# Author: Vinicius Henrique da Silva
# Script description: Functions related to CNV-GWAS
# Date: May 01, 2020
#' Run the CNV-GWAS
#' Wraps all the necessary functions to run a CNV-GWAS using the output of
#' \code{\link{setupCnvGWAS}} function.
#' (i) Produces the GDS file containing the genotype information (if produce.gds == TRUE),
#' (ii) Produces the requested inputs for a PLINK analysis,
#' (iii) run a CNV-GWAS analysis using a linear model (i.e. \code{\link{lm}} function), and
#' (iv) export a QQ-plot displaying the adjusted p-values.
#' In this release only the p-value for the copy number is available (i.e. 'P(CNP)').
#' @param phen.info Returned by \code{\link{setupCnvGWAS}}
#' @param n.cor Number of cores to be used
#' @param min.sim Minimum CNV genotype distribution similarity among subsequent
#' probes. Default is 0.95 (i.e. 95\%)
#' @param freq.cn Minimum CNV frequency where 1 (i.e. 100\%), or all samples
#' deviating from diploid state. Default 0.01 (i.e. 1\%)
#' @param snp.matrix Only FALSE implemented - If TRUE B allele frequencies (BAF)
#' would be used to reconstruct CNV-SNP genotypes
#' @param method.m.test Correction for multiple tests to be used. FDR is default,
#' see \code{\link{p.adjust}} for other methods.
#' @param lo.phe The phenotype to be analyzed in the PhenInfo$phenotypesSam data-frame
#' @param chr.code.name A data-frame with the integer name in the first column
#' and the original name for each chromosome
#' @param genotype.nodes Expression data type. Nodes with CNV genotypes to be
#' produced in the gds file.
#' @param coding.translate For 'CNVgenotypeSNPlike'. If NULL or unrecognized
#' string use only biallelic CNVs. If 'all' code multiallelic CNVs as 0
#' for loss; 1 for 2n and 2 for gain.
#' @param path.files Folder containing the input CNV files used for the CNV
#' calling (i.e. one text file with 5 collumns for each sample). Columns should
#' contain (i) probe name, (ii) Chromosome, (iii) Position, (iv) LRR, and (v) BAF.
#' @param list.of.files Data-frame with two columns where the (i) is the file
#' name with signals and (ii) is the correspondent name of the sample in the gds file
#' @param produce.gds logical. If TRUE produce a new gds, if FALSE use gds previously created
#' @param run.lrr If TRUE use LRR values instead absolute copy numbers in the association
#' @param assign.probe \sQuote{min.pvalue} or \sQuote{high.freq} to represent the CNV segment
#' @param correct.inflation logical. Estimate lambda from raw p-values and correct for genomic inflation.
#' Use with argument \code{method.m.test} to generate strict p-values.
#' @param both.up.down Check for CNV genotype similarity in both directions.
#' Default is FALSE (i.e. only downstream)
#' @param verbose Show progress in the analysis
#' @return The CNV segments and the representative probes and their respective p-value
#' @author Vinicius Henrique da Silva
#' @seealso \code{link{setupCnvGWAS}} to setup files needed for the CNV-GWAS.
#' @references da Silva et al. (2016) Genome-wide detection of CNVs and their
#' association with meat tenderness in Nelore cattle. PLoS One, 11(6):e0157711.
#' @examples
#' # Load phenotype-CNV information
#' data.dir <- system.file("extdata", package="CNVRanger")
#' phen.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "Pheno.txt")
#' cnv.out.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "CNVOut.txt")
#' map.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "MapPenn.txt")
#' phen.info <- setupCnvGWAS('Example', phen.loc, cnv.out.loc, map.loc)
#' # Define chr correspondence to numeric, if necessary
#' df <- '16 1A
#' 25 4A
#' 29 25LG1
#' 30 25LG2
#' 31 LGE22'
#' chr.code.name <- read.table(text=df, header=FALSE)
#' segs.pvalue.gr <- cnvGWAS(phen.info, chr.code.name=chr.code.name)
#' @export
cnvGWAS <- function(phen.info, n.cor = 1, min.sim = 0.95, freq.cn = 0.01, snp.matrix = FALSE,
method.m.test = "fdr", lo.phe = 1, chr.code.name = NULL, genotype.nodes = "CNVGenotype",
coding.translate = "all", path.files = NULL, list.of.files = NULL, produce.gds = TRUE,
run.lrr = FALSE, assign.probe = "min.pvalue", correct.inflation = FALSE, both.up.down = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE) {
phenotypesSam <- phen.info$phenotypesSam
phenotypesSamX <- phenotypesSam[, c(1, (lo.phe + 1))]
phenotypesSamX <- stats::na.omit(phenotypesSamX)
all.paths <- phen.info$all.paths
# Produce the GDS for a given phenotype
if (produce.gds) {
if (verbose)
message("Produce the GDS for a given phenotype")
probes.cnv.gr <- generateGDS(phen.info = phen.info, freq.cn = freq.cn, snp.matrix = snp.matrix,
lo.phe = lo.phe, chr.code.name = chr.code.name, genotype.nodes = genotype.nodes,
coding.translate = coding.translate)
} else {
if (verbose)
message("Using existent gds file")
probes.cnv.gr <- .prodProbes(phen.info, lo.phe, freq.cn)
# Produce CNV segments
if (verbose)
message("Produce CNV segments")
all.segs.gr <- .prodCNVseg(all.paths, probes.cnv.gr, min.sim, both.up.down)
# Infer the CN association p-value in each SNP position
resultsp <- .lmCNV(all.paths, n.cor)
# Associate SNPs with CNV segments
if (verbose)
message("Associate SNPs with CNV segments")
segs.pvalue.gr <- .assoPrCNV(all.paths, all.segs.gr, phenotypesSamX, method.m.test,
probes.cnv.gr, assign.probe, correct.inflation = correct.inflation,
resultsp = resultsp)
# Plot the QQ-plot of the analysis
if (verbose)
message("Plot the QQ-plot of the analysis")
uphen <- unique(segs.pvalue.gr$Phenotype)
qq.plot.pdf <- paste0(uphen, "-LRR-", run.lrr, "QQ-PLOT.pdf")
qq.plot.pdf <- file.path(all.paths["Results"], qq.plot.pdf)
auto.key = list(corner = c(0.95, 0.05))))
# Reconvert the chrs to original names if applicable
if (!is.null(chr.code.name)) {
cnv.gds <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNV.gds")
genofile <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(cnv.gds, allow.fork = TRUE, readonly = FALSE)
chr.code.name <- gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "Chr.names")
chr.code.name <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(chr.code.name)
segs.pvalue <- data.frame(segs.pvalue.gr)
segs.pvalue <- segs.pvalue[, !(names(segs.pvalue) %in% "strand")]
segs.pvalue$seqnames <- as.vector(segs.pvalue$seqnames)
cmap <- as.vector(chr.code.name[, 2])
names(cmap) <- as.vector(chr.code.name[, 1])
ind <- segs.pvalue$seqnames %in% names(cmap)
segs.pvalue$seqnames[ind] <- cmap[segs.pvalue$seqnames[ind]]
segs.pvalue.gr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(segs.pvalue, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
segs.pvalue.gr <- segs.pvalue.gr[order(segs.pvalue.gr$MinPvalue)]
#' Setup the folders and files to run CNV-GWAS analysis
#' This function creates the (i) necessary folders in disk to perform downstream
#' analysis on CNV genome-wide association and (ii) import the necessary input
#' files (i.e. phenotypes, probe map and CNV list) from other locations in disk.
#' The user can import several phenotypes at once. All information will be
#' stored in the list returned by this function.
#' The user should be aware although several phenotypes can be imported, the
#' \code{\link{cnvGWAS}} or \code{\link{generateGDS}} functions will handle only
#' one phenotype per run.
#' @param name String with a project code or name (e.g. 'Project1')
#' @param phen.loc Path/paths to the tab separated text file containing phenotype
#' and sample info. When using more than one population, for populations without
#' phenotypes include the string 'INEXISTENT' instead the path for a file.
#' @param cnv.out.loc Path(s) to the CNV analysis output (i.e. PennCNV output,
#' SNP-chip general format or sequencing general format). It is also possible to
#' use a \code{\linkS4class{RaggedExperiment}} or a \code{\linkS4class{GRangesList}}
#' object instead if the run includes only one population.
#' @param map.loc Path to the probe map (e.g. used in PennCNV analysis). Column
#' names containing probe name, chromosome and coordinate must be named as: Name,
#' Chr and Position. Tab delimited. If NULL, artificial probes will be generated
#' based on the CNV breakpoints.
#' @param folder Choose manually the project folder (i.e. path as the root folder).
#' Otherwise, user-specific data dir will be used automatically.
#' @param pops.names Indicate the name of the populations, if using more than one.
#' @param n.cor Number of cores
#' @return List \sQuote{phen.info} with \sQuote{samplesPhen}, \sQuote{phenotypes},
#' \sQuote{phenotypesdf}, \sQuote{phenotypesSam}, \sQuote{FamID}, \sQuote{SexIds},
#' \sQuote{pops.names} (if more than one population) and \sQuote{all.paths}
#' @author Vinicius Henrique da Silva
#' @examples
#' data.dir <- system.file("extdata", package="CNVRanger")
#' phen.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "Pheno.txt")
#' cnv.out.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "CNVOut.txt")
#' map.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "MapPenn.txt")
#' phen.info <- setupCnvGWAS('Example', phen.loc, cnv.out.loc, map.loc)
#' @export
setupCnvGWAS <- function(name, phen.loc, cnv.out.loc,
map.loc = NULL, folder = NULL, pops.names = NULL, n.cor = 1)
## Create the folder structure for all subsequent analysis
all.paths <- .createFolderTree(name, folder)
if(is(cnv.out.loc, "RaggedExperiment"))
phen.info <- colData(cnv.out.loc)
stopifnot(all(names(phen.info)[1:3] == c("sample.id", "fam", "sex")))
cnv.out.loc <- as(cnv.out.loc, "GRangesList")
phen.loc <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "PhenN.txt")
file=phen.loc, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
## Check if the CNVs are in GRanges format
if(is(cnv.out.loc, "GRangesList"))
df.cnv <- as.data.frame(cnv.out.loc)
if(all(c("num.snps", "start.probe", "end.probe") %in% colnames(df.cnv)))
rel.cols <- c("seqnames", "start", "end",
"group_name", "state", "num.snps", "start.probe", "end.probe")
df.cnv <- df.cnv[,rel.cols]
colnames(df.cnv)[c(1,4)] <- c("chr", "sample.id")
else df.cnv <- df.cnv[,c("seqnames", "start", "end", "group_name", "state")]
colnames(df.cnv)[c(1,4)] <- c("chr", "sample.id")
cnv.out.loc <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNVOutN.txt")
write.table(df.cnv, file=cnv.out.loc, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
## Only one population
if (length(phen.loc) == 1 && length(cnv.out.loc) == 1)
## Import the phenotype and sample info from external folder
file.copy(phen.loc, file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "/PhenoPop1.txt"), overwrite = TRUE)
## Import the PennCNV output from external folder
file.copy(cnv.out.loc, file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "/CNVOut.txt"), overwrite = TRUE)
file.copy(cnv.out.loc, file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "/CNVOutPop1.txt"), overwrite = TRUE)
pheno.file <- "PhenoPop1.txt"
cnv.file <- "CNVOut.txt"
## Multiple populations
else if (length(phen.loc) != length(cnv.out.loc))
stop("phen.loc and cnv.out.loc should have the same length. Use the string INEXISTENT if phenotypes are missing")
else if (length(phen.loc) > 1 && length(cnv.out.loc) > 1)
grid <- seq_along(phen.loc)
pheno.files <- paste0("/PhenoPop", grid, ".txt")
cnv.files <- paste0("/CNVOutPop", grid, ".txt")
abs.pheno.files <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], pheno.files)
for (npop in grid)
if (phen.loc[npop] == "INEXISTENT") cat("INEXISTENT", file=abs.pheno.files[npop])
else file.copy(phen.loc[npop], abs.pheno.files[npop], overwrite = TRUE)
file.copy(cnv.out.loc, file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], cnv.files), overwrite = TRUE)
## Write phenotype names and merge CNV file for multiple populations
pheno.file <- pheno.files
all.cnvs <- lapply(cnv.files, .loadToMergeCNV, cnv.path = all.paths["Inputs"])
all.cnvs <- data.table::rbindlist(all.cnvs)
all.cnvs <- as.data.frame(all.cnvs)
write.table(all.cnvs, file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNVOut.txt"), sep = "\t",
col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
if (is.null(map.loc)) {
## Import the probe map from external folder
cnvs <- read.table(file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNVOut.txt"), sep = "", header = FALSE) ### CNV table
CNVs <- .checkConvertCNVs(cnvs, all.paths, n.cor)
CGr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(CNVs)
} else {
if (length(map.loc) > 1)
stop("The map should be unique. If multiple populations with different probe map use map.loc=NULL")
file.copy(map.loc, file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "MapPenn.txt"), overwrite = TRUE)
phen.info <- .loadPhen(pheno.file, all.paths, pops.names = pops.names, n.cor)
phen.info$all.paths <- all.paths
phen.info$phenotypesSam$samplesPhen <- as.character(phen.info$phenotypesSam$samplesPhen)
## Delete temporary files
cnv.out.loc <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNVOutN.txt")
if(file.exists(cnv.out.loc)) file.remove(cnv.out.loc)
phen.loc <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "PhenN.txt")
if(file.exists(phen.loc)) file.remove(phen.loc)
#' Produce CNV-GDS for the phenotyped samples
#' Function to produce the GDS file in a probe-wise fashion for CNV genotypes.
#' The GDS file which is produced also incorporates one phenotype to be analyzed.
#' If several phenotypes are enclosed in the \sQuote{phen.info} object, the user
#' may specify the phenotype to be analyzed with the \sQuote{lo.phe} parameter.
#' Only diploid chromosomes should be included.
#' @param phen.info Returned by \code{setupCnvGWAS}
#' @param freq.cn Minimum frequency. Default is 0.01 (i.e. 1\%)
#' @param snp.matrix Only FALSE implemented. If TRUE, B allele frequencies (BAF)
#' and SNP genotypes would be used to reconstruct CNV-SNP genotypes - under development
#' @param lo.phe The phenotype to be analyzed in the PhenInfo$phenotypesSam dataframe
#' @param chr.code.name A data-frame with the integer name in the first column
#' and the original name in the second for each chromosome previously converted to numeric
#' @param genotype.nodes Nodes with CNV genotypes to be produced in the gds file.
#' Use 'CNVGenotype' for dosage-like genotypes (i.e. from 0 to Inf).
#' Use 'CNVgenotypeSNPlike' alongside for SNP-like CNV genotype in a separated
#' node (i.e. '0, 1, 2, 3, 4' as '0/0, 0/1, 1/1, 1/2, 2/2').
#' @param coding.translate For 'CNVgenotypeSNPlike'. If NULL or unrecognized
#' string use only biallelic CNVs. If 'all' code multiallelic CNVs as 0 for loss;
#' 1 for 2n and 2 for gain.
#' @param n.cor Number of cores
#' @return probes.cnv.gr Object with information about all probes to be used in
#' the downstream CNV-GWAS. Only numeric chromosomes
#' @author Vinicius Henrique da Silva
#' @examples
#' # Load phenotype-CNV information
#' data.dir <- system.file("extdata", package="CNVRanger")
#' phen.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "Pheno.txt")
#' cnv.out.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "CNVOut.txt")
#' map.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "MapPenn.txt")
#' phen.info <- setupCnvGWAS('Example', phen.loc, cnv.out.loc, map.loc)
#' # Construct the data-frame with integer and original chromosome names
#' # Define chr correspondence to numeric, if necessary
#' df <- '16 1A
#' 25 4A
#' 29 25LG1
#' 30 25LG2
#' 31 LGE22'
#' chr.code.name <- read.table(text=df, header=FALSE)
#' probes.cnv.gr <- generateGDS(phen.info, chr.code.name=chr.code.name)
generateGDS <- function(phen.info, freq.cn = 0.01, snp.matrix = FALSE, lo.phe = 1,
chr.code.name = NULL, genotype.nodes = c("CNVGenotype", "CNVgenotypeSNPlike"),
coding.translate = NULL, n.cor = 1)
phenotypesSam <- phen.info$phenotypesSam
samplesPhen <- phen.info$samplesPhen
FamID <- phen.info$FamID
SexIds <- phen.info$SexIds
all.paths <- phen.info$all.paths
phenotypesSamX <- phenotypesSam[, c(1, (lo.phe + 1))]
# Import CNVs to data-frame
cnv.table <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNVOut.txt")
cnvs <- data.table::fread(cnv.table, sep = "\t", header = FALSE)
CNVs <- .checkConvertCNVs(cnvs, all.paths, n.cor)
# Check if the chromosomes are numeric
chr.names <- CNVs$chr
chr.names <- gsub("chr", "", chr.names)
CNVsGr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(CNVs, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
# Subset CNVs in phenotyped samples
CNVsGr <- CNVsGr[CNVsGr$V5 %in% samplesPhen]
# Import SNP map to data-frame
map.file <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "MapPenn.txt")
probes <- data.table::fread(map.file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
probes <- as.data.frame(probes)
probes <- probes[stats::complete.cases(probes), ]
probesGr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(probes, seqnames.field = "Chr",
start.field = "Position", end.field = "Position", keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
all.samples <- unique(CNVsGr$V5)
# Select probes within CNVs
probesCNV <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probesGr, CNVsGr)$Name)
probesCNV <- unique(unlist(probesCNV))
probes.cnv.gr <- probesGr[probesGr$Name %in% probesCNV]
counts <- GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr, CNVsGr)
probes.cnv.gr$freq <- unname(counts)
# Subset by frequency
NumSam <- freq.cn * length(all.samples)
probes.cnv.gr <- probes.cnv.gr[probes.cnv.gr$freq >= NumSam]
# Order the probes
probes.cnv.gr <- GenomeInfoDb::sortSeqlevels(probes.cnv.gr)
probes.cnv.gr <- GenomicRanges::sort(probes.cnv.gr)
probes.cnv.gr$snp.id <- seq_along(probes.cnv.gr)
# SNP genotype matrix not available
if (!snp.matrix) CNVBiMa <- matrix(2, nrow = length(probes.cnv.gr), ncol = length(all.samples))
else stop("Option to consider SNP matrix is not implemented yet")
# TODO: SNP genotype matrix available
# Create a GDS with chr and SNP names to numeric
cnv.gds <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNV.gds")
SNPRelate::snpgdsCreateGeno(cnv.gds, genmat = CNVBiMa, sample.id = all.samples,
snp.id = as.character(probes.cnv.gr$snp.id), snp.rs.id = probes.cnv.gr$Name,
snp.chromosome = as.character(GenomicRanges::seqnames(probes.cnv.gr)),
snp.position = GenomicRanges::start(probes.cnv.gr))
genotype.nodes <- match.arg(genotype.nodes)
genofile <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(cnv.gds, allow.fork = TRUE, readonly = FALSE)
if (genotype.nodes == "CNVGenotype") {
# Replace genotype matrix with CNV genotypes
n <- gdsfmt::add.gdsn(genofile, "CNVgenotype", CNVBiMa, replace = TRUE)
param <- BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = 1, type = "SOCK")
BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_along(all.samples), .writeProbesCNV, BPPARAM = param,
all.samples = all.samples, genofile = genofile, CNVsGr = CNVsGr,
probes.cnv.gr = probes.cnv.gr, n = n)
else {
# CNVgenotypeSNPlike
CNVBiMaCN <- matrix(2, nrow = length(probes.cnv.gr), ncol = length(all.samples))
n <- gdsfmt::add.gdsn(genofile, "CNVgenotypeSNPlike", CNVBiMaCN, replace = TRUE)
#Define the chunks of SNPs to import chunk
chunk <- seq(from = 1, to = length(probes.cnv.gr), by = length(probes.cnv.gr)) ## No chunk
if (chunk[length(chunk)] != length(probes.cnv.gr)) {
chunk[length(chunk) + 1] <- length(probes.cnv.gr)
os <- rappdirs:::get_os()
if (os %in% c("unix", "mac")) param <- BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = 1)
else param <- BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = 1, type = "SOCK")
BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_len(length(chunk) - 1), .recodeCNVgenotype, BPPARAM = param,
genofile = genofile, all.samples = all.samples, n = n, chunk = chunk,
coding.translate = coding.translate)
# Include the phenotype 'lo' in the GDS
phenotypesSamX <- phenotypesSamX[match(all.samples, phenotypesSamX$samplesPhen),]
gdsfmt::add.gdsn(genofile, name = "phenotype", val = phenotypesSamX, replace = TRUE)
FamID <- FamID[match(all.samples, FamID$samplesPhen), ]
suppressWarnings(gdsfmt::add.gdsn(genofile, name = "FamID", val = as.character(FamID[, 2]), replace = TRUE,
storage = "string"))
FamID <- SexIds[match(all.samples, SexIds$samplesPhen), ]
suppressWarnings(gdsfmt::add.gdsn(genofile, name = "Sex", val = as.character(SexIds[, 2]), replace = TRUE,
storage = "string"))
# Include chr names if needed
if (!is.null(chr.code.name))
gdsfmt::add.gdsn(genofile, name = "Chr.names", val = chr.code.name, replace = TRUE)
if (!is.null(phen.info$pops.names))
gdsfmt::add.gdsn(genofile, name = "Pops.names", val = phen.info$pops.names,
replace = TRUE)
#' Import LRR and BAF from text files used in the CNV analysis
#' This function imports the LRR/BAF values and create a node for each one in
#' the GDS file at the working folder 'Inputs' created by the
#' \code{\link{setupCnvGWAS}} function. Once imported, the LRR values can be
#' used to perform a GWAS directly as an alternative to copy number dosage
#' @param all.paths Object returned from \code{CreateFolderTree} function with
#' the working folder tree
#' @param path.files Folder containing the input CNV files used for the CNV
#' calling (i.e. one text file with 5 collumns for each sample). Columns should
#' contain (i) probe name, (ii) Chromosome, (iii) Position, (iv) LRR, and (v) BAF.
#' @param list.of.files Data-frame with two columns where the (i) is the file
#' name with signals and (ii) is the correspondent name of the sample in the gds file
#' @param gds.file Path to the GDS file which contains nodes harboring respective LRR and
#' BAF values. The \sQuote{snp.rs.id}, \sQuote{sample.id}, \sQuote{LRR} and \sQuote{BAF}
#' nodes are mandatory. Both the SNPs and samples should follow the order and length in the CNV.gds
#' (located at all.paths["Inputs"] folder). \sQuote{path.files} and \sQuote{list.of.files}
#' will be ignored if \sQuote{gds.file} is not NULL
#' @param verbose Print the samples while importing
#' @return Writes to the specified GDS file by side effect.
#' @author Vinicius Henrique da Silva
#' @examples
#' # Load phenotype-CNV information
#' data.dir <- system.file("extdata", package="CNVRanger")
#' phen.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "Pheno.txt")
#' cnv.out.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "CNVOut.txt")
#' map.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "MapPenn.txt")
#' phen.info <- setupCnvGWAS('Example', phen.loc, cnv.out.loc, map.loc)
#' # Extract path names
#' all.paths <- phen.info$all.paths
#' # List files to import LRR/BAF
#' list.of.files <- list.files(path=data.dir, pattern="cnv.txt.adjusted$")
#' list.of.files <- as.data.frame(list.of.files)
#' colnames(list.of.files)[1] <- "file.names"
#' list.of.files$sample.names <- sub(".cnv.txt.adjusted$", "", list.of.files$file.names)
#' # All missing samples will have LRR = '0' and BAF = '0.5' in all SNPs listed in the GDS file
#' importLrrBaf(all.paths, data.dir, list.of.files)
#' # Read the GDS to check if the LRR/BAF nodes were added
#' cnv.gds <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], 'CNV.gds')
#' genofile <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(cnv.gds, allow.fork=TRUE, readonly=FALSE)
#' SNPRelate::snpgdsClose(genofile)
#' @export
importLrrBaf <- function(all.paths, path.files, list.of.files, gds.file=NULL, verbose=TRUE){
cnv.gds <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNV.gds")
genofile <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(cnv.gds, allow.fork=TRUE, readonly=FALSE)
# Create file path for all text files
file.paths <- file.path(path.files, list.of.files[, 1])
gds.names <- list.of.files[, 2]
list.filesLo <- data.frame(add = file.paths, gds = gds.names)
snps.included <- gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.rs.id")
snps.included <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(snps.included)
snps.included <- as.character(snps.included)
all.samples <- gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "sample.id")
all.samples <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(all.samples)
all.samples <- as.character(all.samples)
lrr.baf.gds <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(gds.file, allow.fork=TRUE, readonly=FALSE)
nodes.ava <- GDSArray::gdsnodes(lrr.baf.gds)
stopifnot(all(c("snp.rs.id", "sample.id", "LRR", "BAF") %in% nodes.ava))
snps.included.signals <- gdsfmt::index.gdsn(lrr.baf.gds, "snp.rs.id")
snps.included.signals <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(snps.included.signals)
snps.included.signals <- as.character(snps.included.signals)
all.samples.signals <- gdsfmt::index.gdsn(lrr.baf.gds, "sample.id")
all.samples.signals <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(all.samples.signals)
all.samples.signals <- as.character(all.samples.signals)
LRR.matrix <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(lrr.baf.gds, "LRR"))
BAF.matrix <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(lrr.baf.gds, "BAF"))
gdsfmt::add.gdsn(lrr.baf.gds, "LRR", LRR.matrix, replace = TRUE)
gdsfmt::add.gdsn(lrr.baf.gds, "BAF", BAF.matrix, replace = TRUE)
# Check if all files
list.filesLo.back <- list.filesLo
list.filesLo <- list.filesLo[list.filesLo$gds %in% all.samples, ]
if (nrow(list.filesLo) != nrow(list.filesLo.back))
warning("list.of.files has different length of the list of samples from gds")
LRR.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = length(snps.included), ncol = length(all.samples))
nLRR <- gdsfmt::add.gdsn(genofile, "LRR", LRR.matrix, replace = TRUE)
BAF.matrix <- matrix(0.5, nrow = length(snps.included), ncol = length(all.samples))
nBAF <- gdsfmt::add.gdsn(genofile, "BAF", BAF.matrix, replace = TRUE)
if (verbose) message("Start parallel import of LRR/BAF values")
param <- BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = 1, type = "SOCK")
BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_len(nrow(list.filesLo)), .freadImport, BPPARAM = param,
list.filesLo = list.filesLo, genofile = genofile, all.samples = all.samples,
nLRR = nLRR, nBAF = nBAF, snps.included = snps.included, verbose = verbose)
# Extract the CNV genotypes from the GDS file @param genofile is the loaded gds
# file @param snp.id is the SNP probe name to retrieve @param node.to.extract
# \sQuote{CNVgenotype} or \sQuote{CNVgenotypeSNPlike}. Default is
# \sQuote{CNVgenotype} @return CNV genotypes in a specific probe @author
# Vinicius Henrique da Silva <vinicius.dasilva@wur.nl>
.snpgdsGetGenoCNV <- function(genofile, snp.id, node.to.extract = "CNVgenotype")
map <- data.frame(
snp.id = gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.id")),
chr = gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.chromosome")),
position = gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.position")),
probes = gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.rs.id")),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
all.samples <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "sample.id"))
snp.id <- as.numeric(as.character(map[map$probes == snp.id]))
gens <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, node.to.extract),
start = c(snp.id, 1), count = c(1, length(all.samples)))
# HELPER - Create the folder tree to keep necessary files during and after the
# analysis @param name String with a project code or name (e.g. 'Project1')
# @param folder Choose manually the project folder (i.e. path as the root
# folder). If NULL, a standard program folder will be chosen. @return List with
# paths placed to store the files produced by subsequent analysis @examples
# all.paths <- createFolderTree('Project_name')
.createFolderTree <- function(name, folder = NULL)
# data dir
if (is.null(folder))
folder <- rappdirs::user_data_dir("CNVRanger")
if (!file.exists(folder))
dir.create(folder, recursive = TRUE)
# project directory
proj.dir <- file.path(folder, name)
if (!file.exists(proj.dir)) dir.create(proj.dir)
# subdirs
dir.names <- c("Inputs", "Results")
dirs <- dir.names
all.paths <- file.path(proj.dir, dirs)
for (d in all.paths) if (!file.exists(d)) dir.create(d)
names(all.paths) <- dir.names
# HELPER - Load phenotypes for each of the samples to be analyzed @param file.nam
# Name of the file to be imported @param pheno.path First item of the list
# returned by \code{CreateFolderTree} function @param pops.names Indicate the
# name of the populations. Only used if more than one population exists @param
# n.cor Number of cores @return List \sQuote{phen.info} with
# \sQuote{samplesPhen}, \sQuote{phenotypes}, \sQuote{phenotypesdf},
# \sQuote{phenotypesSam}, \sQuote{FamID} and \sQuote{SexIds} and
# \sQuote{pops.names} (if more than one population) @examples phen.info <-
# loadPhen('/home/.../Phen.txt') sapply(phen.info, class)
.loadPhen <- function(file.nam, all.paths, pops.names = NULL, n.cor = 1)
pheno.path <- all.paths["Inputs"]
samplesPhen.all <- NULL
phenotypes.all <- NULL
phenotypesdf.all <- NULL
phenotypesSam.all <- NULL
FamID.all <- NULL
SexIds.all <- NULL
for (npop in seq_along(file.nam)) {
dfN <- data.table::fread(file.path(pheno.path, file.nam[npop]))
cnv.file <- paste0("CNVOutPop", npop, ".txt")
cnvs <- read.table(file.path(pheno.path, cnv.file), sep = "", header = FALSE)
CNVs <- .checkConvertCNVs(cnvs, all.paths, n.cor)
all.samples <- as.character(CNVs$V5)
all.samples <- unique(all.samples)
if (all(names(dfN) == "INEXISTENT")) {
## Extract the sample names from CNV file instead
samplesPhen <- all.samples
phenotypesSam <- data.frame(all.samples, "NA", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(phenotypesSam) <- c("samplesPhen", phenotypes.all[[1]])
FamID <- SexIds <- phenotypesSam
colnames(FamID)[2] <- colnames(SexIds)[2] <- "V2"
else {
all <- data.table::fread(file.path(pheno.path, file.nam[npop]), header = TRUE,
sep = "\t") ### Import phenotypes
all <- as.data.frame(all)
stopifnot(all(colnames(all)[1:3] == c("sample.id", "fam", "sex")))
### Include samples with CNV but without phenotypes
pheno.na <- data.frame(sample.id=all.samples, fam = NA, sex = NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
pheno.na <- pheno.na[!(pheno.na$sample.id %in% all$sample.id), ]
all <- plyr::rbind.fill(all, pheno.na)
#all[is.na(all)] <- -9
### Produce phen.info objects
samplesPhen <- unique(all$sample.id) ## Greb sample names
phenotypesdf <- all[, 4:ncol(all), drop = FALSE]
phenotypes <- names(phenotypesdf) ## Greb phenotype names
phenotypesdf <- as.data.frame(phenotypesdf) ### Greb phenotypes values
phenotypesSam <- data.frame(samplesPhen, phenotypesdf, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
ind <- as.numeric(rownames(phenotypesSam))
FamID <- data.frame(samplesPhen, V2 = all$fam[ind])
SexIds <- data.frame(samplesPhen, V2 = all$sex[ind])
samplesPhen.all[[npop]] <- samplesPhen
phenotypes.all[[npop]] <- phenotypes
phenotypesdf.all[[npop]] <- phenotypesdf
phenotypesSam.all[[npop]] <- phenotypesSam
FamID.all[[npop]] <- FamID
SexIds.all[[npop]] <- SexIds
samplesPhen <- unlist(samplesPhen.all)
phenotypes <- unique(unlist(phenotypes.all))
phenotypesdf <- data.table::rbindlist(phenotypesdf.all)
phenotypesdf <- as.data.frame(phenotypesdf)
phenotypesSam <- data.table::rbindlist(phenotypesSam.all)
phenotypesSam <- as.data.frame(phenotypesSam)
ind <- colnames(phenotypesSam) == phenotypes
phenotypesSam[, ind] <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(phenotypesSam[,ind])))
#phenotypesSam[is.na(phenotypesSam)] <- -9
FamID <- data.table::rbindlist(FamID.all)
FamID <- as.data.frame(FamID)
SexIds <- data.table::rbindlist(SexIds.all)
SexIds <- as.data.frame(SexIds)
phen.info <- list(samplesPhen = samplesPhen, phenotypes = phenotypes, phenotypesdf = phenotypesdf,
phenotypesSam = phenotypesSam, FamID = FamID, SexIds = SexIds)
if (!is.null(pops.names))
grid <- seq_along(file.nam)
phen.info$pops.names <- rep(pops.names[grid], each=lengths(samplesPhen.all[grid]))
# HELPER - Check and convert CNV input @param cnvs Data-frame with the CNVs to be
# analyzed. From (i) PennCNV, (ii) SNP-chip general format or (iii) sequencing
# general format
.checkConvertCNVs <- function(cnvs, all.paths, n.cor = 1)
.convertPenn <- function(cnvs)
cnvs <- as.data.frame(cnvs)
cnvs$start <- as.integer(cnvs$start)
cnvs$end <- as.integer(cnvs$end)
cnvs$V1 <- paste0(cnvs$chr, ":", cnvs$start, "-", cnvs$end)
cnvs$length <- (cnvs$end - cnvs$start) + 1
cnvs$length <- paste0("length=", cnvs$length)
cnvs$num.snps <- paste0("numsnp=", cnvs$num.snps)
cnvs$start.probe <- paste0("startSNP=", cnvs$start.probe)
cnvs$end.probe <- paste0("endSNP=", cnvs$end.probe)
cnvs <- cnvs[, c(stand.names[1:3], "V1", "num.snps", "length", "state", "sample.id",
"start.probe", "end.probe")]
colnames(cnvs)[5:10] <- paste0("V", 2:7)
the.names <- as.character(as.matrix(cnvs[1, ]))
stand.names <- c("chr", "start", "end", "sample.id", "state")
stand.names.ext <- c(stand.names, "num.snps", "start.probe", "end.probe")
## If PennCNV file
if (unique(sub("^([[:alpha:]]*).*", "\\1", cnvs$V2))[[1]] == "numsnp")
cnvs <- as.data.frame(cnvs)
df1 <- reshape2::colsplit(cnvs$V1, ":", c("chr", "loc"))
df2 <- reshape2::colsplit(df1$loc, "-", c("start", "end"))
df1 <- cbind(df1[, -2, drop = FALSE], df2)
cnvs <- cbind(df1, cnvs)
cnvs$V1 <- gsub("chr", "", cnvs$V1)
colnames(cnvs)[1:3] <- c("chr", "start", "end")
## If general format
else if (suppressWarnings(all(the.names == stand.names.ext)))
cnvs <- cnvs[-1, ]
colnames(cnvs) <- the.names
cnvs <- .convertPenn(cnvs)
## If sequencing info
else if (all(the.names == stand.names))
cnvs <- as.data.frame(cnvs)
### Include artificial probe tags
cnvs.seq <- cnvs
cnvs.seq <- cnvs.seq[-1, ]
colnames(cnvs.seq) <- the.names
cnv.seq.gr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(cnvs.seq, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
chr.seq <- as.character(GenomicRanges::seqnames(cnv.seq.gr))
start.seq <- GenomicRanges::start(cnv.seq.gr)
start.seq <- data.frame(chr = chr.seq, position = start.seq, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
end.seq <- GenomicRanges::end(cnv.seq.gr)
end.seq <- data.frame(chr = chr.seq, position = end.seq, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dif <- GenomicRanges::end(cnv.seq.gr) - GenomicRanges::start(cnv.seq.gr)
middle.seq <- GenomicRanges::end(cnv.seq.gr) - dif
middle.seq <- data.frame(chr = chr.seq, position = middle.seq, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
arti.pr <- rbind(start.seq, end.seq, middle.seq) # Bind all artifical probes
arti.pr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(arti.pr, seqnames.field = "chr",
start.field = "position", end.field = "position")
arti.pr <- GenomicRanges::reduce(arti.pr) ## Exclude duplicated positions
arti.pr <- GenomeInfoDb::sortSeqlevels(arti.pr)
arti.pr <- GenomicRanges::sort(arti.pr)
probe.like.map <- as.data.frame(arti.pr)
probe.like.map$Name <- paste0("probe.like_", seq_len(nrow(probe.like.map)))
probe.like.map <- probe.like.map[, c("Name", "seqnames", "start")]
colnames(probe.like.map) <- c("Name", "Chr", "Position")
probe.like.map$Chr <- gsub("chr", "", probe.like.map$Chr)
write.table(probe.like.map, file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "MapPenn.txt"), row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
## Associate artificial probes to CNVs
probe.like.map.gr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(probe.like.map,
seqnames.field = "Chr", start.field = "Position", end.field = "Position",
keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
### HELPER - associate probes-like regions with CNVs
.probeToCNVs <- function(lo, cnv.seq.gr, probe.like.map.gr) {
ov.pr <- IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probe.like.map.gr, cnv.seq.gr[lo])
num.snps <- length(ov.pr)
start.probe <- ov.pr$Name[1]
end.probe <- ov.pr$Name[num.snps]
return(c(num.snps, start.probe, end.probe))
os <- rappdirs:::get_os()
if (os == "win") param <- BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = n.cor, type = "SOCK")
else param <- BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = n.cor)
cnvs.probes <- suppressMessages(
.probeToCNVs, BPPARAM = param,
cnv.seq.gr = cnv.seq.gr, probe.like.map.gr = probe.like.map.gr))
cnv.p.df <- t(as.data.frame(cnvs.probes))
cnv.seq.gr$num.snps <- as.integer(as.character(cnv.p.df[, 1]))
cnv.seq.gr$start.probe <- as.character(cnv.p.df[, 2])
cnv.seq.gr$end.probe <- as.character(cnv.p.df[, 3])
cnv.seq <- as.data.frame(cnv.seq.gr)
cnv.seq <- cnv.seq[, c(1:3, 6:10)]
colnames(cnv.seq)[1] <- "chr"
cnvs <- cnv.seq
cnvs <- .convertPenn(cnvs)
else stop("Unexpected CNV input format - is it tab delimited?")
# HELPER - Load multiple CNV inputs @param cnv.file.all CNV file name @param
# cnv.path CNV path name
.loadToMergeCNV <- function(cnv.file.all, cnv.path) {
## Load and merge CNV files from multiple populations
data.table::fread(file.path(cnv.path, cnv.file.all), header = TRUE)
# HELPER - Write CNV-genotype in a dosage-like fashion
.writeProbesCNV <- function(lo, all.samples, genofile, CNVsGr, probes.cnv.gr, n) {
sampleX <- all.samples[lo]
g <- SNPRelate::snpgdsGetGeno(genofile, sample.id = sampleX, verbose = FALSE)
g <- drop(g)
ind <- CNVsGr$V5 == sampleX
CNVSamByState <- split(CNVsGr[ind], CNVsGr[ind]$V4)
for (slo in seq_along(CNVSamByState)) {
curr <- CNVSamByState[[slo]]
curr4 <- curr$V4
state <- unique(curr4)
SamCNVSNP <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr, curr))
SamCNVSNP <- SamCNVSNP$snp.id
g[SamCNVSNP] <- state
g <- as.integer(g)
gdsfmt::write.gdsn(n, g, start = c(1, lo), count = c(length(g), 1))
# HELPER - Write CNV-genotype in a SNP-like fashion @param lo loop number @param
# genofile loaded gds file @param n is the object from \code{gdsfmt::add.gdsn}
# @param ranges.gr is the CNVs of each sample
.replaceSNPtoCNV <- function(lo, all.samples, genofile, CNVsGr, probes.cnv.gr, n)
sampleX <- all.samples[[lo]]
g <- as.numeric(SNPRelate::snpgdsGetGeno(genofile, sample.id = sampleX, verbose = FALSE))
g <- 1
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(CNVsGr) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(probes.cnv.gr)
CNVsGr <- CNVsGr[CNVsGr$sample == sampleX]
states <- paste0("state", c(1,2,5,6), ",cn=", c(0,1,3,4))
code <- rep(c(0,2), each=2)
for(i in 1:4)
s <- states[i]
co <- code[i]
cnvs <- CNVsGr[CNVsGr$type == s]
cnv.gr <- IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr, cnvs)
g[cnv.gr$tag.snp] <- co
### Replace the genotype in the gds file
gdsfmt::write.gdsn(n, g, start = c(1, lo), count = c(length(g), 1))
# HELPER - Write CNV-genotype in SNP-like fashion in biallelic loci @param lo
# loop number, based on the number of SNPs per turn @param genofile loaded gds
# file @param n is the object from \code{gdsfmt::add.gdsn} @param chunk
# Intervals of SNP to import and convert @param coding.translate For
# 'CNVgenotypeSNPlike'. If NULL or unrecognized string use only biallelic CNVs.
# If 'all' code multiallelic CNVs as 0 for loss; 1 for 2n and 2 for gain.
.recodeCNVgenotype <- function(lo, genofile, all.samples, n, chunk, coding.translate)
count.end <- (chunk[lo + 1]) - chunk[lo]
add <- ifelse(length(chunk) - 1 != lo, 0, 1)
CNVgenoX <- (g <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "CNVgenotypeSNPlike"),
start = c(chunk[lo], 1), count = c(count.end + add, length(all.samples))))
### Put four copies as max
CNVgenoX[CNVgenoX > 4] <- 4
CNVgenoX <- as.data.frame(CNVgenoX)
states <- c("z", "o", "t", "th", "f")
states <- paste0(states, "n")
CNVgenoX[,states] <- rep(0:4, each=nrow(CNVgenoX))
### Count genotypes
genos <- apply(CNVgenoX, 1, table)
genos <- genos - 1
genos <- t(genos)
#### Recode genotypes
sum12 <- rowSums(genos[, 1:2])
sum45 <- rowSums(genos[, 4:5])
indexLoss <- (sum12 > 0) & (sum45 == 0)
indexGain <- (sum12 == 0) & (sum45 > 0)
indexExclude <- (sum12 > 0) & (sum45 > 0)
## Exclude index in the matrix
CNVgenoX <- CNVgenoX[, -((ncol(CNVgenoX) - 4):ncol(CNVgenoX))]
### To character
CNVgenoX <- t(apply(CNVgenoX, 1, paste0, "n"))
### Replace Gain
CNVgenoX[indexGain,] <- CNVgenoX[indexGain,] - 2
### Replace Loss
CNVgenoX[indexLoss, ] <- 2 - CNVgenoX[indexLoss, ]
## Non bi-allelic CNVs = no genotype
if (is.null(coding.translate)) coding.translate <- "biallelic"
else if (coding.translate == "all")
gmap <- c(0, 0, 1, 2, 2)
# just for orientation: names(gmap) <- c("0n", "1n", "2n", "3n", "4n")
for(i in indexExclude) CNVgenoX[i,] <- gmap[CNVgenoX[i,] + 1]
else CNVgenoX[indexExclude, ] <- -1
### Replace the genotype in the gds file
gdsfmt::write.gdsn(n, CNVgenoX,
start = c(chunk[lo], 1),
count = c(count.end + add,
# HELPER Wait x seconds # from
# https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/Sys.sleep.html
testit <- function(x) {
p1 <- proc.time()
proc.time() - p1
# HELPER - Produce the probes.cnv.gr
.prodProbes <- function(phen.info, lo.phe = 1, freq.cn = 0.01) {
phenotypesSam <- phen.info$phenotypesSam
samplesPhen <- phen.info$samplesPhen
FamID <- phen.info$FamID
SexIds <- phen.info$SexIds
all.paths <- phen.info$all.paths
phenotypesSamX <- phenotypesSam[, c(1, (lo.phe + 1))]
###################### Import CNVs to data-frame
cnv.file <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNVOut.txt")
cnvs <- data.table::fread(cnv.file, sep = "\t", header = FALSE) ### CNV table
CNVs <- .checkConvertCNVs(cnvs, all.paths)
####################### Check if the chromosomes are numeric
chr.names <- gsub("chr", "", CNVs$chr)
CNVs$start <- as.integer(as.character(CNVs$start))
CNVs$end <- as.integer(as.character(CNVs$end))
CNVsGr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(CNVs, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
CNVsGr <- CNVsGr[CNVsGr$V5 %in% samplesPhen] ### Subset CNVs in phenotyped samples
###################### Import SNP map to data-frame
map.file <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "MapPenn.txt")
probes <- data.table::fread(map.file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
probes <- as.data.frame(probes)
probes$Position <- as.integer(as.character(probes$Position))
probes <- probes[stats::complete.cases(probes), ]
probesGr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(probes, seqnames.field = "Chr",
start.field = "Position", end.field = "Position", keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
all.samples <- unique(as.character(CNVsGr$V5))
###################### Select probes within CNVs
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(CNVsGr) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(probesGr)
probesCNV <- suppressWarnings(as.character(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probesGr,
probesCNV <- unique(unlist(probesCNV))
probes.cnv.gr <- probesGr[probesGr$Name %in% probesCNV]
counts <- GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr, CNVsGr)
probes.cnv.gr$freq <- unname(counts)
##### Subset by frequency
NumSam <- freq.cn * length(all.samples)
probes.cnv.gr <- probes.cnv.gr[probes.cnv.gr$freq >= NumSam]
##### Order the probes
probes.cnv.gr <- GenomeInfoDb::sortSeqlevels(probes.cnv.gr)
probes.cnv.gr <- GenomicRanges::sort(probes.cnv.gr)
probes.cnv.gr$snp.id <- seq_along(probes.cnv.gr)
# HELPER - Internal function of parallel implementation to produce the .gvar file
# (absolute copy number) requested for the CNV-GWAS in PLINK @examples Gens <-
# .prodGvar(lo, genofile, sam.gen, snps, fam.id)
.prodGvar <- function(lo, genofile, sam.gen, snps, fam.id, snp.matrix) {
g <- as.numeric(SNPRelate::snpgdsGetGeno(genofile, sample.id = sam.gen[[lo]],
verbose = FALSE))
start <- c(1, lo)
count <- c(length(g), 1)
CNVg <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "CNVgenotype"),
start = start, count = count)
CNVg <- CNVg - 1
len <- length(CNVg)
A <- rep("A", len)
B <- rep("B", len)
Dose1 <- rep(1, len)
ind <- CNVg == -1
Dose1[ind] <- CNVg[ind] <- 0
B[CNVg == 1] <- "A"
if (!snp.matrix) {
df <- data.frame(fam.id[[lo]], sam.gen[[lo]], snps, A, CNVg, B, Dose1)
colnames(df) <- c("FID", "IID", "NAME", "ALLELE1", "DOSAGE1", "ALLELE2",
} else stop("Option to consider SNP matrix is not implemented yet")
# HELPER - Internal function of parallel implementation to produce the .gvar file
# (LRR) requested for the CNV-GWAS in PLINK @examples Gens <- .prodGvarLRR(lo,
# genofile, sam.gen, snps, fam.id)
.prodGvarLRR <- function(lo, genofile, sam.gen, snps, fam.id, snp.matrix)
## Transform LRR calclulations into genotypes
g <- as.numeric(SNPRelate::snpgdsGetGeno(genofile, sample.id = sam.gen[[lo]],
verbose = FALSE))
A <- rep("A", length(gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "CNVgenotype"),
start = c(1, lo), count = c(length(g), 1))))
B <- rep("B", length(gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "CNVgenotype"),
start = c(1, lo), count = c(length(g), 1))))
LRRg <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "LRR"), start = c(1, lo),
count = c(length(g), 1))
LRRg[is.na(LRRg)] <- 0
CNVg <- LRRg
Dose1 <- rep(0, length(CNVg))
if (!snp.matrix) {
df <- as.data.frame(cbind(as.character(fam.id[[lo]]), sam.gen[[lo]], snps,
A, CNVg, B, Dose1))
colnames(df) <- c("FID", "IID", "NAME", "ALLELE1", "DOSAGE1", "ALLELE2",
} else {
stop("Option to consider SNP matrix is not implemented yet")
# HELPER - Produce the PLINK .gvar file in disk
.prodPLINKgvar <- function(all.paths, n.cor, snp.matrix, run.lrr = FALSE)
cnv.gds <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNV.gds")
genofile <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(cnv.gds, allow.fork = TRUE, readonly = FALSE)
sam.gen <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "sample.id"))
snps <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.rs.id"))
fam.id <- suppressWarnings(gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "FamID")))
## Produce gvar file in parallel processing Identify the SO
os <- rappdirs:::get_os()
if(os %in% c("unix", "mac")) param <- BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = n.cor)
else param <- BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = n.cor, type = "SOCK")
if(run.lrr) .fun <- .prodGvarLRR
else .fun <- .prodGvar
Gens <- suppressMessages(BiocParallel::bplapply(1:length(sam.gen), .fun,
BPPARAM = param, genofile = genofile, sam.gen = sam.gen,
snps = snps, fam.id = fam.id, snp.matrix = snp.matrix))
gentype.all <- data.table::rbindlist(Gens)
gentype.all1 <- as.data.frame(gentype.all)
gvar.file <- file.path(all.paths["PLINK"], "mydata.gvar")
write.table(gentype.all1, gvar.file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
# HELPER - Produce CNV segments
.prodCNVseg <- function(all.paths, probes.cnv.gr, min.sim, both.up.down)
cnv.gds <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNV.gds")
genofile <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(cnv.gds, allow.fork = TRUE, readonly = FALSE)
snp.chr <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.chromosome"))
chrx <- data.frame(V1=snp.chr, V2=seq_along(snp.chr))
g1 <- g2 <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "CNVgenotype"))
chrx$V1 <- factor(chrx$V1, levels = unique(chrx$V1))
chrx.split <- split(chrx, chrx$V1)
# Find similarity between subsequent probes upstream
# g1 <- apply(g1,2,rev)
# g2 <- apply(g2,2,rev)
SimiLar.all <- NULL
for (lo in seq_along(chrx.split)) {
snpindex <- as.numeric(as.character(chrx.split[[lo]]$V2))
if (length(snpindex) == 1) {
SimiLar.all[[lo]] <- "UNIQUE"
g1x <- g1[snpindex, ]
g1x <- apply(g1x, 2, rev)
if (length(snpindex) == 2) {
g1x <- rbind(g1x, rep(2, ncol(g1x))) # If only two SNPs input a 2n row
g1xM <- g1x[-(nrow(g1x)), ]
g1CN <- apply(g1xM, 1, function(x) sum(table(x)[names(table(x)) != 2]))
g1x <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(seq_len(nrow(g1x)),
function(i) replace(g1x[i, ], g1x[i, ] == 2, paste0(i, "R")))))
g2x <- g2[snpindex, ]
g2x <- apply(g2x, 2, rev)
# If only two SNPs input a 2n row
if (length(snpindex) == 2) g2x <- rbind(g2x, rep(2, ncol(g2x)))
g2x <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(seq_len(nrow(g2x)), function(i) replace(g2x[i, ],
g2x[i, ] == 2, paste0(i, "R")))))
g1x <- g1x[-nrow(g1x), ]
g2x <- g2x[-1, ]
ftma <- g1x == g2x
SimiLar <- rowSums(ftma, na.rm=TRUE)
simX <- SimiLar / g1CN
if (length(snpindex) == 2) simX <- simX[-2]
SimiLar.all[[lo]] <- simX ### CNV genotype similarity between subsequent SNPs
SimiLar.all.Up <- SimiLar.all
### Find similarity between subsequent probes Downstream
SimiLar.all <- NULL
for (lo in seq_along(chrx.split))
snpindex <- as.numeric(as.character(chrx.split[[lo]]$V2))
if (length(snpindex) == 1) {
SimiLar.all[[lo]] <- "UNIQUE"
g1x <- g1[snpindex, ]
# If only two SNPs input a 2n row
if (length(snpindex) == 2) g1x <- rbind(g1x, rep(2, ncol(g1x)))
g1xM <- g1x[-(nrow(g1x)), ]
g1CN <- apply(g1xM, 1, function(x) sum(table(x)[names(table(x)) != 2]))
g1x <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(seq_len(nrow(g1x)), function(i) replace(g1x[i, ],
g1x[i, ] == 2, paste0(i, "R")))))
g2x <- g2[snpindex, ]
# If only two SNPs input a 2n row
if (length(snpindex) == 2) g2x <- rbind(g2x, rep(2, ncol(g2x)))
g2x <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(seq_len(nrow(g2x)), function(i) replace(g2x[i, ],
g2x[i, ] == 2, paste0(i, "R")))))
g1x <- g1x[-(nrow(g1x)), ]
g2x <- g2x[-1, ]
ftma <- g1x == g2x
SimiLar <- rowSums(ftma, na.rm=TRUE)
simX <- SimiLar / g1CN
if (length(snpindex) == 2) simX <- simX[-2]
# CNV genotype similarity between subsequent SNPs
SimiLar.all[[lo]] <- simX
SimiLar.all.Down <- SimiLar.all
if (both.up.down) {
for (lo in seq_along(SimiLar.all)) {
SimiLar.all[[lo]] <- pmin(SimiLar.all.Up[[lo]], SimiLar.all.Down[[lo]])
### Produce segments
all.segs <- NULL
for (ch in seq_along(SimiLar.all)) {
SimiLarX <- SimiLar.all[[ch]]
if (all(SimiLarX == "UNIQUE")) {
all.segs[[ch]] <- "start"
nextP <- NULL
all.segsch <- NULL
for (se in seq_along(SimiLarX))
nextP[[se]] <- SimiLarX[[se]] >= min.sim
if (se == 1) all.segsch[[se]] <- "start"
else all.segsch[[se]] <- ifelse(nextP[[se - 1]], "cont", "start")
if (se == length(SimiLarX))
all.segsch[[se + 1]] <- ifelse(nextP[[se]], "cont", "start")
all.segs[[ch]] <- all.segsch
probes.cnv.gr$starts.seg <- unlist(all.segs)
pstarts <- probes.cnv.gr[probes.cnv.gr$starts.seg == "start"]
pstarts.split = split(pstarts, GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(pstarts))
all.segs.gr <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList()
for (chx in seq_along(pstarts.split)) {
pstartsx <- pstarts.split[[chx]]
if (!length(pstartsx)) {
all.segs.gr[[chx]] <- GenomicRanges::reduce(pstartsx) #Empty if no segments
all.segs.grX <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList()
for (st in seq_along(pstartsx)) {
prx <- pstartsx[st]
if (st < length(pstartsx)) {
LimPrx <- GenomicRanges::start(pstartsx[st + 1]) - 1
if (st == length(pstartsx)) {
sel.probes <- probes.cnv.gr[GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(probes.cnv.gr) ==
LimPrx <- max(GenomicRanges::start(sel.probes))
seqLar <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(prx)),
IRanges::IRanges(GenomicRanges::start(prx), LimPrx))
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(seqLar) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(probes.cnv.gr)
seqPrbs <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr,
seqx <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(prx)),
IRanges::IRanges(GenomicRanges::start(prx), GenomicRanges::start(seqPrbs[length(seqPrbs)])))
all.segs.grX[[st]] <- seqx
suppressWarnings(all.segs.gr[[chx]] <- unlist(all.segs.grX))
# HELPER - Associate probes with CNV segments and draw p-values
.assoPrCNV <- function(all.paths, all.segs.gr, phenotypesSamX, method.m.test,
probes.cnv.gr, assign.probe = "min.pvalue", correct.inflation, resultsp) {
on.exit({list2env(mget(ls()), globalenv())}) ## DEBUG Bring the objects produced by a R function to the main working environment
segs.pvalue.gr <- unlist(all.segs.gr)
segs.pvalue.gr$SegName <- seq_along(segs.pvalue.gr)
cnv.gds <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNV.gds")
genofile <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(cnv.gds, allow.fork = TRUE, readonly = FALSE)
gvar.name <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "phenotype"))
gvar.name <- names(gvar.name)[[2]]
#### Correct for genomic inflation
if (correct.inflation) {
#### Calculating chi-square distribution based on original P-values
chisq.n <- qchisq(resultsp, 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
### Estimating genomic inflation factor
lambda <- estlambda(resultsp, filter = FALSE)$estimate
### correcting the qui-square distribution with lambda
chisq_corr = chisq.n/lambda
#### re-calculating corrected P values
resultsp = pchisq(chisq_corr, 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
# Construct GRanges for SNP probes and p-values
snp.rs.id <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.rs.id"))
snp.position <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.position"))
snp.chromosome <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.chromosome"))
resultsp.df <- data.frame(snp.chromosome, snp.position, "NAME"=snp.rs.id, "VALUE"=resultsp)
colnames(resultsp.df)[4] <- "VALUE"
resultsp.df <- resultsp.df[order(resultsp.df$VALUE), ]
resultspGr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(resultsp.df, seqnames.field = "snp.chromosome",
start.field = "position", end.field = "position", keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
######## Assign the lowest p-value to the CNV segment
values.all <- vector("list", length(segs.pvalue.gr))
names.all <- vector("list", length(segs.pvalue.gr))
freqs.all <- vector("list", length(segs.pvalue.gr))
if (assign.probe == "min.pvalue") {
for (se in seq_along(segs.pvalue.gr)) {
Prbx <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(resultspGr, segs.pvalue.gr[se]))
if (length(Prbx)) {
values.all[[se]] <- min(Prbx$VALUE)
names.all[[se]] <- as.character(Prbx[Prbx$VALUE %in% values.all[[se]]]$NAME[[1]])
probe.sel <- Prbx[order(Prbx$VALUE)][1]
probe.sel <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr, probe.sel))
freqs.all[[se]] <- as.character(probe.sel$freq[1])
} else {
probe.sel <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr, segs.pvalue.gr[se])[1])
values.all[[se]] <- 1
names.all[[se]] <- as.character(probe.sel$Name)
freqs.all[[se]] <- as.character(probe.sel$freq[1])
if (assign.probe == "high.freq") {
for (se in seq_along(segs.pvalue.gr)) {
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(segs.pvalue.gr) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(probes.cnv.gr)
probe.sel <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr,
probe.sel <- probe.sel[rev(order(probe.sel$freq))][1]
## Take the first probe if the position is duplicated
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(probe.sel) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(resultspGr)
resultX <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(resultspGr, probe.sel)[1])
values.all[[se]] <- resultX$VALUE
names.all[[se]] <- as.character(probe.sel$Name)
freqs.all[[se]] <- as.character(probe.sel$freq[1])
if (assign.probe == "median") {
for (se in seq_along(segs.pvalue.gr)) {
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(segs.pvalue.gr) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(probes.cnv.gr)
probe.sel <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr,
absdiff <- abs(probe.sel$freq - median(probe.sel$freq))
probe.sel <- probe.sel[which.min(absdiff)]
## Take the first probe if the position is duplicated
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(probe.sel) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(resultspGr)
resultX <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(resultspGr, probe.sel)[1])
values.all[[se]] <- resultX$VALUE
names.all[[se]] <- as.character(probe.sel$Name)
freqs.all[[se]] <- as.character(probe.sel$freq[1])
if (assign.probe == "mean") {
for (se in seq_along(segs.pvalue.gr)) {
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(segs.pvalue.gr) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(probes.cnv.gr)
probe.sel <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr,
absdiff <- abs(probe.sel$freq - mean(probe.sel$freq))
probe.sel <- probe.sel[which.min(absdiff)]
## Take the first probe if the position is duplicated
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(probe.sel) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(resultspGr)
resultX <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(resultspGr, probe.sel)[1])
values.all[[se]] <- resultX$VALUE
names.all[[se]] <- as.character(probe.sel$Name)
freqs.all[[se]] <- as.character(probe.sel$freq[1])
segs.pvalue.gr$MinPvalue <- unlist(values.all)
segs.pvalue.gr$NameProbe <- unlist(names.all)
segs.pvalue.gr$Frequency <- unlist(freqs.all)
segs.pvalue.gr$MinPvalueAdjusted <- stats::p.adjust(segs.pvalue.gr$MinPvalue,
method = method.m.test, n = length(segs.pvalue.gr))
segs.pvalue.gr$MinPvalueAdjusted <- round(segs.pvalue.gr$MinPvalueAdjusted, 5) # Avoid 0 p-values
segs.pvalue.gr$Phenotype <- names(phenotypesSamX)[[2]]
# HELPER - Function to apply during LRR/BAF import @param lo loop number, based
# on the number of SNPs per turn @param list.filesLo Data-frame with two columns
# where the (i) is the path + file name with signals and (ii) is the
# correspondent name of the sample in the gds file @param genofile loaded gds
# file @param all.samples All samples in the gds file @param nLRR Connection to
# write LRR values @param nBAF Connection to write BAF values @param
# snps.included All SNP probe names to be included @param verbose Print the
# samples while importing
.freadImport <- function(lo, list.filesLo, genofile, all.samples, nLRR = NULL, nBAF = NULL,
snps.included, verbose) {
if (verbose) message(paste0("sample ", lo, " of ", length(all.samples)))
file.x <- c(as.character(list.filesLo[lo, 1]), as.character(list.filesLo[lo,2]))
### Import the sample file with fread
sig.x <- data.table::fread(file.x[1], skip = 1L, header = FALSE)
sig.x <- as.data.frame(sig.x)
colnames(sig.x) <- c("name", "chr", "position", "lrr", "baf")
### Order the signal file as in the gds
ind <- as.vector(sig.x$name) %in% snps.included
sig.x <- sig.x[ind, ]
### Include missing SNPs
missing.snps <- snps.included[!(snps.included %in% sig.x$name)]
if (length(missing.snps) > 0) {
missing.snps <- data.frame(missing.snps, chr = "NoN", position = "NoN", lrr = NA,
baf = NA)
colnames(missing.snps)[1] <- "name"
sig.x <- rbind(sig.x, missing.snps)
sig.x <- sig.x[order(match(sig.x[, 1], snps.included)), ]
### Extract the LRR
LRR.x <- sig.x$lrr
### Extract the BAF
BAF.x <- sig.x$baf
### Find the number of the sample
sam.num <- which(all.samples == file.x[2])
if (!is.null(nLRR)) {
### Write LRR value for sample x
gdsfmt::write.gdsn(nLRR, LRR.x, start = c(1, sam.num), count = c(length(snps.included),
} else if (!is.null(nBAF)) {
### Write BAF value for sample x
gdsfmt::write.gdsn(nBAF, BAF.x, start = c(1, sam.num), count = c(length(snps.included),
# HELPER - Estimate lambda - From GeneAbel package that was temporarily removed from CRAN
estlambda <- function(data, plot = FALSE, proportion = 1, method = "regression",
filter = TRUE, df = 1, ...)
data <- data[which(!is.na(data))]
if (proportion > 1 || proportion <= 0)
stop("proportion argument should be greater then zero and less than or equal to one")
ntp <- round(proportion * length(data))
if (ntp < 1)
stop("no valid measurements")
if (ntp == 1) {
warning(paste("One measurement, lambda = 1 returned"))
return(list(estimate = 1, se = 999.99))
if (ntp < 10)
warning(paste("number of points is too small:", ntp))
if (min(data) < 0)
stop("data argument has values <0")
if (max(data) <= 1) {
data <- qchisq(data, 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
if (filter) {
data[which(abs(data) < 1e-08)] <- NA
data <- sort(data)
ppoi <- stats::ppoints(data)
ppoi <- sort(qchisq(ppoi, df = df, lower.tail = FALSE))
data <- data[seq_len(ntp)]
ppoi <- ppoi[seq_len(ntp)]
out <- list()
if (method == "regression") {
s <- summary(stats::lm(data ~ 0 + ppoi))$coeff
out$estimate <- s[1, 1]
out$se <- s[1, 2]
else if (method == "median") {
out$estimate <- median(data, na.rm = TRUE) / qchisq(0.5, df)
out$se <- NA
else {
stop("'method' should be either 'regression' or 'median'!")
if (plot) {
lim <- c(0, max(data, ppoi, na.rm = TRUE))
oldmargins <- graphics::par()$mar
graphics::par(mar = oldmargins + 0.2)
plot(ppoi, data, xlab = expression("Expected " ~ chi^2),
ylab = expression("Observed " ~ chi^2), ...)
graphics::abline(a = 0, b = 1)
graphics::abline(a = 0, b = out$estimate, col = "red")
graphics::par(mar = oldmargins)
# TODO HELPER Linear regression CNV-phenotype
.lmCNV <- function(all.paths, n.cor){
## Load genofile
cnv.gds <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNV.gds")
genofile <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(cnv.gds, allow.fork = TRUE, readonly = TRUE)
# Get CNV genotype
cnv.geno <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "CNVgenotype"))
sample.id <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "sample.id"))
snp.id <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.id"))
snp.rs.id <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.rs.id"))
colnames(cnv.geno) <- sample.id
rownames(cnv.geno) <- snp.id
# Get phenotype
phenotype <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "phenotype"))
# Run with bioCparallel
if (rappdirs:::get_os() == "unix" | rappdirs:::get_os() == "mac") {
multicoreParam <- BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = n.cor)
all.pvalues <- suppressMessages(BiocParallel::bplapply(1:length(snp.id), .fitGetPvalue,
BPPARAM = multicoreParam,
if (rappdirs:::get_os() == "win") {
param <- BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = n.cor, type = "SOCK")
all.pvalues <- suppressMessages(BiocParallel::bplapply(1:length(snp.id), .fitGetPvalue,
BPPARAM = param,
resultsp <- unlist(all.pvalues)
# HELPER get pvalue from linear regression CNV-phenotype
.fitGetPvalue <- function(lo, cnv.geno, phenotype){
cnv <- as.numeric(cnv.geno[lo,])
phen <- as.numeric(phenotype[,2])
# Fuction to fit and extract p-value
pvalue <- summary(lm(phen~cnv))$coefficients["cnv","Pr(>|t|)"]
# HELPER same
.all_same <- function(lst) {
return(length(unique(lst)) == 1)
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