]]]
message(paste0("Length: ", length(CTS_list[[i]])))
names(CTS_list) <- names(maxMCI) ## added by Holly 06232020
#' @title plot a line plot of Ic scores for each state.
#' @description plot a line plot with Ic score for each state
#' @param Ic A vector with names of states. If order is not assigned,
#' then plot by the order of this vector.
#' @param las Numeric in {0, 1, 2, 3}; the style of axis labels.
#' Default is 0, meaning labels are parallel.
#' (link to
#' @param order A vector of state names in the customized order to be plotted, setting to NULL by default.
#' @param ylab titles y axes, as in plot.
#' @param col vector of colors. Colors are used cyclically.
#' @param main A character vector. The title of the plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param add logical. If TRUE, plots are added to the current one.
#' This is inherited from \link[graphics]{matplot}.
#' @param ylim An integer vector of length 2. Default is NULL.
#' @param lty An vector of line types. This is also inherited from \link[graphics]{matplot}.
#' @param lwd Anineger of line widths. This is also inherited from \link[graphics]{matplot}.
#' @export
#' @return Return a line plot of Ic score across states.
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}
#' @examples
#' Ic = c('state3' = 3.4, 'state1' = 5.6, 'state2' = 2)
#' plotIc(Ic, order = c('state1', 'state2', 'state3'))
plotIc = function(Ic, las = 0, order = NULL, ylab = "Ic.shrink", col = "black",
main = NULL, add = FALSE, ylim = NULL, lty = 1:5, lwd = 1)
if(any(!order %in% names(Ic))) stop('make sure "Ic" is named using names in "order"')
if(any(!names(Ic) %in% order)) warning('not every state in "Ic" is plotted, make sure "order" is complete')
Ic = Ic[order]
matplot(Ic, type = "l", ylab = ylab, axes = FALSE, col = col, main = main, add = add, ylim = ylim, lty = lty, lwd = lwd)
stages = names(Ic)
axis(side = 1, at = seq_along(Ic), labels = stages, las = las)
################# updated functions, 02/24/2020 #######################
#' @title Building Networks of Nodes
#' @description This function builds one correlation network for each state
#' (sample group) and runs across all states. The network nodes are defined by
#' the context of the input dataset. For transcriptomic network analysis,
#' network nodes can be the expressed transcript IDs and network links can be
#' the correlation coefficients. Using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient
#' (PCC) analysis, this function assembles a correlation network of nodes
#' (e.g., co-expressed transcripts) for each state using the R package igraph.
#' @param optimal A list of x numeric data frames, where x is the number of
#' states studied. Each data frame consists of loci with high standard
#' deviations. This object can be obtained through \code{sd_selection}
#' function.
#' @param fdr A numeric cutoff value for a Pearson Correlation Coefficient
#' (PCC) analysis. Default is 0.05. Transcripts are linked into a network if
#' their correlations meet this PCC-significance criterion.
#' @return A list of igraph objects whose length is the length of the input
#' object \code{optimal}. Each object is a network of correlated nodes whose
#' PCCs meet the significant criteria based on the false discovery rate (FDR)
#' control. The length of the list is the number of states with PCC networks.
#' If no PCC meets the significant criteria in a state, the state
#' will be deleted from the output.
#' @export
#' @import stringr psych
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}; Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}
#' @examples
#' test = list('state1' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 2, 3),
#' 'state2' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 2, 3),
#' 'state3' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 2, 3))
#' for(i in names(test)){
#' colnames(test[[i]]) = 1:3
#' row.names(test[[i]]) = 1:2}
#' igraphL <- getNetwork(test, fdr = 1)
#' #[1] "state1:2 nodes"
#' #[1] "state2:2 nodes"
#' #[1] "state3:2 nodes
getNetwork = function(optimal, fdr = 0.05)
# require(stringr)
# require(psych)
# require(igraph)
rL = lapply(optimal, function(x) corr.test(t(x), adjust = 'fdr', ci = FALSE)$r)
names(rL) = names(optimal)
pL = lapply(optimal, function(x) corr.test(t(x), adjust = 'fdr', ci = FALSE)$p)
if(is.null(names(rL))) stop('give names to the input list')
igraphL = list()
for(i in names(rL)){
test = rL[[i]]
test.p = pL[[i]]
# temprally replace '.' in a gene name with '+" ## note # 1
row.names(test) = gsub('.', '+', row.names(test), perl = FALSE, fixed = TRUE) # modified on 2/24/2020
row.names(test.p ) = gsub('.', '+', row.names(test.p), perl = FALSE, fixed = TRUE) # modified on 2/24/2020
test[lower.tri(test, diag = TRUE)] = NA
#test.p[lower.tri(test, diag = TRUE)] = 1
tmp = lapply(1:nrow(test), function(x) test[x, test.p[x, ]<fdr])
tmp_name = lapply(1:nrow(test), function(x) which(test.p[x, ]<fdr))
idx = which(lengths(tmp_name) == 1)
for(j in idx){
names(tmp[[j]]) = names(tmp_name[[j]])
names(tmp) = row.names(test)
edges = stack(do.call(c, tmp))
edges = subset(edges, !is.na(edges$values))
#tmp2 = subset(edges, grepl('[.][1-9, A-z][.]', ind))
#if(nrow(tmp2)!= 0){
# tmp2$node1 = paste0(str_split_fixed(tmp2$ind, '\\.', 3)[, 1], '.', str_split_fixed(tmp2$ind, '\\.', 3)[, 2])
# tmp2$node2 = str_split_fixed(tmp2$ind, '\\.', 3)[, 3]
#edges = subset(edges, !grepl('\\.[1-9, A-z]\\.', ind))
edges$node1 = str_split_fixed(edges$ind, '\\.', 2)[, 1]
edges$node2 = str_split_fixed(edges$ind, '\\.', 2)[, 2]
#edges = rbind(edges, tmp2)
# return back the '.' in a gene name from temprally used '+" ## note # 1
edges$node1 = gsub('+', '.', edges$node1, fixed = TRUE) # modified on 2/24/2020
edges$node2 = gsub('+', '.', edges$node2, fixed = TRUE) # modified on 2/24/2020
edges = edges[, c('node1', 'node2', 'values')]
edges$weight = abs(edges$values) # added in 1/8/2019
#colnames(edges) = c('node1', 'node2', 'weight') # added in 12/18/2018
nodes = data.frame(unique(c(edges$node1, edges$node2)))
message(paste0(i, ':', nrow(nodes), ' nodes')) #[1] 48 1
routes_igraph <- graph_from_data_frame(d = edges, vertices = nodes, directed = FALSE)
igraphL[[i]] = routes_igraph
################# updated functions, 02/14/2020 #######################
#' @title Calculating (and plot) random Ic scores (Mojtahedi et al. 2016) based on shuffling sample labelling.
#' @description Run \code{B} times of sample-label shuffling to calculate the Ic score,
#' where x should be the same as the length of identified BioTiP and B is self-defined.
#' @param counts A numeric matrix or data frame. The rows and columns
#' represent unique transcript IDs (geneID) and sample names, respectively.
#' @param sampleNo An integer of sample size at the tipping-point state.
#' @param Ic A numeric value. Ic score of identified CTS (gene-set), useful when \code{plot} is TRUE.
#' Default is NULL.
#' @param genes A character vector of identified CTS gene unique ids.
#' @param B An integer indicating the number of times to run this simulation, default 1000.
#' @inheritParams getIc
#' @param ylim An integer vector of length 2. Default is NULL.
#' @param main A character vector. The title of the plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param plot A Bollen value indicating whether a density plot will be plotted.
#' @export
#' @return A vector of \code{B} values of BioTIP (or Ic) scores calculated for the state of interest.
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}; Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}
#' @examples
#' counts = matrix(sample(1:100, 27), 3, 9)
#' colnames(counts) = 1:9
#' row.names(counts) = c('loci1', 'loci2', 'loci3')
#' CTS = c('loci1', 'loci2')
#' randomS <- simulation_Ic_sample(counts, sampleNo = 3, Ic = 3.4, genes = CTS, B = 3,
#' fun = 'BioTIP', plot = TRUE)
#' dim(randomS)
## updated from the old function plot_simulations_sample() 2/19/2020
simulation_Ic_sample = function(counts, sampleNo, Ic = NULL, genes, B = 1000,
ylim = NULL, main = 'simulation of samples',
fun = c("cor", "BioTIP"),
shrink = TRUE,
use = c("everything", "all.obs", "complete.obs", "na.or.complete", "pairwise.complete.obs"),
output = c('Ic', 'PCCg', 'PCCs'),
plot = FALSE,
PCC_sample.target = 1) ## 12/02/2020
output <- match.arg(output)
fun <- match.arg(fun)
use <- match.arg(use)
#PCC_sample.target = 'average'
# begin ## 12/02/2020
# PCC_sample.target = match.arg(PCC_sample.target)
if (class(PCC_sample.target) == 'numeric') if((PCC_sample.target < 0) | (PCC_sample.target > 1))
stop("Argument `PCC_sample.target` must be a value between 0 and 1, or a choice of 'none', 'zero', 'average', 'half'")
} else if(class(PCC_sample.target) == 'character') if(!PCC_sample.target %in% c('none', 'zero', 'average', 'half')) {
stop("Argument `PCC_sample.target` must be a value between 0 and 1, or a choice of 'none', 'zero', 'average', 'half'")
# end ## 12/02/2020
PCC_gene.target = 'zero'
# random select sampleNo cells regardless its labelling for state
sampleL = lapply(1:B, function(x) sample(colnames(counts), sampleNo))
tmp = sapply(1:B, function(x)
getIc(counts, sampleL = sampleL[x], genes = genes, output = output,
fun = fun,
shrink = shrink,
use = use,
PCC_sample.target = PCC_sample.target))
if(plot) {
p_v = length(tmp[tmp>Ic])/B
den = density(tmp)
xmin = min(Ic, den$x)
xmax = max(Ic, den$x)
plot(den, main = main, xlim = c(xmin, xmax), ylim = ylim)
abline(v = Ic, col = 'red', lty = 2)
x = max(den$x) - 0.2*diff(range(den$x))
if(p_v == 0) p_v = paste('<', 1/B)
text(x, max(den$y)-0.05, paste('P = ', p_v))
#' @title Get Index for Critical transition (Ic score)
#' @description Retrieve Ic scores (Pearson correlation of genes / Pearson correlation of samples)
#' for the identified critical transition state
#' @param counts A numeric matrix or data frame. The rows and columns represent unique transcript IDs (geneID)
#' and sample names, respectively.
#' @param sampleL A list of vectors, whose length is the number of states. Each vector gives the sample names in a state.
#' Note that the vector s (sample names) has to be among the column names of the R object 'df'.
#' @param genes A character vector consisting of unique CTS gene ids. This can be obtained from \code{\link{getMaxMCImember}}
#' @param output A string. Please select from 'Ic', 'PCCg', or 'PCCs'. Uses 'Ic' by default.
#' 'PCCg' is the PCC between genes (numerator) and 'PCCs' is PCC between samples (denominator)
#' @param fun An optional character string indicating the R functon to calculate correlations
#' for all possible pairs of columns of a matrix.
#' When using "BioTIP", The method is modified to ignore missing values, analogous to how
#' \code{cor(X, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")} works.
#' Note that the "BioTIP" option only function together with shrink = TRUE.
#' @param shrink A flag specifying whether to shrink the matrix of gene-gene correlation or not.
#' This appraoch uses the method outlined by Schafer and Strimmer in
#' "A Shrinkage Approach to Large-Scale Covariance Matrix Estimation
#' and Implications for Functional Genomics" (2005). Here, we shrink between-gene correlations
#' towards 0 due to the low global gene expressional dependence in a stable state
#' Comparing to fun = 'cor', the 'BioTIP' method without shinkage is modified
#' to ignore missing values, analogous to how \code{cor(X, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")} works.
#' For between-sample correlation matrix, we shrink
#' towards the average correlation to reflect the similar gene-expression profiles in a stable state.
#' @param use An optional character string, when fun == "cor", it gives a method
#' for computing covariances in the presence of missing values.
#' This must be (an abbreviation of) one of the strings "everything", "all.obs",
#' "complete.obs", "na.or.complete", or "pairwise.complete.obs".
#' @param PCC_sample.target A numeric choose between [0,1] or
#' a character choose among ('none, 'average', 'zero', 'half'),
#' indicating whether to turn off shrinkage, or to shrink PCC towards their empirical common average,
#' zero or 0.5 (for sample-sample correlations).
#' @return A list of numeric values, whose length and names are inherited from \code{sampleL}
#' @export
#' @references Schafer and Strimmer (2005) "A Shrinkage Approach to Large-Scale
#' Covariance Matrix Estimation and Implications for Functional Genomics"
#' @references M. Mojtahedi et al., Cell Fate Decision as High-Dimensional Critical State Transition.
#' PLoS Biol 14, e2000640 (2016).
#' @examples
#' counts = matrix(sample(1:100, 27), 3, 9)
#' colnames(counts) = 1:9
#' row.names(counts) = c('loci1', 'loci2', 'loci3')
#' cli = cbind(1:9, rep(c('state1', 'state2', 'state3'), each = 3))
#' colnames(cli) = c('samples', 'group')
#' samplesL <- split(cli[, 1], f = cli[, 'group'])
#' CTS = c('loci1', 'loci2')
#' ## Comparing the results with an estiamted correlation matrix with that without estimation.
#' Ic = getIc(counts, samplesL, CTS, fun = 'cor')
#' Ic.2 = getIc(counts, samplesL, CTS, fun = 'BioTIP', shrink = FALSE)
#' BioTIP = getIc(counts, samplesL, CTS, fun = 'BioTIP')
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}; Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}
getIc <- function(counts, sampleL, genes, output = c('Ic', 'PCCg', 'PCCs'),
fun = c("cor", "BioTIP"),
shrink = TRUE,
use = c("everything", "all.obs", "complete.obs", "na.or.complete", "pairwise.complete.obs"),
PCC_sample.target = 1) ## 12/02/2020
if (class(genes)!='character') stop("genes have to be a character of gene symbols, i.e.
genes have to be a subset of row.names(counts)")
output <- match.arg(output)
fun <- match.arg(fun)
use <- match.arg(use)
#PCC_sample.target = 'average'
# begin ## 12/02/2020
# PCC_sample.target = match.arg(PCC_sample.target)
if (class(PCC_sample.target) == 'numeric') if((PCC_sample.target < 0) | (PCC_sample.target > 1))
stop("Argument `PCC_sample.target` must be a value between 0 and 1, or a choice of 'none', 'zero', 'average', 'half'")
} else if(class(PCC_sample.target) == 'character') if(!PCC_sample.target %in% c('none', 'zero', 'average', 'half')) {
stop("Argument `PCC_sample.target` must be a value between 0 and 1, or a choice of 'none', 'zero', 'average', 'half'")
# end ## 12/02/2020
PCC_gene.target = 'zero'
subsetC = subset(counts, row.names(counts) %in% genes)
subsetC = lapply(sampleL,function(x) subsetC[,as.character(x)])
# if(fun == "BioTIP" & PCC_sample.target == 'none') ## 12/02/2020 Now, this is a case we want
# warning('You are not really calling BioTIP function without a proper setting of PCC_sample.target !') ## 12/02/2020
if(fun == "BioTIP" & PCC_gene.target == 'none')
warning('You are not really calling BioTIP function without a proper setting of PCC_gene.target !')
# for "pairwise.complete.obs", remove those results of two or less pairs
if (fun == "BioTIP") {
PCCg = lapply(subsetC, function(x) avg.cor.shrink(x,
shrink = shrink,
abs = TRUE,
target = PCC_gene.target))
PCCg = unlist(PCCg)
} else {
PCCg = lapply(subsetC, function(x) abs(cor(t(x), use = use)))
for (i in seq_along(PCCg)) PCCg[[i]][upper.tri(PCCg[[i]],
diag = FALSE)] ## updated 02/17/20
PCCg = sapply(PCCg, function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
#if (fun == "BioTIP" & PCC_sample.target!= 'none') {# 1/4/2021
if (fun == "BioTIP" ) { # 1/4/2021, allowing NA values to be included in subsetC when fun='BioTIP'
PCCs = lapply(subsetC, function(x) avg.cor.shrink(x,
shrink = shrink,
abs = FALSE,
target = PCC_sample.target ))
PCCs = unlist(PCCs)
} else {
PCCs = lapply(subsetC, function(x) cor(x, use = use))
for (i in seq_along(PCCs)) PCCs[[i]][upper.tri(PCCs[[i]],
diag = FALSE)] ## updated 02/17/20
PCCs = sapply(PCCs, function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
toplot = PCCg/PCCs
names(toplot) = names(PCCg) = names(PCCs) = names(sampleL)
if (output == "Ic") {
else if (output == "PCCg") {
else if (output == "PCCs") {
#' @title Calculating random Index of Critical transition (Ic scores) for randomly-selected genes
#' @description Simulating Ic scores for \code{x} randomly selected samples, where x should be the same
#' as the length of the identified critical-transition signal (CTS) (e.g., number of genes) and \code{B} is self-defined running times.
#' @param obs.x An integer, length of identified CTS.
#' @param sampleL A list of vectors, whose length is the number of states.
#' Each vector gives the sample names in a state. Note that the vector s (sample names)
#' has to be among the column names of the R object 'df'.
#' @param counts A numeric matrix or dataframe in which columns are samples and rows are transcripts.
#' Each row needs to have a unique row name (i.e. transcript ID).
#' @param B An integer, setting the permutation with \code{B} runs. Default is 1000.
#' @inheritParams getIc
#' @param use An optional character string, when fun == "cor", it gives a method
#' for computing covariances in the presence of missing values.
#' This must be (an abbreviation of) one of the strings "everything", "all.obs",
#' "complete.obs", "na.or.complete", or "pairwise.complete.obs".
#' @return A matrix of \code{y} rows and \code{B} columns where \code{y}
#' is the length of \code{sampleL} and \code{B} is self-defined. Each column is a set of Ic scores calculated for each state
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' counts = matrix(sample(1:100, 27), 3, 9)
#' colnames(counts) = 1:9
#' row.names(counts) = c('loci1', 'loci2', 'loci3')
#' cli = cbind(1:9, rep(c('state1', 'state2', 'state3'), each = 3))
#' colnames(cli) = c('samples', 'group')
#' samplesL <- split(cli[, 1], f = cli[, 'group'])
#' simulation_Ic(2, samplesL, counts, B = 3, fun = "BioTIP", shrink = TRUE)
simulation_Ic <- function(obs.x, sampleL, counts, B = 1000, fun = c("cor", "BioTIP"),
shrink = TRUE,
use = c("everything", "all.obs", "complete.obs", "na.or.complete", "pairwise.complete.obs"),
output = c('Ic', 'PCCg', 'PCCs'),
PCC_sample.target = 1) ## 12/02/2020
fun <- match.arg(fun)
use <- match.arg(use)
#PCC_sample.target = 'average'
# begin ## 12/02/2020
# PCC_sample.target = match.arg(PCC_sample.target)
if (class(PCC_sample.target) == 'numeric') if((PCC_sample.target < 0) | (PCC_sample.target > 1))
stop("Argument `PCC_sample.target` must be a value between 0 and 1, or a choice of 'none', 'zero', 'average', 'half'")
} else if(class(PCC_sample.target) == 'character') if(!PCC_sample.target %in% c('none', 'zero', 'average', 'half')) {
stop("Argument `PCC_sample.target` must be a value between 0 and 1, or a choice of 'none', 'zero', 'average', 'half'")
# end ## 12/02/2020
PCC_gene.target = 'zero'
output <- match.arg(output)
# set.seed(2020)
random = sapply(1:B, function(x) sample(row.names(counts), obs.x))
# create progress bar
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = B, style = 3)
m <- matrix(nrow = length(sampleL), ncol = B)
for(i in 1:B)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
m[, i] <- getIc(counts, sampleL = sampleL, genes = random[, i], output = output, ## updated 02/17/20
fun = fun,
shrink = shrink,
use = use,
PCC_sample.target = PCC_sample.target)
if(i == B) cat("Done!\n")
# m = sapply(1:B, function(x) getIc(counts, sampleL, random[, x], output = 'Ic',
# fun = fun, shrink = TRUE,
# PCC_sample.target = PCC_sample.target,
# PCC_gene.target = PCC_gene.target,
# use = use))
row.names(m) = names(sampleL)
#' @title Line or boxplot of an observed and its simulated scores
#' @description Generate a line (or box) plot of Ic score and simulated Ic scores,
#' with three horizontal lines: the min, max and 2*(max-min) value of the state of interests, or all values.
#' @inheritParams plotIc
#' @param simulation A numeric matrix of Ic scores in which rows are states and columns are simulation runs.
#' It can be obtained from \code{\link{simulation_Ic}}
#' @param order Characters of names of Ic to be plotted in a desired \code{order}. Default is NULL.
#' @param fun A character choose between ('matplot', 'boxplot'), indicating plot type.
#' @param which2point A character (or integer) which state's values were used to set up the three horizontal lines.
#' by default is NULL, indicating the values of all states will be used.
#' @export
#' @return Return a plot of the observed Ic (red) and simulated Ic (grey) scores per state.
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}; Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}
#' @examples
#' sim = matrix(sample(1:10, 9), 3, 3)
#' row.names(sim) = paste0('state', 1:3)
#' Ic = c('state1' = 3.4, 'state2' = 5.6, 'state3' = 2)
#' plot_Ic_Simulation(Ic, sim)
plot_Ic_Simulation <- function (Ic, simulation, las = 0, ylim = NULL,
order = NULL, main = NULL,
ylab = "Ic.shrink", fun = c('matplot', 'boxplot'),
which2point = NULL)
fun <- match.arg(fun)
if (any(is.null(names(Ic))))
stop("Please provide name for vector \"Ic\" ")
if (any(is.null(rownames(simulation))))
stop("Please provide rowname for vectors of \"simulation\" ")
if(length(Ic)!= nrow(simulation))
stop("Please provide the same length of \"Ic\" and vectors of \"simulation\" ")
if (!identical(names(Ic), row.names(simulation)))
Ic = Ic[match(row.names(simulation), names(Ic))]
if(!is.null(which2point)) {
if (! (which2point %in% rownames(simulation) | which2point %in% 1:nrow(simulation)))
stop("which2point must be a state name of integer indicating the state of interested.")
if (fun == 'matplot') {
toplot = cbind(simulation, Ic)
} else { toplot = simulation }
if (!is.null(order)) {
if (any(!names(Ic) %in% order))
warning("not all states in Ic is plotted")
if (any(!order %in% names(Ic)))
stop("make sure \"Ic\" is named using names in \"order\"")
toplot = toplot[order, ]
if(is.null(ylim)) {
if(is.null(which2point)) {
ylim = c(min(c(Ic, simulation)), max(Ic, 2*(max(simulation)-min(simulation))))
} else {
ylim = c(min(c(Ic, simulation)),
2*(max(simulation[which2point, ])-min(simulation[which2point, ])),
if (fun == 'matplot') {
matplot(toplot, type = "l",
col = c(rep("grey", ncol(toplot) - 1), "red"),
lty = 1, ylab = ylab,
axes = FALSE, ylim = ylim, main = main)
} else {
boxplot(t(toplot), col = c(rep("grey", ncol(toplot) - 1), "red"),
ylab = ylab,
axes = FALSE, ylim = ylim, main = main)
points(Ic, col = "red", type = 'b')
x <- lapply(Ic, function(x) table(toplot>x))
y <- unlist(lapply(x, function(X) X[2]/sum(X)))
if(any(is.na(y))) { y[which(is.na(y))] = 0 }
sig <- which(y<0.05)
if(length(sig)>0) mtext( round(y[sig], 3),
line = -5, at = (1:length(Ic))[sig])
stages = row.names(toplot)
axis(side = 1, at = seq_along(stages), labels = stages, las = las)
if(is.null(which2point)) {
abline(h = min(simulation), col = "grey", lty = 3)
abline(h = max(simulation), col = "grey", lty = 3)
abline(h = min(simulation)+ 2*(max(simulation)-min(simulation)),
col = "grey", lty = 2)
} else {
abline(h = min(simulation[which2point, ]), col = "grey", lty = 3)
abline(h = max(simulation[which2point, ]), col = "grey", lty = 3)
abline(h = min(simulation[which2point, ])+
2*(max(simulation[which2point, ])-min(simulation[which2point, ])),
col = "grey", lty = 2)
#' @title Calculating MCI Scores
#' @description This function calculates a module critical index (MCI) score for
#' each module per state within a dataset. Each module is a cluster of
#' transcripts generated from the function \code{\link{getCluster_methods}}.
#' Note that a dataset should contain three or more states (samples in
#' groups).
#' @param groups A list of elements whose length is the member of states. The
#' elements could be either be vectors or \code{communities} object of the
#' R package \code{\link{igraph}}. If a vector, it is the output of the function
#' \code{getCluster_methods}. The names of each vector are the pre-selected
#' transcript IDs generated by the function \code{\link{sd_selection}}. Each
#' vector, whose length is the number of pre-selected transcripts in a state,
#' contains the module IDs. If a \code{communities} object, it can be obtained
#' by \code{getCluster_methods} using the "rw" method. It is also an output of
#' the function \code{\link{sd_selection}}.
#' @param countsL A list of x numeric count matrices or x data frame, where x is
#' the number of states.
#' @param adjust.size A Boolean value indicating if MCI score should be adjusted
#' by module size (the number of transcripts in the module) or not. Default FALSE.
#' This parameter is not recommended for fun = BioTIP.
#' @param fun A character chosen between ("cor", "BioTIP"), indicating where an adjusted
#' correlation matrix will be used to calculate the MCI score.
#' @param df NULL or a numeric matrix or data frame, where rows and columns represent
#' unique transcript IDs (geneID) and sample names, respectively.
#' Used only when \code{fun = 'BioTIP'}.
#' By default is NULL, estimating the correlation among selected genes.
#' Otherwise, estimating the correlation among all genes in the df, ensuring cross-state comparison.
#' @return A list of five elements (members, MCI, Sd, PCC, and PCCo). Each of
#' element is a two-layer nested list whose length is the length of the input
#' object \code{groups}. Each internal nested list is structured according to
#' the number of modules identified in that state.
#' * members: vectors of unique ids
#' * MCI: the MCI score
#' * sd: standard deviation
#' * PCC: Mean of pairwise Pearson Correlation Coefficient calculated among the
#' loci in a module.
#' * PCCo: Mean of pairwise Pearson Correlation Coefficient calculated between
#' the loci in a module and the loci outside that module but inside the same
#' state.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' test = list('state1' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3), 'state2' =
#' matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3), 'state3' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3))
#' ## Assign colnames and rownames to the matrix
#' for(i in names(test)){
#' colnames(test[[i]]) = 1:3
#' row.names(test[[i]]) = c('g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4')}
#' cluster = list(c(1, 2, 2, 1), c(1, 2, 3, 1), c(2, 2, 1, 1))
#' names(cluster) = names(test)
#' for(i in names(cluster)){
#' names(cluster[[i]]) = c('g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4')}
#' membersL <- getMCI(cluster, test, fun = 'cor')
#' names(membersL)
#' [1] "members" "MCI" "sd" "PCC" "PCCo"
#' @import psych
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}; Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}
getMCI <- function (groups, countsL, adjust.size = FALSE,
fun = c("cor", "BioTIP"), df = NULL
fun <- match.arg(fun)
PCC_gene.target = 'zero'
if (all(is.na(groups))) {
warning("no loci in any of the state in the list given,
please rerun getCluster_methods with a larger cutoff
or provide a list of loci")
} else {
if (all(sapply(groups, class) == "communities")) {
membersL = lapply(groups, membership)
else if (any(is.na(groups)) & any(sapply(groups, class) ==
"communities")) {
removed = groups[is.na(groups)]
groups = groups[!is.na(groups)]
membersL = lapply(groups, membership)
} else {
membersL = groups
CIl = PCCol = PCCl = sdl = list()
names(membersL) = names(groups)
if (is.null(names(groups)))
warning("No names provided for \"groups\"")
if (is.null(names(countsL)))
warning("No names provided for \"countsL\"")
loop = names(membersL)
for (i in loop) {
test = membersL[[i]]
if (all(is.na(test))) {
CI = sdL = PCC = PCCo = NA
} else {
test.counts = countsL[[i]] # gene x sample matrix
m = lapply(1:max(test),
function(x) subset(test.counts,
row.names(test.counts) %in% names(test[test == x])))
comple = lapply(1:max(test),
function(x) subset(test.counts,
!row.names(test.counts) %in% names(test[test == x])))
names(m) = names(comple) = 1:max(test)
if(fun == "cor") {
PCCo = lapply(names(comple), function(x) abs(cor(t(comple[[x]]),
PCCo_avg = sapply(PCCo, function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
PCC = lapply(m, function(x) abs(cor(t(x))))
PCC_avg = sapply(PCC,
function(x) (sum(x, na.rm = TRUE) -
nrow(x))/(nrow(x)^2 - nrow(x)))
if(fun == "BioTIP") {
if(is.null(df)) {
# warning("MCI with the 'BioTIP'method is performing local estimation") # suppressed on 01/15/2022
PCCo_avg = lapply(names(comple),
function(x) avg.cor.shrink(comple[[x]], Y = m[[x]],
abs = TRUE,
target = PCC_gene.target))
PCCo_avg = unlist(PCCo_avg)
PCC_avg = lapply(m, function(x) avg.cor.shrink(x, Y = NULL,
abs = TRUE,
target = PCC_gene.target))
PCC_avg = unlist(PCC_avg)
} else {
M <- cor.shrink(df, Y = NULL,
target = PCC_gene.target)
PCCo_avg <- array(dim = length(m))
names(PCCo_avg) <- names(m)
for(j in 1:length(m)){
PCCo_avg[j] <- mean(abs(M[rownames(comple[[j]]), rownames(m[[j]])]))
PCC_avg <- array(dim = length(m))
names(PCC_avg) <- names(m)
for(j in 1:length(m)){
tmp <- M[rownames(m[[j]]), rownames(m[[j]])]
U <- upper.tri(tmp, diag = FALSE)
PCC_avg[j] <- mean(abs(U))
sdL = lapply(m, function(x) apply(x, 1, sd))
if (adjust.size) {
MCI = mapply(function(x, y, z, w) mean(x) *
(y/z) * sqrt(nrow(w)), sdL, PCC_avg, PCCo_avg,
} else {
MCI = mapply(function(x, y, z) mean(x) * (y/z),
sdL, PCC_avg, PCCo_avg)
CIl[[i]] = MCI
sdl[[i]] = sdL
PCCl[[i]] = PCC_avg
PCCol[[i]] = PCCo_avg
names(CIl) = names(sdl) = names(PCCl) = names(PCCol) = names(membersL)
return(list(members = membersL, MCI = CIl, sd = sdl,
PCC = PCCl, PCCo = PCCol))
#' @title Get MCI Scores for randomly selected genes
#' @description This function gets the MCI scores for randomly selected features (e.g. transcript ids),
#' @param len An integer that is the length of genes in the CTS (critical transition signal).
#' @param samplesL A list of vectors, whose length is the number of states. Each vector gives the sample names in a state.
#' Note that the vector s (sample names) has to be among the column names of the R object 'df'.
#' @param df A numeric matrix or dataframe of numerics, factor or character.
#' The rows and columns represent unique transcript IDs (geneID) and sample names, respectively
#' @param adjust.size A boolean value indicating if MCI score should be adjusted by module size (the number of transcripts
#' in the module) or not. Default FALSE.
#' @param B An integer, setting the permutation with \code{B} runs. Default is 1000.
#' @param fun A character chosen between ("cor", "BioTIP"), indicating where an adjusted
#' correlation matrix will be used to calculate the MCI score.
#' @param M a pre-calculated global shrunk matrix, can save calculation if working on the same data
#' for multiple CTS evaluations.
#' @return A numeric matrix indicating the MCI scores of permutation.
#' The dimension (row X column) of this matrix is the length of \code{samplesL} * \code{B}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' counts = matrix(sample(1:100, 18), 3, 9)
#' colnames(counts) = 1:9
#' row.names(counts) = c('loci1', 'loci2', 'loci3')
#' cli = cbind(1:9, rep(c('state1', 'state2', 'state3'), each = 3))
#' colnames(cli) = c('samples', 'group')
#' samplesL <- split(cli[, 1], f = cli[, 'group'])
#' simMCI = simulationMCI(2, samplesL, counts, B = 2)
#' simMCI
#' # [,1] [,2]
#' #state1 2.924194 2.924194
#' #state2 20.877138 20.877138
#' #state3 2.924194 2.924194
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}; Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}
simulationMCI <- function (len, samplesL, df, adjust.size = FALSE, B = 1000,
fun = c("cor", "BioTIP"), M = NULL )
fun <- match.arg(fun)
PCC_gene.target = 'zero'
if (is.null(names(samplesL)))
stop("please provide names for list countsL")
countsL = lapply(samplesL, function(x) df[, as.character(x)])
if (is.null(names(countsL)))
names(countsL) = names(samplesL)
# create progress bar
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = B, style = 3)
if (fun == "BioTIP") {
if(is.null(M)) M <- cor.shrink(df, Y = NULL, MARGIN = 1, shrink = TRUE,
target = PCC_gene.target)
else M = NULL
m <- matrix(nrow = length(samplesL), ncol = B)
for (i in 1:B) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
m[, i] <- getMCI_inner(len, countsL, adjust.size, fun = fun,
PCC_gene.target = PCC_gene.target, M = M)
if (i == B)
row.names(m) = names(countsL)
#' @title Calculating MCI Score for randomly selected
#' @description This function calculates random MCI score, allowing an estimation
#' of correlation matrix using the Schafer-Strimmer Method for the PCC_in component in the MCI score.
#' @param members An integer that is the length of genes in the CTS (critical transition signal).
#' @param countsL A list of subset of the data matrix. The list length is the number of states.
#' Each subset of matrix gives the genes in rows and samples in columns.
#' @inheritParams simulationMCI
#' @param PCC_gene.target A character 'zero' indicating that beetween-gene correlation matrix will be shrunk.
#' towards zero, used only for fun = 'BioTIP'.
#' @param M is the overall shrunk correlation matrix, used only for fun = 'BioTIP'.
#' @return A vector recording one MCI score per state.
#' @examples
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}; Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}
getMCI_inner = function(members, countsL, adjust.size,
fun = c("cor", "BioTIP"),
PCC_gene.target = 'zero', M = NULL
fun <- match.arg(fun)
random_id = sample(1:nrow(countsL[[1]]), members)
randomL = lapply(names(countsL),
function(x) countsL[[x]][random_id, ])
comple = lapply(names(countsL),
function(x) subset(countsL[[x]],
!row.names(countsL[[x]]) %in% row.names(randomL[[x]])))
names(randomL) = names(comple) = names(countsL)
if(fun == "BioTIP") {
PCCo_avg = array(dim = length(countsL))
names(PCCo_avg) = names(countsL)
for(i in 1:length(PCCo_avg)) {
PCCo_avg[i] <- mean(abs(M[rownames(comple[[i]]), rownames(randomL[[i]])]))
PCC_avg = array(dim = length(countsL))
names(PCC_avg) = names(countsL)
for(i in 1:length(PCC_avg)) {
PCC_avg[i] = mean(abs(M[rownames(randomL[[i]]), rownames(randomL[[i]])]))
} else if(fun == "cor") {
PCCo = lapply(names(comple),
function(x) abs(cor(t(comple[[x]]), t(randomL[[x]]))))
PCCo_avg = sapply(PCCo, function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
PCC = lapply(randomL, function(x) abs(cor(t(x))))
PCC_avg = sapply(PCC,
function(x) (sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)-nrow(x))/(nrow(x)^2-nrow(x)))
sdL = lapply(randomL, function(x) apply(x, 1, sd))
MCI = mapply(function(x, y, z, w) mean(x)*(y/z)*sqrt(members), sdL, PCC_avg, PCCo_avg, members)
MCI = mapply(function(x, y, z) mean(x)*(y/z), sdL, PCC_avg, PCCo_avg)
#' @title Plot observed and simulated MCI Scores
#' @description Box plots of observed (red) and simulated MCI scores by boostrapping genes \code{B} times,
#' with three horizontal lines: the min, max and 2*(max-min) value of the state of interests, or of all values.
#' @param MCI A named vector of max CI scores per state, can be obtained from function \code{\link{getMaxStats}}.
#' @param simulation A matrix state * number of simulated times, can be obtained from function \code{\link{simulationMCI}}.
#' @param las Numeric in {0, 1, 2, 3}; the style of axis labels. Default is 0, meaning labels are parallel.
#' (link to
#' @param order A vector of state names in the customized order to be plotted, set to NULL by default.
#' @param ylim An integer vector of length 2. Default is NULL.
#' @param main A character vector. The title of the plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param which2point A character (or integer) which state's values were used to set up the three horizontal lines.
#' by default is NULL, indicating the values of all states will be used.
#' @export
#' @return Return a box plot of MCI(red) and simulated MCI(grey) scores per state.
#' @examples
#' MCI = c(1:3); names(MCI) = c('a', 'b', 'c')
#' simMCI = matrix(sample(1:100, 9), 3, 3)
#' row.names(simMCI) = names(MCI)
#' plot_MCI_Simulation(MCI, simMCI)
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}
plot_MCI_Simulation <- function(MCI, simulation, las = 0,
order = NULL, ylim = NULL, main = NULL,
which2point = NULL, ...)
if(is.null(names(MCI))) stop('make sure elements in "MCI" have names')
if(any(!order %in% row.names(simulation)))
stop('make sure "simulation" has row.names which are in "order"')
if(any(!row.names(simulation) %in% order))
warning('not every state in "simulation" is plotted, make sure "order" is complete')
simulation = simulation[order, ]
maxpt = max(simulation, MCI, na.rm = TRUE)
tmp = c(min(simulation, MCI, na.rm = TRUE), maxpt)
if(min(simulation, na.rm = TRUE)<maxpt){
ylim = tmp
ylim = rev(tmp)
boxplot(t(simulation), col = 'grey', ylab = 'DNB score',
axes = FALSE, ylim = ylim, main = main, pch = 20, ...)
x = which.max(MCI)
maxCI = MCI[x]
if(is.null(names(MCI))) stop('make sure "MCI" is named using names in "order"')
# customize x-axis
stages = row.names(simulation)
stages = order
x = which(stages == names(x))
axis(side = 1, at = 1:nrow(simulation), labels = stages, las = las)
points(x, maxCI, col = 'red', pch = 16)
if(is.null(which2point)) {
abline(h = min(simulation), col = "grey", lty = 3)
abline(h = max(simulation), col = "grey", lty = 3)
abline(h = min(simulation)+ 2*(max(simulation)-min(simulation)),
col = "grey", lty = 2)
} else {
abline(h = min(simulation[which2point, ]), col = "grey", lty = 3)
abline(h = max(simulation[which2point, ]), col = "grey", lty = 3)
abline(h = min(simulation[which2point, ])+
2*(max(simulation[which2point, ])-min(simulation[which2point, ])),
col = "grey", lty = 2)
################ new functions, 02/14/2020 ###########################
#' @title Index of criticality Scoring System with estimated correlation, an updated Ic-score
#' @description This function calculates the BioTIP score on a given
#' data matrix X (or two matrixes X and Y). It can also calculate the \eqn{I_c} score, if desired.
#' This approach uses the method outlined by Schafer and Strimmer in
#' "A Shrinkage Approach to Large-Scale Covariance Matrix Estimation
#' and Implications for Functional Genomics" (2005)
#' This approach is modified to ignore missing values, analogous to how
#'\code{cor(X, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")} works.
#' The gene-gene correlations are shrunk towards 0, whereas the
#' sample-sample correlations are shrunk towards their empirical average.
#' @param X A G x S matrix of counts. Rows correspond to genes,
#' columns correspond to samples.
#' @param method A flag specifying whether to calculate the BioTIP score
#' or the \eqn{I_c} score
#' @param PCC_sample.target A numeric choose between [0,1] or
#' a character choose among ('none, 'average', 'zero', 'half'),
#' indicating whether to turn off shrinkage, or to shrink PCC towards their empirical common average,
#' zero or 0.5 (for sample-sample correlations).
#' @param output A string. Please select from 'IndexScore', 'PCCg', or 'PCCs'. Uses 'IndexScore' by default.
#' 'PCCg' is the PCC between genes (numerator) and 'PCCs' is PCC between samples (denominator).
#' @return A value containing the shrunk BioTIP or non-shrunk \eqn{I_c} score
#' @references
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Generating a data X as coming from a multivariate normal distribution
#' ## with 10 highly correlated variables, roughly simulating correlated genes.
#' M = matrix(.9, nrow = 10, ncol = 10)
#' diag(M) = 1
#' mu = rnorm(10)
#' X = MASS::mvrnorm(1000, mu, M)
#' dim(X) #1000 10
#' ## Calculating pairwise correlation between 1000 genes; then the mean value
#' ## in two ways, respectively
#' cor_tX = cor(t(X))
#' mean(abs(cor_tX[upper.tri(cor_tX, diag = FALSE)])) # 0.9150228
#' getIc.new(X, method = "Ic", output = 'PCCg') # 0.9150228
#' getIc.new(X, method = "BioTIP", output = 'PCCg') # 0.8287838
#' ## Using the Index of critical scoring system, in two ways, respectively
#' (newscore = getIc.new(X, method = "BioTIP"))
#' (oldscore = getIc.new(X, method = "Ic"))
#' @author Andrew Goldstein \email{andrewgoldstein@@uchicago.edu}
getIc.new = function(X, method = c("BioTIP", "Ic"),
PCC_sample.target = 1, ## 12/02/2020
output = c('Ic', 'PCCg', 'PCCs'))
PCC_gene.target = 'zero'
# whether to calculate BioTIP or Ic
method = match.arg(method)
# begin ## 12/02/2020
# PCC_sample.target = match.arg(PCC_sample.target)
if (class(PCC_sample.target) == 'numeric') if((PCC_sample.target < 0) | (PCC_sample.target > 1))
stop("Argument `PCC_sample.target` must be a value between 0 and 1, or a choice of 'none', 'zero', 'average', 'half'")
} else if(class(PCC_sample.target) == 'character') if(!PCC_sample.target %in% c('none', 'zero', 'average', 'half')) {
stop("Argument `PCC_sample.target` must be a value between 0 and 1, or a choice of 'none', 'zero', 'average', 'half'")
# end ## 12/02/2020
output <- match.arg(output)
# if using BioTIP, set shrink = TRUE, else FALSE
shrink = (method == "BioTIP")
# get numerator and denominator for score
numerator = avg.cor.shrink(X, MARGIN = 1, shrink = shrink, abs = TRUE, target = PCC_gene.target)
denominator = avg.cor.shrink(X, MARGIN = 2, shrink = shrink, abs = FALSE, target = PCC_sample.target)
if(output == 'Ic') return(numerator / denominator)
if(output == 'PCCg') return(numerator)
if(output == 'PCCs') return(denominator)
#' @title Estimation of average values of correlation
#' @description This function takes in one (or two) matrix X
#' (rows are genes, columns are samples) (or Y).
#' It then calculates the average pairwise correlation between genes or samples.
#' This function uses the method outlined by Schafer and Strimmer in
#' "A Shrinkage Approach to Large-Scale Covariance Matrix Estimation
#' and Implications for Functional Genomics" (2005)
#' @inheritParams cor.shrink
#' @param abs A flag specifying whether to take the absolute value
#' before taking the average (used for gene-gene correlations,
#' not sample-sample correlations)
#' @return The average pairwise correlation between genes or samples.
#' @references Schafer and Strimmer (2005) "A Shrinkage Approach to Large-Scale
#' Covariance Matrix Estimation and Implications for Functional Genomics"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Generating a data X as coming from a multivariate normal distribution
#' ## with 10 highly correlated variables, roughly simulating correlated genes.
#' set.sedd(2020)
#' M = matrix(.9, nrow = 10, ncol = 10)
#' diag(M) = 1
#' mu = rnorm(10)
#' X = t(MASS::mvrnorm(500, mu, M))
#' dim(X) #10 500, simulating a matrix of 10 genes in rows and 500 samples in columns
#' ## Calculating pairwise correlation among 10 correlated genes
#' cor_tX = cor(t(X))
#' mean(abs(cor_tX[upper.tri(cor_tX, diag = FALSE)])) # 0.9101072
#' ## Calculating estimated pairwise correlation among these 10 correlated genes
#' avg.cor.shrink(X, MARGIN = 1,shrink = TRUE, targe = 'zero') # 0.9053253
#' ## Calculating estimated pairwise correlation
#' ## after adding additional 30 random genes
#' Y = rbind(X, matrix(rnorm(30*500), ncol = 500))
#' dim(Y) #40 500
#' avg.cor.shrink(Y, MARGIN = 1,shrink = TRUE, targe = 'zero') # 0.04758553
#' Compared with the empirical pairwise correlation
#' cor_tY = cor(t(Y))
#' mean(abs(cor_tY[upper.tri(cor_tY, diag = FALSE)])) # 0.08547593
#' @author Andrew Goldstein \email{andrewgoldstein@@uchicago.edu}; Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}
avg.cor.shrink = function(X, Y = NULL, MARGIN = c(1, 2), shrink = TRUE,
abs = FALSE, target = 0 ) #c('zero', 'average', 'half','none')) ## 12/02/2020
if(target == 'none') shrink = FALSE ## begin 12/02/2020
if (class(target) == 'numeric') if((target < 0) | (target > 1))
{ # make sure we have a valid target for off-diagonal correlations
stop("Argument `target` must be a value between 0 and 1, or a choice of 'zero', 'average', 'half', 'none'")
} else if(class(target) == 'character') if(!target %in% c('none', 'zero', 'average', 'half')) {
stop("Argument `target` must be a value between 0 and 1, or a choice of 'zero', 'average', 'half','none'")
if(MARGIN != 1 & MARGIN != 2) stop("MARGIN must be a choice of 1 or 2.")
# MARGIN = match.arg(MARGIN)
# target = match.arg(target)
## end 12/02/2020
X_cor_shrink = cor.shrink(X = X, Y = Y, MARGIN = MARGIN, shrink = shrink, target = target)
U <- upper.tri(X_cor_shrink, diag = FALSE)
X_cor_shrink <- X_cor_shrink[U]
if (abs == TRUE) {
res = mean(abs(X_cor_shrink), na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
res = mean(X_cor_shrink, na.rm = TRUE)
#' @description This function is the "work-horse" of the BioTIP function.
#' It takes in a matrix X (rows are genes, columns are samples), and an optional matrix Y of the same form.
# It then calculates the average pairwise correlation between genes or samples.
# There are options to choose what constant value to shrink the off-diagonal correlations to.
# This target must be a value between 0 and 1.
#' It then calculates the average pairwise correlation between genes or samples.
#' This method adopts the method outlined by Schafer and Strimmer (2005).
#' @param X A G1 x S matrix of counts. Rows correspond to genes,
#' columns correspond to samples.
#' @param Y A G2 x S matrix of counts. Rows correspond to genes,
#' columns correspond to samples. By default is NULL.
#' @param MARGIN An integer indicateing whether the rows (1, genes)
#' or the columns (2, samples) to be calculated for pairwise correlation.
#' @param shrink A flag specifying whether to shrink the correlation or not.
#' If the parameter 'target' is 'none', shrink will be set to 'FALSE.'
#' @param target A number choose between 0 and 1, or a character among ('zero', 'average', 'half', 'none'),
#' indicating whether to turn off 'shrink', or to shrink towards zero (for gene-gene correlations),
#' shrink towards their empirical common average,
#' one or 0.5 (for sample-sample correlations).
#' @return The pairwise correlation between genes or samples.
#' If Y == NULL, a G1 x G1 matrix is returned; otherwise, a G1 x G2 matrix is returned.
#' @references Schafer and Strimmer (2005) "A Shrinkage Approach to Large-Scale
#' Covariance Matrix Estimation and Implications for Functional Genomics"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(MASS)
#' ## Generating a data X as coming from a multivariate normal distribution
#' ## with 10 highly correlated variables, roughly simulating correlated genes.
#' set.seed(2020)
#' M = matrix(.9, nrow = 10, ncol = 10)
#' diag(M) = 1
#' mu = rnorm(10)
#' X = t(MASS::mvrnorm(500, mu, M))
#' dim(X) #10 500
#' ## Calculating pairwise correlation among 10 genes
#' cor_tX = cor(t(X))
#' mean(abs(cor_tX[upper.tri(cor_tX, diag = FALSE)])) # 0.9109133
#' ## Calculating estimated pairwise correlation among 500 samples
#' cor.matrix <- cor.shrink(X, MARGIN = 1, shrink = TRUE, targe = 0)
#' dim(cor.matrix) #[1] 10 10
#' mean(upper.tri(cor.matrix, diag = FALSE)) # 0.45
#' ## Calculating estimated pairwise correlation again,
#' ## after adding additional 100 random genes
#' Y = rbind(X, matrix(rnorm(500*100), ncol = 500))
#' dim(Y) #110 500
#' cor.matrix <- cor.shrink(Y, MARGIN = 1, shrink = TRUE, targe = 0.5)
#' dim(cor.matrix) #[1] 110 110
#' mean(upper.tri(cor.matrix, diag = FALSE)) # 0.4954545
#' ## alternatively, you can run
#' Y = matrix(rnorm(500*100), ncol = 500)
#' cor.matrix <- cor.shrink(X, Y, MARGIN = 1, shrink = TRUE, targe = 0.5)
#' dim(cor.matrix) #[1] 120 120
#' mean(upper.tri(cor.matrix, diag = FALSE)) # 0.4954545
#' @author Andrew Goldstein \email{andrewgoldstein@@uchicago.edu}; Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}
cor.shrink = function(X, Y = NULL, MARGIN = c(1, 2), shrink = TRUE,
target = 0) ## 12/02/2020
# We have the two following reasons to shut off the parameter target='average' here:
# Theoretically, the 'TARGET D' outlined by Schafer and Strimmer (2005) can't be fed by the estimated average.
# Practically, the shrinkage towards average generates an estimated matrix,
# whose average value remains the same as that of its observation matrix.
if(target == 'average') shrink = FALSE ## 12/02/2020
if(target == 'none') shrink = FALSE ## begin 12/02/2020
# MARGIN = match.arg(MARGIN)
# target = match.arg(target)
if (class(target) == 'numeric') if((target < 0) | (target > 1)) { # make sure we have a valid target for off-diagonal correlations
stop("Argument `target` must be a value between 0 and 1, or a choice of 'zero', 'average', 'half', 'none'")
} else if(class(target) == 'character') if(!target %in% c('zero', 'average', 'half', 'none')) {
stop("Argument `target` must be a value between 0 and 1, or a choice of 'zero', 'average', 'half', 'none")
## end 12/02/2020
dim_X = dim(X)
dim_Y = dim(Y)
Y.exist = FALSE
if(MARGIN == 1) {
X <- rbind(X, Y)
Y.exist = TRUE # a flag for outputs
} else {
X <- cbind(X, Y)
# center and scale X by mean and SD (using wither column or row means/SDs)
X_means = apply(X, MARGIN = MARGIN, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
X_sds = apply(X, MARGIN = MARGIN, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
X_sds[X_sds == 0] = 1 # in case where variable doesn't vary
X_std = sweep(sweep(X, MARGIN = MARGIN, STATS = X_means, FUN = '-'),
MARGIN = MARGIN, STATS = X_sds, FUN = '/')
# From now on Y is a new internal matrix regardless the input Y ###
rm(Y) #update on 9/29/2020
Y = !is.na(X_std) # contains pattern of non-missing values
X_std[!Y] = 0 # set missing to 0 to not add to (t)crossprod (but # of not missing encoded in Y)
# calculate quantities needed
if (MARGIN == 1) {
XtX = tcrossprod(X_std)
X2tX2 = tcrossprod(X_std^2)
YtY = tcrossprod(Y)
} else {
XtX = crossprod(X_std)
X2tX2 = crossprod(X_std^2)
YtY = crossprod(Y)
# calculate empirical correlation
X_cor = XtX / (pmax(1, YtY - 1, na.rm = TRUE))
X_cor_shrink = X_cor # initialize with empirical correlation
U = upper.tri(XtX, diag = FALSE) # index on U to get upper triangular part of matrix
if (shrink) { # if we're shrinking, find lambda and shrink towards specified target
numerator = sum(((YtY[U] * X2tX2[U]) - (XtX[U])^2) / ((pmax(1, YtY[U] - 1))^3), na.rm = TRUE)
# BEGIN translate character to numeber
if(class(target) == 'character'){ #12/02/2020
if (target == 'zero') {
target = 0
} else {
if(target == 'half') {
target = 0.5
} else {
target = mean(X_cor[U])
} #12/02/2020
denominator = sum((X_cor[U]-target)^2) #update on 9/29/2020
lambda = ifelse(shrink, max(0, min(1, numerator / denominator), na.rm = TRUE), 0)
target_cor = matrix(target, nrow = nrow(X_cor), ncol = ncol(X_cor))
diag(target_cor) = 1
X_cor_shrink = (lambda * target_cor) + ((1 - lambda) * X_cor)
# cat(dim(X_cor), '\t')
# if(Y.exist){ ## 12/02/2020 removed this condition to report consistent output
# X_cor_shrink = X_cor_shrink[1:dim_X[MARGIN], (dim_X[MARGIN] + 1):(dim_X[MARGIN] + dim_Y[MARGIN])] #update on 9/29/2020
# }
#' @title Density plot the leading two distance between any two states from random scores of all states in a system.
#' @description Generate a density plot of Ic score (orBioTIP score) from a simulation,
#' which is the distance between the first-larget and the second-largest random scores.
#' This is an alternative method to estimate the significance of an observed BioTIP (or Ic) score in a system.
#' This measurement makes more sense to evaluate random scores of sample-label shuffling,
#' in which the nature sample-sample correlation within a phenotypic state (or cell subpopulation) was removed.
#' @inheritParams plot_Ic_Simulation
#' @param xlim An integer vector of length 2. Default is NULL.
#' @param which2point A character (or integer) which state's values were used to set up the three horizontal lines.
#' by default is NULL, indicating the values of all states will be used.
#' @export
#' @return Return a P value and a plot of the observed Ic (red) and simulated Ic (grey) scores per state.
#' @author Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}
#' @examples
#' sim = matrix(sample(1:10, 9), 3, 3)
#' row.names(sim) = paste0('state', 1:3)
#' Ic = c('state1' = 3.4, 'state2' = 15.6, 'state3' = 2)
#' plot_SS_Simulation(Ic, sim)
plot_SS_Simulation <- function(Ic, simulation, las = 0,
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, order = NULL,
main = "1st max - 2nd max",
ylab = "Density",
na.rm = TRUE)
if (any(is.null(names(Ic))))
stop("Please provide name for vector \"Ic\" ")
if (!identical(names(Ic), row.names(simulation)))
Ic = Ic[match(row.names(simulation), names(Ic))]
if (!is.null(order)) {
if (any(!names(Ic) %in% order))
warning("not all states in Ic is plotted")
if (any(!order %in% names(Ic)))
stop("make sure \"Ic\" is named using names in \"order\"")
toplot = toplot[order, ]
# if(!is.null(which2point)) {
# if (!class(which2point) %in% c("integer", "character"))
# stop("'which2poin' should be an integer or characer.")
# if (class(which2point) == "integer" & which2point > length(Ic))
# stop (paste("'which2point' should be small than", length(Ic)))
# if (class(which2point) == "character" & !which2point %in% names(Ic))
# stop (paste("'which2point' should one of", names(Ic)))
# }
diff_Ic <- apply(simulation, MARGIN = 2,
function(x) sort(x, decreasing = TRUE)[2:1])
diff_Ic <- apply(diff_Ic, MARGIN = 2, diff)
density_diff = density(diff_Ic, na.rm=na.rm) # # Kernel Density
if(is.null(ylim)) # correct 09/29/2020
ylim = c(0, .1 + max(density_diff$y))
if(is.null(xlim)) { # correct 09/29/2020
xlim = c(-.05, .05) + c(min(density_diff$x), max(density_diff$x))
plot(density_diff, type = 'l', lwd = 2, col = 'black',
main = main, ylab = paste(ylab, "Density"),
xlim = xlim,
ylim = ylim,
cex.main = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.2)
v <- diff(sort(Ic, decreasing = TRUE)[2:1])
abline(v = v, col = 'red', lwd = 2, lty = 2)
P.value <- round(mean(diff_Ic >= v), 3)
legend = paste0("p = ",
text.col = "red", bty = 'n', cex = 1.5)
return(P.value) ## add by xy on 6/23/2020
#' @title Identifying the 'Biomodule', the candidate critical transition signal transcripts
#' @description This function reports the 'biomodule', which is the module with
#' the maximum Module Critical Index (MCI) scores for each state. Each state
#' can have multiple modules (groups of subnetworks derived from the function
#' \code{\link{getCluster_methods}}). This function runs over all states.
#' @param membersL A list of vectors with unique sample ids as cluster names. The length
#' of this list is equal to the number of states in the study. This can be the
#' first element of the output from function \code{getMCI} or the output from
#' \code{getCluster_methods}, see Examples for more detail.
#' @param idL A list of numeric vectors with unique cluster numbers as names.
#' This can be the first element of the output from function \code{getMaxMCImember}.
#' @param whoisnext A vector of who is the next state
#' in the list given by the \code{memebersL} to exract.
#' @param which.next An integer indicating how many modules with top MCI scores to output.
#' By default is 2 meaning the 2nd id.
#' @return A nested list whose length is the length of the input object
#' \code{membersL}. Each internal list contains at least two objects: one object is
#' the vector of the reported biomodule per state, and the other object is a list of
#' transcript IDs (each defines the biomodule of maximum score per state) across states.
#' When n>1, there will be additional object(s) to record the list of transcrit IDs
#' (each defines the biomodule of the 2nd , the 3rd , ..., maximum score per state)
#' @export
#' A vector of MCI score for each state of interest
#' @author Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2020)
#' test = list('state1' = matrix(rnorm(50,0,1), 10, 5),
#' 'state2' = matrix(rnorm(30,0,3), 10, 3),
#' 'state3' = matrix(rnorm(40,0,1), 10, 4))
#' ## Assign colnames and rownames to the matrix
#' for(i in 1:length(test)){
#' colnames(test[[i]]) = paste0('Cell_',i,1:ncol(test[[i]]))
#' row.names(test[[i]]) = paste0('g',1:10)
#' }
#' gene.cluster = list(rep(1:2, 5), c(rep(1:3,3),2), rep(1:5,2))
#' names(gene.cluster) = names(test)
#' for(i in names(gene.cluster)){
#' names(gene.cluster[[i]]) = paste0('g',1:10)
#' }
#' membersL <- getMCI(gene.cluster, test)
#' names(membersL)
#' # [1] "members" "MCI" "sd" "PCC" "PCCo"
#' ## A list of index of interested gene.cluster IDs per state
#' idxL = list(state1 = c(1,2), state1 = integer(0), state3 = c(3,4,1))
#' ## Extract the score of the 2nd (by default) gene,cluster ID in the 'whoisnext' state
#' getNextMaxStats(membersL[['MCI']], idxL, whoisnext = 'state3')
#' ## Extract the score of the 3rd gene,cluster ID in the 'whoisnext' state
#' getNextMaxStats(membersL[['MCI']], idxL, whoisnext = 3, which.next = 3)
getNextMaxStats <- function(membersL, idL = maxMCIms[['idx']], whoisnext, which.next = 2)
score <- array(dim = length(whoisnext))
names(score) <- whoisnext
idx <- lapply(whoisnext, function(x) idL[[x]][which.next])
for(i in 1:length(whoisnext))
score[[i]] <- membersL[[whoisnext[i]]][idx[[i]]]
#' @title A master function to run BioTIP analysis
#' @description
#' There are two purposes of the \code{BioTIP}() function.
#' One is to make the tool easy to use for every R user. Another purpose is to enable iteratively calls to estimate the stability of predictions.
#' We recommend expert- or interested users to perform each step, with their own tweaking, as needed.
#' @param sce a \code(SingleCellExperiment} Object or \code{cell_data_set} Object
#' @param samplesL A list of vectors, whose length is the number of states. Each vector gives the sample names in a state.
#' Note that the vector s (sample names) has to be among the column names of the R object 'df'. This is also inherited from \link[graphics]{matplot}.
#' @param subDir: A string setting the sub path to save output and intermediate results (when verbose=TRUE) and plots (when plot=TRUE).
#' @param smallest.population.size: An integer, setting the threshold to exclude the smallest cell cluster with less cells
#' @param globa.HVG.select A logical value indicate weather to perform HVG selection across the whole dataset.
# By defaule, this value is FALSE when the input sce object is already an object for the HVG genes,
#' @param dec.pois A DataFrame is returned where each row corresponds to a gene in x (or in subset.row, if specified).
#' This is the output of \code{scran::modelGeneVarByPoisson}.
#' @param n.getTopHVGs An integer setting the number of global HVG. It only functions when globa.HVG.select=TRUE.
#' For BioTIP analysis, this number is suggested to be at least two fold larger than that of Differentially expressed genes.
#' We recommend to use a number larger than 4000.
#' @param getTopMCI.n.states An integer determines how many modules are evaluated (the top n MCI scores would be evaluated
#' for downstream analysis). It is inherited from the parameter \code{n} of the function \code{\link{getTopMCI}}.
#' Default is the number of cell clusters tested.
#' @param getTopMCI.gene.minsize A numerical value of the minimum number of transcripts in a cluster. A cutoff that determines
#' the smallest cluster in transcripts numbers for downstream analysis. It is inherited from the parameter \code{min} of the function \code{getTopMCI}.
#' @param getTopMCI.gene.maxsize A numerical value of the maximum number of transcripts in a cluster. A cutoff that determines
#' the largest cluster in transcripts numbers for downstream analysis. Default is NULL.
#' When there are cell poulations over 1k cells, recommend to set this parameter (e.g., 100) to reduce false positive.
#' @param MCIbottom: a numeric value setting the threshold for MCI score (i.e., the CTS score in the publication),
#' below which the identification will be removed for the downstream investigation.
#' @param local.HVG.optimize A logical value indicating wheather to run function code{\link{optimize.sd_selection}}.
#' Defaul is TRUE. However, for single-cell RT-PCR data or dataset with small number of tested geens, we recommend to set this parameter to FALSE, i.e.,
#' to run BioTIP analysis on all global HVG genes.
#' @param logmat.local.HVG.testres A data matrix of logcounts for the pre-selected local HVGs,
#' to speed up the process of large datasets by skipping the step of selecting local HVGs.
#' Default is NULL to select local HVGs iteratively by \code{localHVG.runs} runs, if \code{local.HVG.optimize} is TRUE.
#' @param localHVG.preselect.cut A positive numeric between 0 and 1, setting how many propotion of global HVG to be selected per cell cluster.
#' Default is 0.01. See the parameter \code{cutoff} of the functions code{\link{optimize.sd_selection} and/or code{\link{sd_selection}.
#' @param localHVG.runs An integer indicating the number of times to run this optimization, default 1000.
#' @param getNetwork.cut.fdr A numeric cutoff value for a Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) analysis.
#' Default is 0.05. Transcripts are linked into a network if their correlations meet this PCC-significance criterion
#' See the parameter \code{fdr} of the function \code{\link{getNetwork}} for details. It only functions when code{local.HVG.optimize} is TRUE.
#' @param n.getMaxMCImember an integer deciding to report n modules with leading MCI scores per state (cluster).
#' Default is 2, i.e., two gene modules per cluster will be evaluated for significance.
#' It inherits the parameter \code{n} of the function \code{\link{getMaxMCImember}}.
#' @param getMCI.adjust.size A Boolean value indicating if MCI score should be adjusted by module size (the number of transcripts in the module) or not. Default FALSE.
#' This parameter is not recommended for fun=BioTIP. This parameter is called by the function \code{getMCI}.
#' @param n.permutation: An integer setting the number of permutation runs to estimate the significance of CTS identifications
#' @param empirical.MCI.p.cut A value setting the threshold of significance when estimating the significance of CTS identifications using the DNB model
#' @param empirical.IC.p.cut A value setting the threshold of significance when estimating the significance of CTS identifications using the Ic model
#' @local.IC.p A logical value. TRUE indicates that the singificance comes by comparing the observed Ic to simulated Ic of the same cluster;
#' FLASE will comapre the observed Ic to the simulated Ic at all tested clusters.
#' @IC.rank An integer, indicating that the singnificance comes also by observing the rank of the IC score at the desired cell cluster
#' among the IC scores for all tested cell clusters in the dataset. Default is 1 to request the highest rank. For complex datasets, this parameter can be adapted to
#' a larger number.
#' @param M is precalculated gene-gene correlation matrix, will be reused in each downstream simulation analysis
# M is also reusable when rerun on the same set of genes and samples.
#' @param permutation.method An option of the way to estimate the significance of CTS identifications.
#' For simple trajectory topology or simple dataset focusing on one branch, we recommend 'both', i.e., shuffling both genes and cells.
#' For complex or large-ranged trajectory with many branches, we recommend 'gene', i.e., only shuffling genes
#' @param verbose A logical value. When TRUE, save intermediate results into the code{subDir}.
#' @param plot A logical value. When TRUE, generate plots for the intermediate results into the \code{subDir}.
#' @return A list of four objects when there is an identification. This contains the fields:
#' @param CTS.candidate is a named list of identified co-expressed gene models (i.e., CTS candidate genes) where the name indicates the predicted cell cluster IDs.
#' @param CTS.score is a named vector of numbers, where the name indicates the predicted cell cluster IDs.
#' @param Ic.shrink is a named list of Ic.shrink scores with the name of this list indicating the predicted cell cluster ID based on a CTS.candidate.
#' Each element of the list is a vector of Ic.shrink scores calculated across all input cell clusters for the corresponding CTS.candidate.
#' @param significant A vector of named logical values indicating whether a CTS.candidate at one cluster (the name) is significant in both models of DNB and Ic.shrink.
#' @export
#' @author Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}
BioTIP.wrap <- function(sce, samplesL, subDir = 'newrun',
n.getTopHVGs=round(nrow(sce)*0.4), # used for global HGV selection, dependening on the number of genes
logmat.local.HVG.testres = NULL,
n.getMaxMCImember = 2,
getMCI.adjust.size =FALSE,
n.permutation = 100,
empirical.IC.p.cut = 0.05,
local.IC.p = TRUE,
verbose=FALSE, plot=TRUE )
# require(SingleCellExperiment)
if(!'logcounts' %in% assayNames(sce) & !'counts' %in% assayNames(sce)) stop("no 'counts' nor logcounts' in names(assays(sce))")
if(! permutation.method %in% c('gene','both','sample')) {
warning('No permutation.method found for Ic signicance, gene permutation is performed')
# require(ggplot2)
mainDir = getwd()
if (!file.exists(subDir)){
dir.create(file.path(mainDir, subDir))
# setwd(file.path(mainDir, subDir))
outputpath = paste0(subDir,'/BioTIP_top',localHVG.preselect.cut,'FDR',getNetwork.cut.fdr,"_")
(tmp = lengths(samplesL))
if(any(tmp < smallest.population.size)) samplesL <- samplesL[-which(tmp < smallest.population.size)]
sce = sce[,unlist(samplesL)]
myplotIc <- function(filename,BioTIP_scores, CTS.candidate,SimResults_g ){
pdf(file=filename, width=10, height=6)
n = length(BioTIP_scores)
# x.row= ifelse(n>=4, 2, 1)
# if(n>8) warning('Only up to 8 CTSs are plotted')
nn<- ifelse(n>8, 8 ,n)
par(mfrow=c(2,nn)) # 8 plots per page, SimResults_g
for(i in 1:nn){
x = length(CTS.candidate[[i]])
plot_Ic_Simulation(BioTIP_scores[[i]], SimResults_g[[i]],
ylim=c(0, max(unlist(BioTIP_scores))),
las = 2, ylab="Ic.shrink",
main= paste("Cluster",names(BioTIP_scores)[i],"\n",x," genes"),
fun="boxplot", #fun="matplot",
TEXT = ifelse(local.IC.p, "p.Local=", "p.Global=")
text(1, 0.09, paste(TEXT,p.IC[i]), cex=1.5 )
for(i in 1:nn){
x = length(CTS.candidate[[i]])
plot_SS_Simulation(BioTIP_scores[[i]], SimResults_g[[i]],
main = paste("Delta Ic.shrink",x,"genes"),
if(n>8) {
for(i in (nn+1):n){
x = length(CTS.candidate[[i]])
plot_Ic_Simulation(BioTIP_scores[[i]], SimResults_g[[i]],
ylim=c(0, max(unlist(BioTIP_scores))),
las = 2, ylab="Ic.shrink",
main= paste("Cluster",names(BioTIP_scores)[i],"\n",x," genes"),
fun="boxplot", #fun="matplot",
TEXT = ifelse(local.IC.p, "p.Local=", "p.Global=")
text(1, 0.09, paste(TEXT,p.IC[i]), cex=1.5 )
for(i in (nn+1):n){
x = length(CTS.candidate[[i]])
plot_SS_Simulation(BioTIP_scores[[i]], SimResults_g[[i]],
main = paste("Delta Ic.shrink",x,"genes"),
######## 1) select global HVG ######################
## set.seed(0010101)
dec.pois <- scran::modelGeneVarByPoisson(sce, block=sce$batch)
} else dec.pois = dec.pois[rownames(sce),]
libsf.var <- getTopHVGs(dec.pois, n=n.getTopHVGs)
# [1] 4000
table(libsf.var %in% rownames(sce))
# 927 3073
libsf.var <- intersect(libsf.var, rownames(sce))
length(libsf.var) # 3073
dat <- sce[libsf.var,]
} else dat <- sce
#logcounts normalized by library size
if(grepl("cell_data_set", class(dat))) {
# require(monocle3)
logmat <- as.matrix(normalized_counts(dat))
} else if((grepl("SingleCellExperiment", class(dat)))) logmat <- as.matrix(logcounts(dat))
# [1] 3073 7240
############ 2) identify CTS candidates
### BEGIN DO NOT REPEAT #1 -----------------------------
# 2.1) select local HVG per cluster by this optimizes sd selection
if(local.HVG.optimize) {
## set.seed(2020)
cat('running local HVG optimalization ...')
# testres is a list of downsampled logmat per cluster, with rows to be locally selected HVGs
testres <- optimize.sd_selection(logmat, samplesL, B=localHVG.runs,
times=.75, percent=0.8)
if(verbose) save(testres, file=paste0(outputpath,"optimized_local.HVG_selection.RData"), compress=TRUE) # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
} else {
testres <- logmat.local.HVG.testres # working on the pre-selected local HVGs
if(!all(rownames(testres) %in% rownames(logmat))) {
testres <- testres[intersect(rownames(testres),rownames(logmat)),]
warning('Some of genes in the given logmat.local.HVG.testres are outside the golbal HVG!')
} else {
testres <- sd_selection(logmat, samplesL, cutoff=localHVG.preselect.cut)
# load(file=paste0(outputpath,"optimized_local.HVG_selection.RData"))
cat('HVG selection is done', '\n')
# Network Partition
igraphL <- getNetwork(testres, fdr = getNetwork.cut.fdr)
# C1:257 nodes
# C2:264 nodes
# C3:286 nodes
# C4:295 nodes
# TC:211 nodes
cluster <- getCluster_methods(igraphL)
# [1] "C1" "C2" "C3" "C4" "TC"
cat('Network partition is done', '\n')
# 2.2) Identifying CTS candidate, the MCI score uisng the DNB model #########
membersL <- getMCI(cluster,testres, adjust.size = getMCI.adjust.size, fun='BioTIP')
#[1] "members" "MCI" "sd" "PCC" "PCCo"
# save(membersL, file=paste0(outputpath,"membersL.RData")) #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cat('CTS score calculation is done', '\n')
# get the statistics using the MCI system
# getTopMCI.n.states decides how many states to check
topMCI = getTopMCI(membersL[["members"]], membersL[["MCI"]],
membersL[["MCI"]], min=getTopMCI.gene.minsize,
# C2 C1 TC
# 4.209349 3.518579 3.413213
if(class(topMCI)=="numeric" & length(topMCI)>0){
w <- ifelse(length(membersL$MCI) > 10, 80, 40)
h <- ifelse(length(membersL$MCI) > 10, 10, 5)
pdf(file=paste0(outputpath,"MCIBar_", localHVG.preselect.cut,
width=w, height=h)
plotBar_MCI(membersL, ylim=c(0, ceiling(max(topMCI, na.rm=TRUE))), minsize = getTopMCI.gene.minsize)
if(!is.null(MCIbottom)) abline(h=MCIbottom, lty=2, col='red')
plotBar_MCI(membersL, ylim=c(0, ceiling(max(topMCI, na.rm=TRUE))*2))
if(!is.null(MCIbottom)) abline(h=MCIbottom, lty=2, col='red')
# #the numbers in the parenthesis: they are total number of clusters, no control of the cell (sample) size per cluster
x <- which(topMCI >= MCIbottom)
if(length(x)>0) {
topMCI = topMCI[x]
if(getTopMCI.n.states > length(x)) warning(paste('less number of states have the highest CTS score larger than',MCIbottom))
getTopMCI.n.states = length(x)
# get the CTS ID within each cluster and CTS.candidate genes for the first leading MCI scores per state
CTS.candidate.ms <- getMaxMCImember(membersL[["members"]],
membersL[["MCI"]],min =getTopMCI.gene.minsize,
CTS.candidate = getCTS(topMCI, CTS.candidate.ms[["members"]][names(topMCI)])
# Length: 54
# Length: 26
# Length: 51
# get the state ID and CTS.candidate genes for the 2nd leading MCI scores per state
## tmp extracts the number of bars within each named state
tmp <- unlist(lapply(CTS.candidate.ms[['idx']][names(topMCI)], length))
## here returns all the groups with only 2 or more bars
(whoistop2nd <- names(tmp[tmp>=2]))
if(length(whoistop2nd)>0) {
nextMCI = getNextMaxStats(membersL[['MCI']], idL=CTS.candidate.ms[['idx']], whoistop2nd, which.next = 2)
nextMCI = nextMCI[order(nextMCI, decreasing=TRUE)]
x <- which(nextMCI >= MCIbottom)
if(length(x)>0) {
nextMCI = nextMCI[x]
whoistop2nd = names(nextMCI)
## add the gene members of the 2nd toppest biomodue in the states with exactly 2 bars
CTS.candidate = append(CTS.candidate, CTS.candidate.ms[["2topest.members"]][whoistop2nd])
topMCI = append(topMCI, nextMCI)
## here returns all the groups with exactly 3 bars
whoistop3rd = names(tmp[tmp>=3])
if(length(whoistop3rd)>0) {
nextMCI = getNextMaxStats(membersL[['MCI']], idL=CTS.candidate.ms[['idx']], whoistop3rd, which.next = 3)
nextMCI = nextMCI[order(nextMCI, decreasing=TRUE)]
x <- which(nextMCI >= MCIbottom)
if(length(x)>0) {
CTS.candidate = append(CTS.candidate, CTS.candidate.ms[["3topest.members"]][whoistop3rd])
topMCI = append(topMCI, nextMCI)
if(n.getMaxMCImember>3) warning('Please manually modify the BioTIP() accordingly to extract 4th and more CTS candididate per cell cluster')
} # ending if(length(whoistop2nd)>0)
} else warning(paste('All 2nd highest CTS scores are lower than',MCIbottom))
if(verbose) save(CTS.candidate, topMCI, file=paste0(outputpath,"CTS.candidate.RData")) #!!!!!!!!
### END DO NOT REPEAT, #1 -----------------------------
# load(file=paste0('BioTIP_top',localHVG.preselect.cut,'FDR',getNetwork.cut.fdr,'_','CTS.candidate.RData'))
# names(CTS.candidate)
# # [1] "C2" "C1" "TC"
############# estimate significance for CTS cendidate using the DNB model
# ## BEGIN DO NOT REPEAT, #2-----------------------------
# also refer to 'BioTIP_E8.25_mesoderm_cluster.R'
#[1] 3073 1362
# M is precalculated gene-gene correlation matrix, will be reused in the downstream simulation analysis
if(is.null(M)) {
cat('calcualting M .... ')
M <- cor.shrink(logmat, Y = NULL, MARGIN = 1, shrink = TRUE)
save(M, file=paste0(outputpath,"CTS_ShrinkM.RData"), compress=TRUE) # save the file as its calculation runs a while
dim(M) #3073 3073
M = M[rownames(logmat), rownames(logmat)]
# load(file=paste0(outputpath,"CTS_ShrinkM.RData"))
simuMCI = list()
## set.seed(2020)
for (i in 1:length(CTS.candidate)){
n <- length(CTS.candidate[[i]])
simuMCI[[i]] <- simulationMCI(n, samplesL, logmat, adjust.size=getMCI.adjust.size, B=n.permutation, fun="BioTIP", M=M)
names(simuMCI) = names(CTS.candidate)
if(verbose) save(simuMCI, file=paste0(outputpath,"SimuMCI_",n.permutation,"_", localHVG.preselect.cut, "_fdr",
n = length(CTS.candidate)
if(plot & n>0 & class(topMCI)=="numeric" & length(topMCI)>0){
w <- ifelse(n>3, 4*n, 7); h <- ifelse(n>3, n, 7) # updated 1/28/2022
pdf(file=paste0(outputpath,"barplot_MCI_Sim_RandomGene.pdf"), width=w, height=h)
for (i in 1:n){
plot_MCI_Simulation(topMCI[i], simuMCI[[i]], las=2, ylim=c(0, max(c(topMCI, simuMCI[[i]]), na.rm=TRUE)),
main=paste("Cluster", names(CTS.candidate)[i], ";", length(CTS.candidate[[i]]), "genes",
"\n","vs. ",n.permutation, "times of gene-permutation"),
## END DO NOT REPEAT #2 -----------------------------
## dropoff non-significant CTS by the above MCI simulation ---------------
n <- length(CTS.candidate)
p <- array(dim=n)
for(i in 1:n){
## scan the global MCI score in all clusters:
p[i] = length(which(simuMCI[[i]] >= topMCI[i]))/n.permutation/length(samplesL) # updated 2/4/2022
dropoff <- which(p>= empirical.MCI.p.cut)
CTS.candidate <- CTS.candidate[-dropoff] # updated 1/29/2022
# CTS.Symbol <- CTS.Symbol[-dropoff]
# save(CTS, file= paste0(outputpath, 'CTS.candidate.RData'))
# rm(n, CTS.candidate)
# load(file= paste0(outputpath, 'CTS.candidae.RData'))
cat('CTS.dandidate is done', '\n')
######## Finding Tipping Point and verify using IC score !!!! #################
###### BioTIP score, evaluate by Ic_shrink scores by shuffling genes, samples, or both ##############
# C= 1000
BioTIP_scores <- SimResults_g <- SimResults_s <- SimResults_b <- list()
## set.seed(101010)
for(i in 1:length(CTS.candidate)){ # begin loop i
CTS <- CTS.candidate[[i]]
n <- length(CTS)
BioTIP_scores[[i]] <- getIc(logmat, samplesL, CTS, fun="BioTIP",
shrink=TRUE, PCC_sample.target = 'none' )
if(permutation.method=='both'){ # flag1
###### shuffling both genes and samples ##############
SimResults_b[[i]] <- matrix(nrow=length(samplesL), ncol=n.permutation)
rownames(SimResults_b[[i]]) = names(samplesL)
for(j in 1:length(samplesL)) {
ns <- length(samplesL[[j]]) # of each state
CTS.sim <- sample(rownames(logmat), n) # !!!!
SimResults_b[[i]][j,] <- simulation_Ic_sample(logmat, ns, #Ic=BioTIP_score[i],
genes= CTS.sim, B=n.permutation,
fun="BioTIP", shrink=TRUE, PCC_sample.target = 'none')
} else { # flag1.1
if(permutation.method=='sample'){ # flag2
#### shuffling cluser IDs for cells
SimResults_s[[i]] <- matrix(nrow=length(samplesL), ncol=n.permutation)
rownames(SimResults_s[[i]]) = names(samplesL)
for(j in 1:length(samplesL)) {
ns <- length(samplesL[[j]]) # of each state
SimResults_s[[i]][j,] <- simulation_Ic_sample(logmat, ns, #Ic=BioTIP_score[i],
genes=CTS, B=n.permutation,
fun="BioTIP", shrink=TRUE, PCC_sample.target = 'none')
} else { # flag2.1
#### shuffling genes
SimResults_g[[i]] <- simulation_Ic(n, samplesL, logmat, B=n.permutation,
fun="BioTIP", shrink=TRUE, PCC_sample.target = 'none')
} # flag2.2
} # flag1.2
} # end loop i
# names(SimResults_b) <- names(CTS.candidate)
names(BioTIP_scores) <- names(CTS.candidate)
if(length(SimResults_g)>0) names(SimResults_g) <- names(BioTIP_scores)
if(length(SimResults_s)>0) names(SimResults_s) <- names(BioTIP_scores)
if(length(SimResults_b)>0) names(SimResults_b) <- names(BioTIP_scores)
if(verbose) if(permutation.method=='both') {
save( SimResults_b, BioTIP_scores,
file=paste0(outputpath,"IC_sim.PermutateBoth.RData"), compress=TRUE)
} else {
save( SimResults_g, SimResults_s, BioTIP_scores,
file=paste0(outputpath,"IC_sim.Permutation.RData"), compress=TRUE)
n <- length(CTS.candidate)
p.IC <- rep(1, n)
if(length(SimResults_g)>0) {
SimResults_4_p.IC = SimResults_g } else if(length(SimResults_s)>0) {
SimResults_4_p.IC = SimResults_s
} else if(length(SimResults_b)>0) {
SimResults_4_p.IC = SimResults_b
if(length(SimResults_4_p.IC)>0) {
for(i in 1:n){
interesting = names(BioTIP_scores[i]) ## uodated 1/30/2022
#first p value calculated for exactly at tipping point
p = length(which(SimResults_4_p.IC[[i]][interesting,] >= BioTIP_scores[[i]][names(BioTIP_scores)[i]]))
p = p/n.permutation # ncol(SimResults_4_p.IC[[i]])
#second p value calculated across all statuses
p2 = length(which(SimResults_4_p.IC[[i]] >= BioTIP_scores[[i]][names(BioTIP_scores)[i]]))
p2 = p2/n.permutation #ncol(SimResults_4_p.IC[[i]])
p.IC[i] = p2/nrow(SimResults_4_p.IC[[i]])
cat('BioTIP is done', '\n')
if(length(SimResults_g)>0 & length(CTS.candidate)>0) {
pdf.file.name = paste0(outputpath,"IC_Delta_SimresultGene.pdf")
myplotIc(pdf.file.name, BioTIP_scores, CTS.candidate, SimResults_g )
if(length(SimResults_s)>0) {
pdf.file.name = paste0(outputpath,"IC_Delta_SimresultSample.pdf")
myplotIc(pdf.file.name, BioTIP_scores, CTS.candidate, SimResults_s )
if(length(SimResults_b)>0) {
pdf.file.name = paste0(outputpath,"IC_Delta_SimresultBoth.pdf")
myplotIc(pdf.file.name, BioTIP_scores, CTS.candidate, SimResults_b )
## evaluate by the significance of Ic.shrink after permutation genes
n = length(BioTIP_scores)
# cat('NOTICE!','\n')
#x <- which(p.IC < empirical.p.cut)
x <- p.IC < empirical.IC.p.cut # updated 1/28/2022
# check if the max Ic is observed at TC
x2 <- rep(FALSE, n)
for(i in 1:n){
if (IC.rank==1) x2[i] = ifelse(names(which.max(BioTIP_scores[[i]])) == names(BioTIP_scores)[i],
TRUE, FALSE) else{
n2 <- length(BioTIP_scores[[i]])
which.high <- rank(BioTIP_scores[[i]])[n2:(n2-IC.rank+1)]
x2[i][which.high] <- TRUE
significant = x & x2
names(significant) <- names(CTS.candidate)
} else {
BioTIP_scores = NULL
significant = rep(FALSE, length(CTS.candidate))
names(significant) <- names(CTS.candidate)
cat('All CTS.candidate are insignificant in DMB model')
if(!is.null(getTopMCI.gene.maxsiz)) {
x <- lengths(CTS.candidate)
dropoff <- which(x> getTopMCI.gene.maxsize)
CTS.candidate = CTS.candidate[-dropoff]
topMCI = topMCI[-dropoff]
BioTIP_scores = BioTIP_scores[-dropoff]
significant = significant[-dropoff]
} else {
warning(paste('No CTS has a score higher than', MCIbottom, '!'))
} else{
warning(paste('No module has', getTopMCI.gene.minsize, ' gene members!'))
# setwd(file.path(mainDir))
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