
Defines functions make_benchmark .plot_score_distribution .summarise_missing_contrasts .partial_AUC_summary .plot_precision_recall .plot_ROC do_confusion_c do_confusion .scale_probabilities ms_bench_auc ms_bench_add_scores ionstar_bench_preprocess

Documented in ionstar_bench_preprocess make_benchmark ms_bench_add_scores ms_bench_auc .summarise_missing_contrasts

#' prepare benchmark data
#' @export
#' @family benchmarking
#' @param data analysis results
#' @param idcol default "protein_Id"
ionstar_bench_preprocess <- function(data, idcol = "protein_Id") {
  tmp <- data |>
    ungroup() |>
    mutate(species  = case_when(
      grepl("HUMAN", !!sym(idcol)) ~ "HUMAN",
      grepl("ECOLI", !!sym(idcol)) ~ "ECOLI",
      TRUE ~ "OTHER"
  res <- tmp |> dplyr::filter(!.data$species == "OTHER")
  res <- res |> mutate(TP = (.data$species == "ECOLI"))
  return(list(data = res , table = table(tmp$species)))

#' adds FDR, TPR and FDP to data.
#' @param data a dataframe with TP_col indicating if the row is a true positive hit
#' @param TP_col column name of TP (TRUE, FALSE)
#' @param arrangeby - by which column to sort.
#' @param desc  descending or ascending.
#' @export
#' @family benchmarking
#' @keywords internal
#' @returns data.frame with the following columns added
#' FDP - false discovery proportion (Q in Benjamini Hochberg table)
#' FPR - false positive rate
#' TPR - true positive rate
#' TP_hits - true positives
#' @examples
#' dd <- prolfqua_data('data_test_confusion_matrix_scores')
#' xd <- ms_bench_add_scores(dd, arrangeby = "estimate")
#' plot(xd$TPR,xd$PREC, type="l")
#' plot(1- xd$PREC, xd$FDP)
ms_bench_add_scores <- function(data,
                                TP_col = "TP",
                                arrangeby = "diff",
                                desc = TRUE,
                                subject_Id = "protein_Id") {
  #data <- est

  data <- if (!desc) {
    data |> arrange(!!sym(arrangeby))
  } else{
    data |> arrange(desc(!!sym(arrangeby)))
  data <- data |> select(!!sym(subject_Id) ,scorecol = !!sym(arrangeby) , !!sym(TP_col))
  data$what <- arrangeby

  data <- na.omit(data)
  data$F_ <- sum(!data$TP)
  data$T_ <- sum(data$TP)

  data <- mutate(data,
                 R = seq_len(dplyr::n())
                 , FDP = dplyr::cummean(!.data$TP)
                 , TP_hits = cumsum(.data$TP)
                 , FN_hits = .data$T_ - .data$TP_hits
                 , FP_hits = cumsum(!.data$TP)
                 , TN_hits = .data$F_ - .data$FP_hits
                 , PREC = .data$TP_hits / ( .data$TP_hits + .data$FP_hits ) # or just 1 - FDP
                 , FPR = .data$FP_hits / .data$F_

                 , TPR  = .data$TP_hits / .data$T_ # also known as recall REC

                 , ACC = (.data$TP_hits + .data$TN_hits) / (.data$T_ + .data$F_)
                 , FDP_ = .data$FDP * 1/.data$FDP[dplyr::n()] # rescaled FDP.
  ) |> ungroup()

#' computes auc and pauc using trapez rule
#' @keywords internal
#' @family benchmarking
#' @export
#' @param FPR array of FPR
#' @param TPR array of corresponding TPR
#' @param fpr_threshold default = 1
ms_bench_auc <- function(FPR, TPR, fpr_threshold = 1) {
  # make sure that sorted.
  oFPR <- order(FPR)
  FPR <- FPR[oFPR]
  TPR <- TPR[oFPR]

  idx <- FPR < fpr_threshold
  TPR <- TPR[idx]
  FPR <- FPR[idx]
  res <- 1 / 2 * sum(diff(FPR) * (head(TPR,-1) + tail(TPR,-1)))
  return(res / fpr_threshold * 100)

# scale_probabilities
# @param toscale columns to scale
# @param estimate fold change column
.scale_probabilities <-
  function(est ,toscale , fcestimate = "diff") {
    addScaledP <- function(data , fcestimate , scale) {
      scaled.p = paste0("scaled.", scale)
      data <-
        data |> dplyr::mutate(!!scaled.p := ifelse(!!sym(fcestimate) > 0,
                                                   1 - !!sym(scale) , !!sym(scale) - 1))

    for (scale in toscale) {
      est <- addScaledP(est, fcestimate = fcestimate , scale = scale)

# do_confusion
do_confusion <-
           arrangeby = list(list(score = "diff", desc = TRUE),
                            list(score = "statistic", desc = TRUE),
                            list(score = "scaled.p.value" , desc = TRUE)),
           subject_Id = "protein_Id") {
    # TODO add to prolfqua
    est <- data |> ungroup() |>
      dplyr::select_at(c(subject_Id, "TP",
                         purrr::map_chr(arrangeby, "score")))
    res <- list()
    for (arrange in arrangeby) {
      score <- arrange$score
      res[[score]] <-
                            TP_col = "TP",
                            arrangeby = score,
                            desc = arrange$desc,
                            subject_Id = subject_Id)
    all <- bind_rows(res)

# do_confusion for each contrast
do_confusion_c <- function(
    contrast = "contrast",
    arrangeby = list(list(score = "scaled.p.value", desc = FALSE)),
    subject_Id = "protein_Id") {

  txx <- data |> group_by_at(contrast) |> nest()
  out <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(txx$data))
  for (i in 1:length(txx$data)) {
    out[[i]] <- do_confusion(
      arrangeby = arrangeby,
      subject_Id = subject_Id)
  txx$out <- out
  #txx <- txx |> mutate(out = map(data,
  #                               do_confusion,
  #                               arrangeby = arrangeby, subject_Id = subject_Id))
  xx <- txx  |> select_at(c(contrast, "out")) |>
    unnest("out") |>

  # computes FDR FDP for all contrasts
  xy <- do_confusion(data, arrangeby = arrangeby, subject_Id = subject_Id)
  xy <- xy |> dplyr::mutate(!!contrast := "all")
  #xy <- tibble::add_column(data, contrast = "all", .before = 1)
  xx <- dplyr::bind_rows(xy, xx)

# Visualizes data frame with columns FPR, TPR, FDP
.plot_ROC <-
  function(pStats, fpr_lim = 0.2, contrast= "contrast") {
    p2 <-
      ggplot(pStats , aes(x = .data$FPR, y = .data$TPR, color = .data$what)) +
      geom_path()  +
      xlim(0, fpr_lim) +
      facet_wrap( as.formula(paste0("~",contrast )) )


.plot_precision_recall <-
  function(pStats, precision_lim = 0.7, recall_lim = 1,  contrast = "contrast"){
    p2 <- ggplot(pStats, aes(x = .data$TPR, y = .data$PREC, color = .data$what)) +
      geom_path() +
      xlim(0, recall_lim) +
      ylim(precision_lim, 1) +
      facet_wrap( as.formula(paste0("~",contrast )) ) +
      labs( y = "Precision [TP/(TP + FP)] or (1 - FDP)", x = "Recall (TPR) [TP/(TP + FN)]")

.partial_AUC_summary <- function(pStats, model_description = "mixed effects model",
                                 contrast = "contrast"){
  summaryS <- pStats |> dplyr::group_by(!!sym(contrast), .data$what) |>
      AUC = ms_bench_auc(.data$FPR, .data$TPR),
      pAUC_10 =  ms_bench_auc(.data$FPR, .data$TPR, 0.1),
      pAUC_20 = ms_bench_auc(.data$FPR, .data$TPR, 0.2)

  ftable <- list(content = summaryS,
                 caption = paste0("AUC, and pAUC at 0.1 and 0.2 FPR for ", model_description),
                 digits = 2)
  sumd <- tidyr::pivot_longer(summaryS, cols = matches("^AUC|^pAUC"), names_to = "AUC")
  barp <- ggplot(sumd, aes(x = !!sym(contrast) , y = .data$value,
                           color = NULL ,
                           fill = .data$what)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position_dodge()) +
    facet_wrap(~AUC, scales = "free") +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) +
    coord_cartesian(ylim = c(floor(min(sumd$value) / 10) * 10, 100))

  res <- list(
    barp = barp,
    ftable = ftable)

#' summarise_missing_contrasts
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' ttd <- ionstar_bench_preprocess(prolfqua_data('data_benchmarkExample'))
#' x <- .summarise_missing_contrasts(ttd$data)
#' x2 <- tibble::as_tibble(x$summary)
.summarise_missing_contrasts <- function(data,
                                         hierarchy = c("protein_Id"),
                                         contrast = "contrast",
                                         what = "statistic") {
  data <- tidyr::complete(

  xxA <- data |>
    group_by_at(hierarchy) |>
    summarize(n = n(), nr_na = sum(is.na(!!sym(what))))
  summary <- xxA |> group_by(.data$nr_na) |> summarize(n = n())

  colnames(summary) <- c("nr_missing", paste(hierarchy, collapse = "_"))
  return(list(summary = summary, nr_na = xxA))

# plot score distributions by species
.plot_score_distribution <- function(data,
                                     score = list(list(score = "diff",xlim = c(-1,2) ),
                                                  list(score = "statistic", xlim = c(-3,10) )),
                                     contrast = "contrast",
                                     species = "species" ,
                                     annot = "peptide level statistics density"){
  plots <- list()
  for (i in score) {
    xlim = i$xlim
    score = i$score
    plots[[score]] <- ggplot(data, aes(x = !!sym(score),
                                       y = !!sym(contrast),
                                       color = !!sym(species))) +
      ggridges::geom_density_ridges(alpha = 0.1) + if(!is.null(xlim)) { ggplot2::xlim(xlim) }
  fig <- ggpubr::ggarrange(plotlist = plots,
                           nrow = 1,
                           common.legend = TRUE,
                           legend = "bottom")

  fig <- ggpubr::annotate_figure(fig, bottom = ggpubr::text_grob(annot, size = 10))

# Benchmark ----
#' Benchmark R6 class
#' @export
#' @family benchmarking
#' @examples
#' dd <- dplyr::filter(prolfqua_data('data_benchmarkExample'), !is.na(statistic))
#' dd <- dd |> dplyr::mutate(avgInt = (c1 + c2)/2)
#' ttd <- ionstar_bench_preprocess(dd)
#' medpol_benchmark <- make_benchmark(ttd$data,
#' benchmark = list(
#' list(score = "estimate", desc = TRUE),
#' list(score = "statistic", desc = TRUE),
#' list(score = "scaled.p.value", desc = TRUE)
#' ),
#'     fcestimate = "estimate",
#'     model_description = "med. polish and lm. density",
#'     model_name = "prot_med_lm"
#' )
#' medpol_benchmark$plot_score_distribution(list(list(score = "estimate", xlim = c(-1,2) ),
#'  list(score = "statistic", xlim = c(-3,10) )))
#' medpol_benchmark$get_confusion_benchmark()
#' #Benchmark$debug("plot_score_distribution")
#' benchmark <- make_benchmark(
#'   ttd$data,
#'   toscale =  c("moderated.p.value", "moderated.p.value.adjusted"),
#'   fcestimate = "estimate",
#'   benchmark = list(list(score = "estimate", desc = TRUE),
#'                    list(score = "statistic", desc = TRUE),
#'                    list(score = "scaled.moderated.p.value", desc = TRUE),
#'                    list(score = "scaled.moderated.p.value.adjusted", desc = TRUE)
#'   ),
#'   FDRvsFDP =
#'     list(list(score = "moderated.p.value", desc = FALSE),
#'          list(score = "moderated.p.value.adjusted", desc = FALSE)),
#'   model_description = "protein level measurments, lm model",
#'   model_name = "prot_lm"
#' )
#' bb <- benchmark$pAUC_summaries()
#' benchmark$complete(FALSE)
#' benchmark$smc$summary
#' benchmark$plot_score_distribution(list(list(score = "estimate", xlim = c(-1,2) ),list(score = "statistic", xlim = c(-3,10) )))
#' benchmark$plot_score_distribution()
#' bb <- benchmark$get_confusion_FDRvsFDP()
#' xb <- dplyr::filter(bb, contrast ==  "dilution_(4.5/3)_1.5")
#' bb <- benchmark$get_confusion_benchmark()
#' benchmark$plot_ROC(xlim = 0.1)
#' benchmark$plot_precision_recall()
#' benchmark$plot_FDRvsFDP()
#' benchmark$plot_scatter(list(list(score = "estimate", ylim = c(-1,2) ),list(score = "statistic", ylim = c(-3,10) )))
#' benchmark$complete(FALSE)
#' benchmark$missing_contrasts()
#' stopifnot(nrow(benchmark$pAUC_summaries()$ftable$content) == 4 * (4 + 1))
#' benchmark$complete(TRUE)
#' stopifnot(nrow(benchmark$pAUC_summaries()$ftable$content) == 4 * (4+1))
#' missum <- benchmark$missing_contrasts()$summary
#' stopifnot(nrow(missum) == 4)
#' stopifnot(ncol(missum) == 2)
#' # returns number of statistics
#' stopifnot(nrow(benchmark$n_confusion_benchmark()) == 4 * (4 + 1))
#' stopifnot(nrow(benchmark$n_confusion_FDRvsFDP()) == 2 * (4 + 1))
#' benchmark$pAUC()
Benchmark <-
    public = list(
      #' @field .data data.frame
      .data = NULL,
      #' @field is_complete todo
      is_complete = FALSE,
      #' @field contrast column name
      contrast = "",
      #' @field toscale which columns to scale
      toscale = c(""),
      #' @field avgInt average Intensity
      avgInt = numeric(),
      #' @field fcestimate estimate column
      fcestimate = "",
      #' @field benchmark todo
      benchmark = list(),
      #' @field model_description describe model
      model_description = "",
      #' @field model_name model description
      model_name = "",
      #' @field hierarchy todo
      hierarchy = "",
      #' @field smc summarize missing contrasts
      smc = NULL,
      #' @field summarizeNA statistic to use for missigness summarization (e.g. statistic, or p-value)
      summarizeNA = character(),
      #' @field confusion todo
      confusion = NULL,
      #' @field species todo
      species = "",
      #' @field FDRvsFDP todo
      FDRvsFDP = NULL,
      #' @description
      #' create Benchmark
      #' @param data data.frame
      #' @param toscale columns ot scale
      #' @param fcestimate column with fold change estimates
      #' @param avgInt average protein/peptide/metabolite intensity
      #' @param benchmark columns to benchmark
      #' @param FDRvsFDP score for which to generate FDR vs FDP
      #' @param columns to create FPR vs FDP analysis for
      #' @param model_description describe model
      #' @param model_name model name
      #' @param contrast contrast
      #' @param species species (todo rename)
      #' @param hierarchy e.g. protein_Id
      #' @param summarizeNA examine this column to determine the proportion of missing values default statistic
      initialize = function(data,
                            toscale = c("p.value"),
                            fcestimate = "diff",
                            avgInt = "avgInt",
                            benchmark = list(
                              list(score = "diff", desc = TRUE),
                              list(score = "statistic", desc = TRUE),
                              list(score = "scaled.p.value", desc = TRUE)
                            FDRvsFDP = list(list(score = "FDR", desc = FALSE)),
                            model_description = "protein level measurments, linear model",
                            model_name = "medpolish_lm",
                            contrast = "contrast",
                            species = "species",
                            hierarchy = c("protein_Id"),
                            summarizeNA = "statistic") {
        self$.data <- data
        self$contrast <- contrast
        self$avgInt <- avgInt
        self$toscale <- toscale
        self$fcestimate <- fcestimate
        self$benchmark <- benchmark
        self$FDRvsFDP <- FDRvsFDP
        self$model_description <- model_description
        self$model_name <- model_name
        self$hierarchy <- hierarchy
        self$species <- species
        self$summarizeNA <- summarizeNA

        self$smc <- .summarise_missing_contrasts(self$.data,
                                                 hierarchy = hierarchy,
                                                 contrast = contrast,
                                                 what = summarizeNA)
        self$.data <- .scale_probabilities(self$.data,
                                           toscale = toscale,
                                           fcestimate = self$fcestimate)

      #' @description
      #' get data
      #' @return data.frame
      data = function(){
        if (self$is_complete) {
          nr_na <- self$smc$nr_na |> dplyr::filter(n == n - .data$nr_na)
          return(dplyr::inner_join(self$.data, nr_na, by = self$hierarchy))
        } else {
      #' @description
      #' summarize missing contrasts
      #' @return data.frame
      missing_contrasts = function(){
        self$smc <- .summarise_missing_contrasts(self$.data,
                                                 hierarchy = self$hierarchy,
                                                 contrast = self$contrast,
                                                 what = self$summarizeNA)
      #' @description
      #' set or get complete.
      #' If true only proteins for which all contrasts are determinable are examined.
      #' @param value TRUE if data should be complete (no missing contrasts)
      complete = function(value){
        if (missing(value)) {
        } else {
          self$is_complete = value
      #' @description
      #' get confusion data
      #' @param arrange todo
      .get_confusion = function(arrange){
        confusion <- prolfqua:::do_confusion_c(self$data(),
                                               contrast = self$contrast,
                                               arrangeby = arrange,
                                               subject_Id = self$hierarchy)
        confusion <- tibble::add_column(
          confusion ,
          model_name = self$model_name,
          .before = self$contrast)
      #' @description
      #' get FDR summaries
      get_confusion_benchmark = function(){
        self$.get_confusion(arrange = self$benchmark)
      #' @description
      #' nr of elements used to determine ROC curve
      n_confusion_benchmark = function(){
        bb1 <- self$get_confusion_benchmark()
        n <- bb1 |> na.omit() |> group_by(what, contrast) |> summarise(n = n())
      #' @description
      #' plot FDR summaries
      #' @param xlim limit x axis
      #' @return ggplot
      plot_ROC = function(xlim = 0.5){
        confusion <- self$get_confusion_benchmark()
        vissum <- .plot_ROC(confusion,
                            fpr_lim = xlim,
                            contrast = self$contrast)
      #' @description
      #' AUC summaries
      pAUC_summaries = function(){
        confusion <- self$get_confusion_benchmark()
        pauc <- .partial_AUC_summary(
          model_description = paste0(ifelse(self$complete(), " (CC) " , " (NC) "),
          contrast = self$contrast)
      #' @description
      #' AUC summaries as table
      pAUC = function(){
        pStats <- self$get_confusion_benchmark()
        summaryS <- pStats |> dplyr::group_by(.data$contrast, .data$what) |>
            AUC = ms_bench_auc(.data$FPR, .data$TPR),
            pAUC_10 =  ms_bench_auc(.data$FPR, .data$TPR, 0.1),
            pAUC_20 = ms_bench_auc(.data$FPR, .data$TPR, 0.2)
        summaryS$Name <- self$model_name
      #' @description
      #' FDR vs FDP data
      get_confusion_FDRvsFDP = function(){
        xx <- self$.get_confusion(arrange = self$FDRvsFDP)
      #' @description
      #' nr of elements used to determine ROC curve
      n_confusion_FDRvsFDP = function(){
        bb1 <- self$get_confusion_FDRvsFDP()
        n <- bb1 |> na.omit() |> group_by(what, contrast) |> summarise(n = n())

      #' @description
      #' plot FDR vs FDP data
      #' @return ggplot
      plot_FDRvsFDP = function(){
        xx <- self$get_confusion_FDRvsFDP()
        #xx$FDP <- xx$FDP/seq(1,max(xx$FDP), length = length(xx$FDP))
        p <- ggplot(xx,
                    aes(x = scorecol,
                        y = FDP_,
                        color = !!sym(self$contrast))) +
          geom_line() +
          geom_abline(slope = max(xx$FDP_), col = 2) +
      #' @description
      #' plot distributions of scores
      #' @param score the distribution of which scores to plot (list)
      #' @return ggplot
      plot_score_distribution = function(score) {
        if (missing(score)) {
          score = self$benchmark

                                 score = score,
                                 contrast = self$contrast,
                                 species = self$species,
                                 annot = paste0("statistics density of ", self$model_description ) )
      #' @description
      #' plot intensity vs scores
      #' @param score the distribution of which scores to plot (list)
      #' @return ggplot
      plot_scatter = function(score) {
        if (missing(score)) {
          score = self$benchmark
        x <- self$data()
        x <- x |> arrange(desc(!!sym(self$species)))
        plots <- list()

        for (i in score) {
          score <- i$score
          ylim <- i$ylim

          plots[[score]] <- ggplot(x, aes(x = !!sym(self$avgInt), y = !!sym(score), color = !!sym(self$species) )) +
            geom_point(alpha = 0.2) +
            ggplot2::facet_wrap(as.formula(paste("~", self$contrast))) +
            if (!is.null(ylim)) {ggplot2::ylim(ylim)} else {NULL}
        fig <- ggpubr::ggarrange(plotlist = plots,
                                 nrow = 1,
                                 common.legend = TRUE,
                                 legend = "bottom")
        fig <- ggpubr::annotate_figure(fig, bottom = ggpubr::text_grob(self$model_typ , size = 10))
      #' @description
      #' plot precision vs recall
      #' @param precision_lim limit shown precision from
      #' @param recall_lim limit shown recall to
      #' @return ggplot
      plot_precision_recall = function(precision_lim = 0.7, recall_lim = 1) {
        confusion <- self$get_confusion_benchmark()
        vissum <- .plot_precision_recall(
          precision_lim = precision_lim,
          recall_lim = recall_lim,
          contrast = self$contrast)


#' make Benchmark
#' @param prpr prepared data, e.g. function \code{\link{ionstar_bench_preprocess}}
#' @param contrast column with names of the contrast
#' @param toscale which scores to scale using fcestimate, typically p.value
#' @param avgInt column with average intensity
#' @param fcestimate column with FC estimate
#' @param benchmark which scores to benchmark e.g. diff, statistics
#' @param FDRvsFDP which score to plot against the false discovery proportion
#' @param model_description string describing the model
#' @param model_name name of the model, compatible with \code{\link{make.names}} output.
#' @param hierarchy name of column with protein ID.
#' @param summarizeNA summarizeNA
#' @return Benchmark
#' @export
#' @family benchmarking
make_benchmark <- function(prpr,
                           contrast = "contrast",
                           toscale = c("p.value"),
                           avgInt = "avgInt",
                           fcestimate = "diff",
                           benchmark = list(
                             list(score = "diff", desc = TRUE),
                             list(score = "statistic", desc = TRUE),
                             list(score = "scaled.p.value", desc = TRUE)
                           FDRvsFDP = list(list(score = "FDR", desc = FALSE)),
                           model_description = "protein level measurments, linear model",
                           model_name = "prot_med_lm",
                           hierarchy = c("protein_Id"),
                           summarizeNA= "statistic"
) {
  res <- Benchmark$new(prpr,
                       contrast = contrast,
                       toscale = toscale,
                       avgInt = avgInt,
                       fcestimate = fcestimate,
                       benchmark = benchmark,
                       FDRvsFDP = FDRvsFDP,
                       model_description = model_description,
                       model_name = model_name,
                       hierarchy = hierarchy,
                       summarizeNA = summarizeNA)
wolski/prolfqua documentation built on Feb. 14, 2025, 5:02 a.m.